Dependance of Urban Air Pollutants On Meteorology
Dependance of Urban Air Pollutants On Meteorology
Dependance of Urban Air Pollutants On Meteorology
Dependence of air pollutants on meteorology is presented with the aim of understanding the governing processes pollutants
phase interaction. Intensive measurements of particulate matter (PM10) and gaseous materials (e.g., CO, NO2, SO2, and O3) are
carried out regularly in 2002 at 14 measurement sites distributed over the whole territory of Great Cairo by the Egyptian
Environmental Affairs Agency to assess the characteristics of air pollutants. The discussions in this work are based upon
measurements performed at Abbassiya site as a case study. The nature of the contributing sources has been investigated and
some attempts have been made to indicate the role played by neighboring regions in determining the air quality at the site
mentioned. The results hint that, wind direction was found to have an influence not only on pollutant concentrations but also on
the correlation between pollutants. As expected, the pollutants associated with traffic were at highest ambient concentration
levels when wind speed was low. At higher wind speeds, dust and sand from the surrounding desert was entrained by the wind,
thus contributing to ambient particulate matter levels. We also found that, the highest average concentration for NO2 and O3
occurred at humidity V 40% indicative for strong vertical mixing. For CO, SO2 and PM10 the highest average concentrations
occurred at humidity above 80%.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Aerosol; Sulfur dioxide, SO2; Nitrogen dioxide, NO2; Particulate matter with diameter less than 10 Am, PM10; Carbon monoxide;
CO and ozone, O3
temporal distribution of acid aerosols (Suh et al., monitoring ambient air quality at 14 sites distributed
1992; Purdue et al., 1992; Samet et al., 2000; Pope et over the whole territory of Great Cairo area. In
al., 2002). But to fully understand the processes general, sites characteristics are different representing
responsible for the spatial and temporal distribution of industrial, traffic, urban, residential and background.
acid aerosols requires analysis of local and regional Not all parameters are being measured by the EEAA
meteorology; especially wind direction; wind speed; program at all sites. This depends on site specifica-
turbulence; and atmospheric stability (Michael, 1997; tion and typical dominating sources in the specific
Hien et al., 2002; Laakso et al., 2003). Chemical area. Therefore, the discussions in this work are
reactions also depend on ambient weather conditions based upon measurements performed during 2002 of
because they are influenced by short-wave radiation; the different indicators measured at Abbassiya station
air temperature; and air humidity. Along with chem- as a case study. The variables monitored were SO2,
ical reactions, dispersion and dilution processes result NO2, PM10, CO and O3. Monthly averages, medians,
in ambient air pollution which shows concentrations standard deviations, minimum and maximum con-
of different substances varying with regard to time centrations for Abbassiya monitoring station are
and space. summarized in Fig. 1. According to the national
Although the relationships between synoptic mete- ambient air quality standards it is clear from Fig. 1
orology and air pollution have been investigated for that atmospheric concentrations of all pollutants have
pollutants such as ozone (Comrie, 1990, 1992, 1994; been found to be consistently much higher than
Eder et al., 1994), SO2 (Kalkstein and Corrigan, permissible limits.
1986), NO2 (Davis and Kalkstein, 1990), greenhouse Fig. 2 presents the corresponding meteorology
gas induced global warming (Kalkstein et al., 1990), taken at Abbassiya station. Ambient air temperature,
and even visibility (Davis, 1991), we still have very (T in 8C); relative humidity (RH in %); wind speed
little information about the dependence of urban (WS in ms1) and wind direction, (WD in degree) are
aerosol on the city’s geographical, geological and only listed here as the parameters—especially the
meteorological conditions. Several works have been wind patterns—which are the most relevant for
done studying air pollution in Great Cairo area, where interpretation of the results. Temperature is measured
the sources of air pollutants have been identified using dry bulb, wet bulb and maximum–minimum
(Hagazy, 1961; Salam, 1967; Nassr-Allah, 1968; thermometers installed in a Stevenson screen. Relative
Salam and Sowelim, 1976; El-Taieb, 1981; Mosalam, humidity is derived from the dry and wet bulb
1986; Abdel-Rahman et al., 1988; El-dahab, 1990; El- temperatures from a hygrometric chart. Wind speed
Hussainy and Sharobiem, 2002). In view of the above is measured by an automatic anemometer and wind
discussion, it is necessary to define the status of direction by a standard wind vane. Fig. 2 shows
ambient air quality due to the presence of different surface average temperatures between 14 and 31 8C
pollutants in the environment of Cairo. This paper and relative humidity 50–75% with annual average
examines the temporal relationship between meteoro- wind velocity of 3 ms1. According to Hansen (1974)
logical parameters and urban air pollutants, helping to the seasonal variation observed may be caused by
fill a void in research into the relationships between changes in air mass type and not by any local source
the atmospheric circulation, local meteorology, and of air pollutants.
concentrations of tropospheric air pollutants. The concentration of dust in the atmosphere was
monitored by means of a portable air sampler. To
measure the concentration air was drawn into the
2. Apparatus and measurements sampler, and by virtue of their inertia the particles
were deposited on membrane filters, which are most
Different organizations (e.g., Centre for Environ- commonly equipped with inlets that eliminate par-
mental Hazard Mitigation, CEHM at Cairo Univer- ticles above a specified size cut. Filters are weighed
sity; the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, under controlled temperature and relative humidity
IGSR at Alexandria University; and the Egyptian conditions before and after sampling, and mass
Environmental Affairs Agency, EEAA) have been concentrations are determined from the increase in
H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237 227
8 Ave. Med.
4 S. D.
80 Max.
40 Med.
S. D.
80 Max.
40 Ave. Med .
Min. S. D.
100 Months
80 Max.
40 Ave. Med.
Min. S. D.
400 Max.
200 Ave. Med.
Min. S. D.
Fig. 1. Monthly averages (Ave.); median (Med.); minimum (Min); maximum (Max) values; and standard deviation (S.D.) of the air pollutant
concentrations observed at Abbassiya station during 2002.
filter mass and the volume of air sampled. The weight and autumn (October and November). The average
was divided by the surface area from which they were summer temperature is 29 8C, while that of winter is 16
collected to give the dust deposition density in Ag/m2. 8C with an average difference between day and night
Mineralogical analyses of atmospheric particulates of 10 8C. This great temperature difference promotes
collected on filter media have been performed by X- the formation of dew at dawn as the relative humidity
ray diffraction. The methodology of X-ray diffraction of the air becomes generally high, especially during
is described by Ignasi et al., (2001). the winter season. The prevailing wind velocity with
an average of 3 ms1, but gusts of up to 4–5 ms1 may
be experienced in early morning and late afternoon.
3. Site and climate dependence of tropospheric Dust storms also occur during April and May when the
aerosol collection Khamsin winds blow over the Egyptian western desert
with a wind speed of the order of 10 ms1. Relative
Like most subtropical regions along the North humidity fluctuates between 59% in June and 71% in
African desert, Cairo city has mainly two seasons: December, with visibility of about 5 km. This
summer (May–mid-October) and winter (December– restricted visibility is the result of the presence of
February), with a very short spring (March and April) solid particles in the atmosphere.
228 H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237
>2 -4
>4 -5
35 90
30 80
Ambient air temperature (oC)
20 60
T (oC)
15 50
10 40
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
The strong emissions of trace gases and aerosol one can see that air pollution level is high during
particles by vehicles traveling on the city’s narrow winter months and create winter syndrome due to low
roads, industry and resuspended soil dust, together temperature, low mixing depth, pollution inversion,
with secondary aerosol, coupled with the unfavorable traffic density, driving habits or due to ratio of
natural conditions of dispersion, are responsible for automobiles to trucks (Kolehmainen et al., 2000). In
the high concentrations of pollutants observed in the several monitoring stations distributed over the
Great Cairo metropolitan area. A brownish cloud of metropolitan region of Great Cairo, PM10 concen-
air pollution forms over Cairo can be seen by the trations consistently exceed the national air quality
naked eye. This cloud denotes a high level of both PM10 standard of 50 Ag3. Concentrations of CO,
NO2 pollutant and of man-made aerosols. In general, SO2, and NO2 are also high due to high motor vehicle
H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237 229
emissions. The high level of pollutants occurs, general, remarkable similarities are present in urban
indicating that air pollution issue is actually a regional and rural concentration values in and around monitor-
issue, not limited anymore to the city borders. ing sites. While rural values are as a rule lower, the
general features remain unchanged indicating that the
conditions are mainly governed by the same air
4. Chemical and mineralogical composition masses both in urban and rural sites. According to
elemental and mineralogical analysis of the dust
The question of the existence and trace power of collected from all traps in the city of Cairo, the dust
regional elemental characteristics reflecting the struc- particles were composed mostly of quartz and calcite,
ture of emission sources at a given location has been with smaller amounts of dolomite and clay minerals.
treated in a number of publications. As summarized in The major constituents were Si and Ca; minor
some reference papers (Pacyna et al., 1984; Tsoar and constituents were Al, Fe, Mg, K, and Na. The
Pye, 1987; Pye, 1992; Church et al., 1990; Koltay, characteristic features of the dataset presented in
1990) single element traces or ratios of elemental Fig. 3 can be summarized as follows:
concentrations can be used for studying the nature of Silicon, Si, and calcium, Ca, are regarded as crustal
main emission sources in the region as well as for element. They are important components of PM10
pinpointing the sources areas of transported pollutants measured in Cairo. The two elements hold about 23%
to the site of observation. Among others, sulfur is an of PM10 mass. The presence of coarse silicon can be
indicator for fossil fuel burning, fine fraction vana- ascribed to erosion from desert land surrounding
dium and nickel are excellent indicators for residual monitoring station. Ongoing building activities and
fuel burning, copper and zinc are often observed to be degradation of building elements can be considered as
linked with traffic (together with lead), arsenic is a additional sources for increasing silicon level. The
tracer for coal combustion, selenium has a variety of same effect appears in soil-derived elements, Ca and
sources, but mostly fossil fuel burning, leaded titanium, Ti. Calcium, Ca, concentrations are much
gasoline; smelters and waste incinerators are all similar in all locations except for increased coarse
possible sources of lead (Borbély-Kiss et al., 1999). fraction in Helwan site which are to be ascribed to
The availability of coarse dust particles in Cairo partly degradation of buildings, partly to emanating
city is explained by the effects of human activities from industries such as cement plants. Sulfur, S,
resulting in disturbances to the soil, notably con- concentration indicate the determining contribution of
struction work, and also by motorized traffic. In long-range transport processes during which gaseous
18 April
Relative concentration (%)
14 July
Na Ca Zn Si Cl Al K Ti Fe S Ce Mg
Mineralogical composition
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction analysis of dust collected from all traps in the city of Cairo.
230 H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237
sulfur emission is subject to a continuous conversion of NOx. Being an urban site, NO concentrations at
to particulate secondary sulfur. The increased values Cairo are generally found to be well above the
in sulfur, S, concentration can be considered as an threshold level for O3 production. For example, the
indication for possible influence of Shoubra El- well-known photo-oxidation cycle of CO can be
Kheima on Cairo air. Potassium was ascribed to represented as:
mixed natural (e.g., soil derived contribution as in the
CO þ OHYO2 þ H;
silicon case) and anthropogenic sources.
Low chlorine, Cl and sodium Na concentrations H þ O2 þ MYHO2 þ M;
can be understood as a strong sea-derived contribu-
tion. No attempt has been made to use seawater- HO2 þ NOYNO2 þ OH;
related enrichment factors to search for a sea-spray
contribution to the local chlorine in Cairo city. Small NO2 þ hmðk b 420nmÞYOð3 PÞ þ NO;
concentration elements of aluminum Al, zinc, Zn,
manganese, Mg and iron, Fe indicating the importance
Oð3 PÞ þ O2 þ MYO3 þ M;
of soil derived dust of traffic origin. Finally, the
composition of dust deposited in Cairo city during
Net: CO þ 2O2 þ hmYCO2 þ O3 :
Khamasin storm was similar to that deposited during
normal weather conditions, indicating that the com- In this process NOx acts as a catalyst and continues
position of dust deposited during the storm over a to do so until it is permanently removed by physical
wide area of the desert around Cairo was uniform. processes (e.g. surface deposition) or transformed to
other NOx compounds. Irrespective of a nearly
consistent diurnal pattern, O3 concentration can also
5. Trends of air pollutant concentrations vary significantly from one day to the next as depicted
in Fig. 5. The datasets illustrated in Fig. 5 were
The diurnal pattern of O3 (see Fig. 4) is charac- constituted from 365 days, but for a clearer reading no
terized by maximum concentration in the afternoon symbols per month are reported. Note also that,
and minimum concentration during early morning missing data were replaced with the expected values
hours. The increase in O3 during day is basically due provided from a nearby Gomhoria station and
to photo-oxidation of precursor gases, like CO, CH4, suspected erroneous values were removed after care-
and hydrocarbons in the presence of sufficient amount ful examination. The variation of monthly surface
Average diurnal variation of O3 (µg/m3)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time of day
NO2 (ug/m3)
SO2 (ug/m3)
CO (mg/m3)
O3 (ug/m3)
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Fig. 5. Daily variations of air pollutant concentrations recorded at Abbassiya monitoring station during 2002.
ozone concentrations are depicted in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 extensive observations of O3 and its precursors by
shows that O3 measurements have average higher UV photometry at different sites are needed to
concentrations (79 Ag/m3) in June and lower concen- understand O3 formation processes. The yearly dis-
trations (6 Ag/m3) in December. The reason for this tributions of the monthly average concentration values
high O3 in June (low O3 in December) is mainly due for NO2 show the same regularity, (e.g., NO2 exhibit
to active (inactive) photo-chemical production mech- well expressed summer and spring maxima). Increase
anism along with favorable (unfavorable) meteoro- in the average levels of NO2 are observed during July
logical conditions and the related increasing (103 Ag/m3), from August to December, the monthly
(decreasing) precursors concentration. The increase average concentration of NO2 decreased from about
in O3 is attributed to the increase in NOx and other O3 82 to 62 Ag/m3.
precursor emissions by different sources in the The diurnal pattern of SO2 is characterized by
proximity of this site. On seasonal basis, O3 has maximum concentration in the morning. Higher levels
small concentration in wintertime. This is due to low of SO2 during morning hours at Cairo are due to the
solar radiation intensity and high emissions of combinations of anthropogenic emissions, boundary
reductive substances. In spring, the pattern for Cairo layer processes, chemistry as well as local surface
goes up to higher concentrations. In summer and wind patterns. During night hours, the boundary layer
autumn the patterns of surface ozone concentration descends and remains low till early morning, thereby
seem to be the same. resisting the mixing of the anthropogenic emissions
In fact O3 concentration observed at Cairo is low with the upper layer. Hence, pollutants get trapped in
(about 46 Ag/m3) probably due to low NOx concen- the shallow surface layer and show higher levels.
tration as compared to O3 concentrations observed at During these hours of maximum concentrations of
many sites in US, Mexico, Europe, China and Taiwan SO2, anthropogenic emissions are also prominent due
(Oltmans and Levy, 1994; Aneja et al., 1999; Luo et to rush hours (Suh et al., 1992; El-Hussainy and
al., 2000; Wang et al., 2000). However, more Sharobiem, 2002). It is important to note that the
232 H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237
major anthropogenic source for CO, SO2 and NO2 is 6. Dependence of tropospheric pollutants on
fossil fuel burning (combustion in motor vehicles). meteorological parameters
Whereas during noontime the higher height of the
boundary layer provides a larger mixing region and 6.1. Contribution of wind aspects to concentration of
hence the pollutants get diluted. The monthly varia- air pollutants
tion in average SO2 concentrations ranges from a
minimum value of about 20 Ag/m3 during January to a The prevailing winds, which may transport mois-
high value of about 55 Ag/m3 during December. On ture or aerosol particles from distant sources, play a
seasonal basis, SO2 exhibit well expressed autumn major role on the seasonal variation of turbidity. A
maxima. On the other hand, high levels of CO correlation analysis indicates significant negative
generally occur in areas with heavy traffic congestion. correlation between total urban concentration and
In Cairo 85–95% of CO emissions may come from wind speed data. Such behavior is plausible for non-
motor vehicle exhaust. Other sources of CO emissions crustal elements where transport effects increased by
include industrial processes and residential waste higher wind speed, give an explanation for the clear-
burning. The daily 8-h average CO concentration up of the local air. An investigation into the effect of
was exceeded 10 mg/m3 in 33% of the time. wind direction aspects on airborne particulate data and
Inspecting the results in Fig. 5 it is apparent that, the subsequent analysis of results obtained in this
there is a very clear seasonal variation in CO and study may show possible source direction. In this
PM10 concentrations. Higher concentrations have section, the possible source direction that affects the
been found during autumn/winter months and lowest PM10, CO, NO2, SO2, and O3 data is identified
concentrations are found during summer. These roughly by comparing average contributions of wind
revealed the effect of weather condition on the aspect to the concentrations of mass with the average
distribution pattern. These cycles, which are more frequencies of wind direction.
pronounced for PM10 than for gases, appear in the According to statistical results of the analysis of
monthly averages as well as in median concentrations meteorological factors measured at the Abbassiya
(see Fig. 1). Data for the months November, monitoring station, the major prevailing wind direc-
December and January (cold season) and June, July tions are easterly (E, SSE, ES, and ESE) and westerly
and August (warm season) were combined and (W, WSW, WS, and SSW) and least frequent from the
averaged. Winter to summer concentration ratios for north and northwest. The yearly average frequencies
pollutant components PM10, CO and SO2 were 2.141, for easterly and westerly wind were 28.2% and
1.676 and 1.656, respectively. From the previous 35.9%, respectively. Table 1, demonstrates the sig-
analysis one concludes that, the high atmospheric nificance of wind direction for the resulting air
loading for air pollutants was frequently observed in pollution. This behavior closely reflects the geological
wintertime. structure of the region. The concentration levels of O3
Table 1
Average concentration of air pollutants as a function of wind direction
Atmospheric air pollutants Atmospheric air pollutants
PM10 CO NO2 SO2 O3 PM10 CO NO2 SO2 O3
(Ag/m3) (mg/m3) (Ag/m3) (Ag/m3) (Ag/m3) (Ag/m3) (mg/m3) (Ag/m3) (Ag/m3) (Ag/m3)
N NON NON NON NON NON S 181 6 94 23 76
NNE 171 6 62 18 24 SSW 182 6 80 25 64
NE 195 5 78 22 22 SW 179 6 71 26 49
ENE 188 6 78 28 34 WSW 174 7 69 39 25
E 189 6 80 26 44 W 156 5 80 54 24
ESE 178 5 80 32 66 WNW 140 5 60 46 22
SE 167 6 79 24 75 NW 185 5 65 66 14
SSE 163 6 70 21 80 NNW 122 5 68 66 16
H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237 233
Table 3
Correlation matrix for air pollutants and relative humidity
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Yearly value
SO2 0.34 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.39 0.39 0.25 0.39 0.01 0.54 0.55 0.18 0.196
PM10 0.23 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.57 0.64 0.02 0.29 0.06 0.36 0.70 0.15 0.252
CO 0.50 0.10 0.15 0.56 0.55 0.63 0.18 0.66 0.28 0.26 0.20 0.53 0.204
O3 0.49 0.07 0.07 0.51 0.75 0.64 0.02 0.41 0.13 0.80 0.76 0.35 0.422
NO2 0.36 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.47 0.04 0.23 0.00 0.75 0.24 0.42 0.138
234 H.K. Elminir / Science of the Total Environment 350 (2005) 225–237
6.3. Air pollutants dependence on ambient air observed. The association between primary pollu-
temperature tants and temperature was found to be weak or
insignificant. The temperature changes did not
The temperature variation experienced during the significantly influence SO2 and NO2 concentrations
present study is sufficient to examine the relationship (see Fig. 6). Although considerable positive correla-
of ambient temperature with the trace gases tion was found between ambient temperature and
(A) (B)
120 500
R = +0.695 450 R = - 0.412
Surface ozone (µg/m3)
PM10 (µg/m3)
80 350
60 250
20 100
0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ambient air temperature (oC) Ambient air temperature (oC)
(C) (D)
100 160
R = - 0.204 140 R = + 0.187
NO2 (µg/m3)
SO2 (µg/m3)
60 100
40 80
0 20
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ambient air temperature (oC) Ambient air temperature (oC)
R= - 0.497
CO (mg/m3)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ambient air temperature (oC)
Table 4
Correlation matrix for air pollutants and ambient air temperature
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
SO2 0.74 0.38 0.21 0.15 0.52 0.48 0.77 0.30 0.35 0.42 0.66 0.94
PM10 0.24 0.19 0.12 0.02 0.62 0.84 0.76 0.51 0.58 0.56 0.83 0.53
CO 0.93 0.44 0.48 0.21 0.45 0.83 0.89 0.79 0.30 0.01 0.03 0.75
O3 0.96 0.83 0.61 0.24 0.66 0.89 0.80 0.89 0.35 0.39 0.86 0.97
NO2 0.30 0.12 0.29 0.12 0.00 0.66 0.65 0.41 0.35 0.38 0.10 0.80
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