Annual Report: Division of Enforcement

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U. S.


Annual Report
Division of Enforcement

This is a report of the staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Commission has expressed no view regarding the analysis, fndings, or
conclusions contained herein.

Report available on the web at

Message from the Co-Directors ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Initiatives .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Focus on the Main Street Investor......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Policing Cyber-Related Misconduct.....................................................................................................................................................7

The Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative ......................................................................................................................... 8

Discussion and Analysis of Fiscal Year 2018...........................................................................................................................................9

Overall Results ........................................................................................................................................................................................................9

Types of Cases.....................................................................................................................................................................................................10

Distributions to Harmed Investors ........................................................................................................................................................11

Disgorgement and Penalties Ordered..............................................................................................................................................11

Individual Accountability.............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Relief Obtained.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Litigation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Allocation of Resources........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Noteworthy Enforcement Actions ............................................................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19



Last year, the Division of Enforcement issued its frst annual
report discussing the enforcement-related accomplishments of the
Commission. We continue that practice with this report, which
presents and assesses the Division’s work during Fiscal Year (FY)
2018, highlights some of its more signifcant accomplishments,
and discusses key initiatives. We believe that the Division’s work
this year was a great success.

But how do we measure success? As we have often emphasized,

quantitative metrics—for example, the raw number of cases fled
Stephanie Avakian or the total amounts of fnes and penalties assessed during an ar-
CO-DIRECTOR bitrary time period such as a single fscal year—cannot adequately
measure the effectiveness of an enforcement program. Indeed, we
believe a singular focus on such metrics can result in a misalign-
ment of incentives and objectives.

Instead, we believe the effectiveness of the program can better be

measured by assessing the nature, quality, and effects of the Com-
mission’s enforcement actions. Are we deterring future harm by
bringing meaningful cases that send clear and important messages
to market participants? Are we protecting investors and markets
by holding individuals accountable for wrongdoing and removing
bad actors from the securities markets? Are we stripping wrong-
Steven Peikin doers of their ill-gotten gains and returning money to victims? Are
CO-DIRECTOR we acting quickly to stop frauds, prevent future losses, and return
ill-gotten gains to harmed investors?

To be sure, these measuring sticks are more diffcult to employ than counting up the raw
number of cases or offering a gross total of fnancial sanctions. But those raw numbers and
gross totals do little to provide a true picture of whether the Division’s efforts have furthered
the Commission’s three-part mission of protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and
effcient markets, and facilitating capital formation. To effectively assess our performance,
and guide our future efforts, we must be more rigorous and thoughtful in our analysis.

In our report last year, we articulated fve principles that would guide the Division’s
assessment of its performance: (1) focus on the Main Street investor; (2) focus on individual
accountability; (3) keep pace with technological change; (4) impose remedies that most effec-
tively further enforcement goals; and (5) constantly assess the allocation of our resources.
We believe the efforts of the Division’s dedicated leadership and staff—at headquarters in
Washington, DC, and across the country in our 11 regional offces—over the past fscal year
refect a faithful adherence to these principles.

Principle 1: Focus on the Main Street Investor

The Division of Enforcement is focused on protecting the interests of the Main Street, or
retail, investor. These are market participants who need and deserve the attention of the
Commission. Over the past fscal year, the Division investigated and recommended to the
Commission hundreds of cases alleging misconduct perpetrated against retail investors.
Many of those cases were simultaneously resolved, resulting in meaningful and prompt relief.
The balance are being pursued through litigation. Our focus on identifying and addressing
misconduct against Main Street investors has also resulted in a pipeline of hundreds of retail-
focused investigations that were ongoing at the close of the fscal year. Importantly, Division
personnel again worked diligently to return substantial sums to harmed investors—this year
$794 million.

The Division’s focus on protecting Main Street investors was also refected in two important
initiatives over the past fscal year. First, the Retail Strategy Task Force, formed in FY 2018,
contributed to the Division’s retail focus by leveraging enforcement resources and drawing on
expertise from across the Commission to develop and implement strategies and techniques
for addressing the types of misconduct that most affect retail investors. And, second, during
FY 2018, the Commission announced the Share Class Selection Disclosure (SCSD) Initiative,
a program designed to quickly and effciently bring relief to investors who may have been
harmed by failures to disclose conficts of interest related to marketing fees and expenses
associated with the selection of mutual fund share classes. Scores of investment advisers par-
ticipated in the SCSD Initiative, which will result in charges against them. We expect investors
to beneft greatly from money that will be repaid to them by participants in the initiative.
Importantly, a goal of this initiative is to ensure that advisers and their affliates properly
disclose their conficts of interest.

As we said before, we do not believe the Commission faces a binary choice between protect-
ing Main Street and policing Wall Street. It must do both. In many cases, including those
highlighted by our SCSD Initiative, misconduct at these institutions causes substantial harm
to investors on Main Street. This year, as the Division of Enforcement focused its lens on
protecting Main Street investors, it continued to investigate and recommend actions against
fnancial institutions, intermediaries, and other market participants.

Principle 2: Focus on Individual Accountability

Holding individuals accountable for wrongdoing is a key pillar of any strong enforcement
program. Institutions act only through their employees, and holding culpable individuals
responsible for wrongdoing is essential to achieving our goals of general and specifc deter-
rence and protecting investors by removing bad actors from our markets. The SEC’s actions
over the past year illustrate the premium we place on establishing individual liability where
appropriate. In FY 2018, the Commission charged individuals in more than 70% of the stand
alone enforcement actions it brought. Those charged include individuals at the top of the
corporate hierarchy, including numerous CEOs and CFOs, as well as accountants, auditors,
and other gatekeepers.

Principle 3: Keep Pace with Technological Change

Technology continues to transform not only our markets, but also the ability of wrongdoers
to engage in cyber-related and other misconduct. The Division of Enforcement has continued
to work to keep pace with these important changes.

Notably, in FY 2018, the Division’s Cyber Unit became fully operational and—together with
staff across the Division—spearheaded investigations which led to signifcant enforcement
actions in the cyber area. For example, the SEC brought an action against the entity formerly
known as Yahoo! Inc., which was the agency’s frst case against a public company for fail-
ing to properly inform investors about a cyber breach. The SEC also brought its frst action
against a frm for violations of the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule, as well as additional cases
involving false regulatory flings allegedly made for the purpose manipulating the price of

Led by the Cyber Unit, the Division emerged as a global leader in addressing misconduct
relating to digital assets and initial coin offerings (ICOs). We believe our approach to enforce-
ment in this space has been thoughtful and consistent. Importantly, it has provided a template
for authorities in other countries, where fraud and misconduct targeting U.S. investors often
have been based.

Given the explosion of ICOs over the last year, we have tried to pursue cases that deliver
broad messages and have market impact beyond their own four corners. To that end, we have
used various tools—some traditional, such as the Commission’s trading suspension authority,
and some more novel, such as the issuance of public statements—to educate investors and
market participants, including lawyers, accountants, and other gatekeepers. We believe these
investor-protection efforts have been successful.

We also have recommended enforcement actions for conduct ranging from registration
violations, to unregistered broker-dealer activity, to instances in which the purported use of
blockchain-related technology is merely a veneer for outright fraud. A poignant example of
our impactful approach is the SEC’s enforcement action against the co-founders of a pur-
ported fnancial services start-up. This action, coupled with the Enforcement Division’s joint
statement with the Commission’s Offce of Compliance Inspections and Examinations urging
caution around celebrity promotion of ICOs, brought an almost immediate end to such
promotions. Another example is the SEC’s action against an allegedly fraudulent ICO that
targeted retail investors to fund what it claimed to be the world’s frst “decentralized bank.”
We moved quickly to stop the fraud by obtaining a court order, and the action showcased our
ability to obtain a receiver over digital assets.

Finally, the Division has continued to leverage its own technology to accomplish its enforce-
ment goals. Using proprietary tools to conduct sophisticated data analysis, the Division has
identifed and pursued a wide variety of misconduct, including insider trading, “cherry-pick-
ing” schemes, and the sale of unsuitable investment products or programs to retail investors.

Principle 4: Impose Remedies That Most Effectively

Further Enforcement Goals
In each case we bring to the Commission, we seek to recommend a package of remedies and
relief that best addresses the underlying misconduct. In most cases, that will include fnancial
remedies—i.e., disgorgement, penalties, or both—and bars and suspensions, which help to
preserve the integrity of our markets and protect investors. Such relief is essential to ensure ap-
propriate punishment, deprive wrongdoers of their ill-gotten gains, deter would-be wrongdoers
from violating the federal securities laws, and return funds to harmed investors.

Yet we have increasingly looked to the wide range of other tools at our disposal and aimed,
whenever possible, to supplement fnancial remedies by tailoring specifc relief that best ad-
dresses the underlying charged conduct. Two examples from the last fscal year include the
Commission’s settlement with the CEO of Theranos, and the settlement with Tesla and its
Chairman and CEO, both of which paired signifcant monetary relief with investor-oriented
undertakings tailored to both remediate the harm visited on shareholders by the misconduct
at issue and provide shareholders with greater protection in the future.

In the case of Theranos, the Commission alleged that the CEO had misused her near total
control of the company to defraud investors. The Commission’s settlement stripped the CEO
of her super-majority voting control and ensured that she would not beneft from any future
sale or other liquidation event until other shareholders had frst been made whole. In the case
of Tesla, the Commission alleged that the Chairman and CEO had engaged in fraud through
a series of false and misleading tweets about a purported take-private transaction. The
remedies included not only signifcant penalties, but also substantially enhanced corporate
governance—including requiring the appointment of two new independent directors, a
new committee of independent directors, and the CEO to step down as the company’s Chair-
man—as well as oversight of the CEO’s communication practices.

Principle 5: Constantly Assess the Allocation of Our Resources

Effective management and ensuring the appropriate allocation of resources go hand-in-hand.
Because we have limited staff (our total headcount is down approximately 10% from its peak
in FY 2016), and our responsibilities continue to expand with our ever-evolving market, we
must always assess the allocation of our resources.

The results from the past year are derived both from the Division’s dedicated staff rising to
the challenge and from an effective allocation of resources. We shifted resources into mar-
ket segments presenting emerging risks, including cyber threats and ICOs. We implemented
innovative initiatives, such as the SCSD Initiative, which we expect to result in the return of
substantial funds to retail investors. And we have paid careful attention to case selection,
attempting to open and pursue investigations that are likely to have the most meaningful
impact for investors and the markets.

Evaluating Our Efforts

Judged on a qualitative basis—including against the guiding principles discussed above—we
believe the Division of Enforcement achieved many notable successes in FY 2018—recom-
mending that the Commission bring signifcant actions against important market participants,
achieving successes for retail investors, fashioning meaningful and effective remedies and
relief, and addressing emerging and developing risks.

Above we discussed the limitations of raw quantitative metrics. Notwithstanding the limita-
tions associated with such metrics, FY 2018 refected a high level of activity by the Division
of Enforcement. The Commission brought 821 actions (490 of which were “stand alone”
actions) and obtained judgments and orders totaling more than $3.9 billion in disgorgement
and penalties. Signifcantly, it also returned $794 million to harmed investors, suspended
trading in the securities of 280 companies, and obtained nearly 550 bars and suspensions.
By these raw metrics, our overall results improved compared to FY 2017.

These results were achieved despite signifcant challenges. For one, our personnel resources
are down. Due to budgetary constraints, we have lost many of our contracted legal support
personnel and we have been subject to an agency-wide hiring freeze, limiting our ability to
replace employees who have departed. In addition, we have faced a number of challenging
legal decisions. The Supreme Court’s decision in Kokesh v. SEC has limited our ability to
obtain disgorgement in certain long-running frauds. With respect to matters that have already
been fled, we estimate the decision may cause us to forego up to approximately $900 mil-
lion in disgorgement, of which a substantial amount likely could have been returned to retail
investors. And a successful constitutional challenge to the appointment of the Commission’s
administrative law judges in the Lucia v. SEC Supreme Court case has required the Division
to divert substantial trial and other resources to older matters, many of which had been sub-
stantially resolved prior to the decision.

The totality and effectiveness of our efforts in the face of these challenges is a testament to the
dedication of the women and men of the Division of Enforcement. As a result of their efforts,
during the past fscal year, the Division of Enforcement has been successful in its mission. We
look forward to continued success in FY 2019 and beyond.


Stephanie Avakian and Steven Peikin

Co-Directors, Division of Enforcement
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
November 2, 2018

The Division of Enforcement is responsible for civil enforcement of the federal securities laws.
Each year, the SEC brings hundreds of actions against individuals and entities and secures
remedies that protect investors by punishing misconduct, deterring wrongdoing, removing
bad actors from our markets, and, where possible, compensating harmed investors. These
efforts are a critical component of the SEC’s mission to protect investors and maintain conf-
dence in the fairness and integrity of U.S. markets.

The Division’s work is guided by fve core principles: (1) focus on the Main Street investor;
(2) focus on individual accountability; (3) keep pace with technological change; (4) impose
remedies that most effectively further enforcement goals; and (5) constantly assess the alloca-
tion of our resources. As detailed below, Enforcement staff’s focus on these key principles led
to a number of noteworthy initiatives, cases, and other achievements in FY 2018, all of which
were accomplished in the face of resource constraints and a challenging legal landscape for
the Commission’s enforcement program.

The Division of Enforcement covers broad ground. The SEC oversees approximately $90
trillion in annual securities trading, the disclosures of approximately 4,300 exchange-listed
public companies valued at approximately $32 trillion, and the activities of over 27,000
registered entities and self-regulatory organizations. At the close of FY 2017, the Division
took steps to focus additional resources on two key priority areas: protecting retail inves-
tors and combating cyber threats. The Division also announced an important new initiative
designed to focus on misconduct that occurs in the interactions between investment profes-
sionals and their clients.

Focus on the Main Street Investor

During the past fscal year, the Division continued to focus on protecting retail investors.
Over half of the stand alone enforcement actions brought by the SEC in FY 2018 involved
wrongdoing against retail investors.

The Division’s Retail Strategy Task Force (RSTF), which was formed in FY 2018, has made
signifcant contributions to the Division’s retail focus. During FY 2018, the RSTF undertook
a number of lead-generation initiatives built on the use of data analytics. All of the RSTF
lead-generation initiatives involve collaboration with data analytics groups located through-
out the Commission, including the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis (DERA) and the
Offce of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE). These initiatives involve several
important issues impacting retail investors, including: disclosures concerning fees and expens-
es and conficts of interest for managed accounts; market manipulations; and fraud involving
unregistered offerings.

Additionally, in partnership with the Division’s Cyber Unit and Microcap Fraud Task Force,
as well as the Division of Corporation Finance’s Digital Asset Working Group, the RSTF has
launched a lead-generation and referral initiative involving trading suspensions related to
companies that purport to be in the cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology space.

Policing Cyber-Related Misconduct

Since the formation of the Cyber Unit at the end of FY 2017, the Division’s focus on cyber-
related misconduct has steadily increased. In FY 2018, the Commission brought 20 stand alone
cases, including those cases involving ICOs and digital assets. At the end of the fscal year, the
Division had more than 225 cyber-related investigations ongoing. Thanks to the work of the
Unit and other staff focusing on these issues, in FY 2018 the SEC’s enforcement efforts impact-
ed a number of areas where the federal securities laws intersect with cyber issues.

The SEC was active in policing cyber-related misconduct in FY 2018. For instance, at the end
of FY 2018, the SEC brought settled proceedings against an Iowa-based broker-dealer and
investment adviser related to its failures in cybersecurity policies and procedures surround-
ing a cyber intrusion that compromised personal information of thousands of its customers,
in violation of Regulations S-P and S-ID. This was the SEC’s frst action charging violations
of Regulation S-ID, known as the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule, which is designed to protect
customers from the risk of identity theft.1 The SEC also brought charges against a second
defendant in connection with a scheme to allegedly manipulate the price of Fitbit securities
through false regulatory flings.2 And, the SEC charged a day trader with allegedly participat-
ing in a scheme to access the brokerage accounts of more than 100 unwitting victims and
make unauthorized trades to artifcially infate the stock prices of various companies.3

ICOs and Digital Assets

The Division also remains focused on issues related to ICOs and digital assets. In just a few
years, the prevalence of crypto-asset offerings, including ICOs, has exploded. But exuberance
around these markets can sometimes obscure the fact that these offerings are often high-risk
investments. For instance, the issuers may lack established track records, viable products,
business models, or the capacity for safeguarding digital assets from theft by hackers. And
some of the offerings are simply outright frauds cloaked in the veneer of emerging technology.

The Enforcement Division recognizes the need to balance its mission to protect investors from
the risk posed by fraud and registration violations against the risk of stifing innovation and
legitimate capital formation.4 Generally, the Division’s approach to ICOs and digital assets
has taken the following forms:

• The Division has used public statements to send messages to the ICO and digital asset market-
place on issues such as the potentially unlawful promotion of ICOs by celebrities and others,5
and the risks associated with online trading platforms for digital assets.6
• When warranted, the Division has recommended enforcement actions to the Commission in
matters involving ICOs. As of the close of FY 2018, the SEC had brought over a dozen stand
alone enforcement actions involving digital assets and ICOs.7 While many of these cases have
involved allegations of fraud, the Division also has pursued enforcement actions to ensure com-
pliance with the registration requirements of the federal securities laws.8 In the past year, the

Division has opened dozens of investigations involving ICOs and digital assets, many of which
were ongoing at the close of FY 2018.
• The Division’s focus also extends beyond the issuers of ICOs. In FY 2018, the Commission
announced a settled order against two individuals who ran a self-described “ICO Superstore”
that operated as an unregistered broker-dealer and participated in unregistered offerings.9
On the same day, the Commission fled a settled action against a hedge fund manager that
violated an investment company registration provision based on its investments in digital as-
• The Division also has recommended that the Commission use its trading suspension authority
to prevent investors from being harmed by possible scams. In both FY 2017 and FY 2018, the
Commission suspended trading in the stock of over a dozen publicly traded issuers because of
questions concerning, among other things, the accuracy of assertions regarding their invest-
ments in ICOs and operation of cryptocurrency platforms.11

Public Company Disclosures of Cybersecurity Risks and Incidents

The accuracy of cyber-related disclosures is a signifcant priority for the Commission, as evi-
denced by the Commission’s approval in FY 2018 of a statement and interpretive guidance to
assist public companies in preparing disclosures about cybersecurity risks and incidents.12 In
FY 2018, the Commission also brought its frst enforcement action involving charges against
a public company for failing to properly inform investors about what was then the largest
known cyber-intrusion in history. The SEC’s order found that Yahoo! failed to properly assess
the scope, business impact, or legal implications of the breach, including whether, when, and
how the breach should have been disclosed. To settle the action, the entity formerly known as
Yahoo! agreed to pay a $35 million penalty.13

The Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative

The Division of Enforcement also focused on misconduct that occurs in the interactions
between investment professionals and retail investors. One aspect of these interactions in-
volved disclosure failures relating to marketing and distribution fees paid by advisory clients,
often referred to as “12b-1 fees.” These fees are typical for certain share classes offered
throughout the mutual fund industry, and advisers are required to accurately disclose their
practice of selecting a more expensive mutual fund share class when a lower-cost share class
for the same fund is available.

The Commission has brought more than 15 enforcement matters involving share class disclo-
sures in just the last fve years and OCIE has continued to make such disclosures a priority in
its exams and public statements.14 Despite these efforts, disclosure failures persist. Indeed, at
the time the Initiative was announced, the Division had close to a dozen ongoing investiga-
tions—which, on average, take nearly two years to complete—relating to these practices.

In an attempt to address this continuing problem, the Division launched the Share Class
Selection Disclosure Initiative in FY 2018. The Initiative is a voluntary program for invest-
ment advisers to self-report to the Commission their failures to disclose their fnancial
conficts of interest relating to compensation they received in the form of 12b-1 fees.15 The
Initiative has two goals: (1) ensuring that these conficts are adequately disclosed to investors;
and (2) getting money back into the pockets of investors as quickly and effciently as possible.

For those who self-reported by the deadline and satisfy the requirements of the Initiative,
the Enforcement Division will recommend to the Commission settlements with standardized
terms that include antifraud charges and an agreement to pay disgorgement to harmed inves-
tors. In an effort to incentivize participation in the Initiative, the Enforcement Division stated
that it would recommend that the Commission not impose a penalty against those partici-
pating in the Initiative. We believe that by pursuing this Initiative, we will identify, address,
and remediate many more violations—and will do so much more quickly—than if we had
continued to pursue these violations on a case-by-case basis.


Overall Results
In FY 2018, the Commission brought a diverse mix of 821 enforcement actions, of which:

• 490 were “stand alone” actions brought in federal court or as administrative proceedings;
• 210 were “follow-on” proceedings seeking bars based on the outcome of Commission actions
or actions by criminal authorities or other regulators; and
• 121 were proceedings to deregister public companies—typically microcap issuers—that
were delinquent in their Commission flings.

As we noted in last year’s report, cases brought in connection with certain initiatives—such
as the Commission’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (MCDC) Initiative,16
which ran from FY 2015 to FY 2016—can skew the results for a particular year. Accordingly,
the tables below present the results over the past four fscal years, both with and without the
stand alone actions attributable to the MCDC Initiative:

Enforcement Actions Filed in Fiscal Years 2015 to 2018

(including MCDC)

FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015

Stand Alone Enforcement Actions 490 446 548 508

Follow-on Admin. Proceedings 210 196 195 167

Delinquent Filings 121 112 125 132

Total Actions 821 754 868 807

Enforcement Actions Filed in Fiscal Years 2015 to 2018

(excluding MCDC)

FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015

Stand Alone Enforcement Actions 490 446 464 449

Follow-on Admin. Proceedings 210 196 195 167

Delinquent Filings 121 112 125 132

Total Actions 821 754 784 748


As the below chart refects, the number of stand alone enforcement actions brought in FY
2018 increased from the prior year.

Enforcement Actions Filed in Fiscal Years 2015 to 2018






FY2018 FY2017 FY2016 FY2015

USDC & Stand Alone AP Follow On AP Delinquent Filings MCDC

Types of Cases
As the below chart illustrates, a signifcant number of the Commission’s 490 stand alone cases
in FY 2018 concerned securities offerings (approximately 25%), investment advisory issues
(approximately 22%), and issuer reporting/accounting and auditing (approximately 16%).
The Commission also continued to bring actions relating to broker-dealer misconduct (13%),
insider trading (10%), and market manipulation (7%).

Securities Offering

Inv. Adviser/Inv. Company

Issuer Reporting/Audit & Accounting

Broker Dealer

Insider Trading

Market Manipulation

Public Finance

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


Transfer Agent
NRSRO 2017


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

A breakdown of the number and percentage of the types of actions brought in FY 2018 and
FY 2017 is in the attached appendix.

Distributions to Harmed Investors

The Commission places a signifcant priority on returning funds to harmed investors when-
ever possible. Consistent with that goal, a substantial amount of money was returned to
harmed investors again in FY 2018.

Money Distributed to Harmed Investors

(in millions)

FY 2018 FY 2017 FY2016 FY2015

$794 $1,073 $140 $158

A signifcant portion of the total funds distributed in FY 2018 ($474 million) came from one
Fair Fund—a distribution from the BP p.l.c. fund. The balance of the funds distributed in
FY 2018 ($320 million) came from 46 other distribution funds comprised of 25 Fair Funds
($171 million) and 21 Disgorgement Funds ($149 million).

Disgorgement and Penalties Ordered

In FY 2018, the Commission continued to obtain signifcant monetary judgments against par-
ties in enforcement actions. All told, parties in the Commission’s actions and proceedings were
ordered to pay a total of $2.506 billion in disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, a decrease over the
prior year. Penalties imposed totaled $1.439 billion, an increase from the prior year. A signif-
cant amount of the money ordered in FY 2018 came from a single case.17 Total monetary relief
ordered in FY 2018 increased approximately 4% from the prior year. The following table illus-
trates disgorgement and penalties ordered in SEC cases over the past four fscal years:

Total Money Ordered (in millions)

FY 2018 FY 2017 FY2016 FY2015

Penalties $1,439 $832 $1,273 $1,175

Disgorgement $2,506 $2,957 $2,809 $3,019

Total $3,945 $3,789 $4,083 $4,194

As the below table demonstrates, the fve percent of cases that involve the largest fnan-
cial remedies account for the majority of all fnancial remedies the Commission obtains.
Yet the remaining 95% of cases not only constitute the bulk of the Enforcement Division’s
overall activity, but also address the broadest array of conduct.

Total Money Ordered (in millions)

FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015

Total Pct Total Pct Total Pct Total Pct

Top 5% Largest Cases $3,041 77% $2,537 67% $2,835 69% $3,163 75%
Remaining 95% Cases $904 23% $1,252 33% $1,248 31% $1,032 25%
Total $3,945 100% $3,789 100% $4,083 100% $4,195 100%

The Supreme Court’s 2017 decision in Kokesh v. SEC,18 in which the Court held that Com-
mission claims for disgorgement are subject to a fve-year statute of limitations, continues to
have a signifcant effect on the Commission’s efforts to obtain disgorgement. With respect to
matters that have already been fled, the Division of Enforcement estimates that the court’s
ruling in Kokesh may cause the Commission to forgo up to approximately $900 million in dis-
gorgement, of which a substantial amount likely could have been returned to retail investors.

Individual Accountability
Individual accountability is critical to an effective enforcement program and is one of the core
principles of the Division of Enforcement. In FY 2018, 72% of the Commission’s stand alone
actions involved charges against one or more individuals, approximately the same percentage
as in FY 2017 (73%). Many of the individuals charged in FY 2018 include senior offcers at
prominent issuers and other public fgures, including the CEOs of Tesla Inc.19 and Theranos
Inc,20 the former CEO of Seaworld Entertainment Inc.,21 a U.S. Congressman,22 the former
CEOs and CFOs of Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc.23 and Rio Tinto p.l.c.,24 and a professional
football player.25

The Division also has sought to penalize individuals and require them to pay back illegal
gains. In FY 2018, the Commission obtained judgments or orders for disgorgement and/or
penalties from over 500 individuals, representing an increase of 9% over FY 2017.

Relief Obtained
In every enforcement action, the Division seeks appropriately tailored remedies that further
enforcement goals. In addition to disgorgement and penalties, there are a wide array of
potential remedies available. In each case, the Division seeks those remedies that will be the
most meaningful.

One of the most effective forms of equitable relief in Commission enforcement actions are
undertakings, which require a defendant to take affrmative steps—either in conjunction with
entry of the order or in the future—in order to come into and remain in compliance with
the specifc terms of the court’s order. The Commission also has authority to impose similar
obligations on respondents in administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings.

While the Division has regularly employed undertakings in its settlement recommendations to
the Commission, in FY 2018 it employed this remedial tool in novel ways in two signifcant

• First, the Commission charged Theranos, Inc., a private company, and its founder and
CEO with raising more than $700 million from investors in an elaborate, years-long
scheme involving exaggerated claims about the company’s technology, business, and fnan-
cial performance.26 One of the most important elements of the Commission’s settlement
with the CEO were undertakings that (1) required her to relinquish her voting control
over Theranos by converting her supermajority shares to common shares, and (2) guar-
anteed that in a future sale or other liquidation event, the CEO would not proft from her
ownership stake in the company until $750 million had been returned to other Theranos

investors.27 The relief embodied in these undertakings addressed a situation where, be-
cause of the capital structure of the company, the CEO had nearly complete control of the
company. The undertakings were designed to protect investors from potential misuse of
that controlling position going forward.
• The Commission also charged the Chairman and CEO of Tesla, Inc. with securities
fraud for tweeting a series of false and misleading statements about his plan to take Tesla
private.28 The Commission also charged Tesla with failing to maintain disclosure controls
and procedures with respect to the CEO’s communications.29 To settle the SEC actions, the
CEO and Tesla agreed not only to pay signifcant penalties, but also to a set of compre-
hensive undertakings that require, among other things, (1) the CEO to resign as Chairman
and be replaced by an independent Chairman, (2) Tesla to add two independent directors
to its board, (3) Tesla to establish a committee of independent directors and adopt manda-
tory controls and procedures to oversee the CEO’s public communications about the com-
pany, and (4) Tesla to employ within its legal department an experienced securities counsel
to advise on disclosure issues. 30 These undertakings addressed specifc risks—in this case,
the potential harm to investors caused by the CEO’s communication practices and a lack
of suffcient oversight and control of those communications.

Bars and Suspensions Imposed

One of the most important things that the Commission can do to protect investors is to
remove bad actors from positions where they can engage in future wrongdoing. Bars and
suspensions are the means by which the Commission prevents wrongdoers from serving as
offcers or directors of public companies, dealing in penny stocks, associating with registered
entities such as broker-dealers and investment advisers, or appearing or practicing before the
Commission as accountants or attorneys.

Enforcement actions resulted in nearly 550 bars and suspensions of wrongdoers in FY 2018.

Trading Suspensions
Under the federal securities laws, the Commission may suspend trading in a stock for 10 days
and generally prohibit a broker-dealer from soliciting investors to buy or sell the stock again
until certain reporting requirements are met. In FY 2018, the Commission suspended trading
in the securities of 280 issuers in order to combat potential market manipulation and micro-
cap fraud threats to investors.

Court-Ordered Asset Freezes

Court-ordered prejudgment relief in the form of asset freezes is important to the Commis-
sion’s ability to protect investors. These freezes prevent alleged wrongdoers from dissipating
assets that could otherwise be marshaled for distribution to harmed investors. Wrongdoers
often are adept at hiding and moving assets offshore, and the Commission’s ability to ob-
tain meaningful fnancial remedies, and to return money to harmed investors, therefore may
depend on the ability to obtain an asset freeze at an early stage. These circumstances require
seeking federal court action on an emergency basis. In FY 2018, the Commission obtained 26
court-ordered asset freezes.

In FY 2018, the Commission obtained favorable verdicts in three trials against four defendants
and an unfavorable verdict in one trial against one defendant. As of the close of the fscal year,
the Commission was awaiting a verdict in one completed bench trial. The number of district
court trials conducted in FY 2018 (5) is similar to the number of such trials in FY 2017 (4).

In FY 2017, there were various pending constitutional challenges to the Commission’s

administrative proceedings (AP) and the appointment of its administrative law judges (ALJ).
In June 2018, the Supreme Court held in Lucia v. SEC31 that the appointment of the SEC’s
ALJs violated the U.S. Constitution’s Appointments Clause, requiring a new hearing in front
of a different fact fnder. After Lucia, the Commission stayed all pending APs. The Commis-
sion lifted the stay on August 22, 2018, and approximately 200 APs were reassigned at that
time. Addressing these APs will require substantial litigation resources during FY 2019.

The Commission has operated under an agency-wide hiring freeze since late 2016. Conse-
quently, the Division’s employee and contractor staffng levels have decreased since the freeze
was imposed. The combined number of positions in the Division and the number of contrac-
tors supporting our investigation and litigation efforts fell by approximately 10% between
FY 2016 and FY 2018. Despite this loss, as the below chart indicates, the Division continued
to exhibit signifcant enforcement-related activity.

While this achievement is a testament to the hardworking women and men of the Division,
with more resources the SEC could focus more on individual accountability, as individuals are
more likely to litigate and the ensuing litigation is resource intensive. Moreover, additional
resources would support two key priorities of the Division: protecting retail investors and
combating cyber-related threats.

Enforcement Actions Filed and Enforcement Staff and Contractors


180 177
1400 122

1,344 1,393 1,440 1,431

821 807
754 868



FY2018 FY2017 FY2016 FY2015
Enforcement Staff Contractors Total Enforcement Actions Filed


While the Division’s efforts resulted in many noteworthy enforcement actions in FY 2018,
the matters described below give a sense of some of the actions the Commission brought in
areas of the Division’s greatest focus, as well as actions in other areas to demonstrate the
breadth of the landscape the Division covers.

In FY 2018, the Commission brought charges against:

Direct Impact on Retail Investors and Conduct of Registrants

• Three individuals who allegedly orchestrated a Ponzi-like scheme that raised more than $345
million from over 230 investors across the U.S.32
• A group of unregistered funds and their owner who allegedly defrauded thousands of retail
investors, many of them seniors, in a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme,33 and fve individuals and four
companies for allegedly unlawfully selling securities related to the alleged scheme.34
• Five individuals and three companies allegedly behind a $102 million Ponzi scheme that
defrauded investors throughout the U.S.35
• A company and its principal who allegedly defrauded at least 150 investors in an $85 million
Ponzi scheme.36
• Ameriprise Financial Services Inc. for recommending and selling higher-fee mutual fund shares
to retail retirement account customers and for failing to provide sales charge waivers,37 and for
failing to safeguard retail investor assets from theft by its representatives.38
• Wells Fargo Advisors LLC for misconduct in the sale of fnancial products known as market-
linked investments to retail investors.39
• The pastor of one of the largest churches in the country and a self-described fnancial planner
who allegedly defrauded elderly investors by selling them interests in worthless, pre-
Revolutionary Chinese bonds.40
• William Z. (Billy) McFarland, two companies he founded, a former senior executive, and a
former contractor, who agreed to settle charges arising out of an extensive, multi-year offering
fraud that raised at least $27.4 million from over 100 investors.41

Cyber-Related Misconduct
• The entity formerly known as Yahoo! Inc. for misleading investors by failing to disclose one of
the world’s largest data breaches in which hackers stole personal data relating to hundreds of
millions of user accounts.42
• The co-founders of a purported fnancial services start-up with allegedly orchestrating a
fraudulent ICO that raised more than $32 million from thousands of investors.43
• Titanium Blockchain Infrastructure Services Inc. and its president, a self-described “blockchain
evangelist,” for an alleged ICO fraud that raised as much as $21 million from investors in and
outside the U.S.44
• A broker-dealer and investment adviser for failures in cybersecurity policies and procedures
surrounding a cyber intrusion that compromised personal information of thousands of

• An individual involved in an alleged scheme to manipulate the price of Fitbit securities through
false regulatory flings.46
• A recidivist securities law violator and his company who allegedly raised up to $15 million
from thousands of investors in an ICO by falsely promising a 13-fold proft in less than a
• A company selling digital tokens to investors to raise capital for its blockchain-based food
review service, which halted its ICO after being contacted by the Division of Enforcement and
agreed to an order in which the Commission found that its conduct constituted unregistered
securities offers and sales.48
• AriseBank and its co-founders for allegedly selling a fraudulent ICO that targeted retail
investors to fund what it claimed to be the world’s frst “decentralized bank.”49
• A former bitcoin-denominated platform and its operator with allegedly operating an
unregistered securities exchange and defrauding users of that exchange, and the operator of
the exchange with allegedly making false and misleading statements in connection with an
unregistered offering of securities.50
• Longfn Corp., its CEO, and three other affliated individuals for allegedly illegal distributions
and sales of restricted shares of Longfn Corp.51
• Two men who allegedly profted from illegal sales of stock of a company claiming to have a
blockchain-related business.52
• The founder of a company who perpetrated a fraudulent ICO to fund oil exploration and
drilling in California.53
• A hedge fund manager for violating the investment company registration provisions based on
its investments in digital assets.54
• TokenLot LLC, a self-described “ICO Superstore,” and its owners for acting as unregistered
• An international securities dealer and its Austria-based CEO for allegedly violating the federal
securities laws in connection with security-based swaps funded with bitcoins.56

Insider Trading
• 56 individuals who allegedly misappropriated or traded unlawfully on material, nonpublic
information including:
» A corporate board member and U.S. Congressman, Christopher Collins, whose alleged
tip allowed his son and his son’s tippees to avoid losses by trading in advance of news of
negative clinical trial results.57
» An investment banker who allegedly tipped professional football player Mychael Kendricks
to trade in advance of four corporate acquisitions being advised by the investment banker’s
» A former chief information offcer of a U.S. business unit of Equifax Inc. and a former
manager, both of whom allegedly traded in advance of the company’s September 2017
announcement of a massive data breach that exposed Social Security numbers and other
personal information of approximately 148 million U.S. customers.59
» A credit ratings analyst who allegedly misused his access to information about an impending
acquisition to tip two friends who traded ahead of the deal announcement.60

» An investment banker who allegedly misused his access to the bank’s confdential
information to trade in advance of 12 market-moving announcements involving clients of
the bank.61
» A corporate executive who allegedly profted from trading in advance of three disappointing
earnings announcements by the Silicon Valley company that employed him.62

Issuer Reporting and Disclosure Issues and Auditor Misconduct

• 54 entities and 94 individuals in stand alone actions relating to issuer fnancial reporting and
disclosures in the following categories: revenue and expense recognition problems; faulty
valuation and impairment decisions; missing or insuffcient disclosures; misappropriation
through accounting misrepresentations; inadequate internal controls; and misconduct by
fnancial reporting gatekeepers, including:
» Elon Musk, the Chairman and CEO of Tesla Inc., for tweeting a series of false and
misleading statements about his plan to take Tesla private.63
» Tesla Inc. for failing to maintain disclosure controls and procedures with respect to Musk’s
» Theranos Inc., its founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes, and its former President Ramesh
“Sunny” Balwani with allegedly raising more than $700 million from investors through an
elaborate, years-long fraud in which they exaggerated or made false statements about the
company’s technology, business, and fnancial performance.65
» Brazilian oil-and-gas company Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. for misleading U.S. investors by
failing to disclose a massive bribery and bid-rigging scheme at the company.66
» Mining company Rio Tinto and two former top executives for allegedly infating the value
of coal assets acquired for $3.7 billion and sold a few years later for $50 million.67
» Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., former CEO Gregory Wasson, and former CFO Wade
Miquelon with misleading investors about increased risk that the company would miss a
key fnancial goal announced when Walgreen Co. entered into a merger with Alliance Boots
GmbH in 2012.68
» Six certifed public accountants—including former staffers at the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and former senior offcials at KPMG LLP—arising
from their alleged participation in a scheme to misappropriate and use confdential
information relating to the PCAOB’s planned inspections of KPMG.69
» SeaWorld Entertainment Inc., its former CEO, and its former vice president of
communications for misleading investors about the impact the documentary flm Blackfsh
had on the company’s reputation and business.70
» A biopharmaceutical company, its CEO, and its former CFO for misleading investors about
the company’s developmental lung cancer drug.71
» Five public companies for failing to provide fnancial statements that were reviewed by their
independent external auditor when they fled quarterly reports with the Commission on
Form 10-Q.72

Other Noteworthy Actions

• Four Transamerica entities for misconduct involving faulty investment models.73
• Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith for misleading customers about how it handled orders
purportedly routed to a dark pool.74
• Panasonic Corp. for accounting fraud violations and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act (FCPA).75
• Moody’s Investors Service Inc. for internal control failures and failing to clearly defne and
consistently apply credit rating symbols.76
• Legg Mason Inc. for violating the FCPA in a scheme to bribe Libyan government offcials.77
• Two frms and 18 individuals in an alleged scheme to improperly divert new issue municipal
bonds to broker-dealers at the expense of retail investors, and a municipal underwriter for
accepting kickbacks in the scheme.78
• Two investment adviser subsidiaries of Voya Holdings Inc. with failing to disclose conficts
of interest and making misleading disclosures in connection with their practice of recalling
securities on loan so their affliates could receive tax benefts.79
• 13 registered investment advisers who repeatedly failed to provide required information that
the agency uses to monitor risk.80
• Two U.S.-based subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank AG for improper handling of “pre-released”
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs).81
• The New York Stock Exchange and two affliated exchanges with regulatory failures in
connection with multiple episodes, including several disruptive market events.82

Breakdown of Classification of Stand Alone Enforcement Actions

FY 2018 FY 2017

Actions Pct Actions Pct

Securities Offering 121 25% 94 21%

Inv.estment Advisers / Inv. Company 108 22% 82 18%

Issuer Reporting & Disclosure 79 16% 95 21%

Broker Dealer 63 13% 53 12%

Insider Trading 51 10% 41 9%

Market Manipulation 32 7% 41 9%

Public Finance Abuse 15 3% 17 4%

FCPA 13 3% 13 3%

Miscellaneous 3 1% 7 2%

NRSRO 2 0% 0 0%

Transfer Agent 2 0% 3 1%

SRO or Exchange 1 0% 0 0%

Total 490 100% 446 100%


Enforcement Action Summary Chart for FY 2018 by Primary Classification

(Each action initiated has been included in only one category even though many actions involved
multiple allegations and may fall under more than one category. The number of defendants and
respondents is noted parenthetically)

% of Civil
and Stand
Alone AP
% of (Excluding
Stand Alone Follow-On Total Delinquent
Primary Classification Civil Actions AP AP Total Actions Filings)

Broker-Dealer 18 (35) 45 (56) 106 (109) 169 (200) 21% 13%

Delinquent Filings 0 (0) 121 (371) 0 (0) 121 (371) 15% 0%

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 0 (0) 13 (13) 0 (0) 13 (13) 2% 3%

Insider Trading 37 (56) 14 (18) 0 (0) 51 (74) 6% 10%

Investment Advisers/ Invest-

20 (44) 88 (124) 62 (66) 170 (234) 21% 22%
ment Companies
Issuer Reporting and Disclo-
30 (72) 49 (76) 27 (28) 106 (176) 13% 16%

Market Manipulation 22 (78) 10 (11) 1 (1) 33 (90) 4% 7%

Miscellaneous 0 (0) 3 (4) 2 (2) 5 (6) 1% 1%

Natl Rec Stat Rating Org

0 (0) 2 (2) 0 (0) 2 (2) 0% 0%

Public Finance Abuse 7 (27) 8 (11) 3 (3) 18 (41) 2% 3%

Securities Offering 108 (406) 13 (57) 9 (9) 130 (472) 16% 25%

SRO/Exchange 0 (0) 1 (3) 0 (0) 1 (3) 0% 0%

Transfer Agent 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 (0) 2 (4) 0% 0%

Totals 243 (720) 368 (748) 210 (218) 821 (1,686) 100% 100%

Case Name Type of Action Release No. Date Filed


In the Matter of Maroof Miyana Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81790 10/02/17

In the Matter of Wen Chen a/k/a "Wendy Lee" Hwang Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81817 10/04/17
In the Matter of Bilal Basrai Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81820 10/05/17
In the Matter of Bryce Stirton Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81821 10/05/17
In the Matter of Christopher Castaldo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81843 10/10/17
In the Matter of Danny S. Hood Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81847 10/11/17
In the Matter of Brandon P. Long Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81877 10/16/17
In the Matter of Joseph A. Vitale Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81875 10/16/17
In the Matter of Leonard Vincent Lombardo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81886 10/17/17
In the Matter of Loop Capital Markets, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-81898 10/19/17
In the Matter of UBS Financial Services, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10433 10/27/17
In the Matter of Jeffrey D. Smith, et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81983 10/31/17
SEC v. Thomas J. Buck Civil LR-23974 10/31/17
In the Matter of James P. Kolf Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82010 11/03/17
In the Matter of Patric Ken Baccam,
a/k/a Khanh Sengpraseuth Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82030 11/08/17
In the Matter of Hui Feng, Esq., et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82039 11/08/17
In the Matter of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82054 11/13/17
SEC v. GreenTree Investment Group, Inc., et al. Civil LR-23990 11/17/17
SEC v. Ibrahim Almagarby, et al. Civil LR-23992 11/17/17
In the Matter of Ivan J.A. Turrentine Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82188 11/30/17
SEC v. Zachery S. Berkey, et al. Civil LR-24004 12/06/17
SEC v. Paul W. Smith Civil LR-24133 12/07/17
In the Matter of Robin Glen Charlet Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82242 12/08/17
In the Matter of Steven William Sparks Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82243 12/08/17
SEC v. Steve Qi, et al. Civil LR-24006 12/08/17
SEC v. Brian Hirsch, et al. Civil LR-24083 12/19/17
In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82382 12/21/17
In the Matter of Daniel Rivas Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82393 12/22/17
In the Matter of Khaled "Kal" Bassily Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82438 01/03/18
In the Matter of James C. Tao Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82454 01/08/18
In the Matter of Donna Boyd (f/k/a Donna Chen) Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82453 01/08/18
In the Matter of David B. Kaplan, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82510 &
34-82511 01/17/18
In the Matter of Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Financial Services, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83253 01/18/18
In the Matter of Daniel T. Fischer Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82603 01/30/18
In the Matter of Thomas Edward Andrews Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82619 02/01/18
In the Matter of Scott Walter Christensen Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82621 02/01/18
In the Matter of Craig Karlis Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82624 02/02/18
In the Matter of Wedbush Securities, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82630 02/05/18
In the Matter of Thomas J. Buck Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82681 02/09/18
In the Matter of Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82686 02/12/18
In the Matter of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10462 02/28/18
SEC v. Steven J. Muehler, et al. Civil LR-24060 02/28/18
In the Matter of Edwin Shaw, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82805 03/05/18
In the Matter of Jacob W. L. Stocking Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82806 03/05/18
In the Matter of Eric Lovy (f/k/a Eric Beltran) Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82821 03/07/18
In the Matter of Deborah D. Kelley Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82838 03/09/18
In the Matter of Gregg Z. Schonhorn Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82839 03/09/18
In the Matter of David Gray Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82880 03/15/18

In the Matter of Electronic Transaction Clearing, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82898 03/19/18
In the Matter of Wedbush Securities, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82954 03/27/18
In the Matter of JH Darbie & Co., Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82951 03/27/18
In the Matter of Aegis Capital Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82956 03/28/18
In the Matter of Kevin McKenna, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82957 03/28/18
In the Matter of Eugene Terracciano Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82958 03/28/18
In the Matter of Kent Maerki Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82963 03/29/18
In the Matter of James Moodhe Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82977 04/02/18
In the Matter of Gregory John Tuthill Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82987 04/04/18
In the Matter of Joshua D. Mosshart Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82998 04/05/18
In the Matter of Troy C. Baldridge Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83013 04/09/18
In the Matter of Jason A. Wallace Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83052 04/16/18
SEC v. John Sherman Jumper, et al. Civil LR-24116 04/17/18
In the Matter of Mark P. French Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83078 04/20/18
In the Matter of Winning the Money Game with Ike, Inc. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83110 04/26/18
In the Matter of Tobin J. Senefeld Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83121 04/26/18
In the Matter of David Alcorn Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83130 04/30/18
In the Matter of Kevin Hamilton Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83140 05/01/18
In the Matter of Douglas A. McClain, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83151 05/02/18
In the Matter of Joseph A. Rubbo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83176 05/04/18
In the Matter of Keith Houlihan Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83180 05/07/18
In the Matter of Paul W. Smith Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83178 05/07/18
In the Matter of Jason J. Lee, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83212 05/10/18
In the Matter of Steven J. Dykes Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83215 05/11/18
In the Matter of Angela Rubbo Beckcom Monaco Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83234 05/15/18
In the Matter of Chardan Capital Markets, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83251 05/16/18
In the Matter of Jerard Basmagy Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83252 05/16/18
In the Matter of Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Financial Services, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83253 05/16/18
In the Matter of Lisa A. Esposito Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83291 05/21/18
In the Matter of John C. Knight Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83316 05/24/18
In the Matter of Emanuel Pantelakis Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83348 05/30/18
In the Matter of George Doumanis Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83358 05/31/18
In the Matter of Christopher C. Burtraw Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83371 06/04/18
In the Matter of Jason A. Halek Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83394 06/07/18
In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83408 06/12/18
In the Matter of Joseph Mangiapane, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83448 06/14/18
In the Matter of Nicholas Rubbo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83460 06/19/18
In the Matter of Pasquale Rubbo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83461 06/19/18
In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10507 06/19/18
In the Matter of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10511 06/25/18
In the Matter of Jon B. Schmidhammer Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83552 06/28/18
In the Matter of Bayes Capital, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83556 06/28/18
In the Matter of Alexander Capital, L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83562 06/29/18
In the Matter of Philip A. Noto, II Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83563 06/29/18
In the Matter of Barry T. Eisenberg Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83564 06/29/18
In the Matter of Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83565 06/29/18
SEC v. Adam Mattessich, et al. Civil LR-24179 06/29/18
SEC v. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Civil LR-24189 07/02/18
In the Matter of Daniel Burgess Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83598 07/06/18
In the Matter of Andrew B. Calhoun, IV Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83605 07/09/18
In the Matter of Andrew B. Calhoun, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83606 07/09/18
In the Matter of James M. Unger Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83652 07/17/18
In the Matter of Koorosh "Danny" Rahimi Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83657 07/17/18

In the Matter of BGC Financial, L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83650 07/17/18
In the Matter of Jefferey A. Gordon Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83684 07/20/18
In the Matter of Deutsche Bank Trust
Company Americas Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10523 07/20/18
In the Matter of Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83677 07/20/18
In the Matter of Sycamore Lane Partners, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83686 07/23/18
In the Matter of Mizuho Securities USA, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83685 07/23/18
In the Matter of Richard T. Cunniffe Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83688 07/23/18
In the Matter of Melanie Ryan Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10524 07/24/18
In the Matter of Brandon T. Neff Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83754 07/31/18
In the Matter of William Z. McFarland Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83773 08/03/18
SEC v. Salvadore D. Palermo Civil LR-24229 08/06/18
In the Matter of Gregory G. Young Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83779 08/06/18
In the Matter of Steve Bailen Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83801 08/08/18
In the Matter of William Paul Hamilton Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83802 08/08/18
In the Matter of Paula Saccomanno Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83803 08/08/18
In the Matter of Dennis Swerdlen Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83804 08/08/18
In the Matter of Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83859 08/16/18
In the Matter of Jeffrey Scott Davis Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83899 08/22/18
In the Matter of Core Performance Management, LLC Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83902 08/22/18
In the Matter of Deborah B. Dora Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83906 08/22/18
In the Matter of Sharlene F. Mesite Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83905 08/22/18
In the Matter of Anadel R. Pinzon Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83903 08/22/18
In the Matter of James P. Scherr Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83901 08/22/18
In the Matter of James J. O'Neil Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83930 08/23/18
In the Matter of Lynette M. Robbins Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83957 08/27/18
In the Matter of Chad Anthony Lewis Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83981 08/29/18
In the Matter of Bruce A. Broekhuizen Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84014 08/31/18
In the Matter of Neil P. Kelly Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84016 08/31/18
In the Matter of John M. Kirschenbaum Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84015 08/31/18
In the Matter of RMR Asset Management Company Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84028 09/04/18
In the Matter of Douglas J. Derryberry Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84025 09/04/18
In the Matter of David R. Frost Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84030 09/04/18
In the Matter of David S. Luttbeg Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84018 09/04/18
In the Matter of Timothy J. McAloon Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84026 09/04/18
In the Matter of Ralph M. Riccardi Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84029 09/04/18
In the Matter of Dewey T. Tran Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84027 09/04/18
In the Matter of Philip A. Weiner Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84019 09/04/18
In the Matter of Mark Morrow Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84042 09/05/18
SEC v. Jeffrey Goldman, et al. Civil LR-24257 09/05/18
SEC v. Emil Botvinnik Civil LR-24277 09/07/18
SEC v. Jovannie Aquino Civil LR-24277 09/07/18
In the Matter of Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10542 09/11/18
In the Matter of TokenLot, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10543 09/11/18
SEC v. Michael A. Bressman Civil LR-24300 09/12/18
In the Matter of Convergex Execution Solution, LLC,
n/k/a Cowen Execution Services, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84116 09/13/18
In the Matter of Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10545 09/14/18
In the Matter of John L. Gathright, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84163 09/17/18
In the Matter of Jennifer R. Johnson Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84181 09/18/18
In the Matter of Susan E. Walker Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84182 09/18/18
In the Matter of Allan Michael Roth Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84201 09/19/18
In the Matter of Travis A. Branch Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84199 09/19/18
In the Matter of David Howard Welch Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84234 09/20/18

In the Matter of Marc Jay Bryant Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84235 09/20/18
In the Matter of Joel N. Burstein Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84226 09/20/18
In the Matter of TD Ameritrade, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84269 09/24/18
In the Matter of Mary A. Faher Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84271 09/24/18
In the Matter of Shawn K. Dicken Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84272 09/24/18
In the Matter of Cory Ryan Williams Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84268 09/24/18
SEC v. Adam Rentzer Civil LR-24286 09/24/18
SEC v. John Gregory Schmidt Civil LR-24287 09/25/18
In the Matter of SG Americas Securities, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10560 09/25/18
In the Matter of Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84288 09/26/18
In the Matter of Stephen Romo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84318 09/28/18
In the Matter of John Montague Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84310 09/28/18
In the Matter of Paul Katsaros Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84306 09/28/18
In the Matter of John Wolle Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84316 09/28/18
In the Matter of Credit Suisse Securities (USA), LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10565 09/28/18
In the Matter of COR Clearing, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84309 09/28/18


In the Matter of Global Digital Solutions, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82404 12/26/17
In the Matter of American Nano Silicon
Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82412 12/27/17
In the Matter of Abakan, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82419 12/28/17
In the Matter of Blacksands Petroleum, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82463 01/08/18
In the Matter of Ambicon Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82507 01/17/18
In the Matter of Altona Resources, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82527 01/18/18
In the Matter of EMRISE Corp. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82536 01/18/18
In the Matter of Canwealth Minerals Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82610 02/01/18
In the Matter of California Mines Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82639 02/06/18
In the Matter of Affirmative Insurance Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82762 02/22/18
In the Matter of New Global Energy, Inc Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82893 03/16/18
In the Matter of NextGlass Technologies Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82986 04/03/18
In the Matter of MarilynJean Interactive, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83087 04/23/18
In the Matter of Oriental Dragon Corp. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83099 04/25/18
In the Matter of Revolutionary Concepts, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83136 04/30/18
In the Matter of Universal Bioenergy, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83135 04/30/18
In the Matter of Baltia Air Lines, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83184 05/07/18
In the Matter of Content Checked Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83189 05/08/18
In the Matter of Grey Fox Holdings Corp.
(f/k/a Gray Fox Petroleum Corp.), et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83232 05/14/18
In the Matter of Sonora Resources Corp. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83249 05/15/18
In the Matter of Hedgebrook, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83245 05/15/18
In the Matter of Solaris Power Cells, Inc., et. al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83262 05/16/18
In the Matter of America Greener Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83264 05/16/18
In the Matter of Apptigo International, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83285 05/17/18
In the Matter of Play La, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83281 05/17/18
In the Matter of Green Parts International, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83299 05/21/18
In the Matter of COPsync, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83297 05/21/18
In the Matter of Solo International, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83312 05/23/18
In the Matter of Mullan Agritech, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83314 05/23/18
In the Matter of Mass Hysteria Entertainment
Company, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83327 05/24/18
In the Matter of Radiant Oil & Gas, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83329 05/24/18
In the Matter of Fern Holdings Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83373 06/04/18

In the Matter of Escalera Resources Co., Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83470 06/19/18
In the Matter of FuelNation, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83487 06/20/18
In the Matter of Development Capital Group, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83488 06/20/18
In the Matter of Inner Systems, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83921 08/23/18
In the Matter of Gepco, Ltd., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83920 08/23/18
In the Matter of American Standard Energy Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83922 08/23/18
In the Matter of Kvintess F&DI Holdings Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83924 08/23/18
In the Matter of Forum Acquisitions I, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83931 08/24/18
In the Matter of Lightstone Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83932 08/24/18
In the Matter of RS Soda Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83933 08/24/18
In the Matter of Cellular Concrete
Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83942 08/24/18
In the Matter of EBHI Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83943 08/24/18
In the Matter of Central Park Acquisition I, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83946 08/24/18
In the Matter of Fig Run Acquisition Corporation, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83939 08/24/18
In the Matter of Middle Kingdom Resources, Ltd., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83945 08/24/18
In the Matter of Media Group 2000, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83944 08/24/18
In the Matter of Rio Bravo Oil, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83963 08/27/18
In the Matter of Micra Soundcards, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83962 08/27/18
In the Matter of IDO Security, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83977 08/28/18
In the Matter of Great Wall Builders, Ltd., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83980 08/28/18
In the Matter of Equilar Capital Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83978 08/28/18
In the Matter of Manna Capital, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83985 08/29/18
In the Matter of Makism 3D Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83989 08/29/18
In the Matter of Rotoblock Corporation, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83991 08/29/18
In the Matter of Gaming Ventures PLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83984 08/29/18
In the Matter of Amonra Omnia, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84006 08/30/18
In the Matter of Everyday Assembly
Productions, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84007 08/30/18
In the Matter of Americas Wind Energy Corporation, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84008 08/30/18
In the Matter of AlphaMetrix Managed Futures, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84005 08/30/18
In the Matter of American First Financial, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84041 09/05/18
In the Matter of Alterrus Systems, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84040 09/05/18
In the Matter of Allied American Steel Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84039 09/05/18
In the Matter of Petron Energy II, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84052 09/06/18
In the Matter of ScanSys, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84048 09/06/18
In the Matter of Nutrastar International, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84050 09/06/18
In the Matter of CrossClick Media, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84067 09/07/18
In the Matter of China Health Resource, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84059 09/07/18
In the Matter of American Locker Group, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84064 09/07/18
In the Matter of Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84061 09/07/18
In the Matter of The Buck A Day Co., Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84066 09/07/18
In the Matter of Bitzio, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84070 09/10/18
In the Matter of EMAV Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84072 09/10/18
In the Matter of Endeavor IP, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84080 09/11/18
In the Matter of Crailar Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84086 09/11/18
In the Matter of Golden Global Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84084 09/11/18
In the Matter of Fastfunds Financial Corporation, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84082 09/11/18
In the Matter of AFH Acquisition VI, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84095 09/12/18
In the Matter of FalconTarget, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84091 09/12/18
In the Matter of Golden Pig Ventures, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84092 09/12/18
In the Matter of Acquarius Cannibas, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84102 09/12/18
In the Matter of Royal B.Y. Investment
Management, LLC., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84088 09/12/18

In the Matter of Eco-Trade Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84094 09/12/18
In the Matter of American Natural Energy Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84096 09/12/18
In the Matter of CPI Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84090 09/12/18
In the Matter of Stonewall Financial, Ltd., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84101 09/12/18
In the Matter of Munro Developments, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84104 09/12/18
In the Matter of MedPro Safety Products, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84121 09/13/18
In the Matter of AFS Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84110 09/13/18
In the Matter of Montbriar, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84112 09/13/18
In the Matter of Geo Reserve Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84111 09/13/18
In the Matter of Ournett Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84119 09/13/18
In the Matter of Position, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84109 09/13/18
In the Matter of AMI James Brands, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84173 09/17/18
In the Matter of First Liberty Power Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84169 09/17/18
In the Matter of ColorStars Group, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84171 09/17/18
In the Matter of Ampal-American Israel Corporation, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84178 09/17/18
In the Matter of Avant Diagnostics, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84188 09/18/18
In the Matter of China Ginseng Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84190 09/18/18
In the Matter of Swissinso Holding, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84184 09/18/18
In the Matter of Epic Stores Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84186 09/18/18
In the Matter of Entourage Mining, Ltd., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84193 09/18/18
In the Matter of GSM Group, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84211 09/19/18
In the Matter of Bahamas Concierge, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84212 09/19/18
In the Matter of Colorado Goldfields, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84220 09/19/18
In the Matter of American Petro-Hunter, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84218 09/19/18
In the Matter of Coupon Express, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84223 09/19/18
In the Matter of American Sands Energy Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84216 09/19/18
In the Matter of Cybergy Holdings, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84249 09/20/18
In the Matter of Petrosonic Energy, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84240 09/20/18
In the Matter of Ceelox, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84243 09/20/18
In the Matter of Anpulo Food Development, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84245 09/20/18
In the Matter of GeneSYS ID, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84242 09/20/18
In the Matter of Appian, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84228 09/20/18
In the Matter of Be Industries, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84250 09/20/18
In the Matter of MaryJane Group, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84267 09/21/18
In the Matter of Golden Claw Ventures, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84265 09/21/18
In the Matter of Scrap China Corp., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84253 09/21/18
In the Matter of United Development Funding III, LP, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84273 09/24/18
In the Matter of Oakridge Global Energy Solutions, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84301 09/27/18


In the Matter of Elbit Imaging, Ltd. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82849 03/09/18
In the Matter of Kinross Gold Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82946 03/26/18
In the Matter of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83088 04/23/18
In the Matter of Panasonic Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83128 04/30/18
In the Matter of Beam, Inc., n/k/a Beam Suntory, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83575 07/02/18
In the Matter of Credit Suisse Group AG Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83593 07/05/18
In the Matter of Legg Mason, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83948 08/27/18
In the Matter of Sanofi Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84017 09/04/18
In the Matter of JooHyun Bahn, a/k/a Dennis Bahn Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84054 09/06/18
In the Matter of United Technologies Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84087 09/12/18
In the Matter of Patricio Contesse Gonzalez Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84280 09/25/18
In the Matter of Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10561 09/27/18
In the Matter of Stryker Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84308 09/28/18


SEC v. Arun J. Singh Civil LR-23957 10/03/17

SEC v. Christopher J. Lollar Civil LR-24096 11/01/17
SEC v. Susan L. Ellerin, et al. Civil LR-23986 11/14/17
SEC v. Stephen J. Leonard Civil LR-24005 12/06/17
SEC v. Joseph Spera, et al. Civil LR-24084 12/11/17
SEC v. Lanny Brown, et al. Civil LR-24015 12/14/17
SEC v. Kenneth Peer Civil LR-24012 12/14/17
In the Matter of Anthony P. Chiera, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82485 01/11/18
SEC v. One or More Unknown Traders in
The Securities of Bioverativ, Inc. Civil LR-24035 01/26/18
SEC v. Todd M. LaVelle Civil LR-24044 02/08/18
In the Matter of Ara Chackerian Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82694 02/12/18
SEC v. Yang Xie Civil LR-24056 02/27/18
SEC v. Robert M. Morano Civil LR-24065 03/05/18
SEC v. Jun Ying Civil LR-24073 03/14/18
SEC v. Saverio J. Barbera Civil LR-24104 04/05/18
SEC v. Charlie Jinan Chen, et al. Civil LR-24097 04/05/18
In the Matter of Douglas Nelson Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83053 04/16/18
SEC v. David A. Zimliki, et al. Civil LR-24134 05/04/18
SEC v. Bovorn Rungruangnavarat Civil LR-24136 05/04/18
SEC v. Woojae (Steve) Jung, et al. Civil LR-24153 05/31/18
SEC v. Kurt J. Bordian Civil LR-24164 06/12/18
SEC v. Sebastian Pinto-Thomaz, et al. Civil LR-24178 06/26/18
SEC v. Sudhakar Reddy Bonthu Civil LR-24183 06/28/18
SEC v. Nelson Molina Civil LR-24186 07/05/18
In the Matter of Michael Johnson Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83602 07/06/18
SEC v. Robert O. Carr, et al. Civil LR-24191 07/10/18
SEC v. Gene Shen Civil LR-24194 07/10/18
SEC v. Matthew Brunstrum, et al. Civil LR-24212 07/24/18
In the Matter of Yao Li Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10525 07/24/18
SEC v. Richard T. Cunniffe Civil LR-24215 07/25/18
SEC v. Anup Madan Civil LR-24221 07/31/18
SEC v. Robert Lozuk Civil LR-24222 07/31/18
In the Matter of Fred Tinker Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83742 07/31/18
In the Matter of Aaron R. Smith Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83795 08/07/18
SEC v. Christopher Collins, et al. Civil LR-24231 08/08/18
SEC v. Lauren Zarsky Civil LR-24231 08/08/18
SEC v. Dorothy Zarsky Civil LR-24231 08/08/18
In the Matter of Honglan Wang Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83857 08/16/18
SEC v. A. Catlin Cade, IV Civil LR-24240 08/17/18
In the Matter of Joseph Jennings, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83889 08/20/18
In the Matter of Ismail Lila Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83896 08/21/18
In the Matter of James T. Lentz Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10535 08/22/18
SEC v. Steven Fishoff, et al. Civil LR-24245 08/23/18
SEC v. Marvin Mychal-Christopher Kendricks, et al. Civil LR-24252 08/29/18
SEC v. Amer Deeba Civil LR-24251 08/30/18
SEC v. Rong Chen, et al. Civil LR-24269 09/10/18
In the Matter of Thomas Earl Hayden, II, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84304 09/27/18
In the Matter of Gary Bernard Ross Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84305 09/27/18
In the Matter of Unal Patel, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84315 09/28/18
SEC v. Bryan B. Long Civil LR-24317 09/28/18
SEC v. Bryan R. Ziegenfuse Civil LR-24298 09/28/18


SEC v. Tweed Financial Services, Inc., et al. Civil LR-23959 10/02/17

In the Matter of Sam Sadeghi Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4792 10/11/17
In the Matter of Mark Megalli Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81861 10/12/17
In the Matter of Jeffery S. Preston Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4795 10/13/17
SEC v. John H. Rogicki Civil LR-23970 10/19/17
In the Matter of Kevin J. Amell Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4798 10/23/17
SEC v. Mohammed Ali Rashid Civil LR-24093 10/25/17
In the Matter of Canterbury Consulting, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-81959 10/26/17
In the Matter of Kenneth P. Krueger Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10430 10/26/17
In the Matter of Tamer F. Moumen Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4805 11/03/17
In the Matter of Donald H. Ellison Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82015 11/06/17
SEC v. Jay Costa Kelter Civil LR-23984 11/09/17
In the Matter of David I. Osunkwo, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82070 11/14/17
In the Matter of Lawrence E. Penn, III Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4811 11/20/17
In the Matter of William P. Carlson, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4821 12/05/17
In the Matter of Paritosh Gupta, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4820 12/05/17
In the Matter of Brahman Capital Corp. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4819 12/05/17
In the Matter of Institutional Investor Advisers, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10443 12/08/17
SEC v. Mohlman Asset Management, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24011 12/08/17
In the Matter of Horter Investment Management, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4823 12/08/17
In the Matter of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82244 12/08/17
SEC v. Westport Capital Markets, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24007 12/11/17
In the Matter of Coastal Equities, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82282 12/11/17
In the Matter of Justin D. Meadlin Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4827 12/13/17
In the Matter of Matrix Capital Markets, LLC, et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-82361 12/19/17
In the Matter of Courtlin L. Holt-Nguyen Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4828 12/19/17
In the Matter of Packerland Brokerage Services, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82383 12/21/17
In the Matter of TPG Capital Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4830 12/21/17
In the Matter of Southwind Associates of NJ, Inc.
(d/b/a Villafrano Wealth Management), et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82397 12/22/17
SEC v. Robert Gaughran, et al. Civil LR-24022 12/22/17
In the Matter of Train, Babcock Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82399 12/22/17
In the Matter of Team Financial Asset
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10448 12/22/17
In the Matter of LKL Investment Counsel, LLC
(a/k/a LKL Investments, LLC), et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4836 01/03/18
In the Matter of John Tarpinian Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82509 01/17/18
In the Matter of Frank G. Mazzola Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82528 01/18/18
In the Matter of John V. Bivona Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82539 01/19/18
In the Matter of Gemini Fund Services, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4847 01/22/18
In the Matter of AmericaFirst Capital
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10454 01/23/18
SEC v. James S. Polese, et al. Civil LR-24037 01/31/18
In the Matter of Mohlman Asset Management, LLC, et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4851 01/31/18
In the Matter of Michael S. Moses Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4884 02/07/18
In the Matter of Victor M. Dandridge, III Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82668 02/08/18
SEC v. Strong Investment Management, et al. Civil LR-24054 02/20/18
In the Matter of Commonwealth Advisors, Inc., et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4857 02/22/18
In the Matter of Stephen M. Hicks Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82767 02/23/18
In the Matter of Stefan Lumiere Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4861 02/28/18
In the Matter of Financial Fiduciaries, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4863 03/05/18

In the Matter of Valor Capital Asset

Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82816 03/06/18
In the Matter of DMS Advisors, Inc. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4866 03/07/18
In the Matter of Peter R. Kohli Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82818 03/07/18
In the Matter of Voya Investments, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82837 03/08/18
In the Matter of Howard B. Present Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4870 03/29/18
In the Matter of Clayborne Group, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4875 04/05/18
In the Matter of Securities America Advisors, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4876 04/06/18
In the Matter of Geneos Wealth Management, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83003 04/06/18
In the Matter of PNC Investments, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83004 04/06/18
In the Matter of Tobias J. Preston Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4879 04/06/18
In the Matter of Charles G. Preston Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4880 04/06/18
In the Matter of Caleb J. Preston Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83009 04/06/18
In the Matter of Laura Pendergest-Holt Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83030 04/10/18
In the Matter of Arlington Capital Management, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4885 04/16/18
In the Matter of Scott Newsholme Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83056 04/17/18
In the Matter of Steven M. Simmons Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4890 04/20/18
In the Matter of Jeremy R. Lundin Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4894 04/23/18
In the Matter of WCAS Management Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4896 04/24/18
In the Matter of Christopher M. Lee,
a/k/a Rashid K. Khalfani Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4898 04/26/18
In the Matter of Ikenna Ikokwu Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83111 04/26/18
In the Matter of SEI Investments Global Funds Services Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IC-33087 04/26/18
In the Matter of Lauramarie Colangelo Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4903 05/02/18
In the Matter of Daniel H. Glick, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83173 &
34-83883 05/04/18
In the Matter of Visium Asset Management, LP Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10494 05/08/18
In the Matter of Steven Ku Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4910 05/08/18
SEC v. Premium Point Investments LP, et al. Civil LR-24138 05/09/18
In the Matter of Yasuna Murakami Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4911 05/10/18
SEC v. William M. Jordan Civil LR-24142 05/15/18
In the Matter of Tibor Klein Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4913 05/22/18
In the Matter of Perry A. Gruss Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4915 05/24/18
In the Matter of Aberon Capital Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4914 05/24/18
In the Matter of Gregory M. Bercowy Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4916 05/29/18
In the Matter of Bristol Group, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4922 06/01/18
In the Matter of Biglari Capital, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4920 06/01/18
In the Matter of Brahma Management, Ltd. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4921 06/01/18
In the Matter of CAI Managers & Co., L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4923 06/01/18
In the Matter of Cherokee Investment Partners, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4924 06/01/18
In the Matter of Ecosystem Investment Partners, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4925 06/01/18
In the Matter of Elm Partners Management, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4926 06/01/18
In the Matter of HEP Management Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4927 06/01/18
In the Matter of Prescott General Partners, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4928 06/01/18
In the Matter of RLJ Equity Partners, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4929 06/01/18
In the Matter of Rose Park Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4930 06/01/18
In the Matter of Veteri Place Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4931 06/01/18
In the Matter of Bachrach Asset Management, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4919 06/01/18
In the Matter of Lyxor Asset Management, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4932 06/04/18
In the Matter of deVere USA, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4933 06/04/18
In the Matter of Barbara A. Endres Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4934 06/04/18
SEC v. Benjamin Alderson, et al. Civil LR-24157 06/04/18
In the Matter of Gary W. Freeman Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83382 06/05/18
In the Matter of Richard W. Kessler Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4938 06/07/18

In the Matter of Larry Werbel Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4939 06/08/18

In the Matter of Eric Erb Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4940 06/13/18
In the Matter of William Jordan Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4941 06/14/18
In the Matter of Bryan Lee Addington Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83459 06/18/18
In the Matter of Ronald A. Fossum, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83434 06/19/18
SEC v. Edward Lee Moody, Jr., et al. Civil LR-24184 06/27/18
In the Matter of THL Managers V, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4952 06/29/18
In the Matter of Bruce A. Hauptman, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4950 06/29/18
In the Matter of Aisling Capital, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4951 06/29/18
In the Matter of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83571 06/29/18
In the Matter of Roger S. Zullo Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83603 07/06/18
In the Matter of Matthew C. Woodard Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83611 07/10/18
In the Matter of William M. Greenfield Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4961 07/10/18
In the Matter of Brian S. Eyster Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4962 07/10/18
In the Matter of HBA Advisors, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4963 07/10/18
In the Matter of Leonard S. Schwartz Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4964 07/10/18
In the Matter of Romano Brothers & Company Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83613 07/10/18
In the Matter of Ralph Willard Savoie Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83615 07/10/18
In the Matter of John B. Engebretson Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4967 07/12/18
In the Matter of Norman M.K. Louie, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83637 07/16/18
In the Matter of Joseph Pinkney Davis, III Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4972 07/17/18
In the Matter of Cornelius Peterson Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83649 07/17/18
In the Matter of New Silk Route Advisors, L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4970 07/17/18
SEC v. Temenos Advisory, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24206 07/18/18
In the Matter of Michael Devlin Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4973 07/19/18
SEC v. Kimberly Pine Kitts Civil LR-24208 07/19/18
In the Matter of Beverly Hills Wealth
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4975 07/20/18
In the Matter of Jack Jarrell Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83697 07/24/18
In the Matter of Gilbert Fluetsch Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4977 08/02/18
In the Matter of Melvin Leonard Wimmer, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-4979 08/09/18
In the Matter of Knowledge Leaders Capital, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4980 08/09/18
In the Matter of Jinesh P. Brahmbhatt Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83817 08/09/18
In the Matter of Ramnik S. Aulakh Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83816 08/09/18
In the Matter of Hamlin Capital Management, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4983 08/10/18
In the Matter of Lockwood Advisors, Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4984 08/14/18
In the Matter of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83848 08/15/18
In the Matter of Roger T. Denha Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83873 08/17/18
In the Matter of BKS Advisors, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4987 08/17/18
In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83886 08/20/18
SEC v. Michael B. Rothenberg, et al. Civil 2018-160 08/20/18
In the Matter of Biltmore Wealth Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4990 08/21/18
In the Matter of Aria Partners GP, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4991 08/22/18
In the Matter of First Western Advisors Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83934 08/24/18
In the Matter of AEGON USA Investment
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10539 08/27/18
In the Matter of Bradley J. Beman Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4997 08/27/18
In the Matter of Kevin A. Giles Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4998 08/27/18
SEC v. Grenda Group, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24253 08/30/18
In the Matter of Massachusetts Financial
Services Company Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4999 08/31/18
In the Matter of Mark R. Graham, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5000 09/06/18

In the Matter of BB&T Securities, LLC,

as successor entity to BB&T Investment Services, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5002 09/07/18
In the Matter of VSS Fund Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5001 09/07/18
In the Matter of Crypto Asset Mangement, LP, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10544 09/11/18
In the Matter of Harbour Investments, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84115 09/13/18
SEC v. Tamara Steele, et al. Civil LR-24276 09/14/18
In the Matter of Cushing Asset Management, LP Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IC-33226 09/14/18
In the Matter of Cecil Gregory Earls, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10546 09/14/18
In the Matter of Capital Analysts, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5009 09/14/18
In the Matter of Heidi Wivolin Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84164 09/17/18
In the Matter of Creative Planning, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5035 09/18/18
In the Matter of Karen Bruton, CPA, et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-5038 &
34-84198 09/19/18
SEC v. World Tree Financial, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24278 09/19/18
In the Matter of Ophrys, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5041 09/21/18
In the Matter of Dawn Roberts Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-5044 09/25/18
In the Matter of Todd Wortman Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-5045 09/25/18
In the Matter of Thomas J. Caufield Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-5046 09/25/18
In the Matter of Hudson Housing Capital, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5047 09/25/18
In the Matter of Leroy "Lee" K. Young Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84292 09/26/18
In the Matter of Putnam Investment
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5050 09/27/18
In the Matter of Ismail Elmas Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84300 09/27/18
SEC v. Goldsky Asset Management, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24291 09/27/18
In the Matter of LendingClub Asset
Management, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-5054 09/28/18
In the Matter of Lawrence Allen DeShetler Follow-on Admin. Proc. IA-5053 09/28/18


SEC v. Gerardo de Nicolas Gutierrez, et al. Civil LR-23964 10/11/17

SEC v. Rio Tinto plc, et al. Civil LR-24085 10/17/17
In the Matter of Jeffrey W. Tomz, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81908 10/19/17
In the Matter of Mayank Gupta, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81911 10/19/17
In the Matter of Harold J. Swart, Jr., CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81954 10/26/17
SEC v. Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., et al. Civil LR-23978 11/02/17
In the Matter of Stephen D. Ferrone Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82033 11/08/17
In the Matter of Paul Behrens, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 33-10437 11/14/17
In the Matter of Michael C. Sabatino, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82110 11/17/17
In the Matter of David N. Fuselier Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82117 11/20/17
In the Matter of Jon L. Frank Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82154 11/27/17
In the Matter of Thaddeus Bereday Follow-on Admin. Proc. 33-10441 11/30/17
In the Matter of Rahuldev Gandhi, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82208 12/04/17
In the Matter of Richard J. Koch, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82207 12/04/17
SEC v. Premier Holding Corporation, et al. Civil LR-24000 12/04/17
In the Matter of Anton & Chia, LLP, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82206 12/04/17
In the Matter of Provectus Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82292 12/12/17
SEC v. Harry Craig Dees Civil LR-24008 12/12/17
In the Matter of Peter R. Culpepper, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82293 12/12/17
In the Matter of Alan Shortall Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10449 12/22/17
In the Matter of Justin Samuel Cary, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82554 01/19/18
In the Matter of Cynthia Holder, CPA, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82556 01/22/18
In the Matter of Brian Sweet, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82557 01/22/18
In the Matter of Brian S. Block, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82710 02/14/18

SEC v. Alan Weinberg, et al. Civil LR-24051 02/16/18

In the Matter of Simcha Baer, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82736 02/16/18
In the Matter of Alan Weinberg, CPA, et al. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82744 02/21/18
SEC v. Analytica Bio-Energy Corp., et al. Civil LR-24058 02/28/18
SEC v. Marvin Winick Civil LR-24058 02/28/18
In the Matter of BDO Canada, LLP
(f/k/a BDO Dunwoody, LLP) Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82859 03/13/18
In the Matter of Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82861 03/13/18
In the Matter of KPMG Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82862 03/13/18
In the Matter of KPMG, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82860 03/13/18
SEC v. Akorn, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24082 03/26/18
In the Matter of Maxwell Technologies, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10472 03/27/18
In the Matter of Philip John James, CA, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10478 04/09/18
In the Matter of Wellness Center USA, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10481 04/12/18
SEC v. Andrew J. Kandelapas Civil LR-24111 04/12/18
In the Matter of Li and Company, PC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10482 04/12/18
In the Matter of Medifirst Solutions, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83067 04/19/18
In the Matter of Altaba Inc., f/d/b/a Yahoo!, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10485 04/24/18
SEC v. Revolutionary Concepts, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24126 04/27/18
In the Matter of Winter, Kloman, Moter & Repp, S.C., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83168 05/04/18
SEC v. Parmjit Parmar, et al. Civil 2018-90 05/16/18
In the Matter of Constant Contact, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10504 06/05/18
In the Matter of Michael J. Mona, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83391 06/06/18
In the Matter of RSM US, LLP Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83428 06/14/18
SEC v. Axesstel, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24181 06/28/18
In the Matter of KBR, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10516 07/02/18
In the Matter of The Dow Chemical Company Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83581 07/02/18
SEC v. United Development Funding III, LP, et al. Civil LR-24185 07/03/18
In the Matter of Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10517 07/10/18
In the Matter of Patrick J. Gray Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83620 07/12/18
In the Matter of Genesis Associates Limited Partnership Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83627 07/13/18
SEC v. John D. Schiller, Jr. Civil LR-24202 07/16/18
SEC v. Centor Energy, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24209 07/17/18
In the Matter of Jay C. Lake, CPA Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10519 07/17/18
SEC v. Bhushan Dandawate Civil LR-24210 07/19/18
In the Matter of Kurt J. Bordian, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83772 08/03/18
In the Matter of Ribbon Communications, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10528 08/07/18
In the Matter of Daniel M. Fitzpatrick, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83806 08/08/18
In the Matter of Kevin M. Modany, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83805 08/08/18
In the Matter of Lauren Zarsky, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83854 08/15/18
In the Matter of Citigroup, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83858 08/16/18
SEC v. Harpreet Grewal Civil LR-24242 08/21/18
In the Matter of Hari K. Ravichandran Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10533 08/21/18
In the Matter of Waruna Tivanka Ellawala Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10534 08/21/18
In the Matter of David Michael Naylor, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83993 08/29/18
In the Matter of Philip R. Jacoby, Jr. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84010 08/30/18
SEC v. Tangoe, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24255 09/04/18
In the Matter of Michael J. Kipp Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84022 09/04/18
In the Matter of Joanne K.Viard, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84023 09/04/18
In the Matter of John Pierrard Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84024 09/04/18
SEC v. Adam C. Wasserman Civil LR-24265 09/12/18
In the Matter of Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt, LLP Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84118 09/13/18
In the Matter of Jennifer F. Wolf, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84131 09/14/18
In the Matter of Abtech Holdings, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10550 09/17/18

In the Matter of Glenn R. Rink Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10551 09/17/18

In the Matter of Lane J.Castleton Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10552 09/17/18
SEC v. Seaworld Entertainment, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24272 09/18/18
SEC v. Clovis Oncology, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24273 09/18/18
SEC v. Frederick D. Jacobs Civil LR-24272 09/18/18
In the Matter of Sientra, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10555 09/19/18
SEC v. Hani Zeini Civil LR-24275 09/19/18
In the Matter of Nasir Shakouri Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84205 09/19/18
In the Matter of Bronson L. Quon, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84207 09/19/18
In the Matter of Robert Torino Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84206 09/19/18
In the Matter of Barrett Business Services, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10557 09/20/18
SEC v. James Douglas Miller Civil LR-24282 09/20/18
In the Matter of Heartland Payment Systems, LLC,
f/k/a Heartland Payment Systems, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10558 09/21/18
In the Matter of Cardiff Lexington Corporation
(f/k/a Cardiff International, Inc.) Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84258 09/21/18
In the Matter of Cool Technologies, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84260 09/21/18
In the Matter of Dasan Zhone Solutions, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84261 09/21/18
In the Matter of Infrax Systems, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84263 09/21/18
In the Matter of Primoris Services Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84251 09/21/18
In the Matter of First Hartford Corporation Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84262 09/21/18
In the Matter of Dennis Wayne Hamilton, CPA Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84252 09/21/18
In the Matter of Lichter, Yu and Associates, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84281 09/25/18
In the Matter of Dhru Desai Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-84291 09/26/18
SEC v. Elon Musk Civil 2018-226 09/27/18
In the Matter of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10562 09/28/18
In the Matter of Mota Group, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10564 09/28/18
SEC v. Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. Civil LR-24302 09/28/18
SEC v. Adam C. Derbyshire Civil LR-24302 09/28/18
SEC v. Nutra Pharma Corporation, et al. Civil LR-24295 09/28/18
SEC v. Tesla, Inc. Civil 2018-226 09/29/18


In the Matter of Martin T. Cantu Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-81793 10/02/17

In the Matter of Henry Lin-Han Jan Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10431 10/26/17
In the Matter of Artemus Mayor Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10432 10/26/17
SEC v. John Madsen, et al. Civil LR-23973 10/27/17
SEC v. Joseph P. Willner Civil 2017-202 10/30/17
In the Matter of Millennium Management, LLC Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-81989 10/31/17
SEC v. Brian R. Sodi, et al. Civil 2018-38 02/26/18
SEC v. Dennis J. Mancino, et al. Civil LR-24067 03/02/18
SEC v. Beaufort Securities, Ltd., et al. Civil LR-24067 03/02/18
SEC v. Jeffrey O. Friedland, et al. Civil LR-24066 03/05/18
In the Matter of Robert Joseph Ritch Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82840 03/09/18
In the Matter of Timary Delorme Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82953 03/27/18
SEC v. Gregory M. Bercowy Civil LR-24091 04/03/18
In the Matter of Matthew T. Mushlin Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10480 04/12/18
SEC v. Christopher Davies, et al. Civil LR-24261 04/19/18
SEC v. Diane J. Harrison, et al. Civil LR-24122 04/25/18
In the Matter of Andy Z. Fan Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10487 04/25/18
SEC v. Eddy U. Marin, et al. Civil LR-24127 05/02/18
SEC v. Francisco Abellan Villena, et al. Civil LR-24141 05/15/18

In the Matter of Timothy C. Scarpino Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10496 05/15/18

In the Matter of Mark A. Karow, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10495 05/15/18
SEC v. Niel Martin Nielson Civil LR-24151 05/24/18
SEC v. Carolyne Susan Johnson Civil LR-24151 05/24/18
In the Matter of Arthur Kaplan Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10500 05/24/18
SEC v. Joseph A. Fiore, et al. Civil LR-24171 06/18/18
SEC v. Gannon Giguiere, et al. Civil LR-24201 07/06/18
SEC v. Mark E. Burns Civil LR-24204 07/11/18
SEC v. Howard M. Appel Civil LR-24219 07/27/18
SEC v. Eric P. Lesak, et al. Civil LR-24239 08/21/18
SEC v. In Ovations Holdings, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24260 09/05/18
SEC v. Barry C. Honig, et al. Civil LR-24262 09/07/18
SEC v. Gregory Lemelson, et al. Civil LR-24267 09/12/18
SEC v. Thomas Carter Ronk Civil LR-24297 09/28/18


In the Matter of William J. Pulte Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82233 12/07/17

In the Matter of James R.J. Scheltema Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82703 02/13/18
In the Matter of Edmund W. Bailey Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82877 03/14/18
In the Matter of Earnest H. (Woody) DeLong, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83354 05/31/18
In the Matter of FP Resources USA, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83626 07/13/18


In the Matter of Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83965 08/28/18
In the Matter of Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83966 08/28/18


SEC v. Town of Oyster Bay, New York, et al. Civil 2017-213 11/21/17
SEC v. David Webb, Jr. Civil LR-23998 12/01/17
SEC v. Malachi Financial Products, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24025 01/02/18
In the Matter of Anthony A. Stovall Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-82443 01/05/18
SEC v. Leonard Genova Civil LR-24059 03/01/18
In the Matter of Barcelona Strategies, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83191 05/09/18
In the Matter of Nachman Aaron Troodler, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83399 06/08/18
In the Matter of Malachi Financial Products, Inc. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83607 07/09/18
In the Matter of Porter B. Bingham Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83608 07/09/18
In the Matter of Sofinnova Ventures, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4958 07/10/18
In the Matter of Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4960 07/10/18
In the Matter of EnCap Investments L.P. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. IA-4959 07/10/18
SEC v. John A. Paulsen Civil LR-24218 07/26/18
In the Matter of Charles Kerry Morris Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10529 08/14/18
SEC v. Core Performance Management, LLC, et al. Civil 2018-153 08/14/18
SEC v. RMR Asset Management Company, et al. Civil 2018-153 08/14/18
In the Matter of NW Capital Markets, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-83840 08/14/18
In the Matter of Eric Hall & Associates, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 34-84224 09/20/18


SEC v. N1 Technologies, Inc., et al. Civil LR-23958 10/03/17

SEC v. Marc A. Celello Civil LR-23962 10/05/17
SEC v. Michael Scronic Civil LR-24094 10/05/17
SEC v. James M. Schneider Civil LR-23965 10/11/17
SEC v. Andrew H. Wilson Civil LR-23965 10/11/17
SEC v. JustInfo, LLC, et al. Civil LR-23967 10/11/17
SEC v. Lisa Bershan, et al. Civil LR-23966 10/11/17
In the Matter of Mergenet Medical, Inc., et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10426 10/16/17
SEC v. Randall James Civil LR-23972 10/26/17
In the Matter of YourPeople, Inc.,
dba Zenefits FTW Insurance Services, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10429 10/26/17
SEC v. The End of the Rainbow Partners, LLC, et al. Civil LR-23987 11/08/17
SEC v. Paul Z. Singer, et al. Civil LR-23982 11/09/17
In the Matter of Nathan Whitney Drage, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82106 11/17/17
SEC v. Joseph A. Rubbo, et al. Civil LR-24026 11/30/17
SEC v. PlexCorps, et al. Civil LR-24079 12/01/17
SEC v. Donald E. MacCord, Jr., et al. Civil LR-24001 12/04/17
SEC v. James C. Tao, et al. Civil LR-24003 12/05/17
In the Matter of Munchee, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10445 12/11/17
In the Matter of William B. Peiffer, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82294 12/12/17
SEC v. Ray C. Davis, et al. Civil LR-24013 12/14/17
SEC v. Ronald A. Fossum, Jr., et al. Civil LR-24017 12/19/17
SEC v. Stephen C. Peters, et al. Civil LR-24019 12/20/17
SEC v. Robert H. Shapiro, et al. Civil LR-24020 12/20/17
SEC v. DaRayl D. Davis, et al. Civil LR-24087 12/22/17
SEC v. Owen H. Naccarato Civil LR-24024 12/26/17
In the Matter of Punch TV Studios, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10452 01/09/18
SEC v. David S. Haddad, et al. Civil LR-24028 01/11/18
SEC v. Daniel B. Vazquez, Sr., et al. Civil LR-24031 01/12/18
SEC v. AriseBank, et al. Civil LR-24088 01/25/18
SEC v. Nicholas J. Genovese, et al. Civil LR-24038 02/02/18
In the Matter of Andrew H. Wilson, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82632 02/05/18
In the Matter of Thomas Osmonde Russell, III, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82651 02/07/18
In the Matter of Jay Mac Rust, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82688 &
34-82691 02/12/18
SEC v. Timothy S. Batchelor Civil LR-24045 02/13/18
In the Matter of Barry M. Skinner, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10458 02/16/18
SEC v. Jonathan Strum Civil LR-24051 02/16/18
SEC v. Sharone Perlstein, et al. Civil LR-24051 02/16/18
SEC v. Jersey Consulting, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24064 02/20/18
In the Matter of Jonathan Strum, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-82743 02/21/18
SEC v. Jon E. Montroll, et al. Civil LR-24078 02/21/18
SEC v. Steven Ventre, et al. Civil LR-24055 02/26/18
SEC v. AmeraTex Energy, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24057 02/27/18
SEC v. Americrude, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24068 03/07/18
In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10465 03/08/18
In the Matter of Credit Karma, Inc. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10469 03/12/18
SEC v. Spark Trading Group, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24080 03/12/18
SEC v. Elizabeth Holmes, et al. Civil LR-24069 03/14/18
SEC v. Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani Civil LR-24069 03/14/18
SEC v. McKinley Mortgage Co., LLC, et al. Civil LR-24076 03/22/18

SEC v. Kirbyjon Hines Caldwell, et al. Civil LR-24089 03/29/18

SEC v. Shae Yatta Harper Civil LR-24089 03/29/18
SEC v. Michael A. Liberty, et al. Civil LR-24092 03/30/18
SEC v. Sohrab ("Sam") Sharma, et al. Civil LR-24090 04/02/18
SEC v. Longfin Corp., et al. Civil LR-24106 04/04/18
SEC v. Peter H. Pocklington, et al. Civil LR-24098 04/05/18
SEC v. The Lifepay Group, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24107 04/06/18
SEC v. Amrit J. S. Chahal Civil LR-24114 04/12/18
SEC v. Arthur Lamar Adams, et al. Civil LR-24129 04/20/18
SEC v. PixarBio Corp., et al. Civil LR-24121 04/24/18
In the Matter of AF Ocean Investment
Management Company Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10488 04/25/18
In the Matter of ChinAmerica Andy Movie
Entertainment Media Company Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10489 04/25/18
SEC v. Adam Tracy, et al. Civil LR-24132 05/01/18
SEC v. Keith Houlihan Civil LR-24137 05/04/18
In the Matter of Shae Yatta Harper, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 33-10492 05/04/18
SEC v. Keenan Gracey Civil LR-24144 05/10/18
SEC v. The Falls Event Center, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24139 05/10/18
SEC v. Brent Borland, et al. Civil LR-24147 05/16/18
SEC v. Bud Genius, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24148 05/21/18
SEC v. Titanium Blockchain Infrastructure
Services, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24160 05/22/18
SEC v. Taylor Moffitt, et al. Civil LR-24148 05/22/18
In the Matter of Adam S. Tracy, Esq. Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83304 05/23/18
SEC v. Curative Biosciences, Inc.
f/k/a Healthient, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24180 05/30/18
SEC v. Steven Pagartanis Civil LR-24152 05/30/18
SEC v. Isaac Grossman, et al. Civil LR-24162 06/04/18
SEC v. Paul Gilman, et al. Civil LR-24156 06/04/18
SEC v. Ralph T. Iannelli, et al. Civil LR-24158 06/05/18
SEC v. Texas Coastal Energy Company, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24169 06/19/18
SEC v. Perry Santillo, et al. Civil LR-24172 06/19/18
SEC v. James E. Hocker Civil LR-24173 06/21/18
SEC v. James VanBlaricum, et al. Civil LR-24176 06/26/18
SEC v. Donato J. Dandreo, III Civil LR-24177 06/29/18
SEC v. T.J. Jesky, Esq., et al. Civil LR-24190 07/02/18
SEC v. The Owings Group, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24187 07/06/18
SEC v. Moddha Interactive, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24199 07/09/18
SEC v. Edward A. Young, et al. Civil LR-24211 07/11/18
SEC v. John Geraci Civil LR-24205 07/17/18
SEC v. Stephen J. Barber, et al. Civil LR-24207 07/18/18
SEC v. Daniel Rudden, et al. Civil LR-24216 07/19/18
SEC v. William Z. ("Billy") McFarland, et al. Civil LR-24213 07/24/18
SEC v. David A. Harbour Civil LR-24220 07/31/18
SEC v. Roger Duffield, et al. Civil LR-24232 08/02/18
SEC v. Palm House Hotel, LLLP, et al. Civil LR-24224 08/03/18
SEC v. John C. Maccoll Civil LR-24230 08/09/18
SEC v. Alexander Charles White, et al. Civil LR-24234 08/13/18
SEC v. Chad Anthony Lewis Civil LR-24233 08/13/18
In the Matter of Tomahawk Exploration, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10530 08/14/18
SEC v. Equitybuild, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24237 08/15/18
In the Matter of William E. Dawn Follow-on Admin. Proc. 34-83851 08/15/18
SEC v. Richard J. Greenlaw, et al. Civil LR-24246 08/17/18

SEC v. Intertech Solutions, Inc., et al. Civil LR-24241 08/20/18

SEC v. Barry M. Kornfeld, et al. Civil LR-24243 08/20/18
SEC v. Lynette M. Robbins, et al. Civil LR-24243 08/20/18
SEC v. 1 Global Capital, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24249 08/23/18
SEC v. James Bernard Moore, et al. Civil None 08/27/18
SEC v. Sandy J. Masselli Jr., et al. Civil LR-24248 08/28/18
SEC v. Robert William Dorrance Civil LR-24256 08/30/18
SEC v. Scott Stacy Phelps, et al. Civil LR-24254 08/30/18
SEC v. Michael E. Cone, et al. Civil 2018-177 09/05/18
SEC v. Brian Weber, et al. Civil None 09/05/18
SEC v. Joel N. Burstein Civil LR-24259 09/06/18
SEC v. Contrarian Investments, LLC Civil LR-24263 09/07/18
SEC v. Nevada Sports Investment Group, LP Civil LR-24264 09/07/18
SEC v. Joseph M. Laura, et al. Civil LR-24266 09/07/18
SEC v. Kevin B. Merrill, et al. Civil 2018-201 09/13/18
SEC v. Thomas J. Caufield Civil LR-24270 09/17/18
SEC v. Ernest J. Romer, III Civil LR-24274 09/18/18
SEC v. Leroy "Lee" Young, et al. Civil LR-24279 09/19/18
In the Matter of Michael L. LaPenna Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10553 09/19/18
In the Matter of Phillip R. Grogan, Esq. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10554 09/19/18
In the Matter of CMB Export, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10559 09/21/18
SEC v. William C. Skelley, et al. Civil LR-24288 09/26/18
SEC v. James Thomas Bramlette, et al. Civil LR-24289 09/26/18
SEC v. 1pool, Ltd., a/k/a 1Broker, et al. Civil 2018-218 09/27/18
SEC v. Timothy J. Atkinson, et al. Civil 2018-216 09/27/18
SEC v. Ronald C. Montano, et al. Civil 2018-216 09/27/18
SEC v. Justin Blake Barrett, et al. Civil 2018-216 09/27/18
SEC v. Robert A. Ferrante, et al. Civil None 09/27/18
SEC v. NL Technology, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24293 09/27/18
SEC v. Carlos I. Uresti, et al. Civil LR-24296 09/28/18
SEC v. Russell Craig, et al. Civil LR-24303 09/28/18


In the Matter of New York Stock Exchange, LLC, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10463 03/06/18


SEC v. Quicksilver Stock Transfer, LLC, et al. Civil LR-24033 01/24/18

In the Matter of Manhattan Transfer Registrar
Company, et al. Stand-alone Admin. Proc. 33-10497 05/17/18

2 The frst defendant was charged in FY 2017.
7 (collecting cases).
11 Id. (collecting trading suspensions).
13 Id. (collecting trading suspensions).
16 The MCDC Initiative was a voluntary self-reporting program that targeted material misstatements and
omissions in municipal bond offering documents. The MCDC Initiative led to a large number of
enforcement actions brought in FY 2015 and FY 2016.
17 Money ordered in FY 2018 includes In the Matter of Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, AP File
No. 3-18843, Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-84295 (Sept. 27, 2018), which orders payment
of disgorgement and prejudgment interest totaling $933,473,797 and a penalty of $853,200,000 and
provides that certain of respondent’s obligations for those amounts (all but $85,320,000) shall be
deemed satisfed if, within one year, it makes payments in related actions involving the Department of
Justice, a class action settlement fund, and Brazilian authorities.
18 137 S. Ct. 1635 (2017).
27 Id.
30 Id.
31 138 S. Ct. 2044 (2018).

U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549

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