2-Week Program: Tone From Home

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10 WEEK 1

18 WEEK 2




Dream it. Plan it. Do it.

Hey guys, we're the Mescia Twins AKA Why we wrote this program?
Ash & Liv! Welcome to our workout guide.
This book is a small insight into our health We wrote this guide because we have
& fitness regime and just a taste of what is become increasingly aware that you guys
on offer in our 6-week program. love hearing about the type of training we
do! We thought that the best way to
Our 6-week program will dive deep into communicate this information would be in
all things health and fitness with 6 an easy to use guide that you may follow at
workouts and 1 recovery session each home.
week. We talk about the type of training
we do and why, reveal tips and tricks and We  aim to live a well-rounded healthy
discuss food and nutrition! You will find a lifestyle that is flexible, enjoyable, fun and
bunch of fun challenges and activities balanced. Our mission is to help as many of
throughout! you as possible to achieve your health and
fitness goals and ultimately a feeling of
The program has dedicated pages to help confidence and happiness!
you stay productive and organised while
at home. We place a large focus on mental We will be with you every step of the way.
health to track how YOU are feeling. We hope you enjoy!

We have worked closely alongside a team Love,

of highly qualified fitness professionals to
craft a program that will allow both us and
you to achieve results in the comfort of
our home.
Ashley & Olivia xx

Believe in yourself. You are 100% capabale.

Your training breakdown

We developed this program alongside a team of highly WHAT EQUIPMENT

qualified fitness professionals, all with their CERT III WILL I NEED?
and Cert IV in fitness. Between them, they have over
The program is equipment
15 years experience. We have been training with their free! However, feel free to
team since 2019 and have seen some incredible utilise weights or resistance
results. We have accomplished many of our personal bands where possible to
health and fitness goals through this program and have intensify a movement.
significantly improved our knowledge in all areas of
training.  Why we do
strength training?
This two-week program combines a mix of: Increases strength and power
Strength-based training Reduces risk of injury
Cardio training Improves anaerobic
ABT (abs, butt, thighs) endurance
Recovery (stretching) Burns calories
Improves posture
Each day the program varies and focuses on a different Maintains flexibility and
muscle group. For example Monday is upper body and balance
Tuesday is lower body. This gives your muscles time to Boosts energy levels and
relax and recover and avoids over-training. mood
Increases bone density and
bone health

Your training breakdown
We can't wait to train alongside you! It's time to Why we do cardio
motivate each other and ensure we stay fit, healthy training?
and active whilst at home.
Increases your fitness/stamina
It's important to remember not to try and rush your Burns calories
progress. Achieving results takes time. You must stay Boosts your mood
dedicated and not give up! Strengthens your auto-immune
system (better resistance to
We hope this free guide gives you a taste of the colds or the flu)
training you will find in our 6-week program. We know Decreases blood pressure
our program will  help you achieve your health and (builds heart strength)
fitness goals and in turn help you feel GREAT and Aids sleep
improve your confidence. Remember, it's important to
not only focus on your training, but on eating healthy, Why we do
recovering and enjoying some 'you' time. These recovery?
aspects all work together to help you achieve progress
and results. Speeds recovery time
Injury prevention
The breakdown: Increases flexibility
Burns calories
Strength (STR) Improves muscle condition
Cardio (FIT) Releases toxins
Great way to relax
Abs, butt, thighs (ABT)
Recovery (REC)

Here's How It Works

1 Set up your workout space

Try to dedicate a space in home for your workout. Consider how much
space you will need and then scope out the best spot - perhaps your
bedroom, the garage, the backyard or the living room!

2 Review the workout

As each day is different, it is important to take time to review
the  workout before you begin. Make sure you understand how it
works and how to perform each movement. If you are unsure about a
certain exercise, check out the index in the back of this book! Have
your equipment ready if you plan to intensify any movement.

3 Timer
Does your workout involve a timer? We suggest downloading the
'seconds' app! It's free and easy to use. Select your template e.g. 'HIIT
Timer', set your number of sets and alter the work period (high
intensity) and rest period (low intensity). Have the timer ready to go
before your workout begins so you can just hit play!

4 Let's do this.
Grab your drink bottle, towel and turn on your favourite workout
playlist. It's time to work up a sweat.

How to make a movement easier

How to make a movement harder

“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as
you are.” – Melissa Etheridge 6
An explanation of the key terms
EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute
In an EMOM workout, there are a series of exercises that you must complete. You
will have a total of 1 minute, which will be split into work and rest. This will mean
that you start exercising at the beginning of each minute. For example, an exercise
may say 40 seconds on/ 20 seconds off. Here you exercise for the first 40 seconds of
the minute and then rest for the remaining 20 seconds. You then move on to the
next exercise.

A circuit is a group of exercises that you work your way through for a specified
number of rounds. Keep an eye on the 'notes' in each workout to determine the
required number of rounds or length of time you must repeat each circuit for.

A1 A2, B's, C's etc.

In all of our strength workouts, you will see a letter (A, B, C or D) and a number (1, 2,
3 or 4). The exercises that have the same letter represents the group of exercises
you will work through together. The number, next to the letter, is the order that you
will do the exercises in.
e.g. please see the photos below: Reps | Sets

Reps | Sets

The group of exercises on the left are coupled together and separated from the rest
of the exercises by a line (beneath). This means that you will have to complete both
of these exercises before moving on to the next lot of movements. You will start
with A1 then move to A2 and, in this case, you will need to repeat this 4 times.

The same thing goes for the group of exercises on the right. You will start C1
(Close grip push ups), followed by C2 (Plank rocks) and finally C3.

You will repeat C1, C2 and C3 three times as you have 'three' sets in total.

An explanation of the key terms

Rep: one single exercise.
Reps: the amount of times you must complete that exercise each set.
Sets: the number of rounds that need to be completed of the given reps.

E.g. please see photo below for an explanation

Reps | Sets

The first exercise is D1 and you will need to complete 8 reps (do 8 bunny hops). You
will then move on to D2 which involves 20 reps (do 20 toe touches). Complete D1,
followed by D2 3 times (3 sets).


We structure our strength sessions with groups of 2 or more exercises to increase the
intensity and overload a specific group of muscles. With greater intensity and loading,
you are able to get so much more out of each session in a shorter amount of time.

ABT - Abs, Butt, Thighs

Time to firm, tone and sculpt your body using body-weight and resistance exercises to
target your abs, butt and thighs. This 45 minute class will leave you burning and
wanting more!

FIT - Fitness (cardio)

A class that focuses on a combination of strength, cardio and flexibility to help you
reach your strength and fitness goals faster. Our ultimate sweat session.

An explanation of the key terms

RCV - Recovery (stretching)

The aim of this class is to stretch and recover the body from previous training
sessions. Using a combination of various stretches, it is the perfect way to end a big
week of training and prepare your body for the week ahead. 

The breakdown:
Strength (STR)
Cardio (FIT)
Abs, butt, thighs (ABT)
Recovery (REC)
Please refer to the index at the back of the book for a step-by-step guide to every
exercise and stretch! We have also taken photos of each movement to make it easier
for you to understand.

Keep an eye out for the pink asterisks throughout the program. If you have a
small resistance band (booty band), place it just above your knees to increase
the intensity and burn in your glutes!

These exercises are

great to complete with
a booty band!

Monday Week 1 - Upper Body

16 Star Jumps
16 Shoulder Taps
8 Push ups (knees) x2
20 Arm Circles
(10 forwards/ 10 back)

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

A1 Lay Down Push Ups 10 | 4 Keep core locked on. Complete push ups on
your knees.
A2 Mountain Climbers 30 | 4 Keep your shoulders directly above your
hands and core engaged.

B1 Back Extensions 10 | 4 Hold at the top for 3 seconds and squeeze.

B2 Push Up Shoulder Taps 8 | 4 Keep back straight and core locked on.
Complete push ups on knees.

Keep your chest proud and your back close

C1 Tricep Dips 10 | 4
to the bench/chair. Straighten legs.

C2 Moving Planks 12 | 4 Alternate leading hand after 6 reps. Perform

Make time for you this week.

on knees.

D1 Bicycle Kicks 20 | 3 Ensure opposite elbow touches opposite knee.

D2 Burpees 8 | 3 Get your chest to the ground!

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Tuesday Week 1 - Lower Body

Complete 2 rounds
10 Squat Stretches 10 Crab Walks (e/s)
10 BW Squats 10 Glute Bridges
5 Walk-Outs 20 Mountain Climbers

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

A1 Squat into Side Kick 12 | 4 Alternate kick after each rep. 6 kicks per side.

A2 Curtsy Lunges 8 e/s | 4 Focus on one point to improve balance. Push

through the dominant heel to activate glutes.

B1 Step Ups 8 e/s | 4 Push up through your heel to activate glutes.

B2 Glute Bridges 15 | 4 Squeeze your glutes when thrusting.

C1 Squat Jumps 12 | 3 Land softly with bent knees.

C2 Lunge Pulses 20 e/s | 3 Stay low. Don't straighten those legs!

We know it hurts, but don't stop! Don't forget

D1 Squat Pulses 30 | 3
to breath.

D2 Jumping Lunges 12 e/s | 3 Jump explosively while alternating legs.

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Wednesday Week 1 - Full Body
WARM UP Countdown Workout
10, 9, 8... 2, 1
10 Squats
8 Push ups  Complete 10 of each, followed by 9 of
20 Bicycle Kicks x2 each and so on until you have reached 1!
8 Lumber Rotations After each round: 10 squat pulses, 10
30 High Knees jumping lunges.

Countdown Workout

Mountain Climbers
(Single Mountain Climbers if too difficult)

Split Push Ups

(complete push up on knees)
At the end of each round
90º Squat Jumps complete:
10 Squat Pulses
Sit Ups
10 Jumping Lunges
Moving Planks
(on knees)


5 min ab blitz

Set a five minute timer. Complete the following until the timer
is up!
20 Sit Ups
20 Toe Touches
30 Ankle Taps

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Thursday Week 1 - Core, Glutes
Three circuits in total WARM UP
// Circuit 1: Glutes
// Circuit 2: Abs 30 Star Jumps
// Circuit 3: Legs 30 Butt Kicks x3
Note* complete each circuit 30 High Knees
before moving on

Use a resistance band during

Glutes the glute circuit to intensify
each movement.
Glute Bridges
Complete three rounds
Donkey Kicks Left
1st round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Straight Leg Pulses Left
2nd round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Donkey Kicks Right
3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off
Straight Leg Pulses Right

Russian Twists
Leg Raises Complete three rounds
Sit Ups 1st round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Plank Shoulder Taps 2nd round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Scissor Kicks 3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off
Bicycle Kicks

Sumo Squats
Complete three rounds
Squat Pulses
1st round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Squat Jumps
2nd round: 40 seconds on: 15 seconds off
Pulsing Lunges (left leg forward)
3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off
Pulsing Lunges (right leg forward)

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Friday Week 1 - Full Body

16 Star Jumps
16 Shoulder Taps
8 Push ups (knees) x2
16 Back slaps

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

Split the movement if struggling with balance.

A1 Lunge w/ Knee Drive 8 e/s | 4 Pick a spot on the wall to focus on.

A2 Moving Planks 12 | 4 Complete on your knees.

Keep your legs straight. You should feel a

B1 Walk Out Push Ups 8 | 4 stretch through your hamstrings.

B2 Sumo Squat w/ Pulse 12 | 4 Squeeze your glutes at the top.

Interlock your fingers behind your head and

C1 Prisoner Squat 12 | 4 push your chest out.

C2 Crab Walks 10 e/s | 4 Intensify with resistance band if you have


Lock in your core, outstretch one arm at a time

D1 Plank Reaches 12 | 3
and touch the ground or an object.

D2 Crunch & Twist 15 | 3 Maintain control on the way down, keep that
core locked in.

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Saturday Week 1 - Full Body

10 Squats
Note: Complete circuit 1 and then move
10 Push ups (knees)
8 Lumber Rotations x2 onto circuit 2. Finish with a 5 min ab
20 Star Jumps
20 Butt Kicks

Circuit 1 Circuit 2
3 x rounds 3 x rounds
40 seconds on; 20 seconds off 40 seconds on; 20 seconds off

Burpees Mountain Climbers

Bulgarian Lunges (left leg) Jumping Lunges
Bulgarian Lunges (Right leg) Shoulder Taps
Squat Pulses Toe Touches
Push Ups (on knees) Squat Hold
Bicycle Kicks Squat Jumps

5 min ab blitz

Repeat the following until the 5 minute timer is up!

20 Ankle Taps
20 Russian Twists
20 Sit Ups

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Sunday Week 1 - Recovery
Part 1

A short walk + 3 stretches of your choice below. Enjoy the fresh

air and nature! Take a moment on your walk to think of 3 things
you are grateful for.

Part 2

Hold each stretch for 20 - 30 seconds

e/l = each leg
e/a = each arm

Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch (e/l)

Lying Glute Stretch (e/l)

Deep Glute Stretch (e/l)

Butterfly Stretch

Shoulder Stretch (e/a)

Tricep Stretch (e/a)

Standing Quad Stretch (e/l)

Standing Hamstring Stretch (e/l)

l e tin ...
c om e e k 2
a t s on nto w
i v x x
Con 1! No
w o
& L
Set a 7 minute timer and complete round 1.
Enjoy a 30 second - 1 minute break.
Set a 7 minute timer and complete round 2.

Round 1 Round 2
10 Donkey Kicks (left leg) 10 Glute Bridges

15 Straight Leg Pulses (left leg) 10 e/s Crab Walks

15 Clam Shells (left leg) 30 sec Squat Hold

10 Donkey Kicks (right leg) 20 Squat Pulses

15 Straight Leg Pulses (right leg) 10 e/s Alternating Lunges

15 Clam Shells (right leg)

Use a resistance
band throughout
round 1 to
intensify each

This ones a burner!

Good luck!
Ash & Liv xx
Monday Week 2 - Upper Body
30 Star Jumps
30 Shoulder Taps How to make a movement easier
8 Push Ups (knees) x2
20 Arm Circles
How to make a movement harder
(10 forwards/ 10 back)

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

A1 Lay Down Push Ups 12 | 4 Keep core locked on. Complete push ups on
your knees.
A2 Mountain Climbers 30 | 4 Keep your shoulders directly above your
hands and core engaged.

B1 Back Extensions 10 | 4 Hold at the top for 3 seconds and squeeze.

Keep back straight and core locked on.
B2 Push Up Shoulder Taps 8 | 4
Complete push ups on knees.

Keep your back close to the bench/chair.

C1 Tricep Dips 12 | 4
Put passion into everything you do.

Straighten your legs more this week!

C2 Moving Planks 16 | 4 Alternate leading hand after 8 reps. Perform

on knees.

D1 Bicycle Kicks 20 | 3 Ensure your opposite elbow touches

opposite knee.

D2 Burpees 10 | 3 Get your chest to the ground!

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Tuesday Week 2 - Lower Body

Complete 2 rounds
10 Squat Stretches 10 Donkey Kicks (left leg)
10 BW Squats 10 Donkey Kicks (right leg)
5 Walk-Outs 20 Mountain Climbers

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

Take small steps and don't straighten legs!

A1 Crab Walks 10 e/s | 4

A2 Curtsey Lunges 8 e/s | 4 Focus on one point to improve balance. Push

through the dominant heel to activate glutes.

B1 Step Ups 8 e/s | 4 Hold a weight or any object at home!

B2 Single Leg Glute 10 e/s | 4 Squeeze your glutes when thrusting. Push
Bridges through your heel and keep hips level.

C1 Squat Jumps 12 | 4 Land softly with bent knees.

C2 Lunge Pulses 15 e/s | 4 Hover your back knee off the ground.

D1 Squat Pulses 30 | 3 We know it hurts, but don't stop!

D2 Kneel to Squat Hold a weight or any object at home! e.g. a

12 e/s | 3
heavy book.

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Wednesday Week 2 - Full Body
EMOM (every minute on the minute)
In this EMOM you stay on each exercise
10 Squats for 50 seconds before changing. We have
8 Push ups  given you a 10 second break between
15 Sit Ups x2 each exercise.
8 Lumber Rotations Set your timer for 50 seconds on and 10
30 High Knees
seconds rest (Seconds App)

Jumping Lunges
Squat Hold
Complete 2 rounds (50 seconds on, 10
Shoulder Taps seconds off) - a total of 14 intervals.

Plank 1 minute water break

Bicycle Kicks
Final 2 rounds (50 seconds on, 10
Burpees seconds off) - a total of 14 intervals.

Mountain Climbers

5 min ab blitz

Repeat the following until the 5 minute timer is up!

15 Toe Touches
20 Sit Ups
25 Russian Twists

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Thursday Week 2 - Core & Glutes
Complete required rounds of each circuit before
moving on.
// Circuit 1: Glutes (don't forget your resistance band 30 Star Jumps
if you have one!) 30 Butt Kicks x3
// Circuit 2: Abs 30 High Knees
// Circuit 3: Legs

Crab Walks 
Glute Bridges Complete three rounds
Donkey Kicks Left 1st round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
2nd round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
Clam Shells Left
3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off
Donkey Kicks Right
Claim Shells Right

Toe Touches
Crunch & Twist Complete three rounds
Russian Twists 1st round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
2nd round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
Ankle Taps
3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off
Bicycle Kicks

Body Weight Squats
Jumping Lunges
Complete three rounds
Squat Jumps 1st round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
Squat Hold 2nd round: 40 seconds on: 10 seconds off
Pulsing Lunges 3rd round: 25 seconds on: 5 seconds off

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Friday Week 2 - Whole Body

16 Star Jumps
16 Shoulder Taps
8 Push ups (knees)
10 Squats

Exercise Reps | Sets Tips / comments

A1 Lunge w/ Knee Drive 8 e/s | 4 Focus on one point in the room to help balance.

A2 Wall Assisted Tricep 15 | 4 Take a larger step away from the wall to

Extension intensify the exercise.

Keep your legs straight. You should feel a

B1 Walk Out Double 8 | 4 stretch through your hamstrings.
Push Ups
B2 Sumo Squat w/ Pulse 15 | 4 Pulse at the bottom of your squat before
returning to the top.

Interlock your fingers behind your head and

C1 Prisoner Squat 12 | 4 push your chest out.

C2 Crab Walks 10 e/s | 4 Stay as low as you can!

Lock in your core and outstretch one arm at a

D1 Plank Reaches 16 | 3
time (8 each arm).

D2 Crunch & Twist 15 | 3 Maintain control on the way down, keep that
core locked in.

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Saturday Week 2 - Full Body
Note: Only a quick 1 minute water
10 Squats
break between circuits! Finish with a 5
10 Push Ups (knees)
x2 min ab blitz!
8 Lumber Rotations
20 Butt Kicks

Circuit 1 Circuit 2
3 x rounds 2 x rounds
45 seconds on; 10 seconds off 45 seconds on; 10 seconds off

Moving Planks Bicycle Kicks

Squat Jumps Push Ups
Pulsing Lunges Jumping Lunges
Glute Walk Outs Sumo Squats
Circuit 3
1 x rounds
45 seconds on; 10 seconds off

Shoulder Taps
Split Push Ups
90º Jump Squats
Squat Pulses
Mountain Climbers

5 min ab blitz
Repeat the following until your 5 minute timer is up!

20 Sit Ups
30 Russian Twists
40 Ankle Taps

Cool down
Follow our cool down on page 26. LET'S DO THIS
Sunday Week 2 - Recovery

T i m e Ptaor tS t1r e t c h

Hold each stretch for 20 - 30 seconds

e/a = each arm
e/l = each leg
e/s = each side

Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch (e/l)

Deep Glute Stretch (e/l)
Seated Hamstring Stretch (double)
Butterfly Stretch
Tricep Stretch (e/a)
Standing Quad Stretch (e/l)
Chest Wall Stretch (e/a)
Shoulder Stretch (e/a)
Lower Back Dead Hang

You have now completed our 2-week
TFH program!
Ash & Liv xx

14 Minute Ab Blitz
Set a 7 minute timer and complete round 1.
Enjoy a 30 second - 1 minute break.
Set a 7 minute timer and complete round 2.
A d d a w e ig h t to
Round 1 ru s s ia n tw is ts
to in c re a s e
th e in te n s it y !
1 min Plank

15 Leg Raises
20 Toe Taps

20 Russian Twists

Round 2
20 Sit Ups

30 Bicycle Kicks
To make this
20 Shoulder Taps movement
10 e/s Side Plank Pulses complete on
your knees!

Cool Down

At the end of a workout, complete our cool down routine. 

Option 1

Enjoy a 5-minute walk and complete a minimum of three of

the below stretches.

Option 2

1. Stand up tall with your hands by your

sides, we are going to complete a spinal
roll. Slowly bring your chin down to your
chest and begin to roll your shoulders
forward. Start rolling down from the top of
your back, through the middle and lowest
part of your back. 

Let your arms hang down by your side and

reach for your toes. You should feel a deep
stretch behind the back of your legs. Hold
for 10 seconds. Complete this in reverse to
come back up. Repeat 3 times. 

2. Get into a deep floor lunge with arms on hips. Push your hips forward
to stretch your hip flexors and hold for 30 seconds with your left leg
forward. To intensify, raise up your right arm (opposite to front leg)
and take a deep breath in. Follow this with a 30 second stretch with
your right leg forward. Repeat 3 times on each leg.

Cool Down Continued

3. Stand up tall with a slight bend in your knees and raise your left arm
up into the air. Lean over to your right side (opposite to arm in air).
Make sure you only lean to the side and not forwards or backwards.
Take 3, slow, deep breaths in & out before switching sides. Repeat 3
times on each side.

4. Move into a table top position and complete 1 cat cow movement.
Bring your chest down and curve your back, then, raise your back up
high and squeeze your glutes.  Directly following this movement, sit
your bum back down on to your heels and get into a child's pose. Hold
this pose for 10 seconds. Repeat the cat cow into childs pose 5 times. 

5. Sit on the ground with your left leg straight and right leg bent at the
knee (in a butterfly position). Lean forward and walk your hands along
your left leg. Aim for your toes. Hold the stretch for 20–30 seconds.
Repeat three times and then change legs.

6. Ab stretch. Lay flat on your tummy and straighten your arms to raise
your chest tall. Feel a stretch through your abs and lower back. Take 5
deep breaths. Lower yourself back down to your stomach and repeat 3

7. Single leg lumbar rotations. Lay on your back and bring your right
knee over to your left side. Place your arms horizontally and look right
(the opposite direction to your knee). Relax your body and feel a
stretch in your glute and back. Keep your shoulder blades flat on the
ground and let your knee fall towards the ground. Hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat on the opposite side. Complete 3 times on each side.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. where can i purchase the 03. Will The 6-week program be
guide? different to this guide? what else
You may purchase the complete 6-week will be included?
guide on our website
www.mesciatwinsfit.com Yes, very different! This 2-week program is a
only a small insight of what you can expect
02.I don't know how to do an from our 6-week guide.
exercise. What should I do?  The 6-week program will explore our story,
If you don't know how to perform an our training and why we wrote this program.
exercise, visit the index at the back of The guide will include a thorough training
the book. Here our trainers explain breakdown from the professionals behind
whats involved in each movement. the program. It will educate you in all areas
of your training and include tips and tricks
03. Can i have rest days and still
see progress? We will also touch on food and nutrition, our
favourite recipes and what we love to eat!
Yes, rest days are important. They play a
crucial roll in your training progress and The 6-week program includes 6 workouts
the recovery of your muscles. One and 1 recovery session each week. You will
session each week is dedicated to a find a bunch of fun challenges and activities
recovery/rest day. In our guide you will throughout! Just a warning... get ready for
find this on a Sunday, but feel free to some serious core and glute burners! The
alter this if you are feeling sore mid- program will get progressively harder each
week. week to ensure you are on track to reaching
your goals.

Throughout the guide, we have dedicated

pages to help you plan out your week, stay
organised and be proactive! 

Our favourite part? Our check-in pages

where we focus on mental health and how
YOU are feeling. Here you can clear your
mind, practise gratitude, set intentions and
check in on yourself.

If you have any questions or feedback please

email [email protected].


Ankle Taps
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet
planted.  Keep your knees at 90° and raise your
shoulders off the ground, activating your abs.
2. Reach down and tap your left ankle with your left
hand and repeat on the right side. Keep your core
on tight.

Back Extension
1. Start by lying face down on your stomach with
your arms out to the side of your body and your
hands flat on the ground.
2. Lift your chest and legs off the ground by
squeezing your hamstrings, glutes and back. Hold
this for the given time and relax back to the
starting position. You should feel this from your
shoulder blades all the way to your hamstrings.

Back slaps
1. Kneeling or standing, swing your arms either side of
your body to feel a stretch at the front of your
2. Swing them across your body and ‘slap’ your back.
Swing them back open and repeat.

Bench Tricep Dips

1. Begin sitting on the bench with your hands resting
on the edge of the bench directly by the side of
your body. 
2. Holding your body weight in your hands, lift
yourself off the bench. Bend at your elbows and
lower yourself down towards the ground keeping
your knees bent at a 90°angle.
3. Keep your elbows close to your body and push
yourself back up to your starting position.
Note: To make this exercise more challenging,
repeat steps above with your legs straight.  

Bicycle Kicks
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your legs out
straight and heels lifted off the ground, slightly.
Place your hands behind your head and lift your
shoulders off the ground.
2. Bend your left knee into your chest and turn your
right elbow in towards that knee. Slightly touch
your elbow and knee and return to the starting
position.  Repeat this on the opposite side.


Clam Shells 
1. Start laying down on your left hand side. From this
position you want to bend your knees.  Keep your
feet together. This is your starting position. 
2. Raise your left knee up as far as you can whilst
squeezing your glute at the top on the movement.
Your ankles should remain stacked.  Lower your
knee back down to the starting position and repeat
reps required before changing to your right side.

Close Grip Push Ups (your hands closer than

shoulder-width apart)
1. Start in your push up position and bring both hands
in, closer than shoulder-width before you begin
your push up.  From here, complete your push up
movement on either your toes or knees.

Crab Walks
1. Start in a standing position with your feet
positioned at shoulder width apart and your toes
facing outwards, slightly.
2. Bend at your hips and knees simultaneously and
lower your butt towards your ankles while pushing
your knees forward.
3. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º and
focus on keeping your back straight, chest open
and shoulders back (you are now in a squat
4. Take very small steps to the left (about 4cm per
step) for the specified amount of reps or time.
Repeat with the same number of steps or reps to
the right.
5. To increase intensity of this movement, place your
booty band above your knees and repeat.

Crunch and Twist
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet
planted.  Keep your knees at 90° and raise your
shoulders off the ground, activating your abs.
2. Exhale and turn your right elbow in towards your
left knee. Slightly touch your elbow on your knee.
3. Inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repeat this on the opposite side.

Curtsey Lunge
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step
back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left. 
2. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your left
knee is almost 90 degrees. This will leave you with
your front foot planted and your back heel raised. 
3. Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders
as square as possible.
4. Push hard through your front foot and raise your
body up to your standing position. Now you are back
at the start. Alternate legs and repeat for required

Duck Walks
(the same as crab walks, but instead of taking steps
to the left and right, you take steps forwards and
then backwards)
1. Start in a standing position with your feet
positioned at shoulder width apart and your toes
facing outwards.
2. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º (you
are now in a squat position).
3. Take the required steps forward (about 4cm per
step). Repeat moving backwards.

Donkey Kicks
1. Get on all fours, with your hands stacked directly
under shoulders, and knees under hips.  Make sure
your back is flat (pretend you are balancing a cup of
coffee on your lower back).
2. Without rounding your spine, engage your lower
abdominals. Keeping the 90-degree bend in your
right knee, slowly lift your leg back and up toward
the ceiling. Your max height is right before your back
starts to arch, or your hips begin to rotate. Squeeze
your glute at the top.  
3. Return to the starting position. Repeat all reps on
one side, then switch legs.
Note: intensify with resistance band.

Double Mountain Climbers

1. Place your hands on the ground directly under your
shoulders, slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Raise your body up onto your toes. Squeeze your
glutes and abs to stabilise your body.
3. Starting with your feet together, put all of your body
weight into your hands whilst jumping your feet
forwards and land them on the outside of your hands.
Jump your feet backwards to the starting position.

Glute Bridges
1. Lay on your back with your hands by your sides,
knees bent, and feet flat on the floor under your
2. Push through your heels and raise your hips to
create a straight line from your knees to shoulders.
Squeeze your core and your glutes. Hold for
approximately 3 seconds and then return to your
starting position.
a. Note: use a resistance band to intensify this

Glute Walk-Outs
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet
planted. Keep your knees at 90° and raise your hips
off the ground, ensuring you are activating your abs
and squeezing your glutes at all times to keep your
hips up.
2. Take small alternating steps out till both of your
legs are straight with your hips still up. Repeat this
with small alternating steps till your knees are back
at 90°.

High Knees
1. This ones easy! Simply jog on the spot and drive
your knees up as high as possible!

Incline Push Up (on Chair or Bench)

1. Start in your push up position and place both
hands up on a bench or chair.  Make sure it is
stable before you begin your push up.  From here,
complete your push up movement either on your
toes or on your kne


Kneel to Squat
1. Start in a squat hold position.
2. Bend your left knee down onto the floor, followed by your right knee.
3. You want to keep the same leg dominant so use your left leg first to now raise
yourself back up into a squat position.
4. Complete required reps with your left leg. Follow with your right leg dominant.
5. Note: use a towel or mat for your knees if you are training on a hard surface.

Lay Down Push Ups

1. Choose your push up difficulty, you can find
explanations under ‘pushups’. 
2. Place your hands on the ground directly under your
shoulders, slightly wider than shoulder width.
3. Raise your body up onto your knees or toes, squeeze
your glutes and abs to stabilise your body. Ensure
your body remains straight, not lifting or sagging in
your lower back.
4. Bend at your elbows and slowly lower yourself down
until your chest is completely on the ground.
5. Lift your hands off the ground and straighten your
arms out directly in front of you.
6. Place your hands back on the ground directly under
your shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width.
Press your body back up to the starting position.

Leg Flutters
1. Lay on your back with your legs straight and hands
down your side. You may place your hands under
your bum/lower back for support.
2. Raise your legs off the ground just slightly.
3. While keeping your legs straight, alternate them up
and down in a 'flutter' like motion. They should
never go higher than the image used here.
4. Alternate your legs up and down for the given
amount of reps.

Leg Raises
1. Start by lying on your back with your arms by your
side and your legs out straight.
2. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the ground
and keep your core on tight.
3. Raise your legs upwards until your hips are at 90º
and lift your butt off the ground slightly. If you find
this to hard, do not lift your butt.
4. Keeping your legs straight, lower your legs back
down. Do not let your legs touch the ground.
Please note: Place your hands under your bum to
take some pressure off your lower back. You may
also slightly bend your legs to make this
movement easer.

Lower Back Dead Hang

1. Stand up tall with your hands by your sides. Slowly
bring your chin down to your chest and begin to roll
your shoulders forward.
2. Start rolling down from the top of your back, through
the middle until you reach the lowest point. Let your
body ‘hang’ and hold for the given amount of time. Try
and touch your toes! Complete this in reverse to come
back up.

Lumbar Rotations
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet planted. 
Keep your knees at 90° and both of your shoulders fixed
on the ground.
2. Drop your knees from one side of your body to the other
in a twisting motion. Look towards the opposite
direction of your knees to intensify the stretch.

Lunge Pulses
1. Starting in your lunge position, keep your chest open
and shoulders back. Lower your back knee to almost
touch the ground.
2. Push through your heel to bring yourself half way
back up, before returning to your lowest point.
3. Keep your weight distribution even between your
front and back leg while pulsing. Your front knee will
stay slightly bent throughout the whole movement.

Alternating Lunge
1. Start in a standing position with your feet hip distance
apart. Take a large step backwards or forwards,
keeping your foot in line with your hips. This will
leave you with your front foot planted and your back
heel raised. This is called your lunge position.
2. Keeping your chest open and shoulders back, lower
your back knee to almost touch the ground. This is the
lowest part of your lunge.
3. Push hard through your front foot and raise your body
up to your standing height. Alternate legs and repeat.

Lunge Rotations
1. Step back in a lunge.
2. Rotate your body towards the same side as your
front foot.
3. Lunge back into starting position.
4. Now bring your opposite leg backwards and
repeat steps 2 and 3.

Lunge with Knee drive

1. Starting in your lunge position, keep your chest
open and shoulders back, lower your back knee to
almost touch the ground. 
2. Push hard through your front foot and raise your
body up to your standing height.  Keep the
upwards momentum going and raise your back
knee up high towards your chest. 
3. Alternate to your opposing leg and repeat.

Jumping Lunges
1. Starting in your lunge position, keep your chest
open and shoulders back. Lower your left knee to
almost touch the ground.
2. Engage your core and jump up explosively,
alternating your legs. You want to land as softly as
3. Repeat this motion for the given reps.

Mountain Climbers
1. Place your hands directly under your shoulders
slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Raise your body up onto your toes, squeeze your
glutes and abs to stabilise your body.
3. Starting with your feet together. Bring one knee
up and in towards your chest. Kick your leg back
out straight behind you. Repeat the action with
your other knee.

Moving Planks
1. Get into a plank position and straighten your arms
directly under your shoulders, slightly wider than
shoulder width apart.
2. Squeeze your glutes and abs to stabilise your body.
3. Rest your left forearm on the ground, followed by
your right. You are now in a plank position.
4. Lift your left forearm off the ground and plant
your hand on the ground. Follow with your right
hand. You should now be in your starting position.
5. Repeat required reps with your left arm dominant
before changing to your right arm.

1. Start by facing downwards with your forearms and
toes resting on the ground. Push your shoulder
blades upwards, keep your core on tight and
slightly squeeze your glutes.
2. Keep your body as straight as possible while you
hold this position.
Note: You can make things easier by dropping
your knees to the ground.

Plank Reaches
1. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders
slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Your
forearms should be on the ground.
2. Squeeze your glutes and abs to stabilise your body
whilst reaching your left arm out directly in front of
3. Bring your arm back to the starting position with
your elbow directly under your shoulder. Repeat on
your right arm! You may place an object in front of
you to reach and aim for.

Prisoner Squat
1. Start in a standing position with your feet
positioned at shoulder width apart and your toes
facing outwards, slightly.
2. Interlock your fingers and place them behind your
head, on the back of your neck. You will keep your
hands here for the entire movement.
3. Bend at your hips and knees simultaneously and
lower your butt towards your ankles.
4. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º and focus
on keeping your back straight, chest open and
shoulders back.  This is the lowest part of your
5. Once at the lowest point in your squat, press
through your heels and return to your starting

Push Ups on toes (progression)
1. Place your hands on the ground directly under your
shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
2. Raise yourself up onto your toes. Squeeze your
glutes and abs to stabilise your body. Ensure you
keep a straight line in your body from your ankles,
through your hips to your shoulders. 
3. Bend at your elbows and slowly lower yourself down
until your chest is hovering above the ground. 
4. Begin pushing your body back up to the starting
position ensuring your back remains straight, not
lifting or sagging at your hips.

Push Ups on knees (regression)

1. Place your hands on the ground directly under your
shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
2. Raise yourself up onto your knees. Squeeze your
glutes and abs to stabilise your body. back remains
straight, not lifting or sagging in your lower back. 
3. Bend at your elbows and slowly lower yourself down
until your chest is hovering above the ground. 
4. Begin pushing your body back up to the starting


Push Up Shoulder Taps

1. Choose your push up difficulty (find
explanations under ‘pushups’)
a. Push up on toes (progression)
b. Push up on knees (regression)
2. Place your hands on the ground directly under
your shoulders slightly wider than shoulder
width apart.
3. Raise yourself up onto your knees or toes.
Squeeze your glutes and abs to stabilise your
4. Bend at your elbows and slowly lower yourself
down until your chest is hovering above the
5. Begin pushing your body back up to the
starting position.
6. Whilst stabilising your body transfer all of your
body weight onto your left arm and bend your
right elbow bringing that hand to your opposite
shoulder. Repeat on both hands. Essentially,
you are tapping your opposite shoulder with
your opposite hand. This is one rep.

Russian Twists
1. Begin sitting on the floor with knees bent as in
a "sit-up" position. Keeping your feet together
raise them slightly above the ground.
2. Arms should be held together away from your
body, keep your hands locked together like a
ball or you can hold onto a weight to increase
the difficulty. 
3. Lower your hands to the left side of your body,
keeping your core on tight. Once you tap the
ground, return to the starting position and
repeat on the right side.

Scissor Kicks
1. Lie with your back on the floor, feet out straight
and shoulders lifted. Place your hands under
your bum to support your lower back.
2. Keep your legs together and lift them
approximately 6 inches off the ground.
3. Lock on your abs and squeeze your core.
4. Create a scissor like motion by simultaneously
raising one leg and lowering the other. Do not let
the lower leg touch the ground. Repeat required

Shoulder Taps
1. Place your hands directly under your shoulders
slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Squeeze your glutes and abs to stabilise your
body whilst reaching your left hand to lightly tap
your right shoulder. Repeat with your right hand.
Essentially, you are tapping your opposite
shoulder with your opposite hand.

Side Plank Pulses

1. Start on your left side with your left elbow
directly underneath your shoulder and your
forearm resting on the ground. Stack your feet
on top of each other and lift your hips until your
body forms a straight line.
2. Squeeze your glutes and abs to stabilise your
3. Lower your hips towards the ground. Then push
your hips back up until your body forms a
straight line again. Repeat for the specified
amount of reps and then repeat on your right

Single Leg, Glute Bridge
1. Lay down flat on your back with your feet
planted in front of your bottom. Lift your left leg
out straight into the air and separate your knees
2. Raise your hips into the air by pushing through
the heel of the planted foot. You want to make a
straight line between your knee and shoulders. 
Squeeze your core to stabilise your body.
3. At the peak of your hip thrust, squeeze and
activate your glutes.
4. Lower slightly to disengage your glutes and then
thrust upwards again to contract the muscles.
5. Once finished the given reps, bring the straight
leg down and plant your foot next to the
opposing one. Repeat on the opposite side for
the given reps.

Single Leg Pistol Squat to Seat

Note: For your pistol squat you will need to have a
chair or bench behind you that you are able to
lower yourself down to. 
1. Start by standing facing away from your
chair/bench with your calves gently resting up
against it. Lift your left foot up off the floor and
keep your leg straight.  You want to keep this
foot off the floor for the entire movement. 
2. Hinging at your hips and knees, slowly lower
your body downwards in a squat position using
only your right leg until you have seated
completely. Once seated, drive up through your
heel and come back to a standing position,
balancing only on your right leg. Repeat these
steps for as many reps as required before
changing over to your left leg.

Sit Ups
1. Lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees.
2. Place your hands behind your head or straight out
in front of you (this can help you with reducing
momentum and placing more emphasis on your
core muscles)
3. Use your core to 'sit up' and lift your upper body
off the ground.
4. Lower your body back to the starting position.
Take your time on the way down - maintain control
and don't let your core switch off.

Split Push Ups

1. Place your hands on the ground directly under your
shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Raise your body up onto your toes. Squeeze your glutes
and abs to stabilise your body. Ensure you keep a
straight line in your body from your ankles, hips to
3. Quickly pick up both feet and jump outwards so that
they are wider than your hips. Ensure your upper body
remains stable.
4. Quickly pick up both feet and jump them inwards to
bring your feet back together.
5. Following the split jump, complete a normal push up
(on toes or knees). That is one rep.

1. Start in a standing position with your feet positioned at
shoulder width apart and your toes facing outward
2. Bend at your hips and knees simultaneously and lower
your butt towards your ankles.
3. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º and focus on
keeping your back straight, chest open and shoulders
4. Push up back through your heels to your original
standing position. Squeeze your glutes at the top.

Squats In and Out
1. Start by completing a regular squat. When you have
lowered your knees to 90º, engage your core and
jump up explosively. 
2. As you push off the ground, jump your feet in
together and land back on the ground. You will then
immediately jump up again and return your feet to
your regular squat position before lowering yourself
back down until your knees are at 90º. Repeat for
the required reps.

Squat into Side Kick

1. Start by doing a regular squat. Lower yourself until
your knees are at 90º.
2. Once at the lowest point in your squat, press through
your heels and stand up tall whilst transferring all of
your weight onto your left leg.
3. Simultaneously lift your right foot off the floor and
raise your leg out to the side. Return your foot to the
floor. Repeat on opposite leg.

Squat Jumps
1. Start by completing a regular squat. When you have
lowered yourself until your knees are at 90º, engage
your core and jump up explosively. Land as softly
and quietly as possible. 
2. Lower your body back into a squat position. That is
one rep.


Squat Pulses
1. Start by doing a regular squat as explained above.
Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º, rather
than coming back to the starting position, hold that
seated squat position at the bottom and pulse a
few inches up and down for the required reps.

Squat Stretches
1. Start in a standing position with your feet at
shoulder width apart and your toes facing
outwards, slightly.
2. Bend at your hips and lower your chest towards
your feet. While keeping your legs straight, place
your fingers under your toes.  You should feel a
slight stretch through your hamstrings.
3. Bend at your knees and lower your butt towards
your heels. Keep your fingers under your toes and
use your elbows to push your knees in an outward
direction. You should feel a slight stretch through
your inner thighs.

Squat Jump with 90º Turn
1. Start by completing a regular squat as explained above. When you have lowered yourself
until your knees are at 90º, engage your core and jump up explosively.
2. As you push off the ground spin your body clockwise 90º (1 quarter of the way around).
3. In your next rep as you push off the ground spin your body anticlockwise 90º to return to
the starting position.

Sumo Squats
1. Start in a standing position with your feet wider than
shoulder width apart and your toes facing outwards.
2. Bend at your hips and knees simultaneously and lower your
butt towards your ankles.
3. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º and focus on
keeping your back straight, chest open and shoulders back. 
4. Push up back through your heels to your original standing
position. Squeeze your glutes at the top.

Sumo Squat with Pulse

1. Start in a standing position with your feet wider than
shoulder width apart and your toes facing outwards.
2. Bend at your hips and knees simultaneously and lower your
butt towards your ankles.
3. Lower yourself until your knees are at 90º and focus on
keeping your back straight, chest open and shoulders back. 
This is the lowest part of your squat.
4. Rather than coming back to the starting position, hold that
seated squat position at the bottom and pulse a few inches
up and down for the entire exercise.


Star Jumps
1. Stand with your feet together and arms down by your
2. Jump up and spread your arms and legs, landing into a
star shape.
3. Jump back to your starting position and repeat.

Straight Leg Pulses

1. Get on all fours, with your hands placed directly
under shoulders, and knees under hips.  Make sure
your back is flat (pretend you are balancing a cup of
coffee on your lower back).
2. Tighten your core and lift your left leg back, straight
and high.
3. Raise and lower your leg (pulse your leg)- only a few
inches. Your glutes should be engaged throughout the
whole movement, but its important to squeeze your
glute at the highest point of each pulse. You should
feel the muscles constantly engaged and working.
Make sure your hips are square to the ground as you
pulse. Do not bend arms.
4. Repeat all required pulses on one side and then
switch legs. Note: intensify with resistance band.


Step Ups 
1. Start by placing a bench or chair in front of you. 
2. Standing with your feet at shoulder width apart,
focus on keeping your back straight, chest open
and shoulders back. 
3. Firmly plant your entire right foot on the bench,
step up on the bench pressing through your heel to
ensure you are activating your glutes and
4. Bring your left foot up to the bench and stand with
your feet shoulder width apart. 
5. Lower your left foot onto the ground followed by
your right foot. Complete specified repetitions
before repeating with your left foot dominant.

Step Up with Knee Drive

1. Start by placing a bench or chair in front of you.
2. Standing with your feet at shoulder width apart,
focus on keeping your back straight, chest open
and shoulders back.
3. Firmly plant your entire right foot on the bench.
4. Quickly raise your left knee and bring it towards
your chest. This should be an explosive movement.
Your left leg will return to the ground, while your
right foot remains on the bench.
5. Repeat for specified reps on your right leg before
repeating on your left leg.

Toe Touches
1. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet up in
the air, directly above your hips.
2. Exhale and lift your shoulders and upper back off the
ground. Raise your arms and reach towards your toes.
3. Inhale and return to the starting position.

1. Stand tall, with feet shoulder width apart and toes
facing outwards. Squat until your knees are at 90º. 
2. Place your elbows on the inside of your knees and use
them to push your knees out. Keep your hands fisted
together. Your elbows/hands must stay in this
position throughout the whole movement.
3. Straighten your legs slightly. Your bum should raise
and you should feel a burn/stretch in your
hamstrings. Bend to return to your original squat
position and repeat for given reps.

Wall Assisted Tricep Extensions

1. Stand an arm's-length distance, facing a solid wall.
Put your arms out straight in front of you and put
your palms on the wall.
2. Take a small step backward with both feet. This is
your starting position.
3. Bend your elbows downwards towards the wall and
keep your hips back slightly throughout the
movement. Try to keep your elbows close together.
Your forearms should now be on the wall.
4. Press through your hands and return back to your
starting position, squeezing your triceps at the top.
Please note: the further away from the wall you
stand, the more challenging the movement becomes.

Wall Sit
1. Start by standing with your back against a stable wall.
Lower yourself down with your shoulders and hips
resting back on the wall.
2. Step  your feet out and bend your knees - you are now
in a squat (keep your hips and knees at 90º). Press
against the wall for balance. Hold for the given time. 

Walk Out Push Ups
1. Start standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Hinge over at your hips and place
your hands on the ground directly in front of you. You want to keep your legs straight. If
you find this challenging place your legs further apart so you can touch the ground with
your legs straight. 
2. Transfer some of your weight onto your hands and begin walking your hands forward
ensuring you keep your legs straight for the entire movement. 
3. Once you have walked your hands forward enough to create a straight line from your
ankles, hips and shoulders you will need to choose your push up difficulty. You can find
explanations under ‘pushups’! 
a. Push up on toes (progression)
b. Push up on knees (regression)
4. Perform a pushup. Keeping your legs straight you will now walk your hands back towards
your feet to the starting position.

Walk Out Double Push Ups

1. Start standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Hinge over at your hips and place
your hands on the ground directly in front of you. You want to keep your legs straight. If
you find this challenging place your legs further apart so you can touch the ground with
your legs straight. 
2. Transfer some of your weight onto your hands and begin walking your hands forward
ensuring you keep your legs straight for the entire movement. 
3. Once you have walked your hands forward enough to create a straight line from your
ankles, hips and shoulders you will need to choose your push up difficulty. You can find
explanations under ‘pushups’!
a. Push up on toes (progression)
b. Push up on knees (regression)
4. Perform TWO pushups. Keeping your legs straight you will now walk your hands back
towards your feet to the starting position. This is one rep.

Butterfly Stretch
Childs Pose

Cat and Cow Stretch Deep Glute Stretch

Chest Wall Stretch Lower Back Dead Hang

Standing Quad Stretch
Lumber Rotations

Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch  Seated Hamstring Stretch (single leg)

Lying Glute Stretch Seated Hamstring Stretch (double leg)

Shoulder Stretch

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Tricep Stretch


Thank you!
Congratulations! You just completed the first 2 weeks of 'Tone From
Home'. Thank you for joining us on this fitness journey. We hope we've
been able to help you guys sustain your training and fitness without
stepping a foot into the gym. We would love for you to continue this
journey with us.

Our 6-week 'Tone From Home' program is now live! Its time to embark  on
progressively harder training sessions and work to reach your goals! If
you have any feedback or questions, we'd love to hear from you via any of
our contact points below. Be sure to follow us on all of our social media
to keep up with us daily!

Ashley and Olivia XX

@ashleymescia @oliviamescia @mesciatwinsofficial
Mescia Twins
[email protected]


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