Part 1
Part 1
Part 1
1.1 Tender Notice
Tenders are invited through E-Tendering system by RITES Ltd., a Public Sector Enterprise
under the Ministry of Railways, acting for and on behalf of Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut
Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL), from working contractors (including contractors
who have executed works within the last five years reckoned from the scheduled date of
opening of tender) of Railways, CPWD, MES, DOT, RITES, State PWD or any other
Central/State Government Department, Central/State Government Undertaking or their
subsidiaries, Municipal Body, Autonomous Body of Central / State Governments or Public
Ltd., Companies listed on Stock Exchange in India or Abroad or subsidiaries of
such companies for the work of “S&T works in connection with Construction of
Railway Network for Coal Transportation for Obra-C Thermal Power Project Ext.,
Unit, At Obra District:-Sonebhadra (UP)”.
The work is estimated to cost Rs. 8.46 Crores (Rupees Eight Crore and Forty Six Lakhs)
excluding GST. The estimate is generally based on last accepted rates and on market rates for
non-schedule items. This Estimate, however, is given merely as a rough guide.
The time allowed for completion will be12 months from the date of start which is defined in
Schedule F under Clause 5.1(a) of Clauses of Contract.
1.4 Brief Scope of Work :- Obra-C Thermal power station, a coal based plant of
UPRVUNL is situated at Obra District Sonebhadra (UP). This tender is for Signalling &
telecom works of the plant.
Note: Tentative signalling plan of Obra-C TPP yard is enclosed with the tender document for
better understanding of the work. However, drawing is subject to change.
The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of Tenders by issuing an amendment
in writing in accordance with Clause 6.3 in which case all rights and obligations of the
Employer and the Tenderer previously subject to the original deadline will be subject to new
2.2 The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will depend on the category of works, whether Small,
Normal or Large. Small Works are those costing up to and including Rs. 3 Crore, Normal
Works are those costing above Rs. 3 Crore and up to and including Rs. 100 Crore each and
Large Works are those costing more than Rs. 100 Crore. The work for which the Tender is
being invited falls under the category of Normal work.
2.3 The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will also depend on whether the Work falls in
Normal area or difficult area. Difficult area includes North East States, Jammu & Kashmir,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands and the 60 districts requiring Integrated Action Plan of
Government of India (List available at Annexure X). Normal area covers all areas other than
Difficult area. The work for which this Tender has been invited falls under difficult area.
2.5 The documents to be furnished by the Bidder to prove that he is satisfying the qualification
Criteria laid down should all be in the Bidder‟s name, except in cases where through the name
has changed, the owners continued to remain the same and in cases of amalgamation of
3.1 The information to be furnished and the documents to be enclosed shall be as per Clause 28.0
4.1 Each set of Tender or Bidding Document will comprise the documents listed below and
addenda issued in accordance with Clause 6:
4.2 Part-3: General Conditions of Contract (Compilation of section 7 to 11) as also Correction
Slips to GCC are available on RITES website under the link „Tenders‟.
4.3 Part-3 of the tender, i.e., General Conditions of Contract (Compilation of Section 7 to11) is
not uploaded as a part of this tender document because as stated in sub-clause 4.2 above, the
same is available separately on RITES‟ website and can be seen/downloaded from there. The
bidder need not submit/upload Part 3 of the tender as a part of his offer. So far as Part-1
is concerned, the bidder is required to submit/upload only the documents mentioned in
Clause 28.0 of Section 1 thereof. Rest of the Part-1 need not be uploaded. The bidder
must, nevertheless, read the same. It shall be presumed that the bidder has read the
contents of Part 1: Technical Bid Packet and Part 3: General Conditions of Contract and
upto date Correction Slips thereto and the same will be binding upon him. The successful
bidder will be required to sign the complete tender document i.e., Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and
Correction Slips, if any, thereto.
5.1 To participate in the E-Bid submission for RITES, it is mandatory for the bidders to get their
firms registered with E-Procurement Portal
5.2 The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal,
using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the
bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the
requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
a) Bidders are required to enrol on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: ) by clicking on the link
“Online Bidder Enrolment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.
b) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
c) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
d) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying
Authority recognized by CCA India with their profile.
e) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC‟s to others which may lead to
f) Bidder can log in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user
ID/Password and the password of the DSC/e-Token.
a) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such
as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to search
for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
b) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the
required documents/tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective „My
Tenders‟ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through
SMS/E-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
c) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case
they want to obtain any clarification/help from the Helpdesk.
a) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before
submitting their bids.
b) Bidder is advised to go through the tender advertisement/NIT and the tender document
carefully to understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Bidder
may please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted,
the number of documents – including the names and content of each of the document that
need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
c) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid document to be submitted as indicated in the
tender document/schedule and generally, they can be in PDF/XLS/RAR/JPG formats. Bid
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in
reducing size of the scanned document.
d) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. PAN Card copy, Annual Reports, Auditor Certificates etc.) has
been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or “Other Important
Documents” area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be
directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be
uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid
submission process.
a. Bid can be submitted only during validity of registration of bidder with CPPP E-
Procurement Portal.
b. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload
the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for
any delay due to other issues.
c. The Bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
d. Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the cost of tender document
and EMD as applicable and enter details of the instruments.
e. Bidder should prepare the financial instruments of the Cost of Tender Documents and
EMD as per the instructions specified in Clause 7.0 (f) hereinafter. The original should be
posted/couriered/given in person to the concerned official, so as to reach him within a
week from the date of opening. The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument,
physically sent, should tally with the details available in the scanned copy and the data
entered during bid submission time. If the date of issue of DD/any other accepted
instrument, physically sent, is on or before the bid submission end date, the same shall
also be accepted even if the details are different from the scanned copy uploaded along
with the bid. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
f. Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the
format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a
standard BOQ format with the tender documents, then the same is to be downloaded and
to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BOQ file, open it and
complete the Sky Blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes
and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once
the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online, without
changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will
be rejected.
g. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders‟ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,
opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
h. All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the
bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 Bit encryption technology. Data
storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the
server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.
Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid openers public
i. The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
j. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a
bid ID to the bid. A bid summary will be displayed with the bid ID and the date & time of
submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
k. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of
the bid. The acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening
a) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Help Desk Number
0120-4200462, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 0120-6277787, E-mail id: support-
b) Bidders information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained
c) It is mandatory for all bidders to have Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in the
name of the person along with name of Company who will digitally sign the bid from
any of licensed Certifying Agency (CA). Bidders can see the list of licensed CAs from
the link
d) Bidder shall ensure use of registered Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) only and safety
of the same.
e) In case the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) holder who is digitally signing the bid and
the person having Authority to Sign as per Clause 11 are different, even then all the terms
and conditions of the tender document will be binding upon the bidder.
A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification on the Tender Document may notify
through queries, on line only within the specified period (refer clause 1.6-Critical Date Sheet
Request for clarifications including request for Extension of Time for submission of Bid, if
any, must be received not later than 10 (ten) days prior to the deadline for submission of
tenders. Details of such queries raised and clarifications furnished will be uploaded in CPP
website without identifying the names of the bidders
who had raised the queries. Any modification of the Tender Document arising out of such
clarifications will also be uploaded on CPP website.
6.1 Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the Tender Document may be modified by
RITES Ltd. by issue of addenda/corrigendum.
6.3 To give prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take the addenda/corrigenda into
account in preparing their tenders, extension of the deadline for submission of tenders may be
given before bid submission end date and time as considered necessary by RITES. Sometimes
due to administrative reasons, the deadline for submission of tenders may be extended latest
by the deadline for opening of tender as stipulated including extension given earlier. All
tenderers are advised to see the website for extension of deadline for submission of tenders.
6.4 Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website shall not tamper/modify the tender form
including downloaded Price Bid Template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered / modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with RITES Ltd.
a. Part-1 and Part-2 of tender document may be downloaded from CPPP and Part-3 from
RITES website under the link „Tender‟ – „RITES GCC for Works‟
well before the deadline for submission of bids. The bids (Part-2 only) alongwith the
information and documents specified in Clause 28 hereinafter shall be submitted online
following the instructions appearing on the screen. Documents specified in Clause 28 of
Section 1, Part-1 are required to be uploaded along with Part-2 (Financial Bid); the
rest of Part-1 and the whole of Part-3 of the tender document need not be submitted
online but it shall be deemed to have been submitted. Users are requested to map their
system as per the System settings available on the link on the
CPP portal.
c. Bidders may ensure that all the pages of the documents mentioned in Clause 28 must be
signed & stamped by authorised signatory and serially numbered. In case, it is found that
bidder has not complied with the same, the documents shall be deemed to be signed and
stamped as this is a digitally signed e-tender.
d. The bids shall be submitted online following the instructions appearing on the screen.
Bidders may insert their e-Token/Smart Card in their computer and Log onto CPP portal using the User-Id and Password chosen during
registration. Then they may enter the password of the e-Token/Smart Card to access the
e. Prior to bid submission, bidder should get ready with the documents to be uploaded as part
of the bid as indicated in the tender document/schedule. Generally, they can be in
Excel/PDF/RAR/JPG formats. No other format is accepted. If there is more than one PDF
document, then they can be clubbed together in a Zip file for uploading. There is no limit
for uploading file. Bids shall be submitted online only at CPP website
Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instructions provided in the „Instructions to
the Contractors/Tenderer for the e-submission of the bids online through the Central
Public Procurement Portal for e procurement at
Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in
reducing size of the scanned document.
Intending tenderers are advised to visit CPPP website till the closing date of submission of tender to check
i. Cost of Tender Document: The Cost of Tender Document is Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees
Ten Thousand Crore only) including GST which is non-refundable. It shall be in the
form of a Banker‟s Cheque/Pay Order/Demand draft favouring “UPRVUNL”
issued by a scheduled Commercial Bank, payable at Lucknow. No other mode of
payment will be acceptable.
ii. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) – The bids shall be accompanied by total Earnest
Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 8.46 lakh (Rupees Eight lakh Forty Six Thousand
only) in the form specified in Clause 9 hereinafter.
Bidders are required to upload scanned copy of acceptable instruments for EMD and
Cost of Tender document in different files (Either in PDF or Zip format) during on-
line submission of Bid. These documents shall be deposited in “ORIGINAL” in a
sealed envelope within a week from the date of opening to:
Failing which the bid shall be rejected and the bidder shall be debarred from
tendering in RITES Ltd. for a period of 02 (two) years unless the lapse is condoned
by the Accepting Authority at the request of the bidder for valid reasons. The
envelope should bear the tender details (Tender No., Tender Name etc.)
g. The bid should be submitted online in the prescribed format. No other mode of
submission is accepted.
h. Bid shall be digitally signed by a representative of the bidder and submitted “on- line”. No
hard copies of the documents (except those specifically asked for in the tender document)
are required to be submitted.
i. The bidders will have to accept unconditionally the online user portal agreement which
contains the Terms and Conditions of NIT including General and Special Terms &
Conditions and other conditions, if any, along with on-line undertaking in support of the
authenticity regarding the facts, figures, information and documents furnished by the
bidder on-line in order to become an eligible bidder.
j. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated. Bidders to note that the very act of using DSC for downloading the bids and
uploading their offers shall be deemed to be a confirmation that they have read all sections
and pages of the tender/bid document including terms and conditions without any
exception and have understood the entire document and are clear about tender
requirements which will be binding upon the bidder.
k. The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online e-tendering system before the
deadline for submission of bids (as per Server System Clock displayed on the portal).
RITES will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during
online submission of bids by the bidders at the eleventh hour.
l. The bidder may seek clarification online only within the specified period. The identity of
bidder will not be disclosed by the system. RITES Ltd. will clarify the relevant queries of
bidders as far as possible. The clarifications given will be visible to all the bidders
intending to participate in that tender. The clarifications may be asked from the day of
“Pre Bid Query Receipt Start Date and Time” till “Pre Bid Query Receipt End Date and
m. The bidder may contact to seek clarification related to this tender to Shri M. K. Jha, Sr.
DGM (Civil), mobile no. 7380950969 and regarding Technical specifications contact Sri
M K Srivastava, JGM (S&T), Mob. No.-7380950960.
8.1 The Tender shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the due date for submission of Tender
or any extended date as indicated in sub para below.
8.2 In exceptional circumstances, during the process of evaluation of tenders and prior to the
expiry of the original time limit for Tender Validity, the Employer may request that the
Tenderers may extend the period of validity unconditionally for a specified additional period.
The request and the tenderer‟s response shall be made in writing/ e- mail. A Tenderer may
refuse the request without forfeiting his Earnest Money. A Tenderer agreeing to the request
will not be permitted to modify his Bid but will be required to extend the validity of the
Earnest Money for the period of the extension.
9.1 The Tender should be accompanied by earnest money of Rs. 8.46 lakh (Rupees Eight lakh
Forty Six Thousand only) in any one of the following forms:
Banker‟s Cheque/Pay Order / Demand Draft issued by any Scheduled Commercial Bank
drawn in favour of UPRVUNL and payable at Lucknow.
9.2 Any Tender not accompanied by scanned copies of the instruments for payment of Earnest
Money and Cost of tender document in an acceptable form (or, if applicable the scanned
copy of documents in support of exemption) shall be rejected by the Employer as non-
9.3 Refund of Earnest Money
The Earnest Money of the Tenderers whose Technical Bid is found not acceptable will be
returned without interest soon after scrutiny of Technical Bid has been completed by the
Employer subject to provisions of Clause 9.4 (b). The Earnest Money of the Tenderers whose
Technical Bid is found acceptable but who are neither the lowest nor the second lowest will be
returned without interest within 07 days of opening of Financial Bid. The Earnest Money of
the remaining unsuccessful bidders will be released within seven days of the Accepting
Authority‟s decision on acceptance or otherwise of the tender subject to provisions of Clause
9.4 (b). The bidder shall submit RTGS/NEFT Mandate Form as per Performa given in
Annexure VII, dully filled in.
9.4 The Earnest Money is liable to be forfeited
(a) if after bid opening, but before expiry of bid validity or issue of Letter of Acceptance,
whichever is earlier, any Tenderer
i. withdraws his tender; or
ii. makes any modification in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not
acceptable to the Employer
(b) in case any information/document which may result in the tenderer‟s disqualification is
concealed by the Tenderer or any statement/information/document furnished by the
Tenderer or issued by a Bank/Agency/Third Party and submitted by the tenderer, is
subsequently found to be false or fraudulent or repudiated by the said
Bank/Agency/Third Party.
10.6 After the bid submission on the portal, an acknowledgement number will be generated by the
system which should be printed by the bidder and kept as a record of evidence for online
submission of bid for the particular tender and will also act as an entry pass to participate in
the bid opening.
10.7 The time settings fixed in the server side & displayed at the top of the tender site, will be valid
for bid submission, in the e-tender system. The bidders should follow this time during bid
10.8 All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption techniques
to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered will not be viewable by unauthorized
persons during bid submission & will not be viewable by any one until the date & time
specified for bid opening.
10.9 The bidder should logout of the tendering system using the normal logout option available in
the portal and not by selecting the (X) exit option in the browser.
a) If the applicant is an individual, he should sign above his full type written name and
current address.
b) If the applicant is a proprietary firm, the Proprietor should sign above his full type written
name and the full name of his firm with its current address.
c) If the applicant is a firm in partnership, the Documents should be signed by all the partners
of the firm above their full type written names and current addresses. Alternatively, the
Documents should be signed by the person holding Power of Attorney for the firm in the
Format at Annexure III.
d) If the applicant is a limited Company, or a Corporation, the Documents shall be signed by
a duly authorized person holding Power of Attorney for signing the Documents in the
Format at Annexure III.
e) If the applicant is a Joint Venture, the Documents shall be signed by the Lead Member
holding Power of Attorney for signing the Document in the Format at Annexure IV. The
signatory on behalf of such Lead Partner shall be the one holding the Power of Attorney in
the Format at Annexure III.
11.1 Points to be kept in mind while preparing the bid
While filling in Qualification Information documents and the Financial Bid, following should
be kept in mind:
i. There shall be no additions or alterations except those to comply with the instructions
issued by the Employer or as necessary to correct errors, if any, made by the Tenderers.
ii. Conditional Offer/ Tender will be rejected. Unconditional rebate/discounts in the
Financial offer will however be accepted.
iii. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any conditional rebate/discounts.
While evaluating the Bid Price, the conditional rebates/discounts which are in excess of
the requirements of the bidding documents or otherwise result in accrual of unsolicited
benefits to the Employer, shall not be taken into account.
iv. The bidder has to quote value only in figures in the BOQ.
v. In case of Item Rate Tenders, the bidders have to compulsorily quote rates of all the BOQ
items as also all items of Item Rate Schedule/Sheet in a Mixed (Item Rate Schedule and
Percentage Schedule) Tender.
vi. In case of Item Rate Tenders, if the same item figures in more than one section/part of
Schedule of Quantities, the Tenderer should quote the same rate for that item in all
sections/parts. If different rates are quoted for the same item, the least of the different
rates quoted only shall be considered for evaluation of that item in all sections/parts of
the Schedule of Quantities.
vii. In case of item wise BOQ, the bidder is required to quote his rate for all items. For the
items not quoted by the bidder, it will be presumed that the bidder has included the cost of
that/those item(s) in the rates of other items and the rate for such item(s) shall be
considered as Zero and the tender will be evaluated by the Employer accordingly and the
work executed by the successful bidder accordingly.
viii. In case of Percentage Rate BOQ, the bidder has to select Excess (+) or Less (-) and enter
the valid percentage for that BOQ.
ix. Deduction/recovery/credit items, if any, are placed in a separate sub-head and in a
separate sheet of BOQ. In case of credit items/recovery items/deduction items for which
the bidder has to pay the amount to Employer, the bidder is not allowed to make negative
entry and the rate quoted by the bidder shall be taken as negatively default. The amount
so calculated shall be considered as negative and deducted from the total of other sub-
heads of BOQ to work out the total bid amount.
11.2 INTEGRITY PACT: Not Applicable
well as technical bid documents of the bidders whose bids have been opened.
12.5 RITES/UPRVUNL shall subsequently examine and evaluate the bids in accordance with the
provision set out in the tender document.
12.6 The results of technical and financial qualification of bidders will be available on the CPP
Portal at and intimated to the bidder through system
generated email or SMS.
12.7 It will be the bidder‟s responsibility to check the status of their Bid on-line regularly after
the opening of bid till award of work.
12.8 The bids will be evaluated for qualifying criteria as mentioned in Clause 2 hereinbefore.
RITES/UPRVUNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay in receipt of all original
documents including the cost of tender document and EMD. In case of non-receipt of these
documents in original within the specified period, the bid will be treated as non- responsive.
12.9 Request for clarification/deficient documents from the bidder can be asked for either
through the system or through E-mail. A system generated SMS alert will be sent to the
bidder when clarifications/deficient documents are called through the system. In such a case,
no separate communication will be sent in this regard. Non-receipt of email and/or SMS will
not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of deficient documents or confirmatory
documents within prescribed time. The date and time of submission of deficient documents
cannot be extended.
12.10 After evaluation of Technical-Bid, the bidder will be able to view uploaded Tender
Committee evaluation results as also the date and time of Financial Bid Opening.
12.11 The bidder will be able to view (through his Login Id) BOQ Sheets of other bidders,
Comparative Chart and Financial Evaluation Summary uploaded by Tender Evaluation
Committee. Without login, bidder will be able to view only Comparative Chart.
12.12 SINGLE PACKET SYSTEM- Not Applicable
(a) Envelope 1 of Packet I containing scanned copy of Earnest Money along with Mandate
Form as per Annexure VII, Cost of Tender Document of all the Tenderers and Authority
to Sign as per Clause 11.0 will be opened first and checked. If Earnest Money and cost of
Tender Document are not furnished as per tender stipulations, the Envelope 2 of
PACKET-I (Technical Bid) and PACKET-II (Financial Bid) will not be opened and the
bid will be considered as non- responsive and rejected unless the bidder has established
that it is exempted from payment of Cost of Tender Document and Earnest Money
Deposit. The Envelope 2 of PACKET-I (Technical Bid) of other Tenderers who have
furnished scanned copies of Earnest Money and cost of Tender document as per tender
stipulations will then be opened.
(b) The Employer will scrutinize the Technical Bids accepted for evaluation to determine
whether each Tenderer
(i) has submitted „Authority to sign‟ as per Clause 11.0 above and Integrity Pact
(where applicable) duly signed and witnessed as per Clause 11.2 above;
(ii) meets the Qualification Criteria stipulated in Clause 2.0
(c) If required, the Employer may ask any such Tenderer for clarifications on his Technical
Bid through CPPP or through E-mail. The tenderer shall furnish the same online only in
case clarifications are sought through CPPP and through E-mail if clarifications are
sought through E-mail. If a Tenderer does not submit the clarification/document
requested, by the specified time, the bid of such Tenderer is likely to be rejected.
PACKET-II (Financial Bid) of Tenderers whose Technical Bids are not found
acceptable will not be opened. Such tenderers will be informed about non-acceptance of
their Technical Bid through system generated SMS/E- mail. The tenderers whose
Technical Bids are found acceptable will be advised accordingly and will also be
intimated through e-mail the time and date and place where and when PACKET-II
(Financial Bid) will be opened.
(d) At the appointed place, time and date, in the presence of the Tenderers or their
representatives who choose to be present, the Employer will open the online PACKET-
II (Financial Bid).
12.14 Mere Opening of Bid to be No Guarantee of its Validity
It may be noted that mere opening of a bid does not mean that the bid has to be considered
by RITES/UPRVUNL as a valid bid. All bids will be evaluated to decide whether the bids
are responsive or non- responsive.
12.15 In order to give effect to the policy of Government of India to encourage „Make in India‟,
price preference shall be accorded to Local Supplier/ Bidder in accordance with Order No.
P-45021/2/2017 BE-II dated 15.06.2017 on Public Procurement (Preference to Make in
India) Order 2017 as amended upto date of the Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion. Ministry of Commerce and Industry as under:
i. For work estimated to cost upto Rs. 50 Lacs and where there is sufficient local
capacity & competition only local supplier shall be eligible.
ii. For works whose estimated cost is more than Rs. 50 Lacs and which are divisible in
nature tenders shall be evaluated and accepted as follows-
a) From qualified bidders, if local supplier is the lowest bidder (L1)- full
quantity, i.e. whole of the work, may be awarded to him.
c) If lowest eligible supplier/bidder fails to match the L1 price, next higher local
supplier/bidder may be invited provided that such supplier/ bidder‟s quoted
price is within 20% higher than L1 price and the balance quantity awarded to
him if he matches the L1 price.
iii. For works whose estimated cost is more than Rs. 50 Lacs & which are not divisible
and in case of services evaluated on price alone, tender shall be evaluated and
accepted as follows-
b) If L1 is not a local supplier/ bidder, then from amongst the qualified bidders,
the lowest local supplier/bidder whose quoted price is within 20% higher than
L1 price may be invited to match the L1 price and work may be awarded to
such local supplier/bidder if he matches the L1 price.
d) If (b) and (c) above fail, work may be awarded to the L1 bidder.
The following definitions apply to the terms used in this sub-clause 12.15-
Local Content- means the amount of value added in India which shall unless otherwise
prescribed by the Nodal Ministry, be the total value of the item procured
(excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in
the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in
(i) If required, the Employer may ask any Tenderer the breakdown of unit rates. If the
Tenderer does not submit the clarification by the date and time set in the Employers
request for clarification, such Tender is likely to be rejected.
(ii) The competent authority of the Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or
any other Tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all the Tenders
received without the assignment of any reason. All Tenders in which any of the
prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any condition is put forth by the Tenderer shall
be summarily rejected.
be submitted by the contractor/agency in the subsequent running account bill. The procedure
for payment of bills shall be as under:
i. The contractor may be asked to charge GST separately in his bills.
ii. The GST amount so claimed shall be paid along with payment of running account bill.
iii. The contractor has to furnish the documentary evidence of the deposit of the GST or a
copy of the return in case of adjustment of available input credit, whichever is earlier,
before processing of subsequent RA bills. Else, the Engineer-in-Charge shall withhold the
GST amount so paid in the previous bill(s), in the subsequent/next RA bill(s).
iv. Amount to be withheld shall relate only to the extent of GST not deposited or adjusted
within due date of filling of return.
In case of final bill, GST amount so deposited shall be reimbursed by the Engineer- in-
Charge only after the contractor furnishes the documentary evidence of actual deposit of
GST to the credit of Government and is reflected against the GSTIN of the employer.
Regarding payment of GST to the contractor, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be
binding on the contractor.
17.5 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid either as an individual or as a Proprietor in a
Proprietary firm or as a Partner in a Partnership firm or as a Director of a Limited
Company/Corporation or as a Partner in a Joint Venture. Any Bidder who has submitted a Bid
for a work, shall not be a witness for any other Bidder for the same work. Failure to observe
the above stipulations would render all such Tenders submitted as a Bidder and/or as a
witness, liable to summary rejection.
17.6 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all matters arising out of the Performance of the
Contract and shall, at his own expense, comply with all
laws/acts/enactments/orders/regulations/obligations whatsoever of the Government of India,
State Government, Local Body and any Statutory Authority.
17.7 In case the bidder does not quote his rate for any item(s) in Item Rate Tender or Mixed Tender
containing one or more Item Wise Schedules, it will be presumed that the bidder has included
the cost of that/those item(s) in the rates of other items and the rate for such item(s) shall be
considered as Zero and the tender will be evaluated by the Employer accordingly and the
work executed by the successful bidder accordingly.
17.8 In case of credit items/recovery items/deduction items for which the bidder has to pay the
amount to RITES/Employer, the rate quoted by the bidder shall be taken as negative (bidder is
allowed to make positive entry only) and the negative amount so calculated shall be
considered to work out the total bid amount.
18.1 The Tenderer whose tender has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Employer
by issue of a „Letter of Acceptance‟ prior to expiration of the Bid Validity period.
The Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the Contractor in two copies one of which he should
return promptly, duly signed and stamped. The Letter of Acceptance will be a binding
Contract between the Employer and the Contractor till the formal Contract Agreement is
18.2 Within the period as specified in Clause 1 of „Clauses of Contract‟, from the date of issue of
Letter of Acceptance, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to the Employer, Performance
Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (where applicable) in the format
18.3 The Tenderer whose Tender is accepted shall be required to submit at his cost stamp papers of
appropriate value as per the provisions of Indian Stamp Act within 15 days of the date of
issue of Letter of Acceptance.
18.4 At the same time the Employer notifies the successful Tenderer that his Tender has been
accepted, the Employer will direct him to attend the Employer‟s office within 28 days of issue
of Letter of Acceptance for signing the Agreement in the proforma at Annexure V. The
Agreement will however be signed only after the Contractor furnishes Performance Guarantee
and Additional Performance Guarantee (where applicable) and hence, where justified, the
period of 28 days stipulated above will be extended suitably.
The conditions and clauses of this contract cannot be varied except through a written
Supplementary Agreement with mutual consent of both the parties to the contract.
12(Twelve On On
Rs. 8.46 Rs.
months) 14.11.2019 15.11.2019 at
At Obra District:-Sonebhadra (UP)
Crore 8.46Lacs
at 11.30 Hrs. 11.30 Hrs.
21.0 The bid document consisting of tender drawings, specifications, the schedule of quantities of
various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be
complied with and other necessary documents can be seen on CPP Portal free of cost.
22.0 After submission of the bid the bidder can re-submit revised bid any number of times but
before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
23.0 While submitting the revised/modified Financial bid, the bidder can revise/modify the rate of
one or more item(s) any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before
last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
9. Self-attested copy of Documents (Audited Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss Statements and
Auditor‟s Reports) in support of meeting the Profitability criterion in accordance with
Para 4 of Annexure I.
10. Self-attested copy of Documents in support of meeting the criterion of Net Worth in
accordance with Para 5 of Annexure I.
11. Declaration by the Bidder in the format given in Performa 3 of Annexure I.
12. Integrity Pact as per Annexure VI Not Applicable
13. Self-attested copy of Guidelines on Banning of Business Dealings as per Annexure-A.
Not Applicable
20. Power of Attorney in favour of Lead Member as the Lead Member of JV executed by the
authorized representatives of all the members of JV (where Joint Venture is allowed). Not
21. Self-attested copy of a certificate, confirming that the Partners including Lead Partner
duly signed by the Authorized representative of each Partner/Member of Joint Venture is
a working contractor or has executed any work within the last five years reckoned from
the date of opening of Tender, issued by Railways, CPWD, MES, DOT, RITES, State
PWD or any other Central/State Government Undertaking, Municipal Body,
Autonomous Body of Central or State Government or Public Limited Company listed on
NSE/BSE (where Joint Venture is allowed)
Note: - Any clarification / deficient document(s) sought by RITES Ltd. as per Clause shall be
submitted by the bidder online only.
29.0 List of Documents to be submitted physically by Lowest (L1) Bidder within a week of the
opening of Financial Bid: -
1. Self-attested copy of PAN/TAN issued by income Tax Department.
2. Self-attested copy of registration under Labour Laws like PF, ESI etc.
The bidder should have achieved a minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. 4.23 Crore
(Rs. Four Crore and Twenty Three Lakh only) in any one of the last 3 Financial Years.
a) The financial turnover will be taken as given under the head “Income” in audited Profit
and Loss Account and excluding non-recurring income, income from other sources and
stock. It is clarified that the Financial Turnover means relevant revenue as recorded in the
Income side of Profit and Loss Account. It does not mean Profit.
b) Closing stocks in whatsoever manner should not form part of turnover.
c) Weightage of 7% (compounded annually) shall be given for equating the financial
turnover of the previous years to the current year.
d) For considering the Financial Years, for example for a work for which the Tender is being
opened in Financial Year 2014-15, the last three Financial Years will be 2013- 14, 2012-
13 and 2011-12. For a Tender opened on (say) 05.09.14 (F.Y. 2014-15), with weightage
of 7% compounded annually, the weightages to be applied on the Turnover of the
previous three Financial Years will be: F.Y. 2013-14 = 1.070; F.Y. 2012-13 = 1.145; F.Y.
2011-12 = 1.225
e) The Bidder should furnish Annual Financial Turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years
in tabular form and give reference of the document (with page no.) relied upon in support
of meeting the Qualification Criterion.
f) The Bidder should submit self-attested copy of Auditor‟s Report along with Balance Sheet
and Profit and Loss Statement along with Schedules for the relevant Financial Year in
which the minimum criterion is met. Provisional Audit Reports or certified statements
will not be accepted.
g) If the Audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case
of tender opened before 30th Sept., audited Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements
and other financial statements of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the
previous Financial Year may be adopted for evaluating the credentials of the Bidder.
h) In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply:
a) Similar Works Experience
at least two similar works each of minimum value of Rs. 2.11 Crore (Rupee Two
Crore and Eleven Lakh Only)
during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the
Bid. Works completed prior to the cut-off date shall not be considered.
S imilar Works
Similar Works shall mean the work of Signal and Tele-communication work
involving commissioning of at least one station with Panel
Interlocking(PI) / Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) / Solid State
Interlocking (SSI) carried out in India under a single contract (including
additional work carried out under the contract)
In case the Bidder (Indian Company) wishes to rely on a work completed abroad,
the value of such completed work in foreign convertible currency shall be
converted into Indian Rupees. The conversion rate shall be decided by RITES
based on the rates of currency on the date of completion of work (the bidder to
also submit the currency conversion rate as on completion date of the Credential
Certificate relied upon by the bidder for the purpose of work experience). Further,
such a bidder (Indian Company) should have also completed at least one
construction work of value minimum 25% of estimated cost of work, in India in
the last five years.
VI. The cutoff date shall be calculated backwards from the last stipulated date for
submission/opening of Tender i.e. for a Tender which is being opened on
06.08.2014, the cutoff date shall be 07.08.2009.
VII. In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply:
b) Construction Experience in Key Activities/Specified Components- Not Applicable
(i) The bidder should furnish a declaration that he has not failed to service the principal
amount or interest or both of a loan amount / credit limit from any Bank or Financial
Institution during a period of one year prior to the deadline for submission of bids.
a) In case a bidder has defaulted in servicing his loan/credit limit during past one year,
he shall be disqualified.
b) The declaration may be included in the Declaration to be submitted in Performa 3 to
this Annexure.
c) In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply:
The Bidder should be a profit (net) making firm and should have made profit during any two
of the past 3 Financial Years immediately preceding the deadline for submission of bids. If the
audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tenders
opened before 30th September, Audited Balance Sheets of the three financial Years
immediately preceding the previous Financial Year shall be considered.
The Bidder should furnish figures of net profit of last 3 years in a tabular form and submit
attested copies of Auditor‟s Reports along with audited Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss
Statements for the last three Financial Years. Specific reference with page no. of document
which proves satisfaction of this Qualifying Criterion should be indicated in the tabular
In case JV is permitted, the following provisions will apply:
The Bidder should have positive Net Worth of Rs. 1.27 Crore (Rs. One Crore Twenty
Seven Lakh Only).
a) Net Worth shall be computed from the bidder‟s audited balance sheet of the last financial
year ending on a date not prior to 18 months from the due date of submission of the
tender (or, if the date is extended, such extended date of submission)
b) In case JV is permitted, the following provisions will apply:
Ref. of
Scope Contract Date of document
S. Clie Name of Agree Value Completion Reas (with
N nt‟s of the Work ment/ Date ons pag
As per
o Nam Work carried Letter Actual of Actua for e
Awarde LOA/
. e & out by of on Star l delay no.) in
d Agreem
and Locati the Award Comple t in support
Add on Bidder No. tion Com o
ress and pleti f meeting
date on if Qualificat
any ion
1. In support of having completed above works, attach self-attested copies of the completion
certificate from the owner/client or Executing Agency/Consultant appointed by Owner/Client
indicating the name of work, the description of work done by the Bidder, date of start, date of
completion (contractual & actual) and contract value as awarded and as executed by the Bidder.
“Contract Value” shall mean gross value of the completed work including cost of materials
supplied by the Owner/Client but excluding those supplied free of cost.
work for a concessionaire who is one of the aforesaid organizations, then the certificate issued
by such concessionaire or by the public authority concerned, will also be acceptable.
3. In case of a Certificate from a Public Limited Company or its subsidiary, the Bidder should also
submit documentary proof that the Public Ltd. Company was listed in Stock Exchange in India
or Abroad when the work was executed for it.
4. Information must be furnished for works carried out by the Bidder in his own name or
proportionate share as member of a Joint Venture. In the latter case details of contract value
including extent of financial participation by partners in that work should be furnished.
5. If a Bidder has got a work executed through a Subcontractor on a back to back basis, the Bidder
cannot include such a work for his satisfying the Qualification Criterion even if the Client has
issued a Completion Certificate in favour of that Bidder.
7. Only similar works completed during the last 5 years prior to the last stipulated date for
submission of Bid, which meet the Qualification Criterion need be included in this list.
Proforma 2
Proforma 3
x) We understand that in case any information/document which may result in our disqualification
is concealed by us or any statement/information/document furnished by us or to be furnished by
us in connection with this offer, or issued by Bank/Agency/Third Party is subsequently found to
be false or fraudulent or repudiated by the said Bank/Agency/Third Party, business dealings with
us may be banned.
xi) The minimum Local Content as defined in Sub-Clause 12.15 of Section I shall be more than
50% in the works offered by us for procurement.
(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant
Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the firm/company who is issuing the Power of
We, M/s__________ (name of the firm/company with address of the registered office) hereby
constitute, appoint and authorize Mr./Ms. ___________(Name and residential address) who is
presently employed with us and holding the position of _______and whose signature is given below
as our Attorney to do in our name and our behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or
incidental to our bid for the work ________(name of work), including signing and submission of
application/proposal, participating in the meetings, responding to queries, submission of
information/documents and generally to represent us in all the dealings with RITES/UPRVUNL or
any other Government Agency or any person, in connection with the works until culmination of the
process of bidding, till the Contract Agreement is entered into with RITES/UPRVUNL and thereafter
till the expiry of the Contract Agreement.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant to
this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall always
be deemed to have been done by us.
(Signature and name in block letters of *All the partners of the firm, *Authorized Signatory for the
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)
Name: Name:
Address: Address
Occupation: Occupation
- In case the Firm/Company is a Member of a Joint Venture, the authorized signatory has to be the
one employed by the Lead Member.
- The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any,
laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so
required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution,
completion, remedying of any defects therein and maintenance of the works, the contract price or
such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the time and in the
manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused their respective common seals to be hereinto
affixed (or have herewith set their respective hands and seals) the day and year first above written.
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Representing UPRVUNL
In the capacity of ……………………… (The Employer)
(The Contractor)
Witness (Signature, Name & Designation) Witness (Signature, Name & Designation)
1. 1.
2. 2.
Guidelines on Banning of Business Dealings
Dear Sir,
Name …………….…………
It is certified that the above-mentioned beneficiary holds bank account No with our branch and the
Bank particulars above are correct.
Name …………….…………
1 2018-19
2 2017-18
3 2016-17
1 2018-19
2 2017-18
3 2016-17
Net Worth
1 2018-19
Self-attested copy of
6 Corrigendum/Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting, if any.
In case of any conflict between the General Conditions of Contract and the Special Conditions of
Contract, provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract shall prevail.
1.0 In all clauses of GCC, replace the word RITES with UPRVUNL/Employer.
3.0 The first sentence of Clause-1 (ii) of section -8 of GCC is replaced as under:
“The Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid up to the
stipulated date of completion plus 90 days beyond that”.
4.0 Format for Performance Bank Guarantee to be submitted by Contractor shall be as per
the Annexure-XI in place of Annexure – A of GCC)
1.1 The Contractor shall submit the following within 30 days from the date issue of Letter of
1.2 The Contractor should construct Site office within 45 days from the date of issue of Letter of
1.3 The contractor shall provide all instruments / equipment at site required for testing of
2.1 The Contractor shall not allow any road vehicle belonging to him or his suppliers etc. to ply in
land next to the running line. If for execution of certain works viz earth work for parallel
railway line and supply of ballast for new or existing rail line etc, road vehicles are necessary to
be used in land next to the railway line, the Contractor shall apply to the Engineer for
permission giving the type & no. of individual vehicles, names and license particulars of the
drivers, location, duration & timings for such work / movement.
The Engineer or his authorized representative will personally counsel, examine & certify the
road vehicle drivers, Contractor‟s flag men & supervisor and will give written permission
giving names of road vehicle drivers, Contractor‟s flag men and supervisor to be deployed on
the work, indicating location, period and timing of the work. This permission will be subject to
the following obligatory conditions:
Road vehicles can ply along the track after suitable cordoning of track with minimum distance
of 6 meter from the center of the nearest track. For plying of road vehicles during night hours
adequate measures to be communicated in writing along with a site sketch to the Contractor /
Contractor‟s representative and controlling engineers / supervisors in –charge of the work
including the Engineer-in-charge.
Nominated vehicles and drivers will be utilized for work in the presence of at least one flagman
and one supervisor certified for such work. In order to monitor the activities during night hours,
the Contractor shall post additional staff based on the need of the individual site.
The vehicles shall ply 6 m clear of track. Any movement / work at less than 6m and up to
minimum 3.5mtr clear of track center shall be done only in the presence of a supervisor
authorized by the Engineer. No part of the road vehicle will be allowed at less than 3.5mtr from
track center.
The Contractor shall remain fully responsible for ensuring safety and in case of any accident,
shall bear cost of all damages to his equipment, men and also damages to
Railways/RITES/UPRVUNL property, its staff and public.
Provision of Mobile Phones/ Walky-Talky based on the needs of the individual work sites must
be ensured.
The Engineer may impose any other condition necessary for a particular work or site. Nothing
extra shall be payable for the same.
Wherever the road vehicles and/or machinery are required to work in the close vicinity of
railway line, the work shall be so carried out that there is no infringement to the railway‟s
schedule of dimensions. For this purpose the area where road vehicles and/or machinery are
required to ply, shall be demarcated and acknowledged by the Contractor. Special care shall be
taken for turning/reversal of road vehicles/machinery without infringing the running track.
Barricading shall be provided wherever justified and feasible as per site conditions.
The look out and whistle caution orders shall be issued to the trains and speed restrictions
imposed where considered necessary. Suitable flagmen/detonators shall be provided where
necessary for protection of trains.
The unloaded ballast/rails/sleepers/other P. Way materials after unloading along track should be
kept clear off moving dimensions and stacked as per the specified heights and distance from the
running track.
Supplementary site specific instructions, wherever considered necessary, shall be issued by the
Engineer in Charge.
2.2 Suitable barricading to forewarn road vehicle driver shall be provided by the Contractor. The
luminous tape, strung on bamboo or steel poles can be considered for such barricading.
Barricading arrangement should be got approved by the Engineer.
2.3 Work is to be executed in & near Power House Area. Necessary permission / gate passes to
execute the work shall be arranged by the contractor on recommendation of Engineer-in-
charge. All safety and security rules applicable to do the work near plant shall be adhered by
the contractor.
2.4 The contractor shall have to keep proper watch over all the installation in the surrounding
during execution of work. Damage to the same shall be got repaired at the contractors cost.
The following documents shall also be submitted by the Contractor in triplicate as part of
completion report:
a) Test certificate for materials supplied by the Contractor.
b) Certified records of field tests on materials/equipment, as applicable.
c) Six sets of construction drawings showing therein the as built conditions of the work duly
approved by RITES along with CD.
d) Assets handing over details.
e) Reconciliation of New and released materials.
4.1 Entire cost of inspection i.e. cost of samples, cost of inspecting agencies and cost of arranging
inspection etc. shall be borne by the contractor.
4.2 Materials for which there are approved sources from Railways shall be procured from such
sources only and shall be got inspected by Railways/RITES/UPRVUNL/RDSO before
4.3 The Contractor, at his own cost, will furnish test certificates for material from the manufacturer
or the laboratories approved by the Engineer-in-charge before its use.
4.4 Employer may also take samples during the course of work, and get it tested to ascertain its
conformity to the IS specifications. Frequency of the testing shall be as prescribed in Field
Quality Plan.
A) Payment against BOQ items for supply of Signalling & Telecom materials other than EI
90% of the cost of the material will be paid to the Contractor provided the Contractor submits
an irrevocable Bank guarantee. The Bank Guarantee shall be issued from a Scheduled Bank or
State Bank of India on the Proforma as per Annexure XII. The bank guarantee shall be issued in
favour of UPRVUNL for the value of materials being supplied by the contractor. Bank
guarantee may be released after the material is used in execution of work. Balance 10% amount
shall be released on commissioning and handing over of work.
The bidder has to submit the breakup of Schedule 4 EI items. Breakup of EI equipment require
for the signaling system along with the unit rate in order to make payment for the supply items.
(i) On production of documents along with the running bills, 80 % of the cost of the
materials shall be paid to contractor for the supplied EI material duly inspected by RDSO
and received by RITES/ Obra TPP at site.
(ii) 10 % of the cost of supplied EI materials shall be sub paid to the contractor after the
installation of material at work site.
(iii) Balance 10% amount shall be released on commissioning and handing over of work.
The payment of supply items will be done to the Contractor provided the Contractor
submits an irrevocable Bank guarantee. The Bank Guarantee shall be issued from a
Scheduled Bank or State Bank of India on the Proforma as per Annexure XII. The bank
guarantee shall be issued in favour of UPRVUNL for the value of materials being
supplied by the contractor. Bank guarantee may be released after the material is used in
execution of work.
(i) 90% cost of executed/erected quantity shall be paid to the contractor on certification by
the authorized representative of RITES about satisfactory completion of erection /
Installation as per item/items of BOQ.
(ii) Balance 10% cost of executed/erected quantity in terms of clause 5.2(i) above shall be
paid to the contractor after testing, commissioning of the S&T system and rectification
of deficiencies, if any, duly certified by the authorized representative of RITES and
handing over to UPRVUNL.
On certification by the authorized representative of RITES, the contractor against such items
shall be paid as under –
(i) 65% cost of such schedule item will be paid to the contractor on receipt of duly inspected
equipment/materials against the such schedule item(s) at site/depot and also on
completion of other formalities as applicable to payment against supply items in the
contact vide para 5.1(i) mentioned above.
(ii) 25% cost of such schedule item (s) shall be paid after successful erection / installation of
the materials/equipment duly certified by the authorized representative of RITES.
(iii) Balance 10% cost of supplied and installed for such schedule item (s) shall be paid after
testing, commissioning of the S&T system and rectification of deficiencies, if any, duly
certified by authorized representative of RITES.
The contractor has to submit a memorandum of understanding with the OEM of EI equipment
supplier for providing technical assistance for installation, testing and commissioning of the
system & further during the maintenance period of 1year after the date of commissioning of
installation. The RDSO/Railway checklist for EI installation to be certified by the OEM
technical representative.
All standard drawings and specifications required for the work shall be arranged by the
Contractor at his own cost.
After completion of work, joint inspection of will be done and on rectification of defects by the
contractor at his own cost, work will be taken over by UPRVUNL.
The Contractor shall unless otherwise provided in the Contract make his own arrangements for
the engagement of all staff and labour their payment housing feeding and transport.
The Contract shall if required by the Engineer deliver to the Engineer a return in detail in such
form and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe, showing the staff and the numbers of
the several classes of labour from time to time employed by contractor on the site and such
information respecting contractor‟s equipment as the Engineer may require.
c) Employees PF and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952:- The Act provides for monthly
contributions by the employer and workers @10% or 8.33% or as applicable. The benefits
payable under the Act are :-
d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951:- The act provides for leave and some other benefits to women
employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.
e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970:- The Act provides for certain welfare the
measure to be provided by the contractor to contractor labour and in case the contractor fails to
provide, the same are required to be provided by the Principal Employer by Law. The Principal
Employer is required to take Certificate of Registration and the contractor is required to take
license from the designated officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or contractor of
Principal Employer if they employ 20 or more contract labour.
f) Minimum Wages Act 1948:- The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the Minimum
Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if the employment is a
scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads Runways are scheduled employment.
g) Payment of Wages Act 1936:- It lays as to by what date the wages are to be paid when it will be
paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the workers.
h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979:- The Act provides for payments of equal wages for work of
equal nature of Male and female workers and for not making discrimination against Female
employee in the matters of transfers, training and promotion etc.
i) Payment of Bonus Act 1965:- The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 20 or more
workmen. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus subject to a minimum of 8.33% of
wages and maximum of 20% of wages to employees drawings Rs. 3500/- per month or less.
The bonus to be paid to the employee getting Rs. 2500/- per month to about upto Rs. 3500/- per
month shall be worked out by taking wages as Rs 2500/- per month only. The Act does not
apply to certain establishments. Some of the State Governments are exempted for five years in
certain circumstances. Some of the State Governments have reduced the employment size from
20 to 10 for the purpose of applicability of the Act.
j) Industrial Disputes Act 1947:- The Act lays dawn the machinery and procedure for resolution
of Industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out becomes illegal and what are the
requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or closing down the establishment.
l) Trade Union Act 1926:- The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade unions of
workmen and employees. The Trade Union registered under the Act have been given certain
immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
m) Child labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986:- The Act prohibits employment of
children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for
regulations of employment of children in all other occupations and processes. Employment of
Child Labour is prohibited in Building Industry.
on any building or other construction work and employ 10 or more workers are covered under
this Act. All such establishments are required to pay cess at the rate not exceeding 2% of the
cost of construction as may be modified by the Government. The employer of the establishment
is required to provide safety measures at the Building or construction work and other welfare
measure such as canteens, First –Aid facilities Ambulance, Housing accommodation for
workers near the work place etc. The Employer to whom the Act applies has applies has to
obtain a registration certificate from the registration Officer appointed by the Government.
p) Factories Act 1948 :- The Act lays down the procedure for approval at before setting up a
factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working houses, annual earned leave
and rendering information regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated
authorities. It is applicable to premises employing 10 persons or more with aid of power or
more persons without the aid of power engaged in manufacturing process.
In consideration of the Employer having agreed under the terms and condition of contract
made vide his Letter of Acceptance (LOA) No.
___________________________________Dated ----- between U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan
Nigam Ltd. Lucknow (the Employer) and M/s _____________________(hereinafter called
“the said Contractor) for the work of S&T works in connection with Construction of
Railway Network for Coal Transportation for Obra-C Thermal Power Project Ext.,
Unit, At Obra District:-Sonebhadra (UP) against E-Tender No. __________ (herein after
called the said Agreement”) the Contractor having agreed to production of an irrevocable
Bank Guarantee for ____________(Rupees________ Only) as Security/Guarantee for
compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said
3. We, the said Bank further under take to pay to the Employer (UPRVUNL) any money so
demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or
proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating there to, our liabilities under this
present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be
a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Contractor shall have no
claim against us for making such payment.
4. We __________ (Indicate the name of Bank)further agree that the Guarantee herein contained
shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance
of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all dues of the
Employer (UPRVUNL) under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and
its claims satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-Charge of the Employer (UPRVUNL)
certified that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly
carried out by the said Contractor and accordingly discharges this Guarantee.
5. We ________________ (Indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the Employer
(UPRVUNL) that the Employer (UPRVUNL) shall have the fullest liberty without our
consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the
terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said
Contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the
powers exercisable by the Employer (UPRVUNL) against the said Contractor(s) and to
forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall
not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted
to the said Contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Employer or
any indulgence by the Employer to the said Contractor or by any such matter or thing
whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision have effect
of so relieving us.
6. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
7. This Guarantee will neither be cancelled nor revoked by the bank without the written
authorization of the beneficiary U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow
(UPRVUNL). For this purpose the beneficiary would inform the Bank of their authorized
signatories together with the specimen signatures.
Note:- To be put in sealed cover by Bank and addressed to the concerned officer of
Annexure – XII
(S. No. 4.5 of Additional Special Conditions)
In consideration of the Employer U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow having
agreed to make payment towards supply of materials to M/s (Name of Contractor)
(hereinafter called “the said contractor(s)) under the terms and conditions of agreement no.
(Name of Work and Agreement No.) (Hereinafter called “The said Agreement”), in due
fulfillment by the said contractor(s) of the Clause No. ______ of Special Conditions of
Contract, pertaining to release of payment for supply of materials by the contractor, contained
in the said Agreement for affecting contractual _________, on production of a Bank
Guarantee for Rs.……… (Rupees ………………………) as a precondition to the release of
said payment.
1. We _____________ (herein after referred to as “the Bank”) hereby undertake to pay to the
Employer U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow an amount not exceeding
Rs……………… (Rupees…………………………) against any loss or damage caused to or
suffered by or would be caused to or suffered by the UPRVUNL by reason of any breach by
the said contractors of any condition with respect to materials mentioned in the Clause No.
_______ of the Special Conditions of Contract for which the payment has been made to the
contractor on demand by the Employer U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow.
3. We, the said Bank further undertake to pay Employer U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam
Ltd. Lucknow any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by
the contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto
our liabilities under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us
under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the
Contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
4. We, …………………………….. further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall
remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of
the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all dues of Employer U.P.
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow under or by virtue of the said agreement have
been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-charge of Employer
U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow certified that the terms and conditions of
the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor accordingly
discharges this guarantee.
5. We, ………………………………. further agree that Employer U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan
Nigam Ltd. Lucknow shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting
in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to time or to
postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Employer
U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow against said contractor and to forbear or
enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be
relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the
said contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Employer U.P.
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow or any indulgence by the Employer U.P.
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Lucknow to the said contractor or by any such matter
or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision,
have effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
7. This Guarantee will neither be cancelled nor revoked by the bank without the written
authorization of the beneficiary (UPRVUNL). For this purpose the beneficiary would inform
the bank of their authorized signatories together with the specimen signatures.
1. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs. ………………… (in words
…………………………. Only)
3. We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only
if you serve upon us, a written claim or demand within six months of the date of expiry or the
extended date of expiry of this guarantee.
Dated: ……………………….
B.G Amount:
Bank Guarantee No.
Valid up to:
* Refer Clause No. 42 of Clauses of Contract for excess Consumption / non return of material beyond
Theoretical and allowed wastage as per specifications.
Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor. (Refer clause 34 of Clauses of Contract).
- Not Applicable -
Schedule of components of Cement, Steel, other materials, POL, Labour etc. for price escalation.
Name of Work:- “S&T works in connection with Construction of Railway Network for
Coal Transportation for Obra-C Thermal Power Project Ext., Unit, At
Obra District:-Sonebhadra (UP).”
2(xiii) Date of commencement of work: 15 days from the date of issue of LOA or
the first day of handing over of site
whichever is later.
9 (a) (ii) General Conditions of Contract: RITES General Conditions of Contract July
2019 Edition as modified & corrected up to
date Correction Slip.
Clause 1
Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under Clause 2 Delegation of Power, UPRVUNL
Clause 2A
Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable NO
Clause 5
5.1 (a) Time allowed for execution of work 12months from the date of start
Clause 7
Clause 10A
Clause 10 B
Clause 10 CC
Clause 11
Note: For Earthwork, individual classification quantity can vary to any extent but overall Deviation
Limits will be as above.
Clause 12.5
Clause 16
Clause 17
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the Contractor at site:-
Clause 25
Minimum Qualifications & Experience required and Discipline to which should belong
Qualification Working which Deployment
Experience should belong
36 (iv)
NOTE:- Calculations shall be made on per day basis taking one month = 30 days
Clause 42
i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical
quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis
of Delhi Schedule of Rates printed by CPWD DSR 2016
Clause 46
Clause 46.10 Not Applicable
Clause 46.17
Clause 47.2.1
Sum for which Third Party Rs. 5.0 Lakhs per occurrence
Insurance to be obtained: with the number of occurrences limited to
Clause 55
The Contractor shall supply PVC insulated unscreened cable as per RDSO specification no IRS: S-
63/2007 with amendment-2 or latest from the RDSO approved Firm only, followed by RDSO
Inspection before making over the material to the consignee.
The contractor shall supply PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cable for indoor railway signaling, of
sizes. Copper conductor single core, nominal area of cross section of conductor mentioned and
conform to specification No.IRS:S-76/89 with latest amendment, if any; which shall be procured from
RDSO approved firms only, followed by RDSO‟s inspection before making over the supply to
(i) 60 c x 1.0 mm dia - nominal area of cross section of conductor 0.79 mm square.
(ii) 40 c x 1.0 mm dia - nominal area of cross section of conductor 0.79 mm square.
The contractor shall supply PVC insulated un-sheathed single core copper conductor flexible cord in
coil of 100m, conforming to specification No .IRS: S-76/89 with latest amendment, if any and of
650/1100 volts grade.
(i) 16/0.2 mm PVC wire in black color having conductor nominal area of cross section being 0.5
The material shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RDSO inspection
before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply Color Light Signal unit multiple aspect as mentioned in schedule as
(i) The mounting socket (S 23005/M Alt.1 or latest) shall suit mounting on 140 mm outside
diameter type.
The unit shall be as per RDSO Drawing No. SA 23003 A/M (Advanced) Alt.9 or latest without
side light and without lamp, lenses, and transformer suitable for LED Signal unit. The aspect
sequence shall be red at bottom and green at top or red at bottom and yellow at top.
The unit shall be as per RDSO Drawing No. SA 23002 A/M (Advanced) Alt.9 without side
light and without lamp, lenses, and transformer suitable for LED Signal unit. The aspect
sequence shall be from bottom to top red, yellow and green or yellow, green and yellow.
The material shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RITES/
consignee inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply signal unit Light Emitting Diode based conforming to RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/SPN/153/ 2002 with latest amendment if any, along with mounting
arrangement, procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RDSO‟s inspection before
making over the supply to consignee.
(i) Universal AC/DC Red main signal with LED aspect, Current regulator and Health monitor Alarm
(ii) Universal AC/DC Yellow main signal with LED aspect, Current regulator and Health
monitor Alarm unit.
(iii) Universal AC/DC Green main signal with LED aspect, Current regulator and Health
monitor Alarm unit.
(iv) Route Aspect with in-built current regulator.
The contractor shall supply Calling ON signal conforming to drawing no. SA: 24351 Alt.1 with latest
amendment, if any, but without lenses, lamps suitable for LED Signal unit and with offset bracket
3.5” dia. The Calling On signal shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only. The material shall
be inspected by RITES/ consignee before accepting it from the contractor.
Shunt signal position light type conforming to Drg. No. SA-23840/Adv. Alt.2 but without
lamps and lenses suitable for LED Signal unit, with mounting socket to Drg. No. S-23844 /
Adv. (90 mm dia) suitable for offset bracket to Drg. No.SA-23080/Adv. (90 mm dia) which is
suitable for 140mm dia main signal post, complete with offset bracket to Drg. No. SA –23080
(Adv.) (90 mm dia) as already mentioned.
Shunt signal position light type conforming to Drg. No. SA – 23840/Adv. Alt.2 but without
lamp and lens suitable for LED Signal unit, with mounting socket to Drg. No. S-23845/Adv
(90mm dia) suitable for C.I. base 90 mm dia to Drg, No.S-23202 which is suitable for 90mm
dia 1.5 meter length pipe complete with CI base and 90 mm dia 01 meter length pipe as
mentioned earlier.
NOTE: Shunt signal position light shall be procured from RDSO approved firms duly
inspected by RITES/ Consignee and the inspection of CI off set bracket, CI base and 90mm
pipe shall be done by consignee and then material shall be handed over to consignee.
The contractor shall supply Direction type Jn. Route indicator 5 Unit arm, as mentioned in Schedule,
which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RITES/ Consignee inspection,
before making over the supply to consignee.
(i) Mounting socket to Drawing No. S 23006/M Alt.1 for 140mm outside dia post.
The 5 unit arm shall be supplied as per Drawings mentioned below :-
(ii) 1-way as per Drg. No. SA 23401 Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule.
(iii) 2-way as per Drg. No. SA 23402 Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule.
(iv) 3-way as per Drg. No. SA 23403 Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule.
(v) 4-way as per Drg. No. SA 23404 Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule.
(vi) 5-way as per Drg. No. SA-23405 Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule.
(viii) 6-way as per Drg. No.SA-23406 Alt.6 with latest amendment if any and as mentioned in
the schedule and as mentioned in the schedule.
CLS POST 3.6 M LENGTH: The contractor shall supply tubular steel signal post for color light signal
of 3.6M length as per Table II of RDSO specification No. IRS : S-6/81 with latest amendment, if any,
having nominal wall thickness of 4.5 mm duly inspected by RITES/ Consignee, before making over the
supply to consignee.
CLS POST 4.6 M LENGTH: The contractor shall supply tubular steel signal post for color light signal
of 4.6M length as per Table II of RDSO specification No. IRS : S-6/81 with latest amendment, if any,
having nominal wall thickness of 4.85 mm duly inspected by RITES/ Consignee, before making over the
supply to consignee.
CLS POST 5.6 M LENGTH: The contractor shall supply tubular steel signal post for color light signal
of 5.6M length as per Table II of RDSO specification No. IRS : S-6/81 with latest amendment, if any,
having nominal wall thickness of 7.0 mm duly inspected by RITES/ Consignee, before making over the
supply to consignee.
The contractor shall procure the above ladders form reputed firms only followed by RITES/
Consignee inspection before accepting it. EQUIPMENT IN THE RELAY ROOMS.
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment shall conform to
paragraphs-9, 10 &11 of IRS-S-36/87 and Section-K of chapter-VII of IRSEM
1988 edition Chapter-XXI of part II of IRSEM Sep.2001 edition.
Supply, fixing, wiring and testing of Composite relay, Racks complete with
relays, fuses, terminals in accordance with the approved design and the approved
circuit diagram including all other accessories in the Relay Rooms and apparatus
Supply, fixing, wiring, termination and testing of Integrated power supply system
(IPS) including battery chargers transformers, power panel, batteries etc, and their
connection with relay rack ,control panel etc shall be carried out in accordance to
RDSO specification no-RDSO/SPN/165/2004 and as per manufacturer
Supply and fixing of cable runway to support all cables in
panel/Relay/power/Battery room.
The initial charging of batteries shall be carried out as per procedure prescribed
by the manufacturer at the time of installation.
Supply fixing wiring and commissioning of crank handle interlocking shall be as
per approved circuit diagram both in panel room and apparatus case respectively.
Supply fixing wiring and commissioning of magneto telephones etc.
The contractor shall supply the following relays as per details given below:
(i) Relay „Plug in type” 12F/4B :Relay Non AC immunized plug in type style QN1 neutral line,
24 V DC, 12F/4B contact, front and back contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board,
retaining clip and connectors, and conforming to Specification Nos. BRS-930A, & IRS-S-34 &
IRS-S-23 (as applicable).Interlocking code shall be ABCDE.
Relay „Plug in type” 12F/4B :Relay AC immunized plug in type style QNA1 neutral line, 24
V DC, 12F/4B contact, front and back contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board,
retaining clip and connectors, and conforming to Latest RDSO Specification
(ii) Relay “Plug in type” 8F/8B: Relay Non AC immunized plug in type style QN1 Neutral line 24
V 8F/4B contact front and back contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board, retaining
clip and connectors conforming to Specification Nos. BRS-930A & IRS-S-34 & IRS-S-23 (as
applicable). Interlocking code shall be ABCDF.
(iii) Thermal Relay : Relay DC miniature plug in, neutral thermal time element tractive armature,
24V DC, 2F/1B contacts, 120 seconds (fixed), front and back contacts metal to carbon, hot and
cold contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors style QJ1
and conforming to Specification Nos. BRS-937A, IRS: S-34 and IRS: S-23 (as applicable). The
interlocking code for this unit shall be AFGHK.
(iv) Track Relay 9 Ohms: Relay Non AC immunized plug in type style QT2 neutral track relay 9
ohm 2F/2B contact, Front and back contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board,
retaining clip and connectors conforming to Specification Nos. BRS-938A, IRS: S-34 and IRS-
S/23 (as applicable). The interlocking code for this unit shall be DEFJX.
(v) Point Contactor Relay 24 V :The contractor shall supply AC immunized, miniature, plug in
type, DC biased contactor, Tractive armature 24V DC with metal to metal contact as per latest
RDSO specification.
(vi) Relay Plug in type AC LED All Aspect AC Lamp proving Relay: The contractor shall
supply Relay Plug in type AC LED All Aspect AC Lamp proving Relay unit slow release
neutral line relay, 4F- 4B contacts front and back contacts metal to carbon, shall be suitable for
working in series with the 110 V / 15 W AC LED signal complete with plug board retaining clip
and connectors. Style QECX61, 4F-4B as per Specification No. STS/ E/ Relays/AC/ lit LED
Signal/09-2002. IRS: S- 34, IRS: S- 23 as applicable.
The contractor shall procure the material from RDSO approved firms only followed by RDSO
inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply fuse base made of PBT, and conforming to drawing no. S-23748 Alt.4
with latest amendment, if any, suitable to accommodate the Fuse NDT non indicative type must
conform to SPECN/DRG No. IRS: S 78/92 and be of cylindrical type.
The NDT fuse base shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RDSO inspection
before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply non-deteriorating type low voltage electric fuse, non indicative type of
rated capacity mentioned in the Schedule, conforming to Specification No. IRS: S-78/92 round edge
14 mm dia, 51 mm length and of cylindrical type must accommodate to fuse base made of PBT
conforming to fuse base drawing no. S 23748 Alt.4 with latest amendment, if any. The fuse shall be
procured from RDSO approved firms with inspection certificate from RDSO before making supply to
(i) 1-WAY:
The contractor shall supply ARA terminal block 1 way made of PBT and conforming to
RDSO drawing no. S-23745 Alt.5 and to IRS Specification No. IRS: S-75/91, with links
(60 mm) to Drg. No. S-413/M after procuring this from RDSO approved firms only,
followed by RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
(ii) 6- WAY :
The contractor shall supply ARA terminal block 6 way made of PBT 25mm centre as per
RDSO drawing No. S-23756 Alt.3 and as per IRS Specification No. IRS : S-75/2006 with
latest amendment, if any, which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only,
followed by RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply brass Bus Bar 50 way. The brass screws and brass washers supporting the
wires shall be of adequate size and strength. The bus bar shall be inspected by the consignee before
accepting it from the contractor.
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment shall conform to paragraphs-9, 10 &11
of IRS-S-36/87 and Section-K of chapter-VII of IRSEM 1988 edition Chapter-XXI of part II of
IRSEM Sep.2001 edition.
Supply, fixing, wiring and testing of Composite relay, Racks complete with relays ,fuses,
terminals in accordance with the approved design and the approved circuit diagram including
all other accessories in the Relay Rooms and apparatus cases.
Supply, fixing, wiring, termination and testing of Integrated power supply system(IPS)
including battery chargers transformers, power panel, batteries etc, and their connection with
relay rack ,control panel etc shall be carried out in accordance to RDSO specification no-
RDSO/SPN/165/2004 and as per manufacturer instructions.
Supply and fixing of cable runway to support all cables in panel/Relay/power/Battery room.
The initial charging of batteries shall be carried out as per procedure prescribed by the
manufacturer at the time of installation.
Supply fixing wiring and commissioning of crank handle interlocking shall be as per
approved circuit diagram both in panel room and apparatus case respectively.
Supply fixing wiring and commissioning of magneto telephones etc.
The commissioning shall be done by well-trained OEM staff in accordance with the checklist
of RDSO and the OEM representative shall sign on the checklist and all other commissioning
documents of IPS.
The initial charging of the batteries as per OEM's instructions to be certified by the
representative of OEM.
This work includes Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of complete Signal &
Telecommunication system with Electronic Interlocking (EI), Integrated Power Supply, Point
Machines, Conventional DC track Circuit/Axle Counter, Block Instrument/BPAC, Indoor & outdoor
Signal & Telecommunication cables and telecom equipments at the A & B yards of Obra TPP.
The complete work shall be carried out according to the Technical specifications and drawings
approved by the RITES and shall confirm to the provisions of Indian Railway Signal Engineering
Manual, Manual for special requirement of Signaling in 25KV A.C. electrified area (RE Manual) and
Schedule of dimensions in the section.
Equipment like EI, IPS, Digital Axle Counter & Data logger etc. shall be installed by the OEM as per
the check list issued by RDSO/OEM if any.
Supply of Equipment
Provision of Electronic Interlocking (EI) for the aforesaid yards ( TPS-A ,TPS-B) in Centralised
Interlocking in Hot Stand by configuration with DUAL VDU ,shall confirm to RDSO specification
No. RDSO/SPN/203/2011 with latest amendments with hot standby and to suit signalling plan of
Respective yards.
Bidder shall submit letter/MoU with OEM of EI system regarding firm commitment for supply,
installation and post commissioning technical support.
The control terminal VDUs shall consist of following, configuration given here are minimum
1. Industrial grade PC of repute make capable of working continuously with 3MB Cache, 4GB DDR2
RAM, 80 GB SATA HDD and with latest processor.
(The Industrial grade PC [IPC] must ensure that all IPC components are carefully selected and
checked for electromagnetic compatibility [EMC], temperature resistant and resistant to vibration.
The heavy duty enclosure/chassis must protect the PC from the environmental disturbance like dust,
EMI, temperature and vibration, etc.)
6. Operating Temperature zero degree Centigrade to 60 degree centigrade [32 degree F to 140 degree
F] Humidity 5% to 95% RH, non-condensing.
7. Heavy duty steel, 19‟‟ Rack mount 4U chassis Cooling Fan, Air Filter
11. Suitable numbers of 46‟‟colour monitor to cover display of complete yard at a time (Sony/ LG/
SAMSUNG/Philips make).
Maintenance PC and laser printer and data logging facility for digital inputs shall be provided at
panel buildings. Software for system configuration and fault diagnostic including compiler for making
changes in application logic shall be provided.
Maintenance PC will be of repute make capable of working continuously with 3MB Cache and 4GB
DDR2 RAM, 80 GB (min.) SATA HDD.
110V DC power supply from IPS shall be made available to the electronic interlocking system,
suitable DC-DC converters are to be supplied by contractor along with EI as required for EI
equipment and interface circuits.
All the DC-DC convertors shall be installed in N+1 configuration in active load sharing mode.
Quantities of vital and non-vital input/output cards shall be so decided that 10% additional
inputs/outputs can be catered in addition to actual requirement. All the outputs and inputs, to EI,
from/to field gears are to be treated as vital input/outputs whereas inputs/outputs from/to control panel
are to be treated as non-vital.
Interface Relays
All the inputs from/to outdoor gears are to be treated as vital input/output whereas inputs/outputs
from/to control panel are to be treated as non-vital. All the relays energized by outdoor feed shall be
AC immunized.
ECR relays shall be suitable for LED lamps. „QSPA1‟ type relay to be used for TPRs. All type of
relays used for interface with EI system shall be RDSO approved.
2in-2out Rail mounted screw less Cage-Clamp Type connect/disconnect terminal blocks suitable for
on-line testing shall be used for termination of indoor cable and wiring at EI room and EI Hut. Similar
type of screwed terminals may also be used. These terminals shall comply with IEC 60947-7-1
standards. All types of power cables shall be terminated on 6 way PBT terminals (M6 terminals).
Rail mounted screwed/screw less Cage-Clamp type fuse terminal blocks with LED indicator shall be
used for all the applications at EI room/EI Hut except for point operation where 16Amps. HRC fuse
shall be used.
Staged protection shall be provided to prevent the system from damage due to transient voltages and
surges. The staged protection refers to Primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Primary level protection
shall be provided with IPS.
Ring earthing shall be provided as per RDSO specifications. Maintenance free earth pits shall be used
for making ring earth. All the EI and power supply equipment shall be connected to Equipotential
room earth bar as shown in the figure.
Approved SI plan shall be provided to the contractor and Contractor shall design all other drawings
and documents. Following is the tentative list of drawings and documents to be designed by the
contractor for indoor:
1) Selection table
2) Vital & Non-Vital bit chart
3) EI Configuration Diagram, Equipment layout plan, Relay Disposition chart
4) Front plate diagram
5) Application Logic
6) Interface circuit with contact analysis
7) Equivalent circuits of Application logic
8) Earthing arrangements
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) shall be conducted on the EI equipment at manufacturer‟s premises
before installation at site. On completion of erection, simulation test (SAT) will be carried out.
Defects if any during the test , shall be rectified by the Contractor.
Training of EI system
Training of EI system to be provided to UPRVUNL staff for making them familiar during execution
and commissioning of EI which shall consist of different aspects of Design, Installation, testing and
maintenance of EI system. Fault diagnostic, data logging and repair shall also be covered in detail.
Training shall cover modification in application logic, compilation and uploading application logic to
CPU card.
The contractor shall supply Electronic Magneto Telephone Desk type conforming to RDSO
Specification No. IRS: TC 79/2000, which shall be procured from RDSO, approved firms only,
followed by consignee inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply Electric Point and Lock Detector with 3 slides for facing points and lock
with cross protection contacts, for single pair of points and lock with in and out movement
conforming to RDSO Drg. No. SA – 23331(Adv) Alt.3 and IRS specification No. IRS :S 49/74 with
latest amendment if any, which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by
RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply cast iron Track Lead Jn. Box with terminals made of PBT as per
specification / Drg. No.SA-20101/M with latest amendment, if any, with GI pipe having 25 mm dia
Bore pipe of length 500 mm parallel thread suitable for fixing in TLJB as per IS : 1239. The terminal
block shall be procured from RDSO approved firms. The material shall be inspected by the consignee
before being supplied to the consignee by the contractor.
(i) TRACK FEED ADJUSTABLE RESISTANCE (15 Ohms) : The contractor shall supply
track feed adjustable resistance made of PBT, Disc type of 15 Ohms value with tapings at 1
Ohm, 2 Ohms, 4 Ohms & 8 Ohms conforming to RDSO Drawing No. SA 20165/M(Adv) Alt.1
with latest amendment if any, which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only,
followed by RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
(ii) TRACK FEED ADJUSTABLE RESISTANCE (30 Ohms) : The contractor shall supply
track feed adjustable resistance made of PBT, Disc type of 30 Ohms value with tapings at 2
Ohm, 4 Ohms, 8 Ohms & 16 Ohms conforming to RDSO Drawing No. SA 20166/M(Adv)
Alt.1 with latest amendment if any, which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only,
followed by RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply Secondary Cell lead acid each cell being of 2 volts and of rated capacity
mentioned in the schedule at 10 hours rate of discharge at 27° C to an end voltage of 1.85 volt. Each
cell assembled with tubular positive and posted negative plates in a hard rubber container, with inter
cell connected float, vent plug, bolts, nuts and connecting strips.
Each cell, which shall be dry and uncharged and conforming to Specification No. IS: 1651/91 and
RDSO specification No.: IRS: S- 88/2004 with latest amendments, if any, should be accompanied
with valid type test of RDSO and life test certificate and which should be procured from RDSO
approved firms only, followed by RDSO inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
(i) 40 AH, (ii) 200 AH, (iii) 80 AH, (iv) 300 AH&(v) 120AH
The rack should be made of seasoned mango wood plank of proper size as per Sketch quoted and
should have sufficient strength.
The rack shall be painted with black paint before supplying to the consignee. The materials shall be
inspected by the consignee before being accepted.
The contractor shall supply GI pipe „ISI‟ marked, screwed at both ends and socket at one end and
other end protected with plastic thread protectors light coated conforming to Specification Nos. IS:
1239 Pt.-I /1990 in with latest amendment if any, of standard make and of Medium grade. Both inside
and outside of the pipe should be galvanized properly. The GI pipe shall be supplied to the consignee
duly inspected by Consignee.
1 15 820 1.220
2 20 637 1.570
3 25 411.5 2.430
4 40 278 3.597
5 50 196 5.102
6 80 117 8.547
7 100 80 12.500
8 125 61 16.393
9 150 51 19.608
The contractor shall supply lock „E‟ type with key of ward mentioned in the Schedule conforming to
RDSO Drg. No. SA-3376(M) (IRS) Alt.2 with latest amendment if any and for Miniature „E‟ type
lock RDSO Drg. No. SA – 3474 (M) (IRS) Alt.2 with latest amendment if any, which shall be
procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RITES inspection before supplying it to the
The contractor shall supply Electric Key Transmitter (HKT) (Rotary Type conforming to
Specification No. IRS: S-21/2001 and RDSO Drg. No. SA-22601 Adv Alt.4 with latest amendment if
any, which shall be procured from RDSO approved firms only, followed by RDSO inspection before
making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall supply condenser and resistance of rating as mentioned in the schedule of
standard make only, such as Phillips etc. to the consignee, who will inspect the material and after
finding it suitable will accept it.
The contractor shall supply key lock relay with different ward combination (one extra set of ward
plate for point machine to be supplied with each relay) as per specification no. IRS: S-46 and 1 No. K-
50 neutral relay to work on 24V DC, with housing suitable for mounting one number key lock relay
with push button, LED indication and 8 way terminal.
The material shall be procured from RDSO‟s approved firms only. Inspection of Key lock relays
should be got done by RDSO and inspection of housing for mounting KLCR, keys and ward plates
will be done by consignee but manufacturer will give guarantee certificate. The contractor will ask to
the consignee about the details for the ward and number of keys before making over the supply. The
materials shall then be handed over to the consignee.
The installation of KLCR shall be done as per instruction of Site-Engineer -In charge.
The contractor shall supply the operating cum indication panel to RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/SPN/186/2004 with latest amendment, if any, LED type (24 Volts) complete with all
accessories as mentioned in schedule, along with Tool-Kit British type Route setting type as per
Panel Diagram supplied by the Railway, and other instructions served at the time of Acceptance letter.
Provision of electric point machines shall conform to paragraph 7 of IRS-S_36/87 and section-K
of IRSEM 1988 edition and chapter XIX of IRSEM2001 edition respectively.
It shall be procured from RDSO approved Manufacturer only, followed by RDSO inspection before
commencing the supply.
The contractor shall supply 8 Way Isolating type terminal block as per RDSO Drg. SA – 24811 and
IRS specification no. IRS: S-79-1992 to the consignee, which shall be procured from RDSO,
approved firms only. The material will be inspected by the RDSO before accepting it.
Single Section Digital Axle Counter shall be as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/ 177/ 2012,
Version – 3 or latest and manufacturer specification.
The Axle Counter shall also have the following Characteristics :-
i. System should be 2 out of 2 distributed evaluator type having provision of connecting vital
relay at either or both end.
ii. The axle counter shall detect change of both amplitude and phase of the axle detector receiver
iii. The Double Rail Contacts should operate at high and different frequency eliminating any
chance of noises and any other harmonic disturbances.
iv. Double Rail Contacts should be mountable with „drilled through rail web‟ having self –
locking bolts and nuts along with teeth and groove adjustment arrangement to ensure onetime
adjustment with no future maintenance after installation.
v. The Rail Contacts and Track side Electronics should be immune to EMC and EMI and should
be operating satisfactorily in 25 KAC and 1500 DC Electrified traction area for last 3 – 4
vi. System must have been in use for last 3 years (minimum) and till date should have over 200
detection points working satisfactorily with Indian railways.
vii. System should be true Digital Axle Counter i.e. the analog signals from the Rail Contacts must
be processed digitally immediate at the Track side Electronics Unit itself.
viii. The Data transmission between two track side electronics should be Fault Tolerant.
ix. The vital relay can be either „metal to metal „ or „metal to carbon‟ type with wide choice of
operating Voltages viz. 24 V DC, 48 – 60 V DC.
x. System should operate at a very low and nominal power (less than 10 W). System should
tolerate high fluctuation of supply and have wide range of operating voltage from 10.8 V to 36
V DC, having in built DC – D C converter.
xi. All external terminals must have MOVs, which would make the system absolute reliable in
hazard of glitches, noises and lightening.
xii. System should have simple cable requirement. Power supply should be able to be taken
preferably by a quad (paired), Vital relay by another quad. Communication should be through
only half a quad cable. Total cable requirement thus should leave one and half quad free in a 4
quad cable.
xiii. Communication standard between two evaluators should be CCITT V .23, semi – duplex,
1200 bits/ s bandwidth 300……3400Hz. With 0.9 mm Dia. wire (twisted pair or star quad),
transmission distance must be upto 30 Km. The safety of data transmission should be ensured
by safety coding in telegram. The protocol used should be suitable for transmission over
multiplexed digital transmission system (OFC or Radio) conforming EN50159 – 1.
xiv. The wheel detection should make the system independent of external trolley suppression
circuit such that the spoke trolley wheels are not detected.
xv. System should have continuous self – diagnostic features depicting various health statuses by
means of on board LEDs and should not require any computer based diagnostic systems.
xvi. The system should be configured economically, such that it can be used in double section (viz.
IBS) continuous sections with common detection and capable of monitoring point zone (3
detection points one section) and can also be part of Multi Section Axle Counter.
xvii. Resetting should be always a „Preparatory Type.‟ After applying reset first train has to
successfully cross over the section under caution to finally clear the section. Reset should be
possible on any one Track Side Electronics Unit and by means of reversal of polarity of supply
voltage to the unit so that reset is always differentiated from a power interruption.
xix. System should be microprocessor based fault tolerant high frequency digital axle counter with
highest safety integrity level SIL4 Standard covered under CENELEC having well proven
installation worldwide including INDIA.
The contractor shall procure the material from RDSO approved firms only followed by RDSO
inspection before making over the supply to consignee.
The contractor shall trained two supervisors and two maintainers for installation, configuration
(Hardware & software), interconnection & maintenance of SSDAC software and interfacing.
The training should include configuration setting, testing, fault isolation, process and testing
The contractor shall provide complete training manuals with complete documentation.
A. General -
2. The contractor shall provide well trained experienced staff of OEM (Original equipment
Manufacturer) for the installation of the SSDAC and they will work in consultation
of the Engineer at site. Necessary report regarding installation on prescribed format of
RDSO be prepared & submitted by representative of OEM.
4. Installation of Track device, Reset Box, SSDAC in already provided half case / Relay Room,
will be done by contractor.
5. Termination of cables & wiring will be done by the contractor.
6. PVC helical pipe, HDPE pipe, Elbow, T – Joint, Flexible wires/ cables, copper lugs, Hylem
sheet of size 6 mm will be supplied by the contractor.
7. The reset Relay to be kept in sealed box. The termination should be inside the box and
same way inside the reset box at the other end.
8. Push button for resetting on digital cards should be sealed and covered by metal cap.
9. Reset boxes and line verification boxes shall be standard as per RDSO drawing.
10. Indicative type surge protection device in outdoor on all input and output lines of field
unit procured from RDSO recommended sources shall be supplied and Installed by
2. The rail height should be within vertical limit of worn out (13 mm for 60 Kg rail, 8 mm for
52 Kg rail, 5 mm for 90 R rail.)
3. Transmitter should be installed on the outside of the rail.
5. Fixing accessories should be insulated from the rail and fitted properly.
7. Only Quad cable/ PIJF twisted pair telecomm. Cable is to be used between field units.
9. Near end cross talk shall be better than 55 dB for quad cable.
10. Far end cross talk shall be better than 55 db for Quad cable.
12. Unused quad pairs should be properly dressed with insulated tape and put under the EAK.
1. Cables to be terminated in such away that neither the conductor remains exposed nor the
connectors touch the cable insulation.
3. Unused cables pairs shall be cut in such away that none of the conductor‟s remains
4. Unused cables to be properly dressed & terminated.
5. Cable pair used for line verification box to be properly dressed and terminated to the ARA
terminal in such away that neither the conductors remain exposed nor the connectors touch
the cable insulation.
2. There should not be any other load on the power supply except axle counter.
3. Minimum 10 mm2 multi- strand copper cable or 25 mm2 multi- strand aluminum cable to
be used for power supply for taking 24 V DC from central location to EAK units.
1-All cables from CT rack relay & Reset panel to be routed neatly.
b) Reset Box to be wired in such a way that neither the conductors remain exposed nor the
connectors touch the cable insulation.
c) Reset Box to be sealed and no termination should be exposed outside.
Block Panel with UFSBI shall be supplied with the following sub-system:
Block proving system consist of the following sub systems for its working as per scheme depicted in
RDSO Drg. No RDSO/S/32017 sheet no.1 for double line and RDSO/S/32019 sheet No.1 for single
1) Block Panel.
2) Universal Fail Safe Block Inter face.
3) Single section digital Axle Counter.
4) Block Telephone.
5) Telecomm cable, voice/data channels provided over optical fiber or microwave system using
proper multiplexer.
6) Battery Set.
7) Battery Charger/IPS module.
8) Relay Rack with Relays.
Block Panel
Panel shall suit to RDSO‟s Drg. No. RDSO/S 32017 Sheet no. 2&3 for double line & RDSO/S 32019
Sheet No. 2 & 3 for single line. Body of panel to be made of CRC MS sheet of thickness not less than
18 SWG conforming to specification IS-513 grade D. Panel shall be drip proof and shall be protected
against ingress of water. Sufficient strength, rigidity and stability required shall be ensured.
SM, S Block Panel is provided with the following KEYS for various functions.
SM, S Block Panel is provided with the following KEYS for various functions.
LCB key
Principle of working
The block section is provided with an axle counter to verify the occupation or clearance of block
section and indicated on block panel.
It is not possible to take the last stop signal to off unless LINE CLEAR has been obtained from station
in advance.
It is not possible to obtain the line clear unless block section and an adequate distance beyond first
stop signal of station in advance is clear of trains.
The last stop signal assume ON aspect automatically on entry of train into block section and when so
replaced ,is maintained in its own position, till a fresh line clear is obtained on block panel.
Block section show automatically Train on line on panel when train enters into the block section on
line clear.
Train entry/exit buzzer to/from block section are provided and to be acknowledged.
Block section automatically closes on complete arrival of train at the receiving station.
A control to prevent the station in rear to take LINE CLEAR on its Block Panel without taking
consent of receiving station.
A control to cancel the LINE CLEAR, already taken by the station Master in rear.
It is possible to close the Block section only, if no train has entered for at least 120 seconds after
application of cancellation as per above with a co-operation from station in rear.
Material should be procured from RDSO‟s approved firm and inspection of RDSO before supplying
to the consignee.
The commissioning shall be done by well-trained OEM staff in accordance with the checklist of
RDSO and the OEM representative shall sign on the checklist and all other commissioning documents
of BPAC.
While laying the underground Signalling cables, the following instructions will be followed rigidly:
a) The trench has to be dug generally straight and parallel to the railway track. For this, a rope
should be stretched straight and marking should be done by the lime powder. After that only,
digging of the trench shall be started. When it is required to dig perpendicular to the track or
at an angle to the track it should be generally straight in that alignment. Location of this cable
route for point/track circuits/gate location/signals etc. within the station section/block section
will be given by the engineer-in charge and cable laying has to be done within these marks,
Necessary instructions will be issued by the Engineer-in-charge of the work as and when
necessary in this regard. Whenever considered necessary the contractor will also seek
instructions from the engineer-in-charge. The digging of trench under the track shall be
started by the contractor only after the requisite amount of cables are available and the
alignment of the route (for cables) under the track has been approved by the engineer-in-
charge and advised so to the contractor.
b) The main cable trench should be as per size as mentioned in tender schedule within the station
yard except on platforms, level crossings, track crossings and for tail cables and the cable
trench outside the station yard, where it will be 120 cm deep and 30 cm wide or as per size as
mentioned in tender schedule . If the depth of cable trench cannot be maintained due to some
technical problems the pro-rata payment shall be made to the contractor. The issue shall be
decided by the site Engineer jointly with contractor.
c) In the station section or in block section the cable trenching and cable laying shall be done as
per the direction of engineer -in-charge.
(i) Where only signal / power cable is to be laid: -
Where only one type of cable either signal or power cable is to be laid the trench shall be 30
Cm wide and the cable is laid as per the instruction mentioned in Para
The bricks used shall be 9 bricks per running meter of the cable trench.
(ii) Where large number of power and signal cable both are to be laid: -
Where power cable is laid along with signal cables the partition is required between these
cables for safe and proper working of signaling circuits, so the trench shall be 35 cm. wide
and before laying the cable, bricks are laid in the trench in such a manner to produce a
partition of height 7.0 cm and 11.4 cm width between signal and power cable. After the bricks
are laid for partition the cable laying work is started carefully so that the partition does not
After the cable laying is done , 'U' Clamp should be fitted at an interval of 5 meters before the
soft soil of about 5 cm height is filled in the trench to cover the cable and then the bricks as
shown in the drawing (one side straight and other side breadth wise) is laid in the trench.
Afterward the cable trench is filled with soft soil and rammed after providing cable markers.
The earth level after filling the trench should be about 20 cm. above the original ground level
over the trench.
d) The work of trenching under the tracks shall be done only under the personal supervision of
engineer-in-charge who will take necessary precautions in regard to safety of train running.
The trenching route shall be so decided that it does not interfere with passenger safety. The
trench must not be put in open condition for a long time.
e) The contractor shall stack 2nd class bricks, well baked, at site of work in the quantity as
mentioned in the schedule or as the case may be. Total number of bricks shall be inspected
and passed by the site engineer, it shall be recorded in the material passing register at site and
also a certificate will be issued by him to this effect, to the contractor. No broken brick shall
be passed by the site engineer. After laying the cable, the contractor shall arrange the safe
transport of bricks for use in cable trench and no broken bricks shall be used for laying.
f) The contractor will be responsible for loading, transporting of cables and its safe unloading at
the site of work. Before taking over the cable, Contractor should test the cable and get himself
satisfied that there is no defect in the cable. Any damage to the cable during laying etc.
subsequently shall entirely be the responsibility of the contractor can realize the cost of
damaged cables.
The cable in the drum shall be conducted insulation testing before bringing it at site and only
good cables shall be brought at site and test report should be given to Site engineer before
laying. The laying is to be done by the contractor on the direction of the engineer-in-charge at
site. For the safety of cable, the drum should be kept on two ends on jack, with a shaft
threaded in the cable drum and the cable should be released by rolling the drums, so that there
is no twist in the cable. This aspect must be ensured by the contractor. While pulling the
cable, it should be supported by adequate number of staff at an interval of minimum 10
meters, so that the cable do not get scratched/ damaged while pulling. The cable/ cables shall
be laid on the soft ground at the bottom of the trench. After laying the cable/cables in the
trench these should be first anchoring the cable with :U: clamp at an interval of 5 meters then
covered with soft soil for about 50mm .Thereafter it should be covered with 2 nd class bricks
breath-wise, 9 bricks per running meter approximately as protective covering except where
pipes are provided.
Thereafter the trench should be filled up with earth and rammed after providing cable markers
to be supplied by the Railway at an interval of not more than 150 meters and at places where
cable run changes direction along the cable route as per direction of the engineer-in-charge.
The earth level after filling the trench should be about 20 cms above the original ground level
over the trench.
g) Circular pits of suitable sizes will have to be dug near each location box/ apparatus
case/signal/points machine/track lead in. Box in route as per direction of Engineer-in charge
for provision of extra cable coils approximately 4 to 5 meter length for each cable to facilitate
termination, at no extra cost. The pits are also to be filled up to the ground level after the
cable coils are properly placed in the pit.
h) Cable laying should commence only after the trench has been approved by the Engineer-in-
charge. The laying of cable/cables should be started by the contractor under proper direction
and supervision of engineer-in-charge as indicated in Para (a) to (g) above. While laying the
cable proper care should be taken to ensure that no twists/kinks/damages of any type are
caused in the cable so that its life is not reduced in the long run, for this, while laying the
cable, the drum should be mounted on proper jacks.
i) The work of digging of trench, laying of cables and filling of trench etc., once started should
proceed continuously in full tempo and not left incomplete. After completion of the work the
railway engineer-in-charge should certify that the cable laying and trench filling is over and
the work has been carried out to his full satisfaction and as per specifications.
k) Cable shall not be normally taken over the track at the time of cable laying by the contractor,
as this is likely to cause accident to trains and damage to cable. If at any time, the cable has to
be taken across the track, it shall be done only in the presence of the Engineer‟s representative
and after the safety precautions have been taken.
l) The testing of cables for the insulation resistance between conductor to conductor and
individual conductor to earth, and continuity test of each core of the cable must be carried out
before and after the laying of the cable in the trench. All parameters measured must be
recorded in tabular form by the contractor. The sample of the tabular form will be supplied by
Engineer-in-charge and signed jointly by the railway engineer-in-charge and the
contractor/contractor‟s representative at site and submitted to Engineer – in- charge of the
m) As a result of the measurement of cable testing, if any cable or cables found defective the
same should be withdrawn from the trench and fresh cable of good quality shall be laid by the
contractor at no extra labour charges and the contractor shall be responsible for defective
cable. After laying the cables, the empty drums and un-used signaling cables shall be
deposited in the stores of The Consignee. Loading, unloading and transportation of empty
drums and un-used signaling cables shall be at the contractor‟s cost.
n) If, at any stage, it is detected that the contractor has dug the trench and laid the cables at a
depth less than specified or less bricks/broken bricks have been used, the contractor shall re-
dig the trench to complete depth and provide intact bricks in trench. In this process if the
cable is damaged, the contractor shall pay the cost of cables and he shall replace the cable
without delay. If any twist is detected in the cable laid, the contractors shall be responsible to
replace the cable as if it is damaged.
o) The contractor shall insert all the laid cables in the relay room at station / end location through
the ducts already constructed in the buildings. After these cables are terminated on the
terminal boards the ducts shall be filled with sand up to the floor level and which then shall be
plastered in order that the rooms may have a clean look. Likewise the contractor shall insert
all the laid cables into the apparatus case/In. Box erected for the purpose. Sand will be
supplied by the Contractor.
The signaling/ Telecom cables under track crossings below the surface of platform/road, at level
crossing gates, on the bridges (except major bridges) & taking from overhead line poles to ground
shall be laid through G I pipe/HDPE of adequate dia and length to be cut to size by the contractor. If
more than one length of GI/ HDPE pipes are to be used the ends of these are to be joined together
through sockets to be supplied by the Contractor. The complete length of GI/ HDPE pipe carrying the
cables on the bridges/culverts/sub-way/through over-head poles shall be supported at the ends by
suitable masonry work/ clamping. The entire length on bridge/sub-way/culvert shall be fixed by
suitable clamps at an interval not exceeding one meter. To prevent theft of GI pipes on bridges etc. it
shall be damaged by drilling holes into it of 7.2 mm dia and at an average distance of 30 cm.
In the entire activity, only the GI pipes/HDPE pipe and sockets shall be supplied by the Contractor at
the go down of The Consignee, the transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor.
This activity includes drilling of two holes on the either ends of the fish- plates in the web of the rail.
The diameter of the holes will be 7.2 mm. The machinery, plant and power supply shall be the
contractor‟s responsibility. After manufacturing the bond wires from the G.I. wire 8 SWG soft the
contractor will arrange fixing of the bond wires, in four holes by means of galvanized channel pins to
be supplied by contractor. The fixing of the bond wire after the drilling of the holes should be done
on the same day to avoid rusting of holes. One pair of bond wires shall be fixed by means of two
bond wire clips as per Drg. No. S-22167 for 90R and 52 Kg rail/ S-22168 for 60 Kg rail and as per
direction of site Engineer. Bond wire and Bond wire clips shall be supplied by the contractor. The
whole activity at one rail joint will be treated as a set of one pair.
The activity includes drilling of two holes of 7.2 mm dia near insulation joint in the web of the rail for
installing short jumpers to be terminated at the terminals of track lead junction box; cross jumpering
the two rails in the track circuit zone of points by long jumpers by drilling two holes in each rail 7.2
mm dia and inserting two long jumpers in the holes ; drilling two holes 7.2 mm dia each in the
nose/splice rails and wing rails of crossing of the points, between the holes two coiled jumper (about
one and a half turn in each coil) shall be installed and two short jumpers coiled between switch and
stock rail of the points by drilling two holes 7.2 mm dia in switch/stock rails and so on
The short jumpers to be inserted into the track lead junction box and the long jumpers for cross
jumpering the two rails as stated above, shall be lead through PVC tubing 12 mm dia and of 01 mm
thickness PVC tubing shall not be of re-cycled quality.
The wires are to be fixed to the rails by means of galvanized channel pins; GI wires 8 SWG soft and
channel pins will be supplied by the contractor. The PVC tubing as stated above shall also be supplied
by the contractor. The long cross jumper as stated above shall be strapped to the PRC sleeper by M S
flat 25mm x 3 mm at two places. The M S flat shall be supplied by the Contractor at the stores of the
consignee, the transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor, but the bolts and nuts for
these straps shall be supplied by the contractor.
The whole activity shall be undertaken as per the direction of engineer at site.
The fixing of two short jumpers for track circuit to be installed into the track lead junction box or two
long cross jumpers as stated above or two jumpers between the switch and stock rail or two jumpers
between nose/splice rails and wing rails and so on shall constitute a set of one pair of jumper wires.
This activity includes the installation of track lead Jn. box and insertion of track lead cables into the
TLJB. The contractor shall install Track Lead Jn. box (RDSO Drg. No. SA 20101/M) for track
circuits as per the directions of the Engineer at site. The junction Box shall be fixed to MS angle size
50mm x 50mm x 6 mm and of length 675mm by two bolts and nuts already available in the track lead
junction box. , The transportation charges from the go down to the site of work will be borne by the
The track lead junction box shall be placed vertical and the angle iron buried into the ground, the
bottom of the angle iron shall be forked and around the bottom of the angle iron a concrete foundation
would be casted of size 300 mm x 300mm x 300 mm. The composition of concrete shall be 1:3:6 viz.
1 part cement, 3 parts coarse sand and 6 parts fine stone chips of size 20mm. The cost of masonry
materials MS angle iron size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm. The cost of masonry materials MS angle iron
size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm, its transportation and drilling of two holes, cutting down to size and
forking the bottom end of the angle iron shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor after
installing the TLJB shall also insert the TF/TR cable leads into the track lead Jn. box for termination,
as directed by the Engineer-at-site.
The contractor shall cast the CLS foundation as per Drawing. The ratio for the cement concrete
mixture shall be 1 part cement: 3 parts coarse sand: 6 parts stone aggregate of size 25mm; the stone
chips employed should be free from dirt. The location for the signal foundation shall be as per
interlocked Signalling Plan of the station and as per the directives of the Engineer at site.
The casted foundation should be well cured. The casted foundation above the ground level shall be
cement plastered; the thickness of the cement plaster shall not be less than 13mm on all sides. The
foundation shall be covered with well rammed earth above the ground level as per the direction of the
Engineer at site.
The contractor shall supply all the materials viz. foundation bolts and nuts, cement, coarse sand and
stone aggregate at his cost.
The activity includes the fitting of CLS unit at the top of signal post. However, for Home signals,
these shall be fitted on elbow bracket 140mm dia. and on the top direction type route indicator (Jn.
indicator) shall be fixed. Where necessary, shunt signal and calling on signal shall be fixed below the
CLS unit and foundation of ladder base of concrete size 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm.
The fittings shall be provided on the CLS posts of 3.6m/ 4.6m/ 5.6 m length and 140mm dia. The
signal posts carrying the signal fittings shall be mounted on cast iron, CLS base. The fitting of
accessories viz. conventional signal lamp or LED signal with its accessories, hoods, wire mesh
guards, side screens i.e. complete fitting of CLS unit and the erection of signal post including wiring
of signal unit shall be done with a high standard of workmanship and as per the instructions laid down
in the Signal Engineer Manual and Schedule of Standard dimensions, always keeping in mind the
safety of running trains. The whole activity shall be executed as per the directives of site Engineer.
The signal shall be provided with ladder. To ensure the rigidity of the ladder, one tie rod between the
ladder and the post for 3.6 m posts and two tie rods for 4.6m and 5.6m posts shall be provided and the
base of the ladder shall be concreted of size 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm by a concrete mixture of cement,
sand and bazari in the ratio 1: 3: 6 respectively.
The signal post should be in plumb and perfect alignment and should be provided with lead wool
between the CLS pole and the CLS base adequately.
The cable shall be inserted through the post up to the signal unit to a proper length to facilitate
termination of cable, if the cable is not laid the contractor shall provide a GI wire, from foundation to
the unit in such a manner as to facilitate passing of cable for termination.
For whole activity the Contractor shall supply concreting material, bolts and nuts, cement, sand,
bazari and lead wool only. All other materials such as signal posts and CLS, base, elbow bracket CLS
unit, direction type route indicator (Jn. route indicator), calling on signals, ladders and tie rods shall be
supplied by the Contractor from RDSO approved firms.
The contractor shall cast the shunt signal foundation. The ratio for the cement concrete mixture shall
be 1 part cement, 3 parts coarse sand and 6 parts stone aggregate of size 20mm, the stone chips
employed should be free from dirt. The location for the signal foundation shall be as per interlocked
signaling plan of the station and as per the direction of the Engineer at site.
The casted foundation shall be well cured. The surface above ground on all sides should be plastered
by a cement sand mixture of 1:4 and of thickness 13mm all around. All the four sides of the
foundation shall be covered fully with well rammed earth above the ground level as per the directions
of the Engineer at site.
The contractor shall erect independent type shunt signal with complete fitting and CI base on already
casted foundation for shunt signal keeping in mind the safety of running trains the signal should be in
plumb and perfect alignment.
The cable shall be inserted through the post upto the signal unit to a proper length to facilitate
termination of cable, if the cable is not laid the contractor shall provide a GI wire, from foundation to
the unit in such a manner as to facilitate passing of cable for termination.
(b) Wiring of relays in the relay racks and their inter-connections to CT racks and respective
panels in the panel room along with power supply connections such as batteries, fuses etc.
including arrangements for proper fixing of wiring shall be done by contractor at his own
cost. Cable termination if any for such interconnection is included in this activity. The wires
will be laced by black colored Mayfair tape. The wiring shall be done strictly in accordance
with the wiring diagram of station and as per directions of the site engineer. Prior to
terminating/soldering the wire on to the connectors (to be inserted in relay base)/eyelets, letter
and number wiring markers (ferrules) shall be inserted into the wire.
(c) Contractor at his own cost will do fabrication and supply of Hylem sheet termination board
below the relay rack. The contractor shall supply the Hylem sheet of 6 mm thickness and the
nuts and bolts for fixing the board. The contractor as per directions of the Engineer at site
shall fix ARA terminals, condensers, resistors, series indication transformers etc. on this
board, Suitable sized Hylem sheet board of thickness 6 mm shall also be provided and fixed
in the relay rack for lamp proving relays (ECR‟s) by the contractor at his own cost.
(d) Supply and fixing of ladder for wires all along over the relay rack, CT rack and between these
to the wall of relay room for placing the Delton cable will be done by contractor at his own
cost. The ladder shall be fixed over the relay/CT Rack by nuts and bolt/screws as per the
direction of Engineer at site. The work of providing GI pipe/channel etc. for taking Delton
cable/PVC wire etc. from Relay room to panel will be done by Contractor. The steps of the
ladder land rods for supporting wires in the relay rack and CT racks shall be taped by PVC
iron grip insulation tape. The supporting rods behind the CT racks shall also be fabricated,
supplied and fixed by the contractor at his own cost.
(e) Condensers, resistors, relay rack, PVC wire, series indication transformers, ARA terminals,
relays with bases and connectors shall be supplied by the Railway. All other materials such as
solder rosin core of 60:40 grade of IYRE make or other make but strictly similar, lacing
materials, copper crimping lugs Dowell‟s make, ladder, PVC tape, screws, bolts and nuts,
Hylum sheet etc. shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost.
(f) Provision of copper crimping lug Dowell‟s make of suitable sizes at all the ends of PVC wires
terminated at the ARA terminals, fuses and bus bars shall be done by contractor at his own
(g) Continuity test to be conducted and the report to be submitted. The contractor shall be
responsible for the proper commissioning and testing of the relay rack wiring.
(h) After completion of wiring as per wiring diagrams the contractor shall inform the engineer at
site, who will conduct tests of the wiring along with the engineer of contractor. During the
course of joint testing by the engineer, the contractor will deploy his technical staff to remove
the deficiencies found, if any. The contractor shall provide staff and all the necessary
assistance for conducting these tests and removing the deficiencies found, if any.
(i) If the number of relays varies from the Scheduled quantity the payment shall be made on pro-
rata basis.
The activity includes casting of foundation for the single case, half case and 50 way JB as per
Sketch. The ratio of the concrete mixture should be 1 part cement: 3 parts coarse sand: 6 parts stone
chips, the plastering shall be done as provided in the sketch. The foundations shall be well cured
before installation of apparatus cases.
Miniature E type locks shall be provided to the location boxes. Doors of single and half cases boxes
shall be provided with two miniature E type locks (one in the front and the other in the rear side door),
where a 50 way JB shall be provided with one E type lock only, in its front door, these locks shall be
of ward No.41 and as per RDSO Drg. No. SA-3474/M. The apparatus cases shall be installed as per
the directions of the Engineer at site. For these apparatus cases if any earthwork is required it will be
done by the contractor up to the ground level at his cost. If a situation arises when large amount of
earth works (i.e. more than one cubic meter) is required for making the raised platform of soil on
which the foundation is to be cast, then in that case the amount of extra earthwork done shall be paid
separately. Apparatus cases installed side by side shall be at the same height for a good look and have
proper inter-spacing to facilitate proper painting.
The contractor shall supply all the materials including miniature „E‟ type locks except single
cases/half cases/50 way Junction Boxes. The apparatus cases will be supplied at the stores of the
consignee, the transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor.
This activity includes installation of 18 way Jn. Boxes/ Point Machine JB; these shall be installed by
the contractor at point‟s machine and at other locations as per direction of Engineer-at-site.
The pipe pedestal (riser) should be buried for the depth of 18” and fixed with masonry work. The
minimum clearance from adjoining track shall be maintained as per the stipulation in the schedule of
standard dimensions.
The transportation of Jn. Boxes and other items required for this activity from the stores to the site of
work shall be at the contractor‟s cost. Except 18 way JB and pipe pedestal (riser) all the fixing and
masonry material will be supplied by the contractor at his cost. The masonry work will be executed by
the contractor at his cost. The masonry work will be done by brick work. During installation of JB at
point machine the aspect of cranking of motor point must be taken in mind for this proper space for
cranking must be provided.
Installation of Electric point machines shall be carried out in accordance with the drawings and
provisions in IRSEM part II para 19.28 to 19.38. Before installation of EPM on points, the provisions
on point as laid down in para 12.40 of IRSEM part II shall be fulfilled.
The activity includes supply of terminal board of Hylem sheet to IS 2036 Grade P-4 of size 6 mm
thick for single case, half case Jn. box 50 way, station and end locations. These shall be fitted with
required number of ARA terminals, Balsonstrips,Wago terminal, fuse blocks and bus bars. Similarly
for fixing relay bases for installing relays, holes are to be drilled accordingly on the angle iron frame
and M S flat. An arrangement shall also be made, by the contractor to fix the board in the single case,
half case and 50 way Jn. Box by providing a 3 mm M S plate with holes and then secure it with Bolts
and nuts from all sides with cases as per direction of engineer at site. ARA terminals, Balson strips,
Wago terminal, fuse blocks; bus bars etc. will be supplied by the Contractor at the go down of
(Consignee), the transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor. Other materials for
fixing will be supplied by the contractor. Nuts and bolts screws etc. required in completing the board
and its fixing will be supplied by the contractor at his cost.
(a) Hylem sheet size 3025mm x 1200mm fixed by Mushroom GI bolts and nuts at suitable interval
on angle iron frame of section 40mm x 40mm x 5 mm for station / end locations CT racks. The
Hylem sheet must be of 6 mm thickness. The angle iron frame made of angle iron of section
40mm x 40mm x 5 mm of size 3025mm x 1200mm shall be fabricated and supplied by the
contractor. This frame shall be supported with the wall behind, by two angle iron pieces at the
bottom and two angle iron pieces at the top. These angle iron pieces of section 40 mm x 40 mm
x 5 mm shall be bolted to the angle iron frame at one end and the other end grouted into the
wall by a cement concrete mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts coarse sand and 6 parts stone chips.
(b) Termination board made of hylem sheet 6 mm thickness for apparatus cases will be prepared
and supported with a frame of angle iron of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm to suit the size of cases
i.e. single case, half case, 50 way Jn. box and as per requirement and directions of the Engineer
in charge. The size of frame and hylemsheet can be adjusted for providing the space for relays,
batteries, battery charger and track feed arrangement etc. if required as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. In such cases payment for terminal boards shall be made on pro-rate basis.
The wooden plank/board required for making shelf for keeping battery, battery charger etc.
shall be supplied by the railway the stores of consignee. The shelf etc. required shall be made
by contractor at his own cost.
The activity includes insertion of cable/ wires into relay room, Apparatus cases, end locations etc.
and termination of laid cables/wires complete as per approved circuit diagram of the station in relay
room, apparatus cases, Jn. boxes, end locations, panel board, lever lock, points machine, boot legs,
electrical detectors etc. and as per direction of site Engineer.
The wires are to be laced properly and no wire is to be hung around. Lacing shall be done by May fair
black color PVC tape fitted with PVC rivets.
The Contractor, before terminating the laid cables, shall insert them into Apparatus cases, end
locations etc. after digging the cable out from the location near the Apparatus cases where these
cables have not already been inserted into the Apparatus cases. The termination activity includes
operation of cable i.e. removing outer sheath, cutting and bending of 40 mm of armour of the cable,
tying of armour with copper wire (fixing of the cables by means of clamps to the termination board in
systematic layers), then operating the inner sheath, straightening the cores, lacing the conductors by
black colored may-fair tapes and hooking the cable from the back through the holes and terminating it
on terminals by providing proper loops. Matching the cable from one end to another as per
drawing/termination chart and ensuring that no cable has been terminated without matching the cores.
This will also be ensured after termination and testing by the contractor and giving the certificate that
termination has been done as per the terminating chart/wiring diagram. The testing of cable insulation
results in tabular forms is required to be submitted by the contractor with a certificate that there has
been no damage during laying process. The released armours, cable sheath shall be transported and
handed over to (Consignee) by the contractor at his go down. (The clamp for fixing the cable to the
termination board nuts and bolts required will be supplied by the contractor).
In the 50 way JBs the termination of cable by hooking the cable from back of terminals is not possible
technically, so the cable cores shall be terminated from front side by lacing the cable properly by
Mayfair tape.
Since the cable for termination is taken into the box through the duct provided in the foundation, so
for proper alignment and lacing of the cable, wooden plank having ½” thickness and of the size of
bottom of the box (either in one or two pieces) shall be provided. The cable should be taken through
the holes made in the wooden plank in the alignment of the terminals fixed on the termination board.
Suitable size wooden plank of 25mm thickness shall be provided behind the CT board at station/end
location for taking out the cables through the holes in the wooden plank from duct behind the
termination board. The plank would be fixed to the two horizontal angle iron pieces at the bottom of
angle iron frame of CT board, which are meant to support the CT board with the wall behind.
This activity also includes after complete termination/ wiring, writing of terminal number and
description as per drawing on the face of the terminal board by contractor as per direction of the
Engineer in charge.
The activity includes insertion of cable into Apparatus cases, end locations etc. and termination of laid
power cables as per the direction of engineer at side at the station in Relay room, apparatus cases, Jn.
Boxes, and locations etc. and as per direction of technical site engineer. The cable cores shall be laced
properly and no wire is to hang around.
The Contractor, before terminating the laid cables, shall insert them into Apparatus cases, end
locations etc. after digging the cable out from the location near the Apparatus cases where these
cables have not already been inserted into the Apparatus cases. The termination activity includes
operation of cable i.e. removing outer sheath, cutting and bending of 1 ½” of armour of the cable,
typing of armour with copper wire (fixing of the cables by means of clamps to the termination board
in systematic layers) then operation the inter sheath, straightening the cores, lacing the conductors and
hooking the cable from the buck through the holes and terminating it on terminals with proper size
eyelets to be supplied by the contractor at his own cost, matching the cables from one end to other as
per termination chart and ensuring that no cable shall be terminated without matching the cable.
This will also be ensured after termination and testing by the contractor and giving certificate that
termination has been done as per the termination chart. The testing of cable insulation results in table
form is required to be submitted by the contractor with a certificate that there has been no damage
during laying process. The released armours cable sheath shall be transported and handed over to the
stores of (Consignee) and the transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor.
This activity includes supply of paints and painting of all the S&T gears after complete installation
and also all the already installed gears, which includes painting inside and outside of the apparatus
cases, Jn. boxes, boot legs, track lead Jn. boxes. Token pickup apparatus, all point fittings, point
machines, electrical detectors, HPK locks, signal posts and ladders, CLS units, shunt signals, lifting
barriers, lever locks, block instruments and panel, relay racks and CT racks etc. (all S&T gears as laid
down in IRSEM).
Outside of location boxes will be painted with aluminum paint whereas inside of the location boxes
will be painted with white (silver) paint and for black painting similarly suitable black enamel paint
shall be supplied and used by the contractor. For painting lifting barriers yellow, black and red (for
disc) enamel paint and smoke gray paint for block instruments and panel shall be supplied and painted
by the contractor as per direction of site engineer. All type of paint shall be ISI marked and supplied
to the stores of consignee and only after the consignee inspection and approval; the paint shall be used
for this purpose.
The surface of metal should be cleaned by scraping, chipping or scrubbing with brick-bats. No
chemical of any kind shall be used. Old paint if necessary should be scraped off. When there are
patches of blistering, scaling or cracking, these should be cleaned down to the steel.
Before applying the specific paint on the metal surface, it should be thoroughly cleaned, and then a
coat a primer (Red Oxide) should be applied to it by the contractor. Contractor at his own cost shall
supply all paints, painting materials etc.
This activity includes dismantling of all the existing signaling gears including lever frame, signal post,
point fitting, wire and rod run, pulley stake, detector, pulley, boot leg, crank of different types, roller
guide assembly with trestle, „A‟ or „B‟ type foundation, panel CT/relay rack, rail post for overhead
lines for signaling circuits etc. and after dismantling, the loading, transportation and safe unloading of
the materials dismantled at the stores of SSE/Sig/Con (Consignee).
Before starting dismantling, a list of materials to be dismantled will be prepared by the Engineer in
site duly signed by him and counter signed by the contractor/representative of contractor and handed
over to the contractor for every station duly signed by Engineer-in-charge of the section. Before
dismantling a copy of this should also be handed over to the (Consignee) and Store In charge of the
section. Accordingly, the materials after dismantling should be handed over by the contractor at
(Consignee go down) as per list.
This activity includes dismantling of all the existing signaling gears including lever frame, signal post,
wire and rod run, pulley stake, pulley, rope wheels of different types, roller guide assembly with
trestle, „A‟ or „B‟ type foundation, warning boards etc. And after dismantling, the loading,
transportation and safe unloading of the materials dismantled at the stores of (Consignee).
Before starting dismantling, a list of materials to be dismantled will be prepared by the Engineer at
site and jointly signed by the Engineer at site and contractor/representative of contractor and handed
over to the contractor for every gate, duly signed by Engineer-in-charge of the section. Before
dismantling, a copy of this should also be handed over. Accordingly, the materials after dismantling
should be handed over by the contractor at (Consignee), s go down.
The activity includes supply of warning board and installation of post for the above warning board.
The warning board shall be installed at a station one for up direction and one for Dn direction at a
place 1.4 Km from the first stop signal and as per instruction of Engineer at site. The minimum
clearance from the track to be maintained as per stipulation in the Schedule of dimension. The height
of the warning board from the rail level is to be maintained and installation shall be as per drawing no.
SA 8711(Adv)/provided with acrylic reflectors. The foundation of post is to be concreted by a
concrete mixture (1 part Cement : 3 part coarse sand: 6 parts stone chips of 20 mm) for 600 mm,
complete warning board and rail/channel shall be painted by the contractor, the supply of paints and
other materials must be as per drawing.
All the materials viz. cement, sand, bazri, paint, bolts and nuts etc. shall be supplied by the contractor.
The contractor shall supply each and every concreting materials viz cement, coarse sand and bazri in
the ratio 1:3:6,
For barriers with hand generator, control panel & Hand Generator may be integrated into one unit for
ease of operation & maintenance. The switches /Buttons of the control panel may be provided on the
door of the hand generator unit.
The push button switches should operate respective contactors in panel which in turn should operate
the barrier motor/s.
Suitable circuit should be provided to cut off supply to concerned barrier motor when operated barrier
reaches fully open or closed positions.
Suitable protective devices shall be provided to disconnect the circuit in the case of overloading of the
motor. Push button switches, selector switches having electrical & mechanical life at least one million
operations shall be used.
The Electrical Signaling and interlocking equipment should generally conform to IRS specification
no. S23.The conductor for the internal wiring shall be insulated, stranded and be of copper having a
cross section area not less than 2.5 Sq mm and not less than three strands.
The materials shall be supplied to the concerned Consignee who will accept these after inspection and
then he will issue these to the contractor as per the requirement at gate. The transportation cost for
these materials and for the materials to be supplied at the stores of Consignee shall be borne by the
The DG set shall be installed on the foundations already built in DG set room. The contractor at his
own cost shall supply foundation bolts with nuts & check nuts, to be grouted. The contractor shall
provide exhaust pipe arrangement with the GI pipe of dia. being 50mm, medium grade, of standard
make, conforming to specification no. IS: 1239 Pt.I-1989 with latest amendments, if any along with
Sockets as well as the elbow (right angular bend), as required, at his own cost. The height of the
exhaust pipe above the floor level should be 2100mm, so that it may not hurt the person walking on
the floor. All along the exhaust pipe, glass wool rope shall be provided for protection from the heated
exhaust pipe. The contractor shall install the diesel oil tank and the control panel as per directions of
the Engineer at site. The contractor shall build a platform; duly plastered for placing the DG set push
button start battery, properly charged. The battery shall be placed on the wooden battery rack, to be
supplied by the railway, over the masonry platform.
The contractor shall fabricate the angle iron frame, to be grouted into the wall, for placing the control
panel and shall also fabricate the stand, to be grouted into the floor, for mounting the diesel tank. The
hardware required for these, frame and stand etc. shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost.
All electrical cables/oil pipes required for battery connection to the D.G .set, connection of diesel oil
pipe from the tank to the DG set and the cable connections from the control panel to the DG set shall
be supplied by the railway and shall be installed/provided by the contractor, as per the instructions of
the Engineer at site. If required the contractor shall have to provide remote control facility for
starting/stopping of the DG set from the SM‟s office on the instructions from the Engineer at site.
The contractor shall provide diesel oil and Mobil oil for testing and commissioning the D.G .set and
will test DG set as per manufacturer‟s instructions for its proper functioning to the entire satisfaction
of the Engineer at site which apart from other technical considerations will also include testing and
commissioning as per manufacturer‟s instructions, ensuring proper alignment of coupling between
alternator & D.G .set, proper tightening of nuts of foundation bolts, ensuring all the meters of DG set
and its control panel functioning properly etc.
OEM's representative should certify the proper installation of DG sets as per the instructions issued by
the OEM.
The materials to be supplied by the railway viz. DG sets, diesel tanks its connecting pipes, control
panel, cables, wooden battery racks shall be supplied by the railway at the stores of consignee , the
transportation cost for which shall be borne by the contractor.
The contractor shall install the indication –cum- operating panel in the panel / ASM room as per the
direction given in IRSEM Part II para 21.1 &21.3 and IRS-S-36/87 para 3. The supply of installing
materials, transportation of panels to the site of work and following installation activities shall be
done by the contractor at his own cost.
The installation of Indication- cum- Operating panel involves the following activities:-
(i) Digging of floor 25mm where the panel is to be installed, grouting of foundation bolts
[12mmx 150mm - 8 nos. (min.) with washers 2 nose each, the number and size may
vary as per site requirement] and making of concrete platform of size 75mm x75mm
below the panels. The bolts are forked at the end as to give a good grip.
(ii) Drilling holes at the bottom of panels for fixing on grouted bolts/nuts.
(iii) Providing wooden bit of hard wood of size 75mm x 25mm having holes for fixing bolts
duly painted black to provide good strength.
(iv) Cutting partition wall of panel room and relay room and providing G.I. pipes with bends
(provided by Railway) at the panel end for taking indoor PVC cable in the panel
(v) Laying of indoor PVC cable through the GI pipes from relay room to indication-cum-
operating panel and its termination. (Cable Termination activity is covered under relay
wiring activity)
(vi) Installation of panel on the wooden bit and fixing them by already grouted foundation
(vii) The GI pipes from relay room to panel are fixed or laid under ground to suit the site
requirement & as per the instruction of Engineer – at – site, by the contractor at his own
(viii) The opening of partition wall is to be covered by masonry work duly plastered.
(ix) The full bottom openings of the panels are to be covered by hardwood/hard board of
12mm thick duly painted by black paint.
(x) The bottom openings of panel are covered properly to avoid entry of rats etc.
Note: The above activities for installation of indication-cum- operating panel should be done
very carefully to avoid any damage and with entire satisfaction of engineer at site.
The transportation charges and fixing arrangement for G.I. pipe, if any, involved in this activity shall
be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall complete the installation of panel for smooth
operation of panel and full satisfaction of the engineer-at-site.
The contractor shall deploy suitable technical staff for testing and commissioning of panel as per the
selection table, Signalling Plan and Panel Diagram by simulating conditions for outdoor gears in the
relay room to the satisfaction of engineer in charge at site and for safe working of station. Any
alteration or change required at the time of testing / commissioning in the relay / panel wiring shall
also be done by the contractor at his own cost.
The activity also includes final testing for proper functioning of the out door gears e.g. track circuits
and points, Signals, LC gates etc. as per SEM, energizing and testing of color light signals, and final
commissioning of entire signaling arrangements for traffic use. The contractor shall first test the
equipment and then jointly with Engineer in charge at site. The contractor shall provide test panel for
testing at his own cost.
He will also assist at the time of opening of station for smooth working of Panel with outdoor
equipments connected.
The contractor shall provide earthing arrangement for location boxes, cable termination racks, relay
racks, DG sets and all other electrical equipment as per the direction of Engineer-at-site for
proper/safe working of signaling installation.
The earth pipe shall be 40mm dia G.I pipe to IS - 1239/Pt I 1979 (Medium) of length 3 m (approx..) in
which holes of 12 mm dia shall be drilled to ensure percolation of water, one end of this pipe is
flattened and cut to the shape of spear, with G.I wire soldered to this end internally. The contractor
shall dig by earth auger a pit of size 3 m deep and dia 350 mm. In this pit alternate layers of powdered
Charcoal/Coke and salt shall be placed up to the depth of 2000 mm and rest filled with soft soil.
The earth wire which is 8 SWG soft GI wire shall be lead through the G.I. pipe. The earth wire should
be properly secured by nuts and bolts. The GI wire so taken from bottom of the pipe is then tightened
with nut/bolt already welded with earth pipe at the top. The extra length of GI wire of about 1 meter is
left for providing connection by PVC wire/PVC Cable to the equipment. A masonry boundary of size
600mmx600mmx125mm is made by brick work duly plastered to give good look and protection to GI
wire and for filling water.
After the earthing is prepared the contractor will connect the concerning equipment with the help of
nut & bolt and as per the direction of the Engineer-at-site. As far as possible the earth is provided near
to the watery place and no earth shall be installed near to it by 5 meter.
The contractor shall supply all the material required for this activity at his own cost to the stores of the
consignee, who will inspect the material before accepting it. After passing the material by the
consignee, he will take all the material to the site of work the transportation cost for which shall be
borne by the contractor.
After the installation earth resistance should be measured, its value shall always be less than 10 ohms,
if otherwise; steps shall be taken by the contractor to improve it as per the direction of Engineer in
(a) Purpose:
Today, the number of installations with electronic equipments is exponentially increasing day by day
and there is a need to protect these systems with proper earthing. This specification of maintenance-
free earth describes in detail, the components to be used and the procedure for constructing the pit.
The main purpose of using this new technique is to ensure that the resistance between the earth electro
and the equipment is nearly zero, consistently throughout the year.
(b) Scope:
The earth pit shall be of permanent and maintenance-free (PMF) type. The earth pit shall include the
components, such as – earth rods, compression couplers, earth enhancement material and connecting
wires, earth-bus bar and all accessories. It is meant to be used for earthing for SSI, IPS, Electronic
exchange, OFC equipment, Data Logger system, Digital Microwave and UHF system.
Acceptable earth resistance value at earth Bus bar shall be less than two ohms for electrical
installations and less than one ohm for telecom installations.
Low laying closed to the building or the location box is good for locating earth electrodes. The
location can be closed to any existing water bodies or water points. Earthing rod should not be fixed
on high bank or made of soil.
(1) 6 ft. long copper bonded steel rods, especially designed for electrical grounding and shall
have a minimum dia of 17 mm.
(3) Shall be molecularly bonded with copper to high strength steel cores.
(4) Shall have a minimum copper bonding thickness of 250 microns (10 Mil).
1 Have high conductivity in the electronic ground contact area and it should improve earths
absorbing power and humidity retention capability.
3 Be non-corrosive in nature having low water solubility (0.2% max.) but high hygroscopic and
will not be eliminated by continuous treatments with water.
7 Be suitable for any kind of electrode and all kinds of grounds of different sensitivity through
the simple spill of the proper solution to the ground, which surrounds the electrodes.
8 Higher doses may be necessary for optimum result in high resistance soil or rocky area.
(2) Two electrodes of 6' each shall be jointed together using a compression coupler.
(3) This electrode of 12' (6 + 6) length shall be inserted into the augured hole.
(4) It will be penetrated into the soil by gently driving on the top of the rod using a sledge
hammer. Here natural soil is assumed to be available after about 10' so that 2' of electrodes
shall be inserted into the natural soil.
(5) RDSO approved earth enhancing compound 10 kg. Shall be filled into the augured hole in
slurry form and the resistance is measured. This will be further deepened by adding one more
earth rod if the resistance is not coming less than around 3 ohms.
(6) Remaining portion of the hole shall be covered by the soil which is taking out during auguring.
The ring earth shall be constructed as per the enclosed typical drawing (Fig-2).
Since it is not possible to achieve a low resistance value of less than 1 ohm with one pit, it is
required to install a ring earth consisting of 2 to 4 pits depending upon the soil resistively.
Following method shall be adopted to construct the ring earth:-
(1) The procedure mentioned above for one pit shall be repeated for installing 2 to 4 such
earth pits. It will be ensured that the distance between the two earth pits shall be more than
8 to 10 ft. for effecting utilization of the soil contact area.
(2) The number of pits required shall be decided based on the resistance achieved for the earth
pits already installed as the properties of the soil plays a major role.
(3) These earth pits shall then be interlinked using an electrolytic grade copper strip/wire of
not less than 40 sq. mm to form a ring using exothermic welding technique. The inter
connecting cable/bus bar shall be buried not less than 1‟ below the ground level. This inter
connecting bus bar shall also be covered with earth enhancing compound. These
connections shall be made using exothermic welding.
(1) A 300 X 300 X 300 mm (inside dimension) concrete box with smooth cement plaster
finish shall be provided on the top of the pit. A steel plate of 4 to 6 mm thickness hinged
cover with lockable management, painted black shall be provided to cover the earth pit.
(2) One padlock of Godrej/Link make with three keys shall be supplied for locking.
(3) The masonry work shall be white washed inside and outside.
(4) Care shall be taken regarding level of the floor surrounding the earth so that the connector
is not too deep in the masonry or projecting out of it.
(5) On back side of the over the date of test and average resistance value shall be written with
yellow paint.
(1) The earth electrode and the copper earth bus bar will be connected by cadmium bronze
wire as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/178/2003, exothermically welded to
electrode at one end and the earth bus bar at other end.
(2) The copper earth bus bar will be 300 X 25 X 6 mm size with tin coating and holes for
fixing it to the wall of the equipment room with insulation studs.
(3) All connection to the earth bus bar will be through tinned copper lug of Dowell or similar
make of suitable size.
The contractor shall fabricate and install one frame of angle iron of size 1.20 M x 1.0M and of section
40mmx40mmx6mm at the four corners of each of the frames, a cross arm of the angle iron of size the
angle iron of size 4mmx40mmx6mm (the end being forked) is to be welded, the legs are to be grouted
in the wall at his own cost. Only the hylem sheet shall be supplied by the Railway at the store of the
Besides the contractor shall procure and supply the following material from the well reputed firms
like HAVELL‟s etc. the catalogue No. of HAVELL is being granted for guidance, however the
equivalent material from any well reputed firm shall be accepted. The materials shall be inspected at
the premises of the consignee by the officer/official to be notified:-
(a) Change over switch 63 Ampere, Triple Pole, and (CTPO 063): 02 Nos.
The contractor shall fix the switches etc. and wire as per the direction of the Engineer at Site after
getting there issued from the Store of Consignee. The transportation charges for which shall be borne
by the contractor.
The activity includes fitting of ground connections of Electric Points Machine (IRS type) complete
as per the standard Lay out- Facing Point (B.G.) Fitted with High thrust Rotary locking type Point
Machine (with Pin joints) to suit the RDSO Drawing No. S –3262 – Alt (1) (for 52 Kg rails). This
activity also includes supply of following Main materials for making ground connections for each
point‟s machine:-
All the above materials required for fitting of the point machine shall be supplied by the contractor
duly inspected by RITES/ Consignee, to the stores of consignee.
The Point machine has to be installed at points on extended sleepers/ Concrete sleepers and has to be
secured on four bolts with it as per the direction of site engineer and as per the signalling plan of the
station. There after the ground connections shall be done as per the RDSO Alt-1 by
drilling holes to the switch and connecting Switch extension brackets by M.S. bolts and nuts, making
pin joint connections to all the rods. A sleeve shall be provided on the drive rod to give smooth
operation of points. Wiring of Electric Point Machine shall be done by contactor as per direction of
Site Engineer. All the connections made shall be tested for the proper functioning of points by crank
handle and from panel as per the full satisfaction of Engineer at site.
The material to be supplied by the contractor at the stores of consignee. The transportation of all the
material from the stores of consignee to the site of work shall be done by the contractor at his own
Earth Work:-
In widening an existing bank, step 30 cm. In high and 60 cm. Wide shall be cut in the existing
bank, before any new earth, is placed to form a bond between the New and old earth work.
After completion of earth work, the slopes shall be neatly dressed to the correct profiles. The
earth work is to be excavated and deposited in such widths, depths and height and in such
places as may be directed from time to time. It must be clearly understood that the contract
rates are intended to cover the full cost of finished work. Banks and cutting are to be correctly
dressed to formation with such slopes as may be specified in each case work before being
finally paid for is to be certified by the Engineer in charge as having been correctly brought up
or carried down to proper level and to have been otherwise completed. In accordance with the
specification and with the proper allowance for settlement as ordered by the Engineer.
Until final measurement have been made, all banks cutting soiling of Bench are to be
maintained by the contractor, who will be responsible to make good losses due to subsidence
rain cuts or any other cause and restore at his cost the work to be fine profile required prior to
taking over of the work by the Engineer.
Well burnt bricks are used for flooring overall new earth work providing bricks on edge
flooring in cement mortar (1:6) then flush pointed in cement mortar (1:3). Broken Bricks shall
not be used except as clears. Brick shall be socked with water except in dry brick used.
i. Cable may be laid through G.I. pipe / HDPE pipe on steel girder bridges.
ii. Where the cable has to cross the girder bridges, the cable shall be protected with G.I.
pipe / HDPE pipe fitted on the girder bridges with suitable clamps with spacing not
more than one meter, without drilling holes in the girders.
iii. When laying cable on long bridges, the question of longitudinal expansion caused by
temperature differences should be taken into consideration and suitable cable loops
should be provided at the pillars of the bridge.
iv. The laying of the cable on the bridge is to be done with much care and planning. It is
necessary that the cable drum to be laid on the bridge is inspected and tested
thoroughly so that damaged cable is not installed.
v. As the laying involves movement of large number of staff over the bridge the line
should be blocked and flagman posted on other side. On a double line near which the
cable is being laid should be blocked but care should be taken to see that staff is
aware of this and measures taken to prevent staff from staying on to the unblocked
12.1 The Signalling system design to be furnished by the contractor on the basis of the approved
signaling plan, and selection table and supply of six copies each of documents mentioned
below along with original tracing on a standard 7.5 micron polyester film in AUTO CAD
format with CD.
a) Selection Table
b) Panel Diagram.
c) Circuit Diagram along with Wiring Diagram.
d) Relay rack with relay arrangement
e) Contact Analysis.
f) Cable route chart and cable core chart.
g) Cable termination details.
h) Location box details plan.
i) Completion plans.
j) Contact analysis.
k) Fuse analysis of the relay rack.
l) Tag blocks analysis of for the relay rack.
m) CT rack details.
n) Power panel diagram.
o) Relay rack arrangement.
p) Bus bar arrangement.
q) Track bonding plan.
r) Insulation joint plan.
s) Junction box details.
t) Control communication panel.
c) A penalty of Rs. 200/- per rejected sheet shall be deducted and the contractor shall have to
provide the same after rectification by next day and if there is again 5 or more errors,
omissions, incorrect nomenclature, inappropriate inclusion in a sheet or the sheet not being
signed by his qualified Signal Engineer, the sheet will be again summarily rejected and
penalty be charged as stated above.
a) The contractor shall design and prepare Panel diagram (Domino Type), Selection table,
Complete Circuit Diagram of Route setting type Panel Interlocking System, Relay Rack
Arrangement, Contact Analysis etc. in accordance with RDSO Specification No. IRS: S-
36/87 latest, Appendix A and on the basis of the approved Signalling Plan supplied by the
b) As per latest policy the Selection Table will base upon the route chart and the Signal
Interlocking Plan (Signalling plan). The contractor shall prepare the selection table showing
complete interlocking details as per the Typical Selection Table.
c) The designing of Circuit Diagrams shall be done according to the typical diagram, keeping
in view to the extant practice, SEM, General and Subsidiary rules, the guide lines provided by
RDSO and the latest rules prescribed by the Railway. Wiring diagram for provision of
DATA LOGGER shall also be prepared on separate sheets.
d) Each drawing for checking should be supplied on Photo paper in two copies and duly signed
by the contractor and his qualified Signal Engineer not below the rank of a Gazetted officer,
out of which after checking one copy will be returned to the contractor on the basis of which
the contractor shall be required to prepare and submit the Draft Drawing after making
necessary correction if any, in duplicate on photo paper for final approval.
e) After approval one copy will be returned back to the contractor on the basis of which
contractor shall finally prepare and supply the drawings as per schedule and special condition.
f) The contractor shall prepare a Relay Rack Arrangement chart showing the position and
number of relays on relay racks and Contact Analysis chart of relays indicating the spare
and used contacts also. Contact Analysis chart shall also be supplied on 90/95 GSM Tracing
paper and photo paper of A3 size bearing the name & signature of contractor and his qualified
Signal Engineer both not below the rank of a Gazetted officer on each sheet.
g) A Domino Type Panel Diagram shall be prepared and supplied by the contractor according
to the SIP supplied by the railway of min. size 30x12 Dominos up to 3 lines & 30x15
Dominos for 4 line station, each sized 54mmx34mm.
h) For more than 4 line station, size will be as per instructions based on actual site condition.
i) Alteration column should be shown on every sheet and sufficient space should be left for
further alteration on each sheet.
j) All drawings shall be prepared with suitable CAD system and after checking authorities on
the photo paper supplied by the contractor, shall be supplied as required by Special condition
of contracts.
Annexure :-(S&T) 1
These circuits should work for 24hrs without any interruption. The overall system design should
be in such a manner that these circuits are absolutely noise free, without any cross talk. There
should be no noise/cross talk from the block/Level crossing communication provided in the
same cable. There should be no occasion of any howling due to cascading of amplifiers or
humming in the system due to any external causes either man made or natural.
a) Designing and finalizing drawing for the purposed route of the 6 quad cable.
d) Planning` for extending control communication from cable termination location to various
user in station area and other locations etc.
2.2.1 Avoiding underground structures, Signalling cable, power cables and pipe lines etc.
2.2.3 Off set of the cable trench from the central line of the track such as having burrows.
2.2.4 Avoiding proximity to chemical, paper and such other industries which discharge chemically
active affluent.
2.2.6 Avoiding large rock cutting/tick jungles and areas different to approach etc.
2.2.7 Avoid the side of the alignment which is likely to be affected due to addition/alteration of
earth work/super structures (such as doubling, shifting of alignment of the existing track etc.)
for this, cable route should be discussed with construction and doubling organization.
2.2.8 The orientation of the route (left or right side of the track in the sections(c) to be decided on
i) That side of main line which is away from coastal side, other cables such as Signalling and
ii) Side which is likely to involve least track crossings and likely to be more convenient for
crossing the track, bridges, culverts etc.
2.2.10 Scale out proposed arrangement of crossing bridges, culverts etc, out of the many alternative
2.2.11 Assess special problems, if any, of the section such as undulating surface, long cutting tunnels
2.2.12 Scale out the cable entry/exit arrangement at the cable termination locations. Avoid built up
areas including those area where building etc. are likely to come up in future.
2.2.13 With engineering drawing already in hand, verify pathways/ pedestrian crossing and other
lateral clearances.
2.2.14 Scale out the special work required if any and the manner of the cable route in approach of
the existing bridges locations.
2.2.15 Identify if any special lengths of cable is required to avoid joints on bridges/culverts etc.
2.2.16 For the straight runs as far as possible a separation equal to height of bank should be kept
from the toe of the bank.
The cable route plan will show different locations reference points which are also called
chainages. There are two kind of references points available in section on date.
Kilometer stones of engineering department provided along with the track.
In addition to above all major Engineering land marks like bridges, culverts, etc. can also be
used for all reference points on cable route plan.
Any other reference point for the purpose bench marking, the cable route as discussed with
Engineer in charge of work will also be shown on cable route plan.
2.3.1 6 quad telecom cable route plan (5 Km. charts) with horizontal scale as 1 km = 10 cm
2.3.2 Drawing of the laying of the cable in special terrain viz. Station yards, Approaches of cable
huts, Long bridges, Culverts etc. are to be made 1 Km. chart. (Scale 1 Km= 50 cm) to show
the details.
2.3.3 The name of location should be put in the LOC column and the chainages in the CH column. At
every 10 cm the Km. post No. should be written and its exact equal chainages for per survey plan
entered in the CH column. The equivalent chainage is required for working out the length of main
cable required. The name of station should be shown against the locations of the SM‟s office.
2.3.4 Based on the survey, the Sr. No. and the length of culverts, bridges and LC gates should be
marked on the track line of the cable route plan. The survey party should be supplied with
prints of 5 Km chart with the above details entered for enabling them to mark the route and
other details after surveying.
2.3.5 All the plans and drawings shall be neatly prepared by using CAD and Plotter etc. The
drawings shall be in A3 size and suitably filed for ease of handling.
2.4.1 Whether the cable route is to on north or south side of the Railway track.
2.4.2 Approximate location and lengths where the cable shall be laid in G.I. and HDPE pipes under
the bed on culverts.
2.4.4 Location of road crossings and the number of HDPE pipes to be provided.
2.4.5 Location and length for protection of cable in rocky area and platform cutting etc.
2.4.6 Proximate locations of derivation joints, LC gates or emergency sockets posts will be
provided on 6 quad cable.
2.4.7 The size, length and route of derivation/PIJF cable SM‟s office to various subscriber points.
The following are main items of work, which should constitute the detailed survey: -
2.5.1 Closely examine the proposed cable route and prepare cable route plans.
2.5.2 Sighting of areas for loading / unloading of cable drums and siding facilities for the EMTs
(Engineering materials, trains for the project).
2.5.3 Preparation of route charts for derivation, PIJF cables with the size and length of the cables
for each tapping and termination arrangement.
2.5.4 Estimating of requirement of special cable lengths of cables for long girder bridges.
2.5.6 Determining earth resistively measurement of each cable section along the proposed cable
2.5.7 Working out the exact length of derivation, PIJF cable required.
2.5.10 Investigation on special problems of the section and finding out proposed solution thereof.
2.5.11 Examination of chemical composition of soil to see whether any special precaution are to be
taken to protect cable from soil corrosion.
The following are the guidelines for finalizing the route and preparation of the cable route
2.6.1 Prepare the “5 Km. charts” as explained above showing the relevant chainages and details in
the “5 Km. charts”.
2.6.2 Actual measurement by 30M steel tape or chain along the route is necessary only in case of
important locations to be terms as “special terrains” for example, approach to repeater
station/Cable hut, long bridges, big yards, sharp diversions in the cable route from its parallel
course along the main railways track due to obstruction, cutting etc.
2.6.3 Inspect and decide the portions of route falling in category of “special terrains” i.e. where
actual longitudinal measurement is necessary.
2.6.4 The remaining portions of the route i.e. other than the portion decided as “special terrain” are
to be terms as “straight runs”. Actual chaining along the route is not necessary for such
„straight runs‟ and these can be marked on the „5 Km. charts‟.
2.6.5 For the „straight runs‟ on the cable route an allowance of 3.5 % of the drum length should be
made for the contours, joining etc. and each drum length should be considered to cover a
route of 0.965 x cable drum length.
The cable route should be started from a repeater cable hut station. Actual measurement along
the route should be done by means of a 30M steel tape for a few drum lengths up to a
convenient point along the main line where from the distance along the route may be
reckoned from the Plan. A termination allowance of 5M cable inside the repeater station/cable
hut building should be made, in addition to a length of about 10M being kept in a pit just put
side the building.
2.6.6 It should be ensured that both “special terrains” should consist of full drum lengths, so that
the position of joints (other than „T‟ joints) is fixed without difficulty in both cases.
2.6.7 Actual measurements of the separation distance from the center line of the reference should
be made where necessary. In case of special terrains, the separation distance at some points on
the route may also have to be reckoned from some other permanent structures depending
upon the site conditions.
2.6.8 The separation distance of the cable route from the nearest track on the “straight runs “ should
be 10M. The deviating from this standard separation of 10M should be kept to the minimum
and as soon as any obstruction has been negotiated, the route should again follow this
standard separation distance. It is desirable from the point of view of calculating the induced
voltage that the uniformity of the separation is maintained for the maximum possible length
of the main cable route.
2.6.9 Separation distance should be marked on the “straight runs” portion of the cable route plan (5
Km. chart) at intervals of not more than 250 M. In addition, the separation distance at points
of change in the cable route such as diversions, track crossings, approaches to bridges,
culverts, etc. should invariably be marked on the cable route plan in such a way as the
intended cable route is clearly defined for “special terrain” the separation distance should be
marked at as close intervals as is considered necessary depending on the site conditions.
2.6.10 The route should be decided by walking along the track. On long stretches “straight runs” a
push trolley moving slowly may be used. The trolley should be on the track closes to the
proposed route.
2.6.11 Actual measurement should be made for the protective works required for the cable passing
over the culverts, under tracks, over long girder bridges, level crossings, rocky areas, under
the bed of culverts.
2.6.12 Once the cables are laid the actual length of cable as per the printed marking on the cable is
required to be indicated at every kilometer of cable route, at diversions, crossings, approaches
of bridges and joints for quad cables.
2.7.1 The survey team should visit each location such as cabin, SM,s offices, Loco sheds, cabins,
gate lodges, etc. and verify the details collected during the preliminary survey of all the
existing telecommunication facilities, and additional telecommunication facilities to be
2.7.2 The position of each tapping should thus be finalized and a final tapping diagram prepared.
It is necessary that all the telephone circuits such as isolated quarry sites, gate lodges, etc. are
taken note of and provision made for telephone communication through quad cable wherever
considered necessary.
The cable length is worked out on following basis to arrive at the locations of the straight joints:-
a) Route length as per actual measurement plus contour allowances of 2.5%.
b) Extra length for track crossing including 2.5M loop on each side etc.
c) Extra length on approach/crossing of the bridges and culverts as per measurement in the
detailed survey.
d) 10M of cable to be kept on either side of major steel bridges and 5M on minor bridges.
The details of type and number of joints in main 6 quad cable is required to be worked out
based upon the, obligatory locations, LC gates etc. The typical drum lengths of 6 quad
telephone cable is 1 Km. and therefore, it shall generally be possible to combine straight
through joints.
2.10.1 No isolation transformer is considered necessary for LC gate & other location telephones up
to a distance 7.5 Km. on 6 quad telephone cables.
2.10.2 The jointing schedule shall be made as straight-line diagram indicating the locations of
various joints with reference to chainages. The length of 6 quad cable from leading cable hut
/ASM‟s office shall be specifically indicating taking into account the factory printed markings
on the cables.
2.10.3 The requirement of termination boxes for cables at various locations shall be worked out.
As far as possible derivation/ PIJF cables shall be laid in the trenches/ protective works
already done for 6 quad cable. From the diversion point, cables shall have to be laid on
independent trenches. For taking out different tapings on route, the cable may be tapped at
different locations. However, it must be ensured that every tapping is taken on independent
conductors right from cable hut to the subscriber for case of isolation in case of
formally by the supplier and it is certified that joint will be free of defect.
2.13.3 All the derivation/ PIJF cables shall be terminated on CT box of suitable size duly mounted
on cable huts/ ASM room and other locations as advised by the site engineer.
2.13.4 The details of cable of different types of jointing of cable are as per Drawing.
c) Insertion Loss:- Adjust output level of transmission measuring set to O/db and connect
it across the primary of transformer connect a db meter on the secondary side. Db meter
reading should not be more than 1 db.
a) Instruments to be used-Mega ohm Meter/ Megger. The insulation resistance measured
between a conductor of a quad and all conductors of all other quads connected together to
the sheath and earth shall not be less than 625 mega ohms per Km. When measured at 100
volts DC after energized for one minute at a temperature of not less than 160 C.
b) For measuring insulation all conductors may be bunched together and tied properly with a
bare and insulation to the sheath/ screen measured. The insulation resistance per Km. can
be obtained as - No. of wires tested x deflection (Megs (c) x Length (Km. Meg ohms per
Zero db tone is sent from one end and the level received at the other end and is measured.
Whenever the frequency is changed the zero level should be adjusted again Zero level of the
tone should also be adjusted first before taking any reading.
The reading are taken at the following frequencies 300 Hz, 400 Hz, 600 Hz, 800 Hz. 1000 Hz,
1400 Hz, 1600 Hz, 2000 Hz, 2400 Hz, and 3000 Hz and recorded and it should be as per
specification of quad cable laid.
Those locations where the repeater amplifier equalizer rack is not provided and the way
stations are separately installed these equipment shall be suitably fitted on slotted or MS angle
frame work. The MS angle frame shall be suitably grouted on the floor/walls at the subscriber
location shown in the tapping diagram and as per markings given by Engineer's
representative. The MS angle frames shall be painted with a primer coat of Red Oxide and
finally with gray enamel paints to ISI specification (2 coats). The mounting arrangements for
fixing way station equipment shall be as per decision of Engineer. In ASM's room and cabins
the telephone shall be kept on ASM's table. A wooden stand shall be mounted on wall at
suitable height (1200mm) as per at all other locations for placing the control telephone.
The wiring shall be done on PVC Casing & capping / PVC conduit of suitable size depending
upon the requirement, along the walls from C.T. Boxes to the equipment. Wires from the
equipment to the table for telephone and other equipment shall also be taken accordingly. For
crossing of floor the wiring shall be taken inside the GI pipe minimum 25 mm dia, buried
inside the floor and bent at both the ends. All the wiring shall be terminated on the telephone
termination strip/Rosette suitably fixed in a wooden box, for facilitating connection to
telephone and block instruments etc.
6 Quad PET cable repeaters shall be installed on 30 cm masonry platform rigidly or on the
wall as per the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The wiring from repeater
equipment to the C T box shall be neatly fixed and pass through PVC conduit pipe with
facility of its isolation. The AC power required for the repeater shall be taken from nearest
Power board and a socket shall be fixed nearby the repeater equipment. The wiring for DTMF
control telephone, telephone shall be done up to SM's table neatly, concealing the conduct
pipe underground (if required).
2.16.1 All the equipment shall be protected against the insurgence of surge voltage and lightening
etc. by providing Gas discharge tubes before they are connected to main/derivation cables.
2.16.2 GD tubes (rare gas type) with normal flashing voltage of 250-300 volts along with fuses of 3
amps. 250 volts shall be used as per TEC or IRS specifications.
2.16.3 In cable Hut these shall be provided on Krone or mounted independently as per
manufacturer‟s instructions.
2.16.4 The GD with fuses shall also be provided on LC gate, emergency, spare quads and derivation
circuits. The block circuits shall be protected through block filter unit.
2.16.5 All the GD tubes shall be suitably connected to proper earth. The earthing arrangement shall
be provided with GI pipe earth as per drawing and detail instructions given in Chapter VI.
Test room equipment with prewired rack, suitable for 4/6 quad cable with wall mounting
arrangement consisting of-
1) Cable termination panel having Krone connector‟s sufficient nos. to terminate 4 quad and
Telephone connection-1Nos.
2) Link Panel with sufficient U Links-2 Nos.
Following drawings are part of the tender document. These drawings are for tender purpose only.
Details referred to in these drawings are tentative. Drawings are enclosed separately.
1 IN 300R IN 261F 261R 1 IN 261F
51T 80T A4T A6T S58 94
S51 80 0 S53 S153 S160 91A
52A S152
S151 81T CSR 900M L-2A (FM TO SRJ) S52 86AT B4T R&D LINE NO. 2B CSR 630M (FM TO FM) B6T S60 90A
S155 B1T B2T B3T 85AT S63 S163 B5T S162 BT
85B 85A 86A 86B 90B 91B
S55 83T S154 POST TIPPLER LINE NO. 3 CSR 711M (FM TO WT-1) C6T S62
S157 C1T C2T C3T S54 86BT C5T 90T
83 S57 S164 S166
84T D4T S64 92 S66 To D/YM CABIN
S56 88A D5T
84 S59 88B S69 S169
0 1 IN 26 PANEL ROOM S68 S170