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Document Filename: CG-2.3-D2.1-UCY001-1.0-SRS

Work package: Metrics & Benchmarks (WP2.3)

Partner(s): UCY, TUM

Lead Partner: UCY

Config ID: CG-2.3-D2.1-UCY001-1.0

Document classification: PUBLIC

Abstract: This document describes the basic requirements for the CrossGrid Benchmark Suite,

which will be used to investigate experimentally the performance of Grid sites and constellations.

The CrossGrid Benchmark Suite will provide a variety of tools, such as Micro-benchmarks, Microkernel
benchmarks and Application-kernel benchmarks. These tools can be used to measure the

performance of the different elements that make up the Grid. Benchmarking these elements (such as

networking and computational power) will provide essential information that is useful for

administration of the Grid, real application performance prediction, cost estimation and numerous

other uses.GRIDBENCH SRS

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Delivery Slip

Name Partner Date Signature

From WP2, task 3 UCY, TUM 30.04.2002

Verified by

Approved by

Document Log

Version Date Summary of changes Author

Draft 30/4/2002 Draft version

M. Dikaiakos

G. Tsouloupas

0.9 15/5/2002 Pre-Final

M. Dikaiakos

G. Tsouloupas

1.0 1/6/2002 Final

M. Dikaiakos

G. Tsouloupas


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DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................7


2.1.1. System
interfaces ...................................................................................................................................7

2.1.2. User

2.1.3. Hardware
interfaces ..............................................................................................................................8

2.1.4. Software
interfaces ................................................................................................................................8

2.1.5. Communications
interfaces ...................................................................................................................8

2.1.6. Memory
constraints ...............................................................................................................................8
Operations .............................................................................................................................................8

2.1.8. Site adaptation


FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................9

2.2.1. Benchmark
Categories ..........................................................................................................................9

2.2.2. Benchmark

2.2.3. General use


2.2.4. A Usage
Scenario ................................................................................................................................10

2.3. USER



DEPENDENCIES .............................................................................................................11

2.5.1. Dependence on other


REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................12

3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................13

INTERFACES ...............................................................................................................................13

FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................1
3.2.1. Micro-

3.2.2. Micro-
kernels ......................................................................................................................................13

3.2.3. Application

REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................14



CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................................................14

COMPLIANCE ...........................................................................................................................14


ATTRIBUTES .................................................................................................................14


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This document seeks to provide the Software Requirements Specifications for the CrossGrid

benchmark suite, to be developed under task WP2.3 of the CrossGrid project. Software Requirements

Specifications will serve as a guideline for future WP2.3 work. Furthermore, this document presents

an initial description of the various functionalities and services that WP2.3 software expects to invoke

and/or incorporate from other CrossGrid tasks (e.g., WP2.4, WP3).

The intended audience are members of the CrossGrid consortium and the Grid community at large,

interested in Grid performance evaluation.

WP2.3 seeks to:

• Propose models and performance metrics for the Grid, to capture and describe concisely:

o The performance of Grid constellations, i.e. of collections of computing resources

(clusters, parallel computers) connected through wide-area networks, belonging to a

Virtual Organizations and used concurrently for the solution of a particular problem.

o The performance of Grid applications deployed upon a Grid constellation.

• Propose a suite of representative benchmarks (GridBench - the CrossGrid Benchmark Suite)

capturing such metrics.

• Implement and run the benchmark suite on the CrossGrid test-bed.

• Provide members of the CrossGrid consortium with access to the benchmark suite and to

historical data collected from benchmark invocations, through the CrossGrid portal interface.

• Assess the usefulness of benchmarks in:

o Identifying factors that affect Grid application performance.

o Providing a mechanism for an early, low-cost performance evaluation of Grid

constellations, and the cost prediction of Grid applications.

• Providing parameter estimates to the analytical performance prediction models, to be

developed in CrossGrid.

1.2. SCOPE

The product of this work will be a set of metrics definitions and a set of benchmarks to produce these

metrics. Metrics will seek to capture the performance characteristics of micro-benchmarks,

microkernels, and application benchmarks, in three different domains of the Grid: (i) At the site-level,
that is

a set of computing resources connected via a local network, under a common administrative domain

(e.g. a cluster); (ii) At the Grid-constellation level, which involves multiple ìsitesî connected within a

Virtual Organization and used for the solution of a common problem (e.g. a large FFT computation, a

flood simulation, etc.), and (iii) at the Grid middleware level, i.e. services developed by CrossGrid,

DataGrid or Globus.

A suite of benchmarking software, GridBench, will be developed to produce estimates of these metrics

for each of the three domains. GRIDBENCH SRS

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CE Compute Element

APART Automatic Performance Analysis: Real Tools

API Application Program Interface

CG CrossGrid

CrossGrid The EU CrossGrid Project IST-2001-32243

DataGrid The EU DataGrid Project IST-2000-25182

G_PM Grid-enabled Performance Measurement tool

Grid Constellation A collection of ìsitesî (see ìSiteî), connected within a Virtual Organization

and used for the solution of a common problem

GridBench The CrossGrid benchmark suite

GridFTP A Grid-enabled version of FTP (Part of Globus)

GRIS Grid Resource Information Service

HLAC High-level analysis component

HPC High Performance Computing

HTC High Throughput Computing

MPI Message Passing Interface

MPICH-G2 A free, Globus-enabled MPI implementation

NAS NASA Advanced Supercomputing

PVFS Parallel Virtual File System

SE Storage Element

Site A set of Computing Elements, Storage Elements or other resources in a single

geographical location.

SPLASH Stanford Parallel Applications for Shared Memory

VO Virtual Organization


M. Dikaiakos, G. Samaras, "Performance Evaluation of Mobile Agents: Issues and Approaches." In

Performance Engineering. State of the Art and Current Trends, Dumke, Rautenstrauch, Schmietendorf

and Scholz (eds). Lecture Notes of Computer Science series, State of the art survey, vol. 2047, pages

148-166, Springer, May 2001.

I. Foster and C. Kesselman, editors, The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan

Kaufmann, 1998.

M. Dikaiakos, A. Rogers and K. Steiglitz, "Performance Modeling through Functional Algorithm

Simulation," in Advanced Computer System Design, Chapter 3, G. Zobrist, K. Bagchi and K. Trivedi

(editors), pages 43-62, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 1998, ISBN 90-5699-634-7.

Bailey, D. H., E. Barszcz, J. Barton, D. Browning, R. Carter, L. Dagum, R. Fatoohi, S. Fineberg, P.

Frederickson, T. Lasinski, R. Schreiber, H. Simon, V. Venkatakrishnan, and S. Weeratunga, "The

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NAS Parallel Benchmarks," Technical Report RNR-94-007, NASA Ames Research Center, (March


Steven Woo, Moriyoshi Ohara, Evan Torrie, Jaswinder Pal Singh and Anoop Gupta. ìThe SPLASH2

Programs: Characterization and Methodological Considerations.î In Proceedings of the Twenty-first

International Symposium on Computer Architecture, June 1995.

M. Dikaiakos, "Analyzing the Workload of Scientific Visualization Tools: A Preliminary Study with

TIPSY." In Proceedings of the 1997 International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of

Computer and Telecommunication Systems - MASCOTS '97, IEEE-Computer Society.


This task will propose a set of performance metrics to describe the performance capacity of Grid

constellations and Grid application performance, and it will develop and implement benchmarks that

are representative of Grid workloads.

Such benchmarks can be used to estimate the values of performance metrics for different Grid

constellations, to identify important factors that affect end-to-end application performance, and to

provide application developers with the initial estimates of expected application performance and
costperformance ratios.

GridBench will be deployed and validated in the CrossGrid Testbed. GRIDBENCH SRS

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Figure 1 gives an overview of task 2.3 interfaces. The benchmarks will be invoked by the portal and

the result conveyed back to the portal. In addition to tools developed in Task 2.3, some of the tools

from performance evaluation will be used to gather performance data. The metrics will also be

published either through GRIS or by a GridBench Service.

Figure 1:Diagramatic view of general functionality and interaction with other components
2.1.1. System interfaces

WP 2.4: Task 2.4 plans to develop the tools for collecting and delivering performance metrics of WP1

applications. In a similar manner, benchmarking will use WP2.4 software to report and collect

performance properties of benchmarks invoked and executed in the CrossGrid test-bed. In particular,

we will use the HLAC (High-Level Analysis Component) part of T2.4 and its notion of probes to

extract performance data during benchmarking.

The performance properties derived from benchmarking can be used by WP2.4 for specifying the

values of parameters employed in the performance prediction model.

WP3: Benchmarks will be invoked via the portal created by Task 3.1.

The tools of WP3.3 will monitor runtime behaviour of benchmarks. Furthermore, selected subsets of

benchmark data will be archived for further analysis, through the tools provided by WP3.3. Alternative

options for publishing benchmark data will be considered, such as the use of facilities supplied by

Globus (through GIS).

2.1.2. User interfaces

Access to the benchmarks will be provided through the Web-based User Interface developed by Task

3.1 for CrossGrid applications.

A user of GridBench will be able to define the parameters specifying a particular benchmark

invocation through the User Interface: for instance, problem size, input and output files, the

configuration of the Grid constellation to be used, etc.

Benchmarks &



Evaluation Tools

in T2.4

Required Measurements/
Parameters of execution


In T3.1


* Delivery of


results may be through the

interface provided by ìGrid

Monitoringî (T2.4).

Performance Data*




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2.1.3. Hardware interfaces


2.1.4. Software interfaces

Middleware (Globus,DataGrid,MPICH-G2, etc.)

GridBench seeks to provide a set of well-understood codes with high-performance, high-throughput

requirements, which are representative of applications deployed upon Grid constellations. To this end,

most of the CG benchmarks will follow the application programming model adopted by CrossGrid:

• Coding in C/C++;

• Employment of MPICH-G2 for parallelization and inter-process communication;

• Invocation of Grid services through the APIs of CrossGrid middleware, which will also

include Globus and DataGrid middleware services.

Additionally, a subset of benchmarks will seek to isolate performance properties of the CrossGrid

middleware, hence interfacing directly with Grid services of WP3.

2.1.5. Communications interfaces

Benchmarks will utilize MPICH-G2 for communication.

2.1.6. Memory constraints

Memory constraints of benchmarks will be configurable by benchmark parameters determining the

problem size of a particular benchmark invocation. The goal is to come up with benchmark memory

requirements representative of typical WP1-application runs.

2.1.7. Operations

CrossGrid administrators and users will be able to launch a benchmark on a target configuration, a

Grid constellation or a particular Site, through the Portal developed in Task 3.1.

During the project, we will investigate the development of a Grid Benchmarking Service, so that

another service (such as scheduler or the Resource Manager) may find it useful to run the benchmarks

on demand or at regular intervals.

2.1.8. Site adaptation requirements


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GridBench seeks to investigate performance properties of three ìlayersî of the Grid architecture: (i)

the Site, which is a collection of resources interconnected through a local- or system-area network, and

belonging to one administrative domain (e.g. a cluster of PCs, a symmetric multiprocessor system);

(ii) the Grid Constellation, which includes multiple sites constituting the computing platform of a

Virtual Organization, and used for the solution of a problem; (iii) the Middleware, that is the software

layer providing access to shared resources of a Grid constellation, through an API available at the

application programming level.

GridBench will be composed of three families of benchmarks: Micro-benchmarks, Micro-kernels and


Table 1: the GridBench matrix

* Benchmarks that target specific Sites will also indirectly measure performance of the Computing and

Storage Elements at those sites.

Micro-benchmarks will target Sites (1) and middleware (2) (e.g., GridFTP transfers). Micro-kernels

will target Sites (3) and Grid constellations (4). Application kernels will target Sites (5) and Grid

constellations (6). Even though (4) and (6) do not target the middleware explicitly, the middleware

will affect their performance.

2.2.1. Benchmark Categories


• For identifying basic performance properties of Grid services, sites, and constellations.

• Each micro-benchmark tests a single performance aspect, through ìstress testingî of a simple

operation invoked in isolation.

• Metrics captured represent computing power (flops), memory capacity and throughput, I/O

performance, network, etc.


• ìStress-testî several performance aspects of a system at once.

• Generic HPC/HTC kernels, including general and often-used kernels in Grid/Cluster


• Fit for cost estimation.

Benchmark Targets

Site* Grid



(1) (2)

Micro-Kernels (3) (4)



Application Kernels (5) (6) GRIDBENCH SRS

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Application kernels

• Characteristic of representative CG applications (extracted from CrossGrid applications).

• Capturing higher-level metrics, e.g. completion time, throughput, speedup.

2.2.2. Benchmark Targets

Each benchmark category targets a particular ìlayerî of a Grid architecture. In particular, we anticipate

benchmarks that:

• Isolate performance properties of Sites participating in a Grid constellation.

• Capture the performance behaviour of a particular Grid constellation at a particular point in


• Isolate the performance capacity of Grid middleware services, which are available at the

application-programming level.

Benchmarks that target a Site will report on metrics that are applicable to sites (clusters) such as flops,

I/O, and network performance. Benchmarks targeting a Grid constellation will report on similar

metrics. Benchmarking the middleware aims at (a) investigating the effects of middleware on end-toend
application performance, and (b) characterizing middleware performance.

2.2.3. General use case

GridBench is intended for use by a wide variety of users, ranging from application programmers to site

administrators. Before invoking a particular benchmark, a user will have to make the necessary

decisions based on what attributes he wishes to measure. In particular, the user will specify:
1. Which benchmark to run.

2. Benchmark-specific parameters.

3. Location (where to run it).

Parameter specification and benchmark invocation will be performed through the User Interface of the

CrossGrid Portal (Task 3.1), which will employ the job submission mechanisms provided by the

CrossGrid platform.

2.2.4. A Usage Scenario

The following scenario of use, is provided to describe a typical use-case of the GridBench:

George is a CrossGrid user who wants to run n-body simulations.

1. George is developing an n-body code for a molecular dynamics application. He wants to have an

estimate on where he can conduct his simulations. To this end, he selects a benchmark with an Nbody
micro-kernel and spawns it on his local Grid site. He runs a few simulations with different

input parameters, studying the scalability of measured performance, for increasing problem sizes

(up to 500,000 particles and 50 time-steps) and processor numbers. After a couple of hours of

benchmarking, performance monitoring, and metricsí study, George has shaped an early idea of

the rough performance he can receive locally.

2. George deploys his code on the local site and runs a first simulation on a realistic problem size (20

million particles, 1000 time-steps) expecting to receive results after 24 hours. GRIDBENCH SRS

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3. While waiting for his first simulation to finish, George decides to run a larger simulation that

could benefit from the aggregated computing power of the CrossGrid Virtual Organization,

deploying his computation in four remote sites: two sites in Spain, one in Greece, and one in


4. To assess the potential performance improvement and the incurring cost, George configures the
Nbody benchmark to run on 5,000,000 particles for 20 time-steps. He submits this benchmark

through the CrossGrid Portal to the four sites. The Portal reports back to him that the
benchmarking cycles of the first Spanish site are reserved for the next week by someone else, and

provides him with a pre-reservation for the other three sites.

5. George dispatches the benchmark to the three sites, with more modest parameters (2,000,000

particles for 10 time-steps). While the benchmark runs, he monitors its performance using

CrossGrid tools and observers a much higher than expected communication to computation ratio,

which leads to a very slow overall execution.

6. George aborts the benchmark and invokes a few micro-benchmarks to conclude that the network

link connecting the Polish to the Spanish site is congested.

7. George re-spawns the N-body benchmark, excluding the Polish site. Following four hours of

execution, the CrossGrid Portal provides George with the outcome of his benchmark: statistics

about computing time, memory consumption, network bandwidth used, and an estimate of the cost

to be charged for a simulation of similar size on the same nodes. George compares these results

with historical data from prior N-body benchmark executions on the same and other nodes of the

CrossGrid Virtual Organization. The overall conclusions are positive.

8. In the mean time, the simulation running on the local site has finished in 20 hours. Now, George

has a better understanding of what he should expect from his own code and from the resources

available through CrossGrid, in terms of performance and completion time. Therefore, he goes on

to reserve the Spanish, Greek and Polish sites for a number of large runs of his code.


GridBench will be geared towards the following main groups of users:

1. End Users: This is the group of users specified by all the applications of WP1. These users will

run mostly micro-kernels and application-kernel benchmarks.

2. Administrators: Site administrators or VO integrators (i.e. people who put together Virtual

Organizations) that need to evaluate periodically the performance characteristics of their Grid

configurations and publicize the performance capacity of their nodes; they may need to run any
type of benchmark.


Application-kernel benchmarks will have constraints similar to those of applications in WP1.


Application-kernel benchmarks are inherently dependent on the choices of middleware and platform

by the WP1 applications. Therefore, many of the assumptions and dependencies of the WP1

applications are ìinheritedî by the respective benchmarks. As these are still in limbo for some of the

WP1 applications, assumptions and dependencies of the application-kernel benchmarks remain


Micro-kernel benchmarks will assume a working installation of Globus and MPICH-G2 at each testbed
site (as dictated by WP4). Platform uniformity, to the extent dictated by WP4, is another important

dependency. GRIDBENCH SRS

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2.5.1. Dependence on other Tasks:

o GridBench is also dependent on Task 2.4 for the development of the Performance Measurement

mechanisms. Mechanisms such as G-PM and HLAC, the notion of ìprobesî and the use of the

APART Specification Language will form some of the building blocks of GridBench.

o GridBench is dependent on Task 3.1 for the provision of the final User Interface.

o There is also dependence on Task 3.3 for archival of benchmark data (in the form of monitoring) if

it is decided that archival is necessary.


By the end of Month 6:

! Propose a set of performance metrics to describe the performance capacity of CrossGrid

configurations and application performance.

! Design benchmarks representative for the applications of WP1 and their implementation into

the programming environment architecture.

By the end of Month 12:

! Design test scenarios

By the end of Month 18:

! Use the feedback from testbeds to refine or redesign the benchmark code and architecture.

By the end of Month 24:

! Design Grid-enabled GridBench architecture

! Design test scenarios in a Grid environment. GRIDBENCH SRS

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As stated earlier, GridBench will provide three families of benchmarks:

3.2.1. Micro-benchmarks

Micro-benchmarks measure performance properties of programming primitives used at the application

level for inter-process communication, I/O, invocation of basic Grid services, etc. These are applicable

to APIís that are provided by the middleware and MPICH-G2, and that have a strong and measurable

impact on the overall Grid or Site performance. Middleware micro-benchmarks will seek to isolate the

performance properties and extract the performance capacity of middleware services that are invoked

by typical CrossGrid applications through the CrossGrid APIís.

Some of these benchmarks will address the performance of the CEís (Compute Elements) and SEís

(Storage Elements) directly. The properties of CEís and SEís will be measured either individually or

collectively at a site.

Especially in the case of SEís, the performance each autonomous SE (i.e. a machine or a set of
machines that is independent of other SEís) will be measured. ìAutonomousî is stressed because it is

not our purpose to study performance at the single machine level. An autonomous SE could be a

cluster of machines running (for example) PVFS, in which case the performance of the whole set of

machines will be measured collectively, not each node of the specific PVFS system.

3.2.2. Micro-kernels

Micro-kernels will be based on existing kernels (i.e. pieces of code that form the core of a

computation) with well-known codes and well-known behaviour that appear often in parallel

processing. (Such as NAS, SPLASH, etc.)

• For ìstress testingî and identification of basic performance of sites and Grid constellations.

They characterize a set of grid nodes constituting a Grid constellation.

• Codes with HPC and/or HTC requirements.

• Measure Computing power (flops) at the Grid level, Storage/Network capacity, cost estimate,

scalability, etc.

• To investigate the effects of middleware on end-to-end application performance.

The user will be able to choose to run all or a subset of the developed benchmarks at the Grid

constellation or Site level.

3.2.3. Application kernels

• Characteristic of representative CG applications.

• Higher-level metrics (completion time, throughput, speedupÖ).

The applications from WP1 will be analysed and, in cooperation with WP1, the critical kernels will be

identified. These kernels will then be utilized in benchmark development. GRIDBENCH SRS

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Application kernel benchmarks at the Grid level will be a measure of performance of a Grid

constellation. A Grid constellation is the set of Grid nodes belonging to the same Virtual Organization

and used collectively in the solution of a particular problem.

Benchmarking at the Grid constellation level is necessary, as the performance of a Grid constellation

cannot be derived directly from the aggregate performance of participating Sites: when using a Grid

constellation to run a particular application, different components of the application may run at

separate sites, and communicate or transfer files over Internet. Therefore, the benchmark should mimic

the collective use of the constellationís resources in the execution of that particular application.


There will be upper bounds on completion time for benchmarks, which are to be determined and



GridBench will use different database engines only indirectly through other components (Such as Task

2.4 components or the Globus GRIS)


Benchmarks must be compatible with the basic building blocks of CrossGrid. Therefore benchmarks

are designed based on Globus, DataGrid software and other middleware as dictated by WP1 and WP4.


Benchmarking code will comply with MPICH-G2 where applicable.



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Application kernel, 9, 10, 14

Benchmark invocation, 7, 8, 10, 13

Constellations. See Grid Constellations

Constraints, 8, 11, 14

DataGrid 4, 5, 8, 14
Dependencies, 3, 12

Flops, 9, 10, 13

Globus 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14

Grid constellations, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13

Interfaces, 7, 8, 13

Metrics, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14

Micro-benchmarks, 9, 13

Micro-kernel, 12

Middleware, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14

MPICH-G2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14

Usage Scenario, 10

Use case, 10

Users, 11

Virtual Organization, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14

VO. See Virtual Organization

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