Trends and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management Aspirations For Public Sector in Bahrain
Trends and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management Aspirations For Public Sector in Bahrain
Trends and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management Aspirations For Public Sector in Bahrain
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to draw an understanding of the phenomenon of using artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources, especially in
the Kingdom of Bahrain. This research effort provides a future perspective of using AI to better understand the attitudes and perspectives of HR
practitioners within multiple frameworks. The study revealed that the Kingdom of Bahrain with the implementation of its vision (2030 vision), the public
sector will have a great opportunity to keep up with the digital transformation. This has led to a change in the composition of the workforce within
business organizations. It lets women and men have competed in many jobs, and this will add a new burden on human resources management as a
result of the demand for gender equality. In addition, this allows for the great integration of the feminist element. It is urged that the applications of
modern artificial intelligence (AI) is an essential approach for organizations that work in an inconsistent environment.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Resource Management, Public Sector, Kingdom of Bahrain
manufacturing we have seen in the past‖. More than 800 pertinent to the focused purpose of the study. Furthermore,
million employees worldwide will lose their jobs (one-fifth of we review the application of new practices of HRM in
the global workforce) and be replaced by a robot until 2030, leading organizations globally, then, find the implications on
according to the McKinsey Global Institute study conducted Bahrain’s business environment.
in 46 countries and nearly 800 [5]. More than 800 million
employees worldwide will lose their jobs (one-fifth of the OPPORTUNITIES OF ARTIFICIAL
global workforce) and be replaced by a robot until 2030, INTELLIGENCE IN HR
according to the McKinsey Global Institute study conducted In the present era, artificial intelligence is reshaping the
in 46 countries and nearly 800. In a connected domain, ways of how organizations manage their workforce and
depending on the status quo, 25% of the workforce today develop human resource plans in order to increase
will have to find activities by 2020, or to enhance their productivity and raise the level of staff work. On the other
technological skills and digital citizenship and their hand, it has become imperative that employees' interests,
traditional skills dramatically, in other words enhancing their not just in their skills, but also match vacancies and
interdisciplinary skills. These skills include programming, embracing young workers. The use of new science-backed
work flexibility and adaptability, and must primary school technologies is critical in today's millennial business world,
students have to be prepared for change because by 2030, which is experiencing a revolution in work-life balance, work
85% they will work in careers that do not yet exist. content, and ethics. The new generation of employees is
However, over the next five years 'growth' will be included independent and evolves. The most effective way to
in the rate of using artificial intelligence as an indicator communicate with them is through technology, including
within global economic growth indicators as well per capita smartphone or self-service applications. These radical
technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with
changes in the workforce of institutions, enforce to adopt
rates national income, GDP, inflation, and other indicators digital transformation in AI to attract the right employees,
which measures the state's economic power. To conclude serve their customers, and compete. In addition, utilize of
the purpose of the study is to draw an understanding of the technology in the workplace should empower employees by
phenomenon of using AI in human resources, especially in
giving them access at any time and anywhere to continue
the kingdom of Bahrain. Which provide a future perspective their work, in line with the new digital age. At a session of
of using AI to better understand the attitudes and
the World Government Summit on Artificial Intelligence in
perspectives of HR practitioners within multiple frameworks. February 2019, where the poles of the global community of
artificial intelligence met experts and specialists
2. LITERATURE REVIEW government officials and policy makers at meetings and
According to Wang et al [6], ―Artificial Intelligence is that sessions of the Global Forum Governance of artificial
activity devoted to making machines intelligent, and intelligence, with the participation of more than 250 experts
intelligence is that quality that enables an entity to function and specialists in various fields AI applications discussed
appropriately and with foresight in its environment‖. In the governance of AI and the organization of its role in the
computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), refer to science, engineering, health and communications sectors to
machine intelligence, intelligence demonstrated by build a better future. It confirmed that between 2015 and
machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed 2020, there are 35% changes in human skills needed in
by humans and others being. Computer science defines AI organizations. Also, the experts emphasized the importance
research as the study of "intelligent agents": ―any device of governments working with different partners and sectors
that perceives its environment and takes actions that to develop human resources to capable of keeping up the
maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals‖. radical transformation that artificial intelligence will bring to
Kaplan and Haenlein [7] defined AI as ―a system’s ability to the nature of jobs and careers specializations in the future,
correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and launching a comprehensive community and human
and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and dialogue on the best ways to create new career paths and
tasks through flexible adaptation‖. Colloquially, the term quality options invests the human capabilities of integration
"artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics with the machine and leading automation applications,
"cognitive" functions that humans associate with other enhance productivity and cost-effectiveness, promote
human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving". innovation culture and entrepreneurship1.Major trends are
clearly emerging due to the rapid changes in HR
3. METHODOLOGY technology, including privatization, where there is a real
To achieve the purpose of this study, we review diverse opportunity to move away from the way HR programs were
type of literature reviews. Also, concentrate on expert introduced in the past. Where one size was great for
narrative overview in the context of AI applications in everyone, now using AI technology we can create
management and HR in particular. For the sake of finding specialized environments for each employee so that they
previous studies for the present overview, we utilized have a personal experience that encourages them to use
electronic databases as the best effective way to begin a enterprise platforms and provides them with data as they do
literature search, in particular, Science Direct, Google in their consumer lives, which means that the system
Scholar, and Emerald. As AI is emerging technology, we recognizes them and helps them improve their work
also embrace some information from international experience. Lifelong learning, as the evolution of
organization reports, magazines, journals, and newspapers automation and the use of technology revolutionizes, full
Keywords used for the searching process were as follows: and sustained support for lifelong learning will be essential
Artificial Intelligence, HRM.Moreover, we considered
English and Arabic language papers published since 2012,
for the future success of human resources. It is not just This will enable HR professionals to devote more time and
about supporting the human resources of employees when resources to the personal care of other staff.
it comes to assigning new jobs or hiring them in new
positions, but also about ensuring that employees Career Path
constantly think about how technology and business Artificial intelligent with learning management systems and
changes affect their jobs, and the skills they must acquire to training modules can be used for many years within the HR
continue their future success. Enterprises must build an sector to provide employees with the right career path and
infrastructure that supports employees in their efforts to develop their abilities to help them excel in their current
learn new skills to develop their capabilities to cope with positions and enhance their ambition towards higher
changes in the field. promotions. In this approach, AI technologies can take
advantage of increasingly sophisticated big data technology
Recruitment to mobilize large and varied data sets such as several
Many facilities use some form of artificial intelligence in their terabytes of biographies and performance reviews, and
recruitment process, whether in the selection, evaluation tons of historical information, to reveal an improved training
and recruitment process, or using chat robots or others. I and education model dedicated to a specific career level or
was surprised recently by a regional company that can experience.Many organizations around the world rely
accurately sort thousands of applicants by analyzing a heavily on artificial intelligence techniques to train, develop
video filmed by the candidate for himself using the tools of and empower employees, which will enhance the
personal analysis, an amazing technological advance. attractiveness of the work environment in those institutions
Housman [8]explains that ―In a service-based economy and make it a destination for competencies and expertise.
where the workforce is any company’s most critical asset, Using sentiment analysis to enhance the role of employees
using the decision support to make the right people in their career progress. Emotional analysis techniques
decisions can be a source of competitive advantage‖ (p. 9). have been used in recent years to reveal employees'
Discovering the relevant evidence, with lower costs, in short positive and negative feelings and biases towards
time and protected manner supports to build momentum everything from using social media such as Twitter and
step by step, beginning with the recruitment process. From Instagram. As many entrepreneurs start venturing and
there, AI can be efficiently interlaced into an employee’s using these technologies, we will see in the coming years
onboarding program. New employees who may want to the rise of emotion analysis applications to a wider level
connect with others and get more institutional information within the human resources sector to measure employee
may not know where to go. Artificial intelligence has sentiment, engagement and role. When certain user
contributed significantly to enhancing the efficiency of the answers are obtained, the core words from these answers
recruitment system and attracting competencies in are basically set in a lexicon and the words are given
institutions and companies. Monitor employment indicators positive or negative scores.The final result will provide
in real time. In addition, this criteria reduce the disparate many benefits for those companies wishing to make the
impact based on race and ethnicity [9]. When the database right effort to apply AI. The journey of using artificial
is constantly up-to-date, managers have a complete picture intelligence effectively in HR practices is long but hard work
of their skills and experience. They can then find the right is the price to pay to be a winner. According to a previous
person to do a task in a matter of seconds. Using predictive report by the World Economic Forum (October 2018),
analytics tools, managers can create a chart that shows confirmed that the most important challenges facing the
what skills and individuals they will need for the next year future workforce are: availability skills required to keep up
and the year after. What an easy and fast way to organize with great technological development. It must be ensured
the workforce. In the process of recruitment, instead of that the workforce has the skills to support new
manually searching for candidates, what if your system technologies. The digital has been dividing the world
automatically finds and communicates with the right between developed and developing countries and the gap
people? What if that system could answer any questions widened significantly. More severe, not only because of
the candidates might ask before the interview? The HR some decisions about the cost of those technologies, but
professional will wonder if they know the closest candidates also because of the nature of high-level technical and
to be suitable for your place of work. If they have a group of professional skills required to design operation and
employees want to complete over the next year or two? maintenance of digital infrastructure, the need to master
Just enter some information into the rating tool and let it basic skills and mastery information and communication
give you all the predictions as if it were one of the Greek technology. The message is that skills are important to
city of Delphi. Predictive talent analyzes and employee reduce inequality and reduce the knowledge gap among the
travel risk models will revolutionize how HR manages to labors.
develop workforce plans. The fact that you can
automatically enter data into the ranking tool for rich, Talent Acquisition
relatively valuable results in relatively little time is like magic The appointment of the most promising talents is the most
to me. But with the real world being a more complex place, important concern of HR departments. Talent management
a lot of human intervention is needed to create a travel risk focuses on the future needs of the organization. It works
model within a variety of scenarios. To focus on value: within a strategic framework for the company's future goals
When AI tools carry out repetitive manual tasks, employees by identifying the positions necessary for growth and the
can focus on tasks that add value to the company, and best candidates to fill those positions. If companies want to
those that need their skills and expertise to accomplish. develop leaders from within the existing talent pool and
have the time and resources to develop a useful and
Training and Development It is now possible to compile lists of wages and
With rapid changes taking place in technology, all remuneration through a computer, software applications are
employees must keep learning and improving professional available today help to speed up the evaluation process
skills. AI can successfully plan, organize, and coordinate and quality. Specialized in where there are currently
training programs for all staff members. Online courses and programs in this field working on the calculation of wages
digital classrooms are the most common solutions in that assess the performance individuals especially for large or
regard. The studies revealed that the average employee giant organizations. These systems have also contributed
has less than 25 minutes weekly to train and learn; to the characterization and maintain justice in awarding
therefore, it is crucial to use that time relevant to the rewards like a system it contains a set of programs that
development of employee skills via an easy way of gaining help pension funds calculate all types of compensation.
skills. Team managers can plan digital training opportunities
for their team based on skill-gap assessments. Today,
computerized information systems allow workers to follow a 4. RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS AND
career path in an easily and surely way and without high CONCLUSION
costs, through electronic access and from the computer to Economic studies emphasized, there is an urgent need to
the database available information about the person can embrace the human resources with regard to the impact of
know the skills and competencies of each worker, and how artificial intelligence and automation, as there is a
well they develop his/her performance and work, and what significant impact on the facilities and their work that
positions and roles he has held within the organization support the digitization of human resources, and human
throughout his career. There are also some self- resources workers must be fully prepared to support the
assessment informatics applications that allow and assist digital transformation within their facilities, otherwise the
working individuals by formulating and judging their careers, human resources would be at risk lagging and seeing other
a range of programs are now available in the market departments, there is a great opportunity for human
domain such as Career Planning Center and Parys is an resources to align with the facility and add great value by
expert in human resources management, and Miram is an becoming more digital and data-based, we hope to see
expert in this field to guide the movements of the worker facilities in our beloved kingdom in the coming years
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