Fluoridated Salt: A Cost-Effective Way To Prevent Dental Caries at Community Level
Fluoridated Salt: A Cost-Effective Way To Prevent Dental Caries at Community Level
Fluoridated Salt: A Cost-Effective Way To Prevent Dental Caries at Community Level
Fluoridated salt
A cost-effective way to
prevent dental caries at
community level
Cover image: Dubravko Soric
Fluoride is a natural mineral found using drinking water, table salt or water fluoridation is either techni-
throughout the earth‘s crust and food supplements. cally or politically impossible.
widely distributed in nature. Some
foods and water supplies contain Both water and salt fluoridation are What are the risks?
fluoride. considered extremely cost-effective
in preventing dental caries. The flu- Health risks associated with fluori-
The use of fluoride strengthens oridation of water is considered by dation are mainly related to misuse
tooth enamel and reduces the the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and overdoses. Dental fluorosis is
harmful effects of plaque. Fluoride and Prevention as „one of 10 great a condition caused by an excessive
also makes the entire tooth structure public health achievements of the intake of fluorides characterized by
more resistant to decay and pro- 20th century”. yellow or brown stains on the teeth.
motes remineralization, which aids
in repairing early demineralisation In some countries where large, Some advocacy groups also publish
before the damage is even visible. centralized water systems are reports on the hazards of fluorida-
uncommon, fluoride is delivered to tion. The activists point to toxicity
Most commonly, fluoride is applied the population by fluoridating table warnings on toothpaste, concluding
topically to the teeth using gels, salt. Salt fluoridation is recognized that any substance needing such ca-
varnishes, toothpaste/dentifrices worldwide as a proven and viable reful dosage must be dangerous. The
or mouth rinse. Systemic delivery means of consumer choice-related, World Health Organisation (WHO)
involves fluoride supplementation community-based fluoridation where states that fluoride has both bene-
Fluoridated salt
these countries illustrate significant dental caries by as much as 84 per- Marthaler TM. Changes in the prevalence of den-
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dental caries. In Jamaica, caries- changes in diet? Caries Res (suppl. 1)
Fluoride toothpaste, rinses, var- 1990;24:3-15.
free children increased from 2.8%
to 61.7%%, with 96% fluorosis free nish applications and supplements Marthaler TM, Steiner M, Menghini GD, Bandi A:
(Estupinan-Day et al. 2001). Caries may have proven themselves in the Caries prevalence in Switzerland. Int Dent J
prevalence decreased 73% in Costa West, but they are not universally 1994;44:393–401.
Rica (Solorzano et al. 1999); 44% in affordable. Salt fluoridation is highly Marthaler TM. Salt Fluoridation in Europe, Com-
Mexico and 40% in Uruguay (Irigo- equitable, benefiting equally rich and parisons with Latin America. In: Geertman
yen & Camacho 1997). poor, young and old, urban and rural RM, editor. 8th World Salt Symposium. Amster-
dwellers, those with access to pro- dam: Elsevier; 2000. p. 1021-1025.
Today, fluoridated salt for household fessional dental services and those Marthaler TM. Changes in Dental Caries
use is widely available in the fol- without. 1953–2003. Caries Res 2004;38:173–181
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land, France, Germany, Spain, Aust- Kariesbefall bei Schülern des Kantons Glarus
ria, Hungary and Czech Republic. in den Jahren 1974 bis 1992: Wirkung der Salz-
fluoridierung. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed
Safety considerations
Solorzano, Beltran, Salas, Chavarria, Estupinan:
Prevalence and trends of dental caries in Costa
The combination of both salt and
Rican school children from 1984 to 1999. J of
water fluoridation is not recommen- Dent Res 90 (Spec Issue): 36 (2001)
ded. About 200-250 mg fluoride per
kg of salt is reported to be equiva- Wespi H J: Fluoridiertes Kochsalz zur Caries-
prophylaxe. Schweiz. Med Wschr 80: 561–564
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