Advanced Computer Architectures: 17CS72 (As Per CBCS Scheme)
Advanced Computer Architectures: 17CS72 (As Per CBCS Scheme)
Advanced Computer Architectures: 17CS72 (As Per CBCS Scheme)
17CS72 [As per CBCS Scheme]
Prof. Shylaja B.
Dear Users,
Assistant Professor,
CSE Dept. This digital notes material is for the THIRD module of
DSATM, Bengaluru Advanced Computer Architectures course framed as per
the CBCS scheme of VTU, Belagavi.
CONTACT I hope that the student fraternity would take benefit of this
in order to face examination in their near future.
WEBSITE: Contents have been neatly framed in order to reduce your
burden so that you may refer them in the examinations/ IA
EMAIL: Finally, I would just want to say that the study materials you find in our website are absolutely reliable.
A backplane bus interconnects processors, data storage and peripheral devices in a tightly coupled
The system bus must be designed to allow communication between devices on the devices on the
bus without disturbing the internal activities of all the devices attached to the bus.
Timing protocols must be established to arbitrate among multiple requests. Operational rules must
be set to ensure orderly data transfers on the bus.
Signal lines on the backplane are often functionally grouped into several buses as shown in Fig 5.1.
Various functional boards are plugged into slots on the backplane. Each slot is provided with one
or more connectors for inserting the boards as demonstrated by the vertical arrows.
• Data address and control lines form the data transfer bus (DTB) in VME bus.
• Address lines broadcast data and device address
– Proportional to log of address space size
• Data lines proportional to memory word length
• Control lines specify read/write, timing, and bus error conditions
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
The process of assigning control of the DTB to a requester is called arbitration. Dedicated lines are
reserved to coordinate the arbitration process among several requesters.
The requester is called a master, and the receiving end is called a slave.
Interrupt lines are used to handle interrupts, which are often prioritized. Dedicated lines may be
used to synchronize parallel activities among the processor modules.
Utility lines include signals that provide periodic timing (clocking) and coordinate the power-up
and power-down sequences of the system.
The backplane is made of signal lines and connectors.
A special bus controller board is used to house the backplane control logic, such as the system
clock driver, arbiter, bus timer, and power driver.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Functional Modules
A functional module is a collection of electronic circuitry that resides on one functional board (Fig.
5.1) and works to achieve special bus control functions.
Special functional modules are introduced below:
• Arbiter is a functional module that accepts bus requests from the requester module and grants
control of the DTB to one requester at a time.
• Bus timer measures the time each data transfer takes on the DTB and terminates the DTB cycle if
a transfer takes too long.
• Interrupter module generates an interrupt request and provides status/ID information when an
interrupt handler module requests it.
• Location monitor is a functional module that monitors data transfers over the DTB. A power
monitor watches the status of the power source and signals when power becomes unstable.
• System clock driver is a module that provides a clock timing signal on the utility bus. In addition,
board interface logic is needed to match the signal line impedance, the propagation time, and
termination values between the backplane and the plug-in boards.
Physical Limitations
• Due to electrical, mechanical, and packaging limitations, only a limited number of boards can be
plugged into a single backplane.
• Multiple backplane buses can be mounted on the same backplane chassis.
• The bus system is difficult to scale, mainly limited by packaging constraints.
• Two types of printed circuit boards connected to a bus: active and passive
• Active devices like processors can act as bus masters or as slaves at different times.
• Passive devices like memories can act only as slaves.
• The master can initiate a bus cycle
– Only one can be in control at a time
• The slaves respond to requests by a master
– Multiple slaves can respond
Bus Addressing
• The backplane bus is driven by a digital clock with a fixed cycle time: bus cycle
• Backplane has limited physical size, so will not skew information
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Synchronous Timing
• All bus transaction steps take place at fixed clock edges as shown in Fig. 5.3a.
• The clock signals are broadcast to all potential masters and slaves.
• Clock cycle time determined by slowest device on bus
• Once the data becomes stabilized on the data lines, the master uses Data-ready pulse to initiate
the transfer
• The Slave uses Data-accept pulse to signal completion of the information transfer.
• Simple, less circuitry, suitable for devices with relatively the same speed.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Asynchronous Timing
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Simple scheme
• Easy to add devices
• Fixed-priority sequence – not fair
• Propagation of bus-grant signal is slow
• Not fault tolerant
• Provide independent bus-request and grant signals for each master as shown in Fig5.5a.
• No daisy chaining is used in this scheme.
• Require a central arbiter, but can use a priority or fairness based policy
• More flexible and faster than a daisy-chained policy
• Larger number of lines – costly
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Distributed Arbitration
• Each master has its own arbiter and unique arbitration number as shown in Fig. 5.5b.
• Uses arbitration number to resolve arbitration competition
• When two or more devices compete for the bus, the winner is the one whose arbitration number is
the largest determined by Parallel Contention Arbitration..
• All potential masters can send their arbitration number to shared-bus request/grant (SBRG) lines
and compare its own number with SBRG number.
• If the SBRG number is greater, the requester is dismissed. At the end, the winner’s arbitration
number remains on the arbitration bus. After the current bus transaction is completed, the winner
seizes control of the bus.
• Priority based scheme
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Transfer Modes
Interrupt Mechanisms
• Interrupt: is a request from I/O or other devices to a processor for service or attention
• A priority interrupt bus is used to pass the interrupt signals
• Interrupter must provide status and identification information
• Have an interrupt handler for each request line
• Interrupts can be handled by message passing on data lines on a time-sharing basis.
– Save lines, but use cycles
– Use of time-shared data bus lines is a virtual-interrupt
Standard Requirements
The major objectives of the Futurebus+ standards committee were to create a bus standard that would
provide a significant step forward in improving the facilities and performance available to the
designers of multiprocessor systems.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Below are the design requirements set by the IEEE 896.1-1991 Standards Committee to provide a
stable platform on which several generations of computer systems could be based:
• Independence for an open standard
• Asynchronous timing protocol
• Optional packet protocol
• Distributed arbitration protocols
• Support of high reliability and fault tolerant applications
• Ability to lock modules without deadlock or livelock
• Circuit-switched and split transaction protocols
• Support of real-time mission critical computations w/multiple priority levels
• 32 or 64 bit addressing
• Direct support of snoopy cache-based multiprocessors.
• Compatible message passing protocols
• Most multiprocessor systems use private caches for each processor as shown in Fig. 5.6
• Have an interconnection network between caches and main memory
• Caches can be addressed using either a Physical Address or Virtual Address.
• Two different cache design models are:
– Physical address cache
– Virtual address cache
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• No cache flushing on a context switch
• No aliasing problem thus fewer cache bugs in OS kernel.
• Simplistic design
• Requires little intervention from OS kernel
Slowdown in accessing the cache until the MMU/TLB finishes translating the address
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ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• When a cache is indexed or tagged with virtual address it is called virtual address cache.
• In this model both cache and MMU translation or validation are done in parallel.
• The physical address generated by the MMU can be saved in tags for later write back but is not
used during the cache lookup operations.
• do address translation only on a cache miss
• faster for hits because no address translation
• More efficient access to cache
• Cache flushing on a context switch (example : local data segments will get an erroneous hit for
virtual addresses already cached after changing virtual address space, if no cache flushing).
• Aliasing problem (several different virtual addresses cannot span the same physical addresses
without being duplicated in cache).
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ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
The block field (r bits) is used to implement the (modulo-m) placement, where m=2r
Once the block Bi is uniquely identified by this field, the tag associated with the addressed block is
compared with the tag in the memory address.
• Advantages
– Simple hardware
– No associative search
– No page replacement policy
– Lower cost
– Higher speed
• Disadvantages
– Rigid mapping
– Poorer hit ratio
– Prohibits parallel virtual address translation
– Use larger cache size with more block frames to avoid contention
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Advantages:
– Offers most flexibility in mapping cache blocks
– Higher hit ratio
– Allows better block replacement policy with reduced block contention
• Disadvantages:
– Higher hardware cost
– Only moderate size cache
– Expensive search process
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ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Compare the tag with the k tags within the identified set as shown in Fig 5.11a.
• Since k is rather small in practice, the k-way associative search is much more economical than
the full associativity.
• In general, a block Bj can be mapped into any one of the available frames Bf in a set Si defined
Bj Bf Si if j(mod v) = i
• The matched tag identifies the current block which resides in the frame.
• When the contents of the block frame are replaced from a new sector, the remaining block
frames in the same sector are marked invalid. Only the block frames from the most recently
referenced sector are marked valid for reference.
• Flexible to implement various bkock replacement algorithms
• Economical to perform a fully associative search a limited number of sector tags.
• Sector partitioning offers more freedom in grouping cache lines at both ends of the mapping.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Cycle counts
• This refers to the number of basic machine cycles needed for cache access, update and coherence
• Cache speed is affected by underlying static or dynamic RAM technology, the cache organization
and the cache hit ratios.
• The write through or write back policy also affect the cycle count.
• Cache size, block size, set number, and associativity affect count
• The cycle count is directly related to the hit ratio, which decreases almost linearly with increasing
values of above cache parameters.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Hit ratio
• The hit ratio is number of hits divided by total number of CPU references to memory (hits plus
• Hit ratio is affected by cache size and block size
• Increases w.r.t. increasing cache size
• Limited cache size, initial loading, and changes in locality prevent 100% hit ratio
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Memory Interleaving
• The main memory is built with multiple modules.
• These memory modules are connected to a system bus or a switching network to which other
resources such as processors or I/O devices are also connected.
• Once presented with a memory address, each memory module returns with one word per cycle.
• It is possible to present different addresses to different memory modules so that parallel access of
multiple words can be done simultaneously or in a pipelined fashion.
Consider a main memory formed with m = 2a memory modules, each containing w = 2b words of
memory cells. The total memory capacity is m.w = 2a+b words.
These memory words are assigned linear addresses. Different ways of assigning linear addresses result
in different memory organizations.
Besides random access, the main memory is often block-accessed at consecutive addresses.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Low-order interleaving
• Low-order interleaving spreads contiguous memory locations across the m modules horizontally
(Fig. 5.15a).
• This implies that the low-order a bits of the memory address are used to identify the memory
• The high-order b bits are the word addresses (displacement) within each module.
• Note that the same word address is applied to all memory modules simultaneously. A module
address decoder is used to distribute module addresses.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
High-order interleaving
• High-order interleaving uses the high-order a bits as the module address and the low-order b bits as
the word address within each module (Fig. 5.15b).
• Contiguous memory locations are thus assigned to the same memory module. In each memory
cycle, only one word is accessed from each module.
• Thus the high-order interleaving cannot support block access of contiguous locations.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• An eight-way interleaved memory (with m=8 and w=8 and thus a=b=3) is shown in Fig. 5.16a.
• Let be the major cycle and the minor cycle. These two cycle times are related as follows:
= /m
m=degree of interleaving
=total time to complete access of one word
=actual time to produce one word
Total block access time is 2
Effective access time of each word is
• The timing of the pipelined access of the 8 contiguous memory words is shown in Fig. 5.16b.
• This type of concurrent access of contiguous words has been called a C-access memory scheme.
where m is the number of interleaved memory modules.
This equation implies that if 16 memory modules are used, then the effective memory bandwidth is
approximately four times that of a single module.
This pessimistic estimate is due to the fact that block access of various lengths and access of single
words are randomly mixed in user programs.
Hellerman's estimate was based on a single-processor system. If memory-access conflicts from
multiple processors (such as the hot spot problem) are considered, the effective memory bandwidth
will be further reduced.
In a vector processing computer, the access time of a long vector with n elements and stride
distance 1 has been estimated by Cragon (1992) as follows:
It is assumed that the n elements are stored in contiguous memory locations in an m-way
interleaved memory system.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Fault Tolerance
High- and low-order interleaving can be combined to yield many different interleaved memory
Sequential addresses are assigned in the high-order interleaved memory in each memory module.
This makes it easier to isolate faulty memory modules in a memory bank of m memory modules.
When one module failure is detected, the remaining modules can still bo used by opening a
window in the address space.
This fault isolation cannot be carried out in a low-order interleaved memory, in which a module
failure may paralyze the entire memory bank.
Thus low-order interleaving memory is not fault-tolerant.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Global allocation: considers the history of the working sets of all resident processes in making
a swapping decision
Swapping Systems
• Allow swapping only at entire process level
• Swap device: configurable section of a disk set aside for temp storage of data swapped
• Swap space: portion of disk set aside
• Depending on system, may swap entire processes only, or the necessary pages
Swapping in UNIX
• System calls that result in a swap:
– Allocation of space for child process being created
– Increase in size of a process address space
– Increased space demand by stack for a process
– Demand for space by a returning process swapped out previously
• Special process 0 is the swapper
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Allows only pages to be transferred b/t main memory and swap device
• Pages are brought in only on demand
• Allows process address space to be larger than physical address space
• Offers flexibility to dynamically accommodate large # of processes in physical memory on
time-sharing basis
Working Sets
• Set of pages referenced by the process during last n memory refs (n=window size)
• Only working sets of active processes are resident in memory
Other Policies
• Memory inconsistency: when memory access order differs from program execution order
• Sequential consistency: memory accesses (I and D) consistent with program execution order
Event Orderings
• Processes: concurrent instruction streams executing on different processors
• Consistency models specify the order by which events from one process should be observed by
• Event ordering helps determine if a memory event is legal for concurrent accesses
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Program order: order by which memory access occur for execution of a single process, w/o
any reordering
The event ordering can he used to declare whether a memory event is legal or illegal, when several
processes are accessing a common set of memory locations.
A program order is the order by which memory accesses occur for the execution of a single process,
provided that no program reordering has taken place.
Three primitive memory operations for the purpose of specifying memory consistency models are
(1) A load by processor Pi is considered performed with respect to processor Pk at a point of time
when the issuing of a store to the same location by Pk cannot affect the value returned by the load.
(2) A store by P, is considered performed with respect to Pk at one time when an issued load to the
same address by Pk returns the value by this store.
(3) A load is globally performed if it is performed with respect to all processors and if the store that is
the source of the returned value has been performed with respect to all processors.
As illustrated in Fig. 5.19a, a processor can execute instructions out of program order using a
compiler to resequence instructions in order to boost performance.
A uniprocessor system allows these out-of-sequence executions provided that hardware interlock
mechanisms exist to check data and control dependences between instructions.
When a processor in a multiprocessor system executes a concurrent program as illustrated in Fig.
5.19b, local dependence checking is necessary but may not be sufficient to preserve the intended
outcome of a concurrent execution.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
(c) If accesses are not atomic with multiple copies of the same data coexisting as in a cache-based
system, then different processors can individually observe different interleavings during the same
execution. In this case, the total number of possible execution instantiations of a program becomes
even larger.
Three categories of multiprocessor memory behavior:
• Program order preserved and uniform observation sequence by all processors
• Out-of-program-order allowed and uniform observation sequence by all processors
• Out-of-program-order allowed and nonuniform sequences observed by different processors
Atomic memory accesses: memory updates are known to all processors at the same time
Non-atomic: having individual program orders that conform is not a sufficient condition for sequential
– Multiprocessor cannot be strongly ordered
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Implementation Considerations
• A single port software services one op at a time
• Order in which software is thrown determines global order of memory access ops
• Strong ordering preserves the program order in all processors
• Sequential consistency model leads to poor memory performance due to the imposed strong
ordering of memory events
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• Multiprocessor model may range from strong (sequential) consistency to various degrees of
weak consistency
• Two models considered
– DSB (Dubois, Scheurich and Briggs) model
– TSO (Total Store Order) model
DSB Model
Dubois, Scheurich and Briggs have derived a weak consistency model by relating memory request
ordering to synchronization points in the program. We call this the DSB model specified by the
following 3 conditions:
1. All previous synchronization accesses must be performed, before a load or a store access is
allowed to perform wrt any other processor.
2. All previous load and store accesses must be performed, before a synchronization access is
allowed to perform wrt any other processor.
3. Synchronization accesses sequentially consistent with respect to one another
TSO Model
Sindhu, Frailong and Cekleov have specified the TSO weak consistency model with 6 behavioral
1. Load returns latest store result
2. Memory order is a total binary relation over all pairs of store operations
3. If two stores appear in a particular program order, then they must also appear in the same
memory order
4. If a memory operation follows a load in program order, then it must also follow load in
memory order
5. A swap operation is atomic with respect to other stores – no other store can interleave between
load/store parts of swap
6. All stores and swaps must eventually terminate.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Asynchronous Model
As shown in the figure data flow between adjacent stages in an asynchronous pipeline is controlled
by a handshaking protocol.
When stage Si is ready to transmit, it sends a ready signal to stage Si+1. After stage receives the
incoming data, it returns an acknowledge signal to Si.
Asynchronous pipelines are useful in designing communication channels in message- passing
multicomputers where pipelined wormhole routing is practiced Asynchronous pipelines may have
a variable throughput rate.
Different amounts of delay may be experienced in different stages.
Synchronous Model:
Synchronous pipelines are illustrated in Fig. Clocked latches are used to interface between stages.
The latches are made with master-slave flip-flops, which can isolate inputs from outputs.
Upon the arrival of a clock pulse All latches transfer data to the next stage simultaneously.
The pipeline stages are combinational logic circuits. It is desired to have approximately equal
delays in all stages.
These delays determine the clock period and thus the speed of the pipeline. Unless otherwise
specified, only synchronous pipelines are studied.
The utilization pattern of successive stages in a synchronous pipeline is specified by a reservation
For a linear pipeline, the utilization follows the diagonal streamline pattern shown in Fig. 6.1c.
This table is essentially a space-time diagram depicting the precedence relationship in using the
pipeline stages.
Successive tasks or operations are initiated one per cycle to enter the pipeline. Once the pipeline is
filled up, one result emerges from the pipeline for each additional cycle.
This throughput is sustained only if the successive tasks are independent of each other.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
At the rising edge of the clock pulse, the data is latched to the master flip-flops of each latch
register. The clock pulse has a width equal to d.
In general, τm >> d by one to two orders of magnitude.
This implies that the maximum stage delay τm dominates the clock period. The pipeline frequency
is defined as the inverse of the clock period.
If one result is expected to come out of the pipeline per cycle, f represents the maximum
throughput of the pipeline.
Depending on the initiation rate of successive tasks entering the pipeline, the actual throughput of
the pipeline may be lower than f.
This is because more than one clock cycle has elapsed between successive task initiations.
Clock Skewing:
Ideally, we expect the clock pulses to arrive at all stages (latches) at the same time.
However, due to a problem known as clock skewing the same clock pulse may arrive at different
stages with a time offset of s.
Let tmax be the time delay of the longest logic path within a stage
tmin is the shortest logic path within a stage.
To avoid a race in two successive stages, we must choose
τm >= tmax + s and d <= tmin - s
These constraints translate into the following bounds on the clock period when clock skew takes
d + tmax + s <= τ <= τm + tmin - s
In the ideal case s = 0, tmax = τm, and tmin = d. Thus, we have τ= τm + d
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Speedup Factor
The speedup factor of a k-stage pipeline over an equivalent nonpipelined processor is defined as
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
However, function partitioning in a dynamic pipeline becomes quite involved because the pipeline
stages are interconnected with loops in addition to streamline connections.
A multifunction dynamic pipeline is shown in Fig 6.3a. This pipeline has three stages.
Besides the streamline connections from S1 to S2 and from S2 to S3, there is a feed forward
connection from S1 to S3 and two feedback connections from S3 to S2 and from S3 to S1.
These feed forward and feedback connections make the scheduling of successive events into the
pipeline a nontrivial task.
With these connections, the output of the pipeline is not necessarily from the last stage.
In fact, following different dataflow patterns, one can use the same pipeline to evaluate different
Reservation Tables:
The reservation table for a static linear pipeline is trivial in the sense that data flow follows a linear
The reservation table for a dynamic pipeline becomes more interesting because a nonlinear pattern
is followed.
Given a pipeline configuration, multiple reservation tables can be generated for the evaluation of
different functions.
Two reservation tables are given in Fig6.3b and 6.3c, corresponding to a function X and a function
Y, respectively.
Each function evaluation is specified by one reservation table. A static pipeline is specified by a
single reservation table.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
A dynamic pipeline may be specified by more than one reservation table. Each reservation table
displays the time-space flow of data through the pipeline for one function evaluation.
Different functions may follow different paths on the reservation table.
A number of pipeline configurations may be represented by the same reservation table.
There is a many-to-many mapping between various pipeline configurations and different
reservation tables.
The number of columns in a reservation table is called the evaluation time of a given function.
Latency Analysis
The number of time units (clock cycles) between two initiations of a pipeline is the latency
between them.
Latency values must be non negative integers. A latency of k means that two initiations are
separated by k clock cycles.
Any attempt by two or more initiations to use the same pipeline stage at the same time will cause a
A collision implies resource conflicts between two initiations in the pipeline. Therefore, all
collisions must be avoided in scheduling a sequence of pipeline initiations.
Some latencies will cause collisions, and some will not.
Latencies that cause collisions are called forbidden latencies.
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ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
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ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Load operation (LD R2, M) and replaces it with the move operation (MOVE R2, R1).
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
Hazard Avoidance
• The read and write of shared variables by different instructions in a pipeline may lead to different
results if these instructions are executed out of order.
• As shown in Fig. 6.15, three types of logic hazards are possible:
• Consider two instructions I and J. Instruction J is assumed to logically follow instruction I
according to program order.
• If the actual execution order of these two instructions violate the program order, incorrect results
may be read or written, thereby producing hazards.
• Hazards should be prevented before these instructions enter the pipeline, such as by holding
instruction J until the dependence on instruction I is resolved.
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
• We use the notation D(I) and R(I) for the domain and range of an instruction I.
– Domain contains the Input Set to be used by instruction I
– Range contains the Output Set of instruction I
Listed below are conditions under which possible hazards can occur:
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III
ACA (15CS72) Notes Module-III