100 Scholarships For International Students

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100 Scholarships for International Students - From Top UK Universities

Country of Domicile/
№ Scholarship University Subject Amount Level

All, excluding Medicine, Undergraduate China, Hong Kong,

The University of Up to 20% of the
1 Aviva Scholarship Dentistry & Veterinary & Taiwan, Vietnam,
Bristol tuition fees
Medicine Postgraduate Indonesia or Singapore

£2,500 per year for

Alumni Undergraduate The University of
2 All living costs up to 4 Undergraduate Iraq
Iraqi Scholarship Bristol

The Beacon The University of Kenya, Tanzania and

3 All 2/3 of all costs Undergraduate
Scholarship Bristol Uganda

Becas Chile (Conicyt) The University of

4 All All costs Postgraduate Chile
Scholarship Bristol

Biomedical Sciences
Undergraduate The University of Faculty of Biomedical
5 £2,000 per annum Undergraduate International Students
International Bristol Sciences

Chevening The University of
6 All All costs Postgraduate Eligible
Scholarships Bristol

CELFS Academic
The University of
7 Achievement All £750 per year Undergraduate Pakistan
Scholarship (Pakistan)

China Scholarship Council -

The University of
8 University of Bristol Joint All Research areas Full tuition costs PhD China
Scholarships Programme
STEM subjects (sciences,
The University of
9 Conacyt Scholarships technology, engineering, All Costs Postgraduate Mexico

Fulbright University of The University of

10 All Around £13,000 Postgraduate USA
Bristol Award Bristol

GREAT Scholarship The University of Only certain MSc

11 £5,400 Postgraduate China
2018: China Bristol Programmes

Higher Education
The University of Only very specific PhD
12 Scholarship Palestine All costs Postgraduate Palestine
Bristol Programmes

Hong Kong Alumni The University of Any 1 year masters

13 up to £15,000 Postgraduate Hong Kong
Scholarships Bristol programme

Marshall Partnership The University of

14 All postgraduate courses Most costs Postgraduate USA
Scholarships Bristol

SPAIS International All course at the School of

The University of
15 Undergraduate Sociology, Politics and £3,000 Undergraduate International Students
Scholars Award International Studies

All postgraduate courses, but

The University of Jordan, Lebanon,
16 Said Founda=on Scholarship certain courses are Most costs Postgraduate
Bristol Palestine and Syria.

Any new four year integrated
Santander Innovation The University of Masters
17 masters Innovations £3,000 All countries
Scholarships Bristol (Bachelor’s +

The University of Any one year, full-time

18 Santander Scholarship £2,000 Postgraduate Latin America
Bristol Masters programme

Japan-related PhD topic

Sasakawa Japanese The University of
19 within the Faculty of Social £10,000 per annum Postgraduate All countries
Studies Studentship Bristol
Sciences and Law

MRes Economics, Msc

School of Economics,
Economics, Msc Marketing,
Finance and
The University of MSc Accounting and £6,000-£7,100 of
20 Management - Postgraduate All countries
Bristol Finance, MSc Banking, tuition fees
Regulation and Financial
Excellence Awards

Science Without The University of
21 Most STEP courses Varies costs and Brazil
Borders Bristol

Between 25 and
Think Big Postgraduate The University of Any one year, full-time taught
22 100 per cent of Postgraduate International Students
Scholarships Bristol postgraduate programme
tuition fees

1 List created by www.mindthegrad.com

Country of Domicile/
№ Scholarship University Subject Amount Level

University of Bristol The University of

23 Various PHD Programs Various costs Postgraduate All countries
PhD Scholarships Bristol

University of Bristol The University of
24 Various programs £2,000 and Taiwan
UKEAS Scholarship Bristol

Up to £3,000 per
Vice-Chancellor's The University of annum for at least
25 All undergraduate courses Undergraduate All countries
Scholarships Bristol the first three years
of study.

Postgraduate course areas

of biomedical science,
The University of
26 Wellcome Trust population health, product Various costs Postgraduate All countries
development, humanities,
social science, etc.

Any humanities or social

Wellcome Trust
science Master's course,
Master's Award in The University of Tuition fees + Low-to-middle-income
27 which has a predominant Postgraduate
Humanities and Social Bristol allowance countries
focus on human and/or
animal health.

Think Big Between 25 and

The University of Any full-time undergraduate
28 Undergraduate 100 per cent of Undergraduate International Students
Bristol programme
Scholarships tuition fees

Zutshi-Smith The University of India (especially Kashmir

29 Any PhD Program All costs Postgraduate
Scholarship Bristol origin)

Any undergraduate
The University of programme at Lancaster India, Hong Kong,
30 International £4,000 Undergraduate
Lancaster University Management Malaysia

Lancaster University /
The University of China, Malaysia and
31 Chevening Masters Any Master’s Program Full Scholarship Postgraduate
Lancaster Ghana

GREAT Scholarships for The University of

32 Certain Master’s Programs £5,500 Postgraduate China
Students from China Lancaster

Up to the level of a
Faculty Postgraduate The University of fees bursary plus
33 Masters and PhD Programs Postgraduate All Countries
Scholarships Lancaster £15,000

The University of St
34 Undergraduate All Undergraduate Programs £4,000 Undergraduate International Students

Accommodation Award The University of St

35 All Undergraduate Programs £1,500 Undergraduate International Students
- International Andrews

BA International Honours
BA International The University of St (Classics, Film Studies, From $6,000 (USD)
36 Undergraduate International Students
Honours Scholarship Andrews Economics, English, History per annum
or International Relations).

Cheng Hong Kong The University of St £2,000 towards

37 All Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Hong Kong
Scholarship Andrews tuition fees per year

Up to $25,000
Davis United World The University of St depending on the
38 All Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate USA
College Scholarship Andrews level of financial

Ordinarily resident in
George McElveen III The University of St
39 All Undergraduate Programs £8,000 per year Undergraduate North Carolina, Georgia,
Scholarship Andrews
or Virginia (USA)

The University of St
40 Hong Kong Scholarship All Undergraduate Programs £3,000 per year Undergraduate Hong Kong

International The University of St

41 All excluding Medicine £25,000 per year Undergraduate All International Students
Excellence Scholarship Andrews

£35,000 towards
tuition fees and a
The University of St
42 Sappi Scholarship All excluding Medicine contribution Undergraduate South Africa
towards living and
travel costs

Benjamin Franklin The University of St Chemistry or chemistry

43 £1,000 Undergraduate North America (USA)
Chemistry Scholarships Andrews related subjects

2 List created by www.mindthegrad.com

Country of Domicile/
№ Scholarship University Subject Amount Level

Music Centre The University of St

44 All subjects Various costs Undergraduate All international students
Scholarships Andrews

Saints Golf The University of St

45 All subjects Variable Undergraduate All international students
Scholarships Andrews

Saints Sport The University of St

46 All subjects Variable Undergraduate All international students
Scholarships Andrews

Azerbaijan Ministry of The University of St All study and travel-
47 Certain courses only and Azerbaijan
Education scholarship Andrews related costs

Courses in categories of
science, technology,
The University of St
48 WU Scholars engineering, mathematics, USD $2,500 Undergraduate All international students
and business/

MLitt International Security

Studies, MLitt Middle East
Civil Society
The University of St and Central Asian Security
49 Leadership Awards All costs Postgraduate 20 developing countries
Andrews Studies, MLitt Peace and
Conflict Studies, MSc
Sustainable Development

Commonwealth Developing
The University of St All postgraduate Masters or
50 Scholarships: All costs Postgraduate Commonwealth
Andrews Research courses
Developing Countries countries

One-year taught
R&A Ransome The University of St
51 postgraduate course: MLitt, All costs Postgraduate Canada, Mexico, USA
Scholarship Andrews
MRes, MSc

Said Foundation The University of St Syria, Palestine,

52 All Masters programs All costs Postgraduate
Scholarships Andrews Lebanon and Jordan

Course must be related to

Santander 600 The University of St
53 the fields of finance and/or £5,000 Postgraduate All international students
Scholarships Andrews
big data.

St Andrews Education
The University of St
54 for Palestinian All Masters programs All costs Postgraduate Palestinian nationality

Worsfold Otago The University of St All postgraduate Masters or

55 All tuition fees Postgraduate New Zealand
Scholarship Andrews Research courses

Banco de Mexico The University of 10% reduction on
56 All courses except MBA and Mexico
FIDERH Warwick tuition fees

The University of
57 Bolashak Program Certain courses only All costs and Kazakhstan

The University of A 30% reduction on
58 CONACyT All courses and Mexico
Warwick tuition fees

Canadian Centennial The University of
59 All courses £500 to £3,000 and Canada
Scholarship Fund Warwick

10% to 20%
The University of
60 Colfuturo All courses reduction on tuition Postgraduate Colombia

The University of 15% tuition fee

62 FUNED Scholarship All courses Postgraduate Mexico
Warwick discount.

Friends of Warwick The University of Tuition and other
63 All courses and Singapore
Scholarship Warwick compulsory fees

Fulbright Commission The University of A maximum of

64 All postgraduate courses Postgraduate USA
Awards Warwick £26,500

GREAT Britain The University of

65 All taught Masters degrees £12,000 Postgraduate India
Scholarship - India Warwick

Global Education The University of Certain Masters or PhD

66 All costs Postgraduate Russia
Program Warwick courses

The University of Warwick Manufacturing 20% tuition fee

67 Guatefuturo Postgraduate Guatemala
Warwick Group master’s programmes discounts

The University of Warwick Manufacturing 20% tuition fee

68 Hondufuturo Postgraduate Honduras
Warwick Group master’s programmes discounts

3 List created by www.mindthegrad.com

Country of Domicile/
№ Scholarship University Subject Amount Level

Japan IMF Scholarship The University of

69 PhD in macroeconomics Various costs Postgraduate Japan
Program Warwick

Li Xiaoming The University of Up to £20,000

70 All taught Master’s programs Postgraduate China
Scholarships Warwick towards tuition fees

The University of All postgraduate taught or

71 Marshall Scholarships All costs Postgraduate USA
Warwick research degrees

NDDC Foreign
The University of Certain postgraduate taught
72 Postgraduate Varies Postgraduate Nigeria
Warwick or research degrees

SERVIR Reto The University of Warwick Manufacturing 20% tuition fee

73 Postgraduate Peru
Excelencia Warwick Group master’s programmes discounts

Warwick Hong Kong The University of An undergraduate program in

74 HK$40,000 Undergraduate Hong Kong
Scholarship Warwick any subject area

Masters in Agriculture,
Up to 60% of the
The University of Environment and Ecology,
75 World Wide Studies total amount Postgraduate Ukraine
Warwick Law and Public

Commonwealth The University of Taught Master's, PhD Commonwealth

76 Full support Postgraduate
Scholarships Durham programmes Countries

Full tuition fees and

Durham Palestine The University of Taught Master's Degree Palestinian Occupied
77 maintenance Postgraduate
Educatonal Trust Durham programmes Territories

Durham University Arts The University of All Undergraduate/ Undergraduate

78 Various supports All Countries
Management Group Durham Postgraduate programmes /Postgraduate

Full tuition fees and

Fulbright-Durham The University of Postgraduate Taught and
79 maintenance Postgraduate USA
University Award Durham Research

The University of Up to 50% of the

80 FUNED Scholarships Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate Mexican nationals
Durham cost of tuition fees

Angola, Botswana,
Lesotho, Malawi,
Full tuition fees and
The University of Taught Master's Degree Mozambique, Namibia,
81 Ruth First Scholarship maintenance Postgraduate
Durham programmes Republic of South Africa,
Swaziland, Zambia,

towards UCL tuition
African Graduate MSc in Global Health and
82 UCL fees, Postgraduate African countries
Scholarship Development
accommodation an
d some living costs

MSc in Global Health and
83 UCLFAA Scholarship UCL scholarship to Postgraduate USA
cover tuition fees

Apolitical-STEaPP Master's of Public £10,000 towards

84 UCL Postgraduate International Students
Scholarship Administration tuition fees

Master’s Programmes at
Bartlett Masters
85 UCL Faculty of the Built £10,000, Postgraduate International Students
Scholarship Environment

Up to £12,000 per
Hong Kong Alumni All Undergraduate
86 UCL year toward tuition Undergraduate Hong Kong
Scholarship Programmes

Pauline Aviges Graham

All Undergraduate
87 Scholarship for African LSE Up to £15,000 Undergraduate African Countries

A contribution
The Rajeeb Mukherjee All Undergraduate Canada, India or
88 LSE towards the cost of Undergraduate
Memorial Scholarship Programmes Bangladesh
study at LSE

89 Ceres 5000 scholarship ICL MEng Programmes £5,000 per year Undergraduate All countries

Brunei, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos,
World Scientific All Undergraduate
90 ICL £5,000 per year Undergraduate Malaysia, Myanmar,
Scholarship Programmes
Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand or Vietnam

4 List created by www.mindthegrad.com

Country of Domicile/
№ Scholarship University Subject Amount Level

The Scholarship
covers fees and a
Alan Howard MSc in Sustainable Energy contribution
91 ICL Postgraduate Israel
Scholarships Futures towards living
expenses up to a
total of £40,000

Full scholarship-
Mater’s and PhD
92 Imperial Marshall Scholarships ICL
tuition fees and Postgraduate USA

Petroleum Technology Full scholarship-

Master’s of PhD Programmes
93 Development Fund ICL tuition fees and Postgraduate Nigeria
in Engineering
Nigeria stipend

Santander Master's
94 ICL All full time Master's courses £5,000 stipend Postgraduate All countries

The China Scholarship

Council - Joint
Full Overseas
95 Programme for ICL All full time Master's courses Postgraduate China
Tuition Fee
Innovative Talent

Full scholarship-
96 ICL All full time Master's courses tuition fees and Postgraduate USA
College London Award

Faculty of Medicine Master’s

Full tuition fees and
97 Dean's Master's ICL Programmes at the Postgraduate All countries
a £17,000 stipend
Scholarships Faculty of Medicine

Master’s Programmes in Full scholarship-

Inlaks Foundation
98 ICL Engineering and Natural tuition fees and Postgraduate India
Scholarship Sciences bursary

Department of Civil MSc Programmes in Civil Covers 50% of full

99 Engineering Full MSc ICL Postgraduate All countries
Engineering tuition fees

Citizens of
Full scholarships-
Chevening a Chevening-
100 ICL Master’s Programmes stipend and tuition Postgraduate
Scholarships eligible

5 List created by www.mindthegrad.com

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