Tugas - Kelompok Mata Kuliah Bahasa Ingris I

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Arryansi Rambu Tegu Nalu Denada Dewyanti Bili

Ika Hillary Nobrihas Mariana Rosadalima Nubatomis

Mariana Veronika Rita Wanda Yunanda Kapitan

Yuli Damayanti Yesua Wilson Demastry Kolly



AND FUTURE TRENDS" on pages 5 - 10 of Handout Week 8 - 9 using one of
the READING TECHNIQUES according to the division of the group!



AND FUTURE TRENDS" on pages 5-10 of Handout Week 8-9 using KWL


Know Want To Konw Learned

 Nursing history  Briefly describe the  Throughout its
 Nursing education history of the distinguished history,
development of nursing and nursing
nursing in Indonesia? have had a significant
 What kind of influence on the lives of
education is applied in mankind. Along with
the word of nursing? the rapid changes in the
area of nursing and
related health care
systems, nurses have
more opportunities to
play an active role in
improving human
health and well-being.
Now, nurses can apply
knowledge, leadership,
passion, and skills that
are vital to expanding
roles which in turn will
increase participation,
responsibility, and
appreciation in various
aspects of life.
 Education in nursing is
a conscious and
planned effort to create
an atmosphere of
learning and the
learning process so that
students actively
develop their potential
in accordance with their
nursing knowledge and
tips so that they can be
applied in the form of
comprehensive bio-
professional services,
addressed to
individuals, family
groups and
communities, both
healthy and sick, which
includes the entire
process of human life.
 Globalization is a  What is the impact of  Nurses play a role in
process in which all globalization? protecting the health of
people in the world  How is the role of all people by providing
are increasingly nurses in facing good health services for
interrelated and globalization? all people.
influence each other.  Nurses must also call
Globalization occurs for global health to
due to the growing become a local concern,
information media so that nurses can be
and technology. active in providing
health services.

 Nurses will need the  Why should nurses  Because nurses of the
skills and abilities to need skills and future will need the
influence policy abilities to influence skills and abilities to
formulation and the policy formulation influence policy
development of and the development formulation and
creative solutions. of creative solutions? develop creative
solutions to
demographic change
and chronic aging.
 Nurses must have  Why is it important to  Proficiency in essential
knowledge and develop the capacity technology with
skills in using of nurses to use curriculum content for
technology. technology future nurses. Nurses
effectively? are the front line staff
in the health system and
their contribution is
important to the success
of the application of
 Nurse Migration  What is the positive  Nurses always take
 Migration Indicators impact of nurse advantage of the
migration? opportunity to move
 Describe the main across national borders
indicators of to pursue new
international nurses to opportunities and better
a country! career prospects.
 There are 2 main
indicators of
international migration
of nurses to a country
"influx" of nurses to the
country from another
source country (or
"outflow" to another
country) and the actual
"stock" of international
nurses (as compared to
nurses sitting at home).

 Problems regarding  How are nursing  Until now, a special

nursing practice law practice laws in law that regulates the
in Indonesia. Indonesia rights and obligations
implemented? of nurses more clearly.
Indonesia is still
implementing the
Minister of Health
Decree No. 1239/2001
as a legal basis for
nursing work, and
resulted in
misconceptions about
the work of nurses.
There are still many
nurses whose jobs are
considered the same as
the work of doctors and
the community also
thinks that the jobs of
doctors and nurses are
the same, even though
in fact their jobs are far
different. Therefore, the
nurses encouraged the
government and the
DPR to accelerate the
discussion of the
Nursing Practice Bill.

 Conslusion is the  What concludes this  The conclusion from

end of a chapter or reading? this reading is that there
text. are many potential
challenges for the
nursing profession in
particular in developing
curricula to meet the
demands associated
with the changing
health care
environment. First,
changes are related to
socio-economic factors
such as globalization,
advances in science and
technology, and
migration of Indonesian

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