Advertisement No. 11/2020: Access Link RECRUITMENT-2020' On
Advertisement No. 11/2020: Access Link RECRUITMENT-2020' On
Advertisement No. 11/2020: Access Link RECRUITMENT-2020' On
Opportunity for technically qualified persons to join as Technical & Support Staff in CSIR - Central Drug
Research Institute, Lucknow in the areas of Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Pre-clinical Sciences and
Scientific & Technical support divisions of CSIR-CDRI.
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is a constituent laboratory under Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), New Delhi. It is a unique R&D Institution in the country with state-of-the-art infrastructure for
fundamental chemical and biomedical research driven new drug discovery and development. Institute is richly
contributing to the advancement of understanding of disease biology in the areas of national priorities, and set-off
revolution of Indian pharma sector over the past 70 years. In the coming years, Institute would like to focus unmet as
well as unaffordable medical needs of the nation, including re-emerging parasitic & infectious diseases and those
diseases which Indian population is bracing due to changed life style including ageing related diseases.
The Institute invites applications from suitably qualified, dynamic, result-oriented and dedicated Indian candidates for
the following vacant posts of Technical & Support Staff on direct recruitment basis:
SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; OBC: Other Backward Class; PWD: Person with Disability and UR:
*Approximate total emoluments on minimum of scale including House Rent Allowance in Lucknow City.
** Please see age relaxation under Relaxation Column
Post Code Post Group No. of Essential Qualification Desirable Job specification
Posts; Qualification /
Name of the post Pay Band & Reservation Experience
& & Age Limit
Grade Pay
Area of work Level
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rs. 56100- 1 EWS BVSc & AH with 55% Handling of To be deployed in the
Senior Technical 177500 marks with registration with laboratory animals, Laboratory Animal
Officer (1) VCI minimum two years’ Facility under the
Level 10 research experience supervision of
35 years
Transgenic in mammalian egg Chairperson,
Animal Models biology and Neuroscience Division.
embryology along The incumbent is
with basic exposure expected to support in
to molecular biology. maintenance of
Genetically modified
rodent colonies along
with their genotyping;
technical help to
scientists in raising
transgenic mice and
newer animal models in
the area of ageing
Rs. 56100- 1 UR MBBS with 55% marks MD / MS / Diploma To be deployed in the
Lady Medical 177500 in Obstetrics and CSIR Dispensary, shall
Officer Gynecology. attend patients on OPD
Level 10 basis at CSIR
(Gynecology) / Sr. 35 years Candidates having Dispensary,
Technical Officer which
experience of includes common
(1) treating employees/ medical problems, follow-
pensioners of up of chronic medical
Central / State diseases apart from
Government Gynecological
Departments/ Public consultations.
sector undertaking /
Autonomous bodies
Technical Officer & Technical Assistant Total 42: 15 UR, 4 SC, 4ST ,13 OBC, 4 EWS, 2 PWD (1 OH & 1 VH) & 2 backlog
posts for Technical Assistant (1-PwD-HH & 1-ST)
automation and scientific
TA04 Experience of at
Gr. III(3) 2 UR B.Tech or equivalent in To be deployed in the
least two years in
Technical Pharmaceutical Division of
Rs. 44900- 1 SC performing LC-
Officer Sciences/ Pharmaceutics and
142400 MS/MS /HPLC
Pharmaceutical Pharmacokinetics. The
Level 7 Technology / analysis in incumbent is expected to
Bioanalytical, 30 years
Analytical, Pharmaceutical Analysis industry for assist the division in
Formulation / Quality Assurance / analytical/bioanaly method development
Pharmaceutical tical work. And/or and analysis of API as
Chemistry / Biomedical working well as formulations.
Engineering / experience in BA- To perform
Pharmaceutical BE bioanalytical pharmacokinetic
Biotechnology with 55% centre recognised studies using modern
marks by the CDSCO, analytical instruments
familiarity with
Design and handling of
Guidelines and animal studies. To
Drugs and assist in formulation
Cosmetics Act and development using
Rules. different techniques
homogenization. The
candidate also need to
perform quality control
of formulations using
modern analytical
instruments like
Rs. 44900- 1 UR BTech or equivalent with Experience of To be deployed in the
Technical Officer 142400 55% marks in working in Sophisticated Analytical
Instrumentation Sophisticated Instrument Facility. Job
Level 7 Engineering / Biomedical Analytical Instrument specification include
Biophysical 30 years
Instruments Engineering / Facilities and quality control and
Pharmaceutical Sciences / biomedical sample analysis and
Analytical Chemistry / instrumentation report generation of
Quality Assurance / facilities including sophisticated Instruments
Pharmaceutical Analysis / NMR / Mass / and technical
Pharmaceutical Electron Microscopy maintenance support.
Biotechnology / Candidate will also carry
out other tasks assigned
by superiors.
Rs. 44900- 1 UR MBA in HR management or Aptitude for original To be deployed in the
Technical Officer 142400 Public Relations / Mass science writing for Director secretariat and
communications / Finance / mass media. shall look after
Level 7 R&D / Healthcare / Proficiency in Hindi management of Director
Director 30 years
Secretariat Pharmaceuticals / Biotech and English writing Office, Coordination and
management with 55% and communication, organization of industry
marks after 1 class BSc in organizational skills. visits and visits by
Life Sciences and Chemical dignitaries, Public
Sciences subject. relation establishment,
Publicity and
Institutional Publications,
Organization of events &
meetings, preparation of
minutes, background
reports and documents,
etc. Follow up on
implementation of policy
decisions, collation and
communication of
information, Notification
of decisions of the
Director. Support in
informed decision.
TA07 1st class B.Sc. (Sci.) with Skilled professionals To be deployed in the
Rs. 35400- 2 SC Life Sciences / Biological in genomics and Divisions of
Technical 112400 Sciences / Zoology / proteomics to handle Biochemistry/ Cancer
2 ST
Assistant Level 6 Biotechnology/ advanced laboratory Biology/ Endocrinology/
1-ST Biochemistry / Biomedical equipment’s such as Molecular & Structural
Life Sciences (Backlog) Science as one of the Next Generation Biology / Neuroscience &
subjects with one year full Sequencing (NGS), Ageing Biology /
3 OBC time professional Mass Spectrometer, Pharmacology.
qualification in life science Digital PCR, Micro-
technology / Medical Lab Array, Fluorescence The incumbent is
3 UR technology / pathology / Microscope etc. expected to scientists in
biomedical science or with carrying out genomics,
one year experience in Experience in Proteomics, gene
28 Years Genomics/ Human regular sequencing, cloning,
Genetics/ Biotechnology/ biochemical gene expression, Cell &
Biochemistry/ Cancer assays, Molecular Tissue culture, etc.
Biology/ Endocrinology/ techniques such as
Molecular & Structural DNA gel Perform and assist in
Biology/ Neuroscience & electrophoresis, performing regular cell
Ageing Biology from a PCR, Plasmid and tissue based
recognized institute / Isolation etc. biochemical and
organization molecular biology
Experience in experiments such as
Bacterial cell and RT-PCR and Western
mammalian cell Blotting.
Handling of laboratory
Experience in animals and carrying
Rodent handling, out in vivo experiments
Dosing via various in different species.
routes and
Euthanasia Perform/assist
Proficiency in MS
office (Excel, Tabulate and Analyze
PowerPoint and the data using MS
Word) or data excel, prepare reports
handling and presentations.
Lab. Maintenance,
Indent management.
TA08 st
Rs. 35400- 1 UR 1 class BSc (Sci) life At least 2 years’ To be deployed in the
Technical 112400 sciences with one year experience in division of Toxicology
1 ST experience in NABL/NABH/GLP and Experimental
Assistant Level 6
1 OBC NABL/NABH/GLP Certified Certified labs in Medicine.
Regulatory labs / institute / handing and
The incumbent is
Toxicology 28 Years organization or one year maintenance of expected to participate
professional qualification in automated in GLP regulatory
Medical Lab technology instruments as per studies as study
NABL/GLP norms personnel and
or generating and
Histopathological handling study data
Perform animal
experiments and
biochemical assays
Rs. 35400- 1 UR 1st class B.Sc. (Sci) One-year experience To assist the scientists in
Technical 112400 in wet lab of their research activities in
1 SC With one-year full time
Assistant biomedical research the disease areas of
Level 6 professional qualification in in the area of microbial infections,
2 OBC the techniques of of
Microbiology, microbiology / malaria and other
microbiology / pathology / parasitology / parasitic diseases and
Parasitology and biomedical science /
virology 28 Years virology. Hands-on virology area. To work in
Medical laboratory experience of biosafety facility,
technology working in the BSL-3 handling of microbial
OR facility. cultures and tissue
cultures using different
one year working molecular biology
experience in containment techniques.
facility / BSL-3 facility /
handling of microbial
cultures, tissue cultures
and recombinant DNA
techniques from a
recognized institute /
TA10 st
Rs. 35400- 1 UR 1 class BSc (Sci) Familiarity with To be deployed in the
Technical 112400 testing of drug Division of
with One-year experience
Assistant products of API as Pharmaceutics &
Level 6 of working in manufacturing per monograph, Pharmacokinetics. The
28 Years plant/ R&D unit of
Pharmaceutics & experience of incumbent is expected
Pharmaceutical Industry working in to assist the division in
OR manufacturing formulation-
plant in development, drug
in quality control unit for pharmaceutical analysis, handling and
testing API/finished product industry/R&D unit, maintenance of modern
as per monographs from knowledge of ICH pharmaceutical and
recognized institute/ Guidelines and analytical equipment.
Organization Drugs and To assist in in-vitro and
Cosmetics Act and in vivo pharmacokinetic
Rules, higher studies .using modern
qualification, more analytical instruments.
Rs. 35400- 2 UR 1st class B.Sc. (Sci) with M.Sc. Organic To be deployed in the
Technical 112400 one-year full timechemistry with Division of Medicinal &
3 OBC professional qualification inexperience of Process Chemistry.
Assistant Level 6
1 EWS Process Chemistry /working in a The incumbent is
Medicinal & synthetic chemistry /pharmaceutical expected to support in
Process organic chemistry /R&D centres or synthesis of organic
Chemistry medicinal chemistry research institutes compounds /
engaged in Intermediates and
28 Years Or
discovery and operation of
one year experience in the development of sophisticated and
area of organic chemistry / drugs and process analytical instruments
Synthesis of APIs / NCEs / technology
Organic compounds from a
recognized institute /
TA14 st
Gr. III(1) 1 PWD-VH 1 class B.Sc. (Sci) with DOEACC ‘O’ level To be deployed in the
Technical B.Lib.Sci course or Knowledge Resource
Rs. 35400- equivalent with Centre. The incumbent
Assistant 112400
28 Years hands on is expected to assist in
Knowledge Level 6 experience on subscription of journals,
Resource Centre computer data entry of books and
programming / journals on different
library automation formats of KOHA
software, maintenance
of circulation of
activities of KRC.
Maintenance of
institutes digital
knowledge repository
using DSpace
Gr. III(1) 1 UR 1st class B.Sc. (Sci) with MSc Physics / To be deployed in the
Technical one year full time Chemistry / Life Division of Sophisticated
Rs. 35400- professional qualification in Sciences with Analytical Instrument
Assistant 112400
28 Years Biomedical instrumentation experience of Facility. To look after
SAIF Level 6 working in quality control and
Sophisticated sample analysis and
one year experience in the Analytical Instrument report generation of
sophisticated analytical Facilities and sophisticated Instruments
instrumentation from a biomedical and technical
recognized institute / instrumentation maintenance support.
organization facilities including Candidate will also carry
NMR / Mass / out other tasks assigned
Electron Microscopy by superiors.
Gr. II(1) Technicians: Total 11: 4 UR, 2SC, 3 OBC, 1 EWS, 1 PWD-HH
TN01 Gr. II (1) 1 OBC SSC/10 Standard with Wet lab experience To assist in laboratory
Science subjects with 55% in chemical work and synthesis of
Technician (1) Rs. 19990- marks plus ITI certificate or science organic compounds /
63200 National / State trade Intermediates and
Medicinal &
Process Level 2 certificate in Lab assistant operation of
Chemistry 28 Years (Chemical) or 2 years’ full sophisticated and
time experience as an analytical instruments
apprentice training from a
recognized institution in
chemical engineering / Bio-
chemical engineering /
Pharmaceutical science
th To be deployed in the
TN02 Gr. II (1) 1 UR SSC/10 Standard with Proficiency in MS Neuroscience & Ageing
Science subjects with 55% office (excel, Biology / Molecular
Technician (1) Rs. 19990- 1 SC marks plus ITI certificate or PowerPoint and
63200 Parasitology &
Life sciences national / state trade Word) Immunology / Toxicology
Level 2 certificate in Lab Assistant & Experimental Medicine.
28 Years or 2 years’ full time Experience of
experience as an performing bench
experiments Selected Candidate will
apprentice training from a be responsible for Cell
recognized institution in related to
biochemistry and and tissue culture,
Bio-medical engineering / Perform and assist
Biotechnology / Medical molecular biology
biochemical and
Laboratory Technology molecular biology
Handling of laboratory
animals and assist in in
vivo experiments.
To participate in GLP
regulatory studies as
study personnel and
generating and
handling study data
TN03 Gr. II (1) 1 UR SSC/10 Standard with 1st class To be deployed in the
Science subjects with 55% B.Sc.(Sci)/ B Tech Academic Affairs / HRD/
Technician (1) Rs. 19990- 1 EWS marks plus ITI certificate or (Biotech) with one Scientific Directorate /
63200 national / state trade year experience in Business development &
management Level 2 certificate in Information handling Academic IPR. Selected candidates
technology / Data entry Affairs at a to assist in Academic
28 Years operator / Business recognized Affairs activities,
Management / Secretarial institute / Admission, Coordination
Practice / Computer organization of Coursework, Pre-PhD
Operator or 2 years’ full classes, thesis
time experience as an submission and viva
apprentice training from a voce examination, CSIR-
recognized institution in 800 projects,
Information Technology / Coordination with
Secretarial / Commercial students and Alumni.
practice / Modern Office Supporting the higher
Practice Management. authorities in Preparation
of reports, Management
of records, Coordination
of Industry visits &
Meetings, Exhibitions,
Institutional events and
Publications, digitization
of records, press and
media coverage. Support
in project monitoring and
evaluation activities and
documents. Management
of visitors and reception
articles, recording of
animal birth and deaths,
proper disposal of animal
carcasses and other
biological wastes,
relevant record keeping
and any other associated
work assigned.
TN05 Gr. II (1) 1 PWD-HH SSC/10 Standard with Diploma in To be deployed in the
science subject with 55% Environmental centralised utility
Technician (1) Rs. 19990- marks plus ITI certificate or engineering / services. Incumbent to
63200 national /state trade Environmental look after Operation &
Centralized Utility 28 Years
Service Level 2 certificate in Hospital Science/ Sanitary supervision of cleaning
House Keeping / Health Engineering/ and housekeeping
Sanitary Inspector / Health Chemical services of CDRI
Safety & Environment or Engineering or its premises.
02-year full time experience equivalent
as an apprentice training Must be aware of Good
from a recognised Candidate must Laboratory Practices
institution in housekeeping have knowledge of guidelines for up
MS Office, MS keeping of laboratories.
word, MS Excel etc
and modern Responsible to maintain
application tools. day to day operation and
upkeep the system.
Gr. II (1) 1 UR SSC/10th Standard with 12 standard Pass To be deployed in the
Technician (1) Science subjects with 55% and having post electrical section of
Rs. 19990- marks plus ITI certificate or qualification laboratory engineering
Electric Services 63200 national / state trade experience of 2 services, to look after
28 Years
Level 2 certificate in Electrician years in Electrical internal electrification
trade or 2 years’ full time Trade viz. wiring, locating
experience as an electrical faults, repair
apprentice training from a of small electrical
recognized institution in equipment and working
Electrician trade. knowledge of electrical
TN07 Gr. II (1) 1 SC SSC/10th Standard with Preference will be To be deployed in the
Science subjects with 55% given to candidate CSIR Dispensary.
Technician (1) Rs. 19990- marks plus ITI certificate or with minimum of Candidate will have to
63200 national / state trade three years’ assist the Doctors and
Dispensary 28 Years
Level 2 certificate in Nursing trade experience in a carry out their
or 2 years’ full time recognized instructions in the
experience as an hospital and discharge of various
apprentice training from a knowledge of kind of duties at the
recognized institution in working on dispensary level
Nursing trade. computer
I. Mode of selection for Technician-1 (Support Staff): The candidates as
recommended by the Screening Committee will be invited for Trade Test. Those who
qualify in the Trade Test will be invited for a competitive written examination. The
final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the performance of the candidate in the
competitive written examination.
Medium of The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the
Questions questions on English Language.
B. Mode of Examination for Technical Assistant [Erstwhile Group III(1) & III(2)]
For these posts, there will be three papers. The second and third paper will be evaluated only
for those candidates who secure the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the
Selection Committee) in the first paper.
Medium of The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the
Questions questions on English Language.
Paper – II (Time Allotted – 30 minutes)
There will be three papers. The Paper II and Paper III will be evaluated only for those
candidates who secure the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the Selection
Committee) in Paper I.
Mode of Examination – OMR Based or Computer Based Objective Type Multiple Choice
Medium of Questions – The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the questions
on English Language.
Standard of exam – Post Graduate Diploma / Post Graduation / B.E. / B.Tech level (based on
the advertised qualification of the post).
Paper-I (Time Allotted – 1 hour)
III. Mode of selection for the post of Senior Technical Officer (1): The candidate as
recommended by the Screening Committee will be invited for interview.
• The post carry Pay and Allowances, such as HRA and Traveling allowance etc.
at Central Government rates as applicable to the employees of Council at the
place of posting. In addition, other benefits such as Leave Travel Concession
and Reimbursement of Medical expenses and Children’s Education Allowances
etc. are also available, as per CSIR rules. Accommodation will be provided as
per CSIR Allotment Rules depending on availability in which case HRA will not
be admissible.
1 Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST and by 3 years in the case
of OBC candidates for the posts which are reserved for the respective categories.
Relaxation of upper age limit for Ex-servicemen will be applicable as per GOI rules.
(SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against unreserved posts will not be eligible for age
2 i) Age relaxation to Persons with Disabilities (PWD): Age relaxation of 10 years is
allowed (total 15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs in respect of the posts
reserved for them) to Visually, Hearing and Orthopedically handicapped persons. The
persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce a
certificate in prescribed proforma in support of their claims clearly indicating that the
degree of physical disability is 40% or more. In any case, the appointment of these
candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in accordance with the
standards of medical fitness as prescribed by the Government for each individual posts
to be filled by Direct Recruitment.
3 Upper age limit is also relaxable up to five years for the regular employees working in
CSIR laboratories / institutes, Government Departments, autonomous bodies and public
sector undertakings. This relaxation is admissible to such of the government servants
as are working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a
relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post
will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of the posts, recruitment to which
has been advertised.
4 Person with disability is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central
Government Employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a ‘person
with disability’ or as a ‘Central Government Employee’ whichever may be more
beneficial to him/her.
5 Relaxation in age limit, qualifications and/or experience may be allowed in the case of
exceptionally meritorious candidates at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
However, any relaxation in respect of age, experience etc. in relation to the posts
advertised will be applicable as per CSIR/GOI Rules.
6 SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EWS candidates shall require to produce the required certificate in
the prescribed format duly signed by the issuing authority at the time of trade
test/interview. OBC candidate shall produce the certificate valid for appointment of posts
under the Central Government.
7 As per GOI provisions, age relaxation to Widows, Divorced Women and Women
Judicially separated from Husbands, the upper age limit is relaxable upto the age of 35
years (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled tribes in respect of
the posts reserved for them) for Widows, divorced Women and Women judicially
separated from their Husbands who are not remarried. The persons claiming age
relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce following documentary
evidence: -
i) In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit
that she has not remarried since.
ii) In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their
husbands, a certified copy of the judgement/decree of the appropriate Court
to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be with
an Affidavit in respect of divorced Women and they have not remarried since.
1. The prescribed educational qualifications should have been obtained from recognized
2. Candidates are required to pay application fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred
only) as per ‘Fee Payment Procedure’ available on the website. The candidates
belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Women/Other Gender category/CSIR Employees/Ex-
Servicemen are exempted from submission of application fee.
3. The date of determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be closing date
prescribed for filling up online application i.e. 05.02.2021. The period of experience in a
discipline/area of work, where-ever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of
acquiring the minimum educational qualification prescribed for that Group/Grade.
4. The hard copy (Print-out) of the application should be accompanied by self-attested
copies of the relevant educational qualifications, experience should reach this Institute
on or before the due date. Incomplete applications, not accompanied with the required
certificates and documents or received after the closing date are liable to be rejected.
5. Candidates working in Government Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector
Undertakings and Government Funded Research Institutions should forward their
Applications through proper channel with a certificate that the applicant will be
relieved of his/her duties in the event of his/her selection.
6. Candidates applying for more than one post code should submit separate application
form in separate envelope for each post code mentioning Post Code No.
7. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be
treated as a disqualification for the post.
8. Enclosures received separately subsequent to the last date of receipt of the application
will not be considered.
9. The decision of the Director CSIR-CDRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance
or rejection of applications, conduct of Trade test and not to fill up all or any of the posts
will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained in this regard from any individual.
10. Deserving candidates may be considered for higher start of pay.
11. The number of vacancies indicated against each category is provisional and may vary
at the time of selection.
12. Candidate should ensure that he/she possesses essential educational
qualification/experience in the relevant area as required in the category/post, for which
he/she is applying, on the last date of filling of online application.
13. The period of experience in the requisite discipline/area of work wherever prescribed
shall be counted w.e.f. the date of acquiring the prescribed minimum educational
qualifications required for that post.
14. Experience certificate must be issued from competent administrative authority of the
concerned organization.
15. Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evident in
original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview. Such
candidate will not be paid any fare.
16. Job specification is indicative; candidates may be assigned any other job depending on
requirement of the Institute.
a. Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE by accessing the website or accessing the link “Technical and Support Staff” available on
CDRI Website
b. For online application process please refer “How-to-apply Online” instructions,
“Fee Payment Procedure’ and ‘Application Replica’ available on the above-
mentioned website.
c. The application is to be submitted in four distinct steps, as below: -
i) Registration (online)
ii) Fee Submission (online)
iii) Application submission (online)
iv) Dispatch of physical copy of online application (manual)
Following documents must be attached along with the Physical/Hard Copy (Print-out) of
Online application form sent by Post :-
(Pradip Kumar)
Administrative Officer