Exp 2 BJT Characteristics

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International University for Science & Technology

College of Engineering and Technology

Electrical Engineering Department

Experiment No. 2: BJT Characteristics

2.1 The Objectives:

1. Concluding the equivalent diodes circuit of BJT.
2. Drawing input characteristics of the transistor.
3. Drawing output characteristics of the transistor.
4. Drawing control characteristics of the transistor.
5. Evaluating power dissipation in BJT.
2-2 The Required Equipments:
 Master Board.
 Board Number 70015.
 Computer.
 Transistors: BD 137 and BD 138
2-3 Introduction:
A bipolar junction transistor is formed by joining three sections of semiconductors with
alternatively different dopings. The middle section (base) is narrow and one of the other two
regions (emitter) is heavily doped, where the third region (collector) is normally doped and its
dimension is bigger than the emitter. There are two types of BJT: NPN and PNP.

Figure 2-1
Operation of a PNP transistor is analogous to that of a NPN transistor the sign of current and
voltages are reversed.
At the first glance, a BJT looks like 2 diodes placed back to back. Indeed this is the case if we
apply voltage to only two of the three terminals, letting the third terminal float. This is also the
way that we check if a transistor is working.
The behavior of the BJT is different when voltage sources are attached to both B-E and C-E
terminals. The B-E junction acts like a diode. When this junction is forward biased, electrons
flow from emitter to the base (and a small current of holes flow from base to emitter). The base
region is narrow and when a voltage is applied between collector and emitter, most of the
electrons that were flowing from emitter to base, cross the narrow base region and are collected
at the collector region. So while the B-C junction is reversed biased, a large current can flow
through that region and B-C junction does not act as a diode.
The amount of the current that crosses from emitter to collector region depends strongly on the
voltage applied to the BE junction VBE. (It also depends weakly on voltage applied between
collector and emitter, VCE). As such, small changes in VBE or iB controls a much larger collector
current iC. Note that the transistor does not generate iC. It acts as a valve controlling the current
that can flow through it. The source of current (and power) is the power supply that feeds the
CE terminals.
Figure 2-2

A BJT has three terminals. Six parameters: iC, iB, iE, VCE, VBE, and VCB; define the state of the
transistor. However, because BJT has three terminals, KVL and KCL should hold for these
terminals, i.e.,

Figure 2-3
The relationship among these four parameters represents the "I-V" characteristics of the BJT,
usually shown as iB vs. VBE and iC vs. VCE graph.

Figure 2-4

The right graph in figure 2-4 represents the relationship between the base-emitter current and
base-emitter voltage and it is called Input characteristic. On the other hand the left graph in
figure 2-4 represents the relationship between the collector current and the collector-emitter
voltage and it is called Output characteristic. The base current influences this characteristic and
for this reason a separate characteristic is obtained for each base current.

The relationship between the base current and the collector current is called control
characteristics and the ratio between the iC and iB is called static gain.
However, the ratio between the change in iC and iB is called dynamic gain. The difference
between the static and dynamic gain is very small.
Finally all transistor characteristics can be grouped in a four quadrant display:
Figure 2-5
Power dissipation:

If the temperature of the collector-base junction increases, the collector leakage current iCBO
increase. Because of this, collector current increases. The increase in collector current produces
an increase in the power dissipated at the collector junction. This in turn further increase the
temperature of the junction and so gives further increase in collector current .This process is
cumulative. It may lead to the eventual destruction of the transistor. In practice, thermal
runaway is prevented in a well-designed circuit by the use of stabilization circuitry.
Power dissipation is represented by the area of the rectangle below the operating point as
shown in the figure 4-1.

Figure 2-6
A hyperbola demarcates the standard operating range. If this limit is exceeded, the transistor
can be destroyed as a result of overheating. The figure 2-6 shows the hyperbola.
Figure 2-7

2-4 Procedure:

 Conclude the equivalent diodes circuit of NPN Transistor:

The conductivity between each pair of transistor terminals must be measured in both
directions of current flow as shown in the figure 2-8:

Figure 2-8
Based on these measurement fill the following table with appropriate choice (True for
conductivity and False for no conductivity).

Figure 2-9

 Repeat the procedure above for PNP Transistor.

 Draw input characteristic with open collector:

Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10

Turn the potentiometer slowly and observe the plot. You have to obtain this plot.
Figure 2-11

 Repeat the previous procedure with closed collector.

 Calculate the dynamic input resistance:

Use the line to calculate the input resistance

Figure 2-12

 Draw output characteristic:

Connect the circuit as shown below.

Figure 2-13

By increasing the base current the student have to obtain this graph.
Figure 2-14
 Calculate the output resistance:

Use the line to calculate the output resistance

Figure 2-15
 Draw output characteristic and calculate the parameter  :

Connect the circuit as shown below.

Figure 2-16
The student has to obtain this plot.

Figure 2-17
Now you can calculate the  .
 The effect of negative feedback circuit:

First connect the circuit as shown in the figure 2-18. Bypass the resistor R4 and observe the
effect of heating:
Figure 2-18

Then remove the bypass link and observe the effect of heating.

 Conclude operating point and plotting load line:

The operating point can be determined by measuring the collector current Ic and collector-
emitter voltage Vce as shown in figure 2-19.

Figure 2-19

For plotting the load line change the resistor R2 in order to change base current so changing
the collector current and collector-emitter voltage.

 Determine the importance of measuring Input and Output resistance?
 What does β indicates?
 Mention a way to overcome the heating of transistors?
Supplementary Reading:
Electronic devices and Circuit Theory Ninth Edition
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky
Chapter 3 & 4 & 5 & 9

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