Neral Observation Ela 2-25-21 1
Neral Observation Ela 2-25-21 1
Neral Observation Ela 2-25-21 1
Domain Feedback
Domain 1 addresses the extent to which a teacher displays knowledge of important concepts,
how they relate to one another and the ability to anticipate student misconceptions.
Additionally, Domain 1 examines how well a teacher begins planning by deeply understanding
his/her student’s identities and assets; their current context and needs; and how to best
support their social, emotional, and academic development in partnership with families and
Your lesson was written in the what/how/why format: I can determine the theme of the poem
by analyzing the character or speaker’s words and actions, so that I can uncover the poet’s
1. Your lesson plan was extremely thorough and included all new vocabulary, essential
questions, and materials that you will present at each part of the lesson. This allowed
administration to understand what you planned to do and why, even before the lesson
2. You used a graphic organizer during guided practice that they also used as their
independent work, serving as a scaffold that they are familiar with.
3. Breakout rooms were planned with student accountability in mind, and were
successfully implemented.
1. The breakout rooms were fantastic. However, some time was wasted getting students
to display the text in a way that was readable to the rest of the team. Consider having
students all look at their own screens (rather than sharing) when they are reading aloud.
The only challenge would be making sure that the adult facilitator had access to the text
as well.
Domain Feedback
Domain 2 addresses the extent to which a teacher has created a supportive online learning
environment and has established supports that prioritize equitable access, easy navigation of
learning experiences, and ongoing formative assessment. Learning environments are
characterized by positive developmental relationships that are intentionally nurtured and
1. You utilized the chat feature as a way of engaging students. This is critically important as
virtual learning presents many challenges.
2. You reminded students of the expectations for joining a breakout group before
beginning instruction.
3. The use of highly engaging graphics in your flip chart, appealed to visual and auditory
4. In breakout rooms, the assistants were given very clear instructions, and felt
comfortable facilitating. Students were used to the routine as well, and even shared
their screens as the team leader!
1. When we go back to hybrid instruction, be sure to utilize the great methods you have
learned in virtual instruction to maintain engagement and a sense of belonging with
those students learning from home.
Domain 3—Instruction
Communicating with Students: Highly Effective
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques: Highly Effective
Engaging Students in Learning: Effective
Using Assessment in Instruction: Highly Effective
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness: Effective
Domain Feedback:
Domain 3 addresses the extent to which a teacher plans and facilitates engaging and coherent
instruction designed to meet students where they are in this moment. You had a student read
the objective and connected it to prior learning. You reviewed point of view and fantasy prior to
introducing the text. Students read the text segments and identified the point of view for the
several characters.
1. Students used content-specific vocabulary to express their thinking.
2. Students had many opportunities to hear each other read. This allows them to model
good reading for each other.
3. At the beginning of the lesson, you referred to prior learning and made connections.
This created a “bridge” for students, setting them up for success.
1. When students read aloud, be sure to praise what you like about their reading. This will
encourage them to read with good expression.
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observation writeup.
Teacher Signature
X John Palmer
John Palmer (Feb 25, 2021 15:00 EST)
Observer 1
Observer 2