Agile Ba Cheat Sheet: Second Edition
Agile Ba Cheat Sheet: Second Edition
Agile Ba Cheat Sheet: Second Edition
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The aim of this cheat sheet is to provide Agile Business Analysts with a quick reference
card that may help them with their day to day work. For further details on Agile [email protected]
requirements management visit out website.
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1) It’s your job as BA to work closely with the Product Owner 2) The NEXT column is used to drive out priorities and identify
to constantly groom the demand coming into the team. the next work item for the team to start next. Make sure you
Look for work that keeps getting trumped by other work to only pull from this column WHEN YOU HAVE THE CAPACITY TO
see if it’s genuinely needed. The correct level of story detail DEAL WITH IT. If you pull too much work in, then you will just
at this stage could be as little as the title of the story written become a bottleneck and create a bigger hand-off with
on the card. Getting into too much detail at this point risks the rest of the team. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking
waste as you may not have access to Dev’s and Tester’s or you’re helping the team go faster by getting ahead with
the story may get trumped by other work. Remember, the story writing but you are in fact slowing the team down. You
longer the period of time between a story being written and want to do just enough up front work to allow you to focus
a developer picking it up degrades quality and requires a more on fleshing out the story detail (if needed) closely WITH
greater effort of hand over. This is why we never hand-over a developers and testers. If you hit your WIP limits go
story but instead write stories with Dev’s and Tester’s. downstream to help out in Dev & Test (see point 4&5 below).
Remember the golden rule: Always look downstream for
more work before pulling work from the left.