PC Beam Slab Pham2017
PC Beam Slab Pham2017
PC Beam Slab Pham2017
Engineering Structures
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Although catenary action in beams and tensile membrane action in slabs are generally believed as high-
Received 16 May 2017 level analyses to mitigate progressive collapse in a reinforced concrete building, previous research studies
Revised 14 July 2017 did not clearly differentiate the contributions of the two mechanisms in combined three-dimensional
Accepted 16 July 2017
beam-slab systems. Besides, most of the recent experimental studies on column removal scenarios
focused on point load application as it is more difficult to apply the more realistic uniform distributed
loads in the laboratory. In this paper, numerical analyses were first employed to investigate the combined
effects of beams and slabs under both point load (idealised) and uniform distributed load (more realistic)
Progressive collapse
Catenary action
conditions. The results show that differences between these two loading methods not only affect overall
Tensile membrane action structural capacities, but also influence vertical deflections and failure modes. It is also observed that ten-
Concentrated load sile membrane action in slabs was less sensitive to boundary conditions compared to catenary action in
Uniform distributed load beams. Moreover, catenary action in beams which showed limited development in beam-slab structures
can be conservatively neglected. Besides, under uniform distributed loading condition, scenarios with dif-
ferent locations of column removal were numerically investigated, showing that the loss of a penultimate
column, rather than a corner column, could be the most critical case, contrary to conventional wisdom. In
fact, in a corner-column removal scenario, tensile membrane action can still be partially mobilised owing
to the presence of two stiff discontinuous edge beams. This phenomenon was well observed in a beam-
slab test conducted in this study.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-0296/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536 521
and CA in mitigating collapse. However, most of these tests were paper, numerical models were developed and validated by one pla-
conducted by applying a point load at the middle joint following nar 2D beam-only test (P2), one 3D beam-only test (T2), and one
a displacement-controlled manner. Hence, the development of beam-slab structural test (S2). These specimens (P2, T2, and S2
CA under distributed loads, even though such loading condition from [13]) had the same centre-to-centre span of 1.5 m and the
is closer to reality, has not yet been conducted for any 2D struc- same beam section of 140x80 mm2. All the beams had continuous
tures. Compared to 2D structures, laboratory tests on 3D slab and longitudinal reinforcement consisting of top and bottom rebars.
beam-slab systems apply both concentrated loading (CL) Bottom reinforcement of the slabs was continuous throughout
[12,13,16] and uniform distributed loading (UDL) [14,15,17] meth- the slab in two directions. On the other hand, top reinforcement
ods. In most 3D tests, distributed loads on slabs are represented by was only provided at the edge regions. Fig. 1 illustrates the test
a multi-point loading system [6]. The 3D beam-slab tests, whether setup for T2 and S2 specimens. In the beam-slab tests from [13],
conducted under UDL or CL condition, showed enhancement in boundary conditions were simulated by connecting concrete col-
structural resistance beyond predicted yield-line capacity. How- umn stubs to steel circular hollow sections, which in turn were
ever, such studies did not clearly delineate the respective contribu- fixed to the strong floor. Removal of the middle column was simu-
tions of CA and TMA to overall structural resistance. Moreover, lated by gradually increasing the displacement of the middle joint
experimental investigations on the sensitivity of TMA to boundary using a hydraulic jack.
restraint conditions of slabs are constrained by costs and
laboratory space, and have not been comprehensively studied. In
addition, when assessing the vulnerability of a structure under 2.2. Numerical model
progressive collapse threats, the engineer is required to consider
various scenarios of column removal [1,2]. Among all the cases In this study, an explicit finite element software LS-Dyna [19]
considered, loss of a corner column is generally believed to be was used to simulate the RC member tests of P2, T2 and S2. Con-
the most critical scenario due to a lack of restraint from two adja- crete was simulated using 8-node solid elements with reduced
cent sides of the corner slab, as shown in the CL static tests of Qian integration scheme. Reinforcing bars were explicitly modelled by
and Li [12]. In their work, CA and TMA are conservatively neglected the 2-node Hughes-Liu beam element with 2 2 Gauss quadrature
for corner-column loss and only flexural mechanism is considered integration. Continuous surface cap model MAT_159 was
for both beam and slab members. Nonetheless, this paper shows employed to simulate the behaviour of concrete material. Although
that under UDL condition, corner column removal may not be element erosion is not a physical phenomenon for concrete mate-
the most critical case; instead, penultimate column removal may rial, this attribute allows modelling of spalling and separation of
be the governing scenarios. This finding agrees with a study on concrete under extremely high tensile force. In this study, the cri-
steel and composite grillage frames (without slabs) conducted by terion for erosion of elements was based on the maximum princi-
Stylianidis et al. [18]. pal strain value of 0.1. It was shown from a previous study [20] that
This study presents a numerical and experimental investigation MAT_159 model, together with the application of erosion criterion
on the effects of TMA in beam-slab systems under different bound- of maximum principal strain, can efficiently simulate actual
ary and loading conditions. In Section 2, simulations based on responses as well as damage modes of RC structures under both
detailed finite element method (FEM) were employed and quasi-static and blast conditions. MAT_159 can effectively capture
validated by a quasi-static test series, which included both the post-peak softening, shear dilation, confinement effect, and strain-
sub-assemblages (2D and 3D beam-only) and the 3D beam-slab rate hardening. An isotropic elastic–plastic material model ‘‘Mat
structures [13]. Comparison studies of structural responses subject Piecewise Linear Plasticity” (MAT_024) was used for steel material
to either CL or UDL conditions, contributions of CA and TMA in which was assumed to be identical in tension and compression.
beam-slab systems, and sensitivity of TMA to horizontal and rota- Two mesh sizes were applied for solid elements of beams, includ-
tional restraints, were carried out in Sections 3 and 4. Section 5 ing 10 mm for joint regions and 20 mm for the other non-critical
focused on the effects of different column removal locations on regions. Only one mesh size of 20 20 6 mm was used for the
progressive collapse resistance to identify the most critical sce- concrete slab. All rebar elements had a mesh size of 20 mm length.
nario for analysis and design. In Section 6, a beam-slab structural A sensitivity study showed that the adopted mesh size yielded rea-
test under corner-column removal applying UDL condition was sonably accurate results. Full models of the beam-only tests were
conducted to confirm the possibility of TMA mobilisation, com- developed, whereas only a quarter model of the beam-slab test
pared to a similar test under CL condition. Overall conclusions was simulated.
are presented in Section 7. Composite behaviour between reinforcement and concrete
material in the beams was simulated by applying the bond-slip
model in CEB 2010 [21] into Contact_1D function of LS-Dyna
2. Numerical models of beam-only and beam-slab structures [19]. Such an application improves the accuracy of simulations
under progressive collapse compared to actual tests and prevents premature fracture of
rebars in concrete due to localised stress concentration [20,22].
2.1. Quasi-static tests on RC structures under internal-column removal A comparison of the bond-slip response for deformed bars in
scenario beams between the CEB model and the proposed model using
LS-Dyna Contact_1D is presented in Fig. 2. Details of the
To investigate the beam-slab effect against progressive collapse, modelling procedure using Contac_1D keyword to consider
Qian et al. [13] conducted a series of quarter-scale quasi-static bond-slip behaviour can be found in Pham et al. [20]. For the
tests on beam-only and beam-slab systems under an internal col- reinforcement in slabs, since mild-steel bars with high ductility
umn loss scenario using CL method. The tests from [13] included were used in the tests [13], fracture of this reinforcement
2D beam-only specimens, 3D beam-only specimens (grillage), occurred much later than the high-yield deformed bars used in
and 3D beam-slab specimens. While the 2D and the 3D beam- the beams. As a result, simulating bond-slip behaviour for such
only specimens included double-span beams with a middle joint round bars would be complicated and yet not necessary. There-
and a column stub at each beam end, the beam-slab systems fore, to simplify the modelling and to save computational time,
included a 2 2-span panel with internal and edge beams plus perfect bonding was assumed between steel reinforcement and
slab extensions equal to a quarter of the beam span. In the present concrete slabs.
522 A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536
a) T 2 b) S2
Fig. 1. Test setup for T2 and S2 based on [13].
support KA N
a) 2D beam-only model
50 20 80 16
40 16 60 12
30 12
40 8
20 8
20 4
10 4
0 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
-10 -4 -20 -4
Applied load - Test Applied load - FEM Applied load - test Applied load - FEM
Horizontal disp. - Test Horizontal disp. - FEM Horizontal disp. - test Horizontal disp. - FEM
a) P 2 b ) T2
Fig. 5. Test validation of P2 and T2.
a) P2
rebars fracture
b) T2
Fig. 6. Damage patterns.
524 A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536
from testing [13]. In the FEM models, the damage and failure of Vertical displacement (mm)
concrete were simulated through the damage index and element 80
erosion. A damage index of 0 denoted the virgin stage, while a
value of 1 indicated total failure of concrete. 60 120
Numerical predictions from S2 achieved good agreement with
test results in terms of load-carrying capacity (Fig. 7(a)). At large
deformation state, the formations of a tensile net at the centre 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
and a peripheral compressive ring surrounding the tensile region -30
were well replicated in the one-quarter numerical model ((Fig. 7
(b)). The model also successfully simulated the failure modes in -40 -80
the tests, i.e. punching shear failure around the middle column
CL - Applied load UDL - Applied load
and fracture of internal-beam bottom rebars near the middle col-
umn. That is to say, the developed FEM models could represent CL - Horizontal reaction UDL - Horizontal reaction
the actual behaviour of 3D RC beam-slab systems.
Fig. 8. UDL vs. CL for beam-only structures.
qð2LÞ2 4ðM b þ M 0b Þ
3.1. Beam-only structure ¼ ðM b þ M0b Þ ! Pudl ¼ qð2LÞ ¼ ð2Þ
8 L
The beam-only model of specimen P2 was employed to com- where Mb and M0b are the plastic bending moment capacities at the
pare structural behaviours between CL and UDL methods, and middle and the end joints, respectively. They can be calculated
results are presented in Fig. 8. It clearly shows that, at the same based on Eq. (3) proposed by Paulay and Priestley [23].
vertical displacement, total load from the UDL case was twice that
from the CL condition, while both cases provided identical results M ¼ ðd d ÞAtss f y ð3Þ
for horizontal reactions. However, maximum vertical deflection 0
of the middle joint from the UDL case was only half of that of where d and d are the distances from the extreme compression
the CL case. With regard to failure modes, the model under UDL fibre of concrete to the centre of tension and compression reinforce-
experienced fracture of top rebars near the end joint (Fig. 9), ment, respectively; Atss and f y are the cross-sectional area and yield
whereas the model under CL and test P2 showed fracture of bottom strength of tension longitudinal rebars, respectively. Eq. (3) is appli-
rebars near the middle joint and top rebars near the end joint cable for under-reinforced sections neglecting the effect of beam
(Fig. 6(a)). As the horizontal reaction had not yet changed to ten- axial forces.
sion in the UDL case, mobilisation of CA was very limited compared
to the CL case. 3.2. Slab-only structure
The relationship between structural capacities of the two load-
ing cases can be explained by plastic-hinge theory (neglecting axial To compare the behaviour between CL and UDL conditions for
compression force effect on plastic moment resistance), assuming the 3D slab-only structure, a FEM model was constructed similar
a collapse mechanism of the double-span beam which includes to S2 model, except that all internal beams were removed. Hence,
positive-moment hinge M b near the middle joint and negative- the RC slab was considered as the only element within the region
Displacement (mm)
Applied load (kN)
Tensile net
50 S2 - Test
S2 - FEM Punching
0 shear
0 50 100 150 200 250
200 300
150 200
CL x 4 100 CL x 3
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
a) Slab-only structures b) Beam-slab structures
Fig. 11. Structural responses between CL and UDL conditions.
526 A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536
l l
shear around the removed column location (Fig. 13(a)). Since the model of specimen S2. Numerical results show that, in terms of
structure under the CL case behaved like a flat slab, punching shear load-carrying capacity, the UDL case was nearly three times larger
would limit the maximum displacement, hindering mobilisation of than the CL case as shown in Fig. 11(b). Considering the difference
TMA. On the other hand, the slab under UDL could experience in load-carrying capacity, predicted structural capacity for the UDL
greater deflection, leading to a higher capacity at the final stage case is twice that of the CL case in beam-only system (Section 3.1),
compared to the first peak of CMA. Failure mode of the UDL case or nearly four times that in slab-only system (Section 3.2). For this
included occurrences of full-depth cracks and fracture of rebars particular RC design, the maximum capacities of the beam-only
near the slab edges (Fig. 13(b)). structure (T2) based on plastic-hinge theory under UDL and CL
Fig. 14 shows the spread of reinforcement yielding in the slab at conditions (Eqs. (1) and (2)) are 96 kN and 48 kN, respectively,
a vertical deflection of 55 mm, or one slab thickness. For the CL whereas the capacities of the slab-only structure (S2 without inter-
case, the top rebars which were already yielded concentrated only nal beams) based on yield-line theory under UDL and CL conditions
within one quarter of the slab edges. However, for the UDL case, (Eqs. (4) and (5)) are 85 kN and 23 kN, respectively. Therefore,
most of the top rebars along the slab edges had already yielded when combining the beam-only and the slab-only models
at this deflection. Similarly for the bottom-rebar layer in the slab, together, the maximum capacity of the system under UDL condi-
yielding in the CL case only congregated around the central col- tion (181 kN) is approximately 2.6 times that under CL condition
umn, whereas yielding reinforcement in the UDL case developed (71 kN). The UDL case also had a higher maximum displacement.
along the slab diagonal and extended to nearly one quarter of Failure mode of the beam-slab structure at the final stage is shown
the area. That is to say, for the same central deflection, both the in Fig. 15 and will be further discussed in Section 3.4.
top and the bottom reinforcement was more mobilised in the
UDL case compared to the CL case.
3.4. Discussions on the combined effects of beams and slabs under both
CL and UDL conditions
3.3. Beam-slab structure
Under ‘‘CL condition” at the internal column, responses of the
The last level of comparison between CL and UDL cases involved three modelling levels from Sections 3.1-3.3 are shown in Fig. 16
the full 3D beam-slab system, which employed the numerical (a). For the beam-slab model, not only did its structural capacity
a) CL b) UD L
a) CL b) UDL
120 400
60 200 Beam-slab
40 Beam-only
20 Slab-only
0 0
0 100 200 300 0 50 100 150 200 250
a ) CL b) UDL
Fig. 16. Effects of beam and slab.
increase compared to the slab-only model, the maximum deflec- compared with both the beam-slab and the slab-only models. In
tion also increased because punching shear occurred later due to terms of failure modes, the beam-slab model failed when full-
shear strength contribution from internal beams. Additionally, its depth cracks in the slab occurred near the edge beams and the
maximum deflection was similar to the displacement of the top rebars of internal beams fractured near the columns (Fig. 15
beam-only structure at the time when the beam bottom rebars (b)). That is to say, the failure mode of the beam-slab system under
started fracturing. Besides punching shear failure, the final peak UDL was also a combination of failure modes from both the beam-
of the beam-slab model was denoted by fracturing of bottom only and the slab-only models. Moreover, the top rebars in the
rebars in internal beams (Fig. 15(a)). In other words, the failure internal beams from the beam-slab system fractured later com-
mode of the beam-slab system at the final stage under CL condition pared to those from the beam-only system, due to the T-beam
was a culmination of failure modes from both the beam-only and effect in the beam-slab system. TMA, which was effectively mobi-
the slab-only models. Up to the instant before the occurrence of lised in the slab-only system, was well developed in the beam-slab
failure, CA in internal beams of the beam-slab model had not been model. Under UDL condition, after the first peak of CMA, response
significantly mobilised as the maximum vertical deflection was curves of the slab-only and the beam-slab models were parallel to
only slightly larger than one beam depth (Fig. 16(a)). Nevertheless, each other. The difference between these two curves was 110 kN,
TMA had been significantly mobilised after the displacement has which was comparable to the capacity of the beam-only structure
exceeded one slab thickness. based on plastic-hinge theory (96 kN). This means that the
Similar to the CL case, FEM results from all the three structural strength contribution of internal beams in the beam-slab system
levels under ‘‘UDL condition” are shown in Fig. 16(b). Clearly, the at large deflection state arose primarily from flexural response.
maximum displacement of the beam-only model was the smallest Enhancement from CA in the internal beams was rather limited.
528 A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536
150 300
Horizontal reaction (kN)
Applied load (kN)
a) CL b) UDL
UDL (kN/m2)
(Fig. 19). For more realistic modelling, UDL was applied to the slab
area affected by the column removal [2]. Five scenarios were con-
sidered including internal-column, corner-column, edge-column, 30
penultimate-internal (PI) and penultimate-external (PE) column edge
removal cases. The internal-column case with the greatest struc- corner
tural capacity was used as the baseline for comparison. The rela- 10 PI
tionship between displacement of the joint above the removed
column and structural capacity per unit area from the affected slab
0 50 100 150 200 250
was used as a comparison basis among the five different column
removal scenarios. Fig. 20. Structural responses from different column loss scenarios.
// // // // //
// //
// //
internal continuous edges and was mostly concentrated at the of 160 mm, at which both the PI- and the PE-column cases almost
areas above the peripheral columns. Therefore, hogging moment attained their ultimate resistances, the inward movement of the AP
resistance as well as tensile effect from the slab top reinforcement columns from the PE- and the PI-column cases were 11 and 17
could not be effectively mobilised at those areas. This phenomenon mm, respectively. With such large horizontal deflections, the AP
did not exist in the internal- and the corner-column cases (Fig. 21). columns could have failed prematurely. In summary, the PE- and
Besides, in the PI-column model, one half of hogging-moment the PI-column models were more vulnerable compared to the
edges was discontinuous, whereas in the PE-column model it other cases such as the corner- or the edge-column scenarios due
was only one quarter. As a result, structural resistance from the to smaller structural capacity and the danger of pulling-in of AP
PE-column model was generally greater than the PI-column model. columns. Comparing between the PE- and the PI-column cases,
When the vertical deflection in the PI- or the PE-column case although the PE-column case had a greater structural response, it
became relatively large, the peripheral columns which were next also generated a larger movement for its AP column, which in turn
to the removed column, so-called the affected peripheral (AP) col- made it more critical to progressive collapse. In fact, the previous
umns, would experience excessive inward horizontal displace- beam-slab tests for PE-column removal [15,17] showed very lim-
ments. Again, this phenomenon did not occur under the edge- ited mobilisation of TMA.
and the corner-column removal scenarios. Fig. 23(a) and (b) show The conclusion in this study showing that corner-column
the positions of the AP columns as well as their inward movements removal was not necessary the most critical scenario agrees with
in the respective PI- and PE-column cases. At a vertical deflection the assessment of composite frame structures from Stylianidis
A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536 531
et al. [18]. While in the current study, structural capacity in the Displacement (mm)
corner-column case was enhanced by limited development of 70
TMA, the contribution from grillage system is the one investigated
in [18] since slabs are not considered.
UDL (kN/m2)
5.3. Analyses of progressive collapse using 3D beam-slab-column 40
30 internal
To get a close-to-reality response of structures under several edge
missing column cases, 3D beam-slab-column models were corner
employed in which the beam-slab models were updated by adding 10 PI
the peripheral columns to the slab edges. Boundary conditions of PE
these columns were simplified by using pin and roller supports 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
at their mid-height. All the columns had the same dimension of
200 200 mm2 and a same reinforcement of 4T13 (high strength Fig. 25. Structural responses using beam-slab-column models.
deformed bars). Before the UDL load was applied to slab area, the
peripheral columns were loaded by axial forces with a load ratio 6. Beam-slab test under corner-column removal
of 0.2. All the five column loss scenarios were considered. Fig. 24
illustrates the beam-slab-column model applied for the internal- To study the possibility of TMA mobilisation in the corner-
column case. Results of this simulation series are presented in column scenario mentioned in Section 5.1, a beam-slab test
Fig. 25 showing that PI- and PE-column cases still had smallest labelled as S-COR-UDL was conducted in this study. The corner-
structural capacities. This observation agrees with the results of column specimen was tested under UDL condition, and employed
beam-slab models in Fig. 20. Nevertheless, there was no premature similar geometry, reinforcement design, as well as boundary con-
failure of AP columns. In fact, the likelihood of AP columns being dition from a previous test named S-COR conducted under CL
prematurely failed due to inward movement relied on the level method [24].
of axial forces applied on these columns. As a result, the use of such
complex beam-slab-column models is necessary for assessing PI- 6.1. Specimen design and test setup
and PE-column scenarios. For internal-, edge- and corner-column
cases, results from beam-slab-column models (Fig. 25) are rela- The beam-slab specimen was a 2/5 scaled-down model from a
tively similar to those from beam-slab models (Fig. 20) indicating 6-storey, 6 4 bay prototype building. It had equal span of 2.4 m
that the modelling of columns is not necessary for those scenarios. in both directions and was isotropically reinforced for gravity loads
in accordance to Eurocode 2 [25]. The specimen consisted of than 180 mm, both the beams and the slab would have gone into
180 mm deep by 100 mm wide beams with a span length of tensile mechanism. At the first stage, vertical load increased lin-
2.4 m and 180 mm square column stubs. The slab thickness was early from 0 kN up to 45 kN (at about 10 mm MJD). Subsequently,
80 mm whereas rotational restraints from adjacent slabs were rep- the load increased non-linearly with subsequent crack develop-
resented by thicker slab portion (120 mm) extending 240 mm ment in the slab and the beams. Initially, cracks were observed
beyond the perimeter beams. The slab bottom reinforcement was at the beams and the slab near the corner joint and the beam-
continuous, whereas the slab top reinforcement was only placed end regions, as well as exterior faces of primary columns (C-L
at edge regions. Reinforcement detailing of the specimen is shown and C-T). But as the specimen deflected further, more cracks were
in Fig. 26. developed near the middle and the bottom regions of the column
The concrete compressive cylinder strength was 32 MPa. The but only a few at the beam-end or perimeter of the slab. After
yield strength of high-strength deformed bars (T10) and mild- attaining the first peak of 88 kN at a deformation of 97mm (i.e. half
steel round bars (R6) were 507 and 400 MPa, respectively. Dis- beam depth) as shown in Stage I of Fig. 28, a slight drop in the
placement transducers were located along the beams and the slab structural capacity was observed, before showing a second trend
to measure vertical deflections. Strain gauges were mounted of load increase with increasing of vertical displacement (Stage
extensively along the primary beams and on the slab to capture II). Such an increase denoted the mobilisation of some tensile
the development of different load-carrying mechanisms. A loading mechanisms in the beam-slab structure. On the other hand, in
scheme consisting of twelve contact points was employed for S- the test of S-COR (CL condition), such a second peak of load-
COR-UDL to simulate actual UDL condition (Fig. 27(a)), compared carrying capacity was not observed after the structure attended
with CL method employed in the previous test (Fig. 27(b)). Such its first peak of 21 kN at 166 mm displacement. When the load sus-
a multi-point loading configuration has been successfully used in tained by S-COR-UDL became significantly large, the vertical and
previous UDL tests [14,15,17]. Primary columns C-L and C-T were rotational restraints provided by the self-weight of the extended
fixed to steel supports which in turn were bolted to the strong floor slab were inadequate, inducing large bending moment at the col-
(similar to specimen S2 [13]). On the other hand, secondary col- umns. As the primary columns were not strengthened or over-
umn C-LT was connected to a pin-based circular hollow steel col- designed, plastic hinges were developed at the bottom exterior
umn oriented at 45° direction (Fig. 26). faces of C-L and C-T columns (Fig. 29(a)). This led to lifting up of
the slab region supported by the perimeter beams and hence neg-
6.2. Experimental results ative yield line was not fully formed at the perimeter region of the
slab. As the specimen deformed, the applied load kept increasing
FigS. 28and 29 show the load–displacement relationship and and reached the maximum load of 105 kN at a displacement of
the crack patterns of S-COR-UDL, respectively, compared with 270 mm. Subsequently, localised failure due to severe damages,
those of the CL test [24]. The development of crack patterns was i.e. opening of cracks and concrete crushing at the column plastic
divided into two stages, i.e. when the corner-column displacement hinges were observed, leading to a gradual reduction in load. The
was smaller or larger than one beam depth (180 mm), indicated by test was stopped at the deflection of 400 mm when the load was
black and red lines, respectively. Generally, CA in beams and TMA reduced to 85 kN due to safety concern (fracture of column rein-
in slabs were mobilised at one cross-sectional depth of beams and forcement was undesirable as it might lead to sudden collapse of
slabs, respectively. Hence, it was assumed that at deflection larger the structure).
R6@90 R6@110 R6@90
720 720 2220
R6@150 R6@100 A B A
4T10 4T6
4 1
2 2T10
3 R6@150
2T10 2T10
loading point
corner column
corner column
120 Stage I Stage II (a). These positive yield lines contributed to flexural capacity and
enabled the development of compressive effects at the slab
Total applied load (kN)
100 perimeter region (Fig. 29(a)) as the slab deflected. This compres-
sive arching supported TMA in the central region. On the other
hand, there was no sign of positive yield lines occurring at the bot-
60 S-COR-UDL tom surface of S-COR (Fig. 30(b)). Instead, a failure line due to con-
S-COR crete crushing was observed at the slab soffit, developing from
40 column C-L to column C-T. That is to say, the change of loading
Peak configuration from CL to UDL in the corner-column scenario not
only increased the load-carrying capacity of the structure signifi-
0 cantly, but also changed the formation of both positive and nega-
0 100 200 300 400 tive yield lines in the slab.
Displacement (mm) The deflection profile of the slab along diagonal line D1 is plot-
ted in Fig. 31(a) for S-COR-UDL. The deflection profile at the slab
Fig. 28. Load-displacement responses.
central region had a parabolic shape which indicated membrane
action. This phenomenon was not observed in the CL case of S-
COR (Fig. 31(b)). Strain readings of slab reinforcement along diag-
During both the CL and UDL tests, it was difficult to trace the onal line D1 were also obtained and plotted in Fig. 32. It is shown
exact development of cracks under the slabs. Due to safety reason, that the strains of bottom rebars at all locations were under ten-
access to the bottom of the slabs was prohibited. Therefore, cracks sion (Fig. 32(a)) as they were located along the positive yield line.
at the bottom surface were only drawn after testing (Fig. 30). At the In TMA mechanism, compressive force at the slab perimeter region
slab soffit of S-COR-UDL, formation of positive yield lines started supported the development of tensile net at the centre of the slab.
occurring at about 40 mm displacement (0.5 slab thickness), and This explained why the strains were generally greater nearer to the
progressively developed from the corner joint and C-LT column middle joint, and smaller nearer to the slab perimeter and C-LT col-
towards the slab centre. A complete diagonal line was formed at umn. For the top rebars which were located along D1 (Fig. 32(b)),
about 100 mm displacement (1.25 slab depth). After testing, paral- tensile strains were also observed for most of the test duration
lel positive yield lines were observed and marked as seen in Fig. 30 although the rebars did not actually reach yielding.
Corner column Corner column Interior
face Exterior
corner joint
Positive corner joint
yield lines Rotate and
pulled-in about
the line
Left beam
corner V-1 V-2 V-3 C-LT corner V-1 V-4 V-5 C-LT
column column
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
0 0
Vertical displacement (mm)
a) S-COR-UDL b ) S -C OR
6000 D1
Strain (µ)
5000 1000 T4
4000 B10
3000 yielding 500
1000 0 100 200 300 400
0 -500
0 100 200 300 400
a) Bottom rebars b) Top rebars
Fig. 32. Strain values in slab reinforcement along D1 of specimen S-COR-UDL.
6.3. Presence of TMA in the corner-column tests patterns (Fig. 29(a) and Fig. 30(a)), as well as tensile strains in
the slab reinforcement along line D1 (Fig. 32). The development
The absence of TMA in S-COR (point load) was clearly indicated of positive yield lines contributed to flexural capacity, as well as
from the decreasing load–displacement curve after attainment of facilitated the formation of compressive arching at the slab
flexural capacity (Fig. 28), as well as from localised bending along perimeter, which in return anchored tensile net in the central
negative yield lines (Fig. 29(b)). That is to say, S-COR solely relied region. In general, under UDL condition, the load capacity of the
on flexural capacity, i.e. yield lines in the slab and plastic hinges beam-slab structure could increase to nearly five times of that
in the beams. On the other hand, TMA development was possible under point load.
in the beam-slab specimen subject to UDL (S-COR-UDL), which From the observations of crack patterns at the top and the
was confirmed from the load-displacement curve (Fig. 28), crack bottom surfaces of the corner specimen, together with measured
A.T. Pham et al. / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 520–536 535
Negative yield line TMA was less affected by this parameter. This finding was observed
Cracks at top surface in numerical studies for both loading cases. On the other hand, the
response of the beam-slab structure under UDL was dependent on
Tensile action at slab edges
rotational restraint of the slab edges.
Tensile action at slab centre Under the UDL condition, among different scenarios of column
Compressive zones at slab edges loss, the corner column case was not necessarily the most critical
one. If the boundary beams at the slab discontinuous edges were
C-LT stiff enough, they could help to develop limited TMA in the slab
even under unrestrained conditions from two sides of the removed
column. Instead, the penultimate column removal scenarios could
be more vulnerable to progressive collapse due to weak rotational
restraint of discontinuous edges which affected the stress develop-
ment of the slab’s top reinforcement on these boundaries. More-
removed one (which did not occur in the edge- or the corner-
column loss) made the penultimate-column removal scenarios
more critical.
The corner-column test under UDL conducted in this study
showed partial formations of both the compressive ring at the slab
edges and the tensile net at the slab centre, which indicated TMA
development. Compared to the test under CL condition, structural
capacity of the UDL test was much greater and it included a second
phase of load increase due to TMA. Last but not least, the test
Corner C-T demonstrated that the change of loading method from CL to UDL
also changed the crack patterns and formations of yield lines.
Fig. 33. Partial mobilisation of TMA in S-COR-UDL.
tensile strains of reinforcement along diagonal line D1, partial
mobilisation of TMA was proposed as shown in Fig. 33. A compres-
The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding entitled as
sive ring was partially formed, concentrating near the corner col-
‘‘Development of a Design Guideline and Analytical Tool to Miti-
umn and near C-LT column. It anchored tensile forces towards
gate Progressive Collapse of Buildings against Explosive Effects”,
the slab central region. On the other hand, at the slab centre along
which is provided by Ministry of Home Affairs - Singapore.
line D1, tensile forces were also created from yielding stresses of
bottom rebars, heading towards columns C-L and C-T. They repre-
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