A Private Limited Company ? Ans.: What Is Returns Filing?

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What is Returns filing?

Registered entities are to file returns in prescribed forms & schedules, and RJSC
 upon satisfaction approves and archives such records. There are two (2) types of
returns, viz., ‘Annual Returns’ and ‘Returns for any Change in the Entity’

1. Which documents required to submit for ANNUAL RETURN of



a. Schedule X - Annual summary of share capital and list of

shareholders, Directors: to be filed within 21 days of AGM
[Section 36].
b. Balance Sheet: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
c. Profit & Loss Account: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
d. Form 23B – Notice by Auditor: to be filed within 30 days of
receiving appointment information from the company
[Section 210 (2)

Which documents required to submit for CHANGE of a PRIVATE LIMITED



e. Filled in Form III - Notice of consolidation, division, subdivision or conversion

into stock of shares: to be filed within 15 days of consolidation and division etc.
[Section 53 & 54].
f. Filled in Form IV - Notice of increase share capital: to be filed within 15 days of
increase of share capital/member [Section 56].
g. Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including
name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of
association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of
the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
h. Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including
name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of
association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of
the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
i. Filled in Form IX - Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of
appointment [Section 92].
j. Filled in Form XII - Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents
and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment
or change [Section 115].
k. Filled in Form XV - Return of allotment: to be filed within 60 days of allotment
[Section 151].
l. Filled in Form XVIII - Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21
days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391].
m. Filled in Form XIX - Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be
filed within 21 days of the date modification [Section 167(3) & 319].
n. Filled in Form XXVIII - Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be
filed within 21 days of the date satisfaction [Section 12 & 391].
o. Filled in Form 117 - Instrument of Transfer of Shares.
p. Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association

Schedule - X
(See Section 36)
Summary of share capital and share
of ...................................................................................................   
Company Limited, made up to the .............................. day
of ..............................
( being the day of the first general meeting in ....................  )

Nominal share capital Tk.  ............................... divided

into ................................... shares of Tk.  ............................
................  each.
1. Total number of shares taken up to the................... day
of ...........................
which ( number must agree with total shown in the
list as held by existing members).  
2. Number of shares issued subject to payment wholly in
cash  ............................................................................  
3. Number of shares issued as fully paid-up otherwise than
4. (a)  Number of shares issued as partly paid-up to the
extent of per Share otherwise than in  
cash .........................................
    (b)  Extent payment to be made per share otherwise than
in cash  ........................................................................  
5. There has been called up on each of shares T
of ................................... K
of ......................................  class .
6. There has been called up on each of T
shares ................................................ K
of ................................  class
7. There has been called up on each of T
shares ......................................... of............................  K
class .
8. Total amount received on T
calls ............................................................................. K
...................................... .
9. (a)  Total amount received along with application for
Shares .................................................................... .
    (b)  Numbers of Shares allotted on T
application .................................................................... K
...................... .

10. Total amount; if any, agreed to be considered as paid

on Shares which have been issued a fully paid up otherwise T
than in cash  ................................................................. K
.................................................................................... .
11. Total amount, if any, agreed to be considered as paid T
on Shares which have been issued as partly paid up to the K
extent of per share.................................................... .

12. Total amount of calls unpaid  ..................................... T

............................................................................ .
13. Total amount if any, of sums paid or allowed in T
respected of shares or debentures since date of last K
summary ........................ .
      (a) as T
commission ................................................................... K
............... .

      (b) as discount  ....................................................... T

.............................. .
14. (a) Total number of shares forfeited if T
any .............................................................................. K
....................... .

      (b) Total money paid T

thereon ........................................................................ K
................................................. .

15. Total amount of shares and stock for which share- T

warrants are K
outstanding ........................................................ .

16. Total amount of share-warrants issued and surrendered T

respectively since date of last K
summary ......................................... .

17. Number of Shares or amount of stock comprised in each T

share-warrant  .............................................................. K
.................. .

18. Total amount of debt due from the Company in respect

of all mortgages and shares which are required to be T
registered with the Registrar under the Companies Act, K
1994  ........................................................................... .
       Notes :
(a)  When there are shares of different kinds or amounts (e.g. preference and
ordinary of Tk. 200 or Tk. 100) state the numbers and nominal value separately.
(b)  Where various amounts have been called there are shares of different kinds,
state separately.
(b)  Where various amounts have been received or forfeited, as well as on existing
shares. State the agree gate number of share forfeited

19.  List of persons shares in

on ........................................ Limited the .............. day of ............... 

  and of persons who have held shares therein at any time since the date of the
Last Return. showing their names and addresses and an account of the shares so


Number of Particulars of shares transferred s

shares  held by the date of the last return by pers
Occupatio existing who are still members
Address Nationality
n or caste members at
the date of
Date of registra
return Number


20.  Names and Addresses of the persons who are the Directors of the  ...............
............. Limited on the  .................... day of ..................19.......





21.  Names and Addresses of the persons who are the Managing Director,
Managing Agents or Managers and
Auditors of the ........................... Limited ....................... on
the ......................... day of ...........................19..........



     I .........................................   do hereby certify that --
a)  The above list and Summary truly and correctly states the facts as they stood
on the .................. day of ...........19............
b)  The Company has not since the date of its incorporation last Return issued any
invitation to the public to subscribe
     for any shares or debentures of the Company (in case of private company);
c)  The excess of the number of its members beyond fifty shown in the list are the
persons who are in the employment
     for the Company, (in case of private company).

Signature ....................     


Form No. 23B
Name of the Company 
Registration No. of
Company :
Notice by Auditor
Pursuant to Section 210 (2)
I/We here by give notice to the registrar
of Join Stock Companies Pursuant to section 210 (2)
of Companies Act, 1994 that I/We have received intimation dated the
Limited/ Private Limited of my/our having been appointed as auditor (s) for the year
and that I/We have Accepted or refused (if accepted)  to accept the appointment as
auditor(s) of the company.
Signature ............................................
 Dated the .......................day of ...............................20

           1. Ins by G. S. R. 195 dated 9th February, 1961

           2. Where the signatory is a partner of a firm of Chartered Accountants, the name
              of the firm also if to be indicated.

Name of Company ___________________________________________________________
                                                                                                Transfer No ________________
I/We __________________________________ of _________________________________
in consideration of the sum of Taka ________________ paid to me/us by _______________
of ________________________________________________________________________
( hereinafter called “the said Transfer” ) _________________________________ do hereby
bargain/assign and transfer the said Transferee _____________________________________
Shares of Tk. __________________ each Tk. ___________________ paid up number from
________________ to ______________ inclusive in the _____________________ Limited to
hold upto the said transferee his/her executors administrator and assign subject to the several
conditions on which I hold the same at the time/execution hereof and I the said transferee do
hereby agree to accept and take the said shares subjects to the conditions aforesaid.
As witness out hands this _____________________________ day of ____________2003
Signed by the above named                                                        Signature of Transferor
In the presence of  :
(i)  Witness to         :
      Sign, here         :
      Occupation      :
      Address           :
Signed by the above named                                                      Signature of Transferee
in the presence of  :
(ii)  Witness of        :
       Sign, here        :
       Occupation      :
       Address          :
Approved –vide resolution of the board of Director in the meeting held on _______________
Chairman/Mg. Director/Director
Fees of Returns Filing

   COMPANIES (Private  & Public)

   a. Returns Filing
     i. For filing any document within the schedule time: @ BDT 400.00 per document
     ii. Late fee for filing any document beyond the schedule time: @ BDT 2.00 per day
not exceeding BDT 1,000.00 per document.

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