Bullying, Peer Victimization, and Child and Adolescent Health: An Introduction To The Special Issue
Bullying, Peer Victimization, and Child and Adolescent Health: An Introduction To The Special Issue
Bullying, Peer Victimization, and Child and Adolescent Health: An Introduction To The Special Issue
Significant health problems of adolescents involved in bullying has been documented in the research literature. Research
consistently reports that youth who are involved in bullying are at a significant risk of health problems (e.g., depression,
anxiety, sleeplessness). Likewise, those with health problems are at an increased odds of bullying and peer victimization.
The Special Issue, “Bullying, Peer Victimization, and Child and Adolescent Health”, of the Journal of Child and Family
Studies brings together scholars around the world to disseminate their research findings on the relevance of bullying and peer
victimization in children and adolescent’s health and mental health.
Bullying is widely acknowledged as a serious public health social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
concern, which affects children and adolescents from across infirmity” (Larson 1996, p. 181).
the globe. According to the National Academies of Science, A growing body of research worldwide has documented
Engineering, and Medicine (2016), “bullying behavior is a the range of significant health problems of individuals
major public health problem that demands the concerted involved in bullying whether as bystanders, bullies and/or
and coordinated time and attention of parents, educators and victims. More specifically, a large body of the research
school administrators, health care providers, policy makers, literature has found that children who are identified as
families and other concerned with the care of children” and bullies, victims, or bully/victims (i.e., victims who
there are “biological and psychological consequences of become bullies) are at an increased odds of developing
peer victimization. Bullying is a multifaceted form of mis- health problems, including depression, anxiety, sleep-
treatment, mostly seen in schools and the workplace. It is lessness, poor eating habits, and suicidal behavior
characterized by the repeated exposure of one person to (Arseneault et al. 2010; Cooper et al. 2004; Copeland
physical and/or emotional aggression including teasing, et al. 2015; Holt et al. 2015). The health consequences of
name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, haz- bullying can also extend to adulthood, as demonstrated in
ing, social exclusion or rumours” (Srabstein and Leventhal several longitudinal studies (Takizawa et al. 2015; Wolke
2010, p. 403). Health is defined by the World Health et al. 2013). Similarly, children with health problems,
Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental and such as asthma, hearing/visual impairments, obesity, eat-
ing disorders, cerebral palsy, etc. are at an elevated risk of
bullying and peer victimization in school (Gibson-Young
et al. 2014; Griffiths et al. 2006; Hadjikakou and
* Jun Sung Hong
fl[email protected]
Panayiotis 2012; Lindsay and McPherson 2012). The
medical symptoms and the resulting physiological chan-
School of Social Work, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA ges associated with bullying have mobilized public health
Department of Social Welfare, Sungkyunkwan University, officials and other health care professionals to address
Seoul, Korea children’s bullying.
Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, The Special Issue, “Bullying, Peer Victimization, and
USA Child and Adolescent Health”, of the Journal of Child and
Department of Special Education, College of Education, Family Studies brings together scholars from around the
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA world to provide a global discourse on the relevance of
2330 Journal of Child and Family Studies (2019) 28:2329–2334
bullying and peer victimization in children and adolescent’s In a qualitative study, deLara (2009) explores the after-
health and mental health. math of childhood bullying for young adults with regards to
Attar-Schwartz et al. (2019) explore whether victimiza- their health, mental health, and relationship problems from a
tion mediated the association between classmates’ support sample of 72 university students in the U.S. (18 to 29 years
and internalizing and externalizing behaviors from a sample of age). The study results suggested a need for further
of 243 Canadian 7th-graders. Classmates’ support was research on childhood bullying and how it may affect later
found to predict internalizing behaviors among females. adolescent and young adult development.
Although classmates’ support was not directly related to DePaolis and Williford (2019) explore from a sample of
externalizing behavior, parental support predicted externa- U.S. elementary school students (660 and 960 3rd and 5th
lizing behavior. Youth violence was found to mediate the graders) change in cyberbullying victimization across time
association between classmates’ support and externalizing and how such change might influence their later health
behavior. Overall, the study findings suggest that both peer outcomes. Results indicated no consistent pattern of growth
support and parental support are important protective in victimization, although initial levels of cyberbullying
factors. victimization were significantly different from zero, which
Baier et al. (2019) explore whether face-to-face bullying, suggested that a notable number of the students reported
cyberbullying, and teachers’ bullying were associated with cyberbullying victimization at baseline. Moreover, initial
adolescent mental health and whether there were differ- levels of cyberbullying victimization were associated with
ences. The study consisted of a sample of 10,638 German later health outcomes.
9th-graders. Their findings indicated that psychological Duru et al. (2019) explore from a sample of 1993 Turkish
cyberbullying had the strongest association with mental high school students whether self-esteem mediates the
health problems for both genders relative to other forms of associations among relational violence, depression, and
bullying. Relational bullying by classmates and by teachers anxiety and whether social support moderates these asso-
was also positively associated with mental health problems. ciations. The relationship between violence and social
Significant association between sexual cyberbullying and support was found to be directly and interactively associated
mental health was found among girls, although physical with self-esteem. Self-esteem was found to mediate the
bullying was not related to mental health problems. associations among relational violence, depression, and
Baldry et al. (2019) explore the association between anxiety. The findings also suggested that depending on the
post-traumatic stress symptoms and youth’s involvement in level of social support, the indirect effect of relational vio-
bullying and cyberbullying based on different bullying lence on depressive symptoms and anxiety through self-
roles. The sample comprised 5058 Italian students (aged esteem might vary.
11–18 years) in secondary school. Results suggest that Evans et al. (2019) explore how cumulative experiences
gender differences in post-traumatic stress symptoms and as a bullying victim and perpetrator over five years and
their roles in bullying and cyberbullying involvement. For cumulative bystander behavior over two years are linked to
school bullying, higher symptoms of stress were reported by youth’s aggression, internalizing problems, academic
youth identified as bully/victims and bullies-only, and girls achievement, self-esteem, and future optimism. Sample for
showed higher symptoms. With regards to cyberbullying, the study consisted of over 8000 middle- and high-school
youth identified as bully/victims and victims-only reported students from the Rural Adaptation Project in North Car-
higher post-traumatic stress symptoms than bullies-only and olina to. Their findings suggested that cumulative peer
uninvolved youth. Both school bullying and cyberbullying victimization was significantly and positively related to
were positively associated with concurrent post-traumatic aggression and internalizing problems and was negatively
stress symptoms, which differentially affected adolescents related to self-esteem and future optimism. Cumulative
according to their bullying involvement. bullying perpetration was found to be positively related to
Davis et al. (2019) explore longitudinal reciprocal asso- aggression and negatively related to future optimism.
ciations among bully victimization, depressive symptoms, Negative bystander behavior was found to be positively
and school belonging in a sample of 2177 middle school related to aggression and internalizing problems and nega-
students (ages 11 to 15) in the U.S. Their findings suggested tively related to academic achievement and future optimism.
the importance of support for both symptom-driven and On the other hand, prosocial bystander behavior was found
interpersonal risk models. The study also found a buffering to be positively related to internalizing problems, academic
effect between victimization and depressive symptoms of achievement, self-esteem, and future optimism.
school belonging for females only. Moreover, the study Fogleman et al. (2019) explore a proposed model with a
findings also indicated that school belonging mitigated sample of 210 children (133 with ADHD, 77 without
long-term problems that were related to bully victimization ADHD) in which ADHD was directly and indirectly asso-
via reductions in depressive symptoms. ciated with peer victimization through emotion regulation.
Journal of Child and Family Studies (2019) 28:2329–2334 2331
In addition, emotion regulation was a predictor of peer also examine whether they moderated the relationship
victimization above and beyond the effects of ADHD. The between peer victimization and psychological distress in a
study found that emotion regulation was directly associated national proportionately stratified random sample of 6233
with peer victimization for both children with and without Taiwanese 4th-graders. Their results suggest that students
ADHD. Also, the study found that ADHD was associated who had experienced more peer victimization reported
with peer victimization through emotion regulation. higher risk of internet addiction and psychological distress.
Hatchel et al. (2019) explore a proposed model. Using a Although emotional intelligence was negatively related to
statewide sample of LGBTQ adolescents in the U.S. (N = internet addiction, it did not moderate the association
4867 high school students in 20 schools), they proposed between peer victimization and internet addiction. Social
that peer victimization, drug use, depressive symptoms, and awareness was negatively associated with internet addic-
help-seeking beliefs were predictors of suicidal ideation and tion, but amplified the negative effect of peer victimization
attempts. Their findings indicated that intentions to use on internet addiction. Both emotional intelligence and social
drugs, peer victimization, and elevated depressive symp- information processing were negatively associated with
toms were positively associated with suicidal ideation and psychological distress and moderated the negative effect of
attempts. Moreover, help-seeking beliefs were associated peer victimization on mental health.
with suicidal attempts but not ideation, while the interaction Huitsing et al. (2019) explore the “healthy context
of help-seeking beliefs and depressive symptoms was sig- paradox” which is conceptualized as potentially negative
nificant in suicidal ideation. outcomes of school anti-bullying norms on victims’ psy-
Hatchel, Subrahmanyam, and Negriff’s (2019) retro- chological and school adjustment. Sample for the study
spective study explores the associations among online and consists of 4356 Dutch students from 245 classrooms in
offline peer victimization, internalizing problems, and off- 99 school districts. Results of the study highlight the
line and online social support. The study comprised a importance of considering the interaction between indivi-
sample of 416 U.S. participants, aged 18–24. Findings dual and the environment in understanding the con-
suggest that retrospective reports of peer victimization and sequences of bullying victimization. The study underscores
social support were predictors of internalizing problems. the importance of adults and classmates in providing sup-
More specifically, peer victimization was a stronger pre- port for the victims of bullying in schools that have anti-
dictor of depressive symptoms than social anxiety. On the bullying interventions.
other hand, offline social support negatively predicted Jennings et al. (2019) explore the association between
internalizing problems, but online support was not sig- bullying victimization and adolescent physical health.
nificant. Social support was found to buffer the link Sample for the study is comprised of 2101 South Korean
between peer victimization and social anxiety. students in schools. Bullying victimization and perpetration
Hatchel, Valido, De Pedro, Huang, and Espelage’s were found to be significant risk factors for negative phy-
(2019) study, which consists of with an ethnically diverse sical health outcomes, such as asthma, rhinitis, and obesity.
sample of transgender adolescents in the U.S. (N = 4778), Jiang et al. (2019) explore whether depressive symptoms
explores the associations among peer victimization, school mediates the association between subtypes of peer victi-
belonging, and mental health. Their findings indicated that a mization and self-harm behaviors among Chinese children
high number of transgender youth reported being exposed affected by parental HIV. Sample for their study comprises
to victimization and that victimization was a significant 521 students in mainland China, 6–12 years of age at
predictor of mental health problems, such as suicidal idea- baseline. The study reported that verbal form of peer vic-
tion. Moreover, peer victimization was found to be sig- timization, but not physical or relational form of peer vic-
nificantly related to diminished school belonging; however, timization, increased self-harm behavior risk over a 24-
school belonging was found to be associated with better month period. The association between verbal victimization
mental health and mediated the link between victimization and self-harm behaviors was also found to be mediated by
and mental health problems. depressive symptoms.
Herkama et al. (2019) propose a hypothesis, which Krygsman and Vaillancourt (2019) explore whether
purports that the association between peer victimization and gender non-normative aggression (e.g., overt aggression in
depression is partly mediated by difficulty in sleeping. girls) and high school transition buffered the association
Sample for the study included 1717 Finnish students from between peer victimization and depression in late child-
20 school districts. Their results indicated that sleeping hood and adolescence. Sample for the study comprises 464
difficulties is attributed to peer victimization. youths, ages 11–16 years. Overt aggression not only was
Hsieh et al. (2019) explore whether emotional intelli- found to be associated with depression but also moderated
gence and social intelligence moderate the association the link between peer victimization and depression. For
between peer victimization and internet addiction. They highly aggressive girls, peer victimization was associated
2332 Journal of Child and Family Studies (2019) 28:2329–2334
with later depression when considering prior symptoms. (T2) among students victimized at Time 1 (T1) were related
Relational aggression was not found to buffer the link to telling an adult at T1, and these relationships were
between peer victimization and depression for both moderated by the severity of peer victimization at T1. For
genders. students who reported severe victimization at T1, speaking
Lebrun-Harris et al. (2019) explore the prevalence of with a school staff member was positively related to
bullying victimization and perpetration, as reported by increased risk of victimization at T2, but these students
parents, and health-related factors that are associated with reported fewer internalizing problems relative to their peers
bullying. The study consists of a nationally representative who did not tell a staff member.
sample of U.S. children and adolescents, ages 6–17 years. Waasdorp et al. (2019) explore risk factors associated
Results indicated that 22.7% of children and adolescents with bullying and victimization while considering several
were bullied and 6.4% bullied others, and the rate of vic- health conditions and health-related behaviors. Their study
timization was slightly higher among 6–11-year old chil- includes a sample of 64,670 youths from 107 middle and
dren than among 12–17-year old children. In terms of the high schools in Maryland. Their results suggest that youth
rate of bullying perpetration, children comprised 7.2%, who are obese had higher likelihood of being a victim or
while adolescents comprised 5.6%. Several health condi- bully/victim. Youth with asthma had higher odds of being
tions and health services factors were significantly related to victimized, both face-to-face and online, and were more
bullying victimization or perpetration. likely to be identified as cyberbully/victims. Youth with
Livingston et al. (2019) explore the associations among sleep difficulties were also more likely to be involved in
bullying, negative affect, and alcohol, cigarette, electronic- bullying, be identified as a victim or bully/victim, both face-
cigarette, and marijuana use. The study includes a com- to-face and cyber. These youth also reported higher like-
munity sample of 204 U.S. adolescents, ages 13–16 years. lihood of bullying others. On the contrary, healthy food
Their findings indicated that victimization was related to consumption was found to be related to lower odds of
higher than average levels of sadness, anger, and cigarette bullying perpetration, and physical activity negatively pre-
use. However, victimization was not significantly related to dicted being a bully-victim.
alcohol, electronic-cigarette, or marijuana use. Perpetration Yubero et al. (2019) explore bullying behaviors in
did not predict negative affect or alcohol, cigarette, elec- residential childcare context in Spain. More specifically,
tronic-cigarette, and marijuana use. they examine the association between bullying and psy-
Ostrov et al. (2019) study consists of two short-term chological distress. Their study utilizes a sample of 56
longitudinal studies, which explore relational aggression youths in residential childcare facilities and 1481 youths
and relational bullying as differential predictors of relational residing with at least one biological parent. Those in
victimization and social maladjustment. The first study residential childcare reported higher levels of bullying
reported that relational aggression but not relational bully- perpetration and victimization relative to their peers who
ing was a predictor of relational victimization, and the were living with a biological parent. Moreover, living in
second study found that relational bullying was negatively residential childcare facilities was also found to be posi-
related to social maladjustment. tively associated with psychological distress and bullying
Prino et al. (2019) explore whether alexithymia mediates perpetration.
the association between bullying victimization and inter- The study findings included in this Special Issue indi-
nalizing and externalizing problems. Sample for the study cates that experiences in bullying and peer victimization are
consists of 1092 4th to 6th grade students and their teachers significantly relevant to children and adolescent’s physical,
in Italy (N = 67). Findings indicated that verbal, physical emotional, behavioral, and mental health. Countries and
and social bullying victimization were significantly asso- regions of these studies include Australia, Canada, China,
ciated with internalizing problems, externalizing problems, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Korea,
and alexithymic symptoms. The study also found that Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the U.S. Each study presented
alexithymia partially mediated the effect of verbal, physical, in this Special Issue provides a platform for researchers,
and social bullying victimization on both internalizing and school personnel, practitioners, and health practitioners to
externalizing problems. hold a dialogue on ways in which bullying and associated
Shaw et al. (2019) explores factors that are related to health outcomes can be effectively addressed.
students telling an adult at school about being victimized by We hope that scholars all over the world will continue to
peers, and the relationship between peer victimization and expand our understanding of bullying and associated health
internalizing problems a year after seeking help from an outcomes. Children and adolescent health is a global public
adult at school. Their study is comprised of a sample of 7 to health priority, and the best way to ensure that each and
9-year-old Australian students in 12 schools. They found every child grows up healthy requires finding ways to pro-
that peer victimization and internalizing problems at Time 2 vide safe family, school, and neighborhood environments.
Journal of Child and Family Studies (2019) 28:2329–2334 2333
Compliance with Ethical Standards Hadjikakou, K., & Panayiotis, P. (2012). Bullying and cyberbullying and
deaf and hard of hearing children: a review of the literature. The
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of International Journal on Mental Health and Deafness, 2, 18–32.
interest. Hatchel, T., Ingram, K. M., Mintz, S., Hartley, C., Valido, A., Espe-
lage, D. L., & Wyman, P. (2019). Predictors of suicidal ideation
and attempts among LGBTQ adolescents: the roles of help-
Ethical Approval Disclosure of statement about research involving
seeking beliefs, peer victimization, depressive symptoms, and
human participants and/or animals and informed consent were not
drug use. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28.
required for this manuscript.
Hatchel, T., Subrahmanyam, K., & Negriff, S. (2019). Adolescent peer
victimization and internalizing symptoms during emerging
Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to adulthood: The role of online and offline social support. Journal
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. of Child and Family Studies, 28.
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