Introduction To Different Civil Engineering Specialization
Introduction To Different Civil Engineering Specialization
Introduction To Different Civil Engineering Specialization
Design and analysis of structures used to
support loads in the most economical manner,
with of safety.
Structural Engineering
Make sure that loads applied could be of a
varied nature, including the load on bridges due
focuses on the framework of structures, and on to traffic, effect of strong winds on high
designing those structures to withstand the buildings, load on structures because of
stresses and pressures of their environment and variation in temperatures caused due to
remain safe, stable and secure throughout their changes in weather, and load due to
use. earthquakes.
Structural engineers make sure that buildings Specialties of structural engineering are building
don't fall down and bridges don't collapse. engineering, industrial structures, and pipeline
Structural engineering is among the oldest engineering.
types of engineering, dating back to the first Significant influence on the life, healthiness, and
instance of tree branches being lashed together goods of people, due to which extra vigilance is
with vines to make a shelter. required during the construction and inspection
of the structures
People have been designing and building ofaconstructionteam.
increasingly larger and more sophisticated "In a nutshell," according to the Institution of
structures, from primitive huts to the Structural Engineers, "if a structure was a
International Space Station. human body, then the architect would be
James Lucas (2014) expresses that the names of concerned with the body shape and
the earliest practitioners of Structural appearance, and the structural engineer would
Engineering are lost to antiquity be concerned with the skeleton and sinews."
It is possible that no one will ever know who Analyzing blueprints, maps, reports, and
designed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the topographical and geological data.
Parthenon or the aqueducts of the Roman Estimating the cost and quantities of materials,
Empire. equipment and labor
Structural engineering has been in use since Computing load and grade requirements, water
ages, and one of the greatest ancient flow rates and material stress factors to
structureswasthePyramidofGizathatwasconstru determine design specifications.
ctedinthe26thcenturyBC. Inspecting project sites to monitor progress and
The major structures during the medieval ensure the project is being constructed
period were the pyramids since the shape of the according to design specifications.
pyramids is basically stable Conductingstudiesoftrafficpatternsorenvironme
Theoretical knowledge about the structures was ntalconditionstoidentify potential problems and
limited, and construction techniques were assess how they will affect the project.
based on experience only
The real advancement in the structural
engineering was achieved in the 19th century 1. Critical Thinking Skill
during the industrial revolution when significant 2. Communication Skills
progress was achieved in the sciences of 3. Managerial Skills
structural analysis and materials science. 4. Leadership Skills
Earliest practitioners of structural engineering The design and construction function was
designed the following: subdivided into many engineering specialties
and trade activities respectively.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Managing the multitude of parties and workers
involved in modern projects together with the
Aqueducts of Roman Empire
adversary relationships among the Architect,
Latter-day practitioners of structural engineering: Engineer, General Contractor and owner, is not
an easy task.
Gustave Eiffel > Eiffel Tower and Statue of
This paved the way to the emergence of
construction engineering and management as a
Eero Saarinen > Gateway Arch
discipline, which is a set of professional
Large Hadron Collider James
management activities that must be carried out
Webb Space Telescope > Companies &
to minimize the risks of the uncertainties of
Government Organizations
time and cost, thereby enhancing the
probability of the successful completion of a
Construction Engineering Management project.
Our ancestors in the olden days used soil for an Focus on the topography of the land and the
extensive variety of activities from building and attributes of rocks and soils in the building
creation of construction materials to irrigation process
and flood control. Study water tables and floodplains to come up
The earliest applications were simply related to with the best approach to developments
flood control as well as irrigation as exhibited by Study how a building or development might
traces of dykes, dams, and canals that have sustain itself against the natural order of the
been discovered in some parts of ancient Egypt, land scape where it will be built.
Greece and other parts of the world dating back Work on embankments and around waterworks
to not less than 2000BCE. such as relief tunnels and floodplains
As these areas developed, construction of Monitor drilling
structures which were supported by formalized Geotechnical engineer’s Roles and
foundations begun. For instance, the people of Responsibilities:
Greece notably built pad footings as well as Plan and design structures for buildings, roads,
strip and-raft foundations during this time. embankments and canals
However, the science of soil design was still a Beyond their construction role, the geotechnical
non-existing phenomenon. engineer will also deal with geological hazards
By the 18th century, numerous engineering like landslides, soil erosion, & earthquakes.
problems related to building foundations began
to emerge. The Leaning Tower of Pisa which is a TASK OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS:
tourist attraction today for example presented a 1. Subsurface Investigation
unique challenge at that time. 2. Computer Analysis
What happened is that the tower had been 3. Field test
constructed on soft ground composed mostly of 4. Client Meetings
clay, fine sand, and shells without using enough
stones to make a strong foundation. Due to the SKILLS NEEDED FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING
heavy weight without enough base support, the 1. A Civil Engineering degree from accredited civil
structure had no option but to sink a little bit engineering institution with geotechnical
into the earth. One side happened to go further engineering as main subject in the bachelors or
deeper into the ground than the other causing master's degree.
the tower to lean to one side. The Leaning 2. Good Analytical skill and ability to work as a
Tower of Pisa makes an important part of the team with other members of the project.
history of geotechnical engineering. 3. Excellent knowledge in computer software
The Leaning Tower experience is what pertaining to geotechnical designing.
prompted engineers to start taking a more 4. Excellent written and verbal communication.
scientific approach to setting up foundations of
buildings with respect to soil design and Water Resource Engineering
structure. Significant soil theories guiding the
Concerned with the structures and processes
related to water supplies for human
consumption and the removal of water for NATURE OF WORK OF WATER RESOURCE ENGINEER:
Designing sewer improvement plans or flood
Deals with the provision of water for human
defense programs, and associated structures,
use, and the development of techniques for the
such as pumping stations, pipework and
prevention of destruction from floods.
earthworks (the scale may range from an initial
Planning and management of facilities such as
outline to a full, detailed design)
canals for irrigation and sewers for drainage and
Keeping up to date with environmental matters;
to avoid waterlogging, and all other issues
being aware of policy and developments
related with the usage and control of water.
Presenting technical data or project results;
Ensures that water requirements of society and
both technical and non-technical
environment are met.
Keeping track of the progress of projects from
HISTORY OF WATER RESOURCE ENGINEERING beginning to end - from feasibility, to design
through to construction and handover (or
Water – resources development has had a long
handling just one section of a large project
history, basically beginning when humans
changed from being hunters and food gatherers
to developing of agriculture and settlements.
This change resulted in humans harnessing
water for irrigation. As humans developed, they
Using computer simulations to analyze, for
began to invent and develop technologies, and
example, potential dam failure
to transport and manage water for irrigation.
Devising flood defense strategies
The first successful efforts to control the flow of
Monitoring flood levels at times of high risk
water were in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Since
that time humans have continuously built on SKILLS NEEDED FOR WATER RESOURCE ENGINEERING
the knowledge of water resources engineering.
1. Excellent Analytical Skills
MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF W.R.E. 2. Team-working Skills
3. People-management Skills
Deals with the provision of water for human
4. Information Technology skills
use, and the development of techniques for the
5. Problem-solving Skills
prevention of destruction from floods.
6. Time-management Skills
Includes the planning and management of
7. Project-management skills
facilities that are constructed for these tasks
8. Communication Skills
like making canals for irrigation and sewers for
drainage and to avoid waterlogging, and all Transportation Engineering
other issues related with the usage and control
of water Planning, design, operation, and maintenance
of safe and efficient transportation systems
Deals with sewer systems for storms and
such as roadways, railways, waterways, and
wastewater, irrigation network, river
inter modal operations
engineering, including ice covered rivers,
hydraulic structures, including dams, spillways, The demand is the amount of traffic (people,
floodways and reservoirs, seepage control, cars, railcars, barges) that is expected to use a
hydrology, floods, flow of mud and debris, wave particular transportation facility, while the
analysis supply is the quantity and type of infrastructure
components (roadways, bridges, pavements,
Development of new equipment and systems
for water resource management facilities and
supervision for the construction and HISTORY OF TRASPORTATION ENGINEERING
maintenance of the systems are still scopes of a
water resource engineer. Overland and river routes served the trade of
Mesopotamia five millennia ago.
Roads in Rome were constructed in a large scale Transportation engineers may administer plans with
and it radiated in many directions helping them contractors and determine the overall costs for a
in military operations. Hence, they are project.
considered to be pioneers in road construction.
Also, Transportation Engineers review development
Thorough going changes in transportation
plans to determine potential traffic impact.
accompanied the evolution of the modern
world. A wave of these were seen in Europe in Transportation Engineers also prepare administrative,
the centuries just before 1300, when a network technical, or statistical reports on traffic-operation
of trade centers emerged to replace feudal matters, such as accidents, safety measures, or
economies. pedestrian volume or practices.
By the eleventh century, road transport had
Moreover, on a weekly to monthly basis, they prepare
adopted existing technologies including iron
project budgets, schedules, or specifications for labor or
shoes and harnesses for draft animals, swiveling
materials and plan alteration or modification of existing
front axles for wagons, and bridge building
transportation structures to improve safety or function.
techniques. But because road transport costs
were high, coastal and river transport served Furthermore, they model transportation scenarios to
most movements. evaluate the impacts of activities such as new
Beginning about 1900, developments building development or to identify possible solutions to
on those modes began serving the modern transportation problems.
world with other varieties of air, marine, and