Budgeting Worksheet: This Worksheet Will Help Give You A Clear Understanding of Your Expenses

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Budgeting worksheet

This worksheet will help give you a clear understanding of your expenses — ​
­and could help you find a little more money to put away in your workplace savings
plan. Fill out the worksheet, indicating your essential expenses (things you need
to have) and your discretionary expenses (things you would like to have) and your
sources of income.

Monthly spending (50% or less of your take-home pay)

Essential (need to have) Discretionary (nice to have)

Mortgage $______________________ or $ _______________________ Fidelity suggests:
Consider at least
Rent/condo fees $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ the shaded portions
Property tax $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ on this list, which
represent some of
Homeowner’s insurance $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ the most common
Utilities essential expenses.

Electric $ ______________________ or $ _______________________

Water/sewer $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Oil/gas $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ To help you complete
Telephone/cable/Internet fees $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ this section, you may
want to review your
Other $ ______________________ or $ _______________________ checkbook ledger
and credit card
Subtotal — housing $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00
_____________________ statements to get
expense estimates.
Groceries $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Personal care (health and beauty aids) $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Clothing $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Laundry/dry cleaning $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Other $ ______________________ or $ _______________________
Subtotal — personal $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00
Monthly spending (50% or less of your take-home pay)

Essential (need to have) Discretionary (nice to have)

Health care and insurance
Health insurance premiums
Medicare Part B premiums $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Medicare Supplemental/
Medigap Premium $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Prescriptions $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Dental and vision care $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Other (co-payments, deductibles, etc.) $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
L ong term care insurance premiums $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Life insurance premiums $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Disability insurance $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Subtotal — health care and insurance $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00

Routine transportation
Auto loan or lease payment $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Auto insurance $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Excise tax/registration fees $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Routine maintenance $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Gasoline $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Other $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Subtotal — routine transportation $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00

Savings goals (20% of your take-home pay)

Essential (need to have) Discretionary (nice to have)

Retirement savings contributions $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
General savings contributions $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
College savings contributions $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Support for parent(s) $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Support for children/grandchildren
(including day care) $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Household improvement
and maintenance $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Other $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Subtotal — savings goals $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00
Other wants and goals (30% of your take-home pay)

Essential (need to have) Discretionary (nice to have)

Family $_______________________ or $_______________________
Charitable donations $_______________________ or $_______________________
Other $_______________________ or $_______________________
Subtotal — gifts $ __0.00
_____________________ or $ __0.00

Travel and vacations $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Club memberships $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Hobbies $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Other $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Subtotal — recreation $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00

Movies/theater/sports events $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Dining out $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Other $ ______________________ or $ ______________________
Subtotal — entertainment $ __0.00
____________________ or $ __0.00
$ __0.00
_____________________ + $ __0.00
_____________________ = $ __0.00
Total discretionary
Total monthly expenses
Total essential expenses expenses

Monthly income

Salary $_______________________
Other $_______________________
$ __0.00
_____________________ – $ __0.00
_____________________ = $ __0.00
Total available to save
Total monthly income Total monthly expenses

Your net worth

What you own (assets) Amount

Quick assets — immediate access to cash
Cash in checking, ready savings, and money market mutual funds $_______________________
Stocks, bonds, government securities, unit trusts, and mutual funds $ _______________________
Other easily salable investments $ _______________________
Money owed you for work you’ve done $ _______________________
Life insurance cash values $ _______________________
Personal property: precious metals, jewelry, silver, cars, etc. $ _______________________
Your net worth

What you own (assets) Amount

Restricted assets — restricted access to cash
Certificates of deposit, if they have early withdrawal penalties $ _______________________
Retirement accounts: IRAs, 401(k)s and other workplace
savings plans, tax-deferred annuities, company thrift accounts,
and deferred compensation $ _______________________
Current value of your vested pension, lump-sum, and executive
stock options $ _______________________

Slow assets — longer-term access to cash

Your home and other real estate $ _______________________
Other valuable personal property: art, antiques, furs, boats, tools,
stamps, coins, etc. $ _______________________
Restricted stock and limited partnerships, not readily salable $ _______________________
Money owed you in the future $ _______________________
Equity value of a business $ _______________________
Total assets $ __0.00

Your net worth

What you owe (liabilities) Amount Interest Rate

Current bills outstanding: this month’s rent/mortgage payment,
utilities, medical bills, insurance premiums, etc. $_______________________ ______________________%
Credit card debt $_______________________ ______________________%
Installment and auto loans $ _______________________ ______________________%
Life insurance loans (if you’re paying them off currently) $ _______________________ ______________________%
Home mortgage $ _______________________ ______________________%
Home equity loan $ _______________________ ______________________%
Other mortgages $ _______________________ ______________________%
Student loans $ _______________________ ______________________%
Loans against investments, including your margin loans $ _______________________ ______________________%
Other loans $ _______________________ ______________________%
Income and real estate taxes due $ _______________________ ______________________%
Taxes due on your investments, if you cash them in $ _______________________ ______________________%
Taxes and penalties due on your retirement accounts, if you cash them in $ _______________________ ______________________%
Total liabilities $ __0.00

Net worth (assets minus liabilities)

Total assets (from previous page) 0.00
$ _______________________
Total liabilities – 0.00
$ _______________________
Net worth $ __0.00

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
© 2015 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.
595578.3.0 1.933069.103

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