4F27E Shift Strategy

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Ford 4F27E Shift Strategy –

a Different Way of Doing Things
By Wayne Colonna
Technical Editor

he 4F27E transmission uses two on/off solenoids and Figure 1
three PWM solenoids to produce each of the shifts OD Position Shift & TCC Solenoids
and converter-clutch apply, as the chart in Figure 1
shows. The EPC solenoid is used to control line pressure Gear Shifts SSA PWM PWM PWM SSE
relative to engine torque. So far this sounds easy, but from 1st Gear Off Off Off On On
a strategy standpoint, it progressively moves toward a “dif- 2nd Gear Off Off Off Off On
ferent way of doing things” when compared with what we 2nd Gear/TCC Off On On Off On
are accustomed to. 3rd Gear Off Off Off Off Off
Let’s start off on familiar ground. Shift solenoids A & B 3rd Gear/TCC Off On On Off Off
are the on/off solenoids that, when they are off, block fluid 4th Gear On Off On Off Off
from stroking valves. The pulse-width-modulated 4th Gear/TCC On On On Off Off
solenoids, C, D & E, are the opposite. When they are off
they allow fluid to pass through the solenoid and stroke *The electronic pressure-control solenoid is in
constant operation relative to throttle opening.
continues page 36

Figure 2 First Gear

34 Transmission Digest

valves. OK, so far, not so bad. the other “shift” solenoids. Doing position, it provides forward-
Sounds a little like the Chrysler so will make the solenoid-applica- clutch apply pressure.
41TE/42LE transmissions with tion chart considerably more un-
their normally applied and nor- derstandable. PWM SSD
mally vented PWM and on/off When this solenoid is in the off
solenoids. SSA position, it provides servo-apply
The first departure from the When this solenoid is in the on pressure.
“norm,” if you will, is that shift position, it strokes the 3-4 shift
solenoid B could be better under- valve, which exhausts forward- PWM SSE
stood as a lockup/TCC solenoid. clutch and servo-release pressure. When this solenoid is in the off
To call this shift solenoid B made position, it provides servo-release
it difficult for me when I first SSB pressure.
looked at a solenoid-application When this solenoid is in the on
chart like the one in Figure 1. I position, it strokes the TCC control With this simple overview of
kept thinking it was a gear-shift valve, which exhausts the convert- the function of each of the shift
solenoid, not a TCC shift solenoid. er-release pressure, allowing for solenoids, along with the hy-
But now, having clarified the op- TCC apply. draulics provided for each of the
eration of shift solenoid B, it shifts while the manual valve is in
would be good to do a “simple” PWM SSC the D4 position (figures 2-8), a
overview of the function of each of When this solenoid is in the off continues page 38

Figure 3 Second Gear TCC Released

36 Transmission Digest

closer look will provide a more- solenoid to the line pressure that forward-clutch slip could occur at
detailed understanding of “a dif- was being blocked by the land the time TCC is being applied in
ferent way of doing things.” next to the spring (see Figure 4). second or third gear. TD
Using the second-gear TCC-off Now that is a different way of
hydraulic provided in Figure 3, doing things!
carefully look at the TCC control So the PWM SSC controls not THE BOTTOM LINE:
valve. Notice that forward-clutch only forward-clutch apply but Tell us your opinion of this article:
oil runs through the valve from also converter-clutch-apply feel. Circle the corresponding number on the free information card.

the PWM SSC to the forward 96 Useful information.

Should this solenoid malfunction 97 Not useful information.
clutch. Also notice that line pres- mechanically, we could have a 98 We need more information.
sure is routed to and blocked by harsh apply or delayed apply into
the TCC control valve’s land next forward and no TCC, or a slip-
to the spring. When this TCC con- ping-TCC concern. It is obvious
trol valve is stroked by SSB for that if SSB malfunctioned, we
lockup, TCC-release oil becomes would experience TCC-apply is- Tech Tag
connected to the PWM SSC sues as well. And looking at the
solenoid for a controlled TCC TCC control valve, in theory
apply. At the same time, the for- should the valve or the valve bore
ward-clutch apply oil switched develop excessive wear, combined
from being fed by the PWM SSC with a lazy stroke of the valve, a

Figure 4 Second Gear TCC Applied

38 Transmission Digest

Figure 5 Third Gear TCC Released

Figure 6 Third Gear TCC Applied

40 Transmission Digest

Figure 7 Fourth Gear TCC Released

Figure 8 Fourth Gear TCC Applied

June 2004 41

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