GRADE/STRAND/SECTION: - 12 - HUMSS Block 1 - : Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc
GRADE/STRAND/SECTION: - 12 - HUMSS Block 1 - : Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc
GRADE/STRAND/SECTION: - 12 - HUMSS Block 1 - : Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc
1. Political Corruption
Bringing together people from across the political spectrum to campaign for local
laws that fight corruption. Our acts put the people back in power. Create pathways
that give citizens relevant tools to engage and participate in their governments –
identify priorities, problems and find solutions.
Sanctions matter. Punishing corruption is a vital component of any effective anti-
corruption effort.
Get incentives right. Align anti-corruption measures with market, behavioral, and
social forces. Adopting integrity standards is a smart business decision, especially
for companies interested in doing business with the World Bank Group and other
development partners.
2. Poverty
Increase Support for Community Schools Provide health and social services to
schools in low income neighborhoods in order to prevent school drop-out,
encourage academic achievement, increase graduation rates and improve health.
A. Participants:
This group had 9 sign up and 6 present for this discussion.
B. Summary of proposed actions:
Bring key stakeholders together for coordination and sharing
of information such as: Education, Business, Mental Health
Services, Churches, SIMFC, Community Advocates Group
Ethical challenges for this group might be: confidentiality
There should be an inner city focus to this work
Invite in those who signed up for the working group who were
not present but wanted to be a part of the process (school
divisions are key)
Primary Health will contribute a facilitator
Red Cross will contribute space and has offered to work to
keep the information loop.
3. Economic Deprivation
Addressing the gender pay gap is a key element of delivering inclusive economic
growth and in helping to tackle child poverty. This requires different decisions to
be made.
To complement the Gender Pay Gap Action Plan we have published an analysis
of the actions contained within the Plan. This analysis is presented as a logic
model which sets out the main causes of the gender pay gap and examines how
the policy commitments in the Plan can be expected to impact the gender pay gap,
while also considering gender equality more broadly along with its intersectional
Implementation Statement
Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of the Action Plan
This action plan is a start to that process. We hope it will begin a long-term,
sustained movement involving women, men, employers, trade unions, schools,
colleges, universities, public bodies and all levels of government to tackle head on
the causes of the gender pay gap