Oba 1
Oba 1
Oba 1
Explain, in your own words, the process of sense control by Krishna consciousness with
reference to verses, purports, analogies and examples from Bhagavad-gita 2.54-68 and 3.4-8.
How is this relevant for:
Arjuna’s situation on the battlefield of Kurukñetra?
Your own practice of Krishna consciousness?
Answer 5)
Arjun is attached to his relatives; Here Arjun needs control his senses through performing his
duties and fight the war for Dharma. The Krishna
Conscious person is concerned only with the satisfaction of Krishna , and nothing else. Therefore
he is transcendental to all attachment and detachment. He must Perform his prescribed duty, for
doing so is better than not working. If he do not fight then he an cannot even maintain one’s
physical body and would lost the glory of fighter and his relatives will insult him.
➔ Do our duties keeping in mind that Home is our temple and Children are Krishna devotee and we
need to perform all duties ( work) to serve them well.
➔ Food - Prepare the food for Krishna, Offering to him and eat Prasad only, this way our tongue
taste and belly would be controlled.
➔ Following the 4 regulating Principals to control the senses
➔ Listen only Hari Naam and Bhagwat katha to control ear senses
➔ Inhaling flowers offered to Krishna and Guru Parampara to control Nose senses.
2. Establish, in your own words, the superiority of bhakti over the other yoga systems with
reference to verses and purports from Bhagavad-gita, Chapters 2-6, and comments from
Prabhupada’s lectures.
In your answer explain the following:
The impracticality of yoga systems, other than bhakti-yoga, in Kali-yuga.
How bhakti-yoga contains all the components of the other yoga systems.
How bhakti-yoga can be practiced without having practiced other yoga systems.
(Preaching Application)
Answer :
In this age of Kali, it is impractical to leave home and practice meditation in the jungles without
any fear, giving up material desires and practicing celibacy and It is impractical for a worker to
give up proprietorship over results of his activities without being Krishna Conscious
Bhakti Yoga covers all the Yoga and can be easily done.