PerDev Mod1
PerDev Mod1
PerDev Mod1
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Self - Development
Cover Page i
Copy Right ii
Title Page iii
What I Need to Know 1
What I Know 3
What’s New
Activity 2.2.: My Developmental Aspects 15
What is it 16
What’s More
Activity 2.3.: My Share of Pie 18
What I Have Learned
Activity 2.4.: All Are Connected! 19
What I can Do
Activity 2.5.: I have the will! I have the Power! 19
Assessment 21
References 23
Answer Keys 24
Sample Rubric 25
What I Need to Know
This module will bring you to a personal journey with yourself, allowing
you to make deeper thoughts and give better realizations of your strengths and
let you work on your own weaknesses, as you continue to strive to become a
better person for oneself, for family and the community.
The primary concerns of your personhood are the main content of this
module. To help you attend to your personal growth and give better point of
view in knowing and understanding yourself during the middle and late
adolescence stages in your development as a person.
At the end of Lesson 1, you are expected to:
1. explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept strengths and
limitations in dealing with others better; (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1)
2. share unique characteristics, habits, and experiences; (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-
1.2) and
3. maintain a self-reflection journal. (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1)
To make your journey with this module enjoyable and meaningful, you need
to remember and follow these important steps:
1. Keep a personal journal for all the activities.
2. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
3. Answer the pre-test in order to determine how much you already know
about the lessons in this module.
4. Check whether your answers are correct based on the answer keys that
are made available at the end of this module.
5. Read each lesson and do the activities that are provided for you.
6. Diligently do all the activities to help and guide you in understanding the
7. Take the self-test after each lesson to determine how much you understood
the topic.
8. Answer the post-test to measure how much you have learned from the
9. Good luck and have fun
What I Know
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in
the space provided before each number.
___ 1. Nida, a Senior high school student joins school clubs and maximize every
learning. It defines her interest in __________.
A. self-development C. Social roles
B. Self-image D. Sel f - wort h
___ 2. Dione understands her friends more than herself to value relationship.
Distinguish her trait.
A. Being confident C. Being friendly
B. Being diligent D. Being humble
___ 3. Marissa admired her friend Liza and she wanted to be like her. The kind of
self Liza wants to have is her ___________.
A. Actual self C. Other self
B. Ideal self D. Better self
___ 4. Gino knows the things he like and dislike. Distinguish the trait he manifests.
A. Self- concept C. Self-image
B. Self- development D. Se l f -worth
___ 5. It is being careful in our ways in dealing with others and in handling situations,
and seeks for God’s guidance. It relates to _____ self-aspect
A. Emotional C. Moral and spiritual
B. Mental D. Social
___ 6. Lina is a girl who is true to herself and faces everyone with the characteristics
she truly possesses. Lina shows her __________ when she is with others.
A. Act ual self C. Other self
B. Ideal self D. Self-image
___ 7. Candy has personal way of carrying oneself, showing one’s ability, and
capacity in facing others without fear and hesitation. She is _____________.
A. Being confident C. Being friendly
B. Being diligent D. Being humble
___ 8. It is a personal companion for one to write on, with notes to share and reflect
A. Personal Book C. Personal Note
B. Personal Journal D. Personal Paper
___9. A person who value his social aspect, has the ________ characteristics:
I. friendly III. affectionate
II. considerate IV. properly dressed
A. I C. I, II, III
B. II Journal D. I, II, III, IV
___10. Recommendations you have for a person who desires to learn new things
and creates the best ways in achieving goals.
A. Creativity C. Generating new ideas
B. Determination D. self-trust
___11. When one has focused on achieving goals and is never distracted by less
important things.
A. Creativity C. Generating new ideas
B. Determination D. self-trust
___ 12. Design organized connections of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
I. Act, connect, plan III. Plan, connect, act
II. Connect, act, plan IV. Plan, act, connect
B. II Journal D. IV
___ 13. When a person values the good in things, rather than having the tendency to
focus on bad things.
A. Being a friendly C. Being tactful
B. Bei ng optimistic D. Being properly dressed
___ 14. It is the ability to do something in showing one’s passion more than
usual capacity.
A. Being knowledgeable C. Bei ng talented
B. Being tactful D. Being skillful
___ 15. John, a Senior High School student does his tasks with alertness and
expertise in any given task given by a teacher. How will you judge John’s response
in doing things?
A. Being knowledgeable C. Bei ng a talented
B. Being tactful D. Being skillful
LESSON Knowing Oneself
In this lesson, you will uncover your unique characteristics and habits and
appreciate how experiences in life shape your being that will help you in dealing
with others better.
What’s New
What is it
Directions: In your Journal Notebook, answer these questions in three (3)
to five (5) sentences:
The personality stars you have just filled in shows how well you know
yourself and how others view you as a person. The self is our biggest asset.
How you know yourself speaks one of the important aspects of self –
development. It is called self-concept. It is self-awareness in two wide
characters, the ideal self and the actual self;
Ideal self refers to the self-one desire to be, like the ones we admire
and wish to be in the community from any sector or profession. Your aspiration
of becoming like them is based on the positive qualities you have viewed them.
Your connection with the ones you look up to could want you also to develop
what you see in them, what you learned and experienced from them, including
the things that they promote and most of all, it could also want you to build up
their ways in your thoughts, words and actions.
Actual self tells who you really are with the traits and characteristics
you truly possess. These traits may have been the outcome of how you were
nurtured in the family, developed in school and influenced by the community. It
is your self- knowledge on how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how
you look. These traits are the things seen by others. No matter how people
view each one as a person, one’s knowledge of the actual-self comprises the
self-image. Self-concept affects one's behavior and overall success in any
The two aspects of self-concept are both important and must be
evaluated for positive self-development. Ideal-self when improved based on
idolizing someone must be think of and chosen carefully to gain and develop
the positive traits. It must be in tune with the actual-self. The aspect that
requires a great sense of well-being. Having the right attitude, and making the
right choices of things we wanted to develop in us could affect our dealings
with people and things. Positive self-concept contributes to great success.
Heberle/ Ideal Self vs. Real Self: Definition & Difference. Retrieved on November 16, 2018
What’s More
Directions: Think of the positive self-image you wanted to develop under each
trait. Under the Wow column, list down the positive self-image you wanted to
develop. Under the Wish’s column, list down the ways on how you can develop
them. Write as many as you can in your journal. Answer the questions below in your
personal journal notebook, in three (3) to five (5) sentences:
The positive self-image I wanted to My ways of doing them.
Physical Appeal
Human Relations
1. How do I feel after listing down the desirable traits I wanted to develop as a
2. What are the unique habits and characteristics I wanted to do to attain such
1. Knowing yourself
A person who knows oneself has the sense of direction and knows
one’s purpose in life. Knowing oneself is recognizing one’s strengths and
weaknesses, including the fears, knowing one’s desire and thoughts in life,
likes and dislikes, habits and individualities as well as the things one can
tolerate in dealing with others and in handling situations.
2. Being confident
3. Being courteous
Sensitive people are cautious in their way in dealing with others and in
handling situations. They easily notice certain details others may accept or
ignore, and they can be very creative in giving opinions and in showing their
gestures or actions.
A person’s tact or carefulness would tell many things about him or her;
the emotional intelligence, respect, self-awareness, thoughtfulness,
compassion, delicacy, honesty, diplomacy, and courtesy in dealing situations.
Being careful in everything is shown when one can give difficult feedback, and
communicate sensitive information, with the right thing and doing the right
action to preserve a relationship.
9. Being friendly
Meeting and knowing new people help develop a healthy mental image.
Your interaction with others leads to manifestations and mastery of the five
features of personality; honesty, delicacy, right attitude, kindness and
mindfulness. Start smart with the people you know. Be the friendly you.
What I Have Learned
Each one of us has the power to choose who we want ourselves to be,
including how we want others to know us. Below is your personal shirt that
would best describe you as a person. Beside it are the choices of personal
qualities you wanted to be written on your shirt as your self-identity.
1. Choose the emoticon you feel after designing your personal shirt and draw
it on your journal.
2. What have you realized after designing your personal qualities shirt?
What I can Do
It is important for a person to set clear goals and important skills each one
wanted to hold or possess as we grow wiser as a person.
1. With your journal as your personal companion, trace your hand on a page, as a
symbol of your goals and skills. List down your goals you have envisioned for
yourself at the center of your palm, and on the fingers, list down the skills you
wanted to hold with you to be successful in life.
LESSON Developing the Whole Person
Understanding ones’ thoughts, feelings and behaviors is necessary for every
person to 2
have a healthy interaction with everyone in the community.
In this lesson, you will gain deeper views on the relationship of a persons
physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social being, giving you a clearer
picture of the importance of nurturing them as you get along with others.
What’s In
What’s New
Directions: In your journal notebook, draw five (5) circles and label each to
represent the five developmental aspects of yourself. Below is a gallery of words,
details that comprises one’s personhood. Classify each word and list them on the
circles you have drawn on the journal, as to which developmental aspect they
The following are some details that comprises our personhood. The way we practice
and develop them affects our personality.
Posture love sensitive affectionate
considerate role model intelligent fear
anxiety reflective friendly thinker
virtuous complexion physique righteous behavior
participative anger environmentalist life advocate
What is it
Directions: In your Journal Notebook, answer these questions in three (3) to five (5)
How well one responds when things become difficult, and how quickly
one gave to anger, or whether one can take a job or not, defines the emotional
well- being. A person’s emotional make-up is shown in his likes and dislikes,
whether he is aggressive or passive, and how well he has mastered his
feelings and shows his right composure in a given situation.
The mental aspect of a person depends upon the intelligence. One, who
thinks critically and decisively in every situation, manifests better mental
soundness and good personality. Mental aspect refers to the intellectual
capacity, which is shown in the way one talks, shares range of ideas one
expresses that includes the things one talks about, as well as the values and
the mental alertness in understanding things.
“The Four Aspects of Self" accessed, January 13, 2019, /spiritual-
What’s More
What I Have Learned
What I can Do
Each person has the power to live and enjoy the positive and healthy state
of well-being. Best self-aspects could be attained by maximizing one’s potential. It is
a process of moving towards the direction of nurturing our physical, intellectual,
emotional, social spiritual and moral aspects. A thing that each person should reflect
on in the day-to-day undertakings.
Directions: In your journal, and following the format below, write a special letter for
yourself that would contain the following details:
1. The things you realized in the readings of lesson 2;
2. The action steps you are going to do in developing each of your self-
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the
space provided before each number.
___ 1. Marissa admired her friend Liza and she wanted to be like her. The kind of self-
Liza wants to have is her ___________.
C. Actual self C. Other self
D. Ideal self D. Better self
___ 2. Gino knows the things he like and dislike. Distinguish the trait he manifests.
A. Self- concept C. Self-image
B. Self- development D. Se lf -worth
___ 3. Lina is a girl who is true to herself and faces everyone with the characteristics
truly possesses. Lina shows her __________ when she is with others.
A. Act ual self C. Other self
B. Ideal self D. Self-image
___ 4. Nida, a Senior high school student joins school clubs and maximize every
It defines her interest in __________.
A. self-development C. Social roles
B. Self-image D. Self - wort h
___ 5. Dione understands her friends more than herself to value relationship.
her trait.
A. Being confident C. Being friendly
B. Being diligent D. Being humble
___ 6. Candy has personal way of carrying oneself, showing one’s ability, and capacity
in facing others without fear and hesitation. She is _____________.
C. Being confident C. Being friendly
D. Being diligent D. Being humble
___ 7. It is being careful in our ways in dealing with others and in handling
situations, and seeks for God’s guidance. It relates to _____ self-aspect
C. Emotional C. Moral and spiritual
D. Mental D. Social
___ 8. It is a personal companion for one to write on, with notes to share and reflect on.
C. Personal Book C. Personal Note
D. Personal Journal D. Personal Paper
___9. A person who value his social aspect, has the ________ characteristics:
III. friendly III. affectionate
IV.considerate IV. properly dressed
A. I C. I, II, III
B. II Journal D. I, II, III, IV
___ 10. When a person values the good in things, rather than having the tendency to
focus on bad things.
A. Being a friendly C. Being tactful
B. Being optimistic D. Being properly dressed
___ 11. It is the ability to do something in showing one’s passion more than usual
A. Being knowledgeable C. Being talented
B. Being tactful D. Being skillful
___ 12. John, a Senior High School student does his tasks with alertness and expertise
in any given task given by a teacher. How will you judge John’s response in
A. Being knowledgeable C. Being a talented
B. Being tactful D. Being skillful
___ 13. Recommendations you have for a person who desires to learn new things and
creates the best ways in achieving goals.
A. Creativity C. Generating new ideas
B. Determination D. self-trust
___14. When one has focused on achieving goals and is never distracted by less
important things.
A. Creativity C. Generating new ideas
B. Determination D. self-trust
___ 15. Design organized connections of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
III. Act, connect, plan III. Plan, connect, act
IV.Connect, act, plan IV. Plan, act, connect
Heberle, “Ideal Self vs. Real Self: Definition & Difference.” Retrieved November 2018 quiz.html