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Scientific Basis and Explanation of Interstellar Movie

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Scientific Basis and Explanation of the Movie Interstellar:

A Semiotic Analysis

Fermin John C. Blanco

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

This chapter is composed of five parts: (1) Background

and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the

Problem, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Scope and the

Delimitation, and (5) Definition of Terms.

Part One, Background and Conceptual Framework, presents

gives the introduction, justify the needs and basis in

conducting this study, discusses the importance of selecting

the problem, and presents the theoretical framework which

serves as the study’s frame of reference.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem, states the general

and specific objectives of the study that the study seeks to


Part Three, Significance of the Study, describes the

individuals who will benefit from the results of the study


and the manner by which+- they will derive valuable

information from the interpretation to be undertaken.

Part Four, Scope and Delimitation, specifies the

bounds of the research in terms of research design and the

theories applied in the interpretation.

Part Five, Definition of Terms, provides the

conceptual and operational definition of the important terms

and key variables used in the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

Today, correspondence has come helpful. News is

effectively spread through TVs and the unexpected change of

climate can be seen with the development innovation that we

have at the present time. The headway of the innovation can

be considered as an indication of advancement, however what

we find in movies are more enhanced than what we have today.

The coming of the period of innovation is currently in the

hands of the new era. The advancements that can be found in

the movies are more howdy tech particularly in the class of


Semiotics, which is the study of signs and signifying

practices, is largely the creation of the Swiss linguist


Ferdinand de Saussure and the American pragmatist Charles

Sanders Peirce. Independently, they worked to better

understand how certain structures were able to produce

meaning rather than work on the traditional matter of

meaning itself (Chandler, 2005).

According to Peirce’s theory, 2010, signs, symbols, and

meanings conveyed in the movie will be analyzed using

semiotics, formulated the innovative triadic model of the

sign, emphasizing in this theory that the way we interpret a

‘sign’ is what allows it to be signified – what gives it its

meaning. Therefore, the main attributes of any sign need to

be clear enough to relay their intended meaning does not

focus on just material or concrete signs, but any kind of


One of these precious ever recorded in the history of

Science fiction movie industry, and an example of how far

this type of movie creation had come today, was

“Interstellar”. Earth's future has been riddled by

disasters, famines, and droughts. There is only one way to

ensure mankind's survival: Interstellar travel. A newly

discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system

allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone


before, a planet that may have the right environment to

sustain human life.

In the near future around the American Midwest,

Cooper an ex-science engineer and pilot, is tied to his

farming land with his daughter Murph and son Tom. As

devastating sandstorms ravage earth’s crops, the people of

Earth realize their life here is coming to an end as food

begins to run out. Eventually stumbling upon a NASA base

near Cooper's home, he is asked to go on a daring mission

with a few other scientists into a wormhole because of

Cooper's scientific intellect and ability to pilot aircraft

unlike the other crew members. In order to find a new home

while Earth decays, Cooper must decide to either stay, or

risk never seeing his children again in order to save the

human race by finding another habitable planet.

The researcher explored the movie through the

utilization of semiotic movie analysis can function as a

sign. Semiotics is an investigation into how meaning is

created and how meaning is communicated. Its origins lie in

the scientific study of how signs and symbols create


Through semiotics, the semiotician was able to analyze

the meaning and message of the movie, the complexity of the


characters, the phenomena that they experiencing and how it

gives a significant basis, interpretation and profound

explanation of the movie “interstellar” that greatly help in

science education.

Conceptual Framework of the Study



Symbolic Code Indexical Code Iconic Code

Connotative Meaning and

Denotative Meaning

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of “Interstellar”

movie and will be interpreted using Semiotic Analysis Signs
will be identified from the film and will be classified into
various semiotic codes. Each code (sign) will be decoded to
interpret its meaning in the context of connotation and

Statement of the Problem

In this study, The Interstellar Movie will be

interpreted and evaluated using the semiotic movie analysis.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the questions:

1. What are the different signs found in the movie

entitled “Interstellar”?

2. What is the meaning of each sign in the context of

connotation and denotation?

3. How the movie would have interpreted when its signs are

classified either as iconic, indexical, or symbolic


4. What is the significance of the movie “Interstellar” in

the Science Education?

Significance of the Study

The result of this movie analysis will benefit the


Students. This study would let give them enlightenment

of how this movie could open their mind in the field of

Science. It would also give them a better understanding of

the movie “Interstellar” behind each scene, each character,

and each story that depicts in-depth meaning.

Science Teachers. This study would be a great help in

interpreting and analyzing the movie “Interstellar”. With

this study, Science teachers would find a treasur e-filled

of signs and symbols used in the film which had been

uncovered using the semiotic analysis. This would also a

help to decode certain scene that has in-depth meaning and

can be a source of knowledge to be used in teaching Science.

Science enthusiast and movie critics. This study

would bring a new perspective of movie analysis and would

develop a general understanding by using semiotic analysis,

as a great tool in interpreting the meanings of the signs

conveyed in the movie “Interstellar” to have more inputs

with regard to the field of Science.

Other researchers. Those who plan to conduct a similar

analysis, this study may provide useful baseline


Finally, the researcher would like to express that

through this study, the readers who were the main concern

and focus would not only remain as readers but also do their

share in making other individuals understand and appreciate

one of the most wonderful creations of the of the movie


Definition of Terms

The following terms will be defined descriptively and

operationally to come up with a better understanding about

the terms used in the study:

Semiotics- refers to the study of signs and symbols, in

particular as they communicate things spoken and unspoken.

(Nordquist, 2006)

In this study, “Semiotics” referred to the study that

the researcher will use in making the study.

Semiotic Analysis- refers to systematic detailed

analysis of work from a movie, applying the principles of

semiotics www.eric.ed.gov/retrieved 2018

In this study, “semiotic analysis” referred to the

process in which a movie will be analyzed by the

semioticians and the students by getting the different

connotative and denotative meanings of each signs and

symbols found in the movie.


Connotative Meaning- refers to the feelings or thoughts

a word gives a reader. www.learningfarm.com/retrieved 2018

In this study, “connotative meaning” referred to the

deep meaning of every pictures in which the students will

find and decode a deep understanding about what they have

inferred after watching the movie.

Denotative Meaning- refers to the literal meanings of a

word, the "dictionary definition. For example, if you look

up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that

one of its. www.eng.fju.edu.tw/retrieved 2018.

In this study, “denotative meaning” referred to the

exact meanings of the pictures found in the movie

“interstellar” which is the students will find and decode

each pictures by the aid of internet or great books,

Iconic Sign- refers to the signs that acquires its

function through similarity to what it signifies, e.g. a

photograph as an iconic sign of the person in the

picture.www.uvm.edu/retrieved 2018

In this study, “Iconic sign” referred to the icons or

pictures of characters found in the movie that will be

analyzed by the students and the researcher by giving its

connotative and denotative meaning.


Symbolic Sign- refers to the signs where the relation

between signifier and signified is purely conventional and

culturally specific. www.uvm.edu/retrieved 2018

In this study, “Symbolic sign” referred to the symbols

found in the movie that will be analyzed by the students and

the researcher by decoding its in-depth meanings through a

semiotic analysis.

Indexical Sign- refers to an index as a mode in which

the signifier might not resemble its signified object. It is

not arbitrarily assigned and is directly connected in some

way to the object. Nevertheless, the relationship between

what the sign stands for – its referent and the sense behind

it, the interpreter – may have to be learned. (Pierce, 2010)

In this study, “Indexical sign” referred to the

indexical symbols found in the movie which will be analyzed

by the semiotician and the students, and will also decode

the meanings by the same process being applied.

Science Fiction Movie- refers to a broad genre

of fiction that often involves speculations based on current

or future science or technology. Science fiction is found in

books, art, television, films, games, theatre, and other

media. (www.goodreads.com/genres/science-fiction retrieved


In this study, “science fiction” referred to the genre

of the movie.

Interstellar- refers to taking place or traveling

among the stars especially of the Milky Way galaxy

(www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/interstellar retrieved 2018).

In this study, “interstellar ” referred to the title

of the movie that will be used for the semiotic

analysis to decode the connotative and denotative

meaning of each codes and pictures found in the movie

Delimitation of the Study

This study will be analyzed the movie entitled

“Interstellar”, a science fiction movie directed, co-

written, and co-produced by Christopher Nolan. It

stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica

Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, and Michael Caine. Set

in a dystopian future where humanity is struggling to

survive, the movie follows a group of astronauts who travel

through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity.

The researcher as the semiotician will be the one to

choose important symbolic, indexical and iconic signs and


important scientific scenes to be interpreted found in the


This study will be limited only to the analysis of the

sign and symbols portrayed in the movie. Dialogue and

cinematography will not be included in the analysis.

According to Peirce’s theory, 2010, signs, symbols, and

meanings conveyed in the movie will be analyzed using

semiotics, formulated the innovative triadic model of the

sign, emphasizing in this theory that the way we interpret a

‘sign’ is what allows it to be signified – what gives it its

meaning. Therefore, the main attributes of any sign need to

be clear enough to relay their intended meaning does not

focus on just material or concrete signs, but any kind of


In this study, only important parts of the movie

undergo a semiotic analysis using interpretive criticism

approach which gives detailed explanation of the content of

a work of art. It helps us understand how form transforms

subject matter into content and what has been revealed about

some subject matter and how that has been accomplished

Martin and Jacobus (2005) cited in

http://people.ucalgary.ca/~rseiler/acritic./Retrieved 2018.

The semiotician seeks ideas coming from the different

teachers in the field of Science, Math and English that help

and contributed to the researcher’s study in giving define

and concrete inputs.

After the data being gathered, it was undergone a

revised step of thematic analysis anchored to the analysis

made by Braun and Clark, 2010 to create a final

interpretation of the different codes, pictures and themes

found in movie and the significance of the movie

“Interstellar” in the science education.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature

and studies which serves as a guide and provide direction in

the conduct of the study.

This chapter is divided into four parts: (1) Semiotics;

(2) Semiotic analysis on James Cameron selected science

fiction movies; James Cameron profile (3) Science-fiction

Movie; (4) Movie Reviews of Interstellar; and (5) Synthesis.

Part One, Semiotics, discusses the background and

nature of semiotics, its proponents, and its essence in

conducting movie analysis.

Part Two, Semiotic analysis on James Cameron selected

science fiction movies, and it presents the research


abstract, its findings, conclusion and recommendation of the

movie analysis and the researcher’s profile.

Part Three, Science-fiction Movie, it presents the

definition and the different contribution in the industry of

science-fiction movies.

Part Four, Movie Reviews of Interstellar, presents the

different point of views of movie analysts.

Part Fifth, Synthesis, gives the general review of the

whole chapter.


Semiotics, which is the study of signs and signifying

practices, is largely the creation of the Swiss linguist

Ferdinand de Saussure and the American pragmatist Charles

Sanders Peirce. Independently, they worked to better

understand how certain structures were able to produce

meaning rather than work on the traditional matter of

meaning itself (Chandler, 2005).

According to Nordquist, 2006. Semiotics is a theory and

study of signs and symbols, especially as elements of

language or other systems of visual communication. Basically


is comprised of certain steps and approaches which enhance

our knowledge and hone our ability to communicate well.

According to Umberto Eco (2012), states that semiotics

is concerned with anything that can be taken as a sign’.

These differences in channel and technology have significant

wider implications in terms of the meaning potential of the

different media. For instance, print is in an important

sense less personal than radio or television.

For instance, Work on semiotics was better known, and

he argued that there was no inherent or necessary

relationship between that which carried the meaning (the

signifier, usually a word or symbol) and the actual meaning

which was carried (the signified). (Saussure, 1974.

Date/retrieved/ 2018).

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) 2018,

semiotics concerns with “the branch of medical science

relating to the interpretation of symptoms” and “the science

of communication studied through the interpretation

of signs and symbols as they operate in various fields,

esp. language.”

According to Peirce 2010, but coming from the

linguistic side, Ferdinand de Saussure uses the term


semiology to describe the study of signs. In Course in

General Linguistics Saussure writes, semiology is “a science

which would study the life of signs within society). Similar

to Peirce, Saussure’s model on sign is structural. However,

unlike Peirce’s triadic structure, Saussure’s system of sign

is dyadic.

Therefore, the relationship between the signified and

the signifier is very important, yet arbitrary. To say that

the relationship between the signified and the signifier is

arbitrary is to say that the relationship is largely

determined by the culture and/or context in which signs are

used. Thus, for Saussure, in order to understand

how language functions, we must “set to one side both the

aspects of historical change within particular languages

over time and actual utterances or performances of language

in local situations.

http://csmt.uchicago.edu/glossary2004/semiotics.htm, 2018” 

Semiotic Analysis on James Cameron Selected Science Fiction


This study aimed to analyze the symbols in selected

science fiction movies directed by James Cameron.

Specifically it aimed to: 1) determine the main symbols that


caused conflict in the science fiction movies of James

Cameron; 2) identify the meaning of the symbols as reflected

in the films; and 3) find out the contribution of the

symbols in achieving the theme.

In choosing the instrument the researcher used the

judgmental sampling technique. The discussion was presented

using Chandler Peirce classification of signs.

The findings showed that the symbols in each movie

vary, but all the symbols have commonalities. The study

showed that two out of five symbols have great influence in

achieving the theme of the films.

Based from the findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn: 1) the interpretation of symbols in

the film vary but they are all the cause of conflict in the

film; 2) the symbols in the films have different meaning;

and 3) the symbols have great contributions in achieving the


Further researches were recommended: 1) studies on the

film and the sub-symbols that support the main symbol

creating conflict; 2) studies on literature about how

symbols help achieve the theme of a film.


James Cameron Profile

"Everyone around me had basically said, 'You stink. You

suck. You don't know what you're doing. James Cameron was

out of luck. After working for years as a model builder,

production designer and second-unit director on low-budget

horror films, he had been fired from his first job as

director in a feature film. Stranded in Rome, swiping rolls

off of room service carts, he had hit bottom.

But he had an idea for another film; that idea

became The Terminator. The script was easy to sell, but no

studio wanted to take a chance on Cameron as director. His

unbridled enthusiasm won over a few brave producers and star

Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film was a runaway international

hit and Cameron was on his way.

Science-fiction Movie

According to Knight, 2012 summed up the difficulty,

saying "science fiction is what we point to when we say

it", a definition echoed by author Mark C. Glassy, who


argues that the definition of science fiction is like the

definition of pornography: you do not know what it is, but

you know it when you see it.


e retrieved/2018

According to Gernsback, 2010, who was one of the first

in using the term "science fiction", described his vision of

the genre: "By 'scientifiction' I mean the Jules Verne, H.

G. Wells and Edgar Allan Poe type of story a charming

romance intermingled with scientific fact and prophetic

vision. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hugo-

Gernsback/Date retrieved/2018

According Atheling, 2015 wrote about the English term

"science fiction": "Wells used the term originally to cover

what we would today call ‘hard’ science fiction, in which a

conscientious attempt to be faithful to already known facts

(as of the date of writing) was the substrate on which the

story was to be built, and if the story was also to contain

a miracle, it ought at least not to contain a whole arsenal

of them. https://www.amazon.com/More-Issues-Hand-Critical-


According to Heinlein, 2013 a handy short definition of

almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation


about possible future events, based solidly on adequate

knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a

thorough understanding of the nature and significance of

the scientific method. //www.amazon.com/Robert-Heinlein-

Dialogue-Century/Date retrieved/2018

Science fiction films is a genre characterized by

stories involving conflicts between science and technology,

human nature, and social organization in futuristic or

fantastical worlds, created in cinema through distinctive

iconographies, images, and sounds often produced by means

of special effects


cifi, Date Retrieved, 2018

A definition of science fiction movies has to cover a

lot of ground. It has to show all aspects of the genre -

including various sub-genres and themes - without making it

too broad or too narrow. It sounds like it's as hard to

define as love, go figure. http://www.explore-science-fiction-

movies.com/definition-of-science-fiction.retrieved, 2018.

Movie Reviews of Interstellar


According to Super, 2014, first heard that Nolan was

preparing a sci-fi movie, it felt like a kid again, waiting

for his Christmas gift under the tree. And knew it would

become a classic. And I'm sure it will.

According to Rhys, 2014 it was extremely lucky to get

the chance to see this film upon its first day release,

before entering the cinema, expectations were already high,

after all, this was a film from the cinematic genius who

brought us the likes of 'Inception' and 'The Dark Knight',

to summarize the following review in a single sentence: left

the cinema in extreme awe from the visual masterpiece I had

just viewed. A film that explores the psychological and

emotional state of a man whose life revolves around his

family, 'Interstellar' is a thrilling and thought-provoking

film that boasts an intellectual story masterfully written

by the Nolan brothers.

According to Miller 2014, Interstellar' was incredible.

The visuals, the score, the acting, were all amazing. The

plot is definitely one of the most original seen in a while.

Most of the critic reviews have said that some bits are a

little too unbelievable, but have to disagree. Yes, there

were some parts that were definitely in the "fi" part of


sci-fi. But the thing is, 'Interstellar' deals with concepts

that we know very little about. The critics have no idea

what the 4th or 5th dimension is like, or what it would be

like to go through a wormhole or a black hole. The critic

don't think it's fair to call something unbelievable, when

we have absolutely no idea what WOULD be believable in those

circumstances. Either way, excellent writing from the Nolan


In addition, last night I got the chance to see the

early screening of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar. The

film I've been waiting so much from the early days of the

shooting (Aldamayo,2015).

For instance, interstellar in IMAX 70mm. Science

Fiction fans can read on, everyone else can skip. Movie is a

visual masterpiece. Like his earlier movies, Christopher

Nolan once again proved, how big a movie can be! There were

some shots, which made audience go crazy. Some scenes were

as epic as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Do not go into the theatre

expecting an action packed cerebral thriller. This one is

not for action fans. At times, movie go highly sentimental

Matthew McConaughey does what he is best in and supposed

to). I recommend this movie to all the Sci-Fi fans out


there, make sure you go in group of sci-fi nuts!! Do not go

with the hype (Haridas, 2014).

According to Peck 2014, it was 35 degrees Celsius outside

the cinema and all I needed was a three hour nap in cool

air-conditioning. Lucky me! The latest Nolan film, just

there for the taking.

A beautiful masterpiece. As a father, the underlying

story of the lead character's love for his daughter is

endearing to say the least. Very well casted and the actors

did a great job. The special effects alone make this worth

watching. However, it's the story that's beautiful. For a

true Sci-Fi lover, it's candy. As a pastor, the reliance on

science to solve all issues was a little shallow, but such

should not take away from the fact that the movie is nearly

flawless. I think I remember only 2 inappropriate words,

which for Hollywood is squeaky clean, no sex scenes, and

it's positives so outweigh any possible negatives as to

render them inconsequential (Pastorjk,2015).

For instance, Interstellar is a visually fantastic epic

set in space. The efforts taken to bring such a hypothetical

idea to screen is commendable. This being said Interstellar

is not among Chris Nolan's best pieces of work. An over long

run time, occasionally cheesy dialogues, plot holes and its


uneven take on complex ideas that at times seems to exceed

its narrative are a few of the primary flaws of this film.

It is certainly an ambitious flick and it could probably be

accepted as a fantastic one if it had not been directed by

Nolan from whom we have come to expect nothing but the best.

(Eragondeyja, 2015)


Semiotics, which is the study of signs and signifying

practices, is largely the creation of the Swiss linguist

Ferdinand de Saussure and the American pragmatist Charles

Sanders Peirce. Independently, they worked to better

understand how certain structures were able to produce

meaning rather than work on the traditional matter of

meaning itself (Chandler, 2005).

For instance, Work on semiotics was better known, and

he argued that there was no inherent or necessary

relationship between that which carried the meaning (the

signifier, usually a word or symbol) and the actual meaning

which was carried (the signified). (Saussure, 1974.

Date/retrieved/ 2018).

According to Knight, 2012 summed up the difficulty,

saying "science fiction is what we point to when we say

it", a definition echoed by author Mark C. Glassy, who

argues that the definition of science fiction is like the

definition of pornography: you do not know what it is, but

you know it when you see it.


e Retrieved/2018.

For instance, Interstellar is a visually fantastic epic

set in space. The efforts taken to bring such a hypothetical

idea to screen is commendable. This being said Interstellar

is not among Chris Nolan's best pieces of work. An over long

run time, occasionally cheesy dialogues, plot holes and its

uneven take on complex ideas that at times seems to exceed

its narrative are a few of the primary flaws of this film.

It is certainly an ambitious flick and it could probably be

accepted as a fantastic one if it had not been directed by

Nolan from whom we have come to expect nothing but the best.

(Eragondeyja, 2014).

In this study, The Interstellar Movie will be

undergoing the semiotic movie analysis employing

interpretive criticism by interpreting each signs, symbols


and pictures found in the movie and its significance in

Science Education.

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology


This chapter explains the research design and

methodology used in this study. It composed of four parts:

(1) Purpose of the study and Research design, (2) Data

gathering procedure, and (3) Data analysis procedure.

Part one, Purpose of the study and Research Design,

restates the main problem, and discusses the research

design, the methods and participants of the study

Part two, Data gathering procedures, includes the

steps in conducting the study,

Part three, Data analysis procedure includes the

over-all steps in interpreting and discussing the different

sign, symbols, pictures and the significance of the movie in

Science education using thematic analysis.

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the

scientific basis and explanation of interstellar movie using

the semiotic analysis interpreting the different codes found

in the movie.

This study will be a descriptive-qualitative research

employing interpretive criticism. Interpretive criticism,

the subjectivity and in turn the relativity of explanations

are more obvious. The content is present in the form of the

work, but yet, unlike the form, it is not present in a

directly perceivable way. It must be interpreted. This means

that interpretive critics--even more than descriptive

critics--must be familiar with the subject matter.

Interpretive critics make the subject-matter more explicit

for us, at the initial stage of their criticism. In this

way, they bring us closer to the work. Martin and Jacobus

(2006) cited on http://people.ucalgary.ca/~rseiler/acritic.

Retrieved, 2018

Using interpretive criticism, the semiotician will

reveal the depth point of view in interpreting the sign and

pictures of the movie. The researcher wants to find the

scientific basis and explanation of important scene found in

the movie to decode the unfathomable meanings of each codes

and pictures.

This meant that the semiotician (an interpretive

critic) must be familiar with the flow of the movie and be

more explicit in conducting the study. In this way, the

researcher seeks ideas coming from the science, math


teachers, other colleagues of the semiotician to get some

theories that were used to support on the interpretations of

the different codes and symbols found in the movie and were

undergone a thematic analysis adopted from the work of

(Braun and Clark, 2010) to make the final interpretation of

codes and themes from all the gathered ideas of semioticians

from the teachers perceptions and interpretations as well as

the best specially in the science education.

Data gathering procedure

In the starting point of the study, the researcher

asked permission from the School Principal of the Vicente

Andaya Sr. National High School through the Senior High

School Coordinator. After it was approved, the researcher

started to seek the attention of the teachers teaching

Science, Math and English who were one to discuss and also

one of the interpretant of the movie.

A cover letter was attached stating among others the

purpose and objectives of the study. The teachers were

informed verbally that their participation was solicited to

the best of their knowledge and appreciation.

In conducting the study, the researcher read the

synopsis or the background of the movie giving some prior


knowledge before they watch the movie, the teachers were

given two and one-half hour to watch the movie together with

the researcher on their scheduled time and vacant period. On

the other hand, the researcher permitted them get a copy of

the movie because some teachers find it difficult to

understand the main points of the movie. This is for them

not to feel any pressure in contemplating and internalizing

the essence of the movie.

After the teachers finished watching the movie the

semiotician tries to seek their insight of the different

iconic, symbolic, indexical signs and important pictures

that were chosen by the researcher as well as their point of

views in the significance of the movie “Interstellar” in the

Science Education at the best that they have interpreted and

understand without any pressure to them.

They were also asked some different mathematical and

scientific theories they had known which was used to support

and anchor on the final interpretation of the semiotician.

There ideas were highly appreciated from the deepest and

unfathomable discernments that they have added.

The purpose of this study seeks the help of the

teachers is that to have an authentic collaboration of ideas

which surely help the semiotician to elaborate further the

interpretations and to have a concrete and justifiable


analysis of the movie Interstellar. All the ideas were

scrutinized by the semiotician and were able to create its

final say in the interpretation of the movie with the huge

help of ideas of the teachers and this were undergone a

revised step of thematic analysis developed by Braun and

Clark, 2010.

Data analysis procedure

The researcher used an expanded and modified version of

the steps in interpreting all the data. The steps were

adopted from the thematic analysis ones developed by Braun

and Clark, 2010 and also to the resourcefulness of the

researcher were able to create steps prior to the data

analysis procedure that the past researchers made. The data

gathered were coded, encoded, transcribe and analyzed.

First, from all the ideas and different interpretations

that were consolidated by the semioticians. All the answers

were transcribed to have an organized data out from the

iconic, indexical, and symbolic codes as well as the

different pictures to create an authentic and concise


Furthermore, transcribing of data helps develop a far

more thorough understanding and close attention needed to

transcribe data may facilitate the close reading and

interpretative skills needed to analyze the date (Ladapat

and lends, 2001). After all the data are already been, they

were given enough time to familiarize it and to check all

the data encoded.

Second, based from the data that were transcribed the

researcher were generated initial list of idea about what is

in the data and what is interesting about them. This phase

then involves the production of initial codes from the data

given. The process of coding the data is part of the

analysis which gives organization of data into meaningful

groups (Tuckett, 2005). They were also determined the

similarities and differences of each data to create general

ideas coming from the data given.

This were followed by finding themes on the next phase,

are interpretative criticism of the data occurs and in

relation to which interpretations about the different codes

will be examined.

Third, based on the initial codes, the researcher

defines and named the initial themes that best suits to the

initial codes of the data out from the different themes


given by the respondents from the different sign, symbols

and pictures that they have been decoded. But this was still

being reviewed each theme given and it involves the

refinement of those themes, while others might collapse into

each other to form a general theme. Other themes might need

to be broken down into a separate theme. Data within theme

should cohere together meaningfully.

Meanwhile, there should clear and identifiable

distinctions within themes. It is important that the

analysis provides a concise, coherent, logical, non-

repetitive and interesting data to tell within and across

themes. At the end, it should have a fairly good idea of

what the different themes are, how, they fit together, and

overall interpretation that tell about the data.

Fourth, all the initial codes and initial themes this

were the time to make the final verdict of interpretation

with general themes that exactly suits to the different

codes given. It is necessary to refine all the data by

defining and naming the appropriate themes. By “define and

refine” it was identified the “essence” of what aspect of

the data each them captures. It is important not to try and

get a theme to do too much, or to be too diverse and

complex. By going back to the collated final interpretation


extracts for each theme and organizing them into a coherent

and internally consistent and accompanying narrative. It was

vital that it do not just paraphrase the content of the data

extract presented but identify what is interesting about

them and why.

Lastly, after the data were finally analyzed, encoded

and decoded it was doubled check again thoroughly to make

sure that all the data are corrected, suited, profound and

has its justifiable and concrete interpretation created a

final conclusion and recommendation at the end of the study.

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