This document provides a summary of the history of nursing informatics (NI) from the 1960s to present. It discusses how computers evolved from primarily administrative uses to applications in direct patient care areas like clinical documentation, monitoring, and telehealth. The document outlines the development of NI as a specialty area and how informatics has impacted the four main areas of nursing practice: practice, education, research, and administration. It also reviews some of the major conferences, organizations, and credentialing related to NI and the integration of computers and information management in clinical nursing practice.
This document provides a summary of the history of nursing informatics (NI) from the 1960s to present. It discusses how computers evolved from primarily administrative uses to applications in direct patient care areas like clinical documentation, monitoring, and telehealth. The document outlines the development of NI as a specialty area and how informatics has impacted the four main areas of nursing practice: practice, education, research, and administration. It also reviews some of the major conferences, organizations, and credentialing related to NI and the integration of computers and information management in clinical nursing practice.
This document provides a summary of the history of nursing informatics (NI) from the 1960s to present. It discusses how computers evolved from primarily administrative uses to applications in direct patient care areas like clinical documentation, monitoring, and telehealth. The document outlines the development of NI as a specialty area and how informatics has impacted the four main areas of nursing practice: practice, education, research, and administration. It also reviews some of the major conferences, organizations, and credentialing related to NI and the integration of computers and information management in clinical nursing practice.
This document provides a summary of the history of nursing informatics (NI) from the 1960s to present. It discusses how computers evolved from primarily administrative uses to applications in direct patient care areas like clinical documentation, monitoring, and telehealth. The document outlines the development of NI as a specialty area and how informatics has impacted the four main areas of nursing practice: practice, education, research, and administration. It also reviews some of the major conferences, organizations, and credentialing related to NI and the integration of computers and information management in clinical nursing practice.
- Nursing Informatics (NI) is a title that evolved from the French word “informatics” which referred to the field of applied computer science concerned with the processing of information such as nursing information (Nelson, 2013). The computer was seen as a tool that could be used in many environments. - Today, computers in nursing are used to manage patient care information, monitor quality, and evaluate outcomes. Computers and networks are also being used for communicating (sending and receiving) data and messages via the Internet, accessing resources, and interacting with patients on the Web. Nurses are increasingly becoming involved with systems used for planning, budgeting, and policy-making for patient care services, as well as enhancing nursing education and distance learning with new media modalities. Computers are also used to document and process real-time plans of care, support nursing research, test new systems, design new knowledge data- bases, develop data warehouses, and advance the role of nursing in the healthcare industry and nursing science. - NURSING SCIENCE o A branch of science that deals with the principles and applications of nursing and related services - COMPUTER SCIENCE o Is the study of computers and computational systems - INFORMATION SCIENCE o Is a field primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval, movement, dissemination, and protection of information. - 4 Major Historical Perspectives o Six Time Period PRIOR TO 1960s Computers were first developed in the late 1930s to early 1940s Use in the healthcare industry occurred in the 1950s and 1960s Computers were initially used in healthcare facilities for basic office administrative and financial accounting functions. Punch Card – A piece of stiff paper that contain digital information represented by holes in predefined position Card Reader – Read data from a card shape storage medium 1960s Computer technology in healthcare settings were being explored Nursing practice standards were reviewed, and nursing resources were analyzed Hospital Information Systems were developed primarily to process financial transactions and serve as billing and accounting systems Vendors of computer systems were beginning to enter the health care field The nurses’ stations in the hospitals were viewed as the hub of information exchange Introduction of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), online data communications and real time processing 1970s Hospitals began developing computer-based information systems Physician order entry and results reports Pharmacy reports Laboratory reports Radiology reports Radiology reports Physiologic monitoring systems in the intensive care units Started to include care planning, decision support, and interdisciplinary problem lists. Hospital Information Systems further advanced Computer–based Management Information System (MIS) in public health was developed for statistical purposes. 1980s Nursing Informatics (NI) emerged Nursing profession need to update its practice standards and determine its data standards, vocabularies, and classification schemes that could be used for the Computer-based Patient Record Systems (CPRS) Microcomputers / Personal Computers emerged to bring computing power to workplace. Mostly served as stand alone system. Many mainframe healthcare information systems emerged with nursing subsystems: Order Entry (like Kardex), results reporting, vital signs, narrative nursing notes, discharge planning systems 1990s Computer technology become an integral part of healthcare settings, nursing practice and the profession NI was approved by ANA as a new nursing specialty Demand for NI specialty increased greatly Laptops and notebooks were utilized at bedside and all point-of-care settings Local Area Network (LAN) were developed in hospitals and Wide Area Network (WAN) were used to link care across healthcare facilities Internet is widely used and helped information and knowledge databases to be integrated into bedside systems Web became the means to communicate online services and resources to the nursing community POST 2000 Developed of wireless point-of-care system with focus on open source system Clinical Information System (CIS) became the individualized in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and patient specific systems considered for lifelong longitudinal record for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Mobile technology advances: Wireless tablet computers, Personal Digital Assistants, Smartphones, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), Health Smartcards Telenursing became popular: Remote monitoring of ICU patients and community patients o Four Major Nursing Areas PERA Nursing Practice Nursing Education Nursing Research Nursing Administration o Standard Initiatives Nursing Practice Standards The ANA is considered as the official nursing organization that contributes in the development and recommendation of standards of nursing practice worldwide. ANA published: Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA, 2008) , Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA, 2010) Nursing Education Standards The National League for Nursing (NLN) has been the primary professional organization that accredits undergraduate nursing programs. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), which also accredits nursing education programs, Nursing Content Standards 1893 - Standardization of healthcare data began 1955 - Virginia Henderson published her 14 Daily Patterns of Living as the list of activities and conditions that became the beginning of nursing practice standards 1959 - standardization of nursing began 1970 - ANA accepted the Nursing Process as the professional standards for nursing practice 1973 - standardization of nursing content— data elements 2002 - SNOMED-CT became the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO) o Significant Landmark Events A. Conferences and Workshops American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium Healthcare Information and Management and Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference and Exhibition Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics (SINI) at University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD Annual Rutgers State University of New Jersey College of Nursing: Nursing and Computer Technology Conference Annual American Academy of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International: Bi-Annual Conference Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA/NI-SIG): Tri-Annual Conference International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA): Triennial Congress B. Professional Councils and/or Committees American Nurses Association (ANA) - Nursing Informatics Database Steering Committee National League for Nursing (NLN) - Educational Technology and Information Management Advisory Council (ETIMC) American Academy of Nursing (AAN) - Expert Panel of Nursing Informatics C. Credentialing/Certification/Fellowship American Nurses Association (ANA); American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) - Informatics Nursing Certification Healthcare Information and Management and Systems Society (HIMSS) - Certified Professional in Healthcare Information Management and Systems (CPHIMS) - Computer in Nursing Practice o Point-of-Care systems and Clinical Information Systems Work lists to remind staff of planned nursing interventions Computer generated client documentation o Bedside Data Entry Records clients assessments, medication administration, progress notes, care plan updating, client acuity and accrued charges o Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR) Provides easy retrieval of specific data such as trends in vital signs, immunization records, current problems o Computerized record keeping, Computerized assisted Instructions, Interactive Video Technology, Distance learning, Testing (NCLEX), Student and course record management o Computerized current literature searching on a specific problem and its related concepts o Search literature for instruments that have already been established or to design and test instruments that need to be developed for past study o Create form for the collection of data such as informed consent, demographic data, and recording forms o Speeds completion or research projects - Computers in Nursing Administration o Administrators can use employee databases to communicate with employees, examine staffing patterns, staff scheduling, and create budget programs o Client records to be searched for trends, number of cases, most expensive cases, and client outcomes o Computer controlled heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and alarm systems LESSON 1.2 COMPUTER HARDWARE - Computer hardware is defined as all of the physical components of a computer. - A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions (software) stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), manipulate data (process), and produce information (output) from the processing. - Required Hardware Components of a Computer o MOTHERBOARD The box of any computer contains a motherboard. The motherboard is a thin, flat sheet made of a firm, nonconducting material on which the internal components—printed circuits, chips, slots, and so on—of the computer are mounted. The motherboard is made of a dielectric or nonconducting plastic material. - Memory o Memory refers to the electronic storage devices or chips on the motherboard of a computer. There are three key types of memory in a computer. They are read-only memory (ROM), the main memory known as random access memory (RAM), and cache. Read-Only Memory. Read-onlymemory (ROM)is a form of permanent storage in the computer. It carries instructions that allow the computer to be booted (started), and other essential machine instructions. Its programming is stored by the manufacturer and cannot be changed by the user. This means that data and programs in ROM can only be read by the computer, and cannot be erased or altered by users. ROM storage is not erased when the computer is turned off. Random Access Memory. Random access memory(RAM) refers to working memory used for primary storage. It is used as temporary storage. Also known as main memory, RAM can be accessed, used, changed, and written on repeatedly. RAM is the work area available to the CPU for all processing applications. RAM is a permanent part of the computer. Because everything in RAM unloads (is lost) when the computer is turned off, RAM is called volatile (unstable) memory. Cache. Cache is a smaller form of RAM. Its purpose is to speed up processing by storing frequently called items in a small, rapid access memory location. - Input and Output o To do work, the computer must have a way of receiving commands and data from outside and a way of reporting out its work. The motherboard itself cannot communicate with users. o INPUT DEVICES These devices allow the computer to receive information from the outside world. The most common input devices are the keyboard and mouse. Others include the touch screen, light pen, and scanner. In healthcare computing, many medical devices serve as input devices. For example, the electrodes placed on a patient’s body The oximetry device placed on a patient’s finger uses light waves to detect impulses Voice systems allow the nurse to speak into a microphone (which is the input device) to record data o OUTPUT DEVICES These devices allow the computer to report its results to the external world. Output devices are defined as any equipment that translates the computer information into something readable by people or other machines. Output can be in the form of text, data files, sound, graphics, or signals to other devices. The most obvious output devices are the monitor (display screen) and printer. In healthcare settings, a variety of medical devices serve as output devices. Heart monitors are output devices recording and displaying heart rhythm patterns, and initiating alarms when certain conditions are met. - Storage Media o Storage includes the main memory but also external devices on which programs and data are stored. The most common storage device is the computer’s hard drive. Other common media include external hard drives, flash drives, and read/write digital versatile disks (DVDs) and compact disks (CDs). The hard drive and diskettes are magnetic storage media. DVDs and CD-ROMs are a form of optical storage. Optical media are read by a laser “eye” rather than a magnet. Hard Drive. The hard drive is a peripheral device that has very high speed and high density. That is, it is a very fast means of storing and retrieving data as well as having a large storage capacity compared with other types of storage. The hard drive is the main storage device of a computer. USB Flash Drive. A USB flash drive is actually a form of a small, removable hard drive that is inserted into the USB port of the computer. The USB drive is also known as pen drive, jump drive, thistle drive, pocket drive, and so forth. Optical Media. Optical media include CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray. CD- ROMs and DVDs are rigid disks that hold a higher density of information and have higher speed. Until the late 1990s, CD-ROMs were strictly input devices. They were designed to store sound and data, and held about 737MB of information, and large laser writers were required to store data on them. Thus, they were read-only media. However, technology developed in the 1980s by Philips Corporation permitted the development of a new type of CD that could be written on by the user. It is called CD-RW for compact disc read–write. Cloud Storage. An extension of the online storage service offered by individual vendors is cloud storage. Data stored “in the cloud” are still stored on commercial computers called servers. However, “cloud” refers to a distributed system of many commercial, networked servers that communicate through the Internet, and work together so closely that they can essentially function as one large system. - Major Types of Computers o The computers discussed so far are general purpose machines, because the user can program them to process all types of problems and can solve any problem that can be broken down into a set of logical sequential instructions. Supercomputers Largest type of computer specially designed for scientific applications requiring gigantic amount of data calculations Mainframe Computers Use by large organizations such as banks to control the entire business operation Microcomputers / Personal Computers (PCs) Computers that process specific applications Often used as stand-alone computers or in a network Handheld Computers Small computers. Have almost the same functionality and processing capabilities as the standard microcomputers
- Software is the general term applied to the instructions that direct the computer’s hardware to perform work. It is distinguished from hardware by its conceptual rather than physical nature. Hardware consists of physical components, whereas software consists of instructions communicated electronically to the hardware. - Software is needed for two purposes: o First, computers do not directly understand human language, and software is needed to translate instructions created in human language into machine language. o Second, packaged or stored software is needed to make the computer an economical work tool. Theoretically, users could create their own software to use the computer. However, writing software instructions (programming) is extremely difficult, time-consuming, and, for most people, tedious. It is much more practical and economical for one highly skilled person or programming team to develop programs that many other people can buy and use to do common tasks. - CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE: o System Software System software consists of a variety of programs that control the individual computer and make the user’s application programs work well with the hardware. System software consists of a variety of programs that initialize, or boot up, the computer when it is first turned on and thereafter control all the functions of the computer hard- ware and applications software. Systems software can be categorized under the following: Operating System (OS): Harnesses communication between hardware, system programs, and other applications. (i.e. Windows 10, IOS, Android, Linux) Device driver: Enables device communication with the OS and other programs Firmware: Set of instructions programmed on a hardware device. It provides the necessary instructions for how the device communicates with the other computer hardware. Translator: Translates high-level languages to low-level machine codes o Utility Software Utility programs include programs designed to keep the computer system operating efficiently. They do this by adding power to the functioning of the system software or supporting the OS or applications software programs. Utility programs help the users in disk formatting, data compression, data backup, scanning for viruses etc. Few examples of utility software are: Anti-virus Registry cleaners Disk defragmenters Data backup utility Disk cleaners Software Useful to Nurses NCSBN Learning Extension o Medication Flashcards o This simple app downloads a medication library to your phone. Great for students preparing for exams or nurses who need a quick reference point. NCLEX RN Mastery (National Council Licensure Examination) o Study Aid o Hundreds of practice questions and sample quizzes. When you give a wrong answer, the app gives you a detailed reason why PEPID o Drug and Clinical Resource o This app provides detailed information for all elements of patient care. Students gain a credible and complete resource guide for coursework, lab exercises, and clinical practice. Epocrates o Clinical Care Assistant o This app streamlines searches for information on prescription drugs, drug interactions, and a directory of providers. Nursing students can prevent mistakes on exams, and most importantly, provide proper treatment when they begin practicing Medscape o Informational Resource o Published by WebMD, this free app provides access to a medical directory, continuing education, medical news, and a clinical reference library. The news aspect of this app helps students stay up to date in the industry WebMD o Healthcare app you need to check symptoms; learn about conditions and drugs; research treatments and diagnoses; find doctors and specialists in your area; get Rx discounts available at your local pharmacy; and set medication reminders. Med Mnemonics o This app provides over 1,500 acronyms, rhymes, and memory tricks to help nurses quickly learn numerous medical conditions, symptoms, and other medical terminology Taber’s Medical Dictionary o The mobile app includes photos, videos, audio pronunciations, and functionality to save favorite entries. This dictionary has 65,000 definitions to help nursing students study for tests Nursing Central o Comprehensive Reference Resource o The app includes access to Davis’s Drug Guide, Taber’s Medical Dictionary, Diseases and Disorders, and MEDLINE Search and Journals, among other databases NurseGrid o The app lets you schedule across all worksites, view who’s on your shift, message other nurses o Applications Software Applications software includes all the various programs people use to do work, process data, play games, communicate with others, and watch videos and multimedia programs on a computer. Unlike system and utility pro- grams, they are written for system users to make use of the computer. When the user orders the OS to run an application program, the OS transfers the program from the hard drive, or removable media, and executes it. It can be called an application or simply an app. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, G-Drive, Netflix
- DATABASE o A database is an organized collection of related data. o Healthcare professionals may store patient medical records in either paper or digital format but more and more healthcare organizations are converting to digital records. They can use each of these databases to store data and to search for information. The possibility of finding information in these databases depends on several factors. Four of the most important are the following: The data naming (indexing) and organizational schemes The size and complexity of the database The type of data within the database The database search methodology o Organizations use information systems to process data and produce information. - TYPES OF DATA o When developing automated database systems, the designer defines each data element. As part of this process, the designer classifies the data. There are two primary approaches to classifying data in a database system. Conceptual Data Types. Conceptual data types reflect how users view the data. The source of the data may be the basis of conceptual data types. For example, the lab produces lab data, and the X-ray department produces image data. Conceptual data can also have its basis on the event that the data are attempting to capture. Assessment data, intervention data, and outcome data are examples of data that reflect event capturing. Computer-Based Data Types. Alphanumeric data include letters and numbers in any combination; however, you cannot perform numeric calculations on the numbers in an alphanumeric field. For example, an address is alphanumeric data that may include both numbers and letters. A social security number is an example of alphanumeric data compressing numbers and sometimes dashes. - OTHERS Database Life Cycle The development and use of a DBMS follow a systematic process called the life cycle of a database system. The number of steps used to describe this process can vary from one author to another. Initiation Initiation occurs when one identifies a need or problem and sees the development of a DBMS as a potential solution. This initial assessment looks at what is the need, what do we want to accomplish, what are the current approaches, and what are the potential options for dealing with the need are. Planning and Analysis This step begins with an assessment of the user’s view and the development of the conceptual model and ends with the logical model. What are the information needs of the department and how does the department use the information? This includes the internal and external uses of information. Detailed Systems Design and Development The detailed systems design begins with the selection of the physical model: hierarchical, network, relational, or object- oriented. Using the physical model, IT develops each table and the relationships between the tables. At this point, IT will carefully design the data entry screens and the format for all output reports. Implementation Implementation includes training the users, testing the system, finalizing the procedure manual for use of the system, piloting the DBMS, and finally “going live.” Training users can take the form of online tutorials or live training as well as access to a help desk and/or super users who can provide help 24/7. Testing the system is generally done in a development environment with simulated data. The procedure manual outlines the “rules” for how one uses the system in day-to-day operations. Evaluation and Maintenance When IT installs a new database system, the developers and the users can be too anxious to immediately evaluate the system. Initial or early evaluations may have limited value. It will take a few weeks or even months for users to adjust their work routines to this new approach to information management. It is not unusual for there to be adjustments to the database as well as revisions in the procedure manual during this initial period of use. - Data to Information o Common Database Operations DBMSs vary from small programs running on a personal computer to massive programs that manage the data for large international enterprises. No matter what size or how a DBMS is used, there are common operations that DBMSs perform. There are three basic types of data processing operations. These include data input, data processing, and data output. Data Input Operations One uses data input operations to enter new data, update data in the system, or change/ modify data in the DBMS. One usually enters data through a set of screens that the designers have designed for data entry. Data Processing Processes Data processing processes are DBMS-directed actions that the computer performs on entered data. The purpose is to extract information, discover new meanings, reorder data, and so forth. It is these processes that one uses to convert raw data into meaningful information. Data Output Operations These operations include online and written reports. Output can also include presentation of the processed data in charts and graphs for easier understanding. The approach to designing these reports will have a major impact on what information the reader actually gains from the report. Reports that are clear and concise help the reader see the information in the data. - Information to Knowledge o Information A collection of data which conveys some meaningful idea. When data is collated or organized into something meaningful, it gains significance. This meaningful organization is information. o Knowledge Knowledge is the appropriate collection of information. When a student "memorizes" information, then he/she obtained knowledge. Knowledge is an organization and processing to convey understanding, experience, and accumulated learning. Comprises strategy, practice, method, or approach. o Data Mining Traditional methods of retrieving information from databases no longer work with the sheer amount of data that the healthcare industry is producing. The purpose of data mining is to find previously unknown patterns and trends that will assist in providing quality care, predicting best treatment choices, and utilizing health resources in a cost-effective manner. o Benchmarking Benchmarking is a process where one compares outcome measures with industry averages. The process of benchmarking means to determine the goal or objectives, define appropriate indicators, collect data, and determine results o Outcome Probabilities The concept of outcome probability is built on the statistical concept of probability. If one would toss a fair coin in the air 100 times, one would expect that 50% of the time the coin would come up heads. - Wisdom (intelligence) o Is seen as the possession of knowledge such that one is able not only to observe patterns of information within data and make intelligent connections between different patterns, but also to feel the principles which underlie the patterns themselves. o It is uniquely a human state and computers do not have, and will never have the ability to posses wisdom. o It embodies principle, insight and moral. - The Nelson data to wisdom continuum moves from data to information to knowledge to wisdom with constant interaction within and across these concepts as well as the environment o Data are raw, uninterrupted facts without meaning o Information is facts with meaning o Knowledge is understanding the information o Wisdom is knowledge used to make appropriate decisions and acting on those decisions
- Why is There a Need for Health Data Standards? o The ability to communicate in a way that ensures the message is received and the content is understood is dependent on standards. o Data standards are intended to reduce ambiguity (vague, not clearly understandable) in communication so that the actions taken based on data are consistent with the actual meaning of that data. - Standards Development Process and Related Organizations o These emerging organizations are involved in standards development, coordination, and harmonization in all sectors of the economy. o Some of the major national and international organizations are: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) European Technical Committee for Standardization -In 1990, TC 251 on medical informatics was established by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Health IT Standards Committee - By the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Object Management Group -While the organizations described thus far are made up of volunteer-based SDOs, the Object Management Group (OMG) Public Health Data Standards Consortium (PHDSC) - Current Health Data Standards Initiatives o Health Information Exchange and Interoperability Formal entities are emerging to provide both the structure and the function for health information exchange efforts at independent and governmental or regional/state levels. These organizations, called Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), are geographically defined entities that develop and manage a set of contractual conventions and terms, and arrange for the governance and means of electronic exchange of information. - The Business Value of Health Data Standard o Defining information exchange requirements will enhance the ability to automate interaction with external partners, which in turn will improve efficiency and decrease costs by using data standards to develop emergency department data collection system thus generated a positive return on investment
- Interactive Products o How many of these interactive devices do you use daily? Smartphone Laptop or desktop computer Remote control Vending machine Automated teller machine o Our lives today have been dependent on many devices such as smartphones and computers, and we interact with them on a day-to-day basis. We do a lot of things using these devices. o But, has it crossed your mind how these devices are DESIGNED? o In this course, we will explored the different principles involved in the design of interactive products. o Good or Bad Technology? Given the following technologies, do you think they are GOOD or BAD? Smartphone Smartwatch Google Glass Do you think these technologies are GOOD or BAD? We can further ask the following: What is it that makes technology "good" or "bad"? How can we build "good" technologies? How can we verify or validate the "goodness" of our technologies? But do you think asking "Is it a good or bad technology?" the right question? The answer actually depends on many factors which this course does not cover. o In this course, however, we will try to look into "good" or "bad" technology in their DESIGN. - Brief History of HCI o The history of how HCI came to be is quite rich. We can look into how each of the interactive devices have evolved. In this section, we will outline how the "study of how humans interact with computers" grew. o Before Computers Factories, mass producing different products, felt the need that how their workers performed, i.e. their efficiency, during work will affect their yield. These studies started already last century. World War II also took interest in building more effective weapons. This led to the study of how machines and human interact to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The Ergonomics Research Society was established in 1949 and they focused on physical characteristics of machines and systems and how these affect human performance. Ergonomics and human factors, separate but very related disciplines, both are concerned with user performance in the context of a system. These are actually some areas that will have influence on how computers were designed later. o Dawn of Personal Computing Until mid to late 1970s, HCI wasn't particularly important. This is mainly because there were only a few users of computers that time. Frequent computer users were only academics or professionals, with a few hobbyists. At this time, no studies focused on how those users interacted with computers. However, computers became more common, and this led to researchers specializing in interactions between computers and people. The masses wanted computing and they didn’t want to go through complicated rigmarole to do what they wanted with a computer. They want simple use and access to computers. o Allied Fields Cognitive sciences (a broad and heady mix which includes psychology, language, artificial intelligence, philosophy and even anthropology) had been making steady progress during the 1970s and by the end of the decade they were ready to help articulate the systems and science required to develop user interfaces that worked for the masses. o HCI Emerges With the growing need to create computer systems that appeal to wide users, HCI became the academic discipline that most of us think oh as UI design - the way that humans and computers interact to ever increasing levels of both complexity and simplicity. The term HCI became popular in the 1980s. John Carroll, the the Edward Frymoyer Chair Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University says that the discipline of Human Computer Interaction was born (or perhaps “emerged” is a better word) in 1980 as all these separate disciplines began to realign around a single objective; making computing easier for the masses. - Definition of HCI o We have already talked about interactive products and even good and bad design, but we have not formally defined what HCI is. o HCI, or Human-Computer Interaction, is a specialized field of study concerned with the interaction between people (users) and computers. This field is multi-disciplinary, i.e. many disciplines are involved. These include computer science, cognitive science, human factors, among others. o Further, in this study, we are concerned with the physical, psychological, and theoretical aspects of the process of interaction. o Is there a unified theory in the study of HCI? NONE. However, in this study, we focus in four main components: The human being (or the user) The computer (or the interactive technology) The task (what is being done by the user on the computer) The usability (how well the task is done by the user on the computer) - USABILITY AND USER EXPERIENCE o Usability Definition of Usability In our study of HCI, usability will become a very prevalent word. We define this loosely as "measure of how well a specific user in a specific context can use a product/design to achieve a defined goal effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily." Usability Differentiated We play with three "variations" of the word use in our study on usability: o Useful (Effectiveness) - This means that the object accomplishes what is required o Usable (Efficiency) - This means that the object accomplishes what is required easily and naturally, without danger or error o Used (Satisfaction) - This means that the object is attractive, engaging, fun, or simply, people want to use it Usable Systems How then do we make usable systems? This question is quite hard to answer, but the approach that should be used is one that is centered on the USER (user-centered design). The human being (or the user) SHOULD NOT have to adapt to the system, i.e. the system should be designed with the user in mind. Further, the system should support human capabilities. The system should capitalize on what the users are good at. Also, the system should compensate for human limitations. Human beings are not perfect, and the system being designed should need to take into account where humans are not good at. Designers should consider what might help people in the way they currently do things. Designers should think through what might provide quality user experiences. How do we do that? Designers should listen to what the actual users want and get them involved. In the analysis, design, and development of systems, tried and tested user- centered methods should be used. o Usability Goals We have mentioned earlier the three main components of a usable system. They are as follows: effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. In this section, we explore further the different usability goals. What are usability goals? These are what we should strive for that our system should be. What are the usability goals? The system should: be effective to use be efficient to use be safe to use have good utility be easy to learn be easy to remember how to use To illustrate each of these usability goals, let us use a device that can send and receive text messages. Let us call this as TD (texting device). Effectiveness This is the very general goal. Effectiveness refers to how good a product is at doing what it is supposed to do. For example, if TD actually allows you to send and receive text messages, then the device is effective to use. You know that a message is received, or the message is sent. These are some manifestations that the device is effective to use. We can ask ourselves about the product: Is the product capable of allowing people to learn, carry out their work efficiently, access the information they need, or buy the goods they want? Efficiency This refers to the way a product supports users in carrying out their tasks. In the example about TD, it is efficient if it allows you to type your message easily, without much trouble. Does it use QWERTY keyboard? Or the typical keypad where you repeatedly press a key to obtain a particular character? Also, if you can read the messages properly, it is also efficient. Once users have learned how to use a certain product to carry out their tasks, can they sustain a high level of productivity? Safety This refers to the ability of the product or device to protect the users from dangerous conditions and undesirable situations. These conditions and situations refer to external conditions, unwanted actions, and consequences of making errors. For example, when using TD, how do you delete a mistyped text? If it allows you to delete a character that you mistyped, then, the device allows you to fix errors, and thus, safe. If the device requires that you have to be outdoors in order to send and receive messages, then probably the device may not be totally safe to use. What is the range of errors that are possible using the product and what measures are there to permit users to recover from them easily? Utility This refers to the extent to which the product provides the right kind of functionality so that users can do what they need and want to do. Utility simply refers to how good is a product being such product. In TD, does the device allow you to reply directly? Will it nest the conversation so you can easily read previous conversations with the person? Will it be able to save the contacts? In other words, how good does it offer the functionalities of a device that sends and receives text messages? Does the product provide an appropriate set of functions that will enable users to carry out all their tasks in the way they want to do them? Learnability This refers to how easy a system is to learn to use. When you use TD, how easy is it for you to learn how to send a message? How to read a received message? Do users need to consult a manual or undergo training to be able to learn how to use the device? If one can learn how to use TD by just exploring, then we can say that the device is learnable. Is it possible for the user to work out how to use the product by exploring the interface and trying out certain actions? How hard will it be to learn the whole set of functions this way? Memorability Now, once you have learned how to use the device, how easy is it to remember how to use it? This is memorability. This usability goal is very important in interactive products that are not used frequently. In TD, once you have successfully sent the first message, will you be able to remember exactly how to do it the second time? The third time? Do you remember how to use it then? What kinds of interface support have been provided to help users remember how to carry out tasks, especially for products and operations they use infrequently? The usability goals outlined above make up a usable system. o User Experience We now move on to another prevalent term in HCI, user experience. User Experience (UX) encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use. True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features. In order to achieve high-quality user experience in a company's offerings there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design. It's important to distinguish the total user experience from the user interface (UI), even though the UI is obviously an extremely important part of the design. As an example, consider a website with movie reviews. Even if the UI for finding a film is perfect, the UX will be poor for a user who wants information about a small independent release if the underlying database only contains movies from the major studios. We should also distinguish UX and usability: According to the definition of usability, it is a quality attribute of the UI, covering whether the system is easy to learn, efficient to use, pleasant, and so forth. Again, this is very important, and again total user experience is an even broader concept. Further, UX refers to how a product behaves and is used by people in real life. This is the way people feel about it and their pleasure and satisfaction when using it, looking at it, holding it, and opening or closing it. According to Jesse Garrett (2010), "every product that is used by someone has a user experience: newspapers, ketchup bottles, reclining armchairs, cardigan sweaters." It is important to point out that one cannot design a user experience, only design for a user experience. In particular, one cannot design a sensual experience, but only create the design features that can evoke it. For example, the outside case of a smartphone can be designed to be smooth, silky, and fit in the palm of a hand; when held, touched, looked at, and interacted with, that can provoke a sensual and satisfying user experience. Conversely, if it is designed to be heavy and awkward to hold, it is much more likely to end up providing a poor user experience—one that is uncomfortable and unpleasant. Here are the different desirable and undesirable aspects of user experience. Desirable aspects Enjoyable - supporting creativity Engaging - cognitively stimulating Pleasurable - fun Exciting - provocative Entertaining - surprising Satisfying - rewarding Helpful - emotionally fulfilling Motivating Challenging Enhancing sociability Undesirable aspects Boring - unpleasant Frustrating - patronizing Making one feel guilty - making one feel stupid Annoying - cutesy Childish - gimmicky The concept of UX is broader compared to usability as they encompass a wider aspect on the user's side. In addition, UX is more subjective.
o Usability vs. User Experience
Throughout the course, we will be encountering these two terms frequently. But how do they differ primarily? Usability goals are generally objective, and can be measured using certain metrics (we will talk about this in Module 4). We can measure how efficient is a system in doing a task. We can measure how learnable is a system. On the other hand, user experience goals are somewhat subjective. What can be enjoyable for one user may not necessarily be for another. Although, there are still ways to measure these aspects. Are there trade-offs between two kinds of goals? For example, can a product be both fun and safe? Can you think of examples?