Mobile and Residential INEA Wi-Fi Hotspot Network
Mobile and Residential INEA Wi-Fi Hotspot Network
Mobile and Residential INEA Wi-Fi Hotspot Network
Abstract—Since 2012 INEA has been developing and expand- in Figure 1, which shows the changes in the number of users
ing the network of IEEE 802.11 compliant Wi-Fi hotspots (access throughout an average day. Each data point corresponds to
points) located across the Greater Poland region. This network a mean value obtained in the period of one month (further
consists of 330 mobile (vehicular) access points carried by public
buses and trams and over 20,000 fixed residential hotspots discussed in Section II-D). As in every graph in the paper,
distributed throughout the homes of INEA customers to provide confidence intervals (error bars) present the standard deviation
Internet access via the “community Wi-Fi” service. Therefore, of a data point. The graph for mobile network shows highest
this paper is aimed at sharing the insights gathered by INEA numbers of users in the morning and in the afternoon what
throughout 4 years of experience in providing hotspot-based corresponds to the busiest commuting hours. Stationary net-
Internet access. The emphasis is put on daily and hourly trends
in order to evaluate user experience, to determine key patterns, work, though, exhibits the highest usage in the evening what
and to investigate the influences such as public transportation apparently relates to Internet activities performed at home.
trends, user location and mobility, as well as, radio frequency
noise and interference. Network type:
100 Mobile Hotspot
Residential Hotspot
Network type:
160 Mobile Hotspot
0 5 10 15 20
Network type:
Mobile Hotspot
−104 Stationary WiFi −66
Network type:
Mobile Hotspot
Noise Floor [dBm]
RSSI [dBm]
−68 Stationary WiFi
−106 −72
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Hour Hour
Figure 4. Average noise floor observed throughout an average day Figure 5. Average RSSI observed throughout an average day
1) Noise floor: The noise floor is the measure of back- average RSSI observed throughout the day is presented in
ground noise created by all the noise sources of the Ra- Figure 5. The client side hardware, i.e., Customer Premises
dio Frequency (RF) environment. This ambient noise comes Equipment (CPE), used in the stationary Wi-Fi scenario con-
from variety of devices (microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, sists of an outdoor wireless receiver with a directional antenna.
wireless peripherals, ZigBee-based sensors, etc.), damaged Moreover, most of the CPEs are located within the Line-
connectors, radar equipment, as well as, atmospheric and of-Sight (LoS), so there are no obstacles which could cause
thermal noise. Therefore, we investigate the noise floor values significant variance in the observed RSSI values. Hence, not
in order to verify if mobile hotspots exhibit similarities with surprisingly, the average RSSI curve for stationary Wi-Fi is
stationary Wi-Fi networks. almost flat with a typical value around -65 dBm, which is
In Figure 4 the average noise floor observed throughout an considered a recommended value for the system.
average day is presented, with the data points showing the The average RSSI for mobile hotspot network, on the
mean value for a given hour. The data for both networks ware contrary, changes significantly throughout the day. The high
collected in different geographical locations and in different values during the night are most probably related to the trams
radio frequency bands (2.4 GHz for mobile hotspots and which park at tram depots and provide Wi-Fi connectivity for
5 GHz for stationary Wi-Fi) and on various radio channels the employees and the residents of the neighbouring areas.
spread over the set of available channels. This graph clearly We assume that those users try to maximize signal strength
illustrates the correlation between the noise floor for both staying nearby (in the optimum range), and thus, during the
mobile hotspot network and for stationary Wi-Fi network. night the RSSI exhibits highest values. Similar situation occurs
Thus, it is valid to assume that the phenomenon is caused by around 1 PM when some of the vehicles and drivers go back
sun activity or the processes taking place in the atmosphere. to bus depots, and again high RSSI values can be observed.
Obviously, the artificially caused influences exist as well, Figure 6 presents RSSI percentage histogram, which shows
but due to averaging function performed over the whole month, the percentage of samples collected for both types of networks
they diminish on the presented diagram. Both curves exhibit for given RSSI value. The diagram is not cumulative thus
similar characteristics, and yet, the one for stationary Wi- the bars for mobile hotspot network cover (are presented in
Fi network is around 2 dB lower than the mobile hotspot front of) the bars for stationary network. It demonstrates that
case. The difference is caused by the fact that stationary stationary Wi-Fi is often actively used, and thus, we were able
access points are operating on rooftops and are equipped to collect much more samples than for the mobile hotspot
with antennas of much higher gain, i.e. 16 dBi or 19 dBi, network. Moreover, Figure 6 confirms that the stationary Wi-
as compared to 2.5 dBi, and thus, they are exposed to noise
approaching from wider areas then mobile hotspots. Although,
the correlation between the two curves suggests that observed
5% Network type:
noise occurs due to natural activities and is not caused by Mobile Hotspot
Figure 8. Heroes of the Second World War Subdivision (foreground) and Figure 9. Path of the mobile user in residential hotspot access test
National Army Subdivision (background) in Poznań, Poland
As a representative region of operation, two subdivisions been recorded. The location discrepancies were caused by the
of the Rataje residential area in Poznań, Poland have been limited GPS/GLONASS visibility between the buildings what
selected – Osiedle Armii Krajowej (English: National Army has affected the accuracy (a circle on a building or in the
Subdivision) and Osiedle Bohaterów II Wojny Światowej middle of a street). The total number of SSIDs and BSSIDs,
(English: Heroes of the Second World War Subdivision). as well as, the frequencies they were operating on have been
Both subdivisions have been built in the 1970s from pre- presented in Table I, along with the capabilities advertised by
fabricated concrete blocks to meet the increasing demand every access point.
caused by rapid population growth. Most of the constructions In the group of 1375 unique SSIDs, 313 distinct
are four-story residential blocks (90 to 135 flats each) with INEA_HotSpot_WiFi access points have been spotted.
a few buildings reaching 10 or 16 storeys, please see Figure 8. In the area of interest, only 8.83% of BSSIDs have been
According to the 2012 census, the population density in Rataje broadcasted at 5 GHz, i.e. 152 out of 1874, with the remaining
was 7755,38 person per km2 , and hence, the selected subdivi- operating at 2.4 GHz. Most of the BSSIDs (96.48%) advertised
sions give a valid overview of the community Wi-Fi concept that the use of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and/or Wi-Fi
in one of the largest Polish cities. The results are presented Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol is required to connect.
and analysed in the following subsections. Some of the BSSIDs, i.e. 306 (16.33%), supported Wi-Fi
Protected Setup (WPS) security measures. The three most
D. Mobile access evaluation popular 2.4 GHz channels were 1 (34,67%), 11 (28,05%),
and 6 (23,40%), as presented in Fig. 10.
1) Experiment methodology: Mobile access experience has
The distribution of the maximum RSSI observed for 313
been evaluated with the use of Nexus 5X smartphone (run-
residential INEA_HotSpot_WiFi access points has been
ning Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow) that features an IEEE
presented in Figure 11. The maximum signal from 103 APs
802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2x2 MIMO) module, as well as, a GPS and
have been received at the level no weaker than -70 dBm.
GLONASS receiver [16]. During the test the user has been
This value of reference has a practical significance because
moving on the pavement between the buildings holding the
it is officially used by Apple iOS 8 and later as a threshold
phone in the hand in front of the user. The objective was to
for initiating a scan to roam to a different BSSID for the same
record the maximum RSSI (dBm) of every BSSID spotted
while traversing the area, together with other parameters of
interest, i.e. SSID, AP capabilities, GPS/GLONASS based
Table I
geographical coordinates, radio frequency, and Wi-Fi channel. T HE GENERAL STATISTICS OF RESIDENTIAL HOTSPOTS MOBILE ACCESS
Therefore, a free Android application called WiFi Tracker EVALUATION
(version 1.2.20) developed by Ian Hawkins [17] has been used
to record the data gathered by scanning the radio environment INEA_HotSpot_WiFi BSSIDs 313
in one second intervals during the whole test. Then the mea- all SSIDs 1375
surements have been exported to a comma-separated values all BSSIDs 1874
(CSV) file to perform desired analyses. 2.4 GHz BSSIDs 1722
2) Results: In the mobile access test performed on 2 July 5 GHz BSSIDs 152
2016 around 3 PM, the user has been moving on the pavement WPA/WPA2 protected BSSIDs 1808
between the buildings following the path depicted in Figure 9.
WPS capable BSSIDs 306
Green circles correspond to the geographical coordinates of
WEP protected BSSIDs 31
the location where the maximum RSSI of a BSSID has
Number of BSSIDs
Number of APs
0 0
Figure 10. Distribution of 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi channels usage Figure 11. Maximum RSSI distribution of residential
INEA_HotSpot_WiFi access points
Table II
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mean RTT 22.381 22.606 26.408 28.573 20.508 24.469 22.722
confidence interval 1.121 1.123 1.448 1.425 1.116 1.512 1.082
standard deviation 26.092 26.132 33.643 33.159 25.960 35.154 25.190
minimum 5.422 5.509 5.535 5.549 5.618 5.741 5.711
maximum 310.987 318.919 525.134 731.002 614.059 992.670 197.314
mean one way jitter 10.492 10.450 13.133 13.702 9.211 11.830 10.339
second quartile (median) 3.043 2.983 5.340 7.081 1.851 3.232 3.007
third quartile 19.127 18.215 22.916 23.075 14.875 20.445 19.233
maximum 144.459 154.386 253.140 346.468 303.031 467.485 94.988
varies from 20.508 to 28.573 ms can be accompanied by a still meet the expectations, especially when enhanced by voice
significant range of standard deviation, i.e. between 25.190 buffering algorithms. Although, seeing that the averages may
and 33.643 ms. Because RTT takes only positive values, that not give the full picture, the second and third quartiles should
relation suggests that there is not only a wide variation, but be of interest. The second quartile (the median) shows that
also an asymmetry in the distribution. As it turns out, in the 50% of the differences between two samples are lower than
studied case there are fewer samples of high values, with single milliseconds. Nevertheless, the third quantile indicates
some as high as 992.670 ms, while the most frequent ones that the highest 25% of differences have exceeded 23.075 ms
were as low as only 5.422 ms. As cumulatively depicted with the highest one reaching 467.485 ms, what might have
in Figure 13, the distribution of RTT throughout 7 days led to a glitch if a voice call had been taking place.
examination is visibly long-tailed with 69.55% of samples not Although the stationary access evaluation is based on a
higher than 20 ms, 74.92% not higher than 30 ms and 94.55% particular case of synthetic tests, it gives a solid overview of
not exceeding 80 ms. what can be expected in similar conditions. Aside from the less
Since a variation in the RTT is visible, it is of key impor- delay and jitter demanding 2 Mbit/s web browsing, a seamless
tance to investigate how exactly, from the user’s perspective, voice call might not be possible in every usage scenario related
the delay changes in time, so in other words, to scrutinize to INEA_HotSpot_WiFi service, but certainly there is a
the jitter. Hence, the focus should be put on one way jitter, degree of freedom a community member can enjoy and use
as one of the key parameters used by network designers and the service also outside the apartment of a fellow member.
service providers to assess the quality of real time services. Moreover, the community Wi-Fi can be considered a useful
One way jitter presented in Table II has been calculated as Wi-Fi offload solution, enabling users to use the local radio
the half of the mean absolute difference between every two communication, instead of transferring the data through 3G or
consecutive RTT samples, yielding results between 9.211 ms LTE networks. Still, the further from the nearest community
and 13.702 ms. In most cases, these values satisfy the rule Wi-Fi access point, the higher the likelihood of the packet
of a thumb that recommends the end-to-end jitter for VoIP drops and delay variations.
communication not to exceed 30 ms [24]. Even if we double
the results for the sake of the other party operating in similar IV. C ONCLUSIONS
last-mile conditions and leave a few ms safety margin for Little is known about performance of commercially avail-
the jitter in the backbone networks, the call quality should able hotspot networks. Therefore, this article shares practical
RSSI [−dBm]
50 RTT [ms]
Figure 12. Mean values of RSSI and RTT to the gateway throughout 7 days Figure 13. Distribution of RTT measured to the gateway in stationary test of
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