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Virgo Virgo: Installation Installation Operation & Operation & Maintenance Maintenance Manual Manual

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( An ISO 9001, API & PED Certified Company )

J / 517, MIDC Bhosari, Pune – 411 026, INDIA.

Phone: +91-20-7474481, 7470402
Fax: +91-20-7470772.
E-mail : [email protected]
Website: www.virgoengineers.com

General Instructions
1. Introduction 1

2. Transportation, Reception and Storage. 1

3. Do’s and Don’ts. 2

4. Installation. 3

5. Operation of the valve. 5

6. Maintenance. 6

7. Trouble Shooting. 8

Disassembly and Assembly Instructions

Floating Ball Valves 9

(Two Piece Design/Three Piece Design)
Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

1. Introduction

The purpose of this manual is to ensure that the valves supplied are properly installed and
maintained to give trouble free performance. For better understanding of product and the
maintenance requirements, see enclosed exploded view of the valve, where different parts
are identified.

Identification of Valve

Specifications of the valve are marked on the body or on an identification plate or both, prior
to shipment.


1.1 Identification of Valve

2. Transportation, Reception and Storage

While unpacking the valves, check that the valves & any accessories have not been
damaged during transportation.

Note: If the valve or any of its accessories is damaged or missing during transportation,
inform the same to the Factory / Branch Office.

Placing the valves directly on the ground or on a concrete floor should be avoided!

Valve open or close position is indicated on the handle sleeves for lever operated valves or
on the top of the gearbox for gearbox operated valves.

All valves are delivered with the ball port in full open position and ends protected with
protective end caps to avoid the entry of debris, other solid particles during transportation and
damage to serrations.

Note: When the valve operation is by single acting pneumatic actuator, where spring closes
the ball port and air supply open the ball port, the valves are supplied with ball port in closed
position. Special care must be taken to avoid damage to the surface of the ball.

All wrapping and protection on the valves should not be removed until the valve is ready for
installation. If protective end caps are removed for the examination of the valve internals,
they should be refitted immediately.

We recommend storing the valves indoor, in a dry and dust free atmosphere. Avoid any
accidental damage during storage.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

2.1 Storing the Valve

If the valves are stored for a longer time, then all the valves should be cleaned and
hydrostatic/pneumatic shell/seat tested before installation in consultation with the Factory /
Branch Office.

When handling the valve or the valve package, bear in mind its weight.
Place the rope securely around the valve body or use lifting hooks (provided for valves
greater than 250 kg.) while handling the valve. Special care should be taken not to damage
the lever or gearbox or actuator.

2.2 Lifting of Valve

3. Do’s and Don’ts

Note: User should ensure that he has read and understood the Do’s and Don’ts before
Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the valve is carried out. In case of any clarification
contact the Factory /Branch Office.


• Use the valve for the specified application as agreed between the manufacturer & the
• Read Installation, Operation and Maintenance manual before installing, operating or
repairing any valve.
• The purchaser / end users should train their employee for the safe use of the valve.
• Ensure that nuts/bolts are tightened to specified torque value.
• Periodically ensure the electrical continuity of the valve.
• Open or close the valve slowly to avoid hammering effect on the valve and the pipeline.
• Always replace the damaged parts with genuine and recommended parts only.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

• Be aware of the type of media & the environment (explosive, highly flammable, toxic,
oxidising etc.) in which the valve is to be used. Protect the peoples & the environment
from any harmful or poisonous substances.
• Carefully read the Cautions / Warning plates on the valve.
• Customer to take care of residual hazard (if applicable or as informed by the
manufacturer) at his premises to avoid any major damage.
• The valve body may be very hot or very cold during use. Protect the people against burns
or cold injuries.


• Specification of the valve is marked on the body or on the nameplate or both, prior to
shipment. Users to ensure that the maximum operating conditions are not exceeded.
• Do not keep the valve open at any intermediate position.
• Do not try to rectify the valve leakage by reworking of seats. Leaking seats have to be
replaced with the new Virgo genuine seats.
• The threaded connections of the valve body for the drain and the vent lines are sealed by
threaded plugs. These plugs should not be removed as long as the valve is under
• Modification in the valve should not be carried out.

4. Installation
Before installing a new valve in the line, make sure that the valve should be checked for
identification purpose and ensure that characteristics of the valve matches to those specified
for piping specifications, for the line where that is to be mounted. Nameplate instructions and
Tag plates will give the necessary information. If this information is missing, consult
Factory/Branch office.

When taking out the valve from storage a careful check should be made to ensure that the
valve is not being damaged during the storage period.

Before installation of the valves, remove the end protectors & check that serrations on flange
face are not damaged and the valve bore is clean. Clean the valve, if necessary .

• Ensure pipeline is fully cleaned before installation of the valve into the pipeline.
pipeline debris, scaling, etc will damage the soft seat inserts of the valve and
cause seat leakage during commissioning.
• During commissioning and pipeline flushing, valve should be kept fully open to
prevent damage to the internal parts.

Note: One way to prevent damage to the valve during flushing and testing of pipelines is to
substitute them by spool pieces. If use of spool pieces is not possible, it is essential that the
valve is kept in fully open condition and it is also advisable to install temporary strainers at
critical places to protect soft Seats of the valves from solid particles.

Ball valves are designed for bi-directional flow unless the ball is drilled for cavity relief. For the
ball with cavity relief hole, ensure that the installation of the valve is correct with respect to
flow direction arrow marked on valve.

Valves can be mounted in a horizontal (with stem upwards only) or vertical position
depending on the pipeline routing. However we do not recommend installing the Valve with
the Actuator on the underneath side because dirt in the pipeline may then enter the Body
cavity and damage the gland packing.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

It may be necessary to firmly support the pipeline in order to protect the valve from excess
stress & to reduce the pipeline vibrations. To facilitate servicing, it is preferable that the valve
should be supported by the body, using the pipe clamps and supports. Do not fasten supports
to the flange bolting or to the actuator. Refer Figure No. 4.2.

4.1 Avoid this mounting position. 4.2 Supporting the valve

I. Flanged End Valves :

Don’t attempt to correct the misalignment, by means of flange bolts.

During the tightening operation, ensure that piping stresses are not transferred to the valve.

Excessive over-tightening of flange studs can cause damage and/or leakage on the end
flanges or body-to-body end joints.

II. Weld End Valves :

Note: A qualified Welder must do welding operation. The welding procedure should be
according to ASME Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code Section IX.

Don’t allow temperature of the valve body seat area to exceed 200 °F (94 C) to prevent
seat and seal damage during welding operation. It is recommended that thermal chalks
are used to check the temperature.

Note : Any damage to the seats due to the temperature above 200°F (94°C) can cause the
valve leakage. It is recommended that the customer keeps spares kit at his end.

Ensure that weld spatter does not fall over ball & body seals. This may damage the
sealing surfaces & seals.

After welding, flush the pipeline when the valve is in open condition to remove the weld
spatter formed during welding and then operate the valve 3-4 times in order to ensure the
proper operation of the valve.

Butt Weld End Valves :

Ensure a gap of 0.08” to 0.12” between the valve ends and pipeline as per ASME welding
standard and tack weld the pipeline and the valve ends. After ensuring the proper alignment
between the pipeline and the valve, weld the valve end.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

Socket-Weld End Valves :

There are various methods for welding of three-piece socket end ball valves in the pipeline.

Welding by dismantling the socket weld ends from the Valve Body assembly :

• Dismantle the valve by removing the bolting between the body and the socket weld ends.
Refer to Figure No. 4.3. The body assembly separates from the socket weld ends.
• Ensure a gap 0.06” to 0.08” between the pipes and the socket weld ends and tack weld
the pipe and socket weld end. Refer to Figure No. 4.4.
• After ensuring the proper alignment between the socket weld end and the pipe, fillet weld
both socket weld ends as per Figure No. 4.4.
• Remove the weld spatter formed during the welding.
• Assemble the valve by tightening the bolting between the body and socket weld end.

Direct welding of three-piece socket weld end Valve to pipeline :

• If the socket weld end valves are procured with “extension pups” (4” in length) as shown
in figure 4.5, then following procedure can be adopted.
• Ensure a gap of 0.12” between the pups and pipe as per ASME welding standard and
tack weld the pipe and the pup. After ensuring the proper alignment between the pipe
and the valve with pups, butt weld as per Figure No. 4.5.

Welding by using “ Swing out design ” feature :

• Mechanically assemble the valve in the pipeline. Tack welds the socket weld end to the
pipe ensuring a gap of 0.06” to 0.08” as shown in Figure No. 4.6.
• The three-piece soft seated ball valve is a ‘Swing Out’ type design. Remove the three
bolts/studs between the body and socket weld end and swing out the body assembly as
shown in Figure No. 4.6.
• After ensuring the proper alignment between the socket weld end and the pipe, fillet weld
as per figure no. 4.4.
• Remove the weld spatter formed during the welding.
• Rotate the body assembly so that it aligns with the socket weld ends and tighten the body

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

III. Screwed end Valves :

• Ensure that threads on pipe ends are of proper size and type.
• Clean both male and female threads properly. Use appropriate thread sealant or Teflon
tape while fitting into the pipeline based on pressure rating to ensure complete sealing.

5. Operation of the Valve :

For lever operated valves, the hand lever is either assembled with the valve or shipped loose
depending upon the size of the valve / handlever.

the clockwise direction closes the valve and counter clockwise rotation opens it (Looking from
handwheel end). The details of gearbox are shown in the Figure No. 5.1. The internal
details/construction of gearbox may vary as per manufacturers standard.

Ensure that the force applied on the handwheel of the gearbox or lever shall not
exceed 360 N.

Note: Do not apply extra leverage (using pipe/bar), when the end stops of the gearbox are
reached to its final setting position.

Virgo ball valve always closes in clockwise direction. The ball should always be rotated
through 90 º to the fully opened or fully closed position.

Keeping the Valve at any intermediate position should specially be avoided, as high
fluid velocity through the narrow opening will produce erosion of seats, ball & even the

Fig No. 5.1 : Details of Gearbox.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

6. Maintenance :

Observe the Cautions/Safety precautions before carrying out the maintenance.

Routine checks by the user

• The following points will give guidelines for routine maintenance.

• Check the tightness of nuts/bolts between the body/body adapter, the bracket/stem
housing, and the body/trunnion.
• Ensure that the performance of the valve is satisfactory.
• Ensure the electrical continuity of the valve.
• Ensure that no leakage is being observed from the valve.
• Frequent observation is recommended under extreme application / condition.
• Periodically flush the sealant ports with suitable valve cleaner to flush debris from the
sealant system.
• Mounting studs/nuts of the worm gearbox may be checked for tightness and retightened
if necessary.

Preventive Maintenance

In order to avoid valve failure during operation, all valves in a process plant should be
periodically inspected thoroughly to detect the wear of ball, seats, seals and even the body. It
is recommended that on such occasion’s seats, gaskets, seals and packing should be
replaced. Check the electrical continuity of the valve and the pipeline.

The type of process, fluids involved, working conditions and location of the valves in the
process plants, will determine the frequency of this periodic inspection / maintenance which in
fact will be made at the time of partial or total shutdown of the plant. Preventive maintenance
is absolutely essential as the failure due to lack of the same may cause an emergency shut
down of the plant.

The procedure for disassembly, repair and reassembly of the valve is given separately.

The procedure will be the same for a valve failing during operation due to lack of preventive
maintenance, changes in process conditions or fluids, or by some other cause.

Before removing the valve from the pipe, it is important to mark the relative position of the
valve flange with respect to pipeline flange and the flow of direction of the valve.

Once a the valve is repaired, it should undergo a complete set of tests to make sure that the
valve is adequate for the original working conditions. Hydrostatic/pneumatic shell/seat tests
should be carried out as per the specifications relevant to the valve (Refer general
arrangement drawing).

If the customer wants to send the valve to the manufacturer for servicing, do not dismantle it.
Instead, clean the valve carefully of all media and inform the manufacturer of any dangerous
media involved

Lubrication of Worm Gear Box

Worm gear boxes are supplied with grease filled. Normally the grease is suitable for –20 C
0 o 0
(-4 F) to 80 C (176 F). For other applications, consult the Factory/Branch Office.
Grease should be changed as under: If operated frequently, after approx. 3 years.
If operated rarely, after approx. 5 years.

Ball Valve
Three Piece / Two Piece Design GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

The primary reducing spur gear unit attached to main worm gearbox should be re-greased at
least annually.

Disassembly of the gearbox should be done only by experienced / trained operators.

7. Trouble Shooting :
The following table lists the possible malfunctions that might occur after prolonged use.

Symptom Possible fault Actions

Leakage through a closed Damaged ball surface Replace the ball.
Valve Damaged seats Replace seats.
Ball might not be closed Check ball Open/Close
fully settings.
Irregular ball movement Impurities between the ball Flush the ball from inside.
and seats or ball – body Clean the sealing surfaces
cavity and ball Seats. and seats.
Valve too hard to operate Damaged seats Replace the seats.
/ valve torque too high High application pressure / Confirm the application
temperature pressure /temperature
Foreign particles in Valve Clean the internals.
Water hammer or noisy Error in valve sizing or flow Confirm valve sizing with
operation of fluid with high velocity. respect to flow.
Leakage through stem Gland nut loose Tighten gland nut.
Damaged stem, stem Replace the stem.
sealing surface
Damaged stem seal Replace the stem seal.

Ordering the spares

When ordering for spare parts, always convey the following information.

Size of the valve

Valve rating
Available on name plate or body of the valve
Sr. No. / Batch No.
Mfg. Date
Part No.
Name of the part
Available on general arrangement drawing
Number of pieces required.
P. O. Number

Note: Selection and use of the valve for a specific application requires close consideration of detailed
aspects. Due to the nature of the product, this manual cannot cover all the individual situations that may
occur when installing, using or servicing the valve.

Ball Valve ½” TO 2½” FB, ¾” TO 3” RB CLASS 150 AND 300,
Two Piece Design ½”, ¾” AND 1” FB CLASS 600

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the handle lock nut (19) & the handle (18) from the stem (04).
4. Remove the body nuts (15) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
5. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and body gasket (07) from the
body (01).
6. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.
7. Remove the lock washer (17), stem nut (13) & disc springs (12) from the stem.
8. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
9. Remove the spacer ring (11) & the stem seal top (10) from the body.
10. Remove the stem ‘O’ ring (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.
2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (14) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stem seal top, the spacer ring and the disc springs on the stem.
7. Place & tighten the stem nut, so that the disc springs are in tension.
8. Fit the lock washer on stem nut.
9. Fit the handle to stem & tighten the handle lock nut.
10. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
11. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
12. Install the second seat in the body adapter. Place body seal on the body adapter &
body gasket in the body recess.
13. Lower the body adapter with seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in a
crisscross pattern.
14. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against ball & body. A fast turning motion
may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.
Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.
Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve ½” TO 2½” FB, ¾” TO 3” RB CLASS 150 AND 300,
Two Piece Design ½”, ¾” AND 1” FB CLASS 600

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques


01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
* 10 Stem Seal Top M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Spacer Ring M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Disc Spring M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Stem Nut M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Stud
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
15 Nut
16 Stop Pin the torque values as specified in this Table.
17 Lock Washer
18 Handle * Recommended spare parts.
19 Handle Lock Nut Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 3” TO 4” FB, 4” TO 6” RB CLASS 150 AND 300

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.
Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:
1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position for
2. Keep the valve in a vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the handle lock nut (21) & the handle coupler(18) with pipe from stem (04).
4. Remove the body nuts (15) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
5. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and body gasket (07) from the body
6. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

7. Remove the lock washer (17), stem nut (13) & disc springs (12) from the stem.
Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
8. Remove spacer ring (11) & stem seal top (10) from the body.
9. Remove the stem ‘O’ ring (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.

Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &

seals is recommended.

2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (14) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stem seal top, the spacer ring and the disc springs on the stem.
7. Place & tighten the stem nut, so that the disc springs are in tension.
8. Fit the lock washer on the stem nut.
9. Fit the handle coupler with the pipe to the stem & tighten the handle lock nut.
10. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
11. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
12. Install second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter &
body gasket in the body recess.
13. Lower the body adapter with seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in a
crisscross pattern.
14. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
the handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.

Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 3” TO 4” FB, 4” TO 6” RB CLASS 150 AND 300

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques

01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
* 10 Stem Seal Top M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Spacer Ring M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Disc Spring M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Stem Nut M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Stud
15 Nut
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Stop Pin the torque values as specified in this Table.
17 Lock Washer
18 Handle Coupler
19 Pipe * Recommended spare parts.
20 Hex Bolt/Grub Screw Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
21 Handle Lock Nut sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 6” FB AND 8” RB CLASS 150

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the T-handle coupler (19) by removing the hex bolt/grub screw(20).
4. Remove the stop & lock plate (18) from stem (04).
5. Remove the body nuts (15) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
6. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and body gasket(07) from body
7. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

8. Remove the lock washer (17), stem nut (13) & disc springs (12) from the stem.
9. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
10. Remove the spacer ring (11) & stem seal top (10) from the body.
11. Remove the stem ‘O’ ring (09) & stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.
2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (14) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stem seal top, the spacer ring and the disc springs on the stem.
7. Place & tighten the stem nut, so that the disc springs are in tension.
8. Fit the lock washer on the stem nut & the stop & lock plate to the stem.
9. Fit the T-handle coupler to stem & tighten the hex bolt/grub screw.
10. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
11. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
12. Install the second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter
& the body gasket in the body recess.
13. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
14. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.
Note: When the Handle is re-assembled on the Valve, it may be necessary to adjust
the handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.
Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 6” FB AND 8” RB CLASS 150

Exploded view

Parts & fastener torques

01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
* 10 Stem Seal Top M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Spacer Ring M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Disc Spring M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Stem Nut M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Stud
15 Nut
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Stop Pin the torque values as specified in this Table.
17 Lock washer
18 Stop & Lock Plate
19 T-Handle Coupler * Recommended spare parts.
20 Hex Bolt/Grub Screw Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
21 Pipe sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 6” FB, 8” RB CLASS 300, 8” FB, 10” RB CLASS 150/300

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the Exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the gearbox (16) by removing the nuts (18) & then remove the studs (17).
4. Remove the stem key (13).
5. Remove the mounting flange (14) by removing the cap screws (15).
6. Remove the body nuts (12) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
7. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and body gasket (07) from the
body (01).
8. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from body & body adapter.
Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.
9. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
10. Remove the stem bush (10) from the body.
11. Remove the stem ‘O’ ring (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.
Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.

Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &

seals is recommended.
2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the body studs (11) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert stem seal bottom & stem ‘O’ rings on stem & install stem from inside the body.
5. Slide the stem bush over the stem & down into body recess.
6. Place the mounting flange on the stem with the flat surface facing upward & tighten
the cap screws against mounting flange to the body.
7. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
8. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
9. Install second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter &
body gasket in the body recess.
10. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
11. Fit the stem key to the stem. Screw in the gearbox studs to the mounting flange.
12. Slide the gearbox over the stem down to mounting flange & tighten gearbox nuts.
13. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the gearbox is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
gearbox travel stops to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed
position. Check proper assembly of the key in the key way.
Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 6” FB, 8” RB CLASS 300, 8” FB, 10” RB CLASS 150/300

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques

01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
10 Stem Bush M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Body Stud M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Body Nut M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Stem Key M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Mounting Flange
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
15 Cap Screw
the torque values as specified in this Table.
16 Gear box * Recommended spare parts.
17 Gear box stud Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
18 Gear box Nut sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 10” TO 12” FB, 12” RB CLASS 150/300

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.
Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.
Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:
11. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
12. Keep the valve in a vertical position plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
13. Remove the gearbox (22) by removing the nuts (24) & then remove the studs (23).
14. Remove the stem key (14) by removing the cap screw (15).
15. Remove the stem housing nuts (17) & dowel pin (19).
16. Lift the stem (04) along with stem housing (16) from the boby.
17. Remove body nuts (12) in a crisscross pattern & remove body adapter (02).
18. Remove the body seal (06) from body adapter and body gasket (07) from body (01).
19. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.
Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.
20. Remove the stem from the stem housing.
21. Remove the stem housing ‘O’rings (10), stem housing gasket (11) & stem bush (21).
22. Remove the stem ‘O’ ring (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.
Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
15. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.
16. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
17. Coat the body studs (12) with anti-corrosive paste.
18. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’rings on stem & install the stem from inside
the stem housing.
19. Slide the stem bush over the stem & down into the stem housing recess.
20. Screw the stem housing studs into the body. Lower the stem with stem housing onto
the body. Place & tighten the stem housing nuts & fit the dowel pins.
21. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
22. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
23. Install second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter &
body gasket in the body recess.
24. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
25. Fit the stem key to the stem. Screw in the gearbox studs to the stem housing.
26. Slide the gearbox over the stem down to the stem housing & tighten gearbox nuts.
27. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the gearbox is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
gearbox travel stops to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed
position. Check proper assembly of the key in the key way.
Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 10” TO 12” FB, 12” RB CLASS 150/300

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques

01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
* 10 Stem Housing ‘O’ring M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
* 11 Stem Housing Gasket M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Body Stud M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Body Nut M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Stem Key
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
15 Cap Screw
the torque values as specified in this Table.
16 Stem Housing
17 Stem Housing Nut
18 Stem Housing Studs
19 Dowel Pin
20 Grease Nipple
21 Stem Bush
* Recommended spare parts.
22 Gearbox
Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
23 Gearbox Studs
sure that the valve functions as intended.
24 Gearbox Nut

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 1” AND 1½” FB,1½” AND 2” RB,CLASS 600

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the handle (14) by removing the hex bolt/grub screw (15).
4. Remove the body nuts (11) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
5. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and the body gasket (07) from the
body (01).
6. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

7. Remove the stop & lock plate (12) by removing the circlip (13) from the stem (04).
8. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
9. Remove the stem ‘O’ rings (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.

1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.

2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (10) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stop & lock plate on the stem & fit the circlip to the stem.
7. Fit the handle to the stem & tighten the hex bolt/grub screw.
8. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
9. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
10. Install second seat in the body adapter. Place body seal on the body adapter & body
gasket in the body recess.
11. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
12. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.

Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 1” AND 1½” FB,1½” AND 2” RB,CLASS 600

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques


01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
10 Stud M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Nut M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Lock & Stop Plate M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Circlip M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Handle
15 Hex Bolt/Grub Screw
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Grease Nipple the torque values as specified in this Table.

* Recommended spare parts.

Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 2” AND 3” FB, 3” AND 4” RB,CLASS 600

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the handle coupler (14) with pipe by removing the hex bolt/grub screw (15).
4. Remove the body nuts (11) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
5. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and the body gasket (07) from the
body (01).
6. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

7. Remove the stop & lock plate (12) by removing the circlip (13) from the stem (04).
8. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
9. Remove the stem ‘O’ rings (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.

1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.

2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (10) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stop & lock plate on the stem & fit the circlip to the stem.
7. Fit the handle coupler with pipe to the stem & tighten the hex bolt/grub screw.
8. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
9. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
10. Install the second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter
& body gasket in the body recess.
11. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
12. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.

Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 2” AND 3” FB, 3” AND 4” RB,CLASS 600

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques


01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
10 Stud M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Nut M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Lock & Stop Plate M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Circlip M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Handle Coupler
15 Hex Bolt/Grub Screw
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Pipe the torque values as specified in this Table.
17 Grease Nipple
* Recommended spare parts.
Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 4” FB, 6” RB,CLASS 600

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Remove the valve from pipeline. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position
for disassembling.
2. Keep the valve in vertical position on a plane & clean surface, taking care that end
flange sealing surface should not be damaged.
3. Remove the T-handle coupler (14) along with the lock & stop plate (12) & the pipe
(16) by removing the hex bolt/grub screw (15).
4. Remove the stem key (17) from the stem (04).
5. Remove the body nuts (11) in a crisscross pattern & remove the body adapter (02).
6. Remove the body seal (06) from the body adapter and body gasket (07) from the
body (01).
7. Remove the ball (03) from the body & the seats (05) from the body & body adapter.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

8. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.

9. Remove the stem ‘O’ rings (09) & the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.

1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.
2. Place the body on plane & clean wooden surface. Install the seat in the body.
3. Coat the studs (10) with anti-corrosive paste.
4. Insert the stem seal bottom & the stem ‘O’ rings on the stem.
5. Install the stem from inside the body.
6. Fit the stem key in stem key way.
7. Fit the T-handle coupler along with the lock & stop plate & the pipe to the stem.
8. Place & tighten the hex bolt/grub screw to the T-handle coupler.
9. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
10. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
11. Install the second seat in the body adapter. Place the body seal on the body adapter
& body gasket in the body recess.
12. Lower the body adapter with the seat onto the body. Place & tighten the body nuts in
a crisscross pattern.
13. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.

Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Two Piece Design 4” FB, 6” RB,CLASS 600

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques


01 Body
02 Body Adapter Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
* 06 Body Seal M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem ‘O’ Ring M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
10 Stud M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Nut M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Lock & Stop Plate M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Countersunk Screw M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 T-Handle Coupler
15 Hex Bolt/Grub Screw
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Pipe the torque values as specified in this Table.
17 Stem Key
* Recommended spare parts.
Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
sure that the valve functions as intended.

Ball Valve
Three Piece Design ½” TO 2” FB/RB, CLASS PN 64

Pipeline and valve must be depressurized by shutting off the valves & the bleed
line, then cycling the valve once & leaving it half open to relieve the pressure from
the body cavity.

Note: Recommended spare parts are listed on the exploded view. These parts should be
stocked to minimise the down time.

Follow these steps to disassemble the valve:

1. Ensure that the valve should be in closed position for disassembling.
Note: The three piece design valve can be repaired without removing the entire valve
from line, as the design is a swing-out design & the body of the valve that contains all
the sealing parts can be easily removed & repaired.
2. Remove the handle lock nut (12) & handle (14) from the stem (04).
3. Unscrew & remove the nuts (16) from the three studs (15) & only loosen the nuts of
fourth stud.
4. The body (01) can now be swung out of the pipeline.
5. Remove the body gaskets (07) & seats (05) along with seat ring (06) from both sides.
6. Remove the ball (03) from the body.

Note: Be careful not to damage the ball & the body seat area, otherwise leakage
could result, even when new seats are installed. Always place the ball on a soft liner
on a table & prevent it from rolling.

7. Remove the second stem nut (12) & the disc springs (11) from the stem.
8. Remove the stem by pushing into the body.
9. Remove the spacer ring (10) & the stem seal top (09) from the body.
10. Remove the stem seal bottom (08) from the stem.

Note: After the complete disassembly of the valve, all the components should be
stored in a clean place to avoid damage.
1. Clean & inspect all the parts for damage & change any part if in doubt.
Note: If complete disassembling becomes necessary, replacement of all seats &
seals is recommended.
2. Coat the studs (14) with anti-corrosive paste.
3. Insert the stem seal bottom on the stem.
4. Install the stem from inside the body.
5. Fit the stem seal top, the spacer ring and the disc springs on the stem.
6. Place & tighten the stem nut, so that the disc springs are in tension.
7. Fit the handle to stem & tighten the second stem nut.
8. Align the two stem flats parallel with the body bore.
9. Insert the ball in the stem in closed position. Gently rock the ball to make sure the
stem is centered in the ball slot.
10. Install seats along with seat ring on either side of ball.
11. Fit the body gaskets in the body recess on both sides.
12. Swing the body into the valve pipe ends.
13. Fit all the studs & tighten the nuts.
14. Rotate the ball slowly back & forth to a full quarter turn. This will allow the seat to
assume its permanent position & shape against the ball & the body. A fast turning
motion may damage the seat before it has a chance to form a proper seal.

Note: When the handle is re-assembled on the valve, it may be necessary to adjust
handle to ensure proper setting of the ball in the open and closed position.

Follow safety rules & regulations to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.

Ball Valve
Three Piece Design ½” TO 2” FB/RB, CLASS PN 64

Exploded view

Parts & Fastener Torques

01 Body
02 Pipe End Thread Property Property Property Class
03 Ball Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 B7/B7M/B8/B8M
04 Stem M8 2 (20) 2.9 (28) 0.6 (6)
* 05 Seat M10 4 (40) 5.7 (56) 1.2 (12)
06 Seat Ring M12 7 (69) 10 (98) 2.2 (22)
* 07 Body Gasket M14 11.3 (111) 15.9 (156) 3.6 (35)
* 08 Stem Seal Bottom M16 17.2 (168) 24.2 (237) 5.4 (53)
* 09 Stem Seal Top M18 24.4 (239) 34.3 (336) 7.7 (76)
10 Spacer Ring M20 33.5 (329) 47.2 (463) 10.7 (105)
11 Disc Spring M24 57.9 (568) 81.5 (799) 18.5 (181)
12 Stem Nut M27 87.5 (858) 123 (1207) 27.8 (273)
13 Stop Pin M30 115.9 (1137) 163 (1599) 36.9 (362)
14 Handle
15 Studs
Note: Ensure that all the nuts/bolts are tightened to
16 Nuts the torque values as specified in this Table.
* Recommended spare parts.
Note: Always use the genuine spare parts to make
sure that the valve functions as intended.

P. O. No. and Date
Work Order No.
Date of Last Dispatch
Date of Commissioning

Guarantee :
“Our liability in respect of any defect in or failure of the goods supplied or for any loss, injury or damage
attributable thereto is limited to making goods by replacement or repair defects which under proper use
appear therein and arise solely from faulty materials and workmanship within a period of 18 calendar months
after the original goods shall have been first dispatched or 12 calendar months from the date of
commissioning, whichever is earlier provided that such defective parts are returned free to our works for
examination. The undertaking shall exclude any and every other obligation.”

In case of service / repair, please contact our nearest Branch Office / Factory.

Head Office: Works:

J / 517, MIDC Bhosari, Pune – 411 026, INDIA. (Ball Valve Division)
Phone: +91-20-7474481, 7470402 J / 525, MIDC Bhosari, Pune – 411 026, INDIA.
Fax: +91-20-7470772. Phone: +91-20-7474481, 7470402
E-mail : [email protected] Fax: +91-20-7469040.
Website: www.virgoengineers.com
Branch Offices:
Mumbai Kolkata
1001, 10 Floor, Krishna Govind Towers, FD-260, Sector-3, Salt Lake,
Plot No. 22-26, Sector-24, Kolkata-700 091. INDIA
Opp. Sanpada Railway Station, Vashi, Phone: +91-33-3599903, 3599908
Navi Mumbai – 400 705. INDIA Fax: +91-33-3599908
Phone: +91+22-7617757 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax : +91-22- 7617753
E-mail: [email protected]
Baroda Chennai
14, Guruprasad Society, Behind Akota Stadium, No. 59, Ground Floor, Teacher’s Colony,
Baroda-390 015. INDIA Kamraj Avenue, Adyar,
Phone: +91-265-342837, 355133,341053 Chennai-600 020. INDIA
Fax: +91-265- 314449 Phone: +91-44- 4901526, 4901527
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +91-44-4410664
E-mail: [email protected]
Delhi Virgo Engineers Inc.
B-1/73, 2 Floor, 13219, N.Promenade Blvd,
Safdurjung Enclave, Stafford,
New Delhi – 110 029. INDIA Texas – 77477. USA.
Phone: +91-11- 6181930, 6179021,6187270, Phone: 001-281-491-0400
6173924 Fax: 001-281-491-0444
Fax: +91-11- 6187270 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Document Path: Rev No.: 2 Published On : 09/08/2002


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