SGA Proclamation

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February 16, 2021 Session: 2020-2021

A Proclamation in Support of the COVID-19 Testing Clinic Workers at

St. John Fisher College
WHEREAS it is the unambiguous intent of the SGA to keep students on-campus for in-person in-
struction for the entire spring 2021 semester and to assist in the prevention of COVID-19 outbreaks,

WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled college communities across the United States to
enhance and adapt their health and safety protocols in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-
19, and;

WHEREAS the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States government,
and the New York State Department of Health, and the Monroe County department of Public
Health are unanimous in their advocacy for the expansion of testing to as many individuals as pos-
sible in an effort to combat the spread of COVID-19, and;

WHEREAS the CDC has stated that, “To reduce SARVS COV-2 transmission, jurisdictions should
consider expanding testing of persons without symptoms (with and without known exposure) to
reduce asymptomatic (silent) spread in addition to comprehensive community-wide mitigation ef-
forts and testing of individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19” and;

WHEREAS St. John Fisher College, as part of its efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and
maintain in-person instruction for the spring 2021 semester, has established free weekly testing clin-
ics for all students to detect COVID-19, and;

WHEREAS St. John Fisher College has thus recruited staff members to diligently assist in the im-
pressive task of regularly testing all students on campus, and;

WHEREAS this remarkable goal is fairly imposing on those individuals tasked with carrying out
and facilitating its success

NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED the Senate of the Student Government Association, on

behalf of the student body, earnestly supports all COVID-19 testing workers who hae been recruited
by St. John Fisher College and the work that they do to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus,

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED the Senate of the Student Government Association,

on behalf of the student body, extends its sincere gratitude for the dedication that these workers
have shown to our campus community, as that have sacrificed significant portions of their free time
and have selflessly adjusted their personal scheduled to ensure the safety of our students, faculty,
and staff members, and;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY PROCLAIMED the Senate of the Student Government Association,

on behalf of the student body, expresses its hope for the continuation of the parallel efforts to the
vital task of keeping students, faculty, and staff of St. John Fisher College healthy and Safe.

Michael J. Lilholt ‘23 President Ian S. Klenk ‘24 Senator

Student Government Association Student Government Association
St. John Fisher College St. John Fisher College

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