Heat - TR - Only For - Bioengineering - Examples - On - Human Body

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Humans are able to control their heat production rate and heat loss rate to maintain a nearly
constant core temperature of Tc = 37oC under a wide range of environmental conditions. This
process is called thermoregulation. From the perspective of calculating heat transfer between a
human body and its surroundings, we focus on a layer of skin and fat, with its outer surface
exposed to the environment and its inner surface at a temperature slightly less than the core
temperature, Ti = 35oC = 308 K. Consider a person with a skin/fat layer of thickness L = 3 mm
and effective thermal conductivity k = 0.3 W/m K. The person has a surface area A = 1.8 m2 and is
dressed in a bathing suit. The emissivity of the skin is = 0.95.
1. When the person is in still air at T∞ = 297 K, what is the skin surface temperature and rate of
heat loss to the environment? Convection heat transfer to the air is characterized by a free
convection coefficient of h = 2 W/m2K.
2. When the person is in water at T∞ = 297 K, what is the skin surface temperature and heat loss
rate? Heat transfer to the water is characterized by a convection coefficient of h = 200 W/m2K.
Known: Inner surface temperature of a skin/fat layer of known thickness, thermal conductivity,
emissivity, and surface area. Ambient conditions.
Find: Skin surface temperature and heat loss rate for the person in air and the person in water.

1. Steady-state conditions.
2. One-dimensional heat transfer by conduction through the skin/fat layer.
3. Thermal conductivity is uniform.
4. Radiation exchange between the skin surface and the surroundings is between a small surface
and a large enclosure at the air temperature.
5. Liquid water is opaque to thermal radiation.
6. Bathing suit has no effect on heat loss from body.
7. Solar radiation is negligible.
8. Body is completely immersed in water in part 2.
1. The skin surface temperature may be obtained by performing an energy balance at the skin

It follows that, on a unit area basis,

or, rearranging and substituting,

The only unknown is Ts, but we cannot solve for it explicitly because of the fourth-power
dependence of the radiation term. Therefore, we must solve the equation iteratively, which can be
done by hand or by using some other equation solver. To expedite a hand solution, we write the
radiation heat flux in terms of the radiation heat transfer coefficient:
Solving for Ts, with Tsur = T∞ , we have

We estimate hr using Equation with a guessed value of Ts = 305 K

and T∞ = 297 K, to yield hr = 5.9 W/m2 K. Then, substituting numerical values into the preceding
equation, we find


With this new value of Ts, we can recalculate hr and Ts, which are unchanged. Thus the skin
temperature is 307.2 K 34 C.
The rate of heat loss can be found by evaluating the conduction through the skin/fat layer:
2. Since liquid water is opaque to thermal radiation, heat loss from the skin surface is by
convection only. Using the previous expression with hr = 0, we find


1. When using energy balances involving radiation exchange, the temperatures appearing in the
radiation terms must be expressed in kelvins, and it is good practice to use kelvins in all terms
to avoid confusion.
2. In part 1, heat losses due to convection and radiation are 37 W and 109 W, respectively. Thus,
it would not have been reasonable to neglect radiation. Care must be taken to include radiation
when the heat transfer coefficient is small (as it often is for natural convection to a gas), even
if the problem statement does not give any indication of its importance.
3. A typical rate of metabolic heat generation is 100 W. If the person stayed in the water too long,
the core body temperature would begin to fall. The large heat loss in water is due to the higher
heat transfer coefficient, which in turn is due to the much larger thermal conductivity of water
compared to air.
4. The skin temperature of 34oC in part 1 is comfortable, but the skin temperature of 28oC in part
2 is uncomfortably cold.
In Example 1, we calculated the heat loss rate from a human body in air and water environments.
Now we consider the same conditions except that the surroundings (air or water) are at 10oC. To
reduce the heat loss rate, the person wears special sporting gear (snow suit and wet suit) made
from a nanostructured silica aerogel insulation with an extremely low thermal conductivity of
0.014 W/m K. The emissivity of the outer surface of the snow and wet suits is 0.95. What
thickness of aerogel insulation is needed to reduce the heat loss rate to 100 W (a typical metabolic
heat generation rate) in air and water? What are the resulting skin temperatures?
Known: Inner surface temperature of a skin/fat layer of known thickness, thermal conductivity,
and surface area. Thermal conductivity and emissivity of snow and wet suits. Ambient
Find: Insulation thickness needed to reduce heat loss rate to 100 W and corresponding skin

1. Steady-state conditions.
2. One-dimensional heat transfer by conduction through the skin/fat and insulation layers.
3. Contact resistance is negligible.
4. Thermal conductivities are uniform.
5. Radiation exchange between the skin surface and the surroundings is between a small surface
and a large enclosure at the air temperature.
6. Liquid water is opaque to thermal radiation.
7. Solar radiation is negligible.
8. Body is completely immersed in water in part 2.
The thermal circuit can be constructed by recognizing that resistance to heat flow is associated
with conduction through the skin/fat and insulation layers and convection and radiation at the
outer surface. Accordingly, the circuit and the resistances are of the following form (with hr = 0
for water):

The total thermal resistance needed to achieve the desired heat loss rate is found from

The total thermal resistance between the inside of the skin/fat layer and the cold surroundings
includes conduction resistances for the skin/fat and insulation layers and an effective resistance
associated with convection and radiation, which act in parallel.


The radiation heat transfer coefficient is approximated as having the same value as in Example 1:
hr = 5.9 W/m2 K.

These required thicknesses of insulation material can easily be incorporated into the snow and wet

The skin temperature can be calculated by considering conduction through the skin/fat layer:
or solving for Ts,

The skin temperature is the same in both cases because the heat loss rate and skin/fat properties
are the same.

1. The nanostructured silica aerogel is a porous material that is only about 5% solid. Its thermal
conductivity is less than the thermal conductivity of the gas that fills its pores. As explained in
the context, the reason for this seemingly impossible result is that the pore size is only around
20 nm, which reduces the mean free path of the gas and hence decreases its thermal
2. By reducing the heat loss rate to 100 W, a person could remain in the cold environments
indefinitely without becoming chilled. The skin temperature of 34.4oC would feel
3. In the water case, the thermal resistance of the insulation dominates and all other resistances
can be neglected.
4. The convection heat transfer coefficient associated with the air depends on the wind
conditions, and it can vary over a broad range. As it changes, so will the outer surface
temperature of the insulation layer. Since the radiation heat transfer coefficient depends on this
temperature, it will also vary.

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