Evaluation and Analysis of Uncertainty Measurement of The Sound Level Meter Calibration by Coupler Method
Evaluation and Analysis of Uncertainty Measurement of The Sound Level Meter Calibration by Coupler Method
Evaluation and Analysis of Uncertainty Measurement of The Sound Level Meter Calibration by Coupler Method
Abstract: The calibration of sound level meter (SLM) using a coupler method has been introduced. This
method utilizes a multifunction acoustic calibrator as a portable laboratory instrument. By the reason of its
convenient application, it is appropriate to be realized by the secondary calibration laboratory. To complete the
requirement of calibration result provided by ISO 17025, an analysis of the uncertainty measurement related to
this calibration is strongly needed. Therefore, this work aims to provide an evaluation and analysis of some ele-
ments that influence to the coupler method of SLM calibration using the statistical approximation to determine
the major parameters such as standard uncertainty, combine uncertainty, degree of freedom, and expanded un-
certainty in accordance with The Guide to the expressions of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). Moreover, a
case study related to this instrument calibration also discussed along this paper. From the result, the uncertainty
budgets that contribute to the SLM calibration has been obtained, and generally, it is found that the standard
instrument has the highest contribution to the determination of the expanded uncertainty. For the whole results,
the obtained uncertainty values are still acceptable according to the acceptance limit values that required by IEC
Keywords: calibration of sound level meter; coupler method; GUM; uncertainty measurement.
Article history: Received 2 May 2020, Accepted 25 August 2020, Published January 2021.
c Fisika, FSAD-ITS
serially, where it can be expressed as follow: there is no statement and information what the used dis-
r tribution and its confidence level. Hence, the appropri-
1 ate distribution that should be applied of this budget is
Stdev = Σ(Li − L̄) (2)
N −1 the square. Therefore, this uncertainty budget (u4 ) can
be calculated as follow:
where, Li is the individual of sound pressure level mea-
Udrif t
surement, while is the mean value of L measurements, u4 = √ (6)
and N is number of measurement series at the same con- 3
ditions. After that, the standard uncertainty of this bud-
get (u1 ) can be calculated using the Eq.(3). 5. Sound pressure response measurement of the standard.
It is found from the manual book of the corresponding
Stdev instrument. By the reason of there are no information
u1 = √ (3) that explained the confidence level, so the square distri-
bution is appropriate to be applied for this component.
2. Readability of UUT. It is determined based on its res- Therefore, the standard uncertainty (u5 ) can be calcu-
olution, and therefore, the standard uncertainty of this lated as follow:
component (u2 ) can be assigned as follow:
a Uresponese
u2 = √ (4) u5 = √ (7)
3 3
where, a is a half of UUT resolution, and 3 is a divi- 6. Accuracy level of the standard. The same source is
sor of the square distribution according to GUM [6]. In obtained as the previous budget. After that, the stan-
addition, an uncertainty budget is stated to be used this dard uncertainty according to this component (u6) can
distribution if there is no information further related to be calculated respectively as follow::
the corresponding budget [6].
u6 = √ (8)
3. The calibration of nominal SPL of the reference instru- 3
ment. It is taken from the last certificate of calibration
as mentioned above, where it is stated the confidence 7. Total harmonic distortion and noise (THD + N). This
level has a value is 95%, so it should use a normal distri- is a part of calibration of nominal SPL of the reference
bution that has divisor of 2, and the standard uncertainty instrument, and it can be calculated respectively as fol-
(u3 ) calculated as follow: low:
Ucertif icate UT HD
u3 = (5) u7 = (9)
2 2
4. Drift of the reference instrument. As mentioned above, 8. Capability of the insulation box to insulate the back-
it is obtained from the annual check, and moreover, ground noise from outside. The same step also applied,
Bondan Dwisetyo et al. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 14-19, 2021 17
In addition, the other of principal parameters also is deter- Afterwards, k can be calculated using the programmable
mined, and it consists of sensitivity coefficient for the budgets software for the convenient, where in this work, a spreadsheet
of uncertainty (ci ), and a degree of freedom (vi ). The first pa- excel is used that has capability to calculate k using the func-
rameter is described how the obtained measurand varies with tion of TINV (probability; vef f ), where the probability is con-
changes in the values of the other parameters. In particular, sidered as a level of hesitancy that has value of 5%, and it is as-
the change in the main measurand produced by a small change signed from the normal distribution with the confidence level
of another parameter, and is given by calculating the partial of 95% . Finally, the expanded uncertainty (U) is determined
derivative of the Eq.(1) to the input parameter [6]. Therefore, by using the formula as follow:
it can be expressed mathematically as follow:
U (L) = kuc (L) (17)
ci = (11)
∂xi Later, this quantity will be compared with the acceptance limit
value required by IEC 61672-1.
Meanwhile for the second parameter, it depends on the type
of used uncertainty method. It can be calculated by subtract-
ing total amount of the measurement data (N) with 1 for A-
type, meanwhile for the other, it should be infinite accord-
ing to JCGM and an estimation result of the published paper.
Therefore, these parameters can be written serially as follow: In this work, the case study of uncertainty evaluation of
SLM calibration using the coupler method was provided for
vi = N − 1 for type-A (12) the A-frequency weighting parameter at the sound pressure
vi = ∝ for type-B (13) level of 114 dB, where the calibration process and its calcula-
tion were applied separately. The calibration was conducted
in a laboratory of acoustics and vibration BSN using the sys-
V. DETERMINATION OF COMBINED STANDARD tem apparatus consists of a class-2 SLM as a unit under test
UNCERTAINTY (UUT), a reference instrument (Multifunction Acoustic Cali-
brator B&K 4226), and an insulation box.
During the calibration, there was no alteration of environ-
Furthermore, the combined standard uncertainty can be cal-
mental conditions, where it was recorded as 24.2◦ C, 63%RH,
culated using the equation as follow [8]:
and 100.0 kPa for ambient conditions of temperature, relative
u2c (L) = ΣN 2 2 humidity, and air pressure respectively inside the insulation
i=1 ci ui (14)
box. The data was taken five times for the corresponding fre-
From this equation, coefficient of sensitivity of the afore- quencies, where the details of the result shown in Table I.
said budgets is calculated using the equation (10), where in The determination of uncertainty measurement for SLM
this work, it is found that this value is 1. Hence, the combined calibration by the coupler method is written in Table I. For
standard uncertainty is written as follow [8]: the first parameter represented by the UUT, the uncertainty
component consists of the repeated measurement and its read-
ability. The former has the standard uncertainty values vary
uc (L) = u21 + u22 + u23 + u24 + u25 + u26 + u27 + u28 (15) for the measurement frequencies, where the maximum value
is found at the frequency of 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and
8 kHz that its value is about 0.02 dB. Meanwhile for the later,
VI. DETERMINATION OF EXPEANDED UNCERTAINTY the standard uncertainty value is seen to be equal for the cor-
responding frequencies that are obtained and calculated using
The expanded uncertainty can be determined by multiply B-type.
the combined uncertainty that has the confidence level is 67%, Subsequently, the second parameter represented by the
with a coverage factor (k). Furthermore, there are some guide Multifunction Acoustic Calibrator provides the most compo-
to obtain k value, and it can be conducted by using t-student nents that contribute to the uncertainty calculation, and it can
table or calculating the other parameter that is considered as be seen that the standard uncertainty tends to be steady for the
effective of degree of freedom that expressed as vef f . For the component that is obtained from SPL calibration and THD+N
first guide, the table has mentioned that the coverage factor report. Subsequently, the remain components that comprise
(k) vary in the corresponding of confidence level, where it is the drift value of this standard instrument therewith sound
found that this parameter has the value 1.96 for the confidence pressure response and level of accuracy are shown that the
level of 95%. Subsequently, the other guide also can be im- standard uncertainty values lean to go up and down beyond
plemented by calculating effective degree of freedom using these frequencies. Afterward, the last parameter is given by
18 Bondan Dwisetyo et al. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 14-19, 2021
FIG. 3: Expanded uncertainties comparison (Blue: IEC 61672-1:2013, Red: Proposed coupler method)
TABLE I: Calculation of uncertainty measurement of sound level meter calibration for SPL 114 dB.
No Uncertainty budged S t a n d a r d U n c e r t a i n t y (dB)
Parameter Component 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz
1 Sound Level Repeatability (Tipe A) 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
Meter UUT Readability 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
2 Multifunction SPL of 114 dB 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05
Calibrator Drift 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
B&K 24226 Sound pressure response 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.17
Level of accuracy 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.14
THD + N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Insulation box Insulation capacity 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
uc (dB) 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.24
vef f 207.30 202.41 255.97 218.66 203.73 200.68 167.85 124.69
k 95% 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.98
u (dB) 0.29 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.28 0.29 0.33 0.48
the insulation box that assists the standard uncertainties is coupled to this standard. It can be seen in the datasheet of
about 0.06 dB for all frequencies. multifunction acoustic calibrator that shown that the level of
After that, the combined uncertainty (uc ) and the effective accuracy and SPL response has the biggest correction value at
of degree of freedom (vef f ) is calculated, and therefore, the the high frequencies.
multifunction acoustic calibrator withal the sound pressure re- In addition, comparison of the determined expanded uncer-
sponse and level of accuracy has the highest contribution to tainties and its acceptance values provided by IEC 61672-1:
calculate the combined uncertainty at the frequency of 8000 2013 [9] is shown in Fig.3. The obtained expanded uncer-
Hz that its value is 0.24 dB. After that, by determining k value tainty values in this work that represented by the red triangles
for the confidence level of 95%, the expanded uncertainty (Uc ) are below to the maximum of acceptance values that expressed
can be obtained, and its value reaches up to 0.48 dB of this fre- by the blue dots for all frequencies as seen in Fig.3. The two
quency. Meanwhile for the other frequencies, it has a value at curves have a difference of its trend slightly, where it is shown
the range of 0.24-0.33 dB. that the obtained Uc start to increase about 0.1 dB at frequency
In contrast to using the absolute method that has the ex- of 4000 Hz and go up to 8000 Hz with the same increasing
panded uncertainty tend to be flat in this frequency range, the value. Meanwhile for the curve that given by IEC 61672-1:
coupler method of SLM calibration tends to increase at the 2013, it is equal from the initial frequency to 4000 Hz, af-
high frequencies. It can be explained that at this frequency, ter that, the similar condition is found as well as the previous
the sound that generates by the standard instrument is easier curve. Hence, the results of this work are still acceptable and
to be flanking transmission when the microphone of SLM is reasonable to be applicated for the calibration of sound level
Bondan Dwisetyo et al. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 14-19, 2021 19
meter further. In addition, the expanded uncertainty is esti- tained expanded uncertainty values in this work are accept-
mated to has a lower value when using the sound level meter able, and therefore, it is reasonable to be proposed to the Com-
test that has better resolution, and it has alteration about 0.1 mittee of National Accreditation (KAN) as the representative
dB for whole frequencies. organization for local accreditation. In addition, this result is
strongly recommended to be compared with another method
to evaluate uncertainty measurement such as the Monte-Carlo
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