Ork Protocols and Communication: AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks Tutorial 2: Netw

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AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Tutorial 2: Network Protocols and Communication

Q1. “Before communicating with one another, individuals must use established rules or
agreements to govern the conversation.” Discuss this statement. (6 marks)

Before communicating with one another, individuals must use established rules or agreements to govern the
protocols are necessary for effective communication. The protocols used are specific to the characteristics of
the communication method,
including the characteristics of the source, destination, and channel. These rules, or protocols, must be
followed in order for the message
to be successfully delivered and understood. There are many protocols available that govern successful
human communication.
Once there is an agreed upon method of communicating (face-to-face, telephone, letter, photography),
the protocols put in place must account for the following requirements: An identified sender and receiver
Common language and grammar
Speed and timing of delivery
Confirmation or acknowledgement requirements

Q2 (a) When a web client makes a request to a web server, describe the interaction of protocols
based on the Figure 1. (8 marks)

Figure 1: Interaction of Protocols

Application protocol - HTTP is a protocol that governs the way a web server and a web client
interact. HTTP defines the content and formatting of requests and responses that are exchanged
between the client and server. Both the client and the web server software implement HTTP as part
of the application. HTTP relies on other protocols to govern how messages are transported between
client and server.

Transport Protocol - TCP is the transport protocol that manages individual conversations between

1 updated by Ts. Carolyn Ting Hie Choon on 25.5.2020

AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Tutorial 2: Network Protocols and Communication

web servers and web clients. TCP divides HTTP messages into smaller pieces called segments.
These segments are sent between web server and client processes running at destination host. TCP
is responsible for controlling the size and rate at which messages are exchanged between the server
and client.

Internet Protocol - IP is responsible for taking the formatted segments from TCP, encapsulating
them into packets, assigning addresses to the packets, and delivering them across the best path to
the destination host.

Network Access Protocols - Network access protocols describe 2 primary functions,

communication over a data link and the physical transmissions of data on the network media. Data-
link management protocls take the packets from IP and formats them to be transmitted over media.
Standards and protocols for physical media governs how the signals are sent and how they are
interpreted by the receiving clients.

2 updated by Ts. Carolyn Ting Hie Choon on 25.5.2020

Q3. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model is created by International Standards
Organisation (OSI) to develop standards for networks and to facilitate multivendor equipment
interoperability. List the SEVEN (7) layers of the OSI model and also describe ONE function
for each layer. (14 marks)
Q4. (a) State any ONE (1) advantage and ONE (1) disadvantage of segmentation (201603 TAR UC, resit)
(7 marks)

Advantages of segmentation

-Increased efficiency of network communications by sending the message through different routes
if necessary.

Disadvantages of segmentation

- Segmentation finds free memory area big enough.

AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Tutorial 2: Network Protocols and Communication

Q5. (a) Referring to OSI model, Figure 2 shows the encapsulation of Protocol Data Unit.

Ethernet IP header TCP header D T

Header S at

Figure 2: Encapsulation of Protocol Data Unit

(i) Identify the Protocol Data Unit labeled Q, R, and S: (3 marks)

Q Ethernet Frame 1 mark
R IP Packet 1 mark
S TCP Segment 1 mark

(ii) Name the field labeled T and describe its function. (3 marks)

(b) “When a host needs to send a message to another host in the same network, it must
use the router, also known as the default gateway.” Evaluate this statement. (4 marks)

I disagree with this, because whenever a host needs to send a message to another host in the
same network, it can forward the message directly and doesn’t required a router(default gateway).
The router is needed when a host try to send a message to another host in a different network, the
route will forward the packet/message toward its destination.

3 updated by Ts. Carolyn Ting Hie Choon on 25.5.2020

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