Brailey Bridge Working Estimate
Brailey Bridge Working Estimate
Brailey Bridge Working Estimate
C ircle :: Vijayawada
Division :: Machilipatnam
Sub-Division :: Machilipatnam
Section :: Bantumilli
Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem -
Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
O.Est. Amount : 10.00 Lakhs
W.Est. Amount : 11.00 Lakhs
The EXecutive Engineer (R&B)Division, Machilipatnam Vide L.S Agt. No. 156/2008-
09 for Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem -
Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District of Rs. 10.00 was entrusted to Contractor
Sri. K.N.V Prabhakar, Machilipatnam @ 4.99 % excess Tender Percentage Vide Lr.
No. 69/08-09/JTO2 Dt: 16-1-09.
1 Provision for Augoring and Boring for 300 mm Dia under reamed piles
2 Provision for Double under reaming inside the pile holes
3 Provision for VRCC M20 for under reamed pile foundation
4 Provision for Earth work excavation for pile cap
5 Provision for Sand filling below levelling Course for Pile cap
6 Provision for PCC M15 Levelling Course
7 Provision for Reinforced Concrete M20 Grade for Pile Cap
8 Provision for Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade for Abutment
9 Provision for HYSD bars (Fe-415) for Pile foundation and bed blocks
10 Provision for Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade for Bed blocks
11 Forming embankment for Bailey Bridge Approaches and for Launching platform is increased from
2070 Cum to 2600 Cum as per site conditions
12 Provision for Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix for Pedastals
14 Provision for conveyance charges for transportation of Bailey Bridge accessaries
15 L.S provision for Maintenance of Bailey Bridge
16 L.S provision of cost and supply of caution boards, traffic diversion boards
17 L.S Provision for Unforeseen items, Stationery, Xerox etc. and rounding off
The rates are adopted as per 2008-09 AP State Common SSR with approved and nearest
Executive Engineer
(R&B), Division, Machilipatnam
Page 2 of 29
Name of Work: Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem - Narayanapuram Road in
Krishna District.
1 Auguring and Boring in situ for 300 mm dia and 3.50 m depth
piles in loamy and clayey soils like B.C Soils & Ordinary soils
without underreams as per I.S 2911-1980 (Part -3) as per
approved design including all operational, incidental labour
charges etc., complete for finished item of work
Page 3 of 29
S. No Description of Item Nos L B D Quantity Rate per Amount
6 Providing and laying of PCC M15 levelling course 150 mm
thick below the pile cap using 40mm, 20mm & 10mm HBG
crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table
1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2)
including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all materials to site
and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying,
vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and
operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as
directed during execution for finished item as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Page 4 of 29
S. No Description of Item Nos L B D Quantity Rate per Amount
7 Reinforced Concrete M20 Grade for Pile Cap using 20mm &
10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate
conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to
table 1000-2) including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all
materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing,
laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and
operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as
directed during execution for finished item as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Page 5 of 29
S. No Description of Item Nos L B D Quantity Rate per Amount
say 1.60 56954 MT 91126.00
For Bed block & 7.00 At 100 kg/cum 0.70 57026 MT 39918.00
11 Backing
Forming Walls
embankment with borrowed useful earth from outside
road boundary by mechanical means upto SDR with all leads
and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal
of top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area, conveyance of
soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil,
breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to
10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement
of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational
charges of T&P and seigniorage charges, complete for finished
item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4th revision)
Both sides of
Bailey Bridge 2 100.00 9.00 1.150 2070 130.00 Cum 269100.00
Page 6 of 29
S. No Description of Item Nos L B D Quantity Rate per Amount
For Pedastals
Missing & Sudden 10 1.20 0.90 0.90 9.72
Requirements 5.28
15.00 3731.00 Cum 55965.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B)Division, Machilipatnam
Page 7 of 29
Name of Work: Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem - Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
1 Auguring and Boring in situ for 300 mm dia and 3.50 m depth piles in loamy and clayey
soils like B.C Soils & Ordinary soils without underreams as per I.S 2911-1980 (Part -3) as
per approved design including all operational, incidental labour charges etc., complete for
finished item of work
9 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed
stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all materials to site
and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including
other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as
directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for
finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) and
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Bed blocks.
Both sides of Bailey Bridge 2 100.00 9.00 1.150 2600 130.00 Cum 338000
12 Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone
aggregate and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost,
seigniorage conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine
mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including all other incidental and operational
charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification
1500,1700, 2100 (4th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Pedastals
15 L.S provision for Maintenance of Bailey Bridge including cost and suply of bolts and nuts
etc. L.S 20000
16 L.S provision of cost and supply of caution boards, traffic diversion boards, Radium
indicators, Guide posts etc. L.S 30000
Executive Engineer
(R&B)Division, Machilipatnam
Name of Work:- Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem - Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
O.Estt.Rs.10.00 Lakhs
W.Estt.Rs11.00 Lakhs
Asper Original Estimate Asper Working Estimate Difference
S. No Description of Item Explanations
Quantity Rate per Amount Quantity Rate per Amount More Less
1 Auguring and Boring in situ for 300 mm dia and
3.50 m depth piles in loamy and clayey soils like B.C
Soils & Ordinary
for Abutment soils without underreams as per I.S
Foundations Increased as per Site
2911-1980 (Part -3) as per approved design including 84.00 110.00 Rm 9240 108 110 Rm 11880 2640 __ Conditions
all operational, incidental labour charges etc.,
2 Double
complete Under reaming
for finished item ofinside
work the pile holes
including all operational, incidental labour charges
etc., complete for 300 dia piles
for Abutment Foundations 48.00 164.00 No. 7872 48.00 164.00 No. 7872
3 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade
using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone
aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table Increased as per Site
For pilesand fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-
& Bulbs 10.00 4817.00 Cum 48170 11.642 4817 Cum 56080 7910 __ Conditions
2) including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all
4 Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by
materials to site and labour charges, centering,
mechanical means for foundations of structures as
machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc.,
per drawing and technical specification including
including other incidental hire and operational Increased as per Site
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing,
Below pile of all
Cap T&P as per approved drawings and as 15.00 44.40 Cum 666 15.28 44.40 Cum 678 12 __ Conditions
removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
Sand during execution but excluding cost of
5 dressingfilling
sides ofinbottom, foundation
back filling including cost,
the excavation
steel and
seignoirage its fabrication
conveyencecharges for finished
of alletc.,
materials item
to siteas
earth to the required complete
and MoRT&H
watering, specification etc.,1500,1600,1700
tampingcharges complete for & 2200
including seignioarge for finished item of
(4th revision
item of asworkper ) and
as per as directed by
MoRT&H specification the Engineer-in-
specification 304 (4th Decreased as per Site
Below forand
under reamed
Course pileEngineer
foundation 11.00 708.00 Cum 7788 10.18 708.00 Cum 7207 __ 581 Conditions
Revision) andas asdirected
directed by bythe - in -
the Engineer-in-
6 Charge.
Charge and laying of PCC M15 levelling course
150 mm thick below the pile cap using 40mm,
20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate Decreased as per Site
Course below conforming
Pile Capto table 1000-1 and 6.00 4126.00 Cum 24756 5.10 4126.00 Cum 21043 __ 3713 Conditions
fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including
7 Reinforced
cost, seigniorageConcrete M20 Grade
conveyance formaterials
of all Pile Cap to using
20mm & 10mm HBG crushed
and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, stone aggregate
laying, aggregate
vibrating, conforming
curing etc.,to table 1000-1other
including and
Decreased as per Site
fine aggregate
For pile Cap
conforming to table 1000-2)
hire and operational charges of all T&P including 11.00 4817.00 Cum 52987 10.69 4817.00 Cum 51494 __ 1493 Conditions
as perseigniorage
approved conveyance
drawings and of as
all directed
materials during
to site
8 Vibrated
and labour cement
charges, concrete M 15machine
centering, Grade Concrete
execution for finished item as per MoRT&H
laying, 40mm , 20mmcuring
vibrating, and 10mm size HBG crushed
specification 1500,1600,1700 etc., & 2200including other)
(4th revision
stone aggregate
incidental hire and(Coarse aggregate
operational chargesconforming
of all T&P to Decreased as per Site
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
as per1000-1
For Abutment wall and fine aggregate
drawings and conforming
as directed to table
during 12.00 4291.00 Cum 51492 11.25 4291.00 Cum 48274 __ 3218 Conditions
execution including cost,seignorage
for finished item as andperconveyance
MoRT&H of
all materials to site and all labour
specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) charges for
machine mixing,
and as directed laying
by the in position,Compacting,
Vibrating and curing including all other incidental
Asper Original Estimate Asper Working Estimate Difference
S. No Description of Item Explanations
Quantity Rate per Amount Quantity Rate per Amount More Less
9 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade
using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone
aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table Decreased as per Site
1000-1 and fineBed
For Abutment aggregate
blocks conforming to table 1000- 7.00 4817.00 Cum 33719 6.75 4817.00 Cum 32515 __ 1204 Conditions
2) including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all
10 Providing
materials toHYSD site and barslabour (Fe-415)
charges,of centering,
machine mixing,wrought laying,
and put vibrating,
up bars of all diametres
curing etc.,
including cost otherandincidental
conveyancehire of steel
andto operational
site and all
Increased as per Site
charges of charges
all T&Pfor fabrication
as per approvedofdrawings
and as 1.60 56954.00 MT 91126 1.703 56954 MT 96993 5867 Conditions
including cutting, bending,
directed during execution but excluding binding rods,costtying
grills, placing them in position etc., complete Decreased as per Site
steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as 0.70 57026.00 MT 39918 0.578 57026 MT 32961 __ 6957 Conditions
per MoRT&H cost specification
and conveynace of binding wire
1500,1600,1700 and
& 2200
11 all other
(4th handling
revision ) and charges
embankment withand
as directed operational
borrowed usefulcharges
by the Engineer-in- earth
Chargeand including
for Bedroad over
blocks. lapping bywelding
mechanicalif required
etc., complete for all R.C.C. items
upto SDR with all leads and lifts including for finsihed item of
pre- Increased as per Site
watering as per standard drawings and as per the 2070 130 Cum 269100 2600 130 Cum 338000 68900 __
Both sidesofofsoil at borrow
Bailey Bridge area, removal of top soil, Conditions
directions of
excavation the at
of soils Engineer-in-charge
borrowed area, conveyance and as per of
12 Providing
soil, Vibrated
depositing the&Cement
2200 onConcrete
soil (4th revision) (1:3:6)
and as mix
the embankment, per
the I.S.40mm
spreading 1786of size
soil, HBG crushed
clods, stone
for R.C.C.items.
breaking aggregate
sectioning, and
and aggregate conforming to
consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratorytable 1000-2 of
For Pedastals 15.00 3731.00 Cum 55965 15.00 3731.00 Cum 55965
MoRT&H including cost, seigniorage
Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table conveyance of
all materials to site
300-2 of MoRT&H, including and labour charges, centering,
all hire and
operational mixing,
charges laying,Total
of T&P Vibrating,
and curing etc.,
seigniorage 692799 760962 85329 17166
including all other
charges, complete incidental
for finished itemand operational
of work as per
MoRT&H of specification
all T&P etc., 305 complete for finished item of
(4th revision)
13 Add T.P
work 4.99%
as per Excess specification 1500,1700, 2100
MoRT&H __ 37972 37972
(4th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge for Pedastals
NAME OF WORK:- Providing Brailey bridge across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 in Tallapalem -
Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
Contractor : Sri K.N.V Prabhakar D.R.Agt.NO. 156 /2008-09
Est.Rs.10.00 Lakhs. D.H.S.16.01.2009
D.R. No. 69/2008-09 D.F.C.15.02.2009
Since Last Up to Date Since Last
2 3 4 5 6
Auguring and Boring in situ for 300 mm dia and 3.50
m depth piles in loamy and clayey soils like B.C Soils
& Ordinary soils without underreams as per I.S 2911-
1980 (Part -3) as per approved design including all
operational, incidental labour charges etc., complete
for finished item of work
366995.91 366995.91
Add T.P at 4.99% 18313.10 18313.10
385309.00 385309.00
Unit : 1 RM
Taking out put = 1 RM
(A) Labour
2.63 day Man Mazdoor 146.00 day 383.98
Rate per 3.50 m Depth 383.98
Rate per 1.00 RM 383.98/3.50 109.71
say 110.00
1 RM
2 Double Under reaming inside the pile holes including all operational, incidental labour charges etc., complete for
300 dia piles
Unit : 1 No
Taking out put = 1 No.
(A) Labour
2.24 day Man Mazdoor 146.00 day 327.04
Rate per 2 No.s 327.04
Rate per 1 No. 383.98/2 163.52
say 164.00
3 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse
aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, seigniorage
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc.,
including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed
during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4 th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Double
under reamed pile foundation
Page 16
Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount
4 Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per drawing and
technical specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the extent required etc.,
complete including seignioarge charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 304(4 th Revision)
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
5 Sand filling in foundation including cost, seignoirage and conveyence of all materials to site and watering, tamping
etc., complete for finshed item of work as per MoRT&H specification 304 (4 th Revision) and as directed by the
Engineer - in - Charge.
Unit = cum Page 422 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 1 cum
(A) Labour
0.01 day Mate 160.00 day 1.60
0.30 day Mazdoor 130.00 day 39.00
(B) Material
1.20 Cum Sand for filling 468.00 cum 561.60
(C) Over head charges @ 6%
6.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 6% on (A)+(B) 36.13
(D) Total of (A) + (B)+( C) 638.33
(E) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (D) 63.83
Cost per 1 cum (D)+(E) 702.16
Or say 702.00
1 cum
6 Providing and laying of PCC M15 levelling course 150 mm thick below the pile cap using 40mm, 20mm & 10mm
HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to
table 1000-2) including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering,
machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P as
per approved drawings and as directed during execution for finished item as per MoRT&H specification
1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Page 17
Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount
b) Labour
0.86 day Mate 188.00 161.68
1.50 day Mason 193.40 290.10
20.00 day Mazdoor 146.00 2920.00
c) Machinery
6.00 hour Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) 345.00 2070.00
6.00 hour Generator 33 KVA 620.00 3720.00
d) Overhead charges @ 6 % on (a+b+c) 3184.61
e) Contractor's profit @ 10 % on (a+b+c+d)" 5626.15
Cost for 15 cum = a+b+c+d+e 61887.66
Rate per metre (a+b+c+d+e)/15 4125.84
say 4126.00
7 Reinforced Concrete M20 Grade for Pile Cap using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse
aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, seigniorage
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc.,
including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed
during execution for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2200 (4th revision ) and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
For Foundation
Unit = 1 MT Page 489,490 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 1 MT
a) Material
1.05 tonne HYSD bars including5 per cent overlaps and 45000.00 47250.00
6.00 Kg Binding wire 44800.00 268.80
Page 18
Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount
b) Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
0.40 day Mate 188.00 75.20
2.00 day Blacksmith 188.00 376.00
6.00 day Mazdoor 146.00 876.00
c) Overhead charges @ 6% on (a+b) 2930.76
d) Contractor's profit @ 10%on (a+b+c) 5177.68
Rate for per MT (a+b+c+d) 56954.44
say 56954.00
For Substructure
Unit = 1 MT As Per MORTH 1600
Taking output = 1 MT
a) Material
1.05 tonne HYSD bars including5 per cent overlaps and 45000.00 47250.00
6.00 Kg Binding wire 44800.00 268.80
b) Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
0.34 day Mate 345.00 117.30
2.00 day Blacksmith 0.00 0.00
6.50 day Mazdoor 370.00 2405.00
c) Overhead charges @ 6% on (a+b) 3002.47
d) Contractor's profit @ 10%on (a+b+c) 5304.36
Rate for per MT (a+b+c+d) 58347.92
say 58348.00
9 Forming embankment with borrowed useful earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto SDR
with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of top soil, excavation of soils at
borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods,
sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of
table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P and seigniorage charges, complete
for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4 th revision) (Payment will be made based on level for
finished item of work).
Unit : Cum
Taking out put = 100 Cum Page 68,69 of MoRT&H SDB
(A) Labour
0.04 day Mate 188.00 day 7.52
1.00 day Mazdoor unskilled 146.00 day 146.00
(B) Machinery
100.00 cum Rate as per G.O. Ms No 10, Dt 26/7/2005 13.00 cum 1300.00
160.00 Tipper (for 1 Km = 160x1 = 160) 4.50 720.00
Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover cost of 72.00
loading and unloading
0.50 hr Dozer 80 HP for spreading @ 200 cum per hour 2760.00 hr 1380.00
1.00 hr Motor Grador for Grading @ 100 cum per hour 2600.00 hr 2600.00
4.00 hr Water tanker 6 KL 345.00 hr 1380.00
1.00 hr Vibratory roller 8T 1550.00 hr 1550.00
(C) Seigniorage charges
100.00 Cum Seigniorage charges 20.00 cum 2000.00
Page 19
Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount
Rate per 1 cum 130.00
1 Cum
10 Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone
aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2)
including cost,seignorage and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing,
laying in position,Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges
of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2200 (4 th Revision) for Sub structure .
Page 20
Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount
(E) Over head charges @ 6% (10%-VAT)
6.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 6% on (A)+(B)+( C)+(D) 3932.43
(F) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D)+(E) 69472.86
(G) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (F) 6947.29
Cost per 15 cum (F)+(G) 76420.15
Rate for 1 cum 5094.68
Rate to be adopted 5095.00
1 Cum
12 Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost, seigniorage conveyance of all materials to site
and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including all other incidental and
operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1700,
2100 (4th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Pedastals
Page 21
Name of work :
Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem -
Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle, Vijayawada
NAME OF WORK ::- Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem - Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
Source of Lead in Initial cost Blasting Seigniorage stacking Toal Cost per
Sl.No Description of Metal Conveyance crushing
Supply Kms less stacking charges charges charges for Cum
1 40 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal Kethanakonda 118.00 727.50 491.30 70.00 122.83 45.00 -8.70 1447.93
2 25 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal .-Do- 118.00 727.50 821.30 70.00 205.33 45.00 -8.70 1860.43
3 20 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal .-Do- 118.00 727.50 836.30 70.00 209.08 45.00 -8.70 1879.18
4 12 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal .-Do- 118.00 727.50 681.30 70.00 170.33 45.00 -8.70 1685.43
5 10 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal .-Do- 118.00 727.50 551.30 70.00 137.83 45.00 -8.70 1522.93
6 6 mm SS-5 HBG M/C metal .-Do- 118.00 727.50 421.30 70.00 105.33 45.00 -8.70 1360.43
7 Sand for Mortar Nadakuduru 55.00 383.00 169.50 36.00 -5.50 583.00
8 Sand for Filling .-Do- 55.00 383.00 54.50 36.00 -5.50 468.00
Km.11/4 of GM
9 Gravel 92.00 550.80 50.50 20.00 -5.50 615.80
10 HYSD Steel At Site 45000.00 45000.00
Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle, Vijayawada
Name of Work :
Providing Bailey Bridge Across Salt Creak in Km. 11/4-6 of Tallapalem -
Narayanapuram Road in Krishna District.
Certified that no land acquisition is required for the proposed project and the lands available
are free from encumbrace, encroachments and utilization.
Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle, Vijayawada
Certified that
4) The description of the materials available in the quarries noted are correct.
Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle, Vijayawada
Certified that I have inspected the above road personally on date and the
provisions made in the estimate are essential and adequate.
Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle, Vijayawada
Earth/Gravel/ Metal
loading 10.00 12.80 Material Rates
unloading 8.50 8.70 60 to 63 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal 360.00
stacking 5.50 8.70 50 to 55 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal 390.00
0.25 50.00 110.00 40 to 45 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal 500.00
0.5 75.00 110.00
1 100.00 120.00 Roughstone 300mm (HBG)for revetment 136.00
Roughstone 225mm (HBG)for revetment 117.00
2 106.00 126.00
3 112.00 132.00 SS Revetment work 225mm 71.00
4 118.00 138.00 SS Revetment work 300mm 95.00
5 124.00 144.00 SS Revetment work 450mm 114.00
6 130.00 150.00 Laterite for Revetment 225mm 98.00
7 136.00 156.00 Laterite for Revetment 300mm 114.00
8 142.00 162.00 Jeddy stone above 450mm to 600mm 156.00
Quarry spall(Field picked metal)
9 148.00 168.00 Av. Of rate 25mm & 40mm
10 154.00 174.00 150 mm soling stone HBG metal 82.00
11 160.00 180.00 40 to 45 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 500.00
12 166.00 186.00 25 to 27 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 830.00
13 172.00 192.00 19 to 22 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 845.00
14 178.00 198.00 12 to 14 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 690.00
15 184.00 204.00 9.5 to 11.20 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 560.00
16 190.00 210.00 5 to 7 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 430.00
17 196.00 216.00 2.36 to 5 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 234.00
18 202.00 222.00 HBG Stone chips 2.36mm and below 225.00
19 208.00 228.00 Quarry Rubbish 25.00
20 214.00 234.00 40 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 500.00
21 219.00 239.75 25 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 830.00
22 224.00 245.50 20 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 845.00
23 229.00 251.25 12 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 690.00
24 234.00 257.00 10 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 560.00
25 239.00 262.75 6 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 430.00
26 244.00 268.50 Sand for Mortar 175.00
27 249.00 274.25 Sand for Filling 60.00
28 254.00 280.00 HYSD Steel 45000.00
29 259.00 285.75 Mild Steel 44800.00
30 264.00 291.50 Cement 4500.00
31 268.80 297.00 Mild Steel 6mm 38500.00
32 273.60 302.50 Blasting charges
33 278.40 308.00 Blasting charges 70.00
34 283.20 313.50 Blasting charges for rough stone 67.00
35 288.00 319.00 Seigniorage charges
36 292.80 324.50 Metal 45.00
37 297.60 330.00 Gravel/earth 20.00
38 302.40 335.50 Sand 36.00
39 307.20 341.00 Labour Rates
40 312.00 346.50 Mate 188.00
41 316.80 352.00 Mazdoor skilled 193.40
42 321.60 357.50 Mazdoor unskilled 146.00
43 326.40 363.00 Machinery Rates
44 331.20 368.50 Dozer 80 HP for spreading @ 200 cum per hour 2760.00
45 336.00 374.00 Motor grader 3.35M Blade @50 cum/Hr 2600.00
46 340.80 379.50 Hydralic excavator 2250.00
47 345.60 385.00 Front end loader 1 cum capacity 1320.00
48 350.40 390.50 Tipper 5 cum 575.00
49 355.20 396.00 Vibratory roller 8T 1550.00
50 360.00 401.50 smooth wheeled roller 8 Ton 540.00
51 364.60 406.50 Water tanker 6 KL 345.00
52 369.20 411.50 Tractor 345.00
53 373.80 416.50 Tractor with Rotavator 345.00
54 378.40 421.50 Tractor with ripper attachment @ 60 cum per hour 345.00
55 383.00 426.50 Air compressor 250 cfm 370.00
56 387.60 431.50 Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 1320.00
57 392.20 436.50 Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm/hr. 290.00
58 396.80 441.50 Bitumen pressure distributor @1750 sqm/hr 940.00
59 401.40 446.50 Emulsion pressure distributor @1750 sqm/hr 690.00
60 406.00 451.50 Hot mix plant 40 to 60 TPH 15525.00
61 410.60 456.50 Mechanical Paver finisher 100 TPH 1090.00
62 415.20 461.50 Hydraulic self propelled chip spreader @ 1500 sqm/hr. 2070.00
63 419.80 466.50 Finish rolling with 6-8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem roller. 1320.00
64 424.40 471.50 Pneumatic road Roller 1035.00
65 429.00 476.50 GSB Plant 50 Cum 920.00
66 433.60 481.50 Generator 250 KVA 1550.00
67 438.20 486.50 Generator set 125 KVA 1090.00
68 442.80 491.50 Generator set 35 KVA 620.00
69 447.40 496.50 Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum 345.00
70 452.00 501.50 Tipper 5.50 cum capacity per Tonne per km 4.50
71 456.60 506.50 Tipper 5.50 cum per km 45.00
72 461.20 511.50 Plate compactor/Power rammer 40.00
73 465.80 516.50 Mason 193.40
74 470.40 521.50 Black smith 188.00
75 475.00 526.50
76 479.60 531.50
77 484.20 536.50
78 488.80 541.50
79 493.40 546.50
80 498.00 551.50
81 502.40 556.25
82 506.80 561.00
83 511.20 565.75
84 515.60 570.50
85 520.00 575.25
86 524.40 580.00
87 528.80 584.75
88 533.20 589.50 Tipper 10Tonne capacity for carriage of stone
89 537.60 594.25 chips from stock pile on road side to chip
90 542.00 599.00 spreader
91 546.40 603.75
92 550.80 608.50
93 555.20 613.25
94 559.60 618.00
95 564.00 622.75
96 568.40 627.50
97 572.80 632.25
98 577.20 637.00
99 581.60 641.75
100 586.00 646.50
101 590.20 651.00
102 594.40 655.50
103 598.60 660.00
104 602.80 664.50
105 607.00 669.00
106 611.20 673.50
107 615.40 678.00
108 619.60 682.50
109 623.80 687.00
110 628.00 691.50
111 632.20 696.00
112 636.40 700.50
113 640.60 705.00
114 644.80 709.50
115 649.00 714.00
116 653.20 718.50
117 657.40 723.00
118 661.60 727.50
119 665.80 732.00
120 670.00 736.50
121 674.20 741.00
122 678.40 745.50
123 682.60 750.00
124 686.80 754.50
125 691.00 759.00
126 695.20 763.50
127 699.40 768.00
128 703.60 772.50
129 707.80 777.00
130 712.00 781.50
131 716.20 786.00
132 720.40 790.50
133 724.60 795.00
134 728.80 799.50
135 733.00 804.00
136 737.20 808.50
137 741.40 813.00
138 745.60 817.50
139 749.80 822.00
140 754.00 826.50
141 758.20 831.00
142 762.40 835.50
143 766.60 840.00
144 770.80 844.50
145 775.00 849.00
146 779.20 853.50
147 783.40 858.00
148 787.60 862.50
149 791.80 867.00
150 796.00 871.50