Peach and Blue Illustration English Class Education Presentation
Peach and Blue Illustration English Class Education Presentation
Peach and Blue Illustration English Class Education Presentation
Objectives inform students the learning Rules provide the structure necessary for an
outcomes of the class. What will they know? engaging and productive class. Keep it simple
What will they be able to do? Why is this and easy to follow. It can be general to cover
important to know? It's an effective way to different situations or very specific to your
assess their learning progress. students.
Question 1 Question 2
Discussing a lesson as a class certainly boosts students’ Discussing a lesson as a class certainly boosts students’
interest and engagement. Aside from helping them stay interest and engagement. Aside from helping them stay
focused, it allows them to think deeply, create connections, focused, it allows them to think deeply, create connections,
and get different perspectives on the subject matter. and get different perspectives on the subject matter.
Recap 3 Recap 4
Recaps can also be led by students for Summaries and recaps also reinforce the objectives
a more enriching experience. laid out before the class started.