Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

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Gillette Hall

Visiting Associate Professor

Georgetown University
(202) 687-7124
[email protected]

Harry Patrinos
Lead Education Economist
World Bank
(202) 473-5510
[email protected]

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Draft Manuscript

April, 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos (eds.)

2. Becoming indigenous

Jerome Levi and Biorn Maybury-Lewis

3. Indigenous peoples and development goals: a global snapshot

Kevin Macdonald

4. Central Africa: the case of the pygmies

Prospere Backiny-Yetna, Mohamed Arbi Ben-Achour and Quentin Wodon

5. China: a case study in rapid poverty reduction

Emily Hannum and Meiyan Wang

6. India: the scheduled tribes

Maitreyi Bordia Das, Gillette Hall, Soumya Kapoor, Denis Nikitin

7. Laos: ethno-linguistic diversity and disadvantage

Elizabeth M. King and Dominique van de Walle

8. Vietnam: a widening poverty gap for ethnic minorities

Hai-Anh Dang

9. Towards a better future for the world’s indigenous peoples

Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Ch. 1 Introduction

Gillette Hall
Georgetown University

Harry Patrinos
World Bank

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.

This book provides a cross-country assessment of poverty and socio-economic indicators for
indigenous peoples. It is motivated by a recent study of indigenous peoples in Latin America
(Hall and Patrinos 2006), which finds high poverty rates among these groups, and little to no
improvement in poverty rates over time, and a continued interest in indigenous peoples
socioeconomic status worldwide. Information on indigenous peoples‘ status by country, as well
as analysis of the core drivers of poverty and movements out of poverty, remains lacking and is a
significant constraint in implementing policies for the advancement of indigenous peoples across
the developing world.

Building on this earlier work, the objective of this project is to assess the extent to which
findings from Latin America apply to indigenous peoples in other regions. As such, it explores
the extent to which evidence from across the developing world – including Asia and Africa -
supports the hypothesis that poverty and deprivation is more severe among indigenous peoples,
but more importantly, whether poverty and other trends over time indicate a similar disconnect
between indigenous peoples and the overall economy in the countries where they live. The
report provides, first, an overview of results for a set of international development indicators,
based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), for indigenous peoples, compiled for all
countries for which data are readily available, and, second, detailed case studies for seven
countries, four in Asia (China, India, Laos and Vietnam) and three in Africa (Central African
Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gabon). Together with earlier case studies for
five Latin American countries (Hall and Patrinos 2006), the case study results cover over 85
percent of the world‘s indigenous population.

By providing disaggregated data on indigenous peoples, the report is designed to facilitate

improved monitoring of national poverty reduction strategies and progress towards international
goals (such as the MDGs), allowing indicators to be assessed not only for national averages, but
also disaggregated for indigenous peoples. There is significant demand for this data both among
international organizations and indigenous civil society organizations themselves. The 2007
passage of the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Peoples‘ Rights provides a new global
platform for international collaboration towards the advancement of indigenous peoples, in
which major development organizations are expected to play a key role. Implementation of the
World Bank‘s revised indigenous peoples policy has been underway for about two years, and
includes efforts to shift from a ‗do no harm‘ to a ‗do good‘ approach in the Bank‘s operations
that include or impact indigenous peoples. Yet an International Labor Organization (ILO) audit
of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper process in Asia, Africa and Latin America notes the
dearth of indigenous-specific indicators as a constraint to adequate incorporation of indigenous
development concerns (World Bank Poverty and Growth Blog). While indigenous peoples
organizations rightly identify a number of limitations to the MDGs in terms of their capacity to

capture the structural causes of indigenous poverty, one of their major criticisms is that
―indigenous peoples are invisible in country-wide assessments because of the focus of these
reports on general averages, which do not reflect the realities of [indigenous peoples]‖ (Tauli-
Corpuz 2005). In fact, the Indigenous Peoples International Centre for Policy Research and
Education has produced a list of proposed indicators of material wellbeing for disaggregation,
including all of those compiled in this report (Tebtebba Foundation 2008).

It is widely believed and in some cases amply documented that indigenous peoples are the
poorest of the poor in terms of income. This is particularly the case in the Americas, New
Zealand and Australia, where disadvantage among indigenous peoples is well documented.
Indigenous groups in these countries are severely disadvantaged according to a range of
socioeconomic indicators (Sorkin 1969, 1970, 1974; Gwartney and Long 1978; Snipp and
Sandefur 1988; Patrinos and Sakellariou 1992; Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1993;
Borland and Hunter 2000; Kuhn and Sweetman 2002; Maani 2004; Gunderson 2008). Over the
1980s the economic circumstances of indigenous peoples in the United States deteriorated
relative to non-indigenous, chiefly due to the declining valuation given to indigenous peoples‘
human capital, particularly for men (Gregory, Abello and Johnson 1997). Indigenous peoples on
reservations are four times more likely to live in poverty than the average United States citizen,
but more recently indigenous people‘s incomes are growing at about three times the rate of the
United States economy as a whole (Kalt 2007).

At the same time, there are diverse experiences among indigenous groups, and particularly
among ‗groups within groups‘ or specific communities within the same country. Some
autonomous indigenous communities in Canada thrive, and are even trying to obtain their own
taxation authority. The Seminole nation of Florida nearly disappeared in the 19th century; but in
the 1970s, they were the first United States indigenous group to enter the gambling industry, and
by 2006 had amassed enough wealth to purchase the Hard Rock Café chain (Ward 2006). Yet,
more than a quarter of the indigenous population in the United States is estimated to be living
below the official poverty line (Kalt 2007). Progress is also slow for other groups around the
world, despite increased political visibility.

In the developing world, most work focuses on Latin America, where similar results hold. The
first piece to systematically establish that indigenous peoples are poorer than the non-indigenous
population, for the case of Latin America, was Indigenous People and Poverty in Latin America
(Psacharopoulos and Patrinos 1994), coinciding with the opening of the United Nations Decade
of Indigenous Peoples (1994-2005). That study provided a comprehensive analysis of the
socioeconomic conditions of indigenous peoples in the four Latin American countries with the
largest indigenous populations. In so doing, that study also set a baseline allowing future

progress to be tracked. That study was followed by an update, Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and
Human Development in Latin America (Hall and Patrinos 2006), which found that while
programs have been launched to improve access to health care and education, indigenous peoples
still consistently account for the highest and "stickiest" poverty rates in the region. Thus despite
the fact that indigenous peoples have formed governments in Bolivia and Ecuador in an attempt
to claim political rights and social benefits, they remain exceedingly poor with respect to
national averages Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Economic Opportunities and Social
Networks (Patrinos, Skoufias and Lunde 2007), looked at the distribution and returns to income
generating assets – physical and human capital, public assets and social capital – and the affect
these have on income generation strategies. While providing compelling evidence on the
indigenous poverty gap and beginning to explore its determinants, both studies leave open the
question as to whether similar findings hold globally. This slow progress signals a major hurdle
for many countries trying to reach the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the
1990 poverty rate by 2015, yet for other developing regions of the world with large indigenous
populations much less is known about the status of indigenous peoples.

In the developing world, the focus of research has been Latin America, yet the indigenous
population in this region numbers between 28 to 43 million, no more than 11 percent of the
world‘s total. With the notable exception of India, very little is known about indigenous or
ethnic groups in other countries (exceptions include Eversole, McNeish and Cimadamore 2005;
Gustafsson and Shi 2003; Hannum 2002; Borooah 2005; Gang, Sen and Yun 2008; Van de
Walle and Gunewardena 2001). A multitude of ethnographic and anthropologic studies exist for
individual indigenous groups, and while useful, these studies are not generally comparable to
other studies, nor written in a form that could be easily used as input to poverty-reduction
monitoring and policy formulation. A few national poverty assessments now include
breakdowns by indigenous group, with results that are extremely useful at the individual country
level, but the number of countries for which this analysis has been done remains small, and for
those countries covered, results are not often comparable.

On the determinants of the indigenous poverty gap, further scattered evidence by country (on
Ecuador, see World Bank 2000; on Peru, see Torero et al. 2004) continues to highlight the
importance of human capital as a determinant of indigenous peoples‘ progress. Previous studies
show that being indigenous is associated with being poor and that over time that relation has
stayed constant. Furthermore, indigenous peoples suffer from many other disadvantages, and
even when they are able to accumulate human capital this does not translate into significantly
greater earnings or a closing of the poverty gap with the non-indigenous population. This holds
for countries where indigenous peoples are a fraction of the overall population, such as Mexico
(Ramirez 2006); countries where a large portion of the population is indigenous such as in
Bolivia (Feiring 2003); in developed countries such as Australia (Altman et al. 2005); and
developing countries such as Vietnam (Plant 2002). In India, tribal and caste discrimination in
the labor market has been empirically examined (Banerjee and Knight 1985; Bhattacherjee 1985;

Borooah 2005; Dhesi and Singh 1989; Das 2006; Deshpande 2007). Generally, they find that
discrimination exists, and that it operates through job assignment with the scheduled castes
entering poorly paid, "dead-end" jobs. In the case of scheduled tribes, at least one-third of the
average income difference between them and Hindu households is due to the unequal treatment
of the latter.

The demographic and socioeconomic composition of China‘s indigenous population (defined

here as the ethnic minority population) is described in Poston and Shu (1987). China‘s
minorities compose about 8 percent of the total population. While most groups are integrated
into mainstream Han-dominated society, there is still a lack of socioeconomic advancement in a
few cases. Gustafson and Shi (2003) analyze the income gap between minority and majority
groups in China and find that the gap grew in the 1990s. Both groups‘ income grew, but that of
minorities grew more slowly. Decomposition of the gap suggests that it is the concentration of
minorities in different regions than majorities that is the driving force behind growing income
gaps. Hannum and Xie (1998) and Hannum (2002) document the educational disadvantages
faced by minorities.

Vietnam‘s ethnic minorities, who tend to live mostly in remote rural areas, typically have lower
living standards than the majority. Differences in levels of living are due in part to the fact that
the minorities live in less productive areas characterized by difficult terrain, poor infrastructure,
less access to off-farm work and the market economy, and inferior access to education (van de
Walle and Gunewardena 2001). Geographic disparities tend to persist because of immobility and
regional differences in living standards. There are also large differences within geographical
areas even after controlling for household characteristics. Differences in returns to productive
characteristics are the most important explanation for inequality. But minorities do not obtain
lower returns to all characteristics. Pure returns to location—even in remote, inhospitable
areas—tend to be higher for minorities, though not high enough to overcome the large
consumption difference with the majority.

There is evidence pointing to significant health and education disadvantage among indigenous
groups. Even in the wealthy nations, most studies show an alarming health disadvantage for
indigenous peoples—in health indicators as varied as infant mortality, diabetes, various cancers
and mental illness (Sandefur and Scott 1983; Gunderson 2008; Bradley et al. 2006; Dixon and
Mare 2006; Stephens et al. 2005). For the rest of the world, less is known about their health
status or access to health services. The few studies of particular communities indicate that the
health of indigenous peoples is substantially poorer than that of the general population, with
disease and mortality rates much higher than the general population (see Hsu 1990 on China).
The health of adult indigenous people is similarly poor, particularly for communities whose
original ways of life, environment, and livelihoods have been destroyed and often replaced with
the worst of western lifestyle—that is, unemployment, poor housing, alcoholism and drug use.
At the extreme, indigenous peoples suffer systematic repression and deprivation, to the extent
that their demographic survival is threatened (Basu 1994). More recently, Lewis and Lockheed

(2006) show that it is the rural minority population that is most likely to be excluded from
school, and that girls in rural areas are doubly disadvantaged in terms of education access. That
is the case for Laos, India, Pakistan, Benin, Ghana and Malawi.

Indigenous peoples‘ poverty has been increasingly recognized in the development literature (see,
for example, Klitgaard 1991; Chiswick et al. 2000; Alesina and LaFerrara 2005). The
relationship between being indigenous and experiencing economic inequality in developing
countries has come to the fore in recent years (see, for example, van de Walle and Gunewardena
2001; Nopo et al. 2007; Telles 2007). Still, very little investigation has been made into the
different economic experiences of the indigenous population within a society, and much less is
comparative across countries and over time. For the few countries where the situation of the
indigenous population has been investigated, a substantial cost in terms of earnings, poverty and
social development has been estimated, with spillover effects on national economic prospects
and social stability. Thus, it is important to consider indigenous peoples in discussions about
economic development – but not often done.

Eversole, McNeish and Cimadamore (2006) study indigenous poverty from an international
perspective. They include chapters on, among other countries, Mexico, Taiwan, Russia, New
Zealand, Colombia, Australia, Canada and the United States. Yet they present case studies with
different approaches in each chapter, so the results are not comparable across countries. Thus,
despite the fact that they are estimated to be significant in number and are thought to represent a
disproportionately large share of the world‘s poor, research that systematically assesses
indigenous peoples‘ poverty and socio-economic status in a comparable way across regions and
countries remains elusive.

Analytical Approach
The majority of the work to date on the determinants of poverty among indigenous peoples has
focused primarily on human capital outcomes. Most studies document that indigenous peoples
are disadvantaged in terms of physical and human capital endowments. These low endowments,
in turn, lead to significant differences in earnings and, therefore poverty status, differences that
have endured several decades of progress in reducing human capital gaps. In recent years, the
social capital and cultural assets of indigenous has been discussed. Social capital, defined as
traditional community values and socioeconomic structures, are often referred to as the only
productive capital minorities have in abundance (Woolcock and Narayan 2000). These
traditional values and structures include collective control and sustainable management of
natural resources; reciprocal and mutually supportive work systems; strong social organization
and high levels of communal responsibility; a deep respect for the knowledge of their elders; and
a close spiritual attachment to their ancestors and the earth. Such cultural assets can play a key
role in economic entrepreneurship and in strategies to diversify or intensify livelihoods. Strong

network ties, a strong sense of solidarity, and kinship-based exchange relationships also play an
important role in providing economic security (Collins 1983).

However, group differences in socioeconomic outcomes can also be explained by looking at the
distribution, composition and returns to income-generating assets. Low asset endowments, for
instance in terms of size of land or years of schooling, negatively affect the ability to generate
income, while low rates of usage and returns stifles economic opportunity (Birdsall and Londoño
1997; Székely and Attanasio 2001). The composition of assets also matters as the rate of return
to one asset is often affected by the ownership or access to other, complementary assets.
Empirical studies on Latin America‘s indigenous population shows that social capital does not
help promote indigenous socioeconomic advancement. However, low asset endowments can
help explain the low overall returns to all assets (see, for example, Patrinos, Skoufias and Lunde
2007; Escobal and Torero 2005). In addition, discrimination and other exclusionary
mechanisms, as well as the internalization of prejudices (stigma), may also affect returns to the
assets of excluded minorities (Becker 1971; Darity 1982; Hoff and Pandey 2006).

This study provides an assessment of poverty and socioeconomic indicators for seven countries
in Africa and Asia for which there are identifiable populations and data. It generates findings
that are comparable across countries, so as to begin painting a ‗global picture‘ of the conditions
and development challenges of indigenous peoples/ethnic minorities. To the extent possible, we
will attempt to categorize indigenous disadvantage – across space and time – according to the
main hypotheses put forward thus far. However, while these and other hypotheses may be
useful, especially the more recent and evolving poverty trap literature (see, for example, Carter
and Barret 2006; Bowles, Durlauf and Hoff 2006), our focus here is more on describing the
situation and analyzing trends in the countries covered. In doing so, we will focus primarily on
indigenous/non-indigenous differences in poverty, human capital (education and health) and
labor market outcomes, and access to core social services and programs. While the purpose of
the work is primarily descriptive, where possible case studies also offer policy suggestions that
can contribute to the alleviation of poverty while taking into account the indigenous/ethnic

Framework of the Book

The book is organized as follows. Chapter Two addresses the complexities surrounding the issue
of indigenous identity. Chapter Three provides a ‗global snapshot‘ of a set of five MDG-like
indicators (infant mortality, water deprivation, malnutrition, literacy and primary school
enrollment) for indigenous peoples vis-à-vis national averages for as many countries and groups
for which the available data allow. The remaining chapters Four through Eight offer case studies
for seven countries – four in Asia (China, India, Laos and Vietnam) and three in Africa (Central
African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon). These country studies follow the
analytical framework of Hall and Patrinos (2006) to see whether findings from earlier research in
Latin America apply also to indigenous peoples in other regions. In conclusion, Chapter Nine

draws together the body of results in the context of existing poverty theory in order to move
towards an understanding of the causes and drivers of indigenous disadvantage.

The case studies use comparable methodologies in order to assess:

Poverty levels and trends for indigenous peoples vis-à-vis national averages. Is poverty
among indigenous peoples higher and more severe than poverty among the general population in
the countries in which they live? Do poverty trends differ between the indigenous and non-
indigenous population? More specifically, do indigenous poverty rates remain stagnant when
national poverty rates change? Does being indigenous increase an individual‘s probability of
being poor even controlling for other common predictors of poverty (education, employment
status, age, region, etc)?

Differences in human capital assets (education and health) and occupational attainment.
Do indigenous peoples in Asia and Africa lag the general population in terms of schooling? Are
they catching up and are educational gaps closing? If so, is this reflected in earnings and
household consumption? Are returns to education lower for indigenous peoples? Similarly, how
do the indigenous peoples measure up to national averages in terms of access to health services
and health indicators?

Labor market outcomes. How large are the earnings and/or consumption gaps between
indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, and how much of this gap remains unexplained when
controlling for observable factors?

Differences in access to key public social assistance programs and services. What is the
indigenous population‘s access to basic infrastructure services (water, sanitation) and major social

How Many Indigenous Peoples?

Rough estimates suggest that there are that there are more than 5,000 different groups living in more
than 70 countries (IFAD). It has been further estimated that there are approximately 250-350
million indigenous peoples worldwide, representing 5 percent of the world‘s population (IWGIA
2008). The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2006) estimates the indigenous
population to be over 350 million. It is also estimated that up to 15 percent of the world‘s poor, and
up to one-third of the rural poor, are indigenous (UNPFII). In one of the first attempts to show the
distribution of the world‘s indigenous peoples across regions, Stephens et al. (2005), based on work
by Maybury-Lewis (2002), shows that more than half of the world‘s indigenous are in China and
South Asia (Table 1). Given a global population of just under 6 billion in early 2000, the
indigenous population would make up about 4 percent of the total population.

IWGIA provide a slightly higher estimate of up to 350 million indigenous peoples worldwide,
representing 5 percent of the world‘s population. These figures are widely cited. Analysis of the

annual IWGIA (2008) report, The Indigenous World 2008, where they have estimates for 53
countries, provides a good snapshot. In Table 2, we collect these estimates and put together a
regional breakdown. Although not published as a statistical guide, and a few countries are
missing, this estimate is higher than Stephens et al.s‘ (2005), and very close to the figure widely
cited by the United Nations and others. The IWGIA gives a global percentage of 5 percent, also
higher than Stephens et al. (2005).

For the seven case studies included this report, our research also provides estimates of the
indigenous population. In order to cross-check the above estimates, Table 3 draws on the data
provided in our cases studies, the estimates for Latin America compiled in Hall and Patrinos
(2006), and extrapolates from Stephens et al. (2005) or IWGIA (2008) for all other countries.
This method yields an estimate of the total global indigenous population of 302 million, which is
higher than Stephens‘ and very close to the IWGIA‘s, and therefore the figures cited by the
UNPFII and IFAD among others. We also get a global population percentage of 5 percent for
indigenous peoples.

Table 1: Indigenous Population by region (Stephens et al. 2005)


China 91.00

South Asia 60.00

Former Soviet Union 28.00

Southeast Asia 26.50

South America 16.00

Africa 14.20

Central America/Mexico 12.70

Arabia 5.00

USA/Canada 2.70

Japan/Pacific Islands 0.80

Australia/New Zealand 0.60

Greenland/Scandinavia 0.12

Total 257.62

Source: Stephens et al. 2005

Table 2: Indigenous Population by region (IWGIA 2008)


China 105.23

South Asia 94.90

Former Soviet Union 0.40

Southeast Asia 29.84

South America 19.53

Africa 21.98

Central America/Mexico 19.07

Arabia 15.41

USA/Canada 3.29

Japan/Pacific Islands 0.00

Australia/New Zealand 0.46

Greenland/Scandinavia 0.10

Total 310.21

Source: Compiled from IWGIA 2008 by authors

Table 3: Indigenous Population by region: own estimates


China 106.40

South Asia 94.90

Former Soviet Union 0.40

Southeast Asia 29.84

South America 16.00

Africa 21.98

Central America/Mexico 12.70

Arabia 15.41

USA/Canada 3.29

Japan/Pacific Islands 0.80

Australia/New Zealand 0.60

Greenland/Scandinavia 0.12

Total 302.45

Sources: Author estimates (mainly China, India, Latin America),

supplemented by Stephens et al. 2005 and IWGIA 2008

The Question of Indigenous Identity

What do we mean by ― Indigenous‖? There is no widely accepted definition of indigenous

peoples. In fact, the United Nations system has not adopted a definition of indigenous peoples,
but rather has developed a modern understanding of this term based on: self-identification as
indigenous peoples at the individual level and accepted by the community as their member;
historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies; strong link to territories and
surrounding natural resources; distinct social, economic or political systems; distinct language,
culture and beliefs; form non-dominant groups of society; and resolve to maintain and reproduce
their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities (UNFPII).

Other multi-lateral organizations have followed suit. At the World Bank, for example, the
official position is that: ―
because of the varied and changing contexts in which Indigenous
Peoples live and because there is no universally accepted definition of ―
Indigenous Peoples,‖ this

policy does not define the term. Indigenous Peoples may be referred to in different countries by
such terms as "indigenous ethnic minorities," "aboriginals," "hill tribes," "minority nationalities,"
"scheduled tribes," or "tribal groups‖ (Operational Directive 4.10). The UN system further states
that the most fruitful approach is to identify, rather than define, indigenous peoples (UNFPII).
While the term indigenous has prevailed as a generic term for many years, in some countries
there may be a preference for other terms, including tribes, first peoples/nations, aboriginals,
ethnic groups, adivasi, janajati. Terms indicative of occupation and habitat, such as hunter-
gatherers, nomads, peasants, pastoralists and hill people also exist and can be used
interchangeably with indigenous peoples. But because, as seen in Chapter 2, issues of
indigenous identity also become entwined with demands for political recognition and special
rights such as those of territory and resources, disagreement over who is and is not indigenous
can become heated.

This work makes no attempt to resolve these questions, and takes no position on – nor is
designed to inform – on-going or future disagreements over identity. Following the UN and the
World Bank (2005), it does not put forth a rule of what does or does not constitute ‗indigenous.‘
Such an approach would contribute little and would by definition invite controversy over
perceived errors of inclusion or omission. The approach taken is instead a pragmatic one.
Where data allow, Chapter 3 provides a minimum set of MDG-like indicators for any peoples
whom any government or organization – including self-identified indigenous organization (such
as International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs, Indigenous People of Africa
Coordinating Committee, Africa Commission on Human and Peoples‘ Rights, Asia Indigenous
Peoples Pact) – describes as satisfying any definition of being indigenous. Country studies were
chosen for inclusion in the book based on size of indigenous population and data availability, and
use terminology and population breakdowns typical in that country. Thus, in China, Vietnam,
and Laos, the term ‗ethnic minority‘ is used and where possible groups are broken down into
further sub-categories; in India, the constitutionally recognized term ‗Scheduled Tribes‘ category
forms the base of our analysis. In Africa, where the data available are far more limited, the case
studies focus on the pygmy populations for whom data can be disaggregated from household
survey data in three countries: DRC, Gabon and the Republic of Congo.


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Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Chapter 2: Becoming Indigenous:

Identity and Heterogeneity in a Global Movement

Jerome M. Levi
Carelton College

Biorn Maybury-Lewis
New England Institute of Art

Revised November 2009; revised March 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
We wish to gratefully acknowledge the opportunity to conduct nearly a month of field research in South Africa, Kenya, and
Tanzania in March 2009 which arose in conjunction with this project. We thank, especially, Harry Patrinos and Gillette Hall for
their important feedback and collegial support throughout the project and for initiating this critical investigation. We wish to
thank Gregory A. Finnegan, Head of Reference at Harvard‘s Tozzer Library for his important guidance to Harvard‘s Arica
collections. We are also indebted to the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee Director, Nigel Crawhall, and the
IPACC office personnel for their important help in planning and organizing our fieldwork, particularly Mala Marchealase and
Natalie Kyriacou. We are very grateful to Belinda Kruiper for her support in helping us to visit the ≠Khomani San leaders in the
southern Kalahari as well as for her insights. Similarly, we are indebted to our colleague and women‘s representative from South
Africa to IPACC, Annetta Bok, who worked tirelessly and with good humor on behalf of our project in the Kalahari. Had it not
been for Belinda and Annetta, we would never have been able to interview Dawid Kruiper, Petrus Vaalbooi, and /Una Rooi—
chief ≠Khomani elders whose knowledge was critical to our understanding and for whose perspectives we are most grateful. In
Kenya and Tanzania, we wish to acknowledge and thank Kanyinke Sena, our colleague and Regional Representative from East
Africa to IPACC who assisted us in both countries, and whose language, analytical, legal, and operational skills were of
enormous help to us. We are very grateful to Naftali Kitandu, Hadzabe activist, whose tireless efforts helped us grasp the struggle
for rights and resources as expressed by headmen Thomas Yakobo and Jack Bagosh, who we also thank, in the Hadzabe hunting
camp in Sengere, near Tanzania‘s Yaeda Valley. So too we appreciate Meshuko Ole Mapu, Maasai leader, elder, and holy man
near the Kenyan-Tanzanian border, for helping us comprehend the problems of, and prospects for, his people. Appreciation is
extended to Edward Porokawa, Coordinator of Pastoralists and Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations, in Arusha,
Tanzania, for explaining the important work of his organization. We also want to thank Achola Okeyo whose professional
advice and support made us feel at home in Nairobi and east Africa. Further, we are grateful to Matthew Davies and Justin Willis
of the British Institute in East Africa for sharing with us their knowledge, time, and support. We acknowledge and thank Maasai
Safari Tours, of Arusha, Tanzania, for their impeccable expertise, professionalism, and teamwork in the difficult bush country of
eastern Africa. Joseph and Janice Day, Berra Tawahongva, and Shereen Susungkew, of the Hopi nation, are gratefully
acknowledged for their initial conversations about our project. And of course we wish to express our deepest gratitude to the
many Hadzabe, Datoga, Maasai, and San individuals who welcomed us into their lands, villages and homes. They offered us an
experience in different worlds and lessons about the contemporary challenges of development that neither of us shall ever forget.


Two years ago an event took place in New York City that may be as momentous in a positive
way for indigenous peoples throughout the world as Columbus‘ so-called ― discovery‖ of the
Americas 500 years ago was calamitous. The Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
was finally signed into international law, after more than twenty years of contentious negotiation,
by the United Nations General Assembly on September 13, 2007. While the difficult work of
implementation still lies ahead, the ratification of this treaty by the majority of the world‘s
governments—passing ― with 144 votes in favor, 11 abstentions, and 4 votes against‖
(Wessendorf 2008:10)—nevertheless signals a sea change in attitude towards the globe‘s
indigenous peoples, a population that, according to one recent estimate, numbers ― over 250
million worldwide spread across more than 4,000 different groups‖ (Starn and de la Cadena
2007:1). The Declaration heralds, at the dawn of this millennium, that the genocide,
exploitation, and forced assimilation of indigenous peoples, not to mention the calculated
dispossession of their resources and involuntary removal from their lands, as well as the
elimination of their languages, religions, and cultures—a tragedy that too often has been the lot
of indigenous peoples on every continent and too seldom an embarrassment for the rest of the
ersatz ―civilized world‖—will no longer be tolerated in the international community.

This chapter traces, in broad brush-strokes, how we got to this point in history and suggests
possible trajectories that might be taken in the future. It seeks answers to fundamental questions
about the indigenous movement and how it got on the world‘s agenda: Why is indigenous
identity, based on numerous local, ― aboriginal,‖ societies, not only a new phenomenon but also a
global one? Who are indigenous peoples and what accounts for the creation of indigeneity? How
is the struggle for indigenous rights in Africa and Asia different from that in the Americas,
Australia, and New Zealand? Who are the opponents of indigenous movements and what is their
logic? Why are most indigenous peoples among the poorest populations in almost every country
where there exist data yet in other cases indigenous peoples have been quite successful? How
does the global mobilization of indigenous peoples relate to the issues of representation,
recognition, resources, and rights?

While it is true that we have moved in recent decades from a situation where the extermination
of indigenous peoples and their ways of life are no longer tolerated, and even though the
aforementioned United Nations accord is now a formal covenant, indigenous peoples still stand
precipitously on the brink of an uncertain future. The goal of this study is to give an overview of
both the promises and challenges at this historic moment as well as outline the sheer
heterogeneity beneath the common struggle of today‘s global indigenous movement. The
current situation is aptly summarized in the poignant words of Anna Tsing: ― The global
indigenous movement is alive with promising contradictions. Inverting national development
standards, it promises unity beyond plurality: diversity without assimilation. It endorses
authenticity and invention, subsistence and wealth, traditional knowledge and new technologies,
territory and diaspora‖ (Tsing 2007:33). The creative potential unleashed on the world‘s stage
through the conjunction of these seeming antinomies is the topic this chapter explores.

Rethinking indigenous identity

Our starting point is the question of indigenous identity, which on cursory appraisal seems
straightforward enough, but identity actually is a slippery concept. Social scientists debate
endlessly about it and the topic fills the stacks of news-stands and libraries alike. Ethnic identity,
national identity, gender identity, the identity of religions, cultures, and classes, not to mention
the way these overlap or interconnect, are all analyzed in minute detail without much discussion,
let alone agreement, about what identity means in the first place. This may, in part, be the source
of the problem. Philosophers and mathematicians, by contrast, seem to have comparatively less
difficulty with the concept. For them, the meaning of identity is about as tight as a concept can
be. Technically speaking, a thing is identical only with itself. As Wittgenstein put it, according
to Quine, ― to say of anything that it is identical with itself is trivial, and to say that it is identical
with anything else is absurd. What then is the use of identity?‖ (Quine 1987: 90).

―Genuine questions of identity,‖ says Quine, ― can arise because we may refer to something in
two ways and leave someone wondering whether we referred to the same thing‖ (1987:90). Thus
when we are introduced to a man in the village of Mishongnovi on Second Mesa in Arizona, in
the southwestern portion of the United States, we are told his name and that he is a member of
the Coyote Clan. When he goes on business to the nearby town of Window Rock, capital of the
Navajo Nation, he specifies that he is a Hopi; at a lecture he delivers in Chicago he claims to be
Native American and at the Palais Wilson in Geneva, as he sits between a Dayak woman from
Kalimantan, Indonesia and an Ogiek man from Kenya while attending an international human
rights conference, he identifies himself, and is identified by others, as indigenous. The same
man has claimed four different identities, yet none are inconsistent and all are true. How so?

Heraclitus as well as Hume both noted that although identity has to do with the notion of
sameness, it becomes salient, paradoxically, only through the recognition of difference. Two
points emerge. Genuine questions of identity arise in reference to differences in nomenclature;
furthermore, the concept of identity is ineluctably relational. As the example above shows,
although in one sense the man‘s identity persisted throughout, in another sense different facets of
that identity were created or inflected instrumentally. That is, while at one level his underlying
personhood did not change, the contexts did, and this altered the structures of identification.

Like other collective or social identities, such as ethnicity (Cohen 1978), indigenous identity
arises contextually as part of a series of nested dichotomizations in relation to the social distance
between oneself and one‘s interlocutors. But unlike these other identities, indigenous identity is
an apical or universal category that subsumes others within it, without, however, diluting or
challenging their integrity or existence. Furthermore, it emerges not only in the widest possible
field of socio-political relations—international contexts of conquest, states, and empires (and
thus is a phenomenon that is both new and truly global in its reach), but also designates the pre-
conquest, non-dominant, and marginalized sectors within these political arenas (Starn and de la
Cadena 2007, Friedman 2008).

Indigenous peoples and the creation of indigeneity

If authentic questions about identity are both relational and nomenclatural in nature, then as new
identities emerge in the context of new social relations, new terminology, or at least new
understandings of old words, is likewise required (Levi and Dean 2003: 4-9). Such is the case
with the popular neologism ― indigeneity.‖ The term designates a fresh conceptualization of
indigenous identity under recent conditions of globalization, or what Niezen similarly intends by
the word ― indigenism,‖ a term he uses ― to describe the international movement that aspires to
promote and protect the rights of the world‘s ‗first peoples‘ ‖ (Niezen 2003:4). Increasingly over
the last two decades disenfranchised peoples from around the world are discovering the
liberating potential of the term ― indigenous‖ and claiming this identity as a badge of pride
wrested from oppressive conditions, thereby allowing actors from diverse local cultures access to
a spanking universal category of collective empowerment predicated on primordial attachments.
Put simply, these groups are becoming indigenous. As Hodgson says while comparing
indigenous movements in Africa and the Americas: ― Increasing numbers of historically
marginalized groups are ‗becoming‘ indigenous by joining transnational networks and alliances
that promote indigenous mobilization and by demanding recognition of rights from their
respective nation-states and the international community‖ (2002:1037).

The genealogy of this idea, that essentially has to do with postcolonial political mobilization
across boundaries of various sorts, has salient historical antecedents, none more noteworthy than
the creation of the category ―Indian‖ in the Americas, though it too shares a colonial kinship with
similar words like native, aborigine, and tribal, which in recent decades likewise have undergone
emancipatory revaluations in meaning inverting the implications of social hierarchy,
backwardness, and savagery that the terminology connoted in earlier practice. In his seminal
essay, ―Becoming Indian in Lowland South America,‖ David Maybury-Lewis begins with the
observation that ― [i]t was the European invaders of the Americas who, through a famous
confusion, started to refer to the inhabitants of the new world indiscriminately as Indians. The
Indians for their part had little sense of possessing common characteristics that distinguished
them from the Europeans. Their Indianness was a condition imposed upon them by the invaders‖
(1991:207). He goes on to show, however, that this imposed category enabled diverse Native
American peoples of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile to have a change in consciousness increasingly
throughout the 1970s and 1980s that allowed them to transcend pre-existing ― tribal‖ identities in
order to form new pan-ethnic organizations at the level of the nation-state, concluding ― that
becoming Indian in lowland South America is a difficult process of trying to create Indian
organizations at a national level that are strong enough and astute enough politically to be able to
defend Indian lives and interests locally‖ (Maybury-Lewis 1991:233; see also Jackson 1991). In
this chapter we make a cognate argument, but substitute the concept of indigeneity for Indian,
and move the playing field from the national to the international level.

The heterogeneity of indigeneity

Indigeneity enables groups that from a conventional anthropological perspective would seldom if
ever be lumped together—peoples as ethnologically dissimilar as Saami reindeer herders, Karen,
Lahu, and other shifting cultivators known as ―hill tribes‖ on the Thai-Burmese frontier, diverse
groups of forest dwellers—formerly known as ― Pygmies‖ and traditionally hunter-gatherers—

scattered throughout the Congo basin, Andean peasants, Australian Aborigines, and Native
Hawaiians, to name but a few—to all find common cause under the universalizing banner of
indigenism. Thus, rather than being a specific type of society, indigenous peoples instead
represent a particular position or subjectivity vis-à-vis fields of power.

Yet this transcultural, essentially politico-economic, characterization only scratches the surface.
Beyond ethnological differences, divergence in modern political orientations and economic
philosophy likewise abound.

―Consider two contrasting examples. In Alaska, the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation—an

organization made up of Kaktovikmiut and local whaling captains—supports oil
development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which some native people
feel was created without adequate consultation in the first place. This group has clashed
with environmentalists, and wants to work with the Shell Oil Company. By contrast,
Bolivian President, Evo Morales, the first self-declared indigenous president in modern
Andean history,1 ordered troops to occupy his country‘s oil and gas fields ceded earlier to
multinational corporations. ‗Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity,‘ he announced
together with his intention to renegotiate all contracts‖ (Starn and de la Cadena 2007).

The above contrasts are hardly isolated cases. On the contrary, the global indigenous movement
is rife with diverse strategies for indigenous empowerment. Notwithstanding neat depictions of a
―general indigenous model,‖ based on romantic notions of culture, supposedly typifying peoples
as diverse as the Lakota, Wampanoag, Mapuche, Miskito, Adevasi, Maori, Kurds, and Pashtun
as all more or less egalitarian, spiritual, consensus building, harmonious custodians of nature
universally resisting capitalist encroachment (Fenelon and Hall 2008), in fact the global
indigenous movement is far more complex and resists, if anything, a facile politics or an
ideology of closure.

One recalls, therefore, that Mayan Zapatista rebels signaled their protest to increased neoliberal
economic reforms brought about through Mexico‘s signing of the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) by launching an armed insurrection in the southeastern state of Chiapas on
January 1, 1994—precisely so as to coincide with the date that NAFTA went into effect (Nash
2001, Stephen 2003), while on the other side of the border in the United States, ― reservation
economic developments‖ (Stull 1990) ranging from mining and forestry to tourism and
commercial industry—not to mention the ― casino capitalism‖ of the 367 American Indian owned
gaming establishments (the latter industry alone generating $19.4 billion in 2004)—has now
become legend (Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development 2008: 148). And
in Canada, whereas Exxon Mobil showcases the broad support exhibited among Aboriginal and
Métis peoples in the Cold Lake region of northeastern Alberta for the economic benefits—in the
form of training, employment, and scholarships through the Native Internship Program—created
by its affiliate Imperial Oil Resources, a company that operates the largest thermal in situ oil-
recovery project in the world (Coyne 2008), on the other hand, in the Ecuadorian Amazon
considerable concern has been registered over the negative impacts the OCP (Oleoducto de
Crudos Pesados) project‘s 503 kilometer heavy crude oil pipeline is having on the indigenous

Alejandro Toledo, President of Peru, also makes this claim owing to the fact that he was elected president before
Morales in Bolivia and that he comes from a family of Quechua campesinos.

population of that region (Latin American Herald Tribune 2009). Meanwhile, the varied
responses of Maori activists and entrepreneurs who sought to set up Maori language immersion
schools in the wake of New Zealand‘s recent dismantling of its welfare state in favor of
privatization reflect the push and pull of competing understandings of the individual and
community, as well as the way that multicultural neoliberal regimes engender novel indigenous
subjectivities (Tuhiwai Smith 2007). The lesson overall is that today indigenous experience
cannot be reduced either to capitalism or communism, the principles of free market competition,
structural inequality, individual profiteering, and environmental degradation being as likely to be
found in indigenous communities (sometimes with their blessings, sometimes without) as are
redistributive economies, egalitarian social structures, and eco-friendly, communitarian values.

Scales of difference, dimensions of divergence

To merely observe that there exists heterogeneity in the identities, interests, and tactics deployed
by those involved in the global indigenous movement will not suffice. Rather, we need to
stipulate the form, range, and valences of these differences. First, we observe that not only
between countries or regions but also within them there is dramatic heterogeneity among
indigenous peoples in terms of political mobilization and levels of economic development.
While it is true that as an aggregate Native Americans consistently have a significantly higher
poverty rate than any other ethnic group in the nation (Harvard Project on American Indian
Economic Development 2008: 115)—a statistic that unfortunately characterizes indigenous
people in virtually every country where they exist—nevertheless, tremendous discrepancies in
wealth, and ipso facto power, exist among different indigenous peoples as much in industrialized
countries as in developing ones.

Thus, in the United States for the year 2000, on the Crow Creek Reservation in South Dakota per
capita income was $4,043. By contrast, at the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in
Minnesota the per capita income in 2000 was $113,509—a difference in excess of nearly
$110,000, thanks to the latter being a gaming reservation located in suburban Minneapolis-St.
Paul, a major metropolitan area, whereas the former is situated on a desolate patch of land in
rural Midwest America (Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development 2008:

At the other end of the spectrum of international development is Nepal. It is one of the poorest
countries Asia, uncomfortably sandwiched between India and China, two burgeoning economic
power-houses. Yet just as in the United States, Nepal too exhibits a range of economic
development among its diverse indigenous peoples. The Nepal Federation of Indigenous
Nationalities classifies each of its 61 Adibasi Janajati, that is, indigenous or tribal peoples, into
one of five categories representing a continuum of politico-economic development. This ranges
from peoples like the Lepcha and Majhi, categorized as ― endangered‖ and ― highly marginalized‖
through merely ― marginalized‖ and ― disadvantaged‖ groups such as the Tharu and Gurung, to
―advanced‖ peoples like the Newar and Thakali, the latter now being successful businessmen in
many parts of Nepal (NEFIN 2008).

Another component of these differences is the degree to which different groups are represented
in umbrella organizations and transnational alliances (International Work Group on Indigenous

Affairs, hereafter IWGIA), Euro-American advocacy organizations (Cultural Survival), and
electronic media (Internet), the combination of which has been critical to the articulation of
modern indigenous rights movements, discourses, and practices. In Tanzania, for example, the
national indigenous movement took shape through an umbrella organization known as PINGOs
(Pastoral and Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations) and, as elsewhere in Africa, focused
largely on hunting and herding societies. However, representation in PINGOs was unequal. In
its member organizations, Maasai representation dominated over that of other pastoral nomads,
like the Barabaig; this despite the fact that today many Maasai are no longer full time
transhumant pastoralists and instead rely on sedentary agriculture, wage labor, and other forms
of income. The sustained participation and political voice in PINGOs of Tanzanian hunter-
gatherers during the 1990s, such as the Hadzabe, was minimal at best (Igoe 2006).

Salient differences in economic development, organizational pluck, and cultural politics exist not
only between indigenous societies but also within them. There is a tendency in much scholarship
about indigenous peoples to conveniently speak of them in terms of groups rather than
individuals. This has the unfortunate effect of eliding cross-cutting hierarchies of knowledge,
gender, age, geography, and class that increasingly stratify indigenous peoples throughout the
world. Whether it exists informally, as when one person dominates another in a conversation, or
formally, for instance when a king dominates his subjects, inequality is a feature of most human
interactions, notwithstanding important experiences of communitas (Turner 1995). But much of
the literature on indigenous peoples still traffics in idealistic and essentialized images, failing to
differentiate between an ethos of normative community equality commonly found in many
indigenous communities, on the one hand, and, on the other, the very different reality, equally
common, of inequalities among individuals in knowledge, power, and resources, a situation that
is often a source of tension (Levi 1999). Even among famously egalitarian hunter-gatherers,
they are not all equally egalitarian. Instead, there exists a spectrum of inequality, in this case
gender inequality, among foraging societies determined by gender relations in subsistence
activities, the relative dependence on hunting versus gathering, and the variable opportunity
women have to distribute meat (a valued resource) outside the family (Friedl 1975).

So too, intra-ethnic inequality has fueled much organizing in the indigenous world. The
aforementioned Zapatista rebellion (and ensuing violence that followed in the wake of the
creation of indigenous autonomous communities) was not only an armed insurrection against
corrupt local non-Indians who had obtained by nefarious means indigenous lands and siphoned
off indigenous labor and resources, as well as a revolt against the Mexican state that had
forgotten its early 20th century revolutionary compact with indigenous peoples in its zealous
pursuit of late 20th century capitalism. It was also a decisive battle in a long festering virtual
civil-war within the Indian community itself, between impoverished Tzotzil and Tzeltal Mayans
in the highlands of Chiapas, on the one hand, and a corrupt but equally indigenous oligarchy, on
the other. Over decades, the latter had usurped the leadership in their towns which they ran as
personal fiefdoms, maintained Mexico‘s strong arm single party system in the countryside in
exchange for patronage from state officials, squelched alternative peasant and religious
organizations that challenged ― traditional‖ (that is, oligarchic) authority, and freely killed,
maimed, or expulsed individuals who opposed the status quo—thus creating, on the eve of the
rebellion, many thousands of displaced and disgruntled indigenous Chiapanecos ready to support
the Zapatista cause (Harvey 1998, Levi 2002, Rus 1994).

Less dramatic but equally noteworthy are peacetime differentiations of individuals in indigenous
communities. Claudia Briones (2007) discusses various constructions of self and cultural style in
terms of diverse idioms all expressing variations on a common theme of Mapuche identity in
Chile. She notes that the diverse cultural politics of belonging at contemporary Mapuche
gatherings encompass people who articulate their identity by dressing in bombacha garb in order
to inflect their attachment to rural identities and ―
traditional‖ Mapuche culture, as well as urban
youth in jeans and face piercings who identify as part of the new movement known as mapunky
(punk Mapuches) and mapuheavy (heavy metal Mapuches). All of this is part of the Mapuche
experience today (Briones 2007).

What accounts for such radical differences within and between indigenous groups? There are no
easy answers, but undoubtedly it has to do with an imprecise calculus of internal cultural
variables articulating with exogenous political and economic structures. Variations in economic
vitality, political consciousness, and social re-awakening among indigenous peoples are surely
correlated with some combination of differences in their natural and cultural resources, different
demographic factors, different levels of education, differential skills in organizing, networking,
and coalition building, differential access to capital, information, and global media, and different
histories of interactions with both state agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
The impressive economic success of the Nepalese Thakali mentioned above no doubt is in part
attributable to the fact that they were able to parlay their traditional knowledge and skill as salt
traders whose home territory was located along the main caravan route between Tibet and India
into modern business savvy, just as the predominance of Maasai in Tanzanian indigenous rights
fora trades on the political marketing of their handsome cultural distinctiveness and warrior
aesthetics, traits that have captivated variously the fascination, horror, and admiration of
outsiders since British colonial days.

Similarly, the variables that determined the difference between the aforementioned Crow Creek
Reservation, which is one of the poorest Indian reservations per capita in the United States, and
the Shakopee Mdewakanton reservation, which is one of the most wealthy, stem directly from
the political and military decisions which their respective ancestors took during the same critical
event: the Minnesota Dakota War of 1862. That uprising, not unlike the turmoil and violence
that split Mayan communities in Chiapas during the late 20th century, was not only a war against
whites and the federal government that had usurped their land, but was a tragic civil-war within
the Dakota Nation itself, the painful wounds of which have not healed to this day. The 1862
conflict represented a crisis of conscience and divided loyalties that tore apart the Dakota, a
divide between so-called ― friendlies‖ and ―cut-hairs‖ who were Christianized Indians that had
taken up farming and, most importantly from the perspective of Abraham Lincoln, had aided
white settlers and government soldiers during the war, on the one hand, and so-called ― hostiles‖
and ― long hairs,‖ on the other, who were more trenchant in maintaining the ways of their
forbears, including ultimately rising up in arms to defend their land and feed their families, now
on the brink of starvation, from the invaders. In the end, the small group of farmer Indians or so-
called ― Peace Party‖ was rewarded by being allowed to stay at a few tiny places in the tribe‘s
home region of Minnesota, hence the Shakopee community, while the rest of the Dakota people
(men, women, and children), after being interred in a virtual concentration camp at Fort Snelling
and enduring at Mankato the largest mass execution in United States history, were ultimately

shipped off to desolate reservations, such as Crow Creek, far out on the windswept plains
(Anderson and Woolworth 1988).

In other situations it is not tribal history that authors present circumstances so much as new
structural openings and strategic maneuverings made possible through modern regime changes,
democratization, roving capital, decentralization, and economic liberalization that have to do
with contemporary indigenous realities. The case of indigenous peoples in Siberia during the
post-Soviet era is instructive. As Balzer (2003) demonstrates, the Sakha, known to outsiders by
the ethnonym Yakut, had a more or less successful history of negotiations with Moscow, clearly
related to the vast unexploited subsurface energy and mineral wealth of their lands—and even
though today they are one of the poorest per capita republics in Russia, they did manage to
secure regional autonomy. Thus they exist as the Sakha Republic, or Yakutia, and overall are a
―rich and pivotal‖ indigenous people of Siberia (Balzer 2003:115). At the other end of the
spectrum of success, but still partially within the Sakha Republic, are the ― poor and despised‖
Yukagir, a tiny minority of 1,142 persons (according to the 1989 census) with a vocal
intelligentsia but without a land-based ― homeland.‖ Between these two extremes are the 22,500
Khanty who, like the Sakha are ― mired in oil‖ but, like the Yukagir, are a traditionally hunting,
fishing, and reindeer breeding post-tribal people now deploying their shamanic religion and
dramatic rituals of reindeer sacrifice (which were prohibited under Soviet rule) as strategic
vehicles for public protest, cultural revival, and political mobilization (Balzer 2003: 123-130).

Indigenous spaces: tradition, civilization and its discontents

Nor can sentimental attachments to ethnic essentialism, ― unchanging tradition,‖ cultural purity,
pre-industrial technology, territorial integrity, or rooted intimacy with the land be marshaled
anymore as ubiquitous or defining traits of indigenous peoples (if indeed they ever could). True,
in May 2008 CNN broadcast images around the world of an ― uncontacted tribe‖ in the western
Amazon near the Peru-Brazil border—naked men painted red and black shooting arrows at the
low flying plane that took the photos—but conditions of such pristine aboriginality are not only
the rare exception, but are so at variance with most experiences today, indigenous and otherwise,
as to make them newsworthy internationally. More typical of many indigenous lives in the 21st
century are those of Australian Aborigines who, even though they are still stereotypically
associated with the ―outback,‖ nowadays are more likely to be found in Sydney and other urban
centers (Merlan 2007), just as ― [i]n the United States the majority of Native Americans live in
cities,‖ (Ramirez 2007:1), although again the popular conception is that Indian issues are largely
confined to reservations in the rural West.

In like manner, the Baguio Declaration of the Second Asian Indigenous Women‘s Conference,
ratified by 100 indigenous women from twelve Asian countries, addressed explicitly the
emergent problems faced by pastoralists in Mongolia transitioning to cities on account of the loss
of their livestock due to climate change, as well as the heightened vulnerability of indigenous
women similarly forced to become urban dwellers after being displaced from tribal areas
(Baguio Declaration 2004). While most indigenous peoples fall somewhere in between
uncontacted Amazonian tribes, on the one hand, and citified Indians in the United States, on the
other, in general ― Diaspora‖ as well as ―Homeland‖ are equally descriptive of the traditional
centers and geographical distensions characterizing indigenous peoples today (Clifford 2007).

To be sure, in some places uncanny cultural continuity as well as territorial integrity still does
exist: the Hadzabe in Tanzania, for instance, have in fact managed to remain in the same general
area and maintain a foraging way of life that has changed little in centuries, perhaps even
millennia, despite having long been in contact with both pastoral and agricultural societies and,
increasingly after the 1990s, tourists intent on seeing Africa‘s last nomadic hunter-gatherers
(Marlowe 2002). Yet where indigenous communities have been torn asunder by the forces of
colonial or neoliberal dismemberment, as is often the case, there are also creative mechanisms of
―re-membering,‖ reconstruction, and reconciliation; lost members and even non-members
connecting in novel ways in addition to new identities being woven from the shreds and patches
of old ones. Thus, in the wake of the ― Indian termination policy‖ of the 1950s whereby the
United States sought to abrogate its obligations to federally recognized tribes, there arose during
the 1960s and 1970s the pan-Indian movement, as Native Americans from various tribes and
reservations increasingly gathered into urban Indian hubs (Nagel 1996, Ramirez 2007). One does
not normally think of Silicon Valley, California, as a particularly ― indigenous‖ place, but with
the reinvigoration of the Muwekma Ohlones who were always native to the area, in concert with
the in-migration of Native Americans from across the US, Mexico, and beyond, it has
increasingly become so (Ramirez 2007). Imaginative redefinitions of belonging and expansive
notions of membership are also exhibited by recent efforts at reconciliation between Aboriginal
and non-Aboriginal peoples in northern Australia. There Yolngu symbolically tied in Australian
―white fellas‖ with their community based on the hydraulic metaphor of the mingling of fresh
water and salt water in the estuaries of Arnhemland, an ecological phenomenon where two come
together as one without either losing its identity (McIntosh 2003). In the face of politico-
economic realities, reconstruction and representation can also demand that indigenous peoples
remake themselves in the stereotyped cultural image that the world expects of them, rather than
allowing them to be seen as they actually are. Consequently, in order to regain lost homelands,
Namibia‘s Omaheke San, ― a landless underclass of farm laborers, domestic servants, and
squatters‖ (Sylvain 2002:1074, 2005a), are today compelled to deploy what Gayatri Spivak has
aptly termed ― strategic essentialism‖ (see Kilburn 1996), instrumentally manipulating their
identity so as to conform to popular (mis)conceptions of ― authentic Bushmen‖ as timeless
hunters and gatherers, trackers of wild game still roaming the vast Kalahari, people essentially
naked or scantily dressed only in skins, rooted inseparably to the land since time immemorial—
never mind that for the Omaheke San today this image exists only as a dim and fading memory
in the minds of a few ancient elders.

The dialectics of indigenous spaces may be defined, but not exhausted, by the thesis and
antithesis of homeland and displacement. Instead, the seeming antinomies are partially resolved
through their synthesis in an entirely new kind of space: cyberspace. Telecommunications in
general and the digital revolution in particular go a long way toward the answering the question:
Why now? Why at this stage of world history is there a global indigenous movement? In our
media saturated world, where news and images can be flashed around the globe in seconds,
bounced off satellites, modulated via airwaves, no country is really isolated, no place so remote
that contact cannot somehow be made, sites located, communication achieved. Text-messaging,
cell phones, chat rooms, e-mail, blogs, web-sites, and video conferencing via the internet, not
only regularly connect transnational migrant K‘iché men working in the United States with
family members back home in their communities in the highlands of western Guatemala, but

create and maintain the linkages that gave rise to the global indigenous movement in the first
place, enabling communication between Tuscarora (in New York) and Turkana (in Kenya),
Saami (in Finland) and Seminole (in Florida), Ainu (in Japan) and Innu (in Labrador) and all of
them with multilateral organizations and international institutions, such as the United Nations
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Cultural Survival, the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-
ordinating Committee, and so on. Furthermore, as Niezen argues in ― Digital Identity: The
Construction of Virtual Selfhood in the Indigenous Peoples‘ Movement,‖ the emergence, spread,
and relative affordability of new information and communication technologies has encouraged
local, primordial identities to be re-imagined in terms of a global and virtually borderless
geography (Niezen 2005).

The veracity of the above notwithstanding, a digital divide still exists, perhaps in the indigenous
world more than elsewhere—separating on opposite sides of an ocean of difference an elite cadre
of internet insiders from the vast majority those who do not even have access to electricity. At
the same time, it must be recalled that the modalities of intimate, organic, and embodied
communication occurring in the context of face-to-face interaction that takes place in small scale
societies where most of the world‘s indigenous people still reside contrasts strikingly with the
disembodied and segmented communications that typify the talk in cyberspace. Nevertheless,
new communication technology offers a radical and phenomenally empowering medium that
allows people to transcend instantaneously both spatial and cultural distances, as indigenous
peoples and their supporters forge social and political alliances of all types in all corners of the
globe. There is no turning back of the clock. Pen pals and snail mail could never have achieved
this kind of connectivity and immediacy.

Polythetic classification: a flexible approach to unity amid diversity

Given the tremendous historical, political, economic, and cultural variety of peoples who identify
as being indigenous, and are mutually recognized as such by others, one might well ask: is there
any common core or set of determinative characteristics that sets them apart from other groups?
Furthermore, how does this radical diversity square with a more or less ― unitary‖ global
movement? In fact, although there exists ― no universally accepted definition‖ of indigenous
peoples (MacKay 2007:51), several working understandings are widely consulted, as well as
critiqued, by academics, advocates, and multilateral organizations working in the field.

Perhaps the definition most commonly used, implicitly and explicitly, is the one provided by
José Martinez Cobo, Special Rapporteur to the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination
and Protection of Minorities, in his detailed 1986 report to the UN, Study of the Problem of
Discrimination against Indigenous Populations:

Indigenous communities, peoples and nations, are those which have a historical
continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories,
consider themselves distinct from other sectors of society now prevailing in those
territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and
are determined to preserve, develop, and transmit to future generations their ancestral
territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in

accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions, and legal systems (Cobo
1986: 379).

While the above definition is widely used, none of the initiatives of the UN concerning
indigenous peoples, neither the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, nor the Regional
Initiative on Indigenous Peoples‘ Rights and Development, nor even the Declaration of the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples, has a legally binding definition of indigenous peoples (a situation
that has caused consternation among some member states). At the present time, ― the only
definition of indigenous peoples that is legally binding to ratifying states is the one included in
the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention 169 that was adopted in 1989 by the International
Labour Organization‖ (Hodgson 2002:1038). However, this definition, like the one used by the
World Bank (MacKay 2007), does not differ substantially from Cobo‘s paradigmatic
conceptualization, although Saugestad points out that Cobo‘s characterization links indigeneity
to the method of colonization, thereby separating the definition of indigenous peoples in Africa
and Asia from those in the Americas and Australia, in essence bifurcating what would otherwise
be a global indigenous peoples movement (Saugestad 2008). Significantly, she notes that the
UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations ― brings out four principles to be taken into
account in any possible definition of indigenous peoples:

a) priority in time, with respect to the occupation and use of a specific territory;
b) the voluntary perpetuation of cultural distinctiveness, which may include aspects of
language, social organisation, religion and spiritual values, modes of production, laws
and institutions;
c) self-identification, as well as recognition by other groups, as well as State authorities, as a
distinct collectivity; and
d) an experience of subjugation, marginalisation, dispossession, exclusion or discrimination,
whether or not these conditions persist‖ (Saugestad 2008:165).

These four features—historical antecedence, cultural distinctiveness, self-identification, and non-

dominance—appear repeatedly as fundamental criteria of indigenous peoples. Still, problems
remain if the intent is to deploy all in a universal definition. The first problem is the notion of
prior occupancy. The Maasai are by far the most prominent actors in indigenous rights
movements of East Africa, yet they are not, nor claim to be, ― first peoples‖ in the region since
they migrated south into Kenya and northern Tanzania probably only in the last several hundred
years (Hodgson 2002:1087). Thus, there exist other peoples in these countries who antedate them
historically, yet are not included in the indigenous peoples movement.

Similarly, the difficulty with the criterion of cultural distinctiveness is that it may be linked to
arbitrary markers of altereity, and thus the problematic logic equating ― culture‖ with ―difference‖
(Kenrick and Lewis 2004:8, Rosaldo 1989). Some groups therefore have had had trouble being
recognized as indigenous precisely because they were unable to demonstrate sufficient cultural
distinctiveness. We have in mind here the difficulty certain groups of Native Americans, such as
the Mashpee in Massachusetts (Clifford 1988) or the Lumbee in North Carolina (Blu 2001), have
had in gaining federal recognition as bona fide ― tribes‖ since they do not conform to stereotypic
images of American Indians, and in other respects may be largely indistinguishable from
surrounding populations (Lambert 2007). A similar dilemma has faced certain San groups in

post-apartheid southern Africa (Lee 2003, Sylvain 2002, 2005b) as well as some Aboriginal
peoples in Australia (Bell 2001, Povinelli 1998) and Canada (Pinkowski and Asch 2004).

So too, if self-identification is called forth as a critical criterion of indigeneity, what is one to

make of situations where groups, who by all other indices are unequivocally indigenous, do not
aspire to label themselves as such, either because they do not know that the ― indigenous‖
category exists, as in the case of the ― uncontacted Amazonian tribe‖ mentioned above, or
because they actively and assertively disavow the label, as is the case described by Quetzil
Castañeda in a provocatively titled article, ―‗We Are Not Indigenous!‘: An Introduction to the
Maya Identity of Yucatan‖ (2004). Are we to conclude therefore that these peoples are not
indigenous because they have not self-identified as such?

Finally, indigenous peoples are conventionally defined as non-dominant, because they are
minority populations or are otherwise dominated, subjugated, or marginalized. Yet in Bolivia,
Indians are in the numerical majority, the Quechua and Aymara alone number an estimated 62
percent of the country‘s population (Layton and Patrinos 2006), not even counting the smaller
populations of Indian peoples in the eastern part of the country. On the other hand, if non-
dominance is interpreted not in terms of population but rather marginalization or economic
standing, then the Newar and Thakali minorities might not qualify as indigenous since these
peoples are among the most prosperous in Nepal, and have been for years, the Newars being
renowned throughout the Himalayas as merchants and fine artisans, just as the Thakali
historically were long-distance traders. Or again, consider the Otavalo: a Quichua speaking
group in highland Ecuador, a people who are simultaneously profoundly traditional yet
remarkably successful entrepreneurs marketing Andean textiles and music throughout the world
via an ethnically based transnational trade network of producers, distributors, and retailers
(Colloredo-Mansfeld 1999, Meisch 2002), a cultural practice that sometimes has garnered them
the dubious distinction of being called the ―
Jews of the Andes‖ (Freeman1997).

In sum, if even the four basic principles stipulated as necessarily being part of any definition of
indigenous people cannot be applied universally, then, given the apparent ambiguity of the
concept, is it better to dispense with it altogether, and perhaps call into question the legitimacy of
the international rights movement which is predicated upon the concept, on grounds that are at
once scholarly, practical, and political, as some critics have argued (Beteille 1998, Kuper 2003,
Igoe 2006)?

The answer, put simply, is a resounding ― no.‖ The idea of ― indigenous peoples‖ is neither
vacuous nor uncircumscribed, and its conceptual complexity demands not that we disqualify it as
a meaningful analytic category upon which to base a social movement but only that it be
understood as a heuristic device in the manner of a polythetic rather than a monothetic class.
The latter is the kind of category most people have in mind when they think of demarcating the
boundaries of a particular class or kind of phenomena: certain traits are specified and the
possession of said traits are both necessary and sufficient criteria for inclusion in the class. But
this is not the only way to delimit a category. Polythetic classification, a concept that draws on
the Wittgensteinian idea of ― family resemblances‖ and is used regularly in fields as diverse as
biology, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology (Needham 1975),

offers an alternate way to reduce the complexity of phenomena into conceptually meaningful
categories. As Bailey (1973: 294) puts it:

Unlike a monothetic type, a polythetic type has no unique set of defining features. It can be
formed from many different combinations of values on the component variables, hence the
name polythetic. As Sokal and Sneath (1963:14) say: ‗A polythetic arrangement, on the
other hand, places together organisms that have the greatest number of shared features, and
no single feature is either essential to group membership or is sufficient to make an
organism a member of the group.‘ In a polythetic group each feature is shared by many
members, and each member possesses many features. If no single feature is possessed by
all members, the group is termed fully polythetic.‖

This is precisely the scenario that obtains in the delimitation of ― indigenous peoples.‖ The
pronounced heterogeneity of indigenous peoples we have reviewed so far—in terms of political
mobilization, economic standing, territoriality, history, discrimination, prior occupancy,
organizational savvy, structural dislocation, poverty, international connections, technological
access, cultural distinctiveness, rootedness to the land, and self-ascription as indigenous, to name
a few of the dimensions of difference that have been discussed—can all be easily accommodated
with the notion of a polythetic class (see also discussion in Barume 2000: 35-37). Consider a set
in which there are seven features (1, 2, 3, etc.) spread among five indigenous societies or peoples
(A, B, C, etc.) with each feature being represented among three societies. No society possesses
all the features, and there is no single feature possessed by all the societies (Figure 1). In like
manner, a rope is made because many fibers overlap and interweave in complex ways, not
because there exists a single golden thread that runs throughout. So too the integrity that holds
together the polythetic class of indigenous peoples is attributable not to their uniformity, but on
the contrary to the combination and diversity of their complex interrelationships.

Figure 1: Polythetic classification, showing the variable interrelationships among components

1 x x x
2 x x x
3 x x x
4 x x x
5 x x x
6 x x x
7 x x x

The idée fixe of indigenous peoples, which is the central organizing principle for the global
indigenous movement, can be further thought of as akin to what anthropologist Victor Turner
famously articulated as a multivocal symbol (see Turner 1967), a symbol that has multiple and
diverse meanings, condensing a fan of referents into a single metaphor, image, or concept that
functions as powerful mode of communication, often found in political and religious settings.
The more public the symbol, the bolder and more ambitious its assertions, the more open it is to
ambiguous and even contradictory interpretations. But therein lies its power, for it enables a
wide variety of audiences to find meaning in its broad connotative range. Indeed, the
polysemous quality of political language and multivocal symbols is at the heart of much social

and political organizing, illustrated, for example, by the relationship between national flags and
political parties. ― While the existence of different political parties shows that not everyone
agrees about what their country stands for, everyone does agree that their country‘s flag stands
for their country‖ (Levi 2007: 251).

The flexible character of the indigenous movement is conceptually analogous to this. It is a flag,
a banner, a rallying point, a dynamic, moving effort at collective action and political struggle
seeking justice and social reform. It is a social movement not a social stasis, a process more than
a category, a diligent work in progress with delicate negotiations taking place across contested
boundaries on multiple fronts. It encompasses with pride and without apology, radically
divergent discourses, practices, ideologies, and philosophies. Indigenous peoples, so it seems,
would not have it any other way. Why? Because more than any other people they have been
denied, literally as well as rhetorically, the very terms of life (which always involves noise and
struggle), people who for too long have been treated as living fossils, who had open to them only
two routes, equally unsatisfactory, towards their place in the future: either be annihilated (or
swept aside) in the name of progress, on the one hand, or mummified, stuffed, and preserved as
fragile relics in virtual museums, on the other. The global indigenous movement and its allies
say ― no‖ to both options, insisting that neither is a viable choice. Instead, for the first time in
history, indigenous peoples are increasingly demanding, and getting, their rightful places at the
bargaining table.

Most importantly, the legitimacy of the indigenous rights movement derives not from its logical
consistency or formal features as a recognizable category, but rather quite simply because it
exists as a political fact and global social movement in reality, commanding the attention of
advocates and academics alike. Thus, contrary to the objections of critics like Béteille (1998),
the question is not whether ― indigenous peoples‖ makes sense scientifically as a generalizable
category, nor whether it is sound ethnologically when applied either globally or to particular
cultural areas, such as India. Ultimately, the question is not whether it is admissible
anthropologically, but rather whether it is justifiable politically. On this matter, Kuper‘s (2003)
criticism of indigeneity as a platform for collective empowerment gets closer to the real issue,
but in the end he too misses a crucial point of the indigenous movement. Kuper argues much too
closely to the group and not sufficiently in regard to the group‘s relationship with outside power
holders in his critique of the term ― indigenous‖ and indigenous peoples‘ movements. This
becomes clear when he takes as an example the case of Canada:

[In Canada, one] has rights only if one has a certain number of appropriate grandparents.
This might be fairly called the Nuremberg principle. A drift to racism may be inevitable
where so called cultural identity becomes the basis for rights, since any cultural test
(knowledge of a language for example) will exclude some whom might lay claim to an
identity on grounds of descent. In the indigenous-peoples movement, descent is tacitly
assumed to represent the bedrock of collective identity (2003: 392).‖

In the first place, we argue in the development of the polythetic approach that descent is but one
of a number of important factors that may define indigeneity; but is neither necessary nor
sufficient. True, indigeneity may often involve indigenous descent, but it does not have to, nor
does it always in actuality. One has only to recall the case of the Choctaw Freedmen in the

United States, former African slaves and their descendants who were incorporated as citizens
into the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma in 1885, or even more strikingly and recently Sub-
Comandante Marcos, the eloquent, masked, pipe-smoking, spokesmen of the Zapatistas whose
words revolutionized the indigenous consciousness of a nation—the son of Spanish
immigrants—to realize that membership in the indigenous movement cannot be neatly distilled
as race. More than anything, indigeneity is a political identity. And in the second place, to
equate those defined as indigenous with dominant peoples with plausible world power
aspirations and capabilities, such as pre-World War II Nazis, fails to take into account a salient
(although again, neither necessary nor sufficient) characteristic of indigeneity: people who have
had an experience of subjugation, marginalization, dispossession, exclusion or discrimination,
whether or not these conditions persist (Saugestad 2008: 165). For that reason, indigenous
peoples should not be equated with state regimes intent upon using racist criteria to impose
themselves on others. As Alcida Ramos puts it bluntly in her comment on Kuper, ― [T]o put in
the same category indigenous claims for legitimate difference, Nazi racism, and South African
apartheid is to miss the point of differential power.‖ (Ramos 2003: 392). In sum, indigeneity is a
discourse of empowerment and social justice for the most disadvantaged members of society, not
a rhetoric of world power and domination. Just which strands in the polythetic class will be
activated and chosen to count as ― indigenous‖ is a radically contingent event. Ultimately,
indigeneity is conjunctural.

Finally, we contend that the multiplex differences among indigenous groups do not weaken their
collective struggle for recognition and rights. On the contrary, we argue that it is precisely these
differences within the movement that are often its source of greatest strength. The divergences
within and between groups self-identifying as indigenous, thereby claiming membership in this
self-ascribed polythetic category, fosters creative engagements across boundaries of various sorts
insofar as they partake of a relational vocabulary of belonging at different levels. From this
perspective, political, economic, and cultural oppositions constitute not the undoing of the
movement or the conceptual category upon which it is based, but conversely the terms for greater
organic complementarity and overall integrity within it.

For example, consider how the differences that have resulted among indigenous peoples whose
territories were bisected by the international boundary separating the US and Mexico—originally
constituting crises and sources of considerable pain—in recent years have been re-imagined as
bases for cultural sharing and collective reorganization. For instance, the Kumeyaay of southern
California, who retained into the 20th century comparatively more ceremonial knowledge and
fared better economically due to the demarcation of reservations (Shipek1968) and, more
recently, substantial gaming revenues, have used their newfound wealth to host cultural
gatherings with the Kumiai of northern Baja California, Mexico who, although poorer
monetarily, are richer in the 21st century by having retained greater knowledge of the indigenous
language, material culture, ethnobotany, and subsistence arts (Levi 1992).

Whereas the example above shows how cross-border differences have been utilized creatively
within a single group of indigenous people, the illustration below shows how the self-ascribed
category of indigeneity allows peoples without historical connections, common cultural ties, or
geographical contiguity might nevertheless still make a virtue of their differences. Ronald

Niezen, comparing the involvement of the Tuareg and Cree in the global indigenous movement,
writes that several decades ago:

The Tuaregs of the West African Sahara and the Crees of northern Canada would have
had little or nothing in common. One is a nomadic pastoral people of the desert and arid
savannah, the other a hunting, fishing, and gathering people of the northern boreal forest.
One is a people with rigid class distinctions and with chiefs drawn from a nobility; the
other an egalitarian society with a tradition of leadership based on hunting skill. One is a
people in conflict with governments that are ready to use deadly force to restrict their
mobility and their suprastate exercise of self-determination; the other is in conflict with a
liberal democracy subject to embarrassment and public censure for the use of
unnecessary force…

Yet in recent years these two groups have somehow come together in the same meetings
under the same rubric: as indigenous peoples. Under these circumstances the basic
common features of their histories become more important than the contrasts of
environment, subsistence, social structure and politics. When we look for the things that
indigenous peoples have in common, for what brings them together and reinforces their
common identity, we find patterns that arise from the logic of conquest and
colonialism…They are similarities based largely on the relationship between indigenous
peoples and states…[which] usually fall into one of three categories…assimilative state
education, loss of subsistence, and state abrogation of treaties (Niezen 2003: 86-87).

Facing common problems, indigenous peoples have learned from each other‘s diverse
circumstances, successes, and failures in dealing with their respective nation-states. The identity
which indigenous peoples share therefore is born, so to speak, of their common differences.
From an organizational perspective, their differences do not weaken the movement, but rather
supply the sources of ingenious, and truly ―multicultural,‖ transnational, collective global action.

Indigenous Identity in Continental Contexts: “Settler societies” versus the African/Asian


The first crucial dichotomy of any analysis of the world‘s indigenous peoples begins with a
discussion of the differences in the identification of indigenous peoples in so-called ― settler
societies,‖ as took shape in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand, on the one hand, and in
African and Asia, on the other—a process set in motion by the global consequences of what has
come to be known sparely as ― The Conquest.‖ The European trans-oceanic expansion of the then
known ― Western‖ world began powerfully in the 15th century with groups of Spaniards
purposely traversing the South Atlantic to the Caribbean, the Antilles, and the Americas to begin
the installation of what would eventually become Spanish America. They began doing so in
what they thought was an archipelago off of the coast of India. In a similar effort to reach India
by sea, as opposed to the arduous land journey to ― the East‖ of the previous centuries,
Portuguese seafarers, soldiers, priests, adventurers, and traders, in the same period, circumvented
the African continent, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope and penetrating the African
hinterland and later India. One such Portuguese, Pedro Álvarez Cabral, sailing toward the Cape
of Good Hope in 1500, was blown off course by a storm, ― discovering‖ Brazil, thus beginning

Portuguese America on the Brazilian Atlantic coast. These dual processes, supplemented in the
17th and 18th centuries by Dutch, English, French, Danish and other European incursions into the
Americas had profound impacts on the peoples the Europeans encountered. Europeans entering
overseas lands already occupied by indigenous societies normally resulted in an all-too-familiar
pattern that is widely documented: uneasy contact, warfare, ethnocide, and genocide (for classic
scholarly accounts of European exploration, discovery, and colonization, see Parry 1971 and

The definitional issue of who are the ― indigenous peoples‖ was and remains much less
problematic in regions where peoples of European origins overran indigenous peoples to form
―settler‖ societies in the Americas and, later, in New Zealand and Australia. But the definitional
issue remains quite problematic in Asia and Africa. Though Europeans eventually went around
the world to all the continents, they did not take over and remake, to the same degree, the entire
social order, during centuries of colonization, outside the areas that we designate, here, as ―
societies.‖ In the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand, even after independence, peoples of
European origins continued to rule; and to dominate the Indians, Aborigines, and Maoris
respectively. Though European traders, adventurers, and colonists did, of course, enter into the
Asian and African hinterlands, their descendents did not maintain long-term power as in the
post-independence contexts of the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand.

Thus, of equal or greater significance than the different conditions of conquest, it was the varied
circumstances of the postcolonial world that has shaped indigeneity in modern times. That is, in
the postcolonial states of Africa and Asia, after independence, the colonials—by and large—
went ― home.‖ Not so in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand where the descendents
continued to dominate, politically and economically, and usually numerically as well. In Africa
and Asia, however, after departure of the colonial European powers, these newly independent
states concluded that the remaining peoples in these places were all indigenous. In the vigorous
attempt to foster national unity in the new states, the argument that some minority peoples were
indigenous whereas other were not, was often interpreted as a re-inscription of ― tribalism‖ and
invitation to ethnic conflict, though in actuality it often served as just another way to legitimize
the right to rule for dominant groups. The articulation of indigenous rights in the postcolonial
scenarios of Africa and Asia, thus, has historically encountered particular difficulties.

The first geo-political dichotomy, then, when analyzing the world‘s indigenous peoples today, is
between the ― settler societies‖—the places where Europeans established governing colonies and,
later, their descendents founded independent states—and those which did not follow this pattern.
Indigenous peoples are and remain clearly those who are non-European ― First Peoples‖ in these
settler societies (although the phenomena of Mestizo and Métis peoples poses interesting issues
from another direction), whereas the problem of defining who is and is not indigenous, in the rest
of the world, is complicated in other ways (Maybury-Lewis, D. 2002: 6).

Hodgson offers an insightful summary of this issue and why claims of indigeneity are so
problematical, today, beyond the ―
settler societies‖ (Hodgson 2002: 1042):

In contrast to their American counterparts, African groups, as well as many Asian

groups who identify themselves as indigenous, face a different set of issues. First

and foremost, while most groups are recognized as ― indigenous‖ on the
international scale, they are still struggling for similar recognition by their
national governments. Moreover, they are doing so, at least initially, in terms of
an international discourse and definition of indigenous that has been shaped by
the experiences of indigenous peoples from the Americas, Australia, and
elsewhere. The term has been used in Africa and Asia by distinct cultural
minorities who have been historically repressed by majority populations in control
of the state apparatus. Although few claim to be ― first people‖ as such, these
groups argue that they share a similar structural position vis-à-vis their nation-
states as indigenous peoples in the Americas and Australia: the maintenance of
cultural distinctiveness; a long experience of subjugation, marginalization, and
dispossession by colonial and postcolonial powers; and, for some, a historical
priority in terms of the occupation of their territories. Perhaps, most importantly,
in terms of the ILO and Cobo definitions, these groups now self-identify as
indigenous, despite the arguments of their national governments to the contrary.
They argue for what scholars and advocates have termed a ― constructivist,‖
―structural,‖ or ―relational‖ definition of indigenous that encompasses and reflects
their situation, rather than more ― essential,‖ ― substantial,‖ or ― positivist‖

These self-identified indigenous people and their allies argue that whether a national government
is controlled by people from another continent or from the same country makes little difference.
Minorities like themselves—they argue—in decolonized areas need to assert their indigenous
rights and identities if the new states (wherever they may be), which they are confronting,
oppress them by jeopardizing indigenous knowledge, culture, and customary patterns of politico-
economic activity, following the patterns of domination found typically in the ― settler societies.‖
The momentum for Asian, as well as African, claims of indigeneity therefore remains palpable
(Niezen 2003: 73-75; Kingsbury 1998: 449).

There are also certain differences in the history and organization of the indigenous movement in
Africa and the Americas, both in terms of structure and longevity. In the Americas, the
indigenous movement was a grass-roots struggle that grew organically among a number of
organizations and networks from the bottom up, developing initially from the 1970s political
consciousness of organizations like the American Indian Movement (AIM) and ― Red Power.‖
By contrast, indigenous mobilization in Africa not only began much more recently, just in the
1990s, but also was built from the top down, by indigenous representatives in Geneva and New
York, who then went back to their home countries to build coalitions that became the indigenous
movement in Africa (Saugestad 2008).

The particular difficulties faced by indigenous peoples in Africa and Asia, fundamentally having
to do with struggles to be recognized as ― indigenous‖ by the governments of the nation-states
wherein they reside, can best be understood by examining specific cases. Here we will briefly
mention the situations in India and China, since these are both important countries with large
indigenous populations, and although neither country recognizes these peoples as ― indigenous‖
they are recognized as such by the international community and also self-identify as indigenous
peoples, thereby aligning themselves with the global indigenous movement.

―The government of India has taken a firm position on indigenous peoples, insisting that there
are none in India or, more precisely, that there are none who can be singled out as indigenous,
since most peoples of the subcontinent have been there for thousands of years‖ (D. Maybury-
Lewis 1997: 40). Instead, today there are 461 ethnic groups that the Indian state recognizes as
Scheduled Tribes, sometimes also known locally as adivasi. They constitute 8.2% of India‘s
population, or 84.3 million people. (IWIGIA 2008: 359). These marginal peoples of the
subcontinent are the so-called hill and forest tribes, minority peoples who nevertheless constitute
the majority in the ―tribal belt‖ of seven states in northeastern India between Burma/Myamar and
Bangladesh, literally and psychologically ― a frontier‖ region, poor and far away from India‘s
major center‘s of commerce and industry. The Indian constitution ― established special
protections for scheduled tribes and also specified that they should receive certain benefits. In
1993, for instance, 41 seats out of 545 were reserved for their representatives in the national
parliament and 527 out of a total of 4,061 in the state legislatures‖ (D. Maybury-Lewis 1997:
41). Notwithstanding this political representation and theoretical legal protection, local
authorities have routinely been willing to cooperate with developers and their state allies to
aggressively go after tribal lands and resources, pushing aside many of these safeguards in a
pattern all too recognizable in the experiences of indigenous peoples in Canada, the U.S., Latin
America, Africa, Australia, and other parts of the indigenous world.

Given the antiquity of settlement for most peoples in the subcontinent and thus the virtual
inability of determining who were the ―
natives‖ who were the ― invaders,‖ Béteille has argued on
anthropological and historical grounds, that in the Indian context, the designation ― tribal
peoples‖ is preferable to ―
indigenous peoples‖ since the former term refers to a ―type of society
or stage of evolution [rather] than to the priority of settlement‖ (1998:188). Similarly,
Kingsbury details the Indian government‘s rationale for refusing to recognize domestic
indigeneity (Kingsbury 1998:435):

The Indian government‘s position contains an implied argument that a forensic

inquiry into who appeared first in India would be unhelpful and undesirable, for
two reasons. First, some groups meriting special protection would be excluded
while others not in need of such protection might be included. Second,
recognition of special rights and entitlements for having been the earliest or
original occupants might spur and legitimate chauvinist claims by groups all over
India, many of which might be very powerful locally while in some sense
―nondominant‖ nationally. Claims to historical priority already feature in some
―communal‖ conflicts and incipient chauvinist movements abound, as with the
pro-Marathi, Hindu-nationalist Shiv Sena party in Maharashtra. In effect, if some
people are ― indigenous‖ to a place, others are vulnerable to being targeted as
nonindigenous, and groups deemed to be migrants or otherwise subject to social
stigma may bear the brunt of nativist ―
indigenist‖ policy. Once indigenousness or
―sons of the soil‖ becomes the basis of legitimation for a politically or militarily
dominant group, restraints on abuses of power can be difficult to maintain.

Though defending a distinct regime type and confronting different historical and cultural
circumstances, the leaders in the People‘s Republic of China (PRC) make an analogous

argument. State actors in the PRC assert that the nation succeeded, through its revolutionary
struggle, to liberate the Chinese people from colonial oppression, bringing in its stead the Maoist
revolution. While China supports the United Nations‘ efforts to promote the rights of ethnic
minorities, maintaining (without explaining why) that there are no minority-based rights
organizations in the PRC, it can hardly accept that there could be those who need liberation in
the ―New China,‖ a nation-state whose founding principal was the Marxist-Leninist vision of
man‘s liberation from oppression.

For this reason, there are 105,226,114 people (8.47% of the PRC‘s population) in 55 government
recognized minzu or ethnic minority groups, 20 with less than 100,000 each according to the
2000 census, but no ― indigenous peoples.‖ ―Indigenous peoples‖ is not a term the state
recognizes. The ethnic minorities living in the PRC are concentrated in the southwest,
particularly in Yunnan province where there are 25 of the 55 officially recognized. Others live
in the north, the east, and on the island of Hainan. They are mostly subsistence farmers, have
illiteracy rates of over 50%, and are among China‘s poorest people (IWGIA 2008: 257). In
February 2007, for the first time since the beginning of the Revolution, the China State Council
announced, in its 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) policies and plans for the development of
ethnic minorities. The goal was to effect improvements in six areas: income, education
(increasing the mandatory time youth must remain in school to nine years), infant survival rates,
quantity of ethnic language publications, professionalization for employment, and ― urbanization‖
[sic]. It remains to be seen how these policy intentions will be implemented, given the PRC‘s
weak provincial record, in recent years, of working with the poor, rural, and vulnerable citizenry.
That these people are outside of the predominant Han ethnic group adds another dimension to the
potential problems surrounding implementation of these plans (IWGIA 2008: 256-257).

Not surprisingly, the highest concentration of ethnic minorities in the PRC is in the
province of Yunnan, a frontier area bordering the Tibetan Autonomous Republic, India,
Burma/Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam: countries also containing numerous ethnic minorities,
particularly in their border regions. The government has initiated an effort to revitalize
Yunnan‘s border areas, focusing, again, on keeping youth in school, income generation projects,
infrastructure and housing investment, culture, health, and training in science and engineering.
The programs are important for showing the good intentions of the PRC government. But there
is little involvement of the minority population in the design or implementation of these projects.
Misappropriation of funds and corruption is not uncommon. It remains to be seen the result of
the upcoming five-year plan. What is already clear is that—with the exception of the PRC‘s
current effort to publish more of the minority languages, while giving access to the region to
scholars, of the Han majority, to study cultures and languages in order to preserve them—the
overriding ethos of the state‘s effort is assimilationist. Around the world, we have observed that
state mandated assimilationist policies tend to usher in a cluster of problems for cultural survival,
especially when associated with non-participatory planning. The tendency is to both disrespect
and undermine indigenous cultures.

The “Four R’s” of indigenous movements: with a focus on the San of Southern Africa

Several authors state that indigenous movements and the scholarship describing them can be
summarized in terms of four key concepts, each of which begins with an ― r.‖ Harris and
Wasilewski (2004) write that indigeneity, as an alternate worldview, is characterized by ― Four
R‘s (relationship, responsibility, reciprocity, redistribution) versus Two P‘s (power and profit).‖
However, we view this stark dichotomization between an indigenous weltaschauung and a non-
indigenous one rigidly differentiated from the former in these terms as more a function of
misplaced romanticism than ethnographic reality. We therefore instead follow Hodgson who
rightly observes that the indigenous movement and the expansive literature that has traced its
transformations, is largely concerned with four cross-cutting issues: representation, recognition,
resources, and rights (Hodgson 2002). These ― Four R‘s,‖ as we call them, characterize not only
the global indigenous movement, but also individual indigenous movements in different parts of
the world.

In what follows, we sketch some of the ways in which the politics of representation, recognition,
resources, and rights play out among indigenous peoples. Rather than illustrate these issues in
terms of globe trotting ethnology, we have instead elected to focus this discussion
ethnographically, drawing on the example of the San or so-called ― Bushman‖ of southern Africa,
among whom we conducted field research during the preparation of this chapter. The San
comprise a series of distinct, yet culturally and linguistically related, traditionally hunter-gatherer
groups (Ju/‘huansi, ≠Khomani, !Xun, Khwe, etc.) inhabiting the more arid and remote regions of
South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Angola. Today numbering slightly
over 100,000, these ― First People‖ of southern Africa are struggling to overcome their painful
experiences of exclusion and, via meetings, workshops, organizations and informal encounters,
are beginning to forge a meaningful social movement and common San identity (Le Roux and
White 2004: 12) that transcends other boundaries. Following Hodgson‘s four frames of analysis,
we describe below a few of the ways San struggles can be understood in terms of what we are
here calling the Four Rs of indigenous movements.


The way indigenous peoples are represented in public fora, both by themselves and others, is at
the heart of many anthropological studies, since it connects the politics of identity and cultural
authenticity debates, on the one hand, with the ability of peoples to be recognized as indigenous
by states, the international community, and the media, on the other (Warren and Jackson 2002).
―In the absence of electoral clout, economic prowess, or military might, the ‗symbolic capital‘
accompanying authentically performed cultural identities represents one of the most influential
political resources available to indigenous peoples‖ (Levi and Dean 2003:15, see also Conklin

Put simply, the more that indigenous peoples fail to conform to popular stereotypes and
essentialized images of who and what indigenous people are, the more they risk being seen as
culturally ― inauthentic.‖ That is, ― the more they become savvy about the media, politically
skilled, linked to the international community…the more they begin to slip out of the ‗savage
slot‘ (Trouillot 1991)—whether noble, natural, primitive, or romantic—in spite of the fact that
this is the rhetorical position from which they derive much of their symbolic capital, moral

authority, and political clout‖ (Levi and Dean 2003: 2-3). The world community, so it seems,
likes its indigenous people culturally distinct in stereotypically recognizable ways.

In many cases, there seems to be an odd calculus at work whereby the less clothes one wears (or
the more clothes one wears that are distinctly ethnic) the more one‘s indigeneity is unassailable,
an exotic aesthetic of primitive authenticity that not only perpetuates Western fictions and re-
inscribes indigenous peoples as perennially subaltern, but poses an unfortunate identity challenge
for increasing numbers of real indigenous people on the ground. On the one hand, indigenous
people who become displaced from their homelands, or are no longer anchored to their
putatively timeless traditions—impoverished individuals forced to subsist as rural farm workers
or urban slum dwellers—risk losing the acknowledgement of their indigeneity since they come
to be seen as indistinguishable from other sectors of the nation‘s poor. At the other end of the
spectrum, indigenous people who work as doctors, lawyers, politicians, economists, computer
scientists, academics, engineers, or other professionals jeopardize their indigeneity by having
become too successful. Having achieved a certain status they are now culturally
indistinguishable from other educated and accomplished sectors of the nation‘s dominant class.
In both cases—indigenous elite on the one hand and indigenous poor on the other—the
individuals in question tend to be seen as people who have ― lost touch‖ with their culture. As
such, they are judged more by the affinities they share with others in their class, yet the
representation and recognition of indigeneity is usually tied to culture.

Lest there be any doubt that indigenous people are acutely aware of the authenticating power the
Western gaze casts on the colonized, and the subaltern occasionally feeling compelled to
conform to the fantasies of those from the Developed World wielding cameras and video-
recorders, consider the case of South Africa‘s Kagga Kamma theme park described by Richard
Lee (2003). Here, according to a promotional pamphlet from the 1990s ― several families of
stone-age Bushmen…let you share in their age-old skills of hunting and firelighting, and in the
beauty of their handicrafts, dancing, and story-telling‖ (White cited in Lee 2003:92). The Kagga
Kamma ― Bushmen‖ are in actuality ≠Khomani San, people who had lived for decades in
servitude to white farmers in the northern Cape, and whose distinct identity as San was officially
erased ever since they were re-classified as Coloured in the racist lexicon of apartheid, as if this
minority were no different from the mixed race people who predominate in this region of South
Africa. However, by the 1990s the ≠Khomani San at Kagga Kamma were again wearing
―traditional‖ clothing while performing daily for throngs of tourists in exchange for modest
wages and rations, ― attempting to reinvent themselves as ‗authentic‘ carriers of an age-old
tradition‖ (Lee 2003:92).

The representation of the primordial Bushman continues, catering to the appetites of the
industrialized West. Along the road to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, ≠Khomani men dressed
in loincloths pose for photographs for tourists while they sell ostrich eggshell necklaces and
other small trinkets. The men in loincloths dressed that way to attract business, exemplifying
what is known in the anthropology of tourism as ― staged authenticity.‖ When destitute natives
hungry to sell a few crafts represent themselves in accordance with tourist fantasies of the
timeless primitive it is one thing. It is quite another when national museums also perpetuate this
image. The South African Museum in Cape Town, among other things, showcases various
native cultures of South Africa and is especially proud of its galleries exhibiting delicate San

rock art, including the famous Linton Panel, and its renowned ethnographic display on the San.
We were surprised, however, to find that all of the descriptions of San artifacts and culture were
in the present tense. Thus, a visitor might be left with the impression that contemporary San men
in South Africa were still running through the veld barefoot in pursuit of eland with poison
arrows while their women gathered bush foods with digging sticks. Nor was there any mention
of the dire economic straits of contemporary San in South Africa or any of the social ills
besetting their communities. There, San are represented ahistorically as pristine aborigines—as
little changed today as they have been for millennia.

A very different portrayal of the San is found at !Khwa ttu, a San owned development project
designed as a culture and education center, located about an hour north of Cape Town. Situated
on 850 hectares of nature reserve in the hills overlooking the ocean, San from different countries
in southern Africa come here to learn from each other as well as share their knowledge with
visitors from around the world. In the process, it provides a unique venue for San to participate
in diverse training programs and represent themselves and their culture in a dignified way that is
neither apolitical nor reduced to timeless romanticism. From the moment visitors arrive, they
find intelligent San (clothed not in loincloths but rather khaki uniforms with the insignia of the
center on their shirts) happy to answer questions and proud of their culture and heritage, an
identity that in previous years had to be hidden or managed as stigma. Besides being taken on a
tour of the park where San guides demonstrate various aspects of traditional knowledge,
subsistence arts and culture, visitors are also escorted into a gallery displaying old photographs
graphically portraying the little known history of San ethnic cleansing as well as brilliant pictures
showing what real life is like for contemporary San, from the smiling faces of children at play in
the Kalahari to the harsh realities of poverty, alcoholism, and HIV that plague their communities.
― Yet,‖ as their brochure proclaims, ― !Khwa ttu is not a monument to suffering or misery. It is a
living celebration of past and present San culture; an uplifting and inspirational experience.‖


The politics of representation are inextricably intertwined with the politics of recognition, as
suggested in the section above. The first step towards securing rights as an indigenous people
qua ― indigenous‖ is being recognized as such by the nation-state wherein the group resides.
However, this is often a considerable challenge for two reasons. First, indigenous peoples have
to protect resources and demand rights from the very nation-states that historically
disenfranchised them in the first place. Second, in some parts of the world, particularly in Asia
and Africa, official policy holds that either all citizens are equally indigenous or that no
indigenous people exist as a separate category, which amounts to the same thing. Hodgson
notes: ―Demanding such recognition involves indigenous rights activists learning the relevant
legal and bureaucratic categories and processes, lobbying at various levels and sites of
government, appealing to the popular media, seeking international support, and molding their
images, identities, and agendas accordingly, so that they may be properly recognized,
remembered, and acknowledged‘ (2002:1041).

One of the central paradoxes implicit in the politics of acknowledgement is not only that oral
cultures increasingly are having to become literate in order to pursue their struggle for rights and
recognition, and similarly fluid practices and flexible social boundaries often become fixed, but
frequently indigenous peoples ironically are required to break tradition in order to keep
tradition—for example, by divulging beliefs and practices to uninitiated audiences in the context
of litigation over protection of sacred sites or culturally restricted knowledge, as has happened in
Australia, North America, and Melanesia (Weiner 1997, 1999). Furthermore, at the very time
indigenous peoples are required to press their claims in ever more sophisticated manners before
agents of the nation-state, bureaucratic organizations, and the international community, they
must do so in forms that perpetuate essentialist notions of culture. That is, paradoxically, at the
very moment that legal and political exigencies are demanding of them profound cultural change
they are compelled, in order to be recognized as indigenous, to depict themselves as having
remained frozen in time. Because bureaucratic and legalistic frames shape the terms by which
indigenous identities are publicly recognized, too often indigenous peoples have been
encouraged ― to reify particular practices in order to define themselves as different from the wider
society. Both the reifications and the demands which accompany them are products of legal
systems‖ (Harris 1996: 1).

Because cultural distinctiveness is routinely deployed as a marker of indigeneity, the global

indigenist movement has perpetuated the salience of culture over class in its struggles to have
indigenous identities recognized. Yet Sylvain has written perceptively of the dilemma this poses
for various San groups in southern Africa: ― As criteria for recognition increasingly focus on
‗cultural‘ features of indigeneity, to the exclusion of socioeconomic and political features, the
majority of contemporary San find themselves compelled to choose between being excluded
from the debate and asserting themselves in essentialist and primordialist vocabulary‖ (Sylvain
2002:1074). So, while some San peoples, such as the Ju/‘hoansi of Nyae Nyae area of Namibia,
some of whom were hunter-gatherers into the 1960s and 1970s, conform to popular conceptions
of indigenous peoples struggling to regain control over their traditional lands and resources,
other groups of San, such as the Omaheke of Namibia and ≠Khomani of the northern Cape
region of South Africa, who were ― incorporated‖ as exploited farm workers and squatters into
the lower strata of their respective societies, must reinvent themselves to fit these primordialist

Sylvain goes on to critique well intentioned advocacy groups, such as the Indigenous Peoples of
Africa Co-ordinating Committee (IPACC) and the South African San Institute (SASI), for
continuing to define indigenous cultural identity in terms of a relationship to land and traditional
subsistence practices, since, according to her, culture is here ipso facto reified and defined in
static terms. San who by choice or force of circumstance moved away from this primitive ideal,
as defined by outsiders, are only left with the option of being considered ― deculturated.‖ From
this perspective, all culture change is construed as culture loss.

Sylvain notes that this has two unfortunate implications: ― First, pegging culture to natural
resource use may suggest that indigenous peoples‘ cultural rights are limited to the preservation
of their (traditional) culture (‗continuing their way of life‘). Second, limiting a definition of
indigenous culture to a particular relationship to the land precludes any role for political
economy in the historical formation of cultural identities or cultural practices‖ (2002: 1076). In

sum, Sylvain stresses the importance of recognizing that indigeneity itself takes shape differently
depending on the different political histories of the countries where indigenous people reside:

In southern Africa, the category of ‗indigenous‘ is superimposed on a political and

cultural landscape that continues to be shaped by the legacy of apartheid. Unlike the
peoples whose activism established the paradigm of indigeneity—Native North
Americans, indigenous South American indigenous peoples, Australian Aborigines—
most San are not struggling against a legacy of integrationist and assimilationist state
policies; rather, they are fighting against a converse legacy of racial segregation and class
exploitation, based on deeply essentialist conceptions of what constitutes cultural and
ethnic difference. Those San who did face assimilationist policies are compelled to draw
from apartheid definitions of culture in order to assert their rights, with the consequence
that they continue to be seen as radically ‗Other‘—as people struggling to regain their
‗primitive‘ identity and lifestyle (Sylvain 2002:1082).

Although Nigel Crawhall, the director of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating
Committee, stipulates that Sylvain has since softened if not recanted her earlier position
critiquing efforts to link indigenous identity to a particular relationship to land, her argument
nevertheless does highlight the dangers of essentialism implicit in some indigenous movements
and activism, ideas that reflect with the sentiments of various sectors of the diverse San
population. At the same time, had it not been for the linguistic and ethnographic research
undertaken by Crawhall and the South African San Institute (SASI), which anchored historical
memories to particular places in the southern Kalahari and connected the ≠Khomani to specific
locales through the procurement of N/huki place names, the original 1995 land claim would
never have been a success and the hundreds of now landed ≠Khomani would still have remained
landless. Therefore recognition of indigenous peoples needs to chart a middle course that neither
reduces their identity to a primordial culture with a fixed subsistence form and relationship to
land nor ignores contemporary realities where indigenous identities also emerged in historical
contexts of developing political economies.


Besides the issues of representation and recognition, discussed above, one of the most significant
and recurring sources of grievance for which indigenous activists and their allies seek redress are
the conflicts that arise between the assertion of indigenous rights and claims on natural
resources. While there is of course both overlap and contradiction in the diverse manners that
capitalist exploitation, indigenous subsistence, and nation-state interests interact as stakeholders,
the relationship between indigenous peoples and economic resources is of continuing concern to
the indigenous movement in basically four ways: 1) threats to indigenous lands and resources by
extractive industries, 2) the dislocation of indigenous peoples from traditional use areas in the
name of environmental conservation, 3) the proposed linkages between biodiversity and
linguistico-cultural diversity, with indigenous knowledge systems providing important keys to
understanding nature, and 4) the nearly universal correlation between indigenous peoples and
poverty indicators in most of the world.

All of these issues concerning the use of indigenous resources come together in salient ways
among the San. In 1931, a huge portion of the Kalahari was declared the Gemsbok National
Park. Initially, San families were allowed to stay in the park (by now mostly living around the
entrance at Twee Rivieren) being regarded virtually as just another part of the natural wildlife of
the area. In the 1950s and 1960s the few San who remained were occasionally trotted out for
photographers as the last surviving Bushmen in South Africa. ― However,‖ writes Lee, ― the
≠Khomani had an ‗unfortunate‘ custom: they liked to actually hunt and eat the animals they lived
with, not just pose with them for photographs! This earned them the ire of the powers that be. In
1976, the South African game department chased the last of the ≠Khomani away from Gemsbok
Park. The ≠Khomani became simply one of hundreds of displaced peoples cast adrift in South
Africa by the workings of apartheid-era statutes. For years they lived dispersed on white farms
in the northern Cape, eking out a living doing odd jobs, raising a few goats, and making use of
veld foods‖ (Lee 2003:91). As such, the ≠Khomani became ― conservation refugees,‖ a term
referring to indigenous people who have been evicted from their lands in order to create
conservation areas, game parks, and wilderness areas, a number that is estimated at over 14
million in Africa alone (Dowie 2006: 9). Below we examine how the other three issues
(extractive industries, traditional knowledge systems concerning nature, and poverty) play out
among the San in the case of the Hoodia plant.

Here the problem related to the use of indigenous resources exemplifies overcoming what has
come to be known as ― bio-piracy,‖ defined as ―
the appropriation of the knowledge and genetic
resources of farming and indigenous communities by individuals or institutions seeking
exclusive monopoly control (usually patents or plant breeders‘ rights) over these resources and
knowledge‖ (Bhatt 2004: 12). For Hoodia, traditional ethnobotanical knowledge was relied upon
as a guide in the prospecting of this wild plant resource that subsequently was extracted and
developed for world markets, yet without the prior permission or compensation of San, the
relevant indigenous community (Geingos and Ngakaeaja 2002).

From time immemorial San peoples of southern Africa have known and used Hoodia gordonii--a
cactus-like, succulent, perennial—as a hunger and thirst suppressant, especially on hunting trips.
―Scientists at the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (SACSIR) only
recently came upon this traditional use of the Hoodia cactus and began research on it to
determine its beneficial constituents. In 1995, the SACSIR patented Hoodia‘s appetite-
suppressing element and thereafter licensed the patent to the UK biotech company, Phytopharm,
in 1997. In 1998, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer acquired the rights to develop and market
the drug as a potential slimming drug and cure for obesity‖ (Bhatt 2004: 13).

Scientists and the pharmaceutical industry realized that the possible revenue generated from the
exploitation of this knowledge was tremendous. ― The current market potential for the dietary
control of obesity is over US$ 3 billion per annum in the United States alone. Up until 2001, the
San remained oblivious to the fact that their knowledge of Hoodia had commercial application,
and that this knowledge had led to research, scientific validation, and the filing of international
patents…They were, moreover, excluded from the lucrative deals being struck to develop the
drug‖ (Wynberg 2005:851-852). Although the San historically have chosen passive retreat in the
face of encroachment and usually avoid confrontation whenever possible, this time was different.
In consultation with legal representatives, environmental groups, and indigenous rights

organizations such as the Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa
(WIMSA), the San ― claimed that their traditional knowledge had been stolen and that SACSIR
had failed to comply with the rules of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which requires the
prior informed consent of all stakeholders, including the original discoverers and users‖ (Bhatt
2004: 13). After a critical period of trust building between the San and the SACSIR, San efforts
to protect their rights proved successful. ― In 2003…following intense negotiations, an
agreement was reached between the [SA]CSIR and the San, to give the San a share of the
royalties from potential drug sales‖ (Wynberg 2005: 851-852).

The negotiations and successful settlement of the Hoodia case has far reaching implications. It
has drawn the San, a formerly hunter-gatherer people characterized by a fluid social organization
and a world view based on reciprocity and sharing, into the complex world of international law
and policy frameworks concerned with patents and intellectual property rights (Chennells 2007).
Most importantly, it is ― [o]ne of the first agreements ever to give holders of traditional
knowledge royalties from drug and product sales‖ (Wynberg 2005:851). Because it set an
international precedent the case therefore received international attention. When New York
Times reporter Ginger Thompson traveled to the southern Kalahari to investigate the story,
Petrus Vaalbooi, looking forward to the income he hoped would help alleviate the ≠Khomani‘s
abject poverty, said: ― I am very happy because it was not written that this day would
happen…Now I know that God has not abandoned the Bushmen‖ (Thompson 2003:A4). When
Thompson spoke with Jan Vander Westhuitzen, a San tracker, he evidenced a similar attitude of
gratitude and generosity. ―I do not think we are being robbed of our knowledge,‘ he said, ‗I think
that people who know how to live from the earth should share‘‖ (Thompson 2003:A4).


The fourth and final issue that universally is of concern to indigenous movements and activists is
the whole matter of rights. It is a topic of such centrality that it has already been mentioned in
previous sections, but nonetheless here merits brief discussion on its own. It is of course implicit
in rights to land and resources, but also encompasses areas of concern beyond these material
domains. As Hodgson notes, ― indigenous demands for rights…extend beyond their territorial
resources. These demands hinge on the right to self determination and include the right to
determine their own development and to control and protect their cultural knowledge and
performances, material remains, languages, indigenous knowledge, and biogenetic material‖
(Hodgson 2002:1041).

There is, however, a difference between the way rights are commonly articulated by
contemporary states and the notion of rights that typically are of concern to indigenous groups.
The former, based largely on the Western philosophical tradition of social contract theory as
initially formulated by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, imagine rights in terms of civil and
political rights, a universal feature of individuals, based on abstract moral principles. By contrast,
indigenous peoples stress the concept of collective and cultural rights; individuals have rights by
token of their membership in certain groups. Indeed, it is chiefly through their belonging to, and
participation in, the locally anchored moral universes defined by these groups that individuals
achieve their social being and essential personhood. In a very real sense, it is what makes them
human in the first place (Levi and Dean 2003:9-18).

Reflecting this idea of rights as it obtains in Africa, Parker Shipton observes: ―Individuals do not
have rights independently of kin groups or other enduring entities. One could phrase it this way:
rights are relative and relatives have rights. The enduring social entities may be constituted
according to principles other than kinship, such as age grading, territory or voluntary
association‖ (Shipton 2003:66). The concept of individual rights and group rights are different,
but they are not incompatible with each other. In practice, universal human rights predicated on
the autonomy of the individual and exemplified in the UN Universal Declaration of Human
Rights can and do accommodate the rights of individuals who belong to special groups. From
this perspective, indigenous rights are like women‘s rights or children‘s rights, that is, the rights
of certain categories of often vulnerable people who by token of their inclusion in this group
merit special consideration, but can still fit comfortably under the rubric of universal human
rights. In fact, difference itself may be thought of as a universal right. ― If there is universal
positive human right, perhaps it contains an irony. The American Anthropological Association‘s
Task Force on Human Rights has recently agreed on a seemingly paradoxical idea: a universal
human right to difference‖ (Shipton 2003:63).

This idea of the right to be different is largely what indigenous rights are all about. The primary
collective right indigenous groups are interested in protecting is their right as peoples. Yet it is
this very conception of rights that historically has made modern nation-states nervous. Since in
international law the first right of any people is their right to self-determination, many states
historically have been reticent to formally recognize even the existence of an indigenous people,
other than the national majority, living within their borders, for in doing so it could ipso facto
lead these people to legally claim rights distinct from those of other citizens, according to
international covenants. Most importantly, many states fear that acknowledging the rights of
indigenous peoples, chief among these being the right to self-determination, creates a dangerous
scenario of ― nations within nations,‖ leading to balkanization if not outright secession. In
practice, most indigenous peoples seek self-determination in terms of constitutional or limited
autonomy, rather than wholesale independence from their countries—they are not, by and large,
wanting their own seats as separate states in the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Recognizing the need to protect collective rights, and believing that the UN Universal
Declaration of Human Rights irredeemably placed the autonomous individual at the center of its
philosophical and political concepts and therefore smacked of Eurocentric bias, African countries
developed their own legal instrument, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (our
italics). Given the inclusion of the word ― peoples‖ in the title, one might have thought that
Africa is leading the way in acknowledging the rights of indigenous peoples. Such is not the
case. With rare exception, indigenous peoples throughout the continent have struggled for their
recognition and rights. As discussed above, in part this has to do with the fact that once the
European colonial powers departed, it was felt that all Africans were equally indigenous. The
argument that some groups were more indigenous than others, so it was held, would only lead to
invidious comparisons and conflict in these newly independent states that were already
struggling to forge common national identities of their many ethnic groups. It would, in essence,
represent a tacit re-inscription of tribalism. Or so runs the argument. Even though the African
nations have all signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the people with
whom we spoke in Africa suspected that generally it would have few practical consequences.

Consider again the case of the San in southern Africa. Their call for recognition as indigenous is
validated by anthropology, genetics, linguistics and history—they are the direct descendants of
the first peoples of southern Africa, arriving centuries before Bantu peoples came to the region.
Yet it is not the science that is here in dispute, but rather the San‘s desire to use indigenous rights
as a form of redress. In every country where the San exist, they are a marginalized, minority
population, historically oppressed, and among the most impoverished people in the nation. The
San‘s struggle for indigenous rights has met with differential success in different parts of
southern Africa, with two cases which are particularly interesting to contrast: Botswana and
South Africa.

Officially, all citizens in Botswana are indigenous, no one group any more indigenous than
another, even though that country has one of the largest populations of San in southern Africa,
locally known as BaSarwa. The country has much to be proud of, economically and politically.
― Botswana has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and is relatively better
managed than most other economies in Africa‖ (Nyamnjoh 2007:307). The political system is
similarly developed. ― Using multiparty elections and other standard indicators, one could make a
convincing case for the successful institutionalization of liberal democracy and bureaucratic
modernism in Botswana. The country, in fact, is often cited as a rare example of a functioning
liberal multiparty democracy in Africa (Nyamnjoh 2007:311).

Nevertheless, Botswana has at best a mixed record in dealing with the San. ― Although the most
indigenous in terms of longevity in the territory, they are dismissed as less rightful owners of the
country because of their ‗inability‘ to indigenize (domesticate) the land through agriculture and
permanent settlements. By giving priority to rigid agropastoral and residential usages of land as
key determinants of the definition of land rights, policy makers have denied BaSarwa the right to
land where they have hunted, gathered, and kept some livestock for centuries if not millennia‖
(Namnjoh 2007:316). Botswana did institute attempts to ― assist‖ the San, notably via a program
known as Remote Area Development, but as the name indicates, it was predicated on their
marginality, rather than ethnicity. As Saugestad shows in her perceptive study, the whole
category of indigeneity is ―inconvenient‖ for Botswana (Saugestad 2001). Similarly, because
San political organization was based on band headmen rather than a formal system of paramount
chiefs, as existed among the Tswana, their leaders and spokesmen were never incorporated into
the ―House of Chiefs.‖ In like fashion, they ― have never been directly represented in parliament
or in most other public structures. They have had minimal access and representation and have
been treated instead as barbarians at the fringes, capable of little more than servitude and
subjection‖ (Nyamnjoh 2007:317).

Between 1997 and 2005, San were evicted from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and
resettled in relocation camps. One version has it that the park was initially established with the
protection of the hunter-gatherers in mind, another maintains that the real cause of the evictions
was the discovery of diamonds in the area. In 2006, however, the San won a landmark case from
Botswana‘s High Court allowing them to return. In practice, however, the controversy continues
as their return has been frustrated in practice. According to Survival International, the San have
neither been allowed to use their water borehole nor issued a single permit to hunt on their
ancestral land (despite Botswana‘s High Court ruling in December that its refusal to issue

permits was unlawful), leading to arrests of Bushmen for hunting to feed their families (Survival
International 2009).

By contrast, in South Africa the San struggle for recognition and rights as indigenous people
have fared better, in terms both symbolic and material, at least since they were reconstituted as a
people in the late 1990s. At one level, this is reflected by the fact that the national motto of the
new nation is in a San language: !ke e /xarra //ke (― unity in diversity‘). Even though it is in the
language of the extinct /Xam people, it nevertheless signals that in the new ― rainbow nation‖ of
South Africa, the San hold a place of special significance as first among equals. The material
gains accorded to the San based upon their indigeneity have already been mentioned: a
successful land claim predicated on aboriginal title and a successful negotiation of royalties from
the development of Hoodia as a cure for obesity based upon their indigenous knowledge of the
plant as an appetite suppressant. To be sure, many problems still remain for South Africa‘s San,
but there is also cause for celebrating the gains already made and encouraging signs of future

Summary and Conclusions

In 2007, the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was ratified by all but four member
states of the United Nations. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, refused to
become signatories. But ratification of an international covenant, by itself, is hardly a guarantee
that the governments of these states have the moral will and political ability to implement a law
protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. Ironically, one could argue convincingly that
indigenous peoples in the aforementioned four countries, significantly all of them multiparty
liberal democracies, have, at least in modern times, been relatively successful in pressing their
rights qua ― indigenous peoples‖ in the states where they reside. Indeed, activists from these
countries have consistently taken a leading role in defining, mobilizing, and spreading the
indigenous movement worldwide (Merlan 2009). The signing of the Declaration of the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples was a landmark event on a global scale and critical first step twenty years in
the making. But of greater significance than ratification is the enforcement of these declarations,
conventions, and treaties—national as well as international—protecting the rights of indigenous

Moving, then, from theory to practice one must first determine who is indigenous and what
defines them as such. A related and not inconsequential consideration, in view of the issues at
stake, is the question of motive: who is doing the defining and for what reasons? While on
cursory appraisal a ― cut and dry,‖ straightforward, general definition based on abstract principles
would seemingly be desirable, as soon as one begins to apply a ― one size fits all‖ definition
cross-culturally it becomes apparent that whatever might be gained theoretically in terms of its
supposedly universal applicability would, on the other hand, be lost the more one is familiar with
the particular history, politics, ethnic relations, economics, and ethnography of individual cases
on the ground. Indigenous identity is shifting, complex, processual, conjunctural, and ultimately
relative to context. Realizing this all too well, given the diversity of indigenous peoples and the
multiplicity of definitions, the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
has purposely not defined the term ― indigenous‖ in an unequivocal way. Any serious definition
of indigeneity therefore cannot be scientifically generalized nor stipulated legalistically in

advance, although in practice definitions of indigenous identity tend to cohere around four
central features: 1) prior occupancy, 2) cultural distinctiveness, 3) self-identification, and 4) non-
dominance. Ultimately, however, indigenous identity is radically contingent.

The absence of a universal definition of ― indigenous peoples‖ is not a sign or sloppy thinking or
lack of methodological rigor. On the contrary, it shows that ― indigenous peoples‖ instantiate
what is formally known as a polythetic category. Polythetic classification, deployed in a range of
human and natural sciences, defines a group in a way such that no single trait or set of traits
possessed by an individual is necessary and sufficient to define it as belonging to the group.
That is, no trait is possessed by all of the members of the group, but each trait is shared by many
members. Consequently, there is a ― family resemblance‖ among them. While it may seem that
one could never operationalize such a seemingly vague definition and use it in a pragmatic
fashion, in actuality we do it all the time, and on a routine basis. In fact, in contradistinction to
―semantic formalism,‖ it is what forms the basis of ― ordinary language philosophy,‖ that is, the
philosophy of how it is we actually use and understand language in practice, rather than in terms
of a formal theory of meaning. For example, consider—as did Ludwig Wittgenstein—what it is
that all ―games‖ have in common. There are ― card games,‖ ― ball games,‖ ― board games,‖ and
many other types of games; not even ― rule-guidedness‖ or the distinction between ― winners and
losers‖ defines all games: sometimes we ― make up the rules as we go along‖ or ― play just for
fun.‖ Nevertheless, we understand and use the word ― game‖ all the time, notwithstanding the
lack of an analytically precise, universally applicable, definition. The definition of ― indigenous
peoples,‖ as we have argued here, is of the same order.

A major point of this paper has been that diverse peoples throughout the world are self-
consciously claiming an indigenous identity, often for the first time in history. That is,
―aboriginal,‖ minority peoples who in other contexts may identify as Kumeyaay, Hopi, Shavante,
Dayak, Batwa, Tarahumara, Inuit, Taureg, Dogrib, Khanty, Sami, Yolgnu, etc. or any other of
over 4,000 so-called ― tribes‖ scattered across the globe are, individually and together, doing
something radical. They are becoming indigenous. Liberating the term ― indigenous‖ from its
previous colonial entanglements with words like ― primitive‖ and ― savage,‖ they have instead
realized the emancipatory potential of a label that allows them to shift the parameters of their
heretofore local identities in the direction of trans-local arenas of power and attach themselves to
a global social movement that, ironically, still makes sense to them ― culturally.‖ Even though
heterogeneity seems to be the most common defining trait of indigeneity today, given the diverse
political, economic, social, and religious make-up of the peoples identifying as ― indigenous,‖
nevertheless one cannot help but notice, if one attends a gathering of indigenous peoples from
around the world, that the indigenous representatives there intuitively recognize the ― family
resemblance‖ among those who have gathered, perspicaciously acknowledging the indigeneity of
others belonging to this polythetic group (notwithstanding the absence of formal guidelines to

Arguments and data showing the heterogeneity of indigeneity indicate the vitality and organic
complementarity among diverse segments of the 21st century‘s first truly multicultural, global,
social movement of empowerment, justice, and reform for the world‘s most disadvantaged
people. The diversity within the movement should not be taken as a sign of either political
weakness nor deployed as an analytic tool to be used in divide and conquer tactics. Indigenous

peoples today are rich and poor, educated and illiterate, rural and urban, socialist and capitalist.
Some live in their homelands, others in diasporas; some are ― traditional,‖ others are ―
They number among their ranks Christians, Moslems, and animists. They live in jungles,
mountains, and deserts, and are to be found on every continent save Antarctica.

Notwithstanding this palpable diversity, certain structural and cultural configurations recur with
noticeable frequency. Many indigenous peoples are marginalized in remote and often desolate
corners of their countries; are politically oppressed or unrepresented; have mobile settlement
patterns, subsistence technologies, and traditional knowledge systems finely calibrated to local
environments; manifest worldviews predicated on sharing, reciprocity, and interconnections
between cultural, natural, and supernatural dimensions of reality; regard land—as well as certain
plants and animals—as sacred; are situated in regions rich in natural resources inviting
expropriation by governments and/or capitalist exploitation; and suffer disproportionately from
poor health, lack of education, potable water, alcoholism, disease, and cognate social and natural
ills. Almost without exception they are among the poorest and most disenfranchised people in
the states where they reside.

A number of distinct indigenous peoples throughout the world have been discussed in this report.
Each case is different. Nevertheless, at the risk overgeneralization, we suggest that certain social
features and risk patterns emerge cross-culturally through the cases. Some indigenous peoples
historically have been at greater risk and more susceptible to impoverishment, marginalization,
exploitation, disenfranchisement, and discrimination than others, both by neighboring peoples
and development agendas. On every continent, indigenous societies with settlement patterns that
are mobile (nomadic, semi-nomadic, transhumant, semi-sedentary, etc.) rather than permanent,
and dispersed rather than nucleated tend be at greater risk.

These settlement patterns correlate with traditional subsistence methods and modes of
production. Foragers (hunters, gatherers, and fishers) perhaps tend to be most at risk of
unsuccessfully asserting their claims to traditional use areas and, once dislocated from their
territories, are most likely to become landless squatters in their own homeland. Shifting
cultivators (peoples practicing swidden or slash and burn agriculture) and non-sedentary
pastoralists (transhumant as well as fully nomadic or migratory) also experience difficulties
asserting rights to their territories, though perhaps less so than foragers. Indigenous peoples and
peasants living at higher population densities and practicing intensive agricultural regimes
appear less likely to be pushed off their lands without major uprisings and political turmoil.

This scale of difference in terms of settlement and modes of production overlaps somewhat,
although by no means completely, with a cognate scale of increasing socio-political complexity,
division of labor, hierarchy, and competitiveness. In general, the more averse to confrontation,
the more egalitarian, the more dependent on relations of reciprocity and sharing, the more
inclined to deploy forms of passive resistance, the more likely the group will be unsuccessful in
sustaining viable negotiations to secure their rights and resources with development agencies,
nation-states, and other dominant actors, including other local peoples, both ― indigenous‖ and
otherwise. By contrast, the more indigenous peoples have traditions based on social hierarchy,
clear lines of authority or leadership, age–grades, confrontational forms of resistance, military
preparedness, trade or market skills, and competition the more likely they will be successful in

structuring efforts at self-determination and mounting sustained dialogue and viable strategies to
retain control over their economic, political, and cultural resources. While the above
configurations suggest themselves to us based on our familiarity with the ethnological record and
development literature, it was further corroborated by our field research in South and East Africa
in March 2009, with special reference to the San, Hadzabe, Datoga (Barabaig), Maasai, and

Another major pattern that emerges from the research is the dichotomy between the
identification and subsequent trans-local organization of indigenous peoples in what we have
called ― settler societies,‖ in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand, on the one hand, and
indigenous peoples in Africa and Asia, on the other. To take Africa and the Americas as
examples: In the Americas, indigenous peoples represent a rather clear-cut case of the
descendants of those ― First Peoples‖ who collided with Europeans beginning in 1492. The
situation in Africa is less straightforward. Unlike the case in the Americas where the
descendants of the European colonizers still hold power and, at least from the perspective of
certain indigenous people, therefore has created a neocolonial scenario, in Africa, by contrast,
the postcolonial world created after independence of the new states and the departure of the
European colonials for ― home,‖ it rendered all Africans indigenous, or so African elites and
national governments claimed. Calls for recognition as ― indigenous‖ by certain African minority
peoples who, for a variety of reasons, identified with, and were identified by, indigenous peoples
in the Americas as part of the growing international indigenous movement, were seen, at best, as
―inconvenient‖ to nationalist struggles and, at worst, as tacit invitations to heavy-handed
responses from state regimes.

Moreover, as the new African states were attempting to submerge factional differences between
ethnic groups in the vigorous attempt to forge national unity, the insistence upon the indigenous
status of some and not of others, was said to be a return to ―
tribalism‖—though in reality it more
often merely served to whitewash what had always happened. Namely, legitimize the continuing
pattern of marginalizing the indigenous peoples and treating them as uncivilized barbarians at the
fringes, only now European style colonialism was being authored by Africa‘s national elites. The
history and organization of the indigenous movement in Africa and the Americas also differs. In
the Americas, it began in the 1970s as a grass roots movement that was built from the bottom up;
in Africa, conversely, it was sparked in the 1990s by indigenous representatives meeting in New
York and Geneva, and thus, returning to Africa, was built by indigenous elites from the top

The final pattern to emerge from the analysis of the indigenous movement, and here we build
directly on the insights of Dorothy Hodgson (2002), is that scholarship on indigenous activism
tends to be concerned with for four key issues and the intersections among them: representation,
recognition, resources, and rights. These ― Four Rs,‖ as we have called them, get played out in
distinctive ways in different parts of the world, although there are also over-arching
commonalities irrespective of ethnographic particularities. We focused our analysis of them in
terms of the way they get articulated among the San or ― Bushmen‖ peoples of southern Africa,
paying particular attention to their manifestation among the ≠Khomani San we visited in South
Africa‘s northern Cape region and southern Kalahari.

Representation is concerned with the strategies and politics of display, the arts of stagecraft and
performance of cultural identities, and the manner these intersect with debates on authenticity.
Much is at stake in the representation of indigenous peoples, chiefly whether they will be
recognized as such, and thereby acknowledged, most importantly by the states where they reside.
However, recognition—which is the second of the Four Rs—is always tied to memory. We
cannot recognize something unless, at some level, it conforms to something we already know (or
think we know). For this reason, recognition is inexorably connected to representation, and in
the case of indigenous peoples, usually involves the issue of stereotype. The stereotype of
―authentic‖ Bushmen is that they are largely naked, save for a bit of leather around the loins,
speak a distinctive ―
click language,‖ and hunt and gather foods in the bush. In virtually all cases,
whether by indigenous peoples themselves or by others (journalists, museums, etc.) there is a
negotiation, usually implicit, between the way an indigenous identity actually is (or has been)
and the way the Western gaze—which has the ability to authenticate via its nexus with electronic
media, popular opinion, and channels of power—imagines it to be. The tension between these
two poles, image and reality, is dramatically expressed in the case of the ≠Khomani San.

For the ≠Khomani, there was both contradiction and collusion involved in the politics of
representation that were artfully conjoined to launching, and eventually winning, a landmark
land claim in the southern Kalahari. On the one hand, the ≠Khomani had lived for decades, not
as hunters and gatherers of the vast desert, but as landless farm workers dispersed as a rural
underclass throughout the northern Cape, to such an extent that it no longer existed as a viable
community and the indigenous language—N/huki—had all but disappeared. On the other hand,
the media driven demands of modern South Africa expected ― authentic‖ San to look, not like the
local gas station attendant, but rather the primordial Bushman from the hit film The Gods Must
Be Crazy. Therefore, in order to gain public and state recognition as ― real‖ Bushmen—and win
the land claim based on aboriginal title—they had to conceal their true past and conform, via
stereotyped representations—to the fantasies of the industrialized West as to what constitutes
―authentic‖ San identity, in a classic case of strategic essentialism.

The last two Rs, resources and rights, are already implicit in much of the writing on indigenous
peoples. The issue of resources becomes part of indigenous concerns in four ways 1) via
extractive industries that jeopardize indigenous lands and resources, 2) via the dislocation of
indigenous peoples in the name of wildlife conservation, 3) via the nexus between the
environment and traditional knowledge systems and, 4) via the correlation between indigenous
peoples and poverty. Over the last forty years San have been evicted on numerous occasions
from their traditional territories in the name of conservation, for example, from the Central
Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana and Gemsbok National Park in South Africa. The other
three issues concerned with resources come together in the Hoodia case, a plant that the San
traditionally used as an appetite suppressant that almost became an instance of ―bio-piracy‖ until
the San, with external support, successfully negotiated one of the first agreements ever paying
royalties from potential drug sales for traditional ethnobotanical knowledge.

The topic of indigenous rights involves not only control over territorial resources, as discussed
above, but extends beyond them to non-material domains as well, such as cultural performances,
languages, art, symbols, and esoteric knowledge, in addition to exorcizing rights over their own
biological material, such as DNA and burial remains. However, all of these rights are derivative

of self-determination that, according to international law, is the preeminent right of any people.
Because a people can claim the right to self-determination, some states have been reticent to
acknowledge the existence of indigeneity within with their borders fearing that the recognition of
a ―people‖ separate from the rest of the citizenry could lead to the impossible scenario of a
―nation within a nation.‖ In the case of the ≠Khomani San, they could not claim self-
determination, nor the other rights that flowed from it, until they first existed again as a ―
and it was not until the success of 1999 land claim that they were reconstituted as such, proving
that, unlike extinct species, peoples can be brought back to life.

Recommendations for Future Research

Our findings suggest that there is indeed a research agenda for multilateral agencies,
governments, and non-government organizations interested in advancing responsible
development policy that would, by definition, respect the rights of the world‘s indigenous
peoples. As we have discussed, indigenous peoples often find themselves in areas coveted by
outsiders because of their land, water, or natural resources. We do not believe that it is possible,
or even desirable, to halt the development of these resources, as long as the environment is
safeguarded and the people respected. The health, educational, and income benefits are
manifest, as is the possibility for beneficiaries‘ improved participation in local, regional, and
world affairs. ―Development‖ for ordinary people means truly attaining citizenship.

However, our research suggests that development cannot be advanced at any cost, particularly
when the costs are borne disproportionately by those who benefit from it the least: as has often
been the case with indigenous peoples. This is neither fair nor responsible, and risks rendering
those of us who would advance development appear, to put it mildly, callous. What, then, would
be the priorities for future research and how would they be put into action? Given the
challenges, we have discussed, in actually determining who is/is not ‖indigenous‖, and given the
contested and quite practical nature of these definitional issues—ranging from who will benefit
from casino development in the United States to who will receive portions of community
compensation for dam or other eminent domain projects in the developing countries to how we
are to conceptualize and involve communities (as groups or as conglomerations of individuals?)
— identifying the questions before us is neither the largest problem nor the road to its solution;
rather, it is how this bundle of questions would best be approached in the first place.

We believe that it is critical that organizations interested in fomenting responsible development

have a range of social scientists as well as natural scientists contributing to project planning.
Projects that do not carefully take into consideration social and environmental impacts, on a case
by case basis, risk destroying the societies of indigenous peoples while damaging the fragile
biomes they typically inhabit. Development institutions would do well to continue to involve,
along with their staffs of expert economists, research commissions including anthropologists,
political-sociologists, environmental scientists, and legal experts to assist in the
operationalization of optimal development plans. Above all, there can be no substitute for
targeted, fine-grained ethnography to capture the micro-sociology of everyday life that is in fact
critical to understanding the impact and implementation of development. Planning commissions
must also include the indigenous people who will be impacted by scheduled development
projects. The desire, and indeed right, of indigenous people to participate in the planning,
implementation, and control of projects that affect them is a theme that emerges time and again.

We believe that it is a desire to be applauded, not only because of its democratic nature, but
because it also offers projects a better chance of success. Our research suggests, then, that multi-
disciplinary and participatory development project planning, on one hand, is more likely to
advance the goal of indigenous peoples‘ development; while on the other, projects emerging
from such an approach have the additional benefit of better surviving the crucible of public

The late David Maybury-Lewis, in the course of his over fifty years as a scholar and advocate of
indigenous societies, said once that our question is not if we are going to have development in
the Indian world, but how. Though well aware of the downfalls indigenous people have gone
through as a result of poorly thought out development or what he termed ― developmentalism,‖ he
remained a believer in the promise of improving human welfare through sound thinking and
action. With him, we believe that we must understand indigenous societies on their own terms,
engage them, and ultimately join with them to plan and make common cause. We too remain
convinced that an anthropological approach would help us better understand the particularities
that created separate cultural identities and would lead us toward the portal where we might
glimpse, however briefly, the more fundamental things that bind all humans together.


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Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Chapter 3: Indigenous Peoples and Development Goals: A

Global Snapshot

Kevin Macdonald
World Bank

Revised November 2009; revised February 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
Both the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) and the
International Labour Organization (ILO) cite the lack of data on development indicators for
indigenous peoples as a major hindrance to both their empowerment and poverty reduction
(Tomei 2005:61; UNPFII 2006). This chapter helps address this knowledge gap by
estimating several key development indicators related to progress under the Millennium
Development Goals for indigenous peoples around the world. However, this assessment
reflects only one concept of development: how peoples define their own development often
differs from the notion underlying the Millennium Development Goals, and for many
indigenous peoples, such development has coincided with the loss of the land, economic
mode, and language crucial to their identity and own sense of wellbeing.


Finding a global perspective of indigenous peoples’ development can be characterized as a

problem first of defining who is indigenous and second of data availability and
representativity. This chapter’s method solves this dual challenge first by not using its own
particular definition of indigenous, but rather by identifying and providing data from
national surveys on any people who satisfy any extant definition based on literature both
scholarly and provided by major organizations such as the International Working Group on
Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee
(IPACC), as well as others. Second, due to the lifestyle and economic mode of the peoples
studied in this chapter, their wellbeing may be over or under-represented in national
surveys. This chapter draws on ethnographic and other qualitative sources for information
on the characteristics of these peoples to help establish how closely the indicator levels for
the members of each people sampled by the surveys correspond to those not sampled.

Ronald Niezen (2003:19), in The Origins of Indigenism, describes the varying definitions of
indigeneity and notes the difficulty posed to scholarly analysis by the lack of any single
definition. Forming an empirical assessment of indigenous peoples’ development, for
example, requires an analytic definition of indigenous in order to determine which peoples’
development is to be assessed. However, recent literature on indigeneity has established
the inadequacy of the existing analytic definitions, and this is summarized in Chapter 1 by
Levi and Maybury-Lewis where some groups whom many consider indigenous reject that
moniker while others claim to be indigenous and are not recognized as such; they describe
indigeneity as a polythetic class whose members share varying characteristics but not any
single defining set of characteristics. Consequently, adopting any of the existing analytic or
legal definitions of indigeneity to conduct the present study would not only represent a
significant departure from the current discussion on indigeneity but also, as Niezen
(2003:19) notes, would have “the inherent effect of pitting analysis against identity.” An
alternative approach and the one adopted here is to provide for a perspective on indigenous
peoples’ development that is independent of any particular definition: instead of adopting
any particular definition of indigenous, this approach provides the requisite information to
assess the development of indigenous peoples based on any existing definition. Accordingly,
this chapter identifies and presents development indicators for any people whom major

institutions, government or other organization, including self-identified indigenous
organizations describes as satisfying any definition of indigenous. This avoids the need to
judge the suitability of any particular definition and increases the relevance of this study.

Since the socio-economic status of indigenous peoples residing in many high income
countries has been relatively well-documented (see, for example, census data provided by
United States Census Bureau 2004 and Statistics Canada 2008, on Australia’s indigenous
peoples by Pink and Allbon 2008, or on the Maori peoples by New Zealand Ministry of Social
Development 2008), this chapter emphasizes differences in indicator levels between
indigenous groups and their encompassing countries for low and middle income countries;
data on high income countries from censuses and previous studies are also provided for
comparison. Which peoples and indicators can actually be included in this study is
constrained heavily by the availability of data. The study draws principally on Demographic
and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) since they allow
calculation of indicators that most closely measure progress under the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) while being computable or available for as many peoples as
possible. These datasets record basic information on sampled household members as well
as detailed health information on women typically aged between 15 and 50 to 60 years old
depending on the dataset; similar information may be collected from males also depending
on the dataset. With this data, five indicators are presented in this study which reflect the
MDGs on eradicating poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality and child
health: (1) the under five mortality rate over the past ten years, (2) the prevalence of safe
water deprivation calculated as the proportion of individuals with a water source being
either more than 15 minutes away or being surface water or unimproved springs, (3) the
prevalence of stunting calculated as the proportion of children under three years old whose
height-for-age ratio is less than -3 standard deviations for the international reference
population, (4) the male and female literacy rate, and (5) the male and female country-
specific net primary enrolment rate. For several of these countries, per capita household
consumption relative to the national average is also presented from a variety of budget and
expenditure surveys1. The appendix contains details and sources of the indicators. In
addition to the information required to calculate these indicators, the household survey
datasets typically contain information on the respondent’s self-identified ethnicity or the
respondent’s language either spoken at home or with the enumerator. With this
information, this study calculates and presents the indicators among the surveyed sub-
samples who identify either ethnically or linguistically with the peoples satisfying any
definition of indigenous.

1The author is grateful to Claudio Montenegro for providing all calculations of per capita

However, of interest to this study is not just the indicator levels among the members of a
particular people who were sampled in these surveys, but also the indicator levels among
those members who were not sampled. Since the surveys used in this study are not
representative of ethnic or linguistic groups, the development indicators of their samples
may differ from that of their peoples as a whole primarily for two reasons: because (1) an
individual’s wellbeing may be correlated with his or her tendency to identify ethnically with
or speak the language of a particular people and because (2) an individual’s wellbeing may
be correlated with his or her likelihood to be included in the sample. First, if wellbeing
positively correlates with the tendency of an individual to identify with a people, then the
wellbeing of the sample will overstate the development of the people since those of lower
wellbeing would be underrepresented. Alternatively, if wellbeing negatively correlates with
the tendency to identify, then the sample understates the people’s wellbeing. Evidence of
these types of correlations exists, for example, when language is used to identify indigenous
peoples in Latin America; the process of language-shift, or loss of an indigenous language in
favour of Spanish, is more prevalent among less remote settlements with better MDG
outcomes. Also, in India and Nepal, the processes of “sanskritization”, when tribal people
identify with non-tribal people, or “de-sanskritization”, when non-tribal people identify as
tribal, are often closely linked to well-being. Second, if a people’s wellbeing and the
likelihood of their inclusion in the sample is positively correlated, then the sample over-
represents the wellbeing of the people; in cases of a negative correlation, the sample under-
represents their wellbeing. An individual’s inclusion in the sample hinges on both being in a
household included in the sampling frame and second being present at the time of the
interview if his or her household is drawn for interview. The link between remoteness,
mobility and well-being of many of the peoples studied in this chapter, including, for
example, the forest peoples of the Congo Basin, Hill Tribes of Southeast Asia or the
pastoralists of the Sahel, present likely sources of correlation between wellbeing and
sample inclusion; for example, the latest Thai census of 2000 excludes “hill tribes having no
permanent place of residence” (Boonperm 2004:3). In order to help establish how the
development indicators of samples correspond to that of their respective peoples’
populations, this study presents characteristics of peoples drawn from ethnographic and
other qualitative studies related to how wellbeing correlates (1) with the tendency of an
individual to identify ethnically or linguistically with the people, (2) with the likelihood of
being included in the census and therefore the sampling frame, and (3) with the likelihood
of being present at the time of interview.

Each section begins with a discussion of which peoples are considered to be or satisfy at
least one of the various definitions of indigenous in a region; results for these core MDG-like
indicators are then compared across groups and against national averages followed by a

discussion of their representativity. The chapter begins with Africa, followed by Asia and
the Pacific, Latin America, and concludes with North America.2


Saugestad (2008) attributes the introduction of the concept of “indigenous” in Africa to the
first UN decade on Indigenous peoples (Minde 2008:10) which witnessed the recognition
and trans-national organization of Africa’s indigenous peoples including the creation of the
Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) in 1997 and the adoption of
the report of the Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations by the Africa
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) in 2003. Recognition of a
“communality” among African groups identifying as indigenous also emerged during this
period and forms the concept of indigeneity currently underlying the IPACC, the ACHPR,
and other organizations; this communality includes the occupation or use of territory prior
to others, political or economic marginalization, and the display of cultural characteristics,
mode of production and identity “that link hunting and herding peoples with their home
environments in deserts and forests,” among others (Saugestad 2008:165). This concept of
indigeneity is typically associated with peoples traditionally engaged in “transhumant
pastoralism, hunting and gathering, and drylands horticulture including oasis cultures”
(Saugestad 2008:165; IPACC 2007).

The ACHPR, IWGIA and IPACC provide examples of peoples who identify as indigenous and
satisfy this broad definition: these include the forest peoples of central and southern Africa,
pastoralist groups in West Africa including the Fulani and Tuareg peoples, forest peoples in
eastern Africa such as the Ogiek, as well as pastoralists groups in eastern Africa including
the Somali, Afars, Maasai and others (ACHPR 2006:15-16; Wassendorf 2008). However, the
existing data provides only a small sample for forest peoples such as the Pygmies and San
Bushmen, and groups such as the Ogiek are not recorded in the samples at all. Additionally,
there is not widespread agreement on many peoples’ classification as indigenous; for
example, some governments and organizations reject many pastoralist groups’ claims to
being indigenous.

Central and Southern Africa

The equatorial forests of the Congo Basin are home to an estimated 300,000 to 500,000
“Pygmy” hunter-gatherer forest peoples while the Kalahari Depression is the traditional
home for the estimated 85,000 to 90,000 hunter-gatherer “San” bushmen (Ohenjo et al.

2 The Saami, known previously as “Laplanders,” are generally defined as indigenous in Europe and
live in northern Scandinavia; however, they have been the subject of relatively few studies and
empirical development data on them as a whole is generally not available (Dixon and Scheurell 1995:
176). Lund (2008) cites the assimilation policies of their encompassing nation-states as removing the
focus on ethnicity as well as the collection of ethnicity information.

2006) in southern Africa. Table 1 presents human development indicators for sampled
households identifying either ethnically or linguistically with these groups.

Previous research on the health of the Congo Basin forest peoples is limited, but Ohenjo et
al. (2006) have compiled some health statistics from various field studies from the 1980s
and 1990s and found under five mortality rates ranging from 27 percent among the
Mbendjele in northern Republic of Congo to 40 percent among the Twa in Uganda. Forest
peoples inhabit ten central African countries (Köhler and Lewis 2002), but many of the DHS
and MICS for these countries either do not contain information with which to identify forest
people or contain only a few households in the sample; their human development and
relative consumption estimates are presented in Table 1. Among the few sampled
households, under five mortality rates ranged from 16 percent in Gabon to 29 percent in the
Republic of Congo representing significant departures from the corresponding national
averages. Among the 39 households included in the Republic of Congo DHS, only 4.5 percent
of females are literate while just under 30 percent of males are literate compared to
national averages of 79 percent and 90 percent, respectively. Net primary enrolment among
boys from these households is less than a third of the national average at 25 percent and,
among girls, half the national average at 41 percent.

How representative these sample-based indicators are of the actual population of forest
peoples depends on how the indicator levels of the households who were excluded from the
sample differ from those which were included. The mobility and isolation of forest peoples
reduces the likelihood of inclusion in censuses (Turnbull 1965: 26; Knight 2003: 90) and
subsequently the household survey sampling frames. Forest people generally “lead a semi-
sedentary life, and cultivate crops to some extent, although they still maintain forest life,
depending largely on the wild animals and plants, at least for a part of the year” (Ichikawa
and Kimura 2003: 4), but the extent to how sedentary a particular band is varies. For
example, in Sato’s (1991) study of Baka forest people in the Sangha river area in north
western Republic of Congo, all forest people were primarily sedentary and settled next to
roads or rivers although some still participated in short hunting and gathering excursions
into the forest. In Knight’s (2003) study of the Bongo and other forest peoples of Gabon,
almost all bands had settlements next to roads or rivers, but many occupied them only
during the rainy seasons; during the dry season, they lived deeper in the forest engaging in
hunting and gathering (Knight 2003: 93). This seasonal occupancy of base settlements
during the rainy seasons is also described in a number of studies of the “Mbuti” and “Efe”
forest peoples in DRC (Bahuchet 1991: 213) and is problematic for inclusion in the DHS
samples since these surveys are generally conducted during the dry seasons. While more
sedentary settlements imply a greater likelihood of access to public facilities as exemplified
by the most sedentary settlements in Knight’s (2003:92) study having access to a school
and electricity, health conditions among households living in more sedentary bands can be
poorer than those living in less sedentary bands as documented by Dounais and Froment
(2006). In their study, poor living conditions and poor sanitation among sedentary Mbuti in
DRC, Aka in Cameroon, and Kola and Medjan in Cameroon cause higher instances of
transmissible and parasitic diseases than would have occurred in less sedentary life in the

forest. Additionally, they find the hunting and gathering lifestyle supply better diets to
forest peoples; an excess intake of “energy-dense foods that are rich in fat and free sugars
but low in complex carbohydrates” were consumed among sedentarized Baka and Kola
forest peoples (Dounais and Froment 2006: 31). More sedentary forest people may also be
less well off than the less sedentary if they were forced to sedentarize due to poor hunting
and gathering conditions; Knight (2003) reports how the Bagama groups in south western
Gabon near the coast have been forced to sedentarize because “forest resources in the area
have been seriously depleted through prolonged logging” (Knight 2003: 95).

Table 1 also presents estimates for “San” bushmen peoples in Namibia. Among the 81
households identifying linguistically with the San language in the 2006 Namibia DHS, the
under 5 mortality rate for the preceding 10 years is 104 per 1000, much higher than the 69
per 1000 of the national sample. The water deprivation rate of 25.6 percent is three times
higher than the national average. The literacy rate of males at 37.1 percent is less than half
that of the national sample while for females it is less than one third of the national sample
at 23.9 percent. The net primary enrolment rate for males is just over half that of the
national sample at 44.8 percent and for girls it stands at 63.9 percent. However, these
indicators may be worse than that of their population since many Bushman people in
Namibia have been displaced and forced into resettlement camps with poor living and
health conditions (Ohenjo et al. 2006).

West Africa

The two major pastoralist peoples in West Africa are the Fulani and Tuareg who, among
others, are included as examples of peoples identifying as indigenous by the ACHPR and
IWGIA (ACHPR 2006:15-16; Wassendorf 2008). Table 2 presents human development
indicators for households sampled in either the DHS or MICS who identify ethnically with
either of these groups or speak one of their languages. Relative per-capita household
consumption levels for these households are also presented when available.

The Fulani (or Fulbe, Peul and Peuhl among other names) inhabit much of the Sahel and
consequently emerge in all west African DHS and MICS surveys which record a respondent’s
self-reported ethnicity or language. As Table 2 reveals, the wellbeing of the sampled Fulani
households varies by country. The under five mortality rate among sampled households
over the preceding ten years ranges from 133 per 1000 live births in the Benin 2006 sample
to 268 per 1000 in the 2003 sample and 288 per 1000 in the 1998 sample of foulfouldé
speakers for Burkina Faso. The prevalence of safe water deprivation exhibits a similar wide
range for the sampled Fulani households. In the 2005 Guinea sample, 60.6 percent of
members of sampled Fulani households had either access only to surface water or only to
water that was more than 15 minutes away in each direction; in the 2006 Mali sample, 3.8
percent of the members of households identifying ethnically as Fulani were subject to safe
water deprivation. The prevalence of nutrition among children, measured as the proportion
of children under 3 whose height for age ratios are less than -3 standard deviations of the
international reference population, varies from 35.5 percent of children among foulfouldé
speakers in the 2003 Burkina Faso sample down to 8.3 percent among the Fulani in the

2005 Senegal sample. The largest disparity between male and female literacy rates among
sampled Fulani occurs in the 2006 Mali sample where 22.6 percent of sampled males are
literate compared to only 5.9 percent of females. The lowest net primary enrolment rates
for sampled Fulani children are in the 2006 Benin sample and the 2003 Burkina Faso
sample of around 14 percent. Departures in the wellbeing of sampled Fulani from the
average levels of their encompassing countries vary. In Benin, the under five mortality rate
in the preceding ten years for the Fulani sample falls slightly below the national sample
average while in the Burkina Faso sample the rate for the Fulani of 250 per 1000 differs
starkly from the national average of 193.

There exists extensive ethnographic and other research on the Fulani with which to
understand how these indicator levels for the households included in these samples
correspond to those excluded. One important determinant of this correspondence stems
from a combination of the Fulani’s traditional mobility and the low capacity of low income
countries to sufficiently include highly mobile or isolated sub-populations in their census or
DHS and MICS sampling frames. For example, the Sahelian ecology in conjunction with the
loss of herding lands to sedentary farming and game reserves, systematically force portions
of the Fulani population to abandon nomadism and become sedentary due to, as Burnham
(1999:279) describes, “impoverishment through cattle disease, drought and other
foreseeable, but unpredictable, natural risks”. This settlement of impoverished Fulani
potentially causes the sampled households’ indicator levels to understate the population’s
human development since the mobility of those better-off, nomadic Fulani decreases the
likelihood of their inclusion in the survey sample. This understatement, however, may be
offset if detrimental ecological factors do not cause households to sedentarize but instead
cause them to increase their mobility or to permanently migrate to a different area,
excluding them from surveys. Basset and Zwéli (1999) document such migration patterns in
response to deteriorating grazing conditions among the Fulani in the Katiali area of
northern Côte d’Ivoire; while some households responded to these conditions by leaving the
area permanently, others adopted a seasonal, 100-150 kilometre southern transhumance
during the dry season returning with the rainfall in late May and June. A similar response to
deteriorating herding conditions is reported by van Driel (1999) for Fulani pastoralists
along the Niger River valley in the Karimama area of northern Benin. This increase in
household mobility or permanent migration in response to declining herding conditions
reduces the likelihood that the affected households would be included in the survey
samples relative to the unaffected households, especially since surveying generally occurs
during the dry seasons. The correspondence of the sampled indicators is also affected by the
correlation between the tendency of an individual to identify with Fulani and his or her
wellbeing. Both a positive and negative correlation are evident: while impoverished and
non-nomadic Fulani often maintain their identity (Burnham 1999: 279), “others leave
society and survive on newly-established networks” (de Bruijn 1999: 302). In a study of
street youth in Dakar by Understanding Children’s Work (2007), 66 percent of children
were of Fulani origin.

Accompanying the Fulani in parts of the Sahel, but more predominantly in the deserts
surrounding the west Saharan massifs of Ahaggar, Tassili-n-Ajjer, Aїr, and Adrar-n-Iforas,
are the semi-nomadic Tuareg peoples (Keenan 2004: 68). As Table 2 reveals, their
households emerge in data from Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali where they are also
identified as speakers of their Berber language, Tamachek (Seligman, 2006: 22). Similar
variations in indicator levels exist for the sampled Tuareg. For example, the under five
mortality rate ranges from 145 per 1000 among the sampled speakers of Tamachek in the
2006 Mali sample up to 274 among Fulani in the 2003 Burkina Faso sample. Differences
between the national average and various indicators for the Tuareg also vary. The water
deprivation rate among sampled Fulani household members in the 2003 Burkina Faso
sample is more than twice the national average of 24.4 percent while stunting rates are
similar to the national averages. Like the Fulani, the Tuareg are subject to the same
ecological phenomena which link settlement and mobility patterns to poverty consequently
affecting how their survey sampled indicators correspond to that of their population. This is
exemplified by Rasmussen’s (2004) study of Tuareg settlement patterns in an area near the
Aїr massif of central Niger. While Tuareg peoples have generally maintained their
traditional economic mode of pastoralism, trans-desert caravan trade, and sedentary oasis
gardening (Rasmussen 2002: 237), more households in this area were becoming less mobile
by adopting oasis gardening or becoming more mobile by participating in migrant labor in
response to deteriorating herding conditions (Rasmussen 2004: 7).

East Africa

The Horn of Africa’s diverse climates support a number of different pastoralist and agro-
pastoralist groups (Smith 1992: 169), and several included among the examples of peoples
identifying as indigenous by the ACHPR and IWGIA (ACHPR 2006:15-16; Wassendorf 2008)
emerge in the Demographic and Health Surveys for Ethiopia and Kenya. Those with samples
of around 100 households or more include the Somali generally located in the Ogaden,
Somalia, and north eastern Kenya; the Affar of central Ethiopia; the semi-pastoral Maasai
located through the Rift Valley and highlands of central and southern Kenya as well as
northern Tanzania (Spear 1993: 2, 3); and the Nuer between the Sobat and White Nile
rivers in Sudan and Ethiopia.

Table 3 presents indicator levels for the sampled households identifying either ethnically or
linguistically with these groups. In the latest surveys, the sampled Somali in Ethiopia have
lower rates of under five mortality at 93 per 1000 relative to the national sample, but a
much higher prevalence of safe water deprivation at 77.7 percent and stunting among
children at 31 percent; in the Kenya 2003 sample, their under five mortality rate exceeds
the national average at 172 per 1000 among Somali speakers but have close to the same
prevalence of water and slightly higher child stunting rate at 56.7 percent and 14.5 percent.
Somali households also exhibit large disparity in literacy rates between males and females
at, for example, 34.1 and 11.9 percent in Kenya and moderate disparities among net
primary enrolment rates for males and females. Among Afar households in the latest
Ethiopian survey, the infant mortality rate lies slightly below that of the national sample as

118 per 1000, but the safe water deprivation rate is 91.2 percent. The literacy rate among
males is 13.9 percent which is nearly five times that of the female literacy rate of 2.9
percent. A smaller but still large gender disparity exists in net primary enrolment rates as
well. The sampled Maasai households experienced lower under five mortality rates than the
national sample at 50 per 1000, a slightly higher prevalence of safe water deprivation at
72.7 percent, and a similar child stunting rate at 11.2 percent. Literacy and net primary
enrolment rates for the sampled Maasai are much lower than the national samples. The
Nuer households also exhibit low literacy and net primary enrolment rates, better child
nutrition and under five mortality rates, and a worse water deprivation rate than the
Ethiopian sample as a whole.

The factors that determine how accurate these peoples’ sampled household indicators are
for those households not included in the survey are largely similar to that of the west
African pastoralists: the ecology links wellbeing both positively and negatively to inclusion
in the sample by affecting mobility and sedentarization. Additional links are also evident.
For example, Getachew (2001) surveys Afar pastoralist households in and around the town
of Malka Warar in the Afar Region of Ethiopia and finds those with residences within towns
have much higher incomes than those with residences only outside of town (Getachew,
2001: 161, Table 14). This suggests those living in remote areas who are more likely to be
excluded from the household survey samples also have lower wellbeing. However, the
opposite is found in a study of Maasai household surveys in the Longido area in norther
Tanzania by Homewood et al. (2006). Here, it is the poorer households who locate closer to
towns in order to diversify their economic mode with wage labour as a response to pastoral
land scarcity resulting from commercial cultivation, conservation, and other reasons
(Homewood et al. 2006: 21). Survey enumeration during the dry season in conjunction with
unique seasonal migration patterns exemplify an additional reason for the sampled
household indicators to over- or understate that of their populations. Farah et al. (2004)
study the stock splitting strategy of Somali dromedary camel herders in the Moyale district
in northern Kenya’s rangelands where younger males accompany non-lactating animals to
distant pastures for grazing during the dry season months of December through March
while other household members remain with their lactating stock closer to their
settlements (Farah et al. 2004: 51). Since this will often occur during dry seasons, these
males who are accompanying the non-lactating stock further away from their more
permanent settlements would be under-represented in household samples. If human
development related factors such as school attendance determine whether a male remains
with the settlement instead of accompanying the lactating stock then males exhibiting these
factors would be overrepresented. However, this source of selection bias is unique to the
type of stock and does not apply uniformly to all Somali since those in different ecological
areas herd different types of stock such as cattle in Ethiopia’s Ogaden (Farah 1993: 62). The
dry season is also the most resource scarce time of year for Somali pastoralists (FSAU 2001:
3); surveying during or just after this period may understate the average of some indicators

such as nutrition measures or access to water for the household’s full consumption cycle3.
Fieldwork for the Kenya 2003 DHS survey began just after the end of the dry season,
fieldwork for the Ethiopia 2000 DHS occurred during the dry season, while fieldwork for
the other surveys occurred in both seasons.


The lack of consensus on who is considered indigenous and the lack of data for many groups
such as the Ogiek limit the characterization of development among indigenous peoples in
Africa. For example, the Pygmy forest peoples and San bushmen have very few households
included in the national surveys examined here. Among these few households, though,
indicators are generally worse than those for their respective national samples. The other
peoples included in this study have larger sample sizes, and are primarily nomadic or semi-
nomadic pastoralists; however, there is less consensus about their status as indigenous. For
these peoples, under five mortality and child nutrition rates are high, and both may exceed
and fall below that of their national levels; water deprivation rates generally are higher than
the national levels. Education indicators for these peoples are lower than the national
averages and this gap as a proportion of the national levels is much higher than that of the
other indicators.

Since the peoples included in this section are traditionally mobile, either pursuing a
nomadic pastoralist or hunting and gathering economic mode, their mobility and settlement
patterns are important determinants for how the indicators for their sampled households
correspond to that for their people’s respective populations; generally, there is evidence of
both positive and negative correlations between wellbeing and survey inclusion. Further
qualitative research on the wellbeing of these peoples needs to understand the possible
links between settlement, mobility, and wellbeing and sample these peoples accordingly to
eliminate selection biases.

Asia and Pacific

While few national governments in Asia officially define subpopulations as indigenous,

exceptions include the Philippines and Nepal, in most countries the term is not
commonplace and some governments reject the concept entirely. Nevertheless, there exists
numerous self-defined indigenous organizations in the region. For example, the Asia
Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) which began in 1992 and funded by numerous international
and national government agencies includes as members 28 organizations representing
peoples from South, South East, and East Asia and is in communication with 80 more (AIPP
2009). In addition, the IWGIA (Wessendorf 2008) discusses several peoples who identify as

3Additionally, the previous civil conflict in Somalia and the ongoing insecurity has left approximately
500,000 Somalis living in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia (Luling 2002: 227).

Many peoples are either represented by the AIPP or its affiliates or are included among the
peoples discussed by the IWGIA. In South Asia, these include the Adivasi or Scheduled
Tribes of India, the Adavasi Janajati of Nepal, the “Jumma” peoples of the Chittagong Hill
Tracts and others of Bangladesh, and the Vadda of Sri Lanka. The Ainu of northern Japan
and the Okinawans of the Ryukyu Islands, the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, and several
minority groups concentrated mainly in southwest China but also the east and north
comprise the peoples generally considered indigenous in East Asia. Those in Southeast Asia
primarily include the hill tribe peoples in the highlands of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and
Myanmar such as the Hmong, Kammu, Karen, and others, as well as the Orang Asli of
Peninsular Malaysia, the Orang Ulu of Sarawak, the Igorot of the Luzon Cordillera and the
Lumad of Mindanao in the Philippines, the masyarakat adap including the komunitas
terpencil of Indonesia and over half the inhabitants of West Papua. The Government of
Australia defines the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders as indigenous while the Maori
of New Zealand are those generally defined as indigenous. Using these definitions of
indigenous, the Asia and Pacific region has the highest absolute number of indigenous
peoples of around 230 million (see Introduction).

Census data and health studies are available for the indigenous peoples of Australia and for
the Maori of New Zealand, but for the other countries, data is limited due either to their not
participating in a DHS or MICS or to the absence of an ethnicity or language variable, or a
suitable ethnic or language category. For example, data on under five mortality, nutrition
and water access is unavailable either disaggregated by ethnic minority or for the
minorities as a whole. This section presents census derived indicators of human
development for Australia and New Zealand as well as DHS and MICS computed indicators
for India, Nepal, and Bangladesh in South Asia, and for Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, and the
Philippines in South East Asia.

South Asia

The Government of India recognizes over 500 scheduled tribes, but approximately half of
India’s scheduled tribe population is classified as part of the six major tribes of the Gond,
Bhil, Mina, Kunda, Oroaon, and Santhal (Nag 1990:115). The India DHS for 1998 and 2005
only reports whether the household head or individual self-identifies as a member of a
scheduled tribe; which tribe, although recorded by the enumerator, is not reported in the
datasets. Sinha (1990) categorizes the geographic locations of scheduled tribes into seven
geographic regions which is largely reflected in Table 4’s presentation of the DHS samples’
human development indicators. This categorization generally, although not perfectly,
reflects the habitats of the major tribes. The Bhil peoples, for example, inhabit the western
Indian Satpura and Vindhya mountains, primarily in Rajasthan with the Mina, although
many have also migrated to and are employed in the tea gardens of the northeastern state
of Tripura. The Chota Nagpur plateau area of eastern India contain the largest concentration
of Oraon peoples and is the origin of Santhal peoples who are now concentrated to the
north in Bihar state and east into Tripura state. The habitats of the Gond peoples span

several of these regional categories stretching from the Satpura mountains in western India
to eastern India’s Chota Nagpur Plateau area and south to the Godavari river (Singh 1994;
Whitehead 2007).

Human development indicator levels for the India sample are presented in Table 4
including each state’s sample as a whole and for those sampled households identifying as
scheduled tribes for both the 1998 and 2005 India DHS. For both samples as a whole,
households identifying as members of a Scheduled Tribe have lower indicator levels than
the national sample as a whole. The under five mortality rate for the scheduled tribe
household samples is 112 per 1000 as compared to 85 for the national sample in 2005; the
prevalence of water deprivation rate of 16.9 percent for sampled Scheduled Tribe
households is 2.6 times that of the national sample while the prevalence of stunting among
children is 25.3 percent compared to the national sample level of 19.5 percent. Literacy
among the 2005 DHS sampled female scheduled tribe members is 33.6 percent which is
almost half the 58.5 percent rate among males. However, female net primary enrolement
exceeds male net primary enrolment at 62.1 percent to 55.7 percent. Within each state, the
indicator levels for the scheduled tribe sample relative to the state sample as a whole varies.
The northeastern state scheduled tribe samples generally have indicators closer to that of
their state samples, but several states such as Mizoram and Meghalaya have very high
proportions of their samples identifying as members of scheduled tribes. The states of
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh have poor
indicator levels for the sampled scheduled tribes, but the state samples also have poor
indicators. In contrast, indicator levels for households identifying as scheduled tribes in
Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh are just as poor, but indicators for the state sample as a whole
are generally higher than the national levels.

Establishing how the indicator levels among the Scheduled Tribe households included in the
surveys’ samples correspond to the indicator levels among those households not included in
the samples lies more in understanding the correlation between wellbeing and the tendency
to identify with a scheduled tribe than in understanding the correlation between wellbeing
and the likelihood of inclusion in the sample. While the scheduled tribes are generally
characterized traditionally as practitioners of swidden (shifting) agricultural as well as
hunting and gathering, land scarcity and land dispossession has transformed their economic
mode into one characterized by horticulture, terrace cultivation, animal husbandry,
agricultural labour and migrant labour (Singh 1994: 2; Fuchs 1992:133-38). This more
sedentary way of life, in conjunction with little debate about the accuracy of scheduled tribe
population estimates, suggests the census-based sampling frame of the DHS survey includes
almost all scheduled tribe households precluding a correlation between sampling frame
inclusion and wellbeing. There is evidence, however, of both a positive and negative
correlation between wellbeing and the tendency to self-identify with a scheduled tribe. For
example, a tendency of tribes to emulate and identify with non-tribal peoples has been
widely documented in a process entitled “sanskritization”. Unnithan-Kumar (1997)
describes the claim by the Girasia people of Rajasthan to be members of the Rajput caste;
some researchers describe these people as “tribal” though “emulating Rajput customs to

gain higher status” while other describe them as “tribalized” who had lost their Rajput
status long ago after being forced into reclusion (Unnithan-Kumar 1997: 17-8). This process
raises the possibility of a positive correlation between wellbeing and tendency of a
household to self-identify as a scheduled tribe if those who are worse off or belong to worse
off tribal groups are more likely to identify as something other than a scheduled tribe. In
other cases, though, a positive correlation may exist. Dudley-Jenkins (2003) discusses the
process of “re-tribalization” or “de-sanskritization” in response to government programmes
and benefits directed towards scheduled tribes and illustrates this with the dramatic
increase in the census estimated population of the Halba tribe in Maharashtra from 7,205
members in 1971 to 242,819 members in 1981. A large portion of this increase owes to
members of a particular sub-caste now self-identifying as tribal; “that a group is trying to
become a Scheduled Tribe shows the government’s indirect influence on identity claims
through the construction of a particular menu of categories and a related opportunity
structure” (Dudley-Jenkins 2003: 104-06). The incentive for such a group to identify as a
scheduled tribe only exists when the opportunities associated with being scheduled exceed
the group’s current opportunities. If these opportunities associate with actual wellbeing,
then wellbeing would negatively correlate with the tendency to self-identify as a member of
a scheduled tribe; the measured wellbeing of the households self-identifying as part of a
scheduled tribe would underestimate that of the households whom the government or
some researchers define as scheduled.

In Nepal, the National Committee on Nationalities recognizes 59 different Janajati groups

comprising 31 percent of Nepal’s total population, 41 of which are classified as Hill Janajati
who traditionally inhabit the Himalayan mountains and 18 of which are classified as Tarai
Janajati who traditionally inhabit the portion of the Indo-Gangetic plains immediately
below. Also included among the Janajati are the Newar people who comprise of 40 distinct
cultural groups and share Newari as a common mother tongue (Bennett 2008, Dahal 2005:
90). The Hill Janajati include such groups as the agro-pastoralist Magar of central Nepal
along with the Gurung in the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, and the Sherpa in the Solu
and Khumbu Tracts while the Tarai Janajati include the numerous rice cultivating Tharu
peoples (Fuchs 1992; Guneratne 2002; Macfarlane 1976). Table 5 presents human
development indicators for the DHS sampled households belonging to these groups and
others as well as for the Tarai, Hill, and Newar Janajati peoples as wholes. Overall the
Janajati sample has indicators that are generally comparable to that of the national sample
such as an under 5 mortality rate of 102 per 1000 compared to the national 108 per 1000 in
2001 and 77 per 1000 compared to the national 79 per 1000 in 2006. Compared to the Hill
Janajati, the Tarai Janajati have better water deprivation and stunting rates but lower
literacy rates in both surveys and lower net primary enrolment rates in the 2001 survey;
the under five mortality rate was lower than the Hill Janajati sample in 2001 but higher in
2006. The sampled Newar households in both surveys have better indicators for all
indicators except female net primary enrolment which was comparable to the other
Janajati. The sample size for many of the individual Janajati groups are small, although
some figures standout. For example, among the 40 Chepang households sampled in 2001,
the under five mortality rate from the preceding 10 years is 22.8 percent, and 12.8 percent

among the 31 households sampled in 2006; the Chepang are among 12 janajati groups that
the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities categorizes as “highly marginalized”
(UNDP 2004).

How well the indicator levels of each group’s sampled households represents that of their
households excluded from the samples depends on the correlations between wellbeing and
both seasonal migration patterns and the tendency to identify as a member of certain
people. In addition to the migratory patterns of any traditionally nomadic peoples such as
the traditionally forest dwelling Chepang near the Seti and Trisuli rivers (Fuchs 1992: 99)
that may still pursue this economic mode, seasonal labour migration has been increasingly
documented. For example, in Fricke’s (1994) study of the isolated Tamang village of Timling
above the Ankhu Khola river in central Nepal, “more and more of Timling’s households send
members from the village to participate in the wage labour economy of Nepal” during the
months of late December to February “when the labour requirements in the village are
reduced and when porter work is most available” (Fricke 1994: 30). If the seasonal
migration period causes a member of any particular Janajati to be absent during the DHS
enumeration periods which began at the end of January and early February and if the
decision to send household members to participate in the wage economy is related to lower
household wellbeing or poverty, then a negative correlation exists between wellbeing and
sample inclusion. The same correlation may occur if lower socioeconomic status also
increases the likelihood of more permanent labour migration, as exemplified by the large
number of Tamang members engaged in emigrant wage labour in the Darjeeling tea-
gardens noted by Fuchs (1994: 97). Another source of this correlation arises from a group’s
self-identification as a different group similar to the process of “sanskritization” discussed
among the Bhils and others previously. This is exemplified by Fisher’s (2001) observation of
Panchagaon groups of Thak Khola in western Nepal’s Himalayan Dhaulagiri zone claiming
to be Thakali. However, their claim stems not from a desire “to be of the same endogamous
group as the Thakali” but rather to be of equal status as their neighbours. If the tendency for
one group to identify as another group is more likely when the group has a lower
socioeconomic status than the other, then this is a potential source of correlation between
wellbeing and self-identification.

Development indicators for the Bangladesh Chittagong Hill Tracts and other peoples are
presented in Table 6. Water deprivation rates among the sampled household members for
all groups are lower than that of the national sample of 64.1 percent. Female literacy rates
are generally comparable to that of the national sample at 56.0 percent with the exception
of the sample identify as Garo at 71.6 percent and those identifying as Saontal at 29.2
percent. Male and female net primary enrolment rates are also comparable to the national
sample rates of 57.3 and 61.3 percent, respectively. The largest disparity between male and
female net primary enrolment rates exist among the sampled Tripura households with a
male rate of 74.4 percent and a female rate of 62.1 percent; the Chakma sampled
households exhibit the least disparate rates with both around 65 percent. The Garo sample
has the highest net primary enrolment rates at 75.7 percent for males and 69.9 percent for
females. Most of these groups including those of the Chittagong Hill Tracts also live in the

adjacent parts of India and traditionally practice the same economic mode of swidden or
jum cultivation (Adnan 2004: 97); the links between wellbeing and sample inclusion likely
reflect that of the Scheduled Tribes, but unique links also emerge due to the large
movement of refugees out of the Chittagong Hill Tracts during the conflict which ended in
1997 (Mohsin 2003: 13) and displacement caused by high in-migration of Bengali settlers to
the region as well as the flooding of farmlands resulting from the Kaptai hydroelectric
project in the 1960s (Adnan 2004).

South East Asia

Development indicators for hill tribe peoples identifiable in the available MICS household
surveys for Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam are presented in Table 7. The rate of water
deprivation ranges from 87.4 percent among the Hmong sample in the 2006 Vietnam MICS
to 60.6 among the Hmong sampled in the 2000 Lao MICS. Female literacy rates among the
hill tribe sample in the Thailand 2005 MICS is approximately two thirds of the national
level, and the net primary enrolment rate for sampled hill tribe boys is 42.7 percent well
below the 55.3 percent for sampled girls.

Many of the factors affecting how these sample-based indicator levels for each people relate
to that of the households not included in the samples stem from correlations between
wellbeing and sample inclusion through the remoteness or mobility of households.
Censuses generally under-estimate hill tribe populations due to their mobility and isolation
stemming from their traditional swidden or shifting slash-and-burn economic mode; for
example, the 2000 census in the wealthiest country of those included, Thailand, excluded all
“hill tribes having no permanent place of residence” (Boonperm 2004:3). This exclusion
from censuses generally implies exclusion from the MICS sampling frames, and, as a result, a
correlation between sample inclusion and wellbeing ensues if wellbeing correlates with
isolation and mobility. Cases of a positive such correlation do exist. A household’s isolation
and mobility is in part determined by the availability of new land which is crucial to the
success of swidden agriculture and in part by the type of swidden practiced. Sutthi (1989)
categorizes the Hmong, Mien, Lisu, and Lahu as “pioneer” swidden cultivators who
continually farm a plot of land and, once its soil is depleted, then clear a new plot; the Karen,
Lua, and Kammu peoples practice “cyclical” swidden that allows plots to fallow. Early
studies from the 1960s and 1970s of Hmong households in northern Thailand and Laos
suggest high mobility with average household residence in a particular location to range
between 5 and 8.6 years; more recent studies suggest much less mobility with average
residence periods ranging from 5 to 30 years (Ireson 1995: 208). One reason for this
reduction in household mobility is a reduction in land availability caused by both increased
population growth and immigration as well as government programs to restrict pioneer
clearing. This reduction in land availability has a negative impact on hill tribe well being.
For example, Cooper (1984) studies a collection of Hmong villages in the Tanen mountains
around Chang Mai, Thailand and finds 90 percent of respondents reported not having
enough food but were unable to relocate due to the unavailability of land while more
remote areas were not affected as much (Cooper 1984: 214). But this positive correlation

between wellbeing and isolation and mobility is being offset by households in less isolated
areas adopting to the scarcity of land by changing the composition of their mode of
production. For example, in the Green Hmong village of Ban Suay in Chang Mai province,
Michaud (1997) finds an increase in sedentarized commercial agricultural and income from
other sources including from stock breeding, tourism and opium production comprising 14,
7.5 and 23 percent of village net income, respectively (Michaud 1997: 227). Labor migration
to increase wage income has also been documented among Kammu men in Laos migrating
to Thailand (Ireson 1996: 92), among refugee Pa-O men from northern Thailand migrating
to Chang Mai and Bangkok (Christensen and Kyaw 2006: 51), and among Lua and Karen
men migrating to towns during the dry season. Hayami and Darlington (2000: 143)
characterize many Karen villages as being populated mostly by women and children.

Table 7 also presents indicators for Philippine groups in the Cordillera including the Ifugao
who traditionally inhabit the slopes of Mount Data and its proximity, the Ibalois and
Kankanaey in the southern Cordillera4 (ADB 2002: 7) and the Manabo who inhabit
southeastern areas of the island of Manabao. For all these groups, the number of households
is quite small, less than 50. Among these households, human development indicator levels
vary. The 36 households identifying as Manabo have had a much higher rate of under five
mortality at 96 per 1000 live births relative to the whole sample at 42 per 1000 over the
preceding 10 years. The safe water deprivation rate among these households is also much
higher than the national sample average, and literacy and net primary enrolment for both
genders is much lower that the national sample. Among the households identifying as Ibaloi,
Igorot, or Kankanaey, the under five mortality rate over the past ten years has been lower
than that of the national sample at 18 per 1000 for the Ibaloi and Igorot and 21 per 1000 for
the Kankanaey. Literacy and net primary enrolment rates for the sampled Ibaloi and
Kankanaey are higher than the national sample while among those households identifying
as Ifugao or Igorot, lower. Since there has been no thorough enumeration of Philippine’s
indigenous peoples since 1916 (Wessendorf 2008: 278), their isolation likely relates sample
inclusion to wellbeing similarly to that of the highlanders of Indochina. All these groups
traditionally practice swidden agriculture, and, for those groups in the Cordillera of Luzon,
terraced rice cultivation (ADB 2002: 7), but similar changes in economic mode are
documented. The extent of out-migration is exemplified by McKay (2005) in a study of the
Ifugao barangay of Haliap on the eastern slopes of the Antipolo Valley in the central
Cordillera; she adopts the term “translocality” to describe how out-migrants who identify as
members of the community live in metropolitan areas within the Philippines and many
other places in the world (McKay 2005: 465).


The indigenous peoples of Australia and the Maori of New Zealand have been the subject of
previous health and wellbeing research both academically and by government agencies and

4 The Igorot includes these groups and is a more general term.

programmes. This section presents some basic indicators available from government and
academic sources to highlight their wellbeing. Table 8 presents the infant mortality rate
from 2001 to 2005 for three states and one territory combined, the maternal mortality rate
from 2000 to 2002, the rate of school retention to year 12, and the median individual
weekly income for indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in Australia. Indigenous peoples
experience large, negative departures in their wellbeing from that of the non-indigenous
population. The infant mortality rate among indigenous males of 14.3 per 1000 live births is
over three times that of the non-indigenous population while the rate for females of 9.5 per
1000 is over twice that of non-indigenous females. The maternal mortality rate among
indigenous peoples of 45.9 per 100,000 births is more than five times that of non-
indigenous peoples. The rate of school retention to year 12 among indigenous peoples was
42.9 percent in 2007 up from 32.1 percent in 1998 compared to 75.6 percent among the
non-indigenous in 2007. Median weekly income for individuals over the age of 15 is $473
Australian Dollars while for the indigenous population it is $278.

For the Maori in New Zealand, Table 9 provides estimates for two time periods of the under
5 male and female mortality rates, upper secondary completion rates, and median hourly
earnings relative to the national median. From the period of 1995 to 1997 to the period of
2000 to 2002, the under five mortality rate for Maori declined from 13.3 to 10.6 deaths per
1000 for males and 11.9 to 9.0 for females; for both genders the gap between Maori and the
national average declined as well. The upper secondary completion rates for Maori is
estimated at 43.9 percent for 2007 well below the 65.5 percent of the national average;
however, it represents a significant increase from the 28.8 percent of 2003 and a major
decrease in the gap between Maori and the national average. However, while the gap
between the Maori and national levels for these indicators has declined over the various
time periods, in the ten years between 1997 and 2007, the median hourly earnings of Maori
has remained basically unchanged at around 86 percent of the national median.


While the peoples studied in this section generally have worse indicator levels than their
national averages, the disaggregation by group reveals various outliers lying above their
national levels. Under five mortality rates are only available for Nepal and India; the
Nepalese Janajati samples’ levels are distributed around their national level but as a whole
are below the national level while in India, they are above the national level. Water
deprivation rates both exceed and fall short of their national levels. Among the Hill Tribe
sampled households in Thailand, the Kammu and Leu samples in Laos, and the Hmong,
Muong and BaNa peoples in Vietnam, these rates are the worst. Stunting among children is
worse among the Hmong sample in Laos and the Magar sample in Nepal representing a
large departure from their national levels, while Thailand’s hill tribe sample exhibits the
lowest deprivation rates. Male literacy rates are only available for the Scheduled Tribe
sample of India and the Nepalese Janajati sample; the Scheduled Tribe sample exhibits the
worst among these while the Gurung sample from Nepal exhibits the best. Lao Kammu, Leu,

and Hmong samples have the highest levels of primary enrolment and are closest to their
national levels.

The representativity of the available data depends primarily on how wellbeing is correlated
with, for India and Nepal, a household’s tendency to self-identify with a particular people,
and, for Sutheast Asia, a household’s mobility and isolation. Additionally, data does not exist
for many groups either because they are too small to be included in DHS and MICS datasets
or the country does not participate in these surveys. This includes, for example, China; but
school enrolment and attainment data for 7 to 16 year olds for Chinese minorities is
reported in Tables 14, 15, 19 and 21 in Hannun and Wang (this volume). Future research
and data collection on peoples in South Asia needs to account for the tendency of groups to
self-identify with other groups in order to produce a more representative, quantitative
study, and in Southeast Asia, the issues of mobility and isolation need to be addressed due
to their correlation with wellbeing.

Latin America

The problem of defining indigenous in Latin America is less whether groups such as the
Maya, Quechua, Aymara, Mapuche and others satisfy a definition of indigenous but more of
whether an individual or household belongs to such a group. For example, and as pointed
out by Layton and Patrinos (2006: 27), under the definition employed by the Ecuadorian
government, 6 percent of the population of Ecuador are indigenous while according to the
definition used by the National Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, 32
percent are indigenous. Researchers typically use three criteria when counting or analyzing
indigenous peoples in Latin America: self-identification, language, and geographic
concentration (Layton and Patrinos 2006: 25). For the DHS and MICS surveys utilized in this
analysis, language is the only identifier for indigenous groups in Peru for both survey years,
for Bolivia in 1998, and for the various Mayan subgroups in Guatemala5 while for the others,
self-identified ethnicity exists as well. The primary problem with using language to classify
an individual as a member of a particular people is that individuals, their descendents as
well as whole communities lose their language and adopt Spanish. Consequently, the extent
to which sampled household indicators of development for a particular linguistic group
represents that of their population depends on how this “language shift” correlates with
wellbeing. If such a correlation is positive, as is seemingly evident, then the sampled
household indicators understate that for their population; if those people from a particular
group who no longer speak its language were included as part of the linguistic group in the
survey sample, then the resultant levels of development would be higher.

South America

Table 10 presents estimates of development and relative per capita consumption for South
American DHS or MICS sampled households for which various groups could be identified. In

5 Those who self-identify as “Indian” can be determined.

Guyana, the question used to identify the “Amerindians” is self-reported ethnicity as is the
question used to identify Quechua and Aymara peoples in the Bolivia 2003 DHS. In Peru,
only language is asked.

Quechua comprises several varieties although its two traditionally recognized groups are
Quechua I whose varieties’ speakers are concentrated in central Peru and Quechua II whose
varieties’ speakers are concentrated in Ecuador and northern Peru as well as in southern
Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina (Hornberger and King 2001). In the DHS for Peru and
Bolivia, no sub-varieties of Quechua were distinguished. As Table 10 reveals, sampled
Quechua speakers in both countries and for both years of collection in Peru had much lower
levels for all indicators except for net primary enrolment rates than the national averages.
In the 1998 Bolivia DHS, sampled households experienced an under 5 mortality rate of 165
per 1000 live births compared to 99 per 1000 for the national sample of households; in
2003 sample, these figures become 111 per 1000 and 93 per 1000, respectively. Disparity
between stunting rates among the Quechua sample and national sample is most apparent in
the 2004 Peru DHS sample with a stunting rate of 15.4 percent among sampled Quechua
speakers compared to 5.8 among the national sample as a whole.

These indicator levels for the sample of households identifying linguistically as Quechua are
likely lower bound estimates for the broader Quechua peoples since there is evidence that
language shift from Quechua to Spanish is a consequence of absorption into the
encompassing Spanish speaking, national economy and positively correlates with wellbeing.
For example, in the Loja province of Ecuador’s Andean sierra, King (2001) documents the
advanced state of language shift from Quechua to Spanish among the Saraguro who are one
of Ecuador’s two most economically successful indigenous groups (King 2001: 33). In the
Quechua town of Lagunas, she attributes this transition to “the economic and scholastic
advantages pulling them towards Spanish, and the concomitant prejudice, harassment, and
discrimination pushing them away from Quichua” which began with exposure to the
Spanish speaking national culture from the close proximity of the Pan American highway
completed in the 1940s (King 2001: 74). In contrast, Stark (1985a) describes the isolated
and almost entirely monolingual Quichua speaking “Platillos” who inhabit the northern
slopes of Mount Chimborazo in central Ecuador; they primarily engage in herding and the
subsistence agriculture of root crops with few nearby “public facilities such as schools,
health centers, and churches” (Stark 1985a: 465).

That language shift is highly correlated with urbanization and development is further
evinced in Myers’s (1973) study of language shift among indigenous migrants living inside
Lima, Peru in the then squatter settlements of Villa María del Perpetuo Socorro and El
Planeta. In her survey, “98 per cent of those with a mother tongue of Quechua have gained
some knowledge of Spanish” (Myers 1973: 57) and that the extent of language shift
measured by the location and frequency of migrants’ Spanish use is positively associated
with years of schooling, especially those between ages 15 and 34 (Myers 1973: 103, Table
23), as well as other variables related to development. Those who remain in less developed
rural areas can retain their language as shown by Mannheim’s (1985) finding that “the

linguistic domination of the southern highlands of Peru by Quechua speakers (save for a
large concentration of Aymara speakers in Puno) continues to be pervasive” as a result of
not economic factors but that “Quechua speakers treat the boundary between Quechua- and
Spanish-speakers as of primordial importance in their social universe” (Mannheim 1985:
487). This rural, linguistic pervasion is likely echoed in Bolivia as well: Stark (1985b)
observes that in the isolated mountain towns of the province of Franz Tamayo in the La Paz
department, campesino parents see little need for their children to be educated in Spanish
unlike other areas of Latin America (Stark 1985b: 525). However, the extent of language
shift in Bolivia is much less than compared to the rest of South America; “the dominant
minority speaks only Spanish, while the majority that they dominate speak only Quechua,
with a few bilingual mediators in between” (Stark 1985b). The levels of development for
Quechua speakers in Bolivia in 1998, consequently, are likely to be closer to that of the
broader Quechua people than in Peru where the language shift of Quechua peoples more
integrated into the national economy is more advanced.

The second major indigenous group in the Andes are the Aymara who, numbering around
two million, are primarily concentrated on the high Andean plains surrounding Lake
Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia as well as northern Argentina and Chile (Briggs 1985a: 546;
Hardman 1981: 3). Table 10 reveals development estimates for sampled households
identifying linguistically in both Peru DHS and in the 1998 Bolivia DHS as well as those
identifying ethnically in the Bolivia 2003 DHS. In Bolivia, Aymara indicators tend to be
higher than that for the Quechua, especially in the later survey, and in Peru, Aymara
estimates also indicate much higher levels of well-being than for the Quechua; in the later
survey they are essentially commensurate with the national averages except for literacy
rates. Analogous to the Quechua case, the development indicators for the Aymara
households identified linguistically are likely lower bound estimates for their broader
populations. Evidence of this can be found of the rural pervasion of Aymara where in Bolivia
approximately one third of the population speaks Aymara while in Peru it is around 3 per
cent. Myers’s (1973) study of the squatter communities in Lima, while primarily focused on
Quechua, also collected some data on Aymara speakers. She found that 1.3 per cent of her
survey had Aymara as a mother tongue, but only 0.2 per cent could actually speak it.
Consequently, language shift is likely correlated with isolation and development as is the
case for Quechua.

Table 10 also presents some indicators for Ecuador’s indigenous peoples derived from
Larrea and Torres (2005). However, specific groups cannot be identified. Indicators are
calculated from samples from different years and also use different definitions of
indigenous. The under 5 mortality figure of 138 per 1000 is from the 2001 national census
and defines indigenous “based on an extended version of the definition of ‘indigenous’ in the
2001 census and adding self-identification and the language spoken at the household level”
(Larrea and Torres 2005: 69). The prevalence of stunting, which is equal to the national
sample is drawn from the 1998 Living Conditions Survey in which indigenous is identified
by language. The per capita household income for indigenous people as proportion of the

national sample level is 54.5 percent; this figure stems from the Ecuador Employment,
Unemployment, and Underemployment Survey of 2003.

Central America and Mexico

The second group of countries for which DHS or MICS data exists on indigenous households
are Belize and Guatemala where indigenous peoples are primarily Mayan peoples. For both
countries the questions on both ethnicity and language were included in the surveys
although in Belize which of the Mayan peoples was not recorded while in Guatemala the
main subgroups including Kaqchikel, Q’eqchi’, K’iche’, Mam, are only identifiable by
language. Table 11 presents the estimates for each of the ethnic and linguistic groups. In
Belize, except for the extent of water deprivation, the estimates for both ethnically Mayan
and speakers of Mayan are worse than that of the national average.

Those sampled households who identify as ethnically Mayan have similar estimates for
those who speak Mayan although those who speak Mayan have slightly worse estimates;
this is consistent with language shift correlating with well-being as shown for Quechua and
Aymara in the Andes. In Guatemala, those sampled households who identify themselves as
“Indian” had worse levels than the national averages for all indicators. Among the speakers
of the different Mayan languages, Mam speakers included in the sample exhibited the worse
under five mortality rate at just over 106 per 1000 live births and the worst estimate for the
prevalence of stunting among children at 53.7 percent. The K’iche’ and Kaqchikel also have
notably higher levels of under five mortality than the national average, at around 9 and 8
per cent respectively; these higher figures are echoed in the estimates of the rate of stunting
among children as well. The Q’eqchi’ speakers have under five mortality and stunting
estimates closer to that of the national population. For the other reported linguistic groups,
the number of households included in the sample are very small, and their levels are more
consistent with the national figures.

The close association between isolation from the encompassing national economy and
retention of language which exists among Quechua and Aymara speakers also persist
among the various Mayan groups; consequently, the development levels for the Mayan
subgroups are likely lower bound estimates for their respective populations. Case studies of
Kaqchikel and Spanish language shift in two Mayan towns in Guatemala compiled by Garzon
et al. (1998) illustrates this link. Richards (1998), for example, reports no Spanish use
among the inhabitants of 12 square-kilometre San Marcos La Laguna on the north-eastern
shore of Lake Atitlán; it is isolated from surrounding communities by “high promontories”
and accessible almost exclusively by boat (Richards 1998: 62, 90). This is contrasted by
KcKenna Brown’s (1998a) discussion of the inhabitants of San Antonio Aguas Callientes in
the Quinizilapa Valley of whom many sell textiles, produce, and low-cost manufactured
goods in and receive a large number of tourists from nearby Antigua and Guatemala City.
Here, parents are bilingual but many “speak only Spanish to their children”; she cites a 1987
language survey of the community in which none of the children between one and four
years old were learning Kaqchikel as a first language (McKenna Brown 1998: 117). In
Belize, the proportion of Mayan inhabitants of Belize district which contains Belize City

doubled in the 1980s from 0.8 per cent to 1.8 per cent of the district’s population (Woods
1996: Table 3), but evidence of the Mayan language persisting as a first language in isolated
rural areas is documented among Mopan speaking Mayans by Danziger (2001) in Belize. In
all three of these studies of language use in Mayan towns, language shift among individuals
is highly correlated to educational attainment and integration with the encompassing
economy but it is not necessarily correlated with loss of Mayan or Indian as documented for
example by Garzon (1998b) in San Juan Comalapa near Guatemala’s capital.

Table 11 also presents indicators for Mexico derived from a variety of sources and
presented by Ramirez (2006); however, the information is not disaggregated by people.
Most indicators a calculated either for indigenous or non-indigenous peoples, and the
definition of these varies by indicator. The under five mortality rate for indigenous peoples
of 52 per 1000 is nearly double that of the national sample and stems from a 2003 study.
“Indigenous” people are defined as those inhabiting communities which contain 75 percent
or more indigenous people defined by language while those who are ”non-indigenous”
dwell in communities with less than 5 percent indigenous people. Stunting rates are drawn
also from a 2003 study and show a rate three times higher than that of the national
population. Data from the national census of 2000 provides literacy rates. While the male
literacy rate at the national level of 93.6 percent only exceeds the female rate by 3.5 percent,
the indigenous male rate of 82.6 percent exceeds that of indigenous females by 14.5
percent. The average per capita monthly income is 26.2 percent and is from the National
Income and Consumption Survey of 2002. For this figure indigenous is defined as being
located in a community inhabited by at least 10 percent indigenous people defined by


The latest indicator levels by country for the Latin American samples tend to be worse than
that of their national samples. Under five mortality levels are mostly higher than the
national averages with the worse being speakers of the Mam language in Guatemala in 1998
and those who identify as Quechua in Bolivia in 2003. The lowest under five mortality is
among the Amerindian sample from the Guyana 2005 DHS. Water deprivation rates are
generally evenly dispersed around the national levels, the worst being sampled speakers of
the Q’eqchi with nearly seven times that national level. Child stunting rates are generally
higher than national levels for these peoples, with the Mam speaking sample from
Guatemala and the Quechua speaking sample in the Peru 2004 DHS having nearly double
the level of their national samples; although, the Guatemalan peoples have the highest rates.
Male literacy rates are only available for one country’s survey, and female literacy rates are
only available for a few. The lowest female rates are among the Quechua speaking sample in
Peru. Both male and female net primary enrolment rates are similarly distributed around
their national levels and do not exhibit any drastic departures from the national levels. The
lowest levels are among the self-identified Aymara samples in Peru. Generally, the
indicators presented for groups identified by language likely understate that of their

broader populations due to language shift correlating positively with the development
indicators presented here.

North America

The indigenous peoples of North America include the various North American Indian tribal
groups, but also Native Hawaiians in the United States and the Inuit and Métis in Canada.
North American peoples have been the subject of previous research and this section
presents some basic census-based indicators to highlight their wellbeing in relation to that
of their respective countries.

United States

Table 12 presents census 2000 figures for the 2.5 million American Indian and the 400,000
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders as well as for the 39 tribal groups. Disparity
between American Indians and the United States as a whole is immediately apparent. High
school attainment among American Indians over 25 of 70.9 percent is 10 percent lower
than that of the country. Median household income is 72.9 percent of the national median of
$41,994. Over a quarter of American Indian individuals are below the poverty level while
28.1 percent of members of families with a all children less than five years old are below the
poverty level. For Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, the indicators are higher
than Native Americans but still lower than the national average with exception of median
household income. Among the tribal groups, the Tohono O’Odham of southwest United
States have the lowest median household income at 55 percent of the national level and the
highest proportion of individuals below the poverty level at 39.6 percent and the highest
proportion of members of families with children under 5 below the poverty level at 44.8
percent. The Delaware people have the highest median household income at 96 percent of
the national median and lowest poverty level indicators with both below 10 percent. Table
13 presents infant mortality rates of white and American Indian people in the United States
for the time period of 1989 to 1991 and 1998 to 2000. Between these two periods, infant
mortality dropped from 11.8 per 1000 live births to 8.0 live births as well as the departure
from white levels of infant mortality which in the second period stood at 4.8 percent.


Table 14 presents several indicators for the census-defined North American Indian, Métis,
and Inuit peoples residing in Canada. The proportion of members of economic families
experiencing “low income” are much higher for the North American Indian, Métis, and Inuit
peoples at 16.5, 10.9, and 11.5 percent, respectively, compared to 8.6 percent nationally.
Higher proportions of these peoples over 15 have education attainment less than secondary
with the highest being the Inuit at 53.4 percent. Infant mortality rates have dropped
dramatically for North American Indian peoples from 23.7 per 1000 live births in 1980 to
6.4 per 1000 live births in 2000 which is only slightly higher than the national level of 5.3
per 1000 live births.


This study reveals that indigenous peoples’ development, from a global perspective,
exhibits at least two broad characteristics. First, while the wellbeing of indigenous peoples
lags considerably that of non-indigenous people in many countries, this is not true for all
countries. For example, in several African countries, India, several Southeast Asian
countries, Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas, the development indicators of those
peoples considered to be indigenous lag considerably behind that of their countries as
wholes, but in other African countries, Nepal, Bangladesh, and other Southeast Asian
countries this lag either does not exist or is reversed. It is notable that in some of the
poorest countries included in this study, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Mali, and Niger, there
exists no clear difference in the wellbeing of those considered as indigenous and those not
while in some of the richest countries included in this study, such as the United States,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, the difference is clear and substantial. This observation
suggests that the gap in wellbeing between indigenous and non-indigenous emerges
through process of development; however, the proceeding chapters on East Asian countries
show this exclusion of indigenous peoples from development is not a necessity. The second
characterization revealed by this study is that within countries, the experiences of different
indigenous peoples are heterogeneous. For example, in Nepal the wellbeing of the Gurung
people generally exceeds that of the national average while that of the Magar lags. In many
northeastern states of states of India, such as Mizoram and Nagaland, many indicators for
the scheduled tribes, including under five mortality and stunting, are better than the
national averages. This is also true for the Aymara of Bolivia and Peru. Heterogeneity in
wellbeing is apparent among the various Mayan peoples in Guatemala and American Indian
tribal groups in the United States. Consequently, this study suggests that the development of
indigenous peoples from a global perspective is one characterized by heterogeneity both
across countries and within.

Future empirical research to explore these characterizations of indigenous peoples’

development requires additional data collection both within the countries where data exists
and in countries where data does not exist. Data collection must be conducted in a way to
ensure representativity. This includes taking into account the seasonal mobility patterns
related to wellbeing such as those documented among Fulani pastoralists in the Sahel,
Tuareg pastoralists in the Sahara, and other pastoralists in the Horn of Africa. Sampling in
remote areas needs to occur as well since the remoteness of settlements relates to
wellbeing as documented among the forest peoples in the Congo Basin and the various hill
tribe peoples in Indochina. Furthermore, until a single definition of indigenous emerges in
the literature, the identification of peoples in the data must cater to different definitions of
these peoples. For example, data on which ethnic or linguistic group a survey respondent
self-identifies with is relevant only to self-identity definitions of either indigenous or
ethnicity. Such phenomena as sanskritization and de-sanskritization documented among
various Scheduled Tribes in India and Janajati in Nepal as well as language shift among the
Quechua, Aymara, and Maya peoples in Latin America renders data on self-identity
insufficient if other definitions of indigeneity or ethnicity are of interest to a researcher such

as descent or official census categories. Data collection exhibiting these considerations
would produce inclusive and representative samples. This would then allow for the
rigorous statistical testing of differences between groups within countries and changes
across time that are needed to eliminate the quantitative information deficiency on
indigenous peoples’ human development that currently persists.


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This appendix describes the methodologies used to develop the indicators presented in this

Under 5 Mortality: The under 5 mortality rate is the probability of dying before reaching age
5 and is estimated using a synthetic cohort life table approach identical to that used by ORC
Macro the provider of the DHS datasets. This method estimates and combines the survival
probabilities of 8 age segments of increasing length between 0 and 5 years old from
exposure and death information over the 10 years preceding the survey. The method
adjusts for the partial exposure of those born 15 years prior to the survey and five years
prior to the survey. For more information see Rustein and Rojas (2006), pp 69 to 75.

Safe Water Deprivation Prevalence: This is the proportion of household members whose
household’s primary source of water is either more than 30 minutes away round trip or
from only surface water such as ponds and streams or unimproved springs. This indicator is
adopted from Gordon et al. (2003).

Child Stunting Rate: The stunting rate is the proportion of children under 3 years old whose
height for age ratio is below -3 standard deviations for that of the NCHS / CDC/ WHO
international reference population. Those below -3 standard deviations are described as
experiencing severe stunting and is general a reflection of inadequate nutritional intake
(Rustein and Rojas 2006: 122). This method is generally robust to race as racial differences
in average height do not begin to emerge at least until age 5 (de Onis and Yip 1996).

Literacy Rate: This is the proportion of either females or males whose are either able to read
all or part of a sentence provided by the survey enumerator or has completed secondary
school. Those for whom the enumerator did not have a sentence with the language spoken
by the respondent were excluded from the calculation.

Net Primary Enrolment Rate: The net primary enrolment rate is the proportion of country-
specific primary aged students attending primary school. This method may understate the
true enrolment rate if the individual’s reported age at the time of the survey differs from
that at the time needed for enrolment; the extent of this understatement depends on the
enrolment policy, the child’s birthday, and the date when the survey occurred.

Per Capita Mean Household Consumption: This is the mean level of per capita household
consumption measured either in currency or by an index depending on the dataset and
expressed as a percentage of the national mean.

Ethnicity and Language: Ethnicity is either the self reported ethnicity reported by the
respondent or that of the household head depending on the dataset. Language is either the
“mother tongue” of the respondent, the language spoken at home, the language spoken by
the household head, the language spoken by the interviewer or the language of the
questionnaire. Household ethnicity and language, when household members reported
differently from each other, is the reported most by the household members.

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Ch. 4: Central Africa

The Case of the Pygmies

Quentin Wodon
World Bank

Prospere Backiny-Yetna
World Bank

Arbi Ben-Achour
World Bank

Revised November 2009; revised April 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
1. Introduction

Four main criteria are usually used to define indigenous peoples, especially on the basis of the Latin
America experience: (i) they are descendants of the original populations inhabiting their lands at the time
of conquest, and identified as such; (ii) they speak a distinct native language and typically aspire to
remain distinct culturally, geographically and institutionally rather than assimilate; (iii) they have affinity
and attachment to their land; and (iv) they tend to maintain distinct social, economic, and political
institutions within their territories (Martinez-Cobo, 1986, quoted by Patrinos et al., 2007).

In Africa however, it is less easy to identify indigenous peoples than in other regions such as Latin
America because many ethnic groups could be considered as belonging to native populations. Yet if there
is one group that does stand out as indigenous even according to those with vastly differing views on
what exactly constitutes indigenous in the context of Africa, it is that of the Pygmies. Using a range of
different data sources, and based on detailed country case studies by Backiny-Yetna and Wodon (2010a,
2010b) and Ben-Achour et al. (2010), this paper provides an analysis of the standards of living of the
Pygmies living in Central Africa. As documented among others in African Commission (2006), the
Pygmies are found in many different Central and Southern African countries (Angola, Botswana,
Burundi, Cameroon, CAR, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, Republic of Congo,
Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia), but in this paper, on the basis of data availability, we focus on three
countries: the Central African Republic (CAR hereafter), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC
hereafter), and Gabon.

The Pygmies are considered to be among the oldest inhabitants in Central Africa, speaking different
languages from the Bantu, the main ethnic group of the region, especially in the DRC. Their semi-
nomadic lifestyle has persisted largely unchanged for thousands of years, living from hunting, fishing and
gathering wild fruits and nuts. In the last two or three decades, however, under the influence of multiple
factors, these populations have gone through a process of semi-sedentarization. More precisely,
traditionally, the Pygmies in Central Africa have been closely attached to the rain forest. They were the
―For est People‖ (Turnbull 1961), and the forest was the source of their religion, their livelihood and their
protection. They used to lead a nomadic life in camps of 30 to 40 families, which maintained regular links
and exchanges with each other. Their mostly egalitarian and horizontal society acknowledged the wisdom
of elders who preserved the community‘s knowledge of the sites, plants, animals, ghosts and spirits as
well as their entire cultural heritage (rituals, music, dances, holy sites) and practices (pharmacopeia,
hunting and fishing). Elders occupied prominent positions within community and settled disputes. They
lived in simple huts made out of leaves and branches.

This traditional lifestyle should not necessarily be equated with a life of poverty. It had its own dignity, its
noblesse and coherence and it is part of the universal heritage of humanity. Yet today, the traditional
Pygmy lifestyle is in danger: as a population, they are losing what constitutes their identity and the
richness of their culture and knowledge due to gradual sedentarization. Their access to the forest itself, as
well as to the land that they cultivate is increasingly at risk. In the DRC, their relationship with Bantu
farmers – Sudanese, Nilotic – used to be described as harmonious (Ndaywel 1997) as the Pygmies
managed to maintain a relative independence from the Bantu. The current situation presents a less idyllic
picture of the relations between the two communities. Subjugation, a devaluation of their culture, denial
of rights, looting and violence are what numerous Pygmies are now subject to every day. Fieldwork
conducted for this study suggests that many Pygmies are very poor and being exploited by the Bantu.

It is worth noting that the Pygmies are not the only indigenous population of the region. In the Central
African Republic especially, the Mbororos, who descend from Peuhls living in the Sahel, may not strictly
speaking be indigenous in the sense of the criteria cited above and used by the international organizations.
Indeed they emigrated in CAR only about 50 years ago, in the search of new pastures. However, their

minority status (they represent 1 percent of CAR‘s population according to the 2003 population census),
lifestyle, and deprivation could lead to consider them as indigenous, and surely as vulnerable. However,
as the analysis presented in this paper will show, they tend to be less poor than the pygmies.

Evidence from Latin America and elsewhere in the world suggests that in most (but not all) countries,
indigenous population and ethnic minorities suffer from higher poverty levels compared to the national
averages in the country they live (Hall and Patrinos, 2006). In Africa, however, good data to measure
poverty and well-being among indigenous groups are scarce. In many cases, household surveys in the
region do not include ethnic variables which could help for such analysis. And even when this
information is collected, the sampling methodology (i.e., lack of oversampling of minority groups) is not
usually designed to provide enough observations in order to lead to robust conclusions relative to the
living standards of these populations. In the DRC, for example, the nationally representative household
survey of nearly 12,000 households implemented in 2004-05 had only 29 households with a Pygmy
household head. Because of such lack of data, most studies rely on ethnographic approaches, which are
very useful, but cannot necessarily provide robust national estimates.

The objective of this study is to draw together both quantitative and qualitative information to provide a
diagnostic of the well-being of the Pygmies in Central Africa today, with material from three countries:
the DRC, CAR, and Gabon. CAR is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2008, the GDP per
capita was only $300 and about two thirds of the population lives in poverty. The nation is divided into
over 80 ethnic groups, each having its own language. The largest ethnic groups are the Baya (33% of the
population), Banda (27%), Mandjia (13%), Sara (10%), Mboum (7%), M'Baka (4%), and Yakoma (4%).
The Mbororos are estimated to count for 1% of the population and the Pygmies to be at 0.3%, according
to the 2003 population census.

The DRC is the third largest country by area in Africa. GDP per capita was $184 in 2008, one of the
lowest in the world and household survey data suggests that more than 7 in 10 people live under the
national poverty line. There are over 200 African ethnic groups, of which the majority are Bantu (80% of
the population). Other important groups include Sudanic-speaking groups in the north and northeast.
Among the Bantu-speaking peoples, the major groups are the Kongo, or Bakongo, in the south; the Luba,
or Baluba, in East Kasai and Katanga; the Mongo and related groups in the cuvette area; and the Lunda
and Chokwe in Bandundu and West Kasai; the Bemba and Hemba in Katanga; and the Kwango and Kasai
in Bandundu. The four largest tribes — Mongo, Luba, Kongo (all Bantu), and Mangbetu-Azande
(Hamitic) — make up about 45% of the total population. The pygmies account for up to 1 percent of the

Gabon by contrast is a high medium income country with an estimated GDP per capita of $8,085 in 2008.
But because inequality is high, so is the level of poverty; in 2005, one third of the Gabonese lived under
the national poverty line. There are over 40 ethnicities in Gabon. The largest ethnic group is the Fang,
located in northern Gabon and southern Cameroon, including about 35% of the Gabonese population. The
remainder of the Gabonese population is the Bantu, containing the following ethnic groups: Benga,
Beseki, Kombe, Mpongwe (3%), Baduma (16%), Eshira (10%), Okande (4%), Bakalai (7%), and Bakota
(14%). The Pygmies are a small minority and are distributed throughout Gabon and are comprised of
different ethnic groups: the Baka and the Bekui in the north, the Bakoya in the North-East, the Barimba in
the South and the Baboongo in the South-East.

The data used for CAR and Gabon in this paper comes from the two countries‘ latest population censuses,
both carried out in 2003, given the lack of household survey data with representative samples of the
Pygmy population. These censuses have basic information on household composition, education and
labor market at the individual level, as well as assets at the household level. A population census has the
advantage of being exhaustive, giving the possibility of having enough observations to draw robust

conclusions even on small segments of the population. On the other hand information is more limited
than in a survey. For example, no information on expenditure or income can be collected through a
census. Indirect techniques can nevertheless be used to conduct poverty or distributional analysis with
census data by predicting the consumption level of households using poverty mapping. This is what we
do in both Gabon and CAR.

The work on the DRC is more qualitative. Within Pygmy camps, information was obtained through
individual interviews with key informants (Pygmies and non-Pygmies, with emphasis on the former),
using open-ended questionnaires, focus groups with diverse members, including local authorities, women,
elderly and youth, and direct observation and open-ended group discussions. Although a statistically
representative sample for the analysis was not possible in the DRC at this stage, the (mostly qualitative)
data collection was significant enough to obtain a purposive sample through which information and facts
could be derived, analyzed and extrapolated with an acceptable level of confidence enhanced by the fact
that the study covered all provinces where Pygmies are present (Kivu Sud, Kivu Nord, Maniema,
Katanga, Kasai Oriental, Kasai Occidental, Equateur, Bandandu, and Province Orientale). In addition to
qualitative data collection in Pygmy camps, data from the national ―12 3‖ household survey were also
used to compare key statistics between Pygmy and non-Pygmy populations. While as mentioned earlier
the Pygmy sample in the 123 survey is very small and thus not statistically representative, the results
obtained from the survey analysis were very similar to the results obtained through the qualitative
fieldwork, and thus gives us additional confidence in the validity of the results.

Overall, the Pygmy population in all three countries appears to be very poor. Children are not enrolled in
schools and adult literacy is low. Health outcomes are weak, and vulnerability is high. In addition, the
material from the qualitative work in the DRC suggests that many among the Pygmies perceive
themselves negatively. This negative image is not only related to their poverty and a lack of access to
goods and basic services, but also the result of certain patterns of behavior which are part of their culture
(type of housing, religious beliefs, rites and practices, etc) that are considered ―b
ad‖ by their neighbors.
Although most of the Pygmies are willing to change while remaining culturally ―Py gmy‖, the fieldwork
shows that both the Bantu and the state and its institutions do not treat the Pygmies in a fair manner that
would allow them to make informed changes and adaptations to improve their general living conditions
and live in harmony with their neighbors while preserving their uniqueness (World Bank, 2009).

2. How many Pygmies are there?

There is great uncertainty about the number of Pygmies living in Central Africa. This uncertainty can be
illustrated in the case of the DRC. Researchers based in specific areas of the DRC have suggested that
there may be between 100,000 and 250,000 Pygmies in the country as a whole. Other estimates, including
those from the ―Dy namique Pygmée‖, an advocacy group, mention up to 450,000 Pygmies. It is difficult
to estimate the size of the Pygmy population because the only census ever undertaken in the DRC since
independence was in 1984. It was updated by the Service National des Statistiques Agricoles (SNSA;
statistical office) between 1990 and 1994. There are regular, yearly administrative censuses but they have
been subject to a number of distortions, and do not typically have information on ethnicity.

NGOs involved in the preparation of a Pygmy development strategy for the DRC cooperated with
authorities to estimate a percentage of Pygmies living in different areas in relation to the total population.
These percentages were then applied to the overall population of the areas to estimate the size of the
Pygmy population. In some cases, the numbers were directly estimated by Pygmy support organizations
on the basis of their knowledge of the communities. The resulting overall estimates, provided in table 1,
suggest that there may be up to 660,000 Pygmies in the DRC, i.e., slightly more than 1 percent of the
country‘s population. Although this is a more systematic effort than what was ever attempted before, the
numbers remain estimates that cannot substitute for a proper census. In terms of geographic distribution,

of the 147 territories of the DRC, 59 were identified as having at least one Pygmy community. But for 25
of those 59 districts, only very rough estimates of the number of the Pygmies could be obtained.

In the CAR and in Gabon, estimates of the number of the Pygmies can be obtained directly from the
Census data, where households are asked to which ethnic group they belong. In the CAR, only 0.3
percent of the population declared itself as being Pygmy, and in Gabon, the percentage is also well below
1 percent (although there was a surprising sharp reduction in the number of Pygmies between the last two
censuses). Still, in all three countries, the share of the total population considered as Pygmy seems to be at
or below 1 percent. Pygmies are thus a small group in terms of their share of the overall population, but
given the large population of the DRC especially, they still represent a sizable group.

Table 1: Documented Pygmy numbers for all provinces in the DRC

Province Number % of total Name Lifestyle

Equateur 172,197 26% Twa Sedentary or semi-sedentary

Province Orientale 16,804 3% Mbuti Nomads in the process of sedentarization
Bandundu 56,210 8% Twa Semi-sedentary
Kasai Oriental n.d n.d Nomads
Kasai Occidental n.d n.d Nomads
Maniema 4,452 1% Twa Semi-sedentary
Katanga 320,930 48% Twa Sedentary
Nord Kivu 25,871 4% Twa Sedentary
Sud Kivu 63,600 10% Twa Sedentary

Total 660,064 100%

Source: World Bank (2009).

3. Poverty

Good data have up to now been lacking to assess the level of poverty among Pygmies, and to some extent
the very concept of poverty as traditionally measured through the comparison of a consumption aggregate
and a monetary poverty threshold is problematic, at least to some Pygmy groups. Indeed, the Pygmies‘
traditional nomadic lifestyle cannot be equated with poverty, as long as the outside conditions are
favorable (i.e. good access to natural resources), but it does constrain their access to education and
healthcare. However, once they abandon their traditional lifestyle and become sedentary, then their
standard of living is often lower than for the rest of society. Hence, fieldwork and ethnographic studies
have suggested a large gap between Pygmies and other groups in terms of ability to meet basic needs,
assets, literacy, mortality and morbidity, and clearly the Pygmies‘ monetary income is also lower than that
of other groups. But so far, little systematic quantitative evidence had been collected to compare both

In the case of Gabon and CAR, poverty and welfare quintile estimates on Pygmies have been obtained by
relying on poverty mapping techniques, which help in estimating poverty for small, geographically
defined population groups. Elbers et al. (2003) have shown how to construct poverty maps by combining
census and survey data. The idea is straightforward. First, a regression of per capita or adult equivalent
consumption is estimated using household survey data, limiting the set of explanatory variables to ones
common to both the survey and the latest census. Second, the coefficients from that regression are applied
to the census data to predict the expenditure level of each household in the census. Third, the predicted
household expenditures are used to construct a series of poverty indicators for geographical population
subgroups. Although the idea is simple, its implementation requires complex computations.

The poverty mapping technique was used here to assess poverty levels among the Pygmies, because they
are not well represented in the Gabon and CAR household surveys. Table 2 provides estimates of
consumption per capita and poverty among Pygmies and non-indigenous populations in Gabon. The
share of the population in poverty among Pygmies is twice the level obtained in non-Pygmies, and the
differences are in proportional terms even larger for other poverty measures. In the CAR, similar data is
provided in table 3 by quintile of estimated per capita consumption. Again, Pygmies are much poorer, in
the sense that they are much more likely to belong to the lowest quintiles of consumption.

Table 2: Poverty and welfare indicators by ethnicity in Gabon

Per capita consumption
Poverty indicators (Fcfa per year)
Share of Squared
population Poverty Poverty
in poverty Gap Gap Average Median
Pygmy 70.1 30.0 16.4 342896 303282
Non-Pygmy 32.7 10.7 4.9 760399 587879
All 32.8 10.7 4.9 760067 587589
Source: Authors‘ estimation

Table 3: Population share by quintile of per capita consumption, by ethnicity in CAR

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Total
Mbororos 46.7 14.0 13.1 11.6 14.6 100
Pygmy 89.7 6.2 2.4 0.9 0.8 100
Non-indigenous 21.0 18.7 20.1 20.1 20.1 100
All 21.4 18.6 20.0 20.0 20.0 100
Source: Authors‘ estimation

In the case of the DRC there is no national census, but at least some data are available from the ―123‖
survey implemented in 2004 in Kinshasa and 2005 in the rest of the country in order to compare a range
of indicators between Pygmies and the rest of the population. These data can be used to provide some
idea of the standard of living of Pygmies (we use the term ― idea‖ as the data are not strictly statistically
representative of the Pygmy population due to the very small Pygmy sample size). Table 4 provides key
results on poverty and selected other indicators. The 123 survey includes a total of 11,959 households, of
which only 29 declared themselves as belonging to the Pygmy group. Using the expansion factors from
the survey, this would mean that there would be 63,097 Pygmy individuals out of a total population of 54
million people (this is much smaller than the estimate of the Pygmy population in the DRC provided in
the previous section, but remote groups are often underrepresented in national surveys). While statistics
provided on the basis of only 29 households (and 110 individuals) observed in a survey are subject to
caution, the message seems appropriate regarding the living conditions of Pygmies.

The difference in poverty estimates between the Pygmies and the rest of the population is large. Poverty
is measured in the DRC as in other countries by comparing a consumption aggregate with a poverty line
that is meant to capture the cost of basic food and non-food needs. Poverty is truly massive in the DRC,
since 71.7 percent of the population was estimated to be poor. Yet the proportion of the Pygmy
population that is poor is even higher, at 84.8 percent. Measures of poverty that take into account not
only the share of the poor but also the distance separating the poor from the poverty line (such as the
poverty gap) or the inequality among the poor (such as the squared poverty gap) also suggest very large

differences between the Pygmies and the rest of the population. The data in table 4 suggests that in the
DRC, the Pygmy population is significantly poorer, less well educated, rural, and more involved in the
informal sector than the rest of the population. Pygmies are hard working, as suggested by very high rates
of labor force participation, but they appear to be especially vulnerable.

The DRC qualitative work suggests that some of the main reasons for the impoverishment of the Pygmies
are linked to their past on the one hand, and to the current Congolese society on the other hand. Reasons
include their submission to their Bantu neighbors which is ingrained in the two communities‘ history of
paid or unpaid forced labor, abuse, and an internalized attitude by each of the two communities. From the
Bantu side it is a feeling of superiority and disdain for the Pygmies, and from the Pygmy side a feeling of
inferiority and disregard for oneself, escapism and a passive attitude. The Pygmies are dependent on the
Bantu in terms of food as soon as resources become scarce. In addition, the transition is difficult from
living a daily life as hunter-gatherers as opposed to foresight and planning which are necessary for
successful agriculture. This is why most Pygmies have the mindset of a day laborer rather than one of a
farmer, a mindset which promotes the search for a daily income as opposed to a long term investment
which could provide more food security (i.e., the long term gain of larger fields vs. the short term
advantage of smaller parcels of land which are less time consuming to maintain). Finally, there is a
tendency of some Bantu to exploit Pygmy labor with no or low pay, which limits their access to public
services such as healthcare or education, which cost money.

As noted in World Bank (2009), the loss of or limited access to natural resources as well as their gradual
depletion is also affecting the Pygmies. This loss is caused by a range of factors including the
proliferation of cut-and-burn agriculture on the Pygmies‘ traditional hunting territories; the non-
recognition of their customary rights of use; the dependence on Bantu landowners for using any kind of
natural resources including agricultural resources; the creation of wildlife reserves; logging concessions;
artisanal logging in vital Pygmy territories; oil extraction in the Cuvette Centrale as well as the possible
resumption of large-scale plantations (private Chinese and European projects currently under
preparation); artisanal or industrial mining in the same territories; and demographic pressure. The
Pygmies also suffer from a loss of identity and cultural heritage through religious proselytism and
conformism with the Bantu or global society, the dissemination of contagious diseases which their
traditional medicine cannot heal, especially STDs but also tuberculosis; and the consumption of alcohol
and cannabis which has become a common phenomenon and exacerbates all of the above mentioned
problems. The combination of these factors is causing a loss of resources, a lack of food security, a lack
of capacities and a loss of cultural heritage for the Pygmies. The war may also have contributed to the
impoverishment and abuse of the Pygmies.

Table 4: Poverty and Human Development Indicators in the National 123 Household Survey, DRC 2005
Weighted Weighted Share of
Number Number number number Share of Share of Average Median age female-
of of of of rural female age of of headed
households individuals households individuals population population individuals individuals households
Non-Pygmies 11,930 64,454 10,240,496 54,190,264 70.0 50.4 20.9 16.0 17.1
Pygmies 29 110 19,828 63,097 95.0 51.6 26.7 24.0 6.6
All 11,959 64,564 10,260,324 54,253,361 70.1 50.4 20.9 16.0 17.0

Average School Labor force Share

age of Average enrollment participation Unemployment working in Poverty Squared
household household rate (6-11 Literacy rate rate (15+ rate (15+ informal incidence poverty
head size years) (15+ years) years) years) sector (headcount) Poverty gap gap
Non-Pygmies 43.3 5.3 56.1 65.0 73.8 6.2 90.2 71.7 32.4 18.1
Pygmies 41.7 3.2 18.7 30.5 85.9 1.0 100.0 84.8 39.4 25.1
All 43.3 5.3 56.0 64.9 73.8 6.2 90.2 71.7 32.3 18.0
Source: Authors‘ estimation
4. Human development

4.1. Quantitative evidence from CAR and Gabon on education

The Census data for the CAR and Gabon suggests that enrollment rates and attainment are much lower
among the Pygmies than among other groups (see tables 5a and 5b). In addition, the average years of
schooling among indigenous adult populations in Gabon is 3 years for men, and 2.8 years for women,
versus 6.5 years for both genders in the non-indigenous population. In the CAR, the average number of
years of schooling is 0.3 years for men and 0.1 year for women among indigenous groups, versus 2.8
years for men and 1.4 years for women among the non-indigenous. Regression analysis shows that being
indigenous, controlling for other observable characteristics such as household composition, age,
geographic location, etc., leads to substantial and statistically significant gaps in education attainment.
Indigenous children are also more likely to be older than non-indigenous children in any one grade. As a
result of limited schooling, indigenous individuals are much more likely to be illiterate (see tables 6a and

Table 5a: Gender and educational attainment (15 years and older) in Gabon
Indigenous Non-indigenous All
Male Female All Male Female All
Still in school (%) 6.7 3.4 5 21.9 22.3 22.1 22.1
If not in school, highest achievement
None 66.4 67.4 66.9 14.1 21.4 17.7 17.8
Incomplete Primary 23.4 24.2 23.8 11.3 15.7 13.5 13.5
Complete Primary 7.4 1.4 4.3 13.3 16.3 14.8 14.8
Secondary 1 0.5 0.7 43.4 34.7 39.1 39
University 0.3 0 0.1 9.6 3.9 6.8 6.8
Source. RGPH 2003, Gabon
Table 5b: Gender and educational attainment (15 years and older) in CAR
Mbororo Pygmy Non indigenous All
Male Female All Male Female All Male Female All Male Female All
Still in school (%) 2.6 1.0 1.8 3.6 1.1 2.3 13.5 7.0 10.2 13.4 6.9 10.1
If not in school, highest achievement
None 93.8 97.3 95.5 86.3 93.6 90.1 41.3 66.1 53.9 41.9 66.4 54.4
Incomplete Primary 2.7 1.3 2.0 11.3 5.7 8.4 19.8 14.5 17.1 19.6 14.3 16.9
Complete Primary 1.3 0.5 0.9 1.5 0.2 0.9 12.4 6.7 9.4 12.2 6.6 9.3
Secondary 2.1 0.9 1.5 0.7 0.4 0.5 24.3 12.2 18.2 24.1 12.1 17.9
University 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.2 0.5 1.3 2.1 0.5 1.3
Source. RGPH 2003, CAR

Table 6a: Illiteracy rates in Gabon

Total Population Indigenous
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Age 10 to 14 17.6 18.5 16.7 93.8 92.9 94.7
15-19 7.1 6.5 7.8 75.8 77.4 74.6
20-24 8.7 8.3 9.1 82.2 73.9 89.1
25-29 11 11.6 10.5 92.2 86.4 95.2
30-34 12.2 13.4 11.4 89.6 76 96.2
35-39 14.2 15.1 13.8 95.9 95.5 96.1
40-44 17.1 16.8 17.3 97.8 94.4 100
45-49 21.7 17.9 23.4 88 71.4 94.4
50-54 33.6 20.9 39 94.4 85.7 96.6
55-59 53.1 29 61.6 92 33.3 100
60-64 71.9 42.6 80.3 100 100 100
65-69 80.6 53.9 87.4 100 100 100
Urban (aged 15-69) 12.6 10.5 14 77.6 60 86.3
Rural (aged 15-69) 32.3 19.5 39.5 89.8 84.2 92.9
Source : Authors‘ estimations
Table 6b: Illiteracy rates in CAR
Male Female All

Non- Non- Non-

Mbororos Pygmy indigenous All Mbororos Pygmy indigenous All Mbororos Pygmy indigenous All
Age 10 to 14 79.9 89.9 55.2 55.5 82.5 90.8 62.9 63.2 81.1 90.3 58.9 59.3
15-19 75.9 88.7 42.9 43.3 83.1 91.7 60.2 60.5 79.7 90.3 52.0 52.4
20-24 73.0 82.6 40.9 41.3 83.8 93.4 61.4 61.7 79.0 88.4 51.6 51.9
25-29 74.6 88.8 40.0 40.4 85.8 93.2 63.9 64.2 80.8 91.3 51.9 52.3
30-34 77.0 89.9 39.4 39.9 86.6 95.9 66.6 66.9 82.1 93.0 52.6 53.1
35-39 75.9 89.4 39.7 40.2 87.7 96.4 68.9 69.2 82.1 93.0 54.3 54.6
40-44 74.0 92.1 40.7 41.3 87.3 96.5 72.7 72.9 80.2 94.2 56.6 57.0
45-49 74.2 92.4 41.2 41.7 88.9 94.0 76.9 77.1 80.1 93.1 59.1 59.3
50-54 77.8 93.1 46.7 47.2 90.1 94.9 83.1 83.2 83.0 94.0 65.6 65.8
55-59 79.4 94.9 54.1 54.5 87.7 100.0 87.1 87.2 82.2 97.4 71.1 71.3
60-64 81.8 96.7 65.4 65.7 91.8 95.3 90.5 90.5 85.8 96.1 79.2 79.3
65-69 83.2 93.6 70.2 70.4 91.4 95.1 91.5 91.6 86.0 94.4 82.1 82.2
Urban (aged 15-
69) 54.2 75.4 23.6 23.7 64.5 79.0 44.7 44.8 59.4 77.3 34.2 34.3
Rural (aged 15-
69) 77.3 89.9 55.6 56.0 87.3 94.9 82.8 82.9 82.3 92.5 69.6 69.9
Source : Authors‘ estimations

4.2. Qualitative evidence from the DRC on education and health

The data presented earlier for the DRC suggests that the rate of school enrollment among children from
six to eleven years of age is extremely low among Pygmies at 18.7 percent, versus 56.1 percent for the
rest of the population. Only 30.5 percent of the Pygmies aged 15 years or above are literate, versus 65.0
percent for the rest of the population. This is in part because the Pygmies only receive education that is
provided on a community level. The fact that school enrollment rates are very low (especially for
secondary education) despite the fact that most Pygmies are sedentarized and have been living close to
Bantu villages for at least 15 years suggests that the Pygmies have limited access to public schools, even
if they live close to Bantu villages. Those who live in camps or villages a little further away rarely have
schools at all and if they do, they are in poor condition.

Qualitative data from the DRC Pygmy strategy suggest several reasons for low enrollment and literacy
rates among Pygmies. Education is not free in the DRC. While teacher salaries are paid by the state (if
schools are part of the Education Nationale and teachers are ― conventionnés‖, i.e., officially recognized
by the state through ad hoc conventions), it is frequently the case that half or more of a school‘s teachers
are paid by parents. Fieldwork shows that many Pygmy parents who aspire to give their children a good
education do not have the means to pay for it. In addition, in both public and private schools, teachers‘
and Bantu children‘s attitudes toward Pygmy children are negative (rejection, denigration) because they
do not have school uniforms, pens or books which ―di scourages the latter and is the cause for a grave
inferiority complex‖. Fieldwork suggests that this inferiority complex has been internalized by some
communities. The rather erratic school attendance of Pygmy children does not help either. Necessary trips
to the forest for several days or weeks can occur at any time for all sorts of vital reasons. Thus they
frequently miss lessons which make it hard for them to succeed in school. Additionally, their parents and
community members have received limited education themselves or are illiterate and do not speak the
taught language, French. War, premature marriages, alcoholism and cannabis addiction (of both parents
and children) aggravate this. This lack of education is a major obstacle in terms of leadership, relations
with the administration and their environment, and access to basic education.

The Pygmies‘ status and access to health services is also poorly documented, but results from fieldwork
in the DRC suggest that the Pygmies do not have access to primary health care and mainly use traditional
medicine; they are worse off than the Bantu whose access to primary health care is also poor, especially
in the forest regions; and many diseases affect them more than other population groups, especially
tropical parasitoses, STDs, tuberculosis, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, and infantile infectious
diseases. In addition, Pygmy women suffer from a higher mortality rate at birth. All of this is partly due to
their lifestyle, especially to poor hygiene, consumption of unclean water, promiscuity, and smoke-infested
houses, but also their exclusion from the healthcare system. They are less well informed about diseases
and their transmission than the Bantu, vaccination campaigns do not reach or target them, and they do not
have access to health infrastructure or medication. This is valid for nomadic, semi-nomadic, and
sedentarized Pygmies.

Again, there are several reasons for the poor health outcomes observed among Pygmies. This includes
their isolation which makes health care provision for them very expensive; malnutrition caused by
monotone and poor diets for sedentary Pygmies; the predominance of cultural habits, some of which are
guided by religious beliefs, as well as of other habits such as premature marriages, the consumption of
alcohol, the lack of hygiene, giving birth within the camps and a preference for their traditional medicine
etc. Although their traditional medicine is based on a rich pharmacopeia and their knowledge of
medicinal plants used to be an advantage over the Bantu who would seek their medical help, it also has its
limits especially in combating diseases like AIDS or STDs. Their high degree of poverty makes it
impossible for them to pay for treatments or medication. In addition, their mistrust or fear of Bantu health
care officials (and vice versa) as well as the contemptuous and discriminatory attitude of the latter
(exclusion during the distribution of mosquito nets or the scheduling of vaccinations) and sexual abuse
which many Pygmy women suffer from all have contributed to poor health outcomes including the
dissemination of STDs in Pygmy communities. The result of insufficient primary healthcare is a high
infant mortality rate, particularly during birth and a low life expectancy, especially compared to the
Bantu. Again, while there are no official numbers or scientific studies to back up these findings, there is a
clear consensus between both Bantu and Pygmies that health indicators are much worse for the Pygmies.

5. Livelihoods, labor market participation and employment

5.1. Quantitative evidence from CAR and Gabon

Data are available in the Gabon and CAR census on labor force participation and employment (including
for children), and on sector of employment. As shown in table 7, labor force participation rates are higher
among Pygmies (in large part due to a higher share of women willing to work), and unemployment is
lower, probably in part because the Pygmies are so poor that they cannot afford not to work. The share of
workers who are not paid for their work is also much larger among the Pygmies than the rest of the
population, which contributes to higher levels of poverty. Tables 8a and 8b provide data on sectors of
employment. The Pygmies tend to work more in agriculture than other groups, which is not surprising,
and in the case of Gabon, a substantial share are employed by providing services to other households,
including domestic work. The data also suggests that the incidence of child labor is significantly higher
among Pygmies than among other groups. Thus, while the Pygmies are much poorer than other groups
they also seem to work harder according to the data available (but we do not have data on time use and
the number of hours worked).

Table 7: Labor Force Participation, Unemployment and Unpaid Work, Gabon and CAR
Gabon CAR
Non- Non-
Indigenous indigenous All Mbororos Pygmy indigenous All
Labor Force Participation
Male 71.4 50 50.1 81.1 70.9 74.4 74.5
Female 67.9 41.2 41.2 38.4 56.7 58.7 58.5
Unemployment Rate
Male 2 14.1 14.1 4.6 7.8 9.7 9.7
Female 1.5 13.6 13.6 5.9 2.7 5 5
% Unpaid workers
Male 12 3.5 3.5 8.7 3.7 4.1 4.2
Female 12.9 4.4 4.4 14.6 10.8 8.5 8.5
Source : Authors‘ estimates using RGPH 2003, CAR et RGPH 2003, Gabon

Table 8a: Employment by Sector, Gabon
Indigenous Non indigenous All.
Agriculture 23.2 8.8 8.8
Mining/Manufacturing 0.0 3.6 3.6
Utilities/Construction 1.0 2.5 2.5
Commerce 0.2 4.8 4.8
Services to household 72.6 33.4 33.5
Household as employers 0.2 15.6 15.6
Other Services 2.7 31.3 31.2
All sectors 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Authors‘ estimates using RGPH 2003, Gabon

Table 8b: Employment by Sector, CAR

Mbororos Pygmy Non-indigenous All
Agriculture 80.8 95.3 76.4 76.5
Mining 1.5 1.6 2.7 2.7
Manufacturing 0.3 0.1 1.0 1.0
Utilities 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1
Commerce 13.0 0.9 9.9 9.9
Services 4.4 2.1 9.9 9.9
All sectors 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Authors‘ estimates using RGPH 2003, CAR

5.2. Qualitative evidence from the DRC

The qualitative evidence from the DRC provides more information on the type of work and sources of
livelihood of Pygmies. As mentioned earlier, the Pygmies used to lead lives of hunter-gatherers in the rain
forest. They were nomadic and moved on to new hunting grounds as soon as they have used up the
resources in a specific area. They were also trading food with the Bantu such as agricultural products
against their hunting, fishing and gathering products. Yet Pygmy sedentarization started with early
colonization and this process was encouraged by the authorities and by Pygmy Support NGOs (Nzita
2005). Sedentarization is more generally the result of a number of factors: demographic pressure of both
Pygmies and Bantu which reduces the living space and creates a greater dependency on agriculture; the
Pygmies‘ own aspirations to change their lives; and pressure from the Bantu society which is leading to a
socio-cultural homogenization (religious and behavioral).

Today, large parts of the sedentarized population are agriculturalists. They sometimes own small parcels
of land but mainly work as farm hands for the Bantu with whom they live. In the first stage of the
―sedentarization cycle‖ the Pygmies offer labor to the Bantu. The cycle then continues with the creation
of small fields as Pygmy groups permanently settle down in the periphery of Bantu villages, first at a
distance (1 to 2 km), then closer. In the most advanced cases of sedentarization Pygmies may have camps
that are the same size as the Bantu‘s (for instance in Bikoro). But agriculture is also a constraint that
hinders the Pygmies from going too far away from their camps (for hunting or gathering) and therefore
increases pressure on the closest forest. It is de facto turning into an ―op
en‖ forest, to which everyone has
access (Thomas et al. 1983). Consequently, the Bantu are increasingly hunting in these ― open forests‖
which reduces their need for trading food with the Pygmies.

The level of sedentarization varies greatly from group to group. The Mbuti Pygmy of Province Orientale
manage to leave their camps for between one to two-thirds of the time over periods of several months.
Others, for instance in the riverside villages of the Virunga Park, have completely ceased to be nomadic
and rely entirely on agriculture, manual labor for the Bantu and craftsmanship for income and food.
Thomas et al. (1983) note that income opportunities are good for those Pygmy groups that still have the
possibility to hunt, as the market for bush and game meat is particularly easy to access everywhere in the

Table 1 provided earlier basic information on the likely distribution of the Pygmies today in the DRC
according to three categories: nomadic, sedentary or in the process of sedentarization. The term nomad
describes Pygmies who move in a certain hunting ground. They can also be characterized using two other
criteria: the predominance of hunting and gathering in their activities and for food procurement, and the
fact that they do not have permanent camps close to Bantu villages and roads. Most sedentary Pygmies
permanently live in villages that are constructed in a similar way to Bantu villages. They mainly farm -
either their own land of which the size increases over time, or for Bantu agriculturalists. They depend
entirely on agriculture for food supply. They may also hunt but this is no longer a determining factor in
their diet. Between these two extremes, a process of sedentarization that is more or less advanced is under
way (more or less time of the year spent in the forest, higher or lower dependence on its resources,
Pygmies living in the vicinity of mining activities to provide labor or bush meat for miners).

Table 1 suggests that today the Pygmies in the DRC are mostly semi-sedentary or semi-nomad and
depend on agriculture at least as much as on hunting. Within the framework of this study, it was not
possible to determine the number of true nomads, but it is very likely that they are no more than 30,000 to
40,000 people, less than 10% of all Pygmies. It is equally difficult to establish the number of fully
sedentarized Pygmies (those that have stopped hunting altogether). Still, these results modify the
widespread image of Pygmies as forest nomads with limited contact with the Bantu and as generally
keeping their distance from the outside world. In most cases, Pygmies live close to the Bantu and are in
the process of becoming agriculturalists, craftsmen, laborers or miners while maintaining activities linked
to their old lifestyles at varying degrees. In certain cases their link to the forest is nearly or completely
severed (Rutshuru, Masisi and a large part of the Tanganyika district, Katanga province). The majority of
Pygmies today are thus semi nomads whose ties to a certain area depend on the possibilities of shorter or
longer trips to the forest and on work opportunities (plantations, big agricultural campaigns, mining etc.).

Whether they are nomadic, semi-sedentarized or sedentarized, the Pygmies‘ income opportunities are
bleak. Their labor is paid at a very low rate and often they are forced to work without payment. In the
best cases they receive about half of what a Bantu laborer would get paid, generating a monthly income of
only $20 per household. Pressure on natural resources affects their main source of income: cut and burn
agriculture which is spreading out further into the forests, logging which makes it impossible for them to
farm and issues them a de facto useless hunting right (Forestry Code), artisanal mining, excessive hunting
or fishing to which they often contribute in order to satisfy the demand for game meat (for miner
households, logging camps, villages and cities). Their lack of capital makes the utilization of the forest
very difficult (artisanal logging, mining). They are incapable of obtaining official or customary rights of
use (administrative procedures are too complicated for mining permits, objections of Bantu chiefs) and
incapable of investing in the necessary equipment. In and around the National Parks they are forced to
become poachers and beggars, are often subject to bullying, and often lose all access to land. They are
not very apt at farming and, since they mostly tend to other people‘s fields, only own very small parcels
of land which their ‗master‘ can harvest without their authorization. And wherever land is not abundant,
they have difficult access to it. While land is available in the Congo River basin and its margins, in the
distant peripheries of the towns and cities, in the Kivu Mountains and Katanga savannahs, or wherever the
population density is above 50 inhabitants per km2, they are the last ones to obtain parcels of land.

6. Social exclusion and lack of rights: the case of the DRC

6.1. Abuse and social exclusion

In the rest of this paper, our evidence is based on the DRC only since census data do not provide much
direct information on social exclusion and basic rights. As before, this summary of the existing qualitative
evidence is based on World Bank (2009). According to the findings from the DRC fieldwork, many
Pygmies claim to suffer from abuse. This includes forced labor and rape. In addition, their harvest is often
stolen from their own fields, their hunting and gathering equipment is seized. All this is a ― custom‖,
meaning that it is perceived as appropriate and normal. To try and resist it would equal a rebellion for the
Pygmies and they could be tried by customary Bantu tribunals. Trials are usually to their disadvantage
and punishments are often cruel. Many Bantu and some law enforcement agents find it normal to benefit
from this. Reversing these mental schemes and behavior is a complex undertaking and requires the
recognition and affirmation of the Pygmies‘ human rights by the Bantu and the state. To date, Pygmies
are often not considered to be ―n ormal human beings‖ and this is the justification for the abuse that they
suffer at the hands of the Bantu.

The social, political and cultural domination of the Pygmies by the Bantu takes many different forms.
Some situations resemble slavery when the Bantus speak of ― their Pygmies‖; the only missing
characteristic that distinguishes this situation from slavery is that they cannot be bought or sold. Pygmies
do not own the natural resources they exploit; they have access to these resources against the payment of
a tribute. They only obtain farming land temporarily if it is abundant while the Bantu owner retains the
right to take their harvest. If selling the land in question or any other element related to it has to be
negotiated, this is done without consulting the Pygmies. Although there are strong taboos that forbid
sexual relations between members of the two communities (sanction of being dishonored), they are
basically ignored or lifted in most provinces especially within sedentarized communities. The
consequences are often rape or imposed sexual relations from a very young age between Pygmy women
and girls and Bantu men.

The archetypical Pygmy (as seen by many Bantu) has mainly negative characteristics: he is fearful, a liar,
dirty, a thief etc. His positive characteristics include: a hard worker, good for doing the dirtiest and
hardest work for free or cheap, knows nature very well, dances and sings very well and is a good
craftsman. But a Bantu would seldom sit down and eat with a Pygmy. The Pygmies‘ own culture is itself
slowly vanishing under the influence of Bantu societal norms: religion, lifestyle, habitat, behavior. The
Bantu, as the dominant majority, seldom accept the uniqueness of the Pygmies and previous positive links
between the two communities such as links between rites and religious beliefs, the dependency on
pharmaceutical knowledge, trade of agricultural products against hunting produce, etc., are eroding.

All this is happening in a context where the Bantu lifestyle is highly appreciated by the Pygmies: they
respect the Bantu and want to be like them. However, there also is a strong resistance against the Bantu
culture which might be a reflection of necessity: it is not easy for the Pygmies to totally resemble the
Bantu. In some instances the Pygmies see themselves as living in shame and ―t rying to hide‖ (their
nudity for instance). They want to imitate the Bantu way of living with all of its attributes. Yet
sedentarization is only very slowly resulting in the adoption of Bantu social norms by the Pygmies. When
it comes to housing and hygiene for instance, the Pygmies continue to build simple huts even though the
more solid clay Bantu houses they are imitating are literally right next door in the neighboring villages. It
is not possible to invoke poverty or ignorance as reasons for the poor imitation of these houses: building
clay houses only requires unpaid, individual labor. Hygiene is another issue where the adoption of
existing Bantu norms should be easy but is not being done (and it is ostensibly for hygienic reasons that

Pygmies are banished from the common wells, schools etc.). Another example is the use of kitchenware:
if the Pygmies own it, they save it for (foreign) visitors rather than using it themselves.

The Pygmies remain much attached to their ancient lifestyle and poverty alone does not explain the
preservation of this lifestyle. Their cultural model resists change for social reasons. By imitating the
others, they distance themselves from their own group, a source of tension both from within their own
group and from the Bantu ―m asters‖. This leads to a more general point about the acculturation of the
Pygmies. In the past years acculturation was strongly advocated, to facilitate the Pygmies access to public
services for instance. However, this has become somewhat controversial and the question is whether a
more measured approach should be adopted, endorsing choice and alternatives to sedentarization, as well
as the survival of cultural heritage. Still, change is taking place. The Pygmies are becoming more
attracted to areas that offer opportunities, frequently around roads, rather than Bantu villages, because it is
possible to find work there and sell products. Yet, they maintain a profound cultural identity to which
they remain attached and preserve their beliefs, techniques and cultural knowledge. Hence the process of
progressive sedentarization by no means equates with integration into the Bantu society, where the
Pygmies remain marginalized.

The traditional Pygmy culture is thus a threatened culture1. The majority of the Congo‘s Pygmies are in
the process of acculturation, and one of the most influential factors in this process is Christianization. The
hearts of the Pygmy culture, animist beliefs, are under pressure from missionary clerics, especially from
Congolese churches of the Awakening. Observers suggest that for most Pygmies the Christian religion is
merely a cover under which they still maintain and practice their beliefs in their ancestors and the spirit of
the rain forest. This combination of belief systems might not last much longer. The Bantu are exerting an
undeniable pressure on the Pygmies to finally become their ―Bro thers in Christ‖ and resisting this
pressure is perceived as disdainful and archaic. The Christian beliefs have had very little impact on the
nomadic pygmies, for instance the Sankuru, who are widely scattered. But even for the sedentary
Pygmies, animism remains very important. Contrary to most other Congolese, animist rituals are widely
accepted, from circumcision to initiation, birth and marriage rituals, as well as hunting rites such as
calling the game.

6.2. Lack of access to land and forests

The Pygmies‘ income depends entirely on their access to natural resources. The main cause of their
gradual sedentarization (itself the cause of endemic malnutrition) is an increasingly limited access to these
resources, as well as their general degradation, for instance the decreasing numbers of game and wild life.
These are most likely also the reasons for their desire for better living conditions and income
opportunities that the proximity of Bantu settlements and roads provide. Paradoxically, their
sedentarization leads to impoverishment and a deterioration of their living conditions.

The Pygmies have their own customary rights of use for their forest ― territories‖, but the Bantu with
whom they share these territories do not recognize these customary rights. In fact, the concerned areas are
actually owned by the Bantu, Sudanese or Nilotic people according to their own customary law which is
recognized by the state. The state does not recognize the customary rights of Pygmies. The ―own ers‖ of
these territories may grant the Pygmies rights of use, as long as they do not conflict with their own

The traditional knowledge of nature is the most advanced and conserved in nomadic communities. It is possible

that poverty, which makes Pygmies use only their traditional medicine to treat ailments is helping to preserve their
traditional medicine/pharmacopeia. But their music is gradually disappearing from sedentary camps. Nomads have
managed to preserve hunting techniques, whereas sedentary Pygmies, especially around Virunga Park and in
Kalemie, only hunt very rarely and their techniques are slowly being lost. On the other hand, arts and crafts such as
pottery, braiding and weaving are flourishing, and the Pygmies are known for the high quality of their work.

interests or they can benefit from it (e.g., by receiving tributes in the form of game meat, etc.). But as
soon as that changes, the Pygmies can be driven from the land; their customary rights of use are not
legally binding and cannot be defended in court. And even if they had access to the legal system, Pygmies
would be constrained by the power imbalance and their limited influence and experience with the legal

This is equally true for forest resources as well as access to soil and farmland. From one day to another a
Bantu ―own er‖ can stop Pygmies form using ―hi s‖ natural resources. Thus, in all areas where the
demographic pressure increases or new economic opportunities arise – such as mining, artisanal or
industrial logging or plantations – the Pygmies are increasingly compelled to work as underpaid day
laborers. In terms of access to land, the Pygmies‘ situation does not differ from the situation of migrants
of other ethnic groups who are quite numerous in the DRC. The significant difference between these two
groups is that the Pygmies have been present in their territories for millennia. Another threat in terms of
access to natural resources which has arisen throughout the 20th century is the creation of National Parks
(e.g. Virunga National Park). All human exploitation of natural resources, including hunting, is forbidden
inside these parks and thus entire Pygmy groups have been driven from their ancestral homeland and
pushed back to the surrounding areas of the Park, becoming poachers in the eye of the law without any

Because the Pygmies are usually not considered to be the traditional owners of land or resources in the
DRC, they have slowly lost their ancient rights of use in the sense that they have been chased deeper into
the forest or been invaded by or integrated into Bantu, Sudanese or Nilotic societies. The forest itself has
gradually been claimed and appropriated by their invaders. In these territories and within this legal
framework, the Pygmies have thus only acquired or preserved rights of use that are linked to servitude.
Every forest in the DRC has a customary owner who is not Pygmy. This owner can tolerate and for that
matter benefit from Pygmy presence in ―h is‖ forest (for instance as hunters and meat providers) but he
can also use the forest for other purposes including concessions or conceding rights of use to other uses
such as logging or mining rights). They do not have to consult the Pygmies at all and the law does not
require them to do so, even if the Pygmies have been residing in the forest long before them. This is also
true for every other Congolese migrant who is settling down in an area he does not originate from: he can
obtain rights of use from the customary owner for natural resources (land and forest) but these rights can
be withdrawn unless he obtains a concessionary right which is recognized by the state.

The Pygmies thus live on the land of others, just like migrants. Their rights of use are always linked to the
payments of returns to the customary owner. In addition, the customary rights of Bantu owners were
initially merely clan rights for the operation of communal land. However, they have slowly turned into
patrimonial rights for the chief and his lineage. The chief can make use of his rights as he wishes and
dispossess himself and all the members of his clan (to their detriment) by selling ―hi s‖ land. These
patrimonial ties which have been reinforced by the Land Act are the cause of a large number of
expropriations in DRC and have been the reason for many violent conflicts.

The Congolese Land Act (Loi Foncière), Bagajika, of 1973, which was amended and completed in 1981, stipulates

that all the national territory belongs to the state. Concessionary dispositions however, allow for private land
ownership both in urban and rural areas. These clauses have recently been complemented with the Forestry Code
(Code Forestier) and the Mining Code (Code Minier). Apart from these concessions (rural, urban, forest and mines),
customary law applies, even if the resources in question can be subject to concessions at all times. To date, no
concessionary transaction has taken place in the DRC without the traditional owners receiving something in return
for their land and therefore de facto selling their property. Usually land is bought from the customary owner and
then registered as private property.

The Forestry Code does not distinguish between rights of use and customary property rights, a distinction
which is crucial for customary law, since the state is the owner of the forest according to the Code. Thus
the Forestry Code recognizes customary rights of use but does not clarify how the custom defines them.
Also, Article 37 outlaws all commercial activities, thus hunting, in protected forests and production
forests. The Forestry Code distinguishes between classified forests (which make up 15% of the national
territory), protected forests and production forests. The latter are part of the protected areas that have been
made industrial concessions, either through tendering or conversion, or community concessions (by
presidential decree). Hunting is forbidden in classified forests and agriculture is forbidden in forestry
concession zones. Pygmies are basically forbidden to commercialize the products of their main activity,
hunting, and they cannot farm in forest concessions which they would need to do for their survival since
the noise from the engines chases away wild life and makes hunting extremely difficult. Their only choice
is to leave the area.

Another obstacle for the Pygmies is linked to the concept of ―c ommunity forest concessions‖. This is
where the notion of customary property resurfaces. Article 22 of the Code stipulates: ―Alocal community
may, upon request, obtain through a forest concession part of or an entire protected forest among the
forests that are regularly owned under customary law. The modalities of the attribution of such a
concession to a community are determined by presidential decree. The attribution is free.‖ This article
very clearly excludes any community forest concession to the benefit of the Pygmies simply because the
Pygmies generally do not own forests according to customary law. The attribution by presidential decree
politicizes the debate on a high political level and is an additional obstacle for the Pygmies.

It has to be emphasized that the zoning process is necessary prior to any new concession of forest territory
(therefore the necessary extension of the moratorium). Because of the Code the Pygmies main source of
income, hunting, is placed under surveillance and their main substitutive activity, agriculture, is forbidden
in the concessions and protected areas. Every zoning process therefore has to take Pygmy interests into
consideration and reserve special areas for them for hunting and agriculture. Another issue that has arisen
due to the Forestry Code concerns the cahier de charges, that is the social responsibility and investments
that logging companies have to make for local communities. It is important to ensure that the Pygmies
will benefit from them, so that their signature is essential for the validation of each cahier des charges.

6.3. Lack of institutional representation

Pygmy participation in the administration is weak in the DRC. Contrary to the Bantu, whose villages are
linked to ―l ocalités‖ that are recognized as administrative entities by the state, Pygmy camps are not.
From the viewpoint of the administration they are considered as hamlets in a Bantu, Sudanese or Nilotic
―localité‖. In order to understand the difference one has to come back to the different social structures and
administrative history of the different components of Congolese society. Social organization in
chiefdoms is a Bantu, Sudanese or Nilotic institution. Today the division of the entire Congolese territory
and the appropriation of land is based on chiefdoms, to the detriment of older forms of social organization
such as the Pygmies‘. The colonial administration was built on the customary Bantu land division to
create administrative districts, groupements and chiefdoms or sectors. In the Congolese system,
groupements are nearly always headed by representatives of the traditional chief, mostly of the chiefdom-
sectors. ―Loc alité‖ chiefs are nearly always appointed by the groupement chiefs.

The customary and administrative systems are therefore closely intertwined. The chief of the ―l ocalité‖
could be the chief of a certain parcel of land or the representative of the chiefdom or groupement chief
(being chief over land can be distinct from political chiefdom in some cases) or even a person nominated
by the sector chief (who is not part of the customary hierarchy) but in this case that person is still linked
to the customary system in most cases. The Pygmies who never had and still do not have hereditary chiefs
are therefore excluded from the political and administrative system. However, the recognition of

administrative interlocutors for the Pygmy communities is beginning to emerge. In some cases, the Bantu
―localité‖ chiefs nominate representatives for the Pygmy neighborhoods, hamlets or villages, and these
representatives become de facto ― localité‖ chiefs themselves. As such, they are the main contact person
for the Pygmies, not only for liaison with the official Bantu ―l ocalité‖ chiefs, but also as a leader and a
contact point with the outside world. Often, they already have a prominent position within their own
communities which is why they are acknowledged and accepted as representatives of the ― localité‖ chiefs.

This ― localité chiefdom‖ is not of a territorial nature, i.e., it is not associated with particular land rights or
access to natural resources in specific areas. It is rather a position of leadership and representation. This
process of delegation is even common for some nomadic pygmies or in areas where Pygmies are
relatively most numerous. In addition, the sector administration may recognize people who have been
chosen by the communities themselves as groupement chiefs for several camps. Thus, non hereditary and
non official administrative structures that are tied to communities and not land are gradually being put in
place. These para-administrations which have no control over land in terms of ownership and distribution
are nevertheless being mainstreamed and established through a double process of acknowledgement from
above by the official administration and from below by Pygmy communities.

Representation of the Pygmies in the provision of public services is close to non-existent, except in the
―territories‖ of Equateur Sud (Bikoro, Ingende) where better educated and more numerous Pygmies have
been able to overcome their ―s hyness‖ and the disdain of others and have representatives within the
technical services. However, with a few exceptions they do not have many responsibilities. Participation
in Civil Society institutions is also very weak, including NGOs. The survey did not look at Pygmy staff in
Pygmy support NGOs, but it is known, that their numbers are very low. Pastors and clergymen charged
with the Christianization of the Pygmies seldom belong to the Pygmy communities.

Pygmies‘ participation in the most recent elections was high, which suggests that the Pygmies are willing
to be part of society. The affirmation of their citizenship by the Independent Electoral Commission (and
the Constitution) through the distribution of voting papers and the act of voting itself, has been perceived
as a recognition of their individual and communal citizenship and therefore has had a considerable
political and psychological impact. Yet although the Pygmies seem eager to vote, Pygmy candidates in
elections are rare, even in areas where Pygmies are a majority. However, the number of candidates for the
2006 provincial parliamentary elections increased in areas with higher Pygmy populations, even if none
of the candidates were successful. Fieldwork suggests that several Pygmy candidates will be running for
the sector elections in Katanga and Equateur Sud, which points to a gradual emergence of greater political
awareness and desire to be active participants in the political process. Thus while for now elections
remain subject to manipulations and clientelism by Bantu politicians, Pygmy leaders are slowly emerging
at the ―localites‖ level, a trend which may continue in those districts with a proportionally high Pygmy
population (more than 30%): the three Euquateur Districts and Mai Ndombe (Ingende, Bikoro and Koro),
Mambasa in Province Orientale and Kalemie and Manono in the Tanganyika Nyunzu.

6.4. Lack of citizenship and registration

Formal identification in the DRC can only be received after obtaining a birth certificate and getting
registered. This is a prerequisite in order to be able to benefit from all rights linked to citizenship, like the
right to vote. As a result, Pygmies are rarely legal citizens. Births, marriages and deaths are seldom
registered in the nearest civil registry office. This is true for all provinces and also for the Bantu, albeit to
a lesser degree than for the Pygmies. Most IDs provided for all kinds of administrative requirements are
counterfeit in rural areas. This is often due to the fact that births are seldom registered in conformity with
the schedule fixed by the law (they are either registered late or not at all). Deaths also are rarely

The fieldwork provides a number of possible explanations for the low Pygmy registration rates including
the distance to the civil registry offices, poverty (fees have to be paid for the registration and stamp), and
the attitude of civil servants who like to keep them at distance from their offices. For example, the
sector‘s civil registry offices are sometimes more than a 100km away from Pygmy camps and villages.
The territorial administration had originally established registration at the village level, by the ― localité‖
chief. A number of chiefs do it in certain provinces, sometimes even with a lot of diligence and rigor, but
it is not widespread. Citizenship cannot be accorded to all citizens, especially in rural areas, in an
effective and reliable fashion if registrations are not done at the village level since many villages are
remote and too far away from sector offices. This in return increases the opportunity and financial cost of
registrations which many poor families are not willing to pay. Data collected at village level could simply
be transferred to the census agents at the sector level. Currently however, registration is perceived as an
additional tax by the population, which is why they try to evade it, and as an additional source of income
for the civil servants, which is why they do not have any interest in decentralizing it to ― localité‖ chiefs.
This makes it impossible to increase the number of registrations and make them more systematic. In
addition, fieldwork has shown that there is certain mistrust towards what is perceived as ―Bant u power‖
and therefore the agents of the state.

7. Conclusion

This study has demonstrated that the Pygmies in Central Africa not only tend to live in extreme poverty,
but as importantly, qualitative evidence indicates they are often the victims of prejudice. Many aspects of
the Pygmies living conditions which are directly linked to their traditional lifestyle are considered by
other groups such as the Bantu to be an example of a lifestyle that is ― dedicated to suffering‖. Their
hardiness is seen as an adaptation to a ― life of shortages‖. They lack drinking water, sufficient and
diversified food, soap, solid houses that can protect them against bad weather, hygiene (body, clothes,
housing), commodities, presentable clothes and shoes. The study also suggests that this negative image is
increasingly becoming the way that the Pygmies see themselves too. They wish to make up for ―t heir
shortcomings‖ and when asked, individually or in groups, they respond that they want to be ―l ike them‖
(the Bantu).

There is thus a fundamental ambiguity in the Pygmies‘ position towards their own culture and identity.
This culture and identity is a symbol for archaism and often the reason for their marginalization by many
Bantu. At the same time, the Pygmies are also seen to embody a valuable cultural heritage that should be
protected and preserved. Their culture embodies one of the most original forms of human adaptation to
the particular ecological conditions of the rain forest. They have a sophisticated knowledge of their
environment and the possibilities for humans to adapt to it in a sustainable manner. They also have
valuable cultural and artistic skills which are a major component of their countries‘ heritage

It is clear that the Pygmies are in the process of an accelerated integration into the broader society through
their sedentarization. As an unmanaged process with little input from the Pygmy themselves,
sedentarization of the Pygmies to date has been intimately linked to their impoverishment, exploitation
and poor health and education outcomes.

The challenge for minorities such as the Pygmy is to manage the process of their transformation in an
increasingly global society. This however, requires a degree of autonomy, empowerment and education
which the Pygmies lack. As the poorest group in some of the world‘s poorest countries (especially in the
case of CAR and the DRC), they do not currently have the means or capacity to manage the process of


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Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Chapter 5: China

A Case Study in Rapid Poverty Reduction

Emily Hannum
Department of Sociology and Population Studies Center
University of Pennsylvania

Meiyan Wang
Institute of Population and Labor Economics
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought and
discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.

This chapter investigates poverty and social welfare among China’s minority groups.
Focusing on the Zhuang, Manchu, Hui, Miao, and Uygur populations, China’s five largest
minority groups, as well as other minorities in the aggregate, this chapter will begin by providing
an introduction to the classification of ethnic groups in China. We consider the relationship of
this classification scheme to the concept of indigenous populations, and develop working
definitions of minority status and ethnic group for use in the chapter. We then discuss recent
economic trends and introduce some of the main government policies targeted toward ethnic
minorities. With this context established, we introduce the data employed in the chapter, namely
the 2002 rural sample of the Chinese Household Income Project and recent censuses and surveys.
We then proceed to the main body of the report. We present empirical evidence about
demographics and geography and investigate ethnic disparities in poverty rates, income and
employment, educational access and attainment, health care, and access to social programs. We
close with a summary of main findings and their implications for development activities in
minority areas and for further policy research on ethnic stratification.

Nationalities, Ethnic Groups, and the Concept of Indigenous Populations

We begin by providing background on the ethnic classifications used in this paper. As in

other countries, in China, concepts of ethnicity and the classification of ethnic groups have
fluctuated dramatically over the course of history. The name used to refer to ethnic groups in
China today, minzu (民族), is a 20th century adaptation of the cognate Japanese term, minzoku
(民族), and is often translated as ― ethnic nation,‖ ―ethno-nation,‖ or ― nationality‖ (Gladney
2004). The particular categories in use today were largely set in place after the People's
Republic of China was founded in 1949, as the State set out to identify and recognize as minority
nationalities those who qualified among the hundreds of groups applying for national minority
status. Decisions followed a Soviet model, and were based on the ― four commons‖: language,
territory, economic life, and psychological make-up, meaning that ethnic minorities were
identified as having common linguistic, economic, geographic, or cultural characteristics that
distinguished them from the so-called Han majority population (Fei 1981, cited in Gladney 2004).
While scholars have debated the procedures for and aptness of some of the original official
classifications, these classifications have become fairly set over time, with few new categories
created in the ensuing years (Gladney 2004). Today, the Chinese government officially
recognizes 55 minority nationalities (少数民族,shaoshu minzu), along with the Han majority
nationality (汉族, hanzu), a ― naturalized‖ category, and an unknown category that encompasses
about 350 other ethnic groups not recognized individually (Wong 2000, p. 56). The officially-
designated minority population in China grew from 5.8 percent of the total in the 1964 census to
over 8 percent in 2000 (West 2004 and Table 1). China’s minority populations are culturally and
linguistically diverse, as suggested by the fact that they span the Sino-Tibetan, Indo-European,
Austro-Asiatic, and Altaic language families (see Map 1 for an ethno-linguistic map of China).

—Table 1 and Map 1 about here.—

Minzu categories do not map cleanly onto various notions of indigenous populations.
Globally, the term ―
indigenous‖ is not one with a widely agreed-upon definition. For purposes

of illustrating disconnects between the ― indigenous‖ concept and the concept of minzu, we will
use one of several definitions proposed in a working paper by the United Nations Working
Group on Indigenous Populations, and again in a report by the United Nations Development
Group (Daes 1996, p. 22 and United Nations Development Group 2008, p. 9). This definition
lists several elements ― considered relevant to‖ the definition of indigenous by international
organizations and legal experts (United Nations Development Group 2008, p. 9):
1. Priority in time, with respect to the occupation and use of a specific
2. The voluntary perpetuation of cultural distinctiveness, which may include
the aspects of language, social organization, religion and spiritual values,
modes of production, laws and institutions;
3. Self-identification, as well as recognition by other groups, or by State
authorities, as a distinct collectivity; and
4. An experience of subjugation, marginalization, dispossession, exclusion or
discrimination, whether or not these conditions persist.

According to Michaud (2009, p. 37), no organizations from China are found on the list of
members of the United Nations Forum on the World’s Indigenous People. While these
circumstances may be due in part to a political reluctance to label minorities in this way, the
notion of indigenous peoples is not wholly appropriate for other reasons (Michaud 2009, p. 37).
As Michaud (2009, p. 37) writes of the highland groups of southwest China, one issue is that
many groups are not actually indigenous to the region where they dwell today. More broadly,
while members of some minority groups do meet the above elements of the definition of
―indigenous,‖ with the exception of the third point above about official recognition, one could
argue that some groups designated as ethnic minorities in China fail to meet the elements of the
definition of indigenous populations. Conversely, some members of the group labeled as being
part of the ethnic majority Han population, especially some rural members, could be argued to
meet definitional elements. In fact, while the term for the majority, Han, has existed throughout
history in China, Gladney (2004) has argued that the promulgation and widespread acceptance of
an official Han label in the early 20th century served a political purpose of unifying disparate
socio-cultural groups under a common national ethnic identity—groups with strong local
identities and cultures, and dialects as disparate as different romance languages.

Conceptually, there is room to debate the most appropriate boundaries with which to
classify groups for the purpose of investigating issues of ethnicity or indigenous status. However,
empirically, there is no option at present other than to employ the official minzu categories. To
follow conventional English usage, we will translate minzu categories as ethnic categories, rather
than ethno-nation or nationality categories. Where possible, we will discuss particular ethnic
groups, focusing on the largest ethnic minority groups—the Zhuang (Bouxcuengh) (壮族,
Zhuangzu), the Manchu (满族, Manzu), the Hui (回族, Huizu), the Miao or Hmong (苗族,
Miaozu), and the Uygur (sometimes also spelled Uighur, Uigur, or in transliteration of the
Mandarin ethnonym, Weiwuerzu or Weizu) (维吾尔族, Weiwuerzu) —along with an ― Other‖
category that encompasses all other groups than these and the Han majority. However, due to
limited data sources on ethnic minorities and small sample sizes, and due to the need for a
parsimonious summary of ethnic differences, some of the chapter will compare minorities as a
group to non-minorities as a group. Any summary statements about the overall situation of

minorities will necessarily gloss over the cultural and socioeconomic diversity across, and of
course also within, ethnic categories.

Economic History

Incomes in China have grown dramatically in recent decades, with mean household per
capita income growing from 272 Yuan in 1981 to 990 Yuan in 2001 (at 1980 prices) (Ravallion
and Chen 2007, Table 1). Measured by the new international poverty standard of 1.25 USD per
person per day, China’s poverty headcount index dropped from 85 percent in 1981 to 27 percent
in 2004, with rapid progress in the most recent period (World Bank 2009, p. iii; estimates using
2005 Purchasing Power Parity for China). Rates are much lower using China’s official poverty
line, but the reduction is similarly dramatic. At the same time, the impact of growth on the poor
has been mitigated by rising inequality (Ravallion and Chen 2007). According to a recent World
Bank report, estimates from national rural and urban household surveys indicate that the Gini
index of income inequality rose from 30.9 percent in 1981 to 45.3 percent by 2003 (World Bank
2009, p. 33).

Importantly for the purposes of this chapter, patterns of growth, poverty reduction, and
inequality have been uneven across regions. For example, using multi-province panel data, Goh,
Luo and Zhu (2009, p. 489) found that between 1989 and 2004, income in coastal provinces
more than tripled, while income in inland provinces doubled. By 2004, mean per capita
household income in inland provinces was barely two-thirds of the corresponding coastal
province figure. Ravallion and Chen (2007, p. 31) found that coastal provinces had significantly
higher trend rates of poverty reduction, compared to other provinces. Poverty is most severe in
remote mountainous and minority areas (World Bank 2009).

The urban-rural dimension of inequality is also important, with estimates of the ratio of
nominal mean urban income to rural income reaching as high as 3.3 by 2007 (World Bank 2009,
p. 35). The income gap between rural and urban areas fell after the initiation of market reforms
in 1978, then increased after the late 1980s, though when adjustments are made for inflation and
for cost-of living differences between rural and urban areas, the trend is less strong (Cai and
Wang 2008, p. 61; World Bank 2009). However, urban-rural income ratios still increased
significantly since the mid-1990s, and the absolute gap between urban and rural incomes
widened tremendously (World Bank 2009, p. 35). Sicular et al. (2007, table 1) correct for a
number of data limitations in earlier work that may have overstated the urban-rural gap, and still
estimate a substantial urban-rural income ratio in 2002, at 2.3. Other recent estimates indicate
that household income per capita incomes in urban areas have been roughly 2.5 to 2.7 times
those in rural areas in recent years (Cai and Wang 2008; Ravallion and Chen 2007; World Bank

Like levels of income, the urban-rural gap in income has a spatial dimension. Goh, Luo
and Zhu (2009, p. 489) found that the rural-urban gap in inland provinces was wider and rose
faster than in coastal provinces. Similarly, Sicular et al. (2007) found that urban–rural income
ratios in the western regions were higher, above three, than those in the center or eastern regions,
at about two. Moreover, between 1995 and 2002, the urban-rural gap rose in the west and center,
but declined in the east, suggesting that those parts of China where poverty is most concentrated
were falling farther behind, in relative terms (Sicular et al. 2007, pp.101-102). As we will

discuss further in the section on demographics and geography, for those minority groups who
live disproportionately in interior regions, rural areas, and remote and mountainous areas, while
growth and poverty reduction are likely to have ameliorated absolute economic disadvantage,
patterns of inequality are likely to have perpetuated relative disadvantage.

Policies Related to Ethnic Minorities

Government policies that shape the rights and opportunities of official minorities are also
important as context for understanding social and economic disparities by ethnic group. Being a
member of a recognized ethnic minority in China implies a set of statuses somewhat different
from those of non-minority members. One important element of minority status is access, at
least for groups in some regions, to political representation through regional autonomy policies.
According to a 2000 White Paper on minority policy in China (Information Office of the State
Council of the People’s Republic of China 2000, section 3), ― Regional autonomy for ethnic
minorities means that under the unified leadership of the state[,] regional autonomy is practiced
in areas where people of ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities; in these areas[,]
[instruments] of self-government are established for the exercise of autonomy and for people of
ethnic minorities to become masters of their own areas and manage the internal affairs of their
own regions.‖ i There are several types of autonomous areas for ethnic minorities in China,
established under different demographic circumstances, including autonomous regions,
prefectures, counties, townships (Information Office of the State Council of the People’s
Republic of China 2000, section 3). At the highest administrative level, there are five province-
level autonomous regions: the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ( 内 蒙 古 自 治 区 , Nei
Menggu Zizhiqu), founded in 1947; the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治
区,Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu), founded in 1955; the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (广
西壮族自治区, Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu), founded in 1958; the Ningxia Hui Autonomous
Region (宁夏 回族自 治区, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu), also founded in 1958; and the Tibet
Autonomous Region (西藏自治区,Xizang Zizhiqu), founded in 1965.

Autonomous areas have the right to self-government. The instruments of self-

government of autonomous areas, as stipulated in the Constitution, are the people's congresses
and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous
counties (Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China 2000,
section 3). The Law on Ethnic Regional Autonomy specifies that all ethnic groups in
autonomous areas shall elect appropriate numbers of deputies to take part in the people's
congresses at various levels (Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of
China 2000, section 3). Specifically, among the chairman or vice-chairmen of the standing
committee of the people's congress of an autonomous area, there shall be one or more citizens of
the ethnic group or groups exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned; the head of an
autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county shall be a citizen of the ethnic
group exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned, and the other members of the people's
governments of these regions, prefectures and counties shall include members of the ethnic
group exercising regional autonomy, as well as members of other ethnic minorities, as far as
possible. Instruments of self government in autonomous areas have a series of designated rights
and functions, which include legislative power, the power to ― flexibly carry out, or halt the
carrying out of, some decisions‖, the right to develop area economies and control local finances,

the power to train and employ ethnic minority cadres (government officials), the power to
develop education and minority cultures, the power to develop and employ local spoken and
written languages, and the power to develop technological, scientific and cultural and
undertakings.‖ (Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China 2000,
section 3). ii

Beyond policies on regional autonomy, the reform era dating from the late 1970s has
seen the emergence of a growing network of laws intended to advance the interests of
historically disadvantaged ethnic groups, with the intention of improving ethnic relations
(Sautman 1999). Policies confer specific benefits on minority groups, including the heightened
access to local political office already discussed, looser family planning restrictions, educational
benefits, and special economic assistance, including tax relief (Hoddie 1998, p. 120; Sautman
1999; Gladney 2004). These policies have contributed to a situation in which individuals have
moved across ethnic boundaries over time to claim minority status—a phenomenon particularly
pronounced in the early reform years immediately following the Cultural Revolution (Hoddie
1998; Gladney 2004, pp. 20-21).

Some of the most important incentives for claiming minority status have to do with
family planning policies and education policies. Fertility controls in China are less stringent for
many minority groups than for the Han majority (Gladney 2004, p. 81). Gu et al. (2007) recently
reviewed provincial fertility control policies in China, with a focus on provincial differences in
implementation of the one-child policy. The authors found that only 5 of China’s 31 provinces,
municipalities, and autonomous regions did not grant a second-child exemption to minority
couples, reportedly defined as a couple in which at least one member belongs to a recognized
minority group (see Table 1, pp. 134-135). In all of the 11 provinces, municipalities, and
autonomous regions where a third child exemption was granted under some conditions, minority
status was a criterion, though the details of the exemption varied considerably from place to
place (see Table 1, pp. 134-135).

In education, since the late 1970s, policy makers have supported the establishment of
minority boarding schools and affirmative action policies for matriculation into colleges and
universities, and subsidies for minority students (Ross 2006, p. 25; Lin 1997; Sautman 1999, p.
289). University admissions quotas reserve spots only for minorities at universities, and
minorities can be accepted with lower entrance scores on the Unified Examination for University
Entrance (gaokao, 高考) (Clothey 2005, p. 396). In addition to these benefits, 12 national
minority institutes and one national minority university have been established that are dedicated
specifically to the higher education of minority students (Clothey 2005, p. 396). Given the great
demand for higher education, these benefits are highly prized and offer significant incentives for
claiming minority status.

While not a central element of incentives for claiming minority status, an additional set of
important education policies have sought to address language of instruction issues critical for
enhancing minority educational participation. The Chinese constitution has two provisions
concerning language (Ma 2007, p. 15): Article 4 states that each ethnic group has the freedom to
use and develop its own language and writing system, and Article 19 states that the national
government will promote a common language to be used throughout the country. Article 6 of the

Compulsory Education Law specifies that schools should promote the use of Mandarin (the
national vernacular) (Ma 2007, p. 15). In a 1980 publication,iii the Ministry of Education and the
China State Ethnic Affairs Commission required that every ethnic group with a language and
writing system should use that language for educational instruction, while also learning spoken
and written Mandarin (Ma 2007, p. 15).

Regional and local governments shape the ways in which bilingual and multicultural
education are incorporated into education across China (for a discussion of legislation from
different regional and local governments in China, see Zhou 2005; for in-depth case studies of
bilingual education in Yunnan and Sichuan, see Xiao 1998 and Teng 2002). Ma (2007, pp. 15-
16, quoting Zhou Wangyun 1989, p. 31) states that when governmental educational authorities
were planning and developing bilingual education, the principle they employed was
consideration of the existing local language environment, along with social and economic
development needs, pedagogical benefits, and preferences of residents. Scholars classify the
modes of bilingual education in China as falling into transition models (transitioning to
Mandarin) or maintenance models (maintaining the origin language), with the determination
between the two affected by the existence of a well-established writing system and the ethnic
composition of local areas (Feng 2005, p. 534; Lin 1997; Teng 2002; see Ross 2006 for a
discussion of language law in China).iv

There are significant practical challenges to developing minority-language materials for

instruction, especially for smaller minority groups and those without well-established writing
systems. Important and obvious among these challenges are the human and economic resource
constraints that pervade schools serving poor rural communities. Situations where there is no
minority written language, or where there are multiple, non-Han ethnic groups attending the
same school, present additional challenges. Another challenge to meaningful bilingual education
is that of developing curriculum when instructional concepts do not exist in the minority
language.v This practical linguistic challenge also represents an extreme example of the kind of
cultural discontinuity that children from some minority groups may experience in the school

Despite these challenges, there is a significant commitment to minority language

maintenance and bilingual education (Ross 2006; see CERNET 2005a,b). The reform era dating
from the late 1970s has seen support by policy makers for the increased use of several minority
scripts in literacy education and for increased bilingual education, such that schools with a
majority of minority language users can use minority languages as the primary medium of
instruction (CERNET 2005a; Lin 1997; Ministry of Education 1986, Article 6: Ministry of
Education 1995, Article 12; Ross 2006, p. 25; Sautman 1999, p. 289). vi Candidates for
nationalities institutes may sit the gaokao in their native language, though it is not clear that all
minority languages are available as options (Clothey 2005, p. 396). Some applicants to minority
region comprehensive universities and polytechnic institutes may also take the exam in their
native language, and minority students may take higher education courses in their region’s main
nationality language (Clothey 2005, pp. 397-398).

Many of the economic benefits accruing to minorities have to do with the fact that
poverty-stricken minority areas have figured prominently in China’s rural poverty alleviation

initiatives. A key characteristic of national poverty alleviation efforts has been regional
targeting—that poverty reduction funds from the government are targeted at defined regions and
not directly at poor populations (Wang 2004, pp. 19-20). Counties remained the basic units for
state poverty reduction investments until 2001 (Wang 2004, p. 19). The central government
designated national poor counties, beginning in 1986, and required that provincial governments
also designate and support with provincial funds ―
provincial poor counties‖(Wang 2004, p. 22).

In principal, the standard for being selected as a nationally-designated poor county was
that the average net income per capita of all rural residents within the county was less than 150
Yuan in 1985, but less than one-third of counties actually met this standard (Wang 2004, p. 20;
Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 2001, section IV). In
part, the slippage in targeting was due to special treatment given to minority areas (Wang 2004, p.
20). For example, according to a White Paper on rural poverty reduction, the relief standard set
for autonomous counties could be 200 Yuan to 300 Yuan (Information Office of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China 2001, section IV). After the 1993 launch of the
― Eight-Seven Poverty Reduction Plan (1994-2000),‖ which had the goal of eliminating absolute
poverty by the end of the century, the government made adjustments to the designated poor
county list (Wang 2004, p. 20). Among the 592 impoverished counties on the State's adjusted
list, there were 257 ethnic minority counties, accounting for 43.4 percent (Information Office of
the State Council of the People's Republic of China 2001, section IV).

In addition to favoring autonomous regions and western provinces with large ethnic
minority populations such as Yunnan, Guizhou and Qinghai in allocating aid-the-poor funds, the
central government has also arranged special funds such as the "Ethnic Minority Development
Fund" to address specific problems facing minority areas (Information Office of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China 2001, section IV). According to government reports,
from 1994 to 2000, the State invested 43.253 billion Yuan in the Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet,
Ningxia and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions, and Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai provinces (State
Council of the People's Republic of China 2001, section IV). During one or two years during the
Eight-Seven Plan, poverty alleviation credit funds for six relatively economically developed
coastal provinces (Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, and Liaoning) were pooled
for use among the central and western regions where the poverty problems were more severe
(Government of China 1993). The plan also specified that in nationally designated old military
base areas, minority areas, and border areas, new businesses could have a three year delay in
paying taxes, or pay only partial taxes (Government of China 1993). Minority areas remained a
focus of poverty alleviation and development strategies in the most recent plan, the ― Poverty
Reduction Compendium, 2001-2010,‖ in which village targeting was proposed, though key
poverty reduction counties were still designated and the counties would still exercise overall
administration of poverty reduction funds (Government of China 2001; Wang 2004, p. 24).

Data Used

In the remainder of this chapter, we assess available evidence about the socioeconomic
circumstances of ethnic minorities in China. To do so, we draw on four sources of data. The
first source, referred to hereafter as the 1990 Census, is a one percent micro-sample of the
1990 China population census data. The second data source, referred to hereafter as the 2000
census, is a 0.95 per thousand micro-sample of the 2000 China population census data. The third

source of data, referred to hereafter as the 2005 mid-censal survey or mini-census, is a 20 percent
micro-sample of 2005 China 1% population sampling survey data. For these three data sources,
we dropped collective households from the sample and only analyze family households. These
sources cover all provinces. The 1990 and 2000 census forms were very limited, and do not
contain information on earnings. The 2005 mini-census does contain earnings information.

The fourth source of data employed here is the 2002 Rural Chinese Household Income
Project survey data, referred to hereafter as the 2002 CHIP. The 2002 CHIP rural sample is a
multi-stage sample that covers 22 provincial level administrative units of China: Beijing, Hebei,
Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan,
Guangdong, Guanxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang.
Sampled households are located in 961 villages located in 120 different counties (Gustafsson and
Ding 2004, p. 5). vii In addition to household questionnaires, village questionnaires were
administered to cadres.

Demographics and Geography

—Map 2 about here.—

We turn next to a discussion of demographics and geography. In certain parts of China,

minorities constitute a much larger proportion of the population than their national share of 8
percent, and demographic differences across China’s regions and urban-rural divide are
significantly related to patterns of socioeconomic advantage and disadvantage by ethnic group.
There are three interrelated dimensions of geography—region, urbanicity, and topography—that
provide critical context for thinking about ethnic differences in many dimensions of social
welfare. First, for many groups, ethnic differences in social welfare indicators are tied closely to
China’s regional economic disparities, meaning coast-interior and inter-provincial economic
disparities. Many ethnic groups reside in the interior western parts of the country. As Table 1
and Map 2 illustrate, minorities are most heavily represented in the strategic, resource-rich
periphery in the portions of the northeast, central-south to southwest, and northwest (Schein
1997, p. 71-72). In 2000, the Autonomous Regions—Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Ningxia, and
Inner Mongolia—along with the provinces of Qinghai (青海), Guizhou (贵州), and Yunnan (云
南) contained the most county-level units with minority population shares exceeding 40 percent
(West 2004). These regions and provinces are among the poorest in terms of rural household
income (West 2004). Among villages sampled in the rural 2002 Chinese Household Income
Project (CHIP) survey, about one-fifth of non-minority villages were in nationally-designated
poor counties, compared to about one-third of minority villages (see Table 2).

—Table 2 and Figure 1 about here.—

However, the scope and nature of the disparity in geographic location compared to the
Han population varies considerably across specific ethnic groups. Figure 1, based on the 2000
census, depicts the distribution by ethnic group across China’s macro-regions. Distributions are
shown for the Han population, for each of the five largest minority groups, and for other
minorities, as a group. About 59 percent of the Han population is in the east and central south,
with just 14 percent and 7 percent in the poor regions of the southwest and northwest,

respectively. The picture is quite different for minorities. Nearly all Zhuang live in the central-
south region (92 percent), the location of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, with the
remainder living in the southwest (8 percent). Nearly all Manchus live in the north (28 percent)
and northeast regions (69 percent); virtually all Miao live in the central-south (30 percent) and
southwest (68 percent); and virtually all Uygurs (close to 100 percent) live in the northwest, the
vast majority in their home Autonomous Region. Fully half of all Hui, who are among the most
dispersed of ethnic groups, live in the northwest, and 55 percent of other minorities live in the

—Figure 2 about here.—

As noted earlier, the urban-rural line is also an important element of inequality, with
urban household income per capita incomes in urban areas far outpacing incomes in rural areas
in recent years (Cai and Wang 2008). Minorities, as a group, are less urbanized than the Han
population. Figure 2 illustrates this point by showing the percent urban by ethnic group and year,
based on the 2000 census and the 2005 mid-censal survey.

Figure 2 also shows two important exceptions among the largest ethnic minority groups.
One exception is the Manchus, descendants of the ruling class of the last imperial dynasty, the
Qing Dynasty. Manchus tend to live in the more industrialized north and northeast, and their
degree of urbanization approximates that of the Han. Manchus are a highly assimilated group,
most of whom do not speak the Manchu language. This point is related to the fact that Manchus
were among the groups with the highest rate of reclaiming minority status (moving from non-
minority to minority status) in the 1980s (Hoddie 1998; West 2004, Table 1).

The second exception is the Hui, sometimes known as ethnic Chinese Muslims to
distinguish them from other Muslim ethnic groups of Turkic, Persian, and Mongolian descent.
Hui are said to be descendents of Middle Eastern merchants, emissaries, soldiers, and traders
who began coming to China as early as the Tang and Song Dynasties (618 A.D. to 1279 A.D.),
and intermarried with local populations (Lipman 1997, p. 25; Gladney 2004, p. 161). Hui are
among the most urbanized ethnic groups in China, as well as being highly dispersed across the
country (Poston and Shu 1987, p. 25). Gladney (2004) has suggested that because the category
―Hui‖ has been defined mainly based on religion, it encompasses groups with very different
geographical ties and cultural practices.

All groups except the Uygur, a Turkic Muslim group that resides predominantly in an
Autonomous Region in the far Northwest of China, were notably more urbanized in 2005 than in
2000. However, the continuing low levels of urbanization among the Zhuang, but especially
among the Miao, Uygur and ― Other‖ categories, suggest the disadvantaged context, in
infrastructure terms and in economic opportunities, faced by these groups.

Finally, and related to the regional and urbanization differences already mentioned,
minorities are more likely to live in more isolated, remote villages with difficult topography and
poor infrastructure. In villages surveyed as part of the 2002 CHIP, minority villages were about
twice as likely as non-minority villages to be located in mountainous areas—38 to 44 percent of
minority villages, depending on definition, were reported to be in mountainous areas (see Table

3). Related to these topographical differences, minority villages sampled in the 2002 CHIP
tended to be more isolated: further from seats of government and transportation; more recently
electrified; and more likely to still lack telephone access (see Table 4) (for a detailed description
of economic differences across minority and non-minority villages, see Gustaffson and Ding
2006). As will become clear in the following discussions, regional and urban-rural inequalities
and village remoteness and isolation play are important pieces of contextual information in
interpreting ethnic differences in poverty, income, and social welfare outcomes.

—Tables 3 and 4 about here.—

Poverty and Income Disparities

—Table 5 about here.—

We turn now to a discussion of poverty and income, in which we draw on survey data
from the 2002 CHIP rural sample. There is no official urban poverty line in China, and different
instruments are used to measure household income in rural and urban areas, so we restrict our
analyses to the rural sample. The CHIP data are the only publicly available data source that has
reasonable coverage of minority areas and comprehensive measures of household income.
However, the CHIP data in 2002 do have some limitations for our purposes. They cover 22
provinces out of 31, and do not cover some significant minority areas, including the Ningxia Hui,
Tibet, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions.

Earlier analyses of CHIP data (Khan 2008, cited in Gustafsson and Ding 2008) have
shown that rural poverty decreased dramatically between 1995 and 2002. However, majority-
minority differences in poverty remain substantial. Table 5 shows the official rural poverty line;
official rural poverty headcount indices, and the same measures calculated from the 2002 rural
CHIP data.

The CHIP data contained household total income and size for the years from 1998 to
2002, for households that had been part of the rural household survey for those years. In the
2002 CHIP, 99 percent of the cases with valid data for 2002 also have valid data for the years
2000 and 2001; numbers are slightly lower for the earlier years for which data were collected and
data from these years should be viewed with caution, as they may have been collected
retrospectively. The upper panel shows poverty rates using the official poverty lines for each
year, and the lower panel shows poverty rates using somewhat higher ― low income‖ lines
available for 2000 onward. By both measures, minorities in the rural CHIP sample have been
roughly twice as likely as their Han counterparts to be in poverty until the most recent year, 2002,
in which they were about one and a half times as likely to be in poverty, according to the official
poverty line, and a little over one and a half times according to the higher low income line. In
2002, by the lower official poverty line, about 3.5 percent of the Han sample was below the
poverty line, compared to about 5.4 percent of the minority sample. Using the higher low-
income line, the corresponding numbers were 8.9 percent for the Han sample and 15.2 percent
for the minority sample. Gustafsson and Ding’s (2008) analysis of the 2002 rural CHIP showed,
moreover, that using the low income line, almost one-third of ethnic minorities experienced

- 10 -
poverty during the three years 2000 to 2002, while the fraction experiencing poverty among the
ethnic majority was only about half as high.

—Table 6 about here. —

Can we generalize about ethnic differences or year to year changes from these estimates?
Table 6 shows estimates, standard errors, and 95 percent confidence intervals viii for the
headcount measures shown in Table 5, as well as for the other Foster-Greer-Thorbeckeix indices
measuring depth of poverty—the poverty gap ratio and the squared poverty gap. Confidence
intervals for the headcount index do not overlap for Han and minorities within any year.
Comparing 2002 to 1998, headcount indices do not overlap for Han or minorities, suggesting a
significant reduction in poverty between those years. If we focus instead on 2000 as the initial
year for comparison, which may be warranted for data reasons described above, the confidence
interval does not overlap for minorities, but does for the Han, suggesting that poverty was
significantly reduced between 2000 and 2002 for minorities only between these years.

For the additional poverty measures shown in Table 6, different stories emerge. The
poverty gap ratio, signifying the mean shortfall from the poverty line (counting the nonpoor as
having zero shortfall) expressed as a percentage of the poverty line, ranges from 2.8 percent in
1998 to 2 percent in 2002 for minorities, and from 1.5 percent to .9 percent for the Han
subsample. The decline is not monotonic for minorities, and confidence intervals for most years
have some overlap. The indicator for minorities is about twice that for the Han in most years.
Confidence intervals for Han and minorities never overlap.

The squared poverty gap measure, which measures the squared distance from the poverty
line among the poor and measures severity of poverty, is also about twice as high for minorities
as for the majority, with non-overlapping confidence intervals by ethnic category. There is little
evidence of a consistent time trend. Point estimates diminish slightly among the Han;
confidence intervals for most years overlap for both groups.

Overall, the evidence available in the CHIP data suggests that minorities remain more
likely to be in poverty than the Han, but rates of poverty have declined for minorities. For those
who are poor, the poverty gap and squared poverty gap measures suggest that minorities are
likely to be poorer, and there is little evidence of a clear trend in depth of poverty.

What factors contribute to higher rates of poverty among ethnic minorities? Geography
plays an important role. It is important to reiterate that these figures pertain to rural China alone.
If the urban population were included here, observed majority-minority differences in poverty
rates would be exacerbated, because of the fact that minority groups are much more likely to live
in rural areas. Within rural areas, important contextual differences exist between Han and
minority populations. As noted earlier, minority villages are more likely to be poor, to be in
mountainous settings, and to be isolated; they are also located in different regions of China.
These geographic differences may also be related to differences in opportunities for educational
attainment, the acquisition of other individual characteristics with implications for income, and
the context within which to translate human capital into income.

- 11 -
—Table 7 about here.—

Table 7 presents an analysis of poverty status, conducted at the household level using the
rural CHIP 2002 sample. In this analysis, minority status is operationalized with a dummy
variable coded as ― 1‖ if the household has any members who report minority status. Other
household characteristics are whether there is a cadre (government official) in the household, the
years of schooling of the best-educated person in the household, and whether or not there is a
person with migration experience in the household. Community characteristics are also included.
These characteristics are whether or not the village is in a national poverty county, the
topography in the village, and distance to county seat and township government. Model 1 is a
base model with only demographic characteristics of the head controlled. Models 2 and 3 add
sequentially education and other household characteristics to the base. Models 4 to 6 add
community measures to the base. Model 7 adds all individual, household, and community
characteristics, and Model 8 adds community dummies. These models suggest that while
education and other household characteristics contribute to the ethnic gap in poverty, a key story
comes from community context. Accounting for national poverty county status (Model 4)
reduces the coefficient on minority status considerably, and accounting for topography (Model 5)
renders this coefficient insignificant. Minority status is insignificant in subsequent specifications.
This finding is consistent with Gustafsson and Ding’s (2008) conclusion that ethnic differences
in poverty can be attributed in large part to differences in regional distribution, given that poverty
in rural China is concentrated in the western region and villages with low average income.

—Figure 3 about here.—

This insight is also consistent with patterns of variability in poverty across individual
ethnic groups. Small sample sizes preclude any detailed analysis of this issue here. However,
Figure 3 shows a descriptive result—poverty headcounts, observations, and upper and lower
bounds of confidence intervals, disaggregated by ethnic category, with data for the Han, the five
largest minority groups, and another category. The Yi, another southwestern ethnic group, are
included as an individual group in the CHIP questionnaire, and are included in this figure as well.

The Manchu population, residing in the relatively developed north and northeast, has the
lowest poverty rates of any group in the sample, including the Han, with a confidence interval
that does not overlap with the Han. Point estimates for all other groups are higher than for the
Han; for some groups, substantially so. However, sample sizes for individual ethnic groups are
small, and confidence intervals in some cases, wide, and for this reason, estimates cannot be
distinguished statistically from those of the Han. This is true for the Zhuang, Hui, and Yi. The
Uygur, Miao and ― Other‖ categories show higher rates and non-overlapping confidence intervals,
with the Miao highly disadvantaged at over ten percent poor using the official poverty line.
Virtually all of the Uygur live in Xinjiang; the Miao are also highly concentrated in the central-
south and southwest. As described earlier, The Uygur and the Miao are also among the least
urbanized of ethnic groups.

—Table 8 about here.—

- 12 -
We are able to look with a bit more refinement at economic disparities by considering
household income differences between minorities and the majority population using the CHIP
data. In the aggregate, the per capita household income for rural minorities is about 1,850 RMB,
about 69 percent of that the Han, at 2,691 RMB. Table 8 shows results from a household-level
analysis of per capita income. Minority households are defined as in Table 7. The baseline
model shows a substantial penalty of approximately 34 percent for minority households.
Accounting for differences in education of the best educated household member and other
household characteristics reduces the penalty to about 30 percent (models 2 and 3). Here, as in
the poverty models, the role of geography is important. Without controlling for any household
characteristics, adding to the baseline an indicator of whether the village of residence is in a
nationally-designated poverty county reduces the penalty from 34 percent (model 1) to 24
percent (model 4); adding controls for topography and then isolation reduce it a bit further to 22
percent (model 5) and 20 percent (model 6). Adding both household and community controls
brings the penalty down to 17 percent (model 7). Model 7 yields an R-squared measure of about
12 percent, compared to just about 6 percent for models with only household context. Finally, to
illustrate the importance of regional distribution, incorporating a series of dummy variables for
region of residence eradicates the penalty for minority status and brings the percent of variation
explained up to 16 percent.

Labor Market Analysis: Income, Employment, and Occupational Attainment

—Table 9 about here.—

For those who are employed, individual income differences by minority status are also of
interest. Table 9 shows average monthly and hourly income, overall, in urban and in rural areas,
as reported by individuals in the 2005 mid-censal survey. Looking first at totals, we see a pattern
that has emerged already: the Hui and the Manchu, more urbanized and less concentrated in poor
parts of the country than other minority groups, receive incomes (in hourly or monthly terms)
roughly comparable to those enjoyed by the Han population. The Zhuang and ― Other‖ groups
receive just under two-thirds the income of the Han; the Miao and Uygur receive just over half
the income of the Han. A substantial fraction of the income penalty for most groups can be
attributed to differences in residence in rural or urban areas. Within urban areas, the Zhuang
receive 71 to 72 percent of the income of the Han; the Miao, about three-quarters; and the Uygur
and ― Other‖ categories, 82 to 89 percent. In rural areas, the Manchu again earn comparably to
the Han, but the rural Hui population experiences a penalty not seen in the urban or overall
figures: they earn 81 to 83 percent of the income of the Han. Rural Zhuang, Miao and Uygur
earn about two thirds the income of the Han, and other minorities, just under three-fourths.

—Table 10 about here.—

Both location of residence and gaps in income are also tied to the kinds of work people
are able to secure. Table 10 shows occupational composition of the adult population by ethnic
group and residence status, based on the 2005 mid-censal survey. Looking first at the overall
numbers, it is clear that the Manchu and Hui are again exceptional among the largest minority
groups. Relative to the Han, these groups are comparably (or even favorably) distributed across
high status categories of head of government, party, or industrial unit; professional and technical

- 13 -
jobs; and also in clerical, service and sales jobs. All other groups are underrepresented among
these kinds of jobs and in labor jobs, and overrepresented in agriculture. In urban areas, the
under-representation of these groups in non-agricultural jobs is generally much less pronounced
than in rural areas.

—Table 11 about here.—

We investigate further income disparities using the CHIP rural sample and then using the
2005 dataset for rural and urban areas. Table 11 presents an analysis of logged individual wage
income, meaning income from primary and secondary jobs, for those reporting income ages 21
and older. Here, the penalty for minority status in the baseline model was about 58 percent
(model 1). Accounting for education and other human capital characteristics (models 2 and 3)
brings the number down to about 50 percent and more than doubles the explanatory power of the
model, though it is still small, at about 7 percent of variance explained. A substantial amount of
the remaining penalty has to do with differences in occupational sector and occupational
category; with these factors incorporated, the penalty drops to about 36 percent and the percent
of variance explained rises to 19 percent. Accounting for differences in community
characteristics reduces the minority penalty to about 16 percent, and increases the explanatory
power of the model to about 22 percent. Finally, in these models, if we account for regional
differences in income levels with a series of dummy variables, we eradicate the significance of
the minority status coefficient, and increase the R-squared measure slightly, to 24 percent.

In the last row, Table 11 also shows the percent of the Han-minority disparity due to
endowment differences. These numbers were calculated by running separate models containing
the displayed variables for the minority and majority subsamples, then implementing a
regression (Oaxaca) decomposition of the difference in income. The decomposition results show
that just 7 percent of the gap in income can be attributed to differences in education and other
indicators of ― human capital‖—cadre status and migration experience. The difference due to
endowments rises to 13 percent if we account for differences in the types of jobs people are able
to secure (which are likely to be related to where people live). Adding community controls
raises the percent due to endowments to 30 percent. Adding regional dummies raises the percent
to about 52 percent, though in the pooled model, the coefficient for ethnic minority turns
insignificant with this specification.

—Table 12 about here.—

Access to wage employment in rural areas is itself an important piece of the picture of
differentials in economic welfare by ethnic group. Table 12 shows an analysis, at the individual
level, of whether individuals report wage income from a primary or secondary job. Here, overall,
minorities’ odds of reporting employment wages at all are 56 percent lower for than those of Han
Chinese (based on model 1, odds reduction calculated as 100*{1-exp[-0.827]}). Substantial
reductions in the minority penalty are achieved less by accounting for human capital differences
and more by accounting for differences in community context and region of residence. Odds of
wage employment for minorities are 46 percent lower than for the Han in Model 4, which
accounts for community characteristics, and 25 percent lower in Model 5, which accounts for
regional location.

- 14 -
—Table 13 about here.—

Table 13 contains wage models based on data from the 2005 mid-censal survey, and with
separate models for urban and rural areas. These are similar to the models estimated using the
CHIP data in Table 11, though the measurement of income is slightly different in the two data
sources, and the sample coverage differs. Our goal in presenting the 2005 data is to investigate
urban-rural differences, rather than to compare the scope of the minority wage penalty across the
two surveys. The top panel shows totals for the combined urban and rural samples. Here, we
see a minority penalty in the baseline model of about 15 percent, and this penalty is reduced
slightly with the inclusion of controls for education and job type (models 2 and 3). The penalty
drops to just 5 percent in model 4 with the addition of province dummies. The middle panel
focuses on urban areas. Here, the minority penalty is smaller, about 8 percent, in the baseline
model. Accounting for education and job type in models 2 and 3 does not reduce the penalty at
all—in fact, the penalty is about 10 percent in these models. The penalty drops to just 3 percent
in model 4, with controls for province. Finally, the bottom panel shows models for rural areas.
Here, the minority penalty in the baseline model is higher, at about 24 percent. It drops almost
imperceptibly to 23 percent with controls for education (model 2) and to 17 percent with controls
for job type (model 3), but again, the big drop, to 7 percent, comes with controls for province.
This table underscores again the role of geography—ethnic disparities in income are smaller in
urban than in rural areas. Accounting for human capital and job type does not do much in urban
areas to explain the gap; in rural areas, job type matters a little. In both cases, penalties really
drop, however, with the inclusion of province.

Educational Access and Attainment by Ethnic Group

The Importance of Educational Attainment

In recent decades, education has become closely tied to earnings (Yang 2005; Zhang et al.
2005; Zhao and Zhou 2007). Analysis of data from National Bureau of Statistics surveys show
rapid increases in economic returns to a year of education in urban China: returns nearly tripled
during the period 1988 to 2003, rising from 4.0 to 11.4 percent (Zhang and Zhao 2007, Table
14.2). In rural areas, by the year 2000, an additional year of education increased wages by 6.4
percent among those engaged in wage employment, and education is becoming the dominant
factor that determines whether rural laborers are successful in finding more lucrative off-farm
jobs (de Brauw et al. 2002; de Brauw and Rozelle 2007; Zhao 1997).

In the 2002 rural CHIP data, models presented in Table 11 suggest returns ranging from 6
to 10 percent for those who report income, depending on specification, and models in Table 12
indicate that each additional year of schooling is associated with an 8 to 9 percent increase in the
odds of working for income.x Evidence from the 2005 mid-censal survey implies somewhat
lower returns of 4 percent in rural areas among those with wage income, and returns of 6 to 8
percent in urban areas (Table 13). It is important to acknowledge structural constraints facing
minorities: the geographic context and other factors such as potential discrimination may shape

- 15 -
ability to translate education into income. Yet, for those reporting wage income, separate
regressions of logged wages by minority status, gender, and urban-rural residence suggest that
returns to education may, if anything, be higher among minorities than among the Han Chinese,
especially in rural communities (Table 13a.). Thus, it is reasonable to say that those who lack
access to schooling face barriers to economic mobility.

—Table 13a about here.—

Educational Attainment in the Total Population

—Figure 4 about here.—

We next consider educational attainment trends by ethnic group in the national

population. At the base of the educational system, expansion is very evident across groups.
Figure 4 shows national illiteracy rates by ethnic group and year. In 1990, the Miao had the
highest illiteracy rates, at 44 percent, followed by the ―
other‖ category, at 40 percent, the Hui, at
35 percent, and the Uygur, at 28 percent. The figure for the Zhuang was 24 percent, and for the
Han, 23 percent. The Manchus had the lowest rate, at just 12 percent. By 2005, the ordering
was similar, but the rates, much lower: illiteracy rates among the Miao were 26 percent; among
―Other‖, 24 percent; among Hui, 19 percent, and among Uygur, Zhuang and Han, 11 percent.
The rate among the Manchu population had dropped to 5 percent in 2005. Much of the literacy
reduction happened between 1990 and 2000.

—Figure 5 about here. —

At the top of the educational distribution, there is also evidence of significant expansion.
Figure 5 shows percent college educated by ethnic group and year. In 1990, just 1.59 percent of
the Han population was college educated. For the Manchu and Hui populations, the figures were
slightly higher, at 2.11 percent and 1.72 percent. The figure was 1.42 percent among the Uygur.
The figures were under one percent for other groups: .8 percent for the ― Other‖ category; .51
percent for the Miao; and .41 percent for the Zhuang. Substantial expansion occurred between
1990 and 2000, and again between 2000 and 2005, such that by the latter year the figure was
8.46 percent for the Hui; 7.54 percent for the Manchu; 6.42 percent for the Han; and 6.27 percent
for the Uygur. For other groups, the figure was 4.26 percent for the ― Other‖ category; 3.93
percent for the Zhuang, and 2.85 percent for the Miao. Interestingly, the Hui have both elevated
illiteracy rates and elevated college educated rates. This is likely related to the bifurcation of the
relatively urbanized Hui population between its urban and disadvantaged rural components.

—Table 14 about here. —

Table 14 shows the full educational distribution by year and ethnic group, and confirms
the picture of upgrading in educational attainment for all groups. In 1990, the modal educational
category was the illiterate category for the Hui, Miao, and ― Other‖ categories and the primary
category for the Han, Zhuang, and Uygur groups. Only the Manchu population had a modal
category of junior high school. By 2005, the Han, Zhuang, and Hui, along with the Manchu
population, had this modal category; the Miao, Uygur, and Other categories had primary school

- 16 -
as the modal category (for Uygurs, this was nearly a tie). No groups continued to have illiteracy
as the modal category.

Compulsory Education Policy and Exclusion in Rural Communities

The pattern of continued disadvantage paired with substantial improvements in access is

also visible when considering the outcome of exclusion from compulsory education. A report
produced at the Northwest Normal University Center for the Educational Development of
Minorities indicated that by the end of 2002, there were 431 counties across China that had not
universalized the nine-year cycle of compulsory education (Wang, Jiayi 2006b, p. 1).xi Among
these counties, 372 were in the western regions, and among the 372 counties, 83 percent were
counties where minorities lived. In Gansu Province at the end of 2004, 23 counties, constituting
20.71% of the provincial population, had not universalized nine years of compulsory education
(Wang, Jiayi 2006b, p. 1). Among these, 15 were national minority counties, out of a total of
just 21 minority counties in the province.xii

—Table 15 about here.—

Consistent with these reports, census data show that minorities have been
disproportionately vulnerable to exclusion from achievement of the national goal of a 9-year
cycle of compulsory education. At the same time, their absolute level of vulnerability has
lessened over time. Table 15 shows the percent excluded: not currently enrolled and with less
than a junior high school attainment among those ages 16 to 21, tabulated by different
characteristics. In 1990, 60 percent of minority youth fell into this category. By 2000, the figure
was down to 38 percent. By 2005, it had fallen to 28 percent. Exclusion was higher among
minority women than men (66 percent excluded for women in 1990 versus 53 percent excluded
for men), but the downward trend was the same, and by 2005, the difference between men and
women among minorities was just a few percentage points (30 percent for women versus 26
percent for men). The problem of exclusion was much higher in rural communities throughout
the years, though minorities in 2005 were about 3 times as likely as the Han to be excluded in
both urban and rural areas.

—Table 16 about here.—

While the absolute level of exclusion has dropped precipitously among minorities, their
relative vulnerability to exclusion has intensified as exclusion has dropped even faster among
non-minorities. In 1990, minorities were about 1.5 times as likely as Han to be excluded. By
2005, they were about 3.8 times as likely. The point of rising relative vulnerability is also made
in Table 16, which shows the percent of total youth ages 16 to 21 with given characteristics, and
the percent of excluded youth ages 16 to 21 with given characteristics. Among all youth in 2005,
about 10 percent were minority, but among excluded youth, about 30 percent were minority.
Fifteen years earlier, when many more youth overall were excluded, the overrepresentation of
minorities among excluded youth was much less pronounced: about 9 percent of all youth were
minority, as were about 12 percent of excluded youth. Ironically, China’s dramatic successes in
basic educational expansion have had the consequence that those currently excluded from the
system are much more dissimilar from the general population than was the case 15 years ago—

- 17 -
they are now much more likely to be poorer, to reside in hard-to-reach isolated regions, and, as
shown in table 16, to be members of ethnic minority groups.

The Context of Education for Majority and Majority Children

What factors might be educational barriers for minority children? Minorities’ higher
likelihood of living in impoverished remote areas mean that children from minority groups are
disproportionately susceptible to the kinds of problems of rural poverty faced by children,
regardless of ethnicity, in poor rural areas. Such problems include severe finance problems and
difficulty recruiting and retaining sufficient numbers of qualified, effective teachers (Wang, Jiayi
2006a, pp. 2-3).

—Table 17 about here.—

On average, minority children also face somewhat different family contexts from their
Han counterparts. Table 17 presents evidence from the 2002 rural CHIP data about family
circumstances of compulsory-aged children. Compared to rural Han children, rural minority
children were much less likely to live in a house with a phone or to live in a home made with
better-quality (brick or concrete) materials. About 11 percent of rural minority children were
below the poverty line, compared to just about 4 percent of rural Han children, and rural minority
children’s household incomes, on average, were just under two-thirds of the figure reported for
Han children. Minority children came from households that were slightly less educated, and
were less likely to have cadres or migrants as household members.

—Table 18 about here.—

Of course, family disadvantages do not apply across the board. Table 18 shows family
characteristics for compulsory-aged children from national census data. There is a general trend
of upgrading in head and spouse education, and movement out of agricultural occupations, but
there is still considerable variability along these lines by 2005. In 2005, the most educated
Manchu population showed 9 years of education for heads, and 8.41 years for spouses; both of
these figures outpaced corresponding Han averages. The least educated Miao population had
under 7 years as the average for heads, and just 4.7 years for spouses. With the exception of the
Manchu group, all groups had less education than the Han group. About 59 percent of Han
children came from households where the head was employed in agriculture, with very similar
figures for the Manchu and Hui children. Over three-fourths of Zhuang children and children in
the ―Other‖ category came from households where the head was employed in agriculture, as did
over 81 percent of Uygur and Miao children. Thus, on average, rural minority children are
residing in poorer households with slightly less education than their rural Han counterparts.

Looking nationally at individual ethnic groups, much disparity across minority groups is
present. The family contexts of Manchu children are more advantaged than those of the Han.
Overall, head and spouse education gaps are narrowing, but children other than the Hui and
Manchu continue to reside in households headed by individuals with high levels of occupational
divergence from the Han.

- 18 -
Enrollment and Attainment in the Compulsory Ages

—Figure 6 about here. —

Do these contextual differences across groups matter for enrollment? Figure 6 shows
enrollment rates among 7 to 16 year-olds in 1990, 2000, and 2005. The figure makes clear that
enrollment rates are rising, and cross-group enrollment disparities, declining, over time. In 1990,
enrollment rates ranged from a low of 57 to 58 percent among the Miao and ― Other‖ categories
to 65 percent among the Hui, to 68 percent among the Uygur, to 75 percent among the Zhuang,
to 78 percent among the Han, to a high of 84 percent among the Manchu. By 2005, the range
was from a low of 84 percent among the ― Other‖ category to percentages in the high 80s for
Uygur, Miao and Hui, to 90 percent for the Manchu, 92 percent for the Zhuang, and 93 percent
for the Han.

—Table 19 about here. —

Table 19 shows enrollment rates among 7 to 16 year-olds tabulated by residence statusxiii

and census year. For all groups residing in urban areas, enrollment exceeded 90 percent by 2000,
with the exception of the Uygurs. In contrast, in rural areas, in 2000, enrollment rates range
from 76 percent for the ― Other‖ category to nearly 90 percent for the Han. However, the
variability is dropping over time: by 2005, rural rates ranged from a low of 82 percent among the
Hui to 92 percent among the Han.

—Table 20 about here.—

Table 20 shows logistic regression models of enrollment among 7 to 16 year-olds using

the 2005 mid-censal survey data. A base model (model 1), a model controlling for household
head and spouse education (model 2), and a model controlling for provinces (model 3) are
estimated for the whole sample, for the urban sample, and for the rural sample. All of these
results show significant minority penalties that are reduced in models that control for human
capital in the household, but also when controls for province are incorporated. The urban models
show a minority-Han odds ratio of enrollment of about .62 (exp[-0.485]) in the baseline; the rural
models show a lower corresponding odds-ratio of about .35 (exp[-1.053]). These patterns are
consistent with findings that disparities are lower in urban areas, and that regional differences are
critical for understanding ethnic disparities.

—Table 21 about here.—

In the 2002 rural CHIP data, the rate of enrollment among 7 to 16 year-olds does not
differ significantly between Han and minority children, though minority children in this age
group appear to be progressing through school at a slower pace (See Table 21). The difference
between the rural mid-censal survey enrollment results and the CHIP enrollment results likely
has to do with sample coverage differences—the CHIP survey covers 22 province-level units,
and does not include three Autonomous Regions: Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Tibet, which
tends to have the worst educational indicators. The census covers all province-level units. In

- 19 -
bivariate tables, minorities are about a half-year behind Han children in attainment, and are less
likely to have made the transition to junior high school (about two-thirds of minority children
have done so, compared to over three-fourths of Han children) (see Table 21).

—Table 22 about here.—

The rural CHIP data, unlike the mid-censal survey data, allow us to look directly at years
of schooling attained—to gain a summary measure of progress through the school system. Table
22 shows regression models of attainment estimated using the rural CHIP data. Here, we find
that, net of age composition effects, minority children are about a third of a year behind in
attainment (.29 years), but this figure drops to .158 years once household income is accounted
for, and down to under a tenth of a year (and only marginal significance) with controls for other
dimensions of family socioeconomic status (education of the best educated member in the
household; whether there is a cadre in the household; and whether there is a migrant in the
household, though the latter measure is not significant). Adding controls for village poverty
status, village topography, and village isolation reduces the coefficient to insignificance.
However, models that account further for regional differences yield estimates of a significant
minority penalty of .179 years.

Health Care

Data with which to assess national health care disparities by ethnic group are hard to
come by. Self-rated health measures of the sort typically available in surveys show few
differences by ethnic category in China. Table 23 shows measures of health reported in the 2005
survey and the 2002 CHIP survey, with slightly different wording of questions. In the 2002 rural
CHIP data, about 7 percent of Han and about 8 percent of minority people were reported as
having bad or very bad health. In 2005, about 9 out of 10 individuals from all groups reported
being healthy, and about 2 to 4 percent reported not being able to complete daily tasks or live
alone. In this latter group, no clear pattern emerges: the groups with the highest percentages
falling into this category include the wealthy, urbanized Manchus as well as the impoverished,
rural Miao and the ― Other‖ category. However, self-rated health measures are not very good
proxy measures of health care access, given the potential for those with greater access to health
care to be more aware of their problems.

—Table 23 about here.—

It is well-established that the rural health service infrastructure is less well developed
than that in urban areas. Moreover, within rural villages, the health service infrastructure is less
well developed in minority villages than non-minority villages. Table 24 shows village health
facilities in minority and non-minority villages, from the 2002 rural CHIP village sample. By
official definition, 26 percent of minority villages, but only 7 percent of non-minority villages,
lacked health facilities. Using the 50 percent of households definition, corresponding figures
were 20 percent and 9 percent.

—Table 24 about here.—

- 20 -
Differences in infrastructure, related to the geographic disparities already discussed,
likely contribute to very different health circumstances across ethnic groups. Little recent
national data or research is available on health care access or health problems by ethnic group. A
number of studies of maternal and infant and child health have been completed in Yunnan,
however. Using data from Yunnan’s population censuses and provincial health department, Li et
al. (2008) analyzed infant mortality rates and life expectancies for the national population, the
Yunnan Han population, and the largest minority groups in Yunnan. Results showed that in
2000, the national infant mortality rate was 26.90 per 1,000 live births for China; it was 53.64 for
Han in Yunnan; and it was 77.75 for the 22 largest minority nationalities in Yunnan, despite
improvements in health status indicators since 1990. Disparities in life expectancy at birth
between China as a whole and some minority nationalities also remained striking: national life
expectancy in 2000 was 71.40, compared to 57.18 years for some minorities in Yunnan (it was
64.5 years for the 22 groups studied as a whole). The maternal mortality ratio in Yunnan is
about twice the national average (56.2/100,000 live births), and in remote mountainous regions,
the rate is five times higher (Li et al. 2007). Earlier work in Yunnan conducted by Li et al. (1999)
showed that belonging to the Miao, Yi and Hani ethnic groups, compared with the Han, was
associated with an increased risk for stunting for children.

In addition to the above studies, which speak to a general unmet need for health care
among some ethnic minority groups, recent evidence has indicated that members of some ethnic
minorities in China have been particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS (for example, Zhang et al.
2007; Zhang et al. 2008; Choi, Cheung, and Jiang 2007). Overall, more than 30 percent of the
reported HIV/AIDS cases in China are among ethnic minorities—a much higher proportion than
their representation in the general population (Deng et al. 2007). Three of the five highest
prevalence provinces in China are western provinces with large minority populations, namely
Yunnan Province, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region (Grusky et al. 2002). These findings indicate significant health care needs
and access gaps for some ethnic groups.

Access to Social Services and Programs

— Figure 7 about here.—

Finally, we discuss access to social programs among ethnic minorities. Figure 7 shows
access to social welfare services by ethnic group for the adult population excluding students in
2005. Looking first at unemployment insurance, Figure 7 shows that this benefit is available to
very few members of any ethnic group: just 8 percent of the Han population has access, along
with about 7 percent of the Manchu and about 11 percent of the Hui. Rates are under five
percent for all other groups. Rates of access to pension insurance are a little higher for some
groups, with just under one in five Han people having pension insurance. Once again, the
corresponding figure is just slightly lower for the Manchu, and slightly higher for the Hui. It is
about 8 percent for Zhuang, 7 percent for ― Other groups‖, 6 percent for Uygurs, and just 4
percent for the Miao. Thus, with the exceptions of the Hui and Manchu, other minority groups
have access to pensions at less than half the rates of the Han. The story for health insurance is a
little different: about half of Uygurs have access to health insurance, as do about one-third of
Han and Hui, about one-fourth of Manchu and ― Other‖, 19 percent of Zhuang, and 13 percent of

- 21 -
Miao. We were unable to find research to explain the high rate among the Uygurs, though it
likely has to do with policies specific to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, as nearly all
Uygurs live there.

—Table 25 about here.—

In general, social welfare services are associated with urban residence (see Table 25).
This pattern is most pronounced for unemployment insurance. Among urban dwellers, rates of
unemployment insurance range from a low of about 10 percent among the Miao, to about 12
percent among members of the ― Other‖ category, to 13 percent among the Zhuang, 15 to 16
percent among the Uygur and Manchu, to 16 percent among the Han, to a high of 18 percent
among the Hui. Among rural dwellers, rates were below 2 percent for all groups. Pension
insurance was available to over one-third of Han, Hui and Manchu urban dwellers, 23 percent of
Zhuang urban dwellers, 22 percent of ― Other‖ urban dwellers, 19 percent of urban Miao, and 18
percent of urban Uygurs. Rates never rise above 4 percent for any rural group.

The story is slightly different for health insurance, in that rural access is higher than for
other social insurance programs. However, the kind of health insurance that exists in rural areas,
the Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, tends to reimburse costs at a much lower level than
urban health insurance schemes. Among urban dwellers, basic medical insurance rates are
highest among the Han, at 43 percent, and range downward to a low of 29 percent among the
Zhuang and 26 percent among the Miao. Among rural dwellers, the range is from a high of 50
percent among Uygurs to 22 to 26 percent among the Hui, Han, and ― Other‖ categories, to 14 to
17 percent among the Zhuang and Manchu, to below 10 percent for the Miao. Here again, the
Uygur case is unusual in that rural coverage rates are higher than urban rates.

Thus, social services—unemployment, pension, and health insurance—are not the typical
experience for any ethnic group. For unemployment and pensions, the familiar pattern of higher
levels of access for more urbanized Han, Hui and Manchu populations, and lower levels of
access for all other groups, recurs here. In addition, the importance of residence is clear when
urban and rural residents are considered separately: variability is much lower within urban/rural
categories, and levels of access across categories are much different. For health insurance,
Uygurs are added to the groups with high levels of access, and rural access rates are higher than
urban rates. However, this finding is difficult to interpret, as the basic health insurance often
available in rural areas is much more minimal than many urban plans.

Conclusions and Policy Implications

This chapter has investigated social welfare among China’s officially-designated

minority groups. Five main findings emerge. First, poverty rates are dropping among
minorities, but minorities as a group remain disadvantaged in economic terms. Minorities are
more likely to be poor: even restricting the analysis to rural areas, minorities are 1.5 to 2 times
more likely to experience poverty than their Han counterparts. More than one in ten rural
minority children were below the official poverty line, compared to about one in twenty-five
rural Han children, and rural minority children’s household incomes were just under two-thirds
of the figure reported for Han children. In rural areas, minorities have less access to wage
employment than the Han, and make less money when they do engage in wage employment;

- 22 -
household income is also significantly lower among ethnic minorities in rural areas. Income
gaps are also striking in the national population.

Second, all groups have experienced educational expansion in recent decades.

Disparities exist in attainment and enrollment among school-aged children. In the 2005 mid-
censal survey, significant enrollment differences persisted across ethnic groups. In the rural
CHIP sample, which covered fewer Autonomous Regions, differences were found not in
enrollment but in attainment. Importantly, while the last 15 years have seen striking reductions
in levels of exclusion from compulsory education among minority youth, their over-
representation among excluded youth has intensified as the school system has expanded.

Third, provision of health care stands out as a potentially crucial element of poverty
alleviation strategy among disadvantaged ethnic minorities, and is an issue about which more
detailed evidence is needed. Evidence from the rural CHIP village data indicates that minority
areas, on average, have less-developed health care infrastructures. Existing research on maternal
and child health from Yunnan indicates that health care access is a very substantial problem for
rural minorities, but we have little evidence about the national situation. Much more work is
needed to gain a broad-based understanding of the nature of general health disparities by ethnic
group. A number of studies on the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic in China show that ethnic
minorities are highly overrepresented among those affected, and that some of the hardest-hit
provinces—Yunnan, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region—are those with large ethnic minority populations.

Fourth, less-urbanized ethnic groups have lower levels of access to important safety
nets—unemployment and pension insurance—than do the more urbanized Han, Hui and Manchu
populations. For health insurance, good quality insurance is tied to urban residence. Within rural
areas, Miao, Zhuang, and Manchu populations have low access to health insurance, with just one
in ten Miao reporting access.

Fifth, across many of the outcomes considered here, geography plays an important role in
patterns of ethnic advantage and disadvantage. More urbanized groups, and groups not
disproportionately resident in poor regions, tend to have much smaller disparities compared to
the Han population, and sometimes even have advantages relative to the Han population.
Majority-minority disparities in income diminish when household and individual characteristics
are taken into account, but also very strikingly when geographic differences are taken into
account. Enrollment gaps tend to be smaller in urban areas, and accounting for region and
province reduces gaps. Health infrastructure is less developed in minority than in non-minority
communities, and access to social safety nets also has clear geographic gradients.

Our findings suggest three policy implications. First, relatively poor access to health care
and health insurance among many rural minority ethnic groups points to a potential source of
vulnerability to poverty. Catastrophic medical spending is a critically important precipitant of
transient poverty in rural China (Kaufman 2005; Liu and Hsiao 2001; Wang, Zhang and Hsiao
2005). One recent study found that medical spending raised the number of rural households
living below the poverty line by 44.3 percent (Liu, Rao and Hsiao 2003). The government has
responded to concerns about impoverishment due to health shocks, along with other concerns,

- 23 -
with an ambitious health care reform agenda that seeks to provide coverage insurance coverage
to 100 percent of the population by 2010 (Yip and Hsiao 2008). Assuring insurance coverage
that supports real, affordable access to decent quality care in impoverished minority communities
would provide an important contribution toward helping families avoid falling into poverty.

Second, under conditions of scarce resources, poverty alleviation interventions should be

targeted using information about overlapping dimensions of advantage and disadvantage. There
is a great diversity of socioeconomic circumstances within ethnic categories, associated with
location of residence. High levels of socioeconomic disadvantage occur at the intersection of
minority status, rural status, and impoverished community status. Information on county and
village-level remoteness and impoverishment, in conjunction with information about the culture
and history of particular communities, could be used to focus scarce development funds on the
most disadvantaged members of ethnic minority groups. In the case of China, this suggestion is
workable, as China has a long record of regional poverty targeting at the county level, and, more
recently, at the village level (Wang 2004).

Third, and related to the second point, is the fact that poverty alleviation efforts targeted
at individuals in poor communities are most likely to be successful if paired with community
development initiatives. As poverty alleviation strategies and educational expansion strategies
have reached ever more people and places in China, disadvantaged minority groups are
increasingly concentrated in situations of multiple disadvantage, where poor infrastructures and
impoverished communities heavily shape individual economic opportunities and social welfare
outcomes (World Bank 2009). While continued efforts to improve health care access and
educational opportunities for members of disadvantaged ethnic groups are needed, these
interventions alone may not have the same impact in highly isolated rural communities as they
would in communities with better-developed economies, or better communication and
transportation ties to the urban areas. Projects that build up communication and transportation
infrastructure will enhance ties to outside markets and labor markets, and, by extension, to
remittances that have become such important sources of economic development in many of
China’s rural communities. In addition, policies or development projects that stimulate or
support sustainable businesses and entrepreneurial activities—whether these are culturally-tied,
such as cultural tourism or marketing of cultural products, or ecotourism, or marketing of local
agricultural products, or the development of local industries—can also maximize the impact of
improved communication and transportation infrastructures. Tax incentives are an example of
existing policy that supports this goal. Cultivating sustainable businesses and entrepreneurial
activities within communities is a critical part of the equation, as improving ties to the outside
may otherwise lead to an exodus of the young, more educated work force.

There is, however, an important caveat to be considered in designing policies or

initiatives to develop minority communities. There may be tensions between economic
development goals—poverty alleviation, educational expansion, development of
communications and transportation infrastructure, and even expansion of health care access—on
the one hand, and maintaining cultural integrity, on the other. There may be vast differences of
opinion about the priority attached to these different goals by global, national, and local
stakeholders in particular development policies or projects.xiv These are issues that are likely to
loom large in determining the success of development efforts, but about which we have little

- 24 -
information at present. They are often highly sensitive, and may be best assessed via field
methods in the context of particular projects.

In addition to policy recommendations, our analysis suggests some directions for data
collection that could support more informative policy research. One issue is that, at present,
limited empirical data precludes many important lines of inquiry on the topic of ethnic
stratification. The available data sources with sufficient sample sizes and suitable geographic
coverage to study majority-minority differences on any indicator are limited, and data sources
that could permit the study of issues of individual ethnic groups, even more so. To obtain a
reasonable portrait of ethnic stratification in China, there is a dire need for better data. The key
issue is sample coverage. This problem could be addressed if regularly-occurring national
surveys were purpose-designed with minority oversamples for selected groups, or by use of
focused surveys that employed sample designs aimed at coverage of minority areas.

Aside from sample coverage, a problem is topical coverage. At present, all large-scale
datasets that might be employed to address questions of ethnic disparities in welfare come from
multi-use household surveys focused on economic and demographic data. Surveys that also
encompassed better measures of health care access and experiences and use of social programs
would be helpful. In addition, much work on other dimensions of social inequality in China, and
work on ethnic disparities in other countries, encompasses attitudes and subjective experiences
of inequality, as well as socioeconomic variables. This sort of data would also help us to better
understand the state of ethnic stratification in China.

Finally, the measurement of ethnicity should be as detailed as possible. Binary concepts

of minority status or indigenous status are useful for developing summary measures, but results
presented here make very clear that these concepts tell only part of the story and will provide
insufficient information for designing and implementing interventions. Of course, more detailed
classification schemes come at a cost in terms of making comparative summary statements, but
are likely to provide a more valid picture of the complicated nature of ethnic disparities and a
more valid indicator of strategies that might ameliorate disadvantages faced by particular groups.

- 25 -
Map 1. Chinese Linguistic Groups, 1990

Source: University of Texas Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, 1990. Note: This map
includes languages spoken by the Han majority.

Map 2. Distribution of the Minority Population by County Level Administrative Units,


Source: West 2004, Map 1.

- 26 -
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- 31 -
Table 1. Percent Minority by Province, 2000
Region Province Minority Share (%)
National --- 8.41
North Beijing 4.26
Tianjin 2.64
Hebei 4.31
Shanxi 0.29
Inner Mongolia 20.76
Northeast Liaoning 16.02
Jilin 9.03
Heilongjiang 5.02
East Shanghai 0.60
Jiangsu 0.33
Zhejiang 0.85
Anhui 0.63
Fujian 1.67
Jiangxi 0.27
Shandong 0.68
Central-South Henan 1.22
Hubei 4.34
Hunan 10.21
Guangdong 1.42
Guangxi 38.34
Hainan 17.29
Southwest Chongqing 6.42
Sichuan 4.98
Guizhou 37.85
Yunnan 33.41
Tibet 94.07
Northwest Shaanxi 0.49
Gansu 8.69
Qinghai 45.51
Ningxia 34.53
Xinjiang 59.39
Source: China Bureau of Statistics 2001, Table 4-11.

Table 2. National Poverty County Status in Minority and Non-Minority Villages (Two Definitions)
50%+ of Village
Village is Minority Households are
Area1 Minority2
No Yes No Yes
Village in National Poverty County
Yes 19.8 36.9 21.2 32.0

- 32 -
Source: CHIP 2002 Village Data. 1Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 21.0908. 2Pearson: Uncorrected
chi2(1) = 7.2336
Table 3. Village Topography in Minority and Non-Minority Villages (Two Definitions)
50%+ of Village
Village is Minority Households are
Area1 Minority2
No Yes o Yes
Flat 49.0 52.3 49.6 46.8
Hilly 33.2 9.4 32.7 9.7
Mountainous 17.8 38.3 17.7 43.5
Total 100 100 100 100
1 2
Source: CHIP 2002 Village Data. Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(2) = 49.6457. Pearson: Uncorrected
chi2(2) = 53.4936.
Table 4. Village Isolation in Minority and Non-Minority Villages (Two Definitions)
Village is Minority 50%+ of Village Households are
Area* Minority*
No Yes No Yes
Village distance…
From Nearest County Seat (km)* 22.5 33.7 23.0 33.2
From Nearest Township Government (km)* 4.6 6.9 4.7 7.1
From Nearest Transportation Terminal (km)* 5.0 7.6 5.0 7.6

Electricity Available…*
Before 1969 30.3 15.4 30.2 14.4
1970-79 36.1 26.8 36.0 27.2
1980-89 26.0 31.5 25.7 32.8
1990-98 6.7 14.1 6.6 14.4
After 1999 1.0 10.7 1.4 9.6
Not Yet 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.6

Telephone Available…*
Before 1969 19.5 14.1 19.6 12.8
1970-79 11.1 9.4 11.4 7.2
1980-89 12.2 4.0 11.8 4.8
1990-98 34.2 20.1 33.5 24.0
After 1999 19.7 36.2 19.4 38.4
Not Yet 3.3 16.1 4.2 12.8

Source: CHIP 2002 Village Data

*Significantly different at .05 level for both typologies of minority village.

- 33 -
Table 5. Official Rural Poverty Line and Headcount Estimates and CHIP Headcount Estimates
Line Total Total Han Minority
(Yuan) Percent Percent N Percent N Percent N
Using Official Poverty Line
1998 635 4.6 6.4 36,685 5.6 31,898 11.5 4,787
1999 625 3.7 4.8 36,710 4.2 31,923 8.8 4,787
2000 625 3.4 4.1 37,373 3.6 32,339 7.4 5,034
2001 630 3.2 4.4 37,362 3.7 32,328 8.8 5,034
2002 627 3.0 3.7 37,913 3.5 32,613 5.4 5,300
Using Low Income Line
2000 --- (875) --- 11.3 37,373 9.9 32,339 20.5 5,034
2001 872 (881) 9.7 10.6 37,362 8.9 32,328 21.4 5,034
2002 869 (878) 9.2 9.8 37,913 8.9 32,613 15.2 5,300
Sources: Rural Survey Organization of the National Bureau of Statistics (RSONBS) 2004, Gustafsson and Ding
2008, CHIP 2002.

Notes: RHS=Rural Household Survey; CHIP=Chinese Household Income Project Survey. The low income line for
2000 was not available in RSONBS 2004, so lines adapted for use with CHIP data by Gustafsson and Ding (2008),
shown in parentheses, are used to calculate CHIP-based headcounts in this table. Italicized CHIP estimates indicate
that information collected prior to 2000 may have been collected retrospectively--the documentation in the data
source is not clear. Further, the valid sample drops for those years. These numbers should be treated with some

- 34 -
Table 6. Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) Indices, Standard Errors, and Confidence Intervals, Rural CHIP Sample, 2002
Han Minority
Poverty Measure Year Proportion SE CI Lower CI Upper Proportion SE CI Lower CI Upper
1998 0.056 0.001 0.053 0.058 0.115 0.005 0.106 0.124
1999 0.042 0.001 0.040 0.044 0.088 0.004 0.080 0.096
2000 0.036 0.001 0.034 0.038 0.074 0.004 0.067 0.081
2001 0.037 0.001 0.035 0.039 0.088 0.004 0.081 0.096
2002 0.035 0.001 0.033 0.037 0.054 0.003 0.048 0.060
Poverty Gap
1998 0.015 0.000 0.015 0.016 0.028 0.002 0.024 0.031
1999 0.012 0.000 0.011 0.013 0.023 0.002 0.020 0.027
2000 0.010 0.000 0.009 0.010 0.021 0.001 0.018 0.024
2001 0.010 0.000 0.009 0.011 0.024 0.001 0.021 0.027
2002 0.009 0.000 0.008 0.010 0.020 0.001 0.017 0.023
Squared Poverty Gap
1998 0.007 0.000 0.007 0.008 0.013 0.001 0.011 0.015
1999 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.006 0.012 0.001 0.010 0.014
2000 0.005 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.010 0.001 0.008 0.012
2001 0.005 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.011 0.001 0.009 0.014
2002 0.005 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.012 0.001 0.010 0.015

Notes: Measures are calculated using official poverty lines. Estimates, standard errors and confidence intervals are calculated using the
SEPOV routine in Stata. Available sampling documentation for the CHIP data precludes incorporating adjustments for the sample design.
Italicized CHIP estimates indicate that information collected prior to 2000 may have been collected retrospectively--the documentation in
the data source is not clear. Further, the valid sample drops for those years. These numbers should be treated with some caution. Sample
sizes are as shown in Table 5.

- 35 -
Table 7. Coefficients from Logit Models of Poverty Status, 2002 Rural CHIP Sample of Household Heads
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(1) + (2) + Other Household (3) + Poverty (4) + (5) + (7) +
Base Full
Education Characteristics county Topography Isolation Region

Minority (1=Household with One or More Minority

0.547*** 0.454*** 0.440*** 0.342** 0.143 0.096 0.022 -0.120
Age -0.086*** -0.041 -0.037 -0.082** -0.075** -0.075** -0.036 -0.031
Age Squared 0.001*** 0.000 0.000 0.001*** 0.001** 0.001** 0.000 0.000
Male (Ref.=Female) -0.153 -0.236 -0.252 -0.174 -0.122 -0.143 -0.215 -0.234
Years of Education, Best Educated Member -0.144*** -0.137*** -0.104*** -0.101***
Cadre in Household (Ref.=No) -0.436** -0.502*** -0.512***
Person with Migration Experience in Household (Ref.=No) 0.005 -0.103 -0.060
National Poverty County (Ref.=No) 0.931*** 0.657*** 0.642*** 0.599*** 0.457***
Topography (Ref.=Flat)
Hilly -0.275 -0.299* -0.284* -0.126***
Mountainous 0.708*** 0.652*** 0.661*** 0.700*
Isolation: Distance (KM) from….
County Seat 0.002 0.002 0.000***
Nearest Township Government 0.016 0.015 0.015***
Regional Dummies X
Constant -1.348 -1.029 -1.108 -1.691** -1.981** -2.058** -1.870** -1.930**
Observations 9,187 9,164 9,164 9,187 9,167 9,097 9,074 9,074
Notes: Poverty defined by official line. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

- 36 -
Table 8. Coefficients from Regressions of Logged Household Income, 2002 Rural CHIP Sample of Household Heads
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(2) + Other (1) +
(1) + (4) + (5) +
Base Household Poverty Full (7) + Region
Education Topography Isolation
Characteristics county
Minority (1=Household with One or
-0.336*** -0.302*** -0.299*** -0.242*** -0.216*** -0.200*** -0.169*** -0.041
More Minority Members)
Age 0.028*** 0.009* 0.007 0.026*** 0.025*** 0.025*** 0.008 0.004
Age Squared -0.000*** -0.000 -0.000 -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.000 -0.000
Male (Ref.=Female) -0.264*** -0.222*** -0.215*** -0.252*** -0.264*** -0.260*** -0.217*** -0.225***
Years of Education, Best Educated
0.055*** 0.052*** 0.041*** 0.042***
Cadre in Household (Ref.=No) 0.137*** 0.159*** 0.148***
Person with Migration Experience in Household (Ref.=No) -0.023 0.025 0.025
National Poverty County (Ref.=No) -0.477*** -0.409*** -0.404*** -0.389*** -0.362***
Topography (Ref.=Flat)
Hilly -0.088*** -0.078*** -0.079*** -0.083***
Mountainous -0.194*** -0.178*** -0.178*** -0.154***
Isolation: Distance (KM) from….
County Seat -0.002*** -0.002*** -0.001**
Nearest Township Government 0.001 0.001 0.001
Regional Dummies X
Constant 7.271*** 7.175*** 7.198*** 7.407*** 7.493*** 7.502*** 7.453*** 7.514***
Observations 9,187 9,164 9,164 9,187 9,167 9,097 9,074 9,074
R2 0.029 0.053 0.058 0.093 0.100 0.102 0.124 0.158
Notes:*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.

- 37 -
Table 9. Average Income of the Adult Population by Ethnic Group, 2005
Monthly income Hourly income
(Yuan) (Yuan)
Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total
Han 842 386 574 4.44 2.18 3.12
Zhuang 604 266 359 3.14 1.43 1.90
Manchu 793 390 545 4.38 2.43 3.20
Hui 806 319 550 4.31 1.76 3.00
Miao 639 253 313 3.28 1.35 1.65
Uygur 693 236 310 3.95 1.35 1.76
Other minorities 714 282 367 3.80 1.55 2.00
As a Percent of Corresponding Han Income:
Zhuang 72 69 63 71 66 61
Manchu 94 101 95 99 111 103
Hui 96 83 96 97 81 96
Miao 76 66 55 74 62 53
Uygur 82 61 54 89 62 56
Other minorities 85 73 64 86 71 64
Source: 2005 Mid-censal

- 38 -
Table 10. Occupational Composition of the Adult Population by Ethnic Group and Residence Status, 2005
Head of Government, Professional & Clerical & Business Agriculture & Production, Transport Other
Party, Industrial Unit Technical Related Service Aquatic Equipment Operators
Han 3.03 13.11 8.07 24.05 25.05 26.28 0.41
Zhuang 1.53 12.72 7.52 23.78 34.79 18.62 1.03
Manchu 4.23 14.64 7.73 23.40 26.23 23.55 0.23
Hui 3.19 13.18 9.79 28.90 21.80 22.86 0.28
Miao 1.73 12.88 7.37 17.22 36.85 23.32 0.62
Uygur 2.63 19.41 7.63 18.98 39.24 11.83 0.28
Other minorities 2.82 16.01 8.39 16.67 38.24 17.47 0.39
Total 3.02 13.21 8.08 23.87 25.51 25.90 0.41
Han 0.59 3.85 0.59 4.16 80.17 10.52 0.11
Zhuang 0.14 2.25 0.20 1.93 92.00 3.44 0.04
Manchu 0.45 2.46 0.81 3.64 82.49 10.12 0.04
Hui 0.24 4.11 0.36 4.21 83.73 7.17 0.16
Miao 0.12 3.58 0.44 1.38 90.08 4.24 0.16
Uygur 0.33 2.52 0.66 3.27 90.10 3.06 0.05
Other minorities 0.29 4.30 0.99 1.86 89.27 3.25 0.05
Total 0.56 3.83 0.61 3.94 81.19 9.78 0.11
Han 1.60 7.69 3.69 12.40 57.35 17.05 0.24
Zhuang 0.53 5.14 2.23 7.97 76.18 7.64 0.31
Manchu 1.90 7.15 3.47 11.25 60.83 15.29 0.11
Hui 1.65 8.43 4.86 15.97 54.23 14.64 0.22
Miao 0.37 5.01 1.50 3.81 81.91 7.16 0.23
Uygur 0.70 5.20 1.77 5.75 82.05 4.45 0.09
Other minorities 0.79 6.60 2.45 4.78 79.22 6.05 0.11
Total 1.54 7.56 3.58 11.87 59.02 16.19 0.23
Source: 2005 Mid-censal survey

- 39 -
Table 11. Analysis of Logged Wage Income, Rural CHIP Sample, 2002
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(4) +
(3) + Job
(1) + (2) + Other Community (5) +
Base Character-
Education Human Capital Character- Region
Minority (Ref.=Han) -0.577*** -0.504*** -0.503*** -0.363*** -0.159*** -0.004
Age 0.026*** 0.028*** 0.030*** 0.037*** 0.034*** 0.038***
Age Squared -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.000*** -0.001***
Male (Ref.=Female) 0.118*** 0.044 0.036 0.117*** 0.152*** 0.169***
Years of Education 0.099*** 0.097*** 0.076*** 0.064*** 0.059***
Cadre status (Ref.=No) 0.069* 0.053 0.068 0.067
Migration Experience~ (Ref.=No) 0.091*** 0.008 0.059* 0.101***
Occupational Category Dummies X X X
Occupational Sector Dummies X X X
Poverty County -0.377*** -0.357***
Topography (Ref.=Flat)
Hilly -0.122*** -0.056*
Mountainous -0.116*** -0.006
Isolation: Distance (KM) from…
County Seat -0.002** -0.000
Township Government -0.008** -0.011***
Regional Dummies X
Constant 7.410*** 6.511*** 6.454*** 5.330*** 5.735*** 5.660***
Observations 9,220 9,132 9,117 8,834 8,754 8,754
R2 0.030 0.066 0.068 0.194 0.218 0.243
Percent of Gap Due to Endowments: 0.077*** 0.072*** 0.128*** 0.303*** 0.516***
Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. "Percent of gap" based on Oaxaca decomposition results from models estimated separately for Han and
minority subsamples; 100*endowment contribution/total gap.
~Migration experience defined as living outside township at least for one year.

- 40 -
Table 12. Logit Models of Wage Income (1=Yes), Rural CHIP Sample, 2002
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Base (1) + Education (2) + Other Human Capital (3)+Community Characteristics (4) + Region

Minority (Ref.=Han) -0.827*** -0.754*** -0.713*** -0.609*** -0.286***

Age 0.092*** 0.093*** 0.109*** 0.111*** 0.116***
Age Squared -0.002*** -0.001*** -0.002*** -0.002*** -0.002***
Male (Ref.=Female) 1.754*** 1.628*** 1.593*** 1.608*** 1.649***
Years of Education 0.086*** 0.082*** 0.079*** 0.087***
Migration Experience~ (Ref.=No) 0.740*** 0.756*** 0.767***
Poverty County 0.009 0.010
Topography (Ref.=Flat)
Hilly 0.149*** 0.143***
Mountainous 0.067 0.084
Isolation: Distance (KM) from…
County Seat -0.007*** -0.005***
-0.012*** -0.011***
Regional Dummies X
Constant -2.361*** -3.084*** -3.506*** -3.386*** -3.321***
Observations 25,631 24,336 24,241 24,009 24,009
Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
~Migration experience defined as living outside township at least for one year.

- 41 -
Table 13. Analysis of Logged Wage Income, 2005 Mid-censal survey
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Base (1)+Education (2)+Job Characteristics (3)+Province

Minority (Ref.=Han) -0.146 -0.139 -0.124 -0.051
(31.49)** (34.53)** (31.67)** (12.67)**
Age 0.04 0.029 0.027 0.03
(58.14)** (46.19)** (44.13)** (51.58)**
Age Squared -0.001 0 0 0
(65.74)** (47.02)** (45.71)** (52.94)**
Male (Ref.=Female) 0.253 0.239 0.223 0.241
(141.94)** (144.12)** (128.96)** (146.32)**

Years of Education 0.078 0.062 0.065

(239.64)** (156.90)** (171.35)**
Sector and Occupational Category Dummies X X
Province Dummies X
Constant 8.365 7.695 7.986 8.224
(638.11)** (622.93)** (461.89)** (487.93)**

Observations 502209 502209 502127 502127

R-squared 0.0582 0.2044 0.2436 0.3372
Minority (Ref.=Han) -0.082 -0.099 -0.098 -0.031
(15.44)** (21.41)** (21.66)** (6.88)**
Age 0.032 0.023 0.021 0.027
(37.65)** (29.65)** (28.10)** (38.21)**
Age Squared 0 0 0 0
(42.11)** (28.64)** (28.47)** (37.59)**
Male (Ref.=Female) 0.234 0.222 0.208 0.221

- 42 -
(118.47)** (120.38)** (108.69)** (122.13)**

Years of Education 0.081 0.063 0.067

(219.86)** (140.22)** (156.47)**
Sector and Occupational Category Dummies X X
Province Dummies X
Constant 8.561 7.798 8.103 8.313
(530.61)** (527.18)** (413.10)** (435.60)**

Observations 385320 385320 385268 385268

R-squared 0.0439 0.2036 0.2392 0.3478
Minority (Ref.=Han) -0.241 -0.225 -0.17 -0.072
(28.46)** (28.37)** (22.24)** (8.68)**
Age 0.038 0.036 0.034 0.032
(34.64)** (32.80)** (32.15)** (30.58)**
Age Squared -0.001 -0.001 0 0
(42.57)** (38.09)** (35.83)** (35.37)**
Male (Ref.=Female) 0.375 0.341 0.316 0.344
(99.33)** (91.49)** (81.03)** (91.99)**
Years of Education 0.043 0.039 0.04
(56.39)** (45.28)** (47.47)**
Sector and Occupational Category Dummies X X
Province Dummies X
Constant 8.18 7.824 7.894 8.02
(378.06)** (352.99)** (229.99)** (234.54)**

Observations 116889 116889 116859 116859

R-squared 0.125 0.1576 0.2145 0.2923
Robust t statistics in parentheses
* significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%

- 43 -
Table 13a. Log Wage Models by Minority Status and Gender, 2005 Mid-censal Survey
Total Males Females
Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural

Total (Han and Minority)

Education (Years) 0.081 0.084 0.049 0.069 0.073 0.032 0.091 0.093 0.045
(227.28)** (210.00)** (58.04)** (162.13)** (151.04)** (32.49)** (170.34)** (158.06)** (31.96)**
Experience (Years) 0.013 0.011 0.017 0.016 0.014 0.019 0.005 0.003 0.006
(42.30)** (30.06)** (28.82)** (42.31)** (31.91)** (28.43)** (10.59)** (4.93)** (6.55)**
Experience Squared 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(39.32)** (23.66)** (34.97)** (46.44)** (32.37)** (36.77)** (8.63)** -0.97 (13.44)**
Constant 8.203 8.194 8.416 8.409 8.393 8.665 8.036 8.043 8.378
(1479.52)** (1279.12)** (742.45)** (1263.60)** (1072.62)** (661.76)** (961.68)** (852.99)** (433.93)**
Observations 502209 385320 116889 306631 227532 79099 195578 157788 37790
R-squared 0.17 0.17 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.07 0.23 0.22 0.1

Education (Years) 0.079 0.083 0.042 0.066 0.072 0.024 0.09 0.093 0.037
(213.51)** (201.54)** (46.48)** (150.77)** (144.34)** (22.64)** (160.31)** (151.62)** (24.10)**
Experience (Years) 0.012 0.01 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.019 0.004 0.002 0.006
(39.35)** (28.18)** (27.15)** (39.76)** (30.21)** (27.14)** (9.07)** (3.99)** (5.78)**
Experience Squared 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(37.32)** (22.44)** (34.35)** (44.70)** (31.17)** (36.46)** (7.76)** -0.4 (13.58)**
Constant 8.235 8.211 8.504 8.449 8.413 8.769 8.063 8.058 8.474
(1433.08)** (1242.64)** (712.33)** (1226.21)** (1042.16)** (638.76)** (928.50)** (827.38)** (412.52)**
Observations 471674 365081 106593 287930 215846 72084 183744 149235 34509
R-squared 0.16 0.17 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.07 0.22 0.22 0.09

- 44 -
Education (Years) 0.099 0.094 0.089 0.091 0.085 0.08 0.107 0.103 0.093
(84.97)** (64.19)** (43.00)** (64.22)** (47.44)** (32.05)** (61.07)** (46.16)** (27.97)**
Experience (Years) 0.02 0.017 0.021 0.023 0.021 0.022 0.013 0.011 0.012
(17.57)** (12.50)** (10.11)** (15.34)** (11.58)** (8.63)** (7.67)** (5.00)** (3.72)**
Experience Squared 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14.64)** (9.10)** (10.01)** (14.08)** (9.70)** (9.16)** (5.57)** (3.12)** (3.65)**
Constant 7.791 7.9 7.792 7.916 8.041 7.941 7.675 7.786 7.702
(389.87)** (320.91)** (222.48)** (318.99)** (259.85)** (191.21)** (254.04)** (210.09)** (131.74)**
Observations 30535 20239 10296 18701 11686 7015 11834 8553 3281
R-squared 0.27 0.24 0.2 0.24 0.22 0.16 0.33 0.28 0.27

Robust t statistics in parentheses

* significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%

- 45 -
Table 14. Educational composition of the adult population by ethnic group in 1990, 2000 and 2005
Illiterate Primary Junior high Senior high College and above
Han 22.73 34.99 29.99 10.70 1.59
Zhuang 23.97 43.37 24.90 7.36 0.41
Manchu 11.54 35.63 37.25 13.47 2.11
Hui 35.17 25.69 26.82 10.60 1.72
Miao 43.83 33.75 16.40 5.50 0.51
Uygur 28.46 43.32 17.51 9.30 1.42
Other minorities 40.08 33.46 18.90 6.77 0.80
Total 23.49 35.03 29.43 10.51 1.54
Han 11.99 31.14 38.86 13.65 4.36
Zhuang 9.87 41.08 36.43 10.34 2.28
Manchu 6.88 30.09 43.35 14.38 5.31
Hui 22.39 27.50 31.09 14.09 4.93
Miao 28.65 42.40 21.79 5.65 1.51
Uygur 13.72 43.03 29.11 10.75 3.39
Other minorities 24.02 38.28 25.37 9.44 2.89
Total 12.59 31.66 38.10 13.38 4.27
Han 11.31 27.17 40.41 14.69 6.42
Zhuang 11.35 35.96 38.67 10.09 3.93
Manchu 5.16 25.44 47.58 14.28 7.54
Hui 18.99 26.32 31.13 15.11 8.46
Miao 25.55 40.50 24.43 6.66 2.85
Uygur 10.73 37.57 37.14 8.29 6.27
Other minorities 23.74 37.03 26.40 8.57 4.26
Total 11.94 27.83 39.65 14.28 6.30
Sources: 1990 and 2000 Census Public Use Micro-Samples; 2005 Mid-censal survey.

Table 15. Indicators of "Exclusion": Percent not Enrolled and Less than
Junior High School Attainment by Year and Residence Status, Ages 16 to 21
1990 2000 2005
Total Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural
Among all 42.4 16.3 6.0 21.3 9.6 4.5 13.2
Among males 34.9 13.7 5.7 17.5 8.3 3.9 11.3
Among females 49.9 19.1 6.4 25.5 11.0 5.0 15.1
Among Han 40.7 13.4 5.6 17.6 7.5 4.0 10.1
Among Han males 33.2 10.9 5.3 13.8 6.2 3.4 8.3
Among Han females 48.4 16.2 5.9 21.8 8.8 4.5 12.0
Among minority 59.6 38.2 12.6 44.5 28.2 11.6 33.9
Among minority males 53.4 34.7 11.6 40.0 26.4 10.7 31.6
Among minority females 65.9 42.3 13.6 49.8 30.1 12.4 36.3

Sources: 1990 and 2000 Census Public Use Micro-Samples; 2005 Mid-censal Survey.

- 46 -
Table 16. Indicators of "Exclusion": Percent with Each Characteristic Among All and Among "Excluded" by
Year, Ages 16 to 21
1990 2000 2005
Among excluded Among all Among excluded Among Among excluded Among
all all
Percent rural --- --- 87.82 67 81.03 59
.17 .11
Percent minority 12.11 8.6 26.66 11 30.09 10
.33 .25
Percent female 58.47 49.6 56.06 47 56.84 49
3 .78 .86
Percent region north 10.7 13 13
7.86 2 9.09 .72 9.07 .71
Percent region northeast 9. 7.
5.96 8.79 7.38 08 8.28 87
Percent region east 28.0 26 26
27.72 9 17.03 .91 16.31 .34
Percent region central- 26.7 28 29
south 26.19 8 24.28 .91 20.67 .89
Percent region southwest 17.8 13 13
23.79 3 29.32 .3 32.51 .36
Percent region northwest 8. 8.
8.48 7.79 12.9 09 13.16 82
Sources: 1990 and 2000 Census Public Use Micro-Samples; 2005 Mid-censal Survey.
Notes: Excluded=not enrolled and less than junior high school attainment. 1990 figures are not broken down by
residence status because of large differences in definition of urban between 1990 and 2000.

Table 17. Household Background Characteristics, Children Ages 7-16, CHIP 2002
Han Minority N
Telephone Access(%)
Has Telephone 39.9 15.5 2,544
Lacks Telephone, but Telephone Available in the Village 55.6 64.3 4,015
No Telephone in House or Village 4.5 20.2 492

Building Materials are…(%)

Concrete Framework 30.1 8.90 1,889
Brick or Stone 55.9 43.8 3,813
Clay and Straw 8.7 32.6 874
Other 5.3 14.7 479
Economic Indicators
Average Household Per Capita Income, 2001 ,319 1,507 7,056
Proportion Below Poverty Line 0.04 0.11 7,056

Household Member Characteristics (Means)

Years of Education, Best-Educated Member 8.92 8.21 7,056
Cadres in Household 0.19 0.12 7,056
Migrants in Household 0.29 0.15 7,056

- 47 -
Source: CHIP 2002

- 48 -
Table 18. Family Circumstances of Children Ages 7-16 by Ethnic Group and Year
Year Family Characteristic Han Zhuang Manchu Hui Miao Uygur Other
1990 Mean Head’s Education 6.62 6.51 7.76 5.20 4.76 5.32 4.85
Mean Spouse’s Education 4.69 4.25 6.40 3.49 2.03 5.08 2.89
Mean Household Size 4.98 6.08 4.64 5.50 5.74 6.49 5.89
Head's Occupation (%)
Head of Government, Party,
Industrial Unit 3.25 1.21 5.08 3.34 1.41 3.79 2.14
Professional & Technical 4.69 2.79 6.92 4.70 2.88 6.62 3.72
Clerical & Related 1.62 0.73 2.73 2.04 0.66 2.44 1.00
Business Service 4.26 1.82 4.91 5.92 1.07 4.44 1.57
Agriculture & Aquatic 73.82 90.97 65.96 69.85 91.11 74.23 87.93
Production, Transport
Equipment Operators & Related 12.33 2.48 14.38 14.15 2.88 8.48 3.63
Other 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
2000 Mean Head’s Education 8.32 8.38 8.72 7.12 6.51 6.43 6.83
Mean Spouse’s Education 7.24 7.12 7.95 5.38 4.12 6.28 5.33
Mean Household Size 4.32 4.75 3.97 4.87 4.70 5.57 4.83
Head's Occupation (%)
Head of Government, Party,
Industrial Unit 2.15 0.97 3.47 2.93 0.82 1.15 1.79
Professional & Technical 3.80 2.75 5.37 4.88 1.40 4.55 3.21
Clerical & Related 2.41 1.23 2.93 4.14 1.05 1.65 1.99
Business Service 7.52 3.37 7.60 11.20 2.16 5.04 3.07
Agriculture & Aquatic 69.27 85.85 64.28 61.00 90.89 81.72 84.47
Production, Transport
Equipment Operators & Related 14.78 5.51 16.34 15.68 3.68 5.79 5.44
Other 0.06 0.32 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.10 0.03
2005 Mean Head’s Education 8.41 8.22 9.00 7.08 6.85 6.77 6.62
Mean Spouse’s Education 7.40 6.87 8.41 5.46 4.69 6.85 5.30
Mean Household Size 3.49 3.53 3.16 3.96 3.73 4.33 3.90
Head's Occupation (%)
Head of Government, Party,
Industrial Unit 1.98 0.48 2.72 2.35 0.70 1.07 1.24
Professional & Technical 6.35 5.46 6.20 6.45 6.21 3.81 5.83
Clerical & Related 2.99 2.15 3.61 3.91 1.41 1.68 2.84
Business Service 10.54 6.71 9.16 12.02 2.94 6.47 3.91
Agriculture & Aquatic 58.85 76.51 57.22 59.12 81.23 81.37 78.56
Production, Transport
Equipment Operators & Related 19.07 8.43 20.85 16.00 7.23 5.57 7.51
Other 0.22 0.26 0.24 0.15 0.28 0.03 0.11
Sources: 1990 and 2000 Census Public Use Micro-Samples; 2005 Mid-censal Survey.

- 49 -
Table 19. Enrollment Rates Among 7-16 Year-
Olds by Year, Ethnic Group, and Urban-Rural
Urban Rural
Han 94.51 89.74
Zhuang 94.14 82.60
Man 94.67 86.14
Hui 91.99 78.03
Miao 91.57 79.68
Uygur 87.12 88.20
Other 92.05 75.56
Total 94.36 88.57
Han 94.60 92.32
Zhuang 94.12 91.46
Man 93.52 87.07
Hui 92.35 82.26
Miao 92.64 87.80
Uygur 87.30 87.35
Other 91.81 81.90
Total 94.44 91.37
Sources: 2000 Census Public Use Micro-Sample;
2005 Mid-censal Survey. Notes: 1990 figures are not
presented because of large changes in the definition of
urban between 1990 and 2000.

- 50 -
Table 20. Logistic Models of Enrollment, 7-16 Year-Olds, 2005
Urban Rural
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
(1) + (2) + (1) + (2) + (1) + (2) +
Household Province Household Province Household Province
Base Head and Dummies Base Head and Dummies Base Head and Dummies
Spouse Spouse Spouse
Education Education Education
Minority -0.989 -0.76 -0.613 -0.485 -0.414 -0.255 -1.053 -0.836 -0.7
(52.65)** (29.23)** (18.29)** (11.22)** (6.73)** (3.52)** (49.46)** (28.37)** (17.93)**
Age 1.424 1.475 1.476 1.307 1.391 1.385 1.505 1.527 1.537
(54.01)** (39.48)** (39.24)** (26.51)** (20.13)** (20.00)** (48.15)** (34.38)** (34.24)**
Age -0.074 -0.077 -0.077 -0.068 -0.072 -0.072 -0.078 -0.08 -0.08
(68.85)** (50.06)** (49.78)** (34.11)** (25.46)** (25.31)** (60.90)** (43.47)** (43.30)**
Male 0.091 0.068 0.069 -0.006 0 -0.002 0.132 0.097 0.103
(6.54)** (3.39)** (3.43)** -0.22 -0.01 -0.07 (7.92)** (4.06)** (4.28)**
Head 0.094 0.089 0.097 0.096 0.085 0.075
Years of
(23.21)** (21.35)** (13.01)** (12.77)** (16.98)** (14.57)**
Spouse Years of 0.066 0.07 0.069 0.072 0.053 0.057
(19.33)** (19.58)** (10.91)** (11.14)** (12.49)** (12.59)**
Province Dummies X X X
Constant -2.756 -4.197 -3.412 -1.986 -3.859 -3.447 -3.267 -4.318 -3.032
(17.90)** (19.10)** (12.74)** (6.86)** (9.47)** (7.85)** (17.97)** (16.55)** (7.16)**
N 420098 214004 214004 163047 86998 86998 257051 127006 127006
R2 0.1593 0.1831 0.195 0.1304 0.1526 0.16 0.1735 0.1897 0.2057
Robust z statistics in parentheses
* significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%

- 51 -
Table 21. Rural Enrollment and Attainment, Children Ages 7-16, CHIP 2002
Enrolled Students Attainment JHS+ (13+)
Year Proporti
Proportion N s N on N

7,05 7,05 3,77

Total 0.89 6 5.51 6 0.77 1

By Minority Status
5,95 5,95 3,22
Han 0.90 9 5.58 9 0.79 0
1,09 1,09
Minority 0.89 7 5.11 7 0.66 551

Source: CHIP 2002

Table 22. Regressions of Years Attained, Rural 7-16 Year-Olds, CHIP 2002

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(2) + (4) +
(1) +
Base Other (3) + Village Regi
SES on
- -
Minority -0.290*** -0.158*** 0.096 -0.084 0.17
* 9***
0.841 0.85
Age 0.769*** 0.780*** 0.839***
*** 4***
Age Squared 0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.00
Male 0.032 0.027 0.029 0.033
2001 Income Quintile (Ref.:Lowest)
0.227 0.22
Second 0.264*** 0.227***
*** 9***
0.165 0.16
Third 0.229*** 0.147***
*** 8***
0.170 0.19
Fourth 0.273*** 0.157***
*** 1***
0.293 0.34
Top 0.466*** 0.299***
*** 2***
0.159 0.16
Years of Schooling, Most Educated Household Member 0.161***
*** 4***
0.086 0.08
Cadres in Household 0.082*
* 5*
Migrants in Household -0.045 0.07
Village in Poverty County -0.106** 0.11
Topography (Ref.=Flat)

- 52 -
Hilly 0.196***
Mountainous 0.227***
Isolation: Distance (KM) from….
County Seat -0.002** 0.00
Nearest Township Government -0.002 0.00
Regional Dummies X
- -
Constant -4.259*** -4.540*** 6.089 -6.120*** 6.21
*** 5***
N 6,804 6,682 6,682 6,610
R2 0.744 0.748 0.762 0.763

- 53 -
Table 23. Reported Health Status by Ethnic Group, Adult Population
2002 CHIP, Rural
Healthy Healthy So-so Bad Very bad N
Majority 19.92 59.36 13.99 5.11 1.62 22,289
Minority 21.01 56.35 14.27 6.59 1.78 3,308
2005 Mid-censal Survey, National
Can Cannot
Maintain Regularly Work
Regular or Can't Live
Healthy Living/Work Alone N
Han 90.87 5.6 3.18 1,735,041
Zhuang 91.88 5.34 2.15 19,463
Manchu 90.66 5.11 4.09 14,047
Hui 91.36 5.42 3.02 21,024
Miao 91.11 4.73 3.81 12,503
Uygur 89.54 7.49 2.48 15,004
Other 90.30 5.37 3.92 116,255
Total 90.85 5.59 3.21 1,933,337
Sources: 2002 CHIP; 2005 Mid-censal Survey.

Table 24. Village Health Facilities in Minority and Non-Minority

Villages (Two Definitions)
50%+ of
Village is village
minority households are
area* minority**
No Yes No Yes
No clinic 7.4 25.5 8.6 20
Village-collective 9.8 10.7 10 9.6
Branch township hospital 18.5 19.5 18.2 20
Private 63.5 42.3 62.2 48.8
Other 0.9 2 1 1.6
Total 100 100 100 100
Cases 810 149 828 125
Source: CHIP 2002 Village Data
*chi2(4) = 51.4842 Pr = 0.000
**chi2(4) = 17.9169 Pr = 0.001

- 54 -
Table 25. Access to Social Insurance Programs by Ethnic Group and Residence Status, Adult
Population Excluding Students, 2005
Unemployment Pension Basic Medical
Insurance Insurance Insurance
Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural
Han 16.30 1.01 34.93 3.95 42.85 25.67
Zhuang 13.20 0.83 23.21 1.98 29.07 14.25
Manchu 15.53 0.69 34.59 3.55 33.72 16.63
Hui 18.08 1.00 36.48 1.82 39.26 22.81
Miao 10.44 0.72 18.94 1.29 25.88 9.91
Uygur 14.64 1.75 17.94 2.61 38.49 50.23
Other 11.58 0.91 22.32 2.23 35.48 21.75
Total 16.16 1.00 34.47 3.76 42.41 25.26
Source: 2005 Mid-censal Survey.

- 55 -
- 56 -
- 57 -
- 58 -

The White Paper gives additional details on sources of these rights (Information Office of the State
Council of the People’s Republic of China 2000, section 3):
The Common Program of the CPPCC, adopted at the first CPPCC session on September
29, 1949 and serving as the country's provisional constitution, defined regional
autonomy for ethnic minorities as a basic policy and one of the important political
systems of the state. The Program for the Implementation of Ethnic Regional Autonomy
of the People's Republic of China, issued on August 8, 1952, embodied overall
arrangements for the implementation of regional autonomy for national minorities. The
Constitution of the People's Republic of China adopted in 1954 and later amended and
promulgated defines such autonomy as an important political system of state. The Law of
the People's Republic of China on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, promulgated in 1984,
contains systematic provisions on the political, economic and cultural rights and duties
of ethnic minority autonomous areas.
The white paper also lays out a series of specific statements about rights (Information Office of the State
Council of the People’s Republic of China 2000, section 3):
“The people's congresses of the autonomous areas have the right to enact regulations on
the exercise of autonomy and separate regulations in light of local political, economic
and cultural characteristics…If resolutions, decisions, orders and instructions from the
higher-level state organs are not suited to the actual conditions of the autonomous areas,
the organs of self-government of these areas may be flexible in carrying them out or may
decide not to carry them out after approval by the higher state organs…Organs of self-
government of autonomous areas may independently arrange and manage local
economic construction within the guidance of state planning, and formulate policies,
principles and plans for their economic construction according to their local
characteristics and requirements. The organs of self-government in the autonomous
areas have trained a large number of minority cadres, technicians, management
personnel and other specialized personnel and skilled workers in line with the needs of
national construction and brought their roles in work into full play…Organs of self-
government of autonomous areas may decide their own local education programs,
including the establishment of schools, the length of study, the forms of school running,
course contents, language of instruction and procedures of enrollment and develop
independently their own type of education based on their ethnic minority characteristics
and within the state education policies and relevant laws.…Organs of self-government of
autonomous areas make their own decisions concerning medical and health work.”
The publication is ―Opinions Concerning Improving the Work of Minority Education‖ [关于加强民族
教育工作的意见,Guanyu jiaqiang minzu jiaoyu gongzuo de yijian,‖ cited in Ma 2007, p. 15.
There is much contention surrounding what combination of languages of instruction best serves the
needs of minority children (Feng 2005). A debate exists between prioritizing rapid immersion into
Mandarin, as a prerequisite for educational advancement and economic mobility, or first language
maintenance and development, thought to offer carryover effects on literacy in the second language, and
valuable for promoting cultural diversity and cultural survival.
We thank Professors Wang Jiayi and Xu Jieying at Northwest Normal University for helpful
conversations that pointed out these challenges in curricular content in minority languages.
The 1986 and 1995 Laws emphasize popularization of Mandarin, as well as use of minority
languages. . . . . For example, the 1995 law states, ―
The Chinese language, both oral and written, shall

- 59 -
be the basic oral and written language for education in schools and other educational institutions. Schools
or other educational institutions which mainly consist of students from minority nationalities may use in
education the language of the respective nationality or the native language commonly adopted in that
Schools and other educational institutions shall in their educational activities popularize the
nationally common spoken Chinese and the standard written characters‖ (Article 12).
Gustafsson and Ding (2008, p. 7) provide a useful description of the sample for the rural 2002 CHIP:
―T he sample was drawn from the large sample used by [the National Bureau of Statistics] in its annual
household survey covering around 67,000 households. This sample is selected in a multi-stage procedure
to be representative at the province level and each province statistical bureau is responsible for samples at
the village level. At the village level, a probability sample of ten households is selected. The rural
households are asked to keep detailed records of their expenditures as well as provide information on their
income. A large number of assistant enumerators aid the households in keeping good accounts and in
checking the information.‖
An important caveat is that the CHIP sample is a subsample of a larger Rural Household Survey
sample, and the dataset does not include sufficient documentation to incorporate sample design effects in
these calculations. A second caveat is that the year-to-year observations may not be fully independent.
These caveats suggest that some caution is due in interpreting confidence intervals.
These measures are the headcount index, the poverty gap ratio, and the squared poverty gap. They are
calculated as P=(1/n)*i=1,q [(z-yi)/z], where P is the poverty indicator, =0 for the headcount index, 1
for the poverty gap ratio, and 2 for the squared poverty gap ratio. Z is the poverty line, yi is the income
for person i, and q is the number of people who are poor.
These percentages are obtained by the formula 100*({exp[b]}-1), where b is the coefficient for years of
According to the same source, more than 60 counties had not universalized primary education (Wang
2006b, p. 1).
xii The source uses the term ―m inority counties‖ (少数民族县, shaoshu minzu xian), but this does not
appear to mean minority autonomous counties.
Research has indicated that it is primarily in rural contexts where minority educational disadvantage is
concentrated. Connelly and Zheng’s (2007) analysis of 2000 census data showed that that those minority
children who can muster the resources to get through middle school, within urban or rural areas, enjoyed
slightly better chances of going on to high school, compared to their Han counterparts (p. 87).
In thinking about this issue, we benefited from discussions with Professor Wang Jiayi at Northwest
Normal University and participants in the Oxford China Seminar.

- 60 -
Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Ch. 6: India

The Scheduled Tribes

Maitreyi Bordia Das

World Bank

Gillette Hall
Georgetown University

Soumya Kapoor

Denis Nikitin

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought
and discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
I. Introduction

Tribal groups in India are considered to be the earliest inhabitants of a country that
experienced diverse waves of invaders and other settlers over thousands of years, making
it difficult to identify the precise origin of today‘s tribal peoples from a ― purist‖
perspective. The state and discourse in India reject the term ― indigenous peoples‖ and
prefer instead to use the Constitutional term ―Scheduled Tribes‖ (see Annex 1). The self-
preferred term Adivasi is commonly translated as ‗original inhabitants‘, and literally
means ‗Adi or earliest time‘, ‗vasi = resident of‘. The Constitution Order 1950 declared
212 tribes located in 14 states as ― Scheduled Tribes‖ (STs).1 The Government of India
today identifies 533 tribes with 62 of them located in the state of Orissa.2

Social stratification in India is determined by the four-fold varna system commonly

called the caste system.3 Scheduled Tribes do not strictly fall within the caste hierarchy,
since they have distinct (often considered non-Hindu) cultural and religious practices and
social mores. Although ‗Scheduled Castes‘ (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes‘ is sometimes
said in the same breath, they are distinct social categories. While Scheduled Tribes do
not face ritual exclusion in the form of untouchability, as do the Scheduled Castes or
‗Dalits‘, when exclusion is defined more broadly in terms of being ― prevent(ed) … from
entering or participating‖ or ― being considered or accepted‖ , Scheduled Tribes fit
squarely within the conception of excluded people. The major difference in the
development status of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is that while the
former lived among but were segregated socially from the mainstream and from upper
caste groups, the latter were isolated physically, and hence socially (Béteille, 1991),
although the degree of ― isolation‖ remains in question.5

Over time, geographic isolation of Scheduled Tribes has manifested in relative and
oftentimes absolute deprivation, which has periodically surfaced in the starkest manner,
and reported widely in the press. Kalahandi district in Orissa has long been a metaphor
for starvation due to reports dating back to the 1980s. The Melghat area in Maharashtra
has similarly surfaced in the press, especially during the monsoon when migrant STs
return for transplanting rice on their subsistence plots of land, household food stocks are
depleted and cash to purchase food is scarce.

For purposes of this chapter, we use the term ST for tribal groups in India, as this is the category officially
used while collecting data in the country. In India though, the terms Adivasis or tribals are used
interchangeably with STs.
The caste or varna system comprises Brahmins or the priestly class at the top, followed by Kshatriyas or
the martial caste, Vaishyas or traders and finally the Shudras – the large category of manual workers who
often engage in ritually ― polluting‖ work. Of these, many are erstwhile untouchables. Untouchability is
illegal but Scheduled Castes (or the erstwhile untouchables) continue to suffer varying degrees of
subordination and segregation in Indian society, depending on the region of the country.
Encarta Online Edition
Anthropological literature suggests that tribals are in more ways integrated into the ―m ainstream‖ than is
recognized. There is considerable evidence on tribes emulating traditions of the caste system and
influencing them (Sinha 1958).

There is a wealth of ethnographic data on deprivation of the Scheduled Tribes. National
research and activist organizations have also conducted micro-level surveys of
households facing chronic food shortage and brought them before public gaze. For
example, a 2005 survey of ST areas in two Indian states found that 99 percent of the
sample ST households faced chronic hunger, one-quarter faced semi-starvation during the
previous week, and not a single household had more than 4 of 10 assets from a list that
included such basic items as ‗a blanket‘, ‗a pair of shoes‘ or ‗a radio‘ (Center for
Environment and Food Security, 2005). The discourse on ST deprivation is rich and
inter-disciplinary, but most often is based on small area studies such as the above. This
evidence, while compelling, has had limited statistical validity and has generated results
that are limited to one tribe, village or state. The purpose of this chapter is to present a
comprehensive and nationally representative picture of the nature of poverty and the
evolution of socio-economic indicators among India‘s Scheduled Tribe population as
compared to national trends for the two intervening decades between 1983 to 2004-05 –a
period of rapid growth of the national economy.

Our analysis leads us to three important conclusions. First, it suggests that the pace of
poverty reduction in the aforementioned time period has been considerably slower for the
Scheduled Tribes than it has been for other social categories, the Scheduled Castes
included. We also find considerable heterogeneity in poverty outcomes by state and
within Scheduled Tribes. States where STs comprise more than 10 percent of the total
population register headcount poverty rates that are higher than the national average.
Similarly, within Scheduled Tribes, those in lower deciles of the expenditure distribution
do worse, registering lower growth in expenditure than those in the upper deciles.

Second, our analysis indicates that while the Scheduled Tribes saw significant gains in
indicators of health, some of which improved at rates faster than the population average,
such gains were not sufficient to bridge the gap between the STs and the rest. Under-five
mortality of children remains a stark marker of deprivation of STs in India, with nearly
96 ST children dying for every 1000 births, compared to an under-five mortality of 74 per
1000 births for non-ST children. Interestingly, no differences were found in neo-natal
mortality outcomes among ST children and the rest, suggesting that the former were more
at risk as they grew up. This finding is supported by alarming figures on malnutrition for
ST children – nearly 53 percent were reported to be stunted (had lower height-for-age)
and 29 were reported to be severely stunted in 2005.

Third, despite improvement in educational attainment, literacy levels among STs

remained at an abysmally low level of 47 percent of ST population compared to 67
percent for others – an indication of the former‘s considerably lower -starting point.
There were of course differences by region and by gender. Scheduled Tribes in rural
areas were usually worse off, as were women, especially on educational attainment.

There are six sections in this chapter. The next section sums up India‘s track record on
growth and poverty in recent decades and policies that have been put in place by the
Indian state to safeguard and promote the welfare of STs. Section III describes the data
sources and methodology used for analysis. Section IV presents overall trends in poverty

and employment, health and education indicators for the period 1983 to 2005 – a time
when India as a whole registered dramatic progress – disaggregated by Scheduled Tribes
and other social groups. Section V discusses briefly the underlying processes that explain
deprivation of STs. These include poor physical access to services; increasing alienation
from traditional land; low voice and participation in political spaces; and poor
implementation of public assistance/poverty reduction programs which affects the
Scheduled Tribes disproportionately because they dominate the ranks of the poor and the
disadvantaged. Section VI concludes and summarizes the discussion.

II. India’s rapid growth and policies related to Scheduled Tribes

India achieved rapid economic growth in the decade of the nineties so much so that it is
now considered a ‗star performer‘ among other economies in the world – developed and
developing – next to China. Growth rates of GDP for the twenty year period between
1980 and 1999 averaged about 5.8 percent per annum, accelerating further at the turn of
the century to 8.5 percent in 2003-04, driven by continued growth in the service sector
and improved performance of industry (World Bank 2006, Virmani 2005).

While there has been considerable debate about poverty estimates during this period6, it is
clear that growth facilitated reduction in poverty. Using official poverty lines and
consumption data from the National Sample Survey, the World Bank‘s latest Poverty
Assessment for India estimates that poverty headcount levels declined from 45.6 percent
in 1983 to 27.5 percent in 2004-05 (World Bank 2009). What is not clear is whether the
pace of poverty reduction increased as growth accelerated. There have also been
concerns about the extent to which the fruits of growth were shared equally. The gap
between rural and urban areas reportedly widened in the nineties as did the wedge
between rich and poor people, particularly in urban centers (World Bank 2009).

More worryingly perhaps, structural inequalities defined by caste and tribe remained
salient (World Bank 2009). While there appear to be some cracks in caste-based
occupational hierarchies, glass walls and ceilings were still difficult to break through
(Das and Dutta 2007). Health and education indicators too improved but not enough to
bridge the gap between SCs and STs on one hand and the rest of the population on the
other. The Scheduled Tribes fared the worst, locked out geographically from most

The Indian state‘s response to the vulnerability among STs has been proactive and has
strong constitutional backing. Schedule V of the Indian Constitution identifies special
privileges for those areas where the majority of the population belongs to Scheduled
Tribes. Schedule VI is different in that it applies special privileges to tribals who reside
in the northeastern states of India. Here, tribal groups are the majority in states that have
been founded on tribal status. Many of the residents converted to Christianity and
obtained Western education and jobs. While these tribes in the Northeast states represent
less than 20 percent of the total Scheduled Tribe population in the country, the entire

For a summary of issues, see Deaton and Kozel (2005)

Northeast has been isolated from the development process due mainly to the geographical
and cultural isolation of these areas. On the other hand, in areas where Scheduled Tribes
are a minority or the Schedule V areas located within other states, tribal peoples are
among the most impoverished and marginalized. Both Schedule V and VI underscore the
area-based approach the state has followed while addressing tribal issues.

Several well-known state-sponsored commissions have recommended greater voice of

Scheduled Tribes in their own development, and underscore the importance of land and
forests in this process. Of late, the state has legislated to acknowledge the ― rights‖ of
Scheduled Tribe areas by taking them further towards self-rule. In 1996, the Indian
Parliament also passed the Panchayats Extension to the Scheduled Areas Act (PESA),
1996. The Act covers nine Schedule V states of Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat,
Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Rajasthan and
instead of individuals, recognizes and stresses on traditional community rights over
natural resources. PESA gives power over matters like sale of non-timber forest produce,
acquisition of land etc to the tribal Gram Sabhas i.e. village assemblies instead. Similarly,
in the context of mining, PESA gives a large role to gram sabhas that need to be
consulted for environmental clearance. The recent Forest Rights Act and the Tribal
Rights Act go further in adopting a rights based perspective and acknowledging the
preeminent rights of Scheduled Tribes to natural resources.

In parallel to the above, there are earmarked development funds both from the central
government and the states that flow to tribal areas through a special budgetary instrument
called the ― tribal sub-plan‖ (TSP). Scheduled Tribes also have quotas in public
employment, with 7.5 percent seats in all government and quasi-government jobs (which
form the major part of all regular salaried jobs), reserved for them. They have similar
quotas in public educational institutions and according to the 73rd amendment to the
Indian constitution have reserved seats in local governments as well. However,
enforcement of these far-reaching laws and policies has been weak due to a variety of
reasons as discussed later in section V.

III. Data and Methodology

The analysis contained in this chapter draws primarily on the Indian National Sample
Survey (NSS). The NSS allows trends in socio-economic indicators to be examined over
three rounds conducted in 1983, 1994-5 and 2004-5 and is considered to be one of the
most reliable data sources for socio-economic indicators in India. The survey covers both
rural and urban areas, and data from it are highly regarded and widely used for planning
purposes in India. Since the Scheduled Tribes comprise about 9 percent of the total NSS
sample, all analysis is weighted to make it nationally representative using Intercooled
STATA 7.0. In addition, we report evidence on health and education indicators from the
Indian census; three rounds of the Indian National Family Health Survey (NFHS 1992-3,
1998-9 and 2005-6); and the Reproductive Child Health Survey (RCH) II (2005).

Evidence on poverty and labor market outcomes for Scheduled Tribes‘ draws on analysis
undertaken for the 2009 World Bank India Poverty Assessment Report. The poverty

analysis uses India‘s official national poverty lines, which are calculated separately for
each state, and within each state for urban and rural areas (see Annex 2). They are
defined using the commodity-wise CPIAL (Consumer Price Index for Agricultural
Laborers) in rural areas and CPIIW (Consumer Price Index for Industry Workers) in
urban areas. Defined in real terms and regularly updated to account for inflation, these
poverty lines follow the Expert Group Method (Government of India, 1993) which
applies weights to food and non-food components of expenditure to mimic the
consumption patterns of households around the poverty line. The strengths and
limitations of this methodology are discussed at some length in the literature (see for
example Deaton 2003, 2008).

IV. Overall Trends

Demographic profile

According to the 2001 Census, India has 84.3 million Scheduled Tribes comprising 8.1
percent of the total population of the country (Table 1). As the table suggests, the share of
Scheduled Tribes in total population has remained fairly stable, particularly in the ten
year period between 1991 and 2001.

Table 1: Share of Scheduled Tribes in Total Population, 1951 – 2001 (population in millions)
Census Years Total population Population of ST S.T. %
1951 361.1 19.1 5.29
1961 439.2 30.1 6.85
1971 548.2 38.0 6.93
1981 685.2 51.6 7.53
1991 846.3 67.8 8.10
2001 1028.6 84.3 8.19

The main distinguishing demographic feature that differentiates Scheduled Tribes from
the rest of the Indian population lies in the degree to which they inhabit rural or urban
areas. India as a whole has been urbanizing at a fairly rapid pace – the share of the
population in urban areas has risen from roughly one quarter to one third of the
population between 1993 and 2005 (Table 2). Among the Scheduled Tribes, on the other
hand, the proportion living in urban areas has held fairly constant over this period - at
roughly 10 percent of the population – with the vast majority living in rural areas.

What is important about this fact is that, as some of the results that follow will show,
socio-economic conditions among tribal people living in urban areas are measurably
better than for those in rural areas. Thus it is important to bear in mind when examining
these results that they apply only to 10 percent of the tribal population. In all other basic
demographic respects (average age and household size) there were no significant
differences between the tribal and non-tribal population by 2004-05.

Table 2: Basic Demographic Characteristics, Scheduled Tribes and Total Population, 1993 - 2005
Scheduled Tribes Other Total population
1993 1998 2005 1993 1998 2005 1993 1998 2005
Male, % 50.6 50.5 49.7 50.8 50.8 50.0 50.8 50.8 49.9
Age 23.8 24.2 24.7 24.8 25.5 26.5 24.7 25.4 26.4
Married (ever), 15+ yrs old 81.3 79.6 80.1 78.6 77.1 78.0 78.8 77.4 78.2
Household size 5.7 5.4 5.0 5.9 5.6 5.0 5.9 5.6 5.0
Urban, % 9.9 10.8 10.3 27.9 28.1 32.8 26.3 26.4 30.8
Observations 61839 66834 72459 452988 446834 457607 514827 517379 534161
Source: NFHS, various years

Trends in poverty and distribution of wealth

India is widely considered a success story in terms of poverty reduction. In just two
decades, the national poverty rate has been cut almost in half, from 46 percent in 1983 to
27 percent in 2004-5. But to what degree did the Scheduled Tribes benefit from this
general climate of improving living standards?

In 1983, the Scheduled Tribe population registered poverty rates significantly higher than
the rest of the population (Table 3). Almost two-thirds of the Scheduled Tribe population
(63 percent) had consumption levels below the official poverty line in that year -
significantly more than the share of poor in the total population (46 percent), but also
higher than the poverty rate among the Scheduled Caste population (58 percent).

While poverty rates have declined among Scheduled Tribes since 1983, they have done
so at a slower rate than for the rest of the population (Table 3). The poverty rate among
Scheduled Tribes fell by 31 percent between 1983 and 2004-5, compared to a faster
decline of 35 percent among the Scheduled Castes and an average overall decline for All
India of 40 percent. Thus in 2004-5, almost half of the Scheduled Tribes population
remained in poverty (44 percent), while nationwide the poverty rate had been reduced
almost to one-quarter of the population (27.5 percent). However, the pace of poverty
reduction among Scheduled Tribes in urban areas was significantly faster (38 percent)
than that registered among Scheduled Castes (27 percent) – though still slower than the
rate of poverty reduction among non-Scheduled Tribes and Castes (43 percent).

Table 3: Trends in poverty incidence (Headcount Index), 1983-2005 (percent) – Tribals are poorer
than other social groups
Location Social Group 1983 1993-94 2004-05 % change b/w 83~05
Scheduled Tribe 63.9 50.2 44.7 -30
Scheduled Caste 59.0 48.2 37.1 -37
Others 40.8 31.2 22.7 -44
All 46.5 36.8 28.1 -40
Scheduled Tribe 55.3 43.0 34.3 -38
Scheduled Caste 55.8 50.9 40.9 -27
Others 39.9 29.4 22.7 -43
All 42.3 32.8 25.8 -39
Total Scheduled Tribe 63.3 49.6 43.8 -31

Scheduled Caste 58.4 48.7 37.9 -35
Others 40.5 30.7 22.7 -44
All 45.6 35.8 27.5 -40
Notes: Headcount indices are in average normalized form. Source: Estimates based on ‗Consumption
Expenditure Survey‘ (CES) of respective NSS rounds.

When a relatively impoverished group registers slow progress in poverty reduction, it can
be useful to explore changes in other poverty measures – particularly those that examine
‗poverty gap‘ and ‗poverty severity‘.

Calculations for the P1 ‗Poverty Gap‘7 (Table 4) show a relatively high poverty gap for
Scheduled Tribes in 1983 (.21) compared with both Scheduled Castes (.18) and the
national average (.13), but also, a smaller decline in that gap (49 percent) between 1983
and 2004-5 with respect to both Scheduled Castes (56 percent) and the population
average (57 percent). Scheduled Tribes however do as well as Scheduled Castes in urban
areas, registering an almost equivalent decline in poverty gap, though lower than the
average for the urban population (48 percent)

Table 4: Trends in poverty gap (FGT P1 Index), India, 1983-2005 (percent) – Slower decline in
poverty gap for Tribals
Location Social Group 1983 1993-94 2004-05 % change b/w 83~05
Scheduled Tribe 21.2 12.2 10.7 -50
Scheduled Caste 18.7 11.7 7.5 -60
Others 11.1 6.7 4.1 -63
All 13.6 8.4 5.5 -59
Scheduled Tribe 17.4 12.4 10.9 -37
Scheduled Caste 16.8 14.1 10.4 -38
Others 11.0 7.2 5.2 -52
All 11.9 8.3 6.2 -48
Scheduled Tribe 20.9 12.2 10.7 -49
Scheduled Caste 18.4 12.2 8.1 -56
Others 11.1 6.8 4.4 -60
All 13.2 8.4 5.7 -57
Notes: FGT – Foster, Greer and Thorbecke; FGT P1 indices are in average normalized form. Source: See
Table 3.

Similarly, we find higher ‗poverty severity‘8 rates in 1983 and slower declines among the
Scheduled Tribes compared to the population average and even the Scheduled Castes. In
this case, the exception for Scheduled Tribes in urban areas disappears (Table 5).

Table 5: Trends in poverty severity (FGT P2 Index), India, 1983-2005 (percent)– Slower decline in
poverty severity for Tribals
Location Social Group 1983 1993-94 2004-05 % change b/w 83~05

The poverty gap or depth of poverty is also referred to as the FGT P1 index and measures the average
distance between household consumption and the poverty line.
Poverty severity (or the FGT P2) index measures the severity of poverty, accounting for the fact that
under FGT P1, an income transfer from two households beneath the poverty line, would register no change
in the index.

Scheduled Tribe 9.5 4.3 3.7 -61
Scheduled Caste 8.2 4.1 2.2 -73
Others 4.6 2.1 1.1 -76
All 5.8 2.8 1.6 -72
Scheduled Tribe 7.2 5.0 4.7 -35
Scheduled Caste 7.1 5.6 3.8 -46
Others 4.5 2.6 1.8 -61
All 4.9 3.0 2.2 -56
Scheduled Tribe 9.4 4.3 3.8 -60
Scheduled Caste 8.0 4.3 2.5 -68
Others 4.6 2.3 1.3 -72
All 5.6 2.8 1.8 -68
Notes: FGT P2 indices are in average normalized form. Source: See Table 3.

Relatively slower declines in poverty among the Scheduled Tribes have meant an
increase in their concentration in the poorest deciles of the population. Table 6 draws
from the NFHS data and gives a distribution of STs across population deciles using a
wealth index. The index is constructed ― using household asset data and housing
characteristics. Each household asset is assigned a weight (factor score) generated
through principal components analysis, and the resulting asset scores are standardized in
relation to a normal distribution with a mean of zero and standard deviation of one […].
Each household is then assigned a score for each asset, and the scores are summed for
each household; individuals are ranked according to the score of the household in which
they reside.‖

Specifically, ― wealth index is based on the following 33 assets and housing

characteristics: household electrification; type of windows; drinking water source; type of
toilet facility; type of flooring; material of exterior walls; type of roofing; cooking fuel;
house ownership; number of household members per sleeping room; ownership of a bank
or post-office account; and ownership of a mattress, a pressure cooker, a chair, a cot/bed,
a table, an electric fan, a radio/transistor, a black and white television, a color television,
a sewing machine, a mobile telephone, any other telephone, a computer, a refrigerator, a
watch or clock, a bicycle, a motorcycle or scooter, an animal-drawn cart, a car, a water
pump, a thresher, and a tractor‖ (IIPS and Macro International, 2007, p. 43).

Table 6 shows that even though Scheduled Tribes had a small share in the population
(roughly 8 percent), in 1993, they made up 22 percent of total population in the poorest
decile and only 1.7 percent of those in the wealthiest decile. By 2005, their share in the
poorest decile had risen to 25 percent, signifying a widening wealth gap between
Scheduled Tribes and the rest of the population (Table 6, first 3 columns).

Taking the entire Scheduled Tribe population and allocating it across deciles shows a
similar worsening of the distribution, only more starkly (Table 6, last 3 columns). In
1993, 25 percent of those belonging to a Scheduled Tribe fell into the poorest wealth
decile. By 2005, this figure had risen to 30 percent. Further, while 52 percent of the
Scheduled Tribe population fell into the poorest three deciles in 1993, this figure had
risen to 64 percent by 2005.

Table 6: Distribution of Scheduled Tribes Across Deciles (Wealth Index) 1993-2005: Majority of Scheduled
Tribes are concentrated in the poorest wealth deciles
Share of Scheduled Tribes in Population, by Distribution of Scheduled Tribes Population across
Deciles Deciles
1993 1998 2005 1993 1998 2005
Poorest Decile 0.223 0.217 0.251 0.253 0.245 0.297
2 0.132 0.148 0.167 0.149 0.167 0.198
3 0.106 0.118 0.120 0.120 0.134 0.142
4 0.108 0.123 0.081 0.122 0.139 0.096
5 0.099 0.091 0.065 0.113 0.102 0.077
6 0.081 0.061 0.048 0.091 0.069 0.057
7 0.052 0.052 0.037 0.059 0.059 0.044
8 0.035 0.035 0.031 0.040 0.039 0.037
9 0.030 0.031 0.027 0.034 0.035 0.031
Richest Decile 0.017 0.015 0.017 0.020 0.017 0.021
Notes: The wealth index is a factor score based on ownership of assets; Source: NFHS

In sum, it is clear that not only are the Scheduled Tribes poorer than any other group,
they are also among the poorest. Their initial consumption levels are so far below the
poverty line and they have such limited assets, that marginal gains made by them in the
past two decades have resulted in only a few households among them crossing over the
threshold successfully.

These results need to be qualified: there is considerable variation in poverty outcomes by

state and even within Scheduled Tribes. A look at poverty trends by state indicates that
the marginal gains made by Scheduled Tribes in the aggregate seem to be further offset
by highly unequal results across regions (Table 7). In states with high tribal populations
(about 10 percent of the state‘s total population), ST households exhibited poverty rates
that were higher than across the nation as a whole in 2004-05 (with the exception of
Assam). The highest poverty rates recorded for tribal groups were in Orissa, with the
tribal population in the state registering a head count ratio of 75 percent in 2004-05 – an
increase of about 6 percent from 1993-94 levels. Tribals in rural areas in Orissa were
particularly worse off, with poverty levels among the group declining at a slower pace
(13 percent) during 1983-2005 compared to a decline of 44 percent for other groups (non
SCs and STs). Tribals in rural areas in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan,
Jharkhand and Chattisgarh too recorded far lower declines in poverty than other groups.

Table 7: Poverty incidence is higher in states with high proportion of Scheduled Tribes (percent)

1983 1993-94 2004-05

STs All STs All STs All

Assam 48 42 41 41 12 21
Gujarat 58 33 31 24 33 17
Madhya Pradesh 72 50 60 42 57 38
Maharashtra 63 44 53 37 54 31
Orissa 86 66 71 49 75 47

Rajasthan 63 39 44 27 32 21
Jharkhand 73 60 68 55 53 42
Chhattisgarh 59 50 53 44 54 41
All India 63 46 50 36 44 28
Notes: States that had 10% or greater ST population in 1983.Source: Indian National Sample Survey

Do we find intra-group variation in poverty for STs over time? Figure 1 gives the
Growth Incidence Curves (GIC) for the ST category, both in rural and urban areas,
indicating the growth rate in expenditure between two points in time (1993 and 2004) at
each percentile of the expenditure distribution. They show that among the ST population,
expenditures grew more rapidly at the higher end of the expenditure distribution than in
the lower percentiles of the distribution. This was particularly true in urban areas, and
may in part be explained by particularly large income gains among those with access to
and benefits from reserved jobs. This result may also explain why poverty rates among
STs in urban areas have fallen relatively quickly.

Figure 1: ST Expenditures grew more rapidly at the higher end of the expenditure distribution
between 1994 and 2005
Total (years 1994 and 2005) Urban
4 Growth-incidence 95% confidence bounds 4

3 Growth in mean Mean growth rate 3

Annual growth rate %

Annual growth rate %

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Expenditure percentiles Expenditure percentiles


Annual growth rate %



1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Expenditure percentiles

Source: World Bank. 2009. India Poverty Assessment Poverty Report; estimates based on
‗Consumption Expenditure Survey‘ (CES) of respective NSS rounds.

Correlates of poverty

What accounts for higher incidence of poverty among the STs? We use two approaches
in answering this question: first, we conduct standard poverty regressions to examine the
independent contribution of different household characteristics to poverty outcomes.
Second we present a three-fold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the ST-non-ST

difference in poverty headcount into (a) the differential endowments, (b) differential
returns on endowment, and the (c) interaction between the former two components.

Table 8 gives sample means for the household characteristic variables used in the
regressions. It highlights several distinct features of ST households. Across both rural
and urban samples, ST households tend to be smaller and have fewer elderly members
but more children age 0-6 years than non-ST households. However, there are several
dissimilarities across the ST urban and rural samples, particularly with respect to the
characteristics of the household head. Urban ST household heads have significantly
more education (though still less than non-ST households), are more likely to be women
(even compared to non-ST households), and their propensity to have regular wage
employment is equal to that of the non-ST population perhaps on account of access to
and benefits from reserved jobs. In contrast, in rural areas, the majority of ST household
heads can be found in agricultural self-employment, mostly working as subsistence

Table 9 shows the results of a multivariate regression of poverty headcount on a number

of household characteristics, run separately for rural and urban areas. We show results
for the ST population as well as two reference categories: (i) the entire non-ST
population; and (ii) the non-ST population excluding OBC and SC groups, as the latter
two groups face exclusion and disadvantages of their own which may distinguish them
from the broader population. All the standard covariates – household size and
composition, head‘s education and sector of employment, and land ownership - turn out
to be significant in the expected direction. However, some interesting results stand out.
First, the poverty-reducing effect of having a better-educated household head is not as
pronounced among the STs in rural areas as it is among the rest of the rural population;
but having a well-educated (secondary and beyond) household head has a stronger
poverty reducing effect for STs in urban areas. Second, in rural areas female headed ST
households are considerably more likely to be poor than their non-ST counterparts, but
this effect disappears among STs in urban areas – where the incidence of female headship
is also higher. Third, employment as a rural agricultural laborer is associated with greater
poverty among non-STs, but not STs perhaps because they have access to subsistence
land. In urban areas however, non-wage employment (especially in casual labor) has a
much larger effect on poverty among ST households than non-STs. This mostly captures
ST migrant laborers. Finally, land ownership has a strong poverty reducing effect for all
groups with the exception of urban STs – whose landholdings are nevertheless similar in
size, on average, to non-STs.

The above results are consistent in a model using region as opposed to province controls.
We also examined how these factors are correlated with consumption. The results of this
OLS regression are included in Annex 3, and are also largely consistent with the
outcomes of the poverty regression.

Table 8: Sample Means: Urban and Rural ST households differ, particularly in characteristics of the
household head
Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST
(including (excluding (including (excluding

Poverty headcount 0.447 0.261 0.175 0.342 0.256 0.161

Household size 5.845 6.128 6.162 5.312 5.614 5.517
Household size, squared 40.352 46.108 46.870 33.931 39.141 37.674
Proportion of HH members 0-6 years old 0.177 0.161 0.144 0.137 0.123 0.109
Proportion of HH members 60+ years old 0.056 0.076 0.086 0.046 0.072 0.085
Age of HH head 44 46 48 42 46 48
Age of HH head, squared 2,066 2,327 2,480 1,915 2,318 2,454
HH head's education level
no education0.593 0.432 0.313 0.292 0.198 0.126
below primary0.126 0.113 0.109 0.077 0.078 0.061
primary0.213 0.304 0.356 0.298 0.314 0.281
secondary0.055 0.120 0.170 0.236 0.252 0.293
post-secondary0.013 0.030 0.052 0.097 0.157 0.241
Female HH head 0.064 0.077 0.073 0.114 0.083 0.077
Household's most important source of income:
Rural areas
agricultural self-employment0.429 0.393 0.489 n.a. n.a. n.a.
non-agricultural self-employment0.068 0.177 0.177 n.a. n.a. n.a.
agricultural labor0.336 0.238 0.141 n.a. n.a. n.a.
other labor0.115 0.103 0.076 n.a. n.a. n.a.
other0.053 0.090 0.117 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Urban areas
regular wage employmentn.a. n.a. n.a. 0.427 0.394 0.421
self-employedn.a. n.a. n.a. 0.274 0.435 0.454
casual laborn.a. n.a. n.a. 0.220 0.114 0.057
othern.a. n.a. n.a. 0.078 0.057 0.068
Area of agricultural land owned 3,085 1,345 2,741 252 210 269
Source: NSS 2004-05

Table 9: Poverty regressions, India 2005. Probit with robust standard errors. Provincial controls.
Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST
(including (excluding (including (excluding

Dependent variable: poverty headcount (1=poor, 0= non-poor)

Household size 0.3283*** 0.2757*** 0.2239*** 0.2855*** 0.3245*** 0.3722***
Household size, squared -0.0117*** -0.0092*** -0.0059*** -0.0141** -0.0113*** -0.0144***
Proportion of HH members 0-6 years old 0.8762*** 0.9891*** 1.1725*** 1.0393** 0.6823*** 0.8795***
Proportion of HH members 60+ years old 0.3928** 0.6311*** 0.6892*** -0.2041 0.6516*** 0.1909
Age of HH head -0.0285** -0.0072 0.0061 -0.1142*** -0.0208*** -0.0166
Age of HH head, squared 0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0002* 0.0012*** 0 0

HH head's education level
below primary-0.0903 -0.2243*** -0.1610** -0.3848* -0.3342*** -0.3624***
primary-0.3572*** -0.4151*** -0.4031*** -0.4612*** -0.5720*** -0.6700***
secondary-0.7259*** -0.7501*** -0.8371*** -1.3107*** -1.0879*** -1.2070***
Post-secondary-0.8077*** -1.0874*** -1.2443*** -2.4044*** -1.7069*** -1.8248***
Female HH head 0.2213** 0.1410*** 0.0532 -0.1382 0.0015 -0.0518
Household's most important source of income^
1=rural: non-agricultural self-employment-0.4158*** 0.0177 0.0364
1=rural: agricultural labor0.0876 0.6132*** 0.6296***
1=rural: other labor-0.083 0.3239*** 0.2060***
1=rural: other-0.4710*** -0.0693* -0.0606
1=urban: self-employed 0.7439*** 0.1444*** 0.0671
1=urban: casual labor 1.2760*** 0.7566*** 0.7098***
1=urban: other 0.4138* 0.1712** 0.128
Area of agricultural land owned -0.2369*** -0.1407*** -0.1134*** -0.0078 -0.0850*** -0.0496*
Area of agricultural land owned, squared 0.0065*** 0.0000*** 0.0000*** -0.005 0.0001*** 0.0000*
Provincial dummies^^ included included included included included included
Constant -3.4171*** -2.0051*** -1.7810*** -5.4155*** -1.0289*** -1.6436***

Number of observations 11704 65902 22501 2155 40879 18680

Pseudo R2 0.23 0.2 0.23 0.41 0.28 0.32
Notes: .01 - ***; .05 - **; .1 - *; ^ - Reference category: in urban areas and all India - wage employment, in rural areas — agricultural self-employment;
^^To check for robustness, a similar regression controlling for region instead of province was run, which yields similar results. Source: NSS 2004-05

Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition

We use Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions (Oaxaca 1973, Blinder 1973) to decompose the

gap in outcomes between STs and other categories. Classic Blinder-Oaxaca
decompositions separate out differentials between groups into differences in observable
characteristics (explained differences, or differences in endowments) and unobserved
(unexplained or residual) differences. However, the ― unexplained‖ component of the
classic two-fold Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition can be further split into the difference
due to coefficients and the difference due to the interaction between differences in
coefficients and differences in endowments (Daymont and Andrisani, 1984).9 The
resulting three-fold decomposition (endowments, coefficients, and interaction
components) identifies the source of differences in the outcomes more clearly than the
traditional two-fold decomposition and will be used here.

The unexplained component in the classic two-way Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition is

traditionally interpreted as a measure of discrimination or unequal treatment, because it
represents the residual, which cannot be accounted for by differences in characteristics.
For instance, a gap in earnings between two individuals, which remains unexplained by
their qualifications, would be ascribed to discrimination within the Oaxaca-Blinder
framework. Such an interpretation is conceptually problematic because differences in

The traditional two-fold Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions lump the interaction component either with the
differences in coefficients or with the differences in endowments.

observable characteristics, such as qualifications, may themselves arise due to past
discrimination and exclusion from education and professional development opportunities.

The same applies to our three-fold decomposition. Differences between Adivasi and
non-Adivasi endowments are likely to be results of past exclusion, or even
cotemporaneous exclusion outside of labor market. The difference in coefficients -
within the three-fold decomposition – framework indicates differential rates of returns on
endowments for Adivasis and non-Adivasis. These differential rates of return can be
considered as an indication of unequal treatment, insofar as we have reasons to presume
that equality between groups implies quality of returns on endowments. Such a
presumption need not always apply - for instance, differences in returns on land
ownership may result from the qualitatively different relationship to land among tribal
and non-tribal groups, and not all of it due to discrimination. It is important then to
exercise caution when making inferences about exclusion and discrimination based on
the decomposition results. On balance however, considering a wide range of relevant
characteristics, the expectation that similar endowments should translate into similar
welfare levels (and poverty rates) among Adivasis and non-Adivasis should apply.

The three-fold decomposition of differences in outcomes between two groups, A and B,

can then be written as follows:

YA-YB = (XA-XB) βB + XB (βA-βB) + (XA-XB) (βA-βB) = E + C + CE ,

where YA-YB is the raw difference in outcomes between the two groups, (XA-XB) βB
captures the difference due to disparity in endowments, XB (βA-βB) represents the
difference due to disparity in coefficients and (XA-XB) (βA-βB) is the interaction between
the gap in endowments and the gap in coefficients. Specifically, the first component (XA-
XB) βB tells us how much higher or lower the outcome for group B would be if the level
of group B‘s endowment of X were equivalent to that of group A, assuming the rate of
return on change in endowment of X is fixed at group B‘s rate of return (coefficient βB.)
The second component, XB (βA-βB), tells us by how much higher or lower the outcome
for group B would be if the level of the endowments of group B (XB) remained constant,
but the rate of group B‘s return on endowments (βA-βB) were equivalent to that of group

The interaction component captures co-variation of disparities in endowments and

coefficients. If group A is the group with the higher outcome, the sign of the interaction
component, (XA-XB) (βA-βB), indicates whether the directionality of difference in
coefficients is the same as that of difference in endowments. If the directionality is the
same - i.e. if group A‘s mean endowment of X is higher (lower) and its coefficient βA is
higher (lower) than group B‘s – the interaction component will have a positive sign.
Conversely, the negative sign indicates the opposite directionality of the coefficients‘ and
endowments‘ contributions to the outcome. Thus, differences in coefficients may
compensate for disparities in endowments, or vice versa.

We find that in 2005 the greater part of the ST—non-ST differential in poverty rates in
rural areas is due to differences in coefficients (a likely indication of discrimination),
rather than endowments; specifically, the contribution of the differences in coefficients is
nearly three times greater than the contribution of differences in characteristics (see Table
10). The magnitude of the interaction effect is small. This result coheres with the
findings of Borooah (2005) who finds the discrimination effect to be considerably
stronger than the endowment effect, in shaping differences between ST and non-ST
households in their average probability of being poor or non-poor10. The discrimination
effect also plays a stronger role in explaining poverty incidence among STs in Gang et
al‘s (2008) analysis using the 1999-2000 NSS data. Policies for STs therefore cannot be
limited to enhancing endowments, but must also address the issue of lower returns.
Having said that, lower returns do originate from a history of differential access among
STs to endowments and facilities and opportunities in general, mainly due to their
location in remote areas. Unless these are addressed, inequalities and differentials may
continue to exist (Gaiha et al 2007).

Turning to consumption, we find an opposite pattern: the differences in endowments play

a more important role than the coefficients. In fact, the endowments gap is so large that –
holding the coefficient at βnon-ST – we would expect an even greater gap in consumption
than is actually observed. The difference in endowments accounts for 113 percent of the
differences between ST and non-ST mean log real monthly per capita consumption –
instead of the observed -.24 unit gap, non-ST‘s consumption would drop -.27 units if they
had the ST‘s endowments (see Table 10). The contribution of coefficients to the gap in
consumption is also large, however, at 73 percent and works in the same direction – non-
STs would experience a -.176 reduction in monthly consumption if they had the current
levels of endowments but their returns in terms of welfare would decline to the ST‘s
level. Note that the interaction effect is very large, accounting for a .21 unit (86 percent)
difference in observed gap in consumption. Notably the interaction effect works in the
direction opposite to the direction of the other two components, i.e. the interaction of
differences in endowments and coefficients narrows the gap between STs and non-STs
which would otherwise occur due to the disparity in their endowments and coefficients.11

Thus we find that differences in endowments matter more for consumption than
differences in returns on those endowments. If the poverty headcount indicator is based
on consumption aggregate (the poor are those households whose per capita consumption
falls below the poverty line), why should we find that endowments matter more for
explaining differences in the consumption aggregate and returns on endowments better
explain differences in poverty rates? We suspect that this is because of two factors: a)

In fact, the authors find the strength of the discrimination factor to be considerably more for ST than SC
households. The probability of being in poverty is calculated based on median income of sampled
households surveyed for the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) 1994 survey.
Since the interaction component is a product (X ST-XnonST) (βST-βnonST), it will be positive when both
multipliers are positive or negative. Assuming (X ST-XnonST) is negative, i.e. ST‘s endowments are lower
than the non-STs‘ endowment, (βST-βnonST) is also negative, suggesting that (βST≥0 and βST< βnon-ST) or
(βST<0). That is, in the first case, while ST endowments are lower, the effect of their lower endowments on
consumption is also lower; and in the second case the STs have low level of endowments which in their
case tend to reduce consumption

that at higher levels of consumption – well beyond the threshold of poverty – the ST–
non-ST differences in welfare endowments become relatively more important in
determining the level of welfare; and b) the variation in ST and non-ST levels of
consumption becomes harder to explain - thus the swelling of the interaction component.
Notably, the results of decomposition of the bottom half of the consumption distribution
look more comparable to the poverty decomposition results, with differences in
coefficients playing a relatively more important role; however, the interaction effect is
still sizable at 51 percent of the observed difference.

Table 10. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of differences in poverty headcount rates and consumption
between STs and Non-STs. RURAL AREAS ONLY.
ST versus non-ST ST versus non-ST
(non-ST includes OBC and
SC) (non-ST excludes OBC and SC)
Results Component size Percentage Component size Percentage
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) 0.049 26% 0.099 36%
Coefficients (C) 0.141 76% 0.169 62%
Interaction (CE) -0.004 -2% 0.004 1%
Omega = 0
Characteristics (E) 0.045 24% 0.103 38%
Coefficients (C) 0.137 74% 0.173 64%
Interaction (CE) 0.004 2% -0.004 -1%
Raw difference 0.186 100% 0.272 100%
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) -0.272 113% -0.372 97%
Coefficients (C) -0.176 73% -0.248 65%
Interaction (CE) 0.207 -86% 0.238 -62%
Omega = 0
Characteristics (E) -0.064 27% -0.134 35%
Coefficients (C) 0.031 -13% -0.010 3%
Interaction (CE) -0.207 86% -0.238 62%
Raw difference -0.240 100% -0.382 100%
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) -0.058 62% -0.092 76%
Coefficients (C) -0.084 89% -0.108 89%
Interaction (CE) 0.048 -51% 0.078 -64%
Omega = 0
Characteristics (E) -0.010 11% -0.013 11%
Coefficients (C) -0.036 38% -0.030 24%
Interaction (CE) -0.048 51% -0.078 64%
Raw difference -0.094 100% -0.121 100%
Notes: ^ Monthly per capita real expenditure below Rs 454.3 in rural areas; Stata's nldecompose was used for
this decomposition; Source: NSS 2004-05

In urban areas, the differences between the ST and non-ST poverty rates are mostly due
to the disparity in returns on endowments, if we include OBCs and SCs among the non-
STs; if the latter two groups are excluded, reducing the non-ST category to forward
classes only, disparate endowments account for a larger fraction of the gap in poverty

Unlike in rural areas, decomposition of consumption in urban areas indicates that

coefficients – not endowments – account for the larger part of differences in
consumption. The same pattern holds whether we exclude OBCs/SCs from among the
non-STs or not. The interaction component is also sizable, ranging from 30 to 43
percent. Looking at the bottom half of the urban population, we find the same pattern:
differences in coefficients are more important in explaining the gap between STs and
non-STs in urban areas than the endowments.

Table 11. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of differences in poverty headcount rates and consumption
between STs and Non-STs. URBAN AREAS ONLY.
ST versus non-ST ST versus non-ST

(non-ST includes OBC and SC) (non-ST excludes OBC and SC)
Results Component Size Percentage Component Size Percentage
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) 0.044 51% 0.108 60%
Coefficients (C) 0.049 57% 0.073 41%
Interaction (CE) -0.007 -8% -0.001 -1%
Omega = 0
Characteristics (E) 0.037 43% 0.107 59%
Coefficients (C) 0.041 49% 0.071 40%
Interaction (CE) 0.007 8% 0.001 1%
Raw difference 0.085 100% 0.180 100%
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) -0.076 51% -0.212 60%
Coefficients (C) -0.138 92% -0.246 70%
Interaction (CE) 0.064 -43% 0.106 -30%
Omega = 0
Characteristics (E) -0.012 8% -0.106 30%
Coefficients (C) -0.073 49% -0.140 40%
Interaction (CE) -0.064 43% -0.106 30%
Raw difference -0.150 100% -0.352 100%
Omega = 1
Characteristics (E) -0.032 26% -0.165 70%
Coefficients (C) -0.107 89% -0.166 71%
Interaction (CE) 0.018 -15% 0.096 -41%
Omega = 0
Characteristics -0.013 11% -0.069 29%
Coefficients -0.089 74% -0.070 30%
Interaction -0.018 15% -0.096 41%
Raw difference -0.120 100% -0.235 100%
Notes: ^ Monthly per capita real expenditure below Rs 782.4 in urban areas; Stata's nldecompose was used for

this decomposition; Source: NSS 2004-05


The labor market profile of ST households and workers is quite distinct from any other
social group. The large majority of ST households in rural areas own at least subsistence
land and so, when they cannot get benefits from job quotas, either due to lack of
education or due to lack of access to information about vacancies, or due to the fact that
these vacancies remain unfilled, they have subsistence agriculture to fall back on. As a
last resort, they end up as casual laborers. This is very different from the situation of SC
households that have very little access to land and are overrepresented in casual wage
employment and under-represented in self-employment. About 44 percent of ST men as
against 32 percent of OBC men, 35 percent men from the general category, and only 19
percent from the SC category, are self-employed subsistence farmers in rural areas.
Scheduled Tribe men are also less likely to take up non-farm self-employment in rural
areas compared to men from the OBC and general category (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Most ST men in rural India are self-employed subsistence farmers: 2004/05

Source: Das 2008

Interestingly, we find a premium attached to being an ST in urban areas where formal

jobs are concerned. ST men have a 4 percent higher likelihood of being in regular
salaried jobs compared to a non ST (Das 2006). Further, salaries paid to ST regular
workers are at par with or higher than non STs as indicated by the shift of the earnings
distribution to the right for ST workers compared to that of non STs (see left panel of
figure 4). Interestingly, the earnings distribution of ST workers in urban areas is more or
less similar to that of non-ST workers at the bottom quantiles, but it is higher at the top
quantiles. We believe that these unexpectedly high earnings are driven primarily by
Scheduled Tribe elites in administrative jobs (those at the higher end of the urban
expenditure distribution in figure 1). These are STs who have over successive generations
availed of the benefit of reservations and have now achieved success in their respective
areas (see Das and Dutta, 2007).

However, given the predominantly agrarian focus of ST households, these numbers
reflect and capture earnings of a very small proportion of STs. Also, if we exclude SCs
and OBCs, then the difference between earnings of regular ST workers and workers from
forward classes (read general caste) in urban areas is not significant (right panel of figure
3). Furthermore, in rural areas, the regular earnings distribution shifts in favor of the
general castes. This results in a mixed picture for the overall sample with the non-STs
having an advantage at lower level of earnings (consistent with their higher earnings in
rural areas), and STs having an advantage at higher levels (consistent with their higher
earnings in urban areas).

Figure 3: STs earn more than non STs when employed in high-paying, regular, urban jobs
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total


Kernel density
Kernel density


2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Log real monthly earnings from regular employment, 2004-05

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Non-ST Forward Only ST

Log real monthly earnings from regular employment, 2004-05
Graphs by Urban
Graphs by Urban

With respect to casual earnings, the differences are much more subtle. This is because
casual workers are largely a homogenous pool of low-skilled workers. Thus, the kernel
density plots do not reflect significant differences - the earning distribution is only
slightly more favorable for non-STs (figure 4). Excluding OBCs and SCs from the non-
ST group clarifies the trend for higher non ST earnings in urban areas.

Figure 4: No significant differences exist in earnings among casual, low skilled workers
Rural Urban Total
Rural Urban Total


Kernel density
Kernel density




2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Log real monthly earnings from casual employment, 2004-05
Log real monthly earnings from casual employment, 2004-05
Non-ST Forward Only ST
Non-ST ST Graphs by Urban
Graphs by Urban

This does not take away from the low level of wages that casual ST workers are paid. In
fact, wages for all ST casual workers (in rural as well as urban areas) are the lowest

among all social groups. However, lack of earnings data for self-employed persons
prevents us from looking more closely at the earnings of self-employed ST farmers.

Not all Scheduled Tribes who work in urban areas are well-paid. Surveys often do not
capture seasonal migration of STs, who move to cities as manual labor employed in
construction sites where they are paid wages that are lower when compared to wages paid
to other social groups. There is a large body of literature – mainly ethnographic and from
small area surveys – that focuses on distress migration of STs. Mosse et al (2002) for
instance emphasize the importance of addressing the conditions under which STs


Drawing on three rounds of the NFHS, this section provides a closer look at trends in
basic health indicators and outcomes for Scheduled Tribes as compared to other groups.
Results show that Scheduled Tribes in 1992 had significant deficits in access to health
care. And while trends are improving – in some cases at a faster pace than average – the
size of deficits were so large at the start of the period that persistent and sizeable gaps
remain. Thus in nearly every health outcome – whether child mortality, malnutrition,
immunization, contraception, pregnancy or maternal care – Scheduled Tribes continue to
exhibit worse outcomes vis-à-vis the national average and in comparison to non-SC/STs.
Our analysis also suggests that Scheduled Tribes in urban areas do better on virtually
every indicator than their counterparts in rural areas. This is partly because of better
access to health care12 and partly because there are larger numbers of STs in the higher
wealth quintiles who live in cities and towns compared to villages.

While the tables in this section show the large gap between STs and the rest, the non-
tribal category in India, is very diverse. Caste membership for instance exercises huge
influence over outcomes and Scheduled Castes in many areas are as vulnerable as STs.
Most analyses report findings by SC and ST status and then for the rest of the population.
We report findings in the text by ST and non-ST and find that despite the fact that the
non-ST category is so heterogeneous, STs still do worse than everyone else. In Annex 4,
we disaggregate key health outcomes by different social groups. We find that while SCs
remain below par on most indicators such as maternal health, the STs are worse off than
even the SCs, which makes the gap between them and the rest all the more alarming.

Child mortality and malnutrition. India‘s child health indicators have shown considerable
improvement between 1992 and 2005, with infant mortality declining from 78 to 57
deaths per 1000 live births and under-five mortality declining by roughly one-third over
the intervening period (from 109 to 74 deaths per 1000 live births). However under-five
mortality levels among tribal children remain startlingly high (at 96 deaths per 1000 live

Lack of access to health facilities in rural areas is evident from the fact that 12 percent of rural women in
the NFHS 2005 sample cited prohibitive distance as a reason for not using a health facility for their last
birth within the last five years. In contrast, only 6 percent of urban women said so.

births). In fact, mortality of tribal children starts of on par with that of non-tribals, but
gets rapidly worse in rural areas by the time the children are five years old (Table 12).
Maharatna (1998; 2000) has documented the more sustainable practices that Scheduled
Tribes follow and which have historically kept rates of fertility and mortality among them
lower than the national average, and how this began to change as tribals had to give up
their traditional practices. The existing pattern of excess mortality of tribal children is in
keeping with ethnographic and media reports and data from administrative records, and
remains one of the starkest markers of tribal deprivation in India.

Table 12: Infant Mortality Rates are similar across the population, but by Age 5, ST children are
at significantly greater risk of dying
Neonatal neonatal Infant Child Under five
Mortality Mortality Mortality Mortality Mortality
Deaths per 1000 births (NN) (PNN) (1qo) (4q1) (5qo)
Scheduled Tribes 29 14.8 43.8 10.4 53.8
All urban 28.5 13 41.5 10.6 51.7
Scheduled Tribes 40.9 23 63.9 38.3 99.8
All rural 42.5 19.7 62.2 21 82
Scheduled Tribes 39.9 22.3 62.1 35.8 95.7
All India 39 18 57 18.4 74.3
Notes: Mortality indicators are in 'deaths per 1000 births'. Neonatal mortality (NN)- probability of dying
in the first month of life; Post-neonatal mortality (PNN) - probability of dying after the first month of
life, but before the first birthday; Infant mortality (1q o)- probability of dying before the first birthday;
Child mortality (4q1) - probability of dying between the first and fifth birthdays; and, under-5 mortality
(5qo)- probability of dying before the fifth birthday. Source: IIPS and Macro International (2007), pp.

Expectedly, numbers for under-five mortality rates differ across states. With the
exception of Maharashtra and Gujarat, most states with a large proportion of ST
populations14 show higher than average under-five mortality rates. Of these,
Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh are particularly worse off with
under-five mortality rates exceeding 90 per 1000 live births (Table 13).

Table 13: Under-five mortality is higher in States with high proportion of STs
Deaths per 1000 births Under five Mortality (5qo)
Assam 85.0
Gujarat 60.9
Chattisgarh 90.3
Jharkhand 93.0
Madhya Pradesh 94.2

These tables replicate NFHS published data on infant mortality rates: our own calculations produced
results that were slightly different with those presented in table 13. Since the reason for the discrepancy
could not be ascertained, we rely on the published NFHS results.
States that had 10% or greater ST population in 1983

Maharashtra 46.7
Orissa 90.6
Rajasthan 85.4
All-India 74.3
Notes: Mortality indicator is in 'deaths per 1000 births'. Under-5 mortality (5qo)-probability of dying before
the fifth birthday. Source: National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 2005-06.

Malnutrition and child mortality go hand in hand and malnutrition in India is widespread,
with 48 percent of Indian children showing signs of long-term malnutrition (stunting or
deficit in height-for-age), 24 percent of severe stunting and 42 percent of being under-
weight15. According to the 2007 World Development Indicators, only two countries have
higher proportions of underweight children (based on the same standards): Bangladesh
and Nepal (World Bank 2007a). In fact, child malnutrition is much higher in India than it
is in Burundi, Niger or Afghanistan.

Even worse than the population averages are outcomes for ST children, among whom 53
percent are stunted, 29 percent are severely stunted and 55 percent are under-weight.
Interestingly, the gap between the Scheduled Tribe children and those from other groups
appears within the first 10 months of birth and persists – with some variation throughout
early childhood. The rise in severe wasting among ST children during the first 10 months
of life is particularly alarming (Figure 5).

Figure 5: More Scheduled Tribe children are severely stunted and wasted within the first 10 months
of their birth
Height-for-age ( children 0-59 months old), 2005-2006 Weight-for-height ( children 0-59 months old), 2005-2006

45% 20%

35% 15%
0% 0%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Age group (in months) Age group (in months)


Source: NFHS

Malnutrition is usually measured along three dimensions: stunting (deficit in height-for-age), wasting
(deficit in weight-for-height), and under-weight (deficit in weight-for-age).Stunting reflects long-term
effects of malnutrition; while wasting measures the current nutritional status of the subject, i.e. his/her food
intake immediately prior to the survey. The ‗under-weight‘ indicator is a combination of the former two
and captures both long-term and short-term effects of deficient food intake. A child is considered to be
malnourished with respect to each of these measures, if his/her indicator falls below -2 standard deviations
from the median (defined for 2006 WHO international reference population). Falling below -3 standard
deviations signals severe malnutrition.

States with large Scheduled Tribe populations have had frequent public outcry over what
are called ― malnutrition deaths‖. Child deaths usually cluster around periods of seasonal
stress like drought when household food supplies are low and employment dries up, or
during the monsoon when remote communities are rendered incommunicado. Public
interest law suits have been filed on behalf of families that lost their children16, and state
governments have been repeatedly directed by the courts to take remedial action.
Governments have undoubtedly become more vigilant on this issue than they were
before, but serious problems in service delivery continue to exist.

Several factors contribute to malnutrition and high mortality among ST children. At its
root, this can be explained by extreme poverty among ST households as well as by their
poor access to health care (Rao 2008). While we deal with these two issues in Section V,
here we focus on related health indicators i.e. poor immunization coverage; high
incidence and inadequate treatment of illnesses; and poor maternal health indicators.

Illness of ST children - Prevention and treatment: Vaccine preventable diseases and

other (mainly water borne and vector borne) diseases are an important proximate cause of
the mortality of ST children. Complications arising from each or any of these – such as
post-measles pneumonia- create a web of morbidity and malnutrition which children find
difficult to fight off. Nevertheless, there has been an overall improvement in
immunization coverage in India, but this section documents the fact that while
improvements have been larger in magnitude for STs, absolute proportions are still low
and gaps between ST and non-ST children remain high, especially in rural areas.

We measure immunization coverage using two indicators - breadth of coverage

(percentage receiving any basic vaccination) and intensity or quality of coverage
(percentage receiving all basic vaccinations). Our analysis using the NFHS data suggests
that both indicators registered substantial improvement between 1992 and 2005,
especially among Scheduled Tribes, thus narrowing the differential between ST and non-
ST populations (Table 14). At the all-India level, of the 12-23 months olds born to ever
married women in the age group 15-49 years, the proportion that received any of the
basic vaccines expanded from 70 to 95 percent (a 35 percent increase). The
corresponding increase for Scheduled Tribe children was 53 percent - from 58 to 89
percent. The intensity of coverage expanded more slowly - 23 percent for all India and 30
percent for Scheduled Tribes. This is not surprising given that improvements in intensity
of coverage are considerably more difficult to bring about, insofar as they are more costly
and require a more coordinated immunization policy.

Table 14. The gap between Scheduled Tribes and others persists in immunization outcomes
Urban Rural Overall
ST Other Total ST Other Total ST Other Total
All basic** vaccinations, %
1992-93 36 51 51 24 32 31 25 37 35
1998-99 43 57 57 22 39 37 25 43 41
2005-06 52 58 58 30 40 39 32 45 44

See for instance, Sheela Barse v/s State of Maharashtra 1993

Change 1993-2006, % 45 13 13 27 25 25 30 22 23
Any of the basic** vaccinations, %
1992-93 79 84 84 56 67 66 58 71 70
1998-99 85 95 95 75 86 85 76 88 87
2005-06 94 97 97 89 95 94 89 95 95
Change 1993-2006, % 19 15 15 57 41 43 53 34 35
Notes: * Children 12 to 23 months old born to ever married women, 15 to 49 years old;
** Basic vaccinations include three rounds of Polio 1-3 and DPT1-3, BCG, Measles; Source: NFHS

However, a disaggregated analysis suggests that despite the gains made, immunization
rates among STs remained consistently below those recorded for other groups including
the Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes (OBCs), for all types of vaccinations
(see Table 4A, Annex 4). For instance, while coverage for the polio vaccine (polio 0)
more than quadrupled for ST children in the age group of 12-23 months (from 7 percent
in 1998 to 30 percent in 2005); it was still lower than the coverage reported among their
SC counterparts (47 percent in 2005). This was mostly on account of the extremely poor
immunization coverage for ST children to begin with.

Disparities also remained in treatment of illness for ST children 3 years of age and below,
compared to other children, although the incidence of disease varied only slightly. The
gap was more acute in the treatment of acute respiratory infections (ARIs). Nearly 56
percent of Scheduled Tribe children compared to 67 percent of non-ST children were
taken to a health facility for treatment for fever and cough in 2005. The latter were also
more likely to be taken to a health facility for treatment of diarrhoea as against ST
children. While SC and OBC children were less likely to receive treatment in health
facilities than the upper castes, ST children registered the lowest rates of access to
qualified medical assistance (see Table 4B, Annex 4).

Table 15. Scheduled Tribe children are less likely to be treated for illnesses
Urban Rural Overall
ST Other Total ST Other Total ST Other Total
1992-93 0.118 0.105 0.105 0.113 0.119 0.119 0.114 0.116 0.115
1998-99 0.229 0.194 0.196 0.209 0.185 0.188 0.211 0.187 0.189
2005-06 0.134 0.121 0.122 0.124 0.122 0.123 0.125 0.122 0.122
Taken to health facility for diarrhea
1992-93 0.535 0.692 0.686 0.497 0.600 0.589 0.500 0.620 0.609
1998-99 0.602 0.787 0.778 0.525 0.644 0.628 0.534 0.680 0.664
2005-06 0.678 0.662 0.662 0.578 0.609 0.606 0.588 0.624 0.620
Fever or cough
1992-93 0.256 0.263 0.263 0.273 0.274 0.274 0.271 0.271 0.271
1998-99 0.479 0.438 0.440 0.461 0.436 0.439 0.463 0.436 0.439
2005-06 0.235 0.242 0.241 0.227 0.261 0.257 0.228 0.256 0.253
Taken to a health facility for fever or cough
1992-93 0.694 0.771 0.768 0.527 0.633 0.621 0.540 0.666 0.654
1998-99 0.559 0.602 0.600 0.409 0.499 0.488 0.425 0.524 0.514
2005-06 0.772 0.749 0.750 0.534 0.642 0.631 0.558 0.669 0.660
Note: Children under 3 years old of ever married women, 15 to 49 years old; health facilities
exclude pharmacies, shops, any traditional treatments. Source: NFHS

Maternal Health. Existing literature confirms that malnutrition is inter-generational and
is passed on from parents to child. Our evidence on stunting and wasting in the first 10
months of birth for ST children suggests that inequities in children‘s health can be
attributed to an extent (if not more) to the disparities in health of their mothers. Overall,
in India, maternal health continues to be an intractable problem, despite improvements
over the last decade. We find that while improvements for women from Scheduled
Tribes occurred at a faster pace than those for other women, the low base from which the
former started has driven their low levels. Moreover, gaps between ST and other women
in a range of indicators related to access to care continue to be wide. For instance, the
proportion of ST women going for ante-natal visits or using contraception remained
lower than the population average or the average for women belonging to other social
groups. The comparisons with SC and OBC women are particularly instructive. Fifty-
five percent of ST women in the 2005 NFHS reported having ever used contraception
compared to 63 percent of SCs and 62 percent of OBCs and the all-India figure of 65
percent. In comparison to SCs and OBCs, a relatively smaller proportion of ST women
reported three or more ante-natal visits (40 percent compared to 44 percent for SC
women and 48 percent for women from the OBC group) (see Table 4C, Annex 4).
Women belonging to Scheduled Tribes also remained less likely to receive pre-natal care
from doctors. Only one-third received such care in 2005 as compared to the population
average of 49 percent. Worse, the proportion of ST women to have received such care
actually declined marginally from 1998 levels (from 35 percent to 32 percent).

Table 16. Despite gains, maternal health indicators for ST women remained below par
Urban Rural Overall
ST Other Total ST Other Total ST Other Total
Number of children*
1992-93 2.94 2.84 2.85 3.15 3.19 3.19 3.13 3.10 3.10
1998-99 2.89 2.70 2.70 3.16 3.07 3.08 3.13 2.97 2.98
2005-06 2.58 2.51 2.51 3.17 2.97 2.99 3.11 2.82 2.84
Currently use contraception*
1992-93 0.406 0.483 0.481 0.300 0.356 0.350 0.310 0.391 0.384
1998-99 0.492 0.548 0.546 0.346 0.430 0.421 0.362 0.463 0.454
2005-06 0.571 0.625 0.624 0.457 0.525 0.518 0.469 0.558 0.551
Ever used any contraception*
1992-93 0.486 0.583 0.580 0.348 0.426 0.418 0.361 0.470 0.460
1998-99 0.585 0.659 0.656 0.424 0.509 0.500 0.441 0.551 0.541
2005-06 0.663 0.732 0.731 0.535 0.623 0.614 0.548 0.659 0.650
Antenatal visit during 1-st trimester**
1992-93 0.305 0.417 0.413 0.151 0.213 0.206 0.164 0.263 0.253
1998-99 0.449 0.564 0.559 0.189 0.280 0.269 0.214 0.347 0.334
2005-06 0.577 0.632 0.630 0.295 0.370 0.361 0.322 0.441 0.430
Three or more antenatal visits**
1992-93 0.495 0.679 0.673 0.273 0.393 0.380 0.292 0.463 0.447
1998-99 0.601 0.713 0.708 0.250 0.390 0.375 0.284 0.466 0.449
2005-06 0.707 0.738 0.737 0.374 0.435 0.428 0.405 0.518 0.507
Prenatal care provider: doctor**

1992-93 0.568 0.727 0.722 0.191 0.349 0.332 0.223 0.441 0.421
1998-99 0.650 0.770 0.765 0.318 0.435 0.422 0.350 0.514 0.498
2005-06 0.765 0.762 0.762 0.275 0.414 0.398 0.322 0.509 0.491
Prenatal care provider: midwife/nurse**
1992-93 0.110 0.159 0.157 0.093 0.148 0.142 0.094 0.151 0.145
1998-99 0.232 0.248 0.247 0.172 0.197 0.195 0.178 0.209 0.206
2005-06 0.293 0.299 0.299 0.374 0.385 0.384 0.367 0.361 0.362
Location of birth: home**
1992-93 0.577 0.401 0.407 0.937 0.818 0.831 0.906 0.716 0.734
1998-99 0.392 0.332 0.335 0.877 0.730 0.746 0.829 0.636 0.655
2005-06 0.379 0.291 0.295 0.841 0.668 0.688 0.797 0.565 0.588
Assistance in birth: doctor**
1992-93 0.321 0.498 0.491 0.057 0.156 0.145 0.080 0.240 0.225
1998-99 0.391 0.577 0.569 0.120 0.249 0.235 0.147 0.326 0.309
2005-06 0.504 0.649 0.644 0.166 0.297 0.282 0.198 0.393 0.374
Assistance in birth: midwife/nurse**
1992-93 0.394 0.520 0.516 0.093 0.197 0.185 0.119 0.276 0.261
1998-99 0.562 0.598 0.597 0.141 0.273 0.258 0.182 0.350 0.333
2005-06 0.355 0.433 0.430 0.141 0.256 0.243 0.162 0.305 0.291
Notes: *Ever married women, 15 to 49 years; ** Ever married women who gave birth in the last 3 years (in
reference to the last pregnancy or birth). Source: NFHS

In the case of home-based births too, 80 percent of tribal ST compared to 60 percent of

all women tend to give birth at home. In fact, the incidence of home births declined at a
much slower pace for ST women than it did for others between 1998 and 2005 (at 4
percent compared to a decline of 10 percent for all India). Most women, not just ST
women in the NFHS, 2005 sample say it is not necessary to go to a health facility for
childbirth. Interestingly, our exploratory multivariate analysis based on RCH II data for
institutional delivery (controlling for a range of household and individual characteristics
including receipt of antenatal care as well as supply side variables like availability of
doctor and distance to health facility), showed that STs and Christians (the majority of
whom are STs, mainly in the northeastern states) compared to upper caste Hindus were
the only groups that had a lower likelihood of delivering their babies in health centers
(World Bank, 2006).


Gains in education have been considerable in India between 1983 and 2005. The
proportion of individuals with no education dropped from 54 percent to 35 percent (a
decline of 35 percent) and post primary attainment nearly doubled from 23 to 43 percent.
Scheduled Tribes too have shared in the gains, recording almost equivalent or more
improvements (Table 17). However, inequalities by caste and tribal status are well
recognized. In their analysis of rural household data from some poor states, Dreze and
Kingdon (2001) find for example that children from SC and ST groups are much less
likely to go to school, even when household wealth, quality of schooling, parents‘
education and motivations are controlled for.

Table 17: Educational Attainment (1983-2005): STs still lag far behind the rest
Urban Rural Overall
Other STs Total Other STs Total Other STs Total
1983 29% 46% 29% 61% 78% 63% 52% 75% 54%
1993-94 23% 35% 24% 51% 70% 53% 43% 67% 45%
2004-05 17% 26% 17% 40% 56% 42% 33% 53% 35%
1983 10% 10% 10% 10% 9% 10% 10% 9% 10%
1993-94 9% 10% 9% 11% 10% 11% 11% 10% 11%
2004-05 7% 7% 7% 11% 12% 11% 10% 12% 10%
d primary
1983 16% 14% 16% 13% 7% 12% 14% 7% 13%
1993-94 13% 14% 13% 12% 8% 12% 12% 9% 12%
2004-05 12% 11% 12% 14% 12% 14% 13% 12% 13%
Any Post-
1983 45% 30% 44% 17% 6% 16% 24% 8% 23%
1993-94 55% 41% 54% 26% 12% 24% 34% 15% 32%
2004-05 63% 55% 63% 35% 20% 34% 44% 23% 42%
Notes: 15-49 year old individuals; (*)Includes individuals who are literate but have no formal schooling;
Source: NSS

An improvement in educational attainment for the Scheduled Tribes in the two decades
between 1983 and 2005 has also meant that although a differential still persists, it has
narrowed down among younger age cohorts particularly in terms of the proportion with
no education, indicating that ST children today fare better than their parents did (Figure
Figure 6: More STs now have some education, but gaps are still large after primary level

Proportion with no education, by year of birth and Proportion with any post-primary education by year of birth
ST status and ST status

100% 100%
80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%

0% 0%


Source: NSS

However, these findings need to be nuanced by the unequal results across regions and by
differences according to level of post-primary education attained. Literacy outcomes
improved at a slower pace among the rural Scheduled Tribe population than among non-

Scheduled Tribes, resulting thereby in a widening of gap between STs and non-STs. Over
half of the ST population in rural areas (56 percent) was uneducated in 2004-5 (Table
17). In urban areas, however, there was a slight convergence in literacy levels between
the Scheduled Tribes and the rest of the population, who respectively experienced a 44
and 41 percent reduction in the proportion with no education with the respective
proportions reducing to one-quarter among Scheduled Tribes, and below that rate (17
percent) for the rest of the population.

Even within the category of post primary attainment, the improvement registered was at
lower levels of education (secondary); not at the college level. Finally, as with other
outcomes, the starting point of STs was so low, that even with gains similar to the rest of
the population, a lower proportion of Scheduled Tribes was literate or had attained post-
primary education than other groups. For instance, only 8 percent STs had post-primary
schooling in 1983. The numbers had nearly tripled by 2005 – much more than the
increase recorded by other groups; yet not enough to meet their levels of attainment.

<Box1: Missing Hostels >

Among its several programs to encourage education among disadvantaged groups, the
Government of India has formulated schemes for providing hostel facilities to SC and ST
students. The expenditure under the scheme is shared on 50:50 basis between the Centre and State

In an audit report of such facilities covering the period 2001-2006 in the state of Jharkhand, the
allotment and expenditure statement was as under. The concerned state department was allocated
a sum of Rs. 120 million and Rs. 250 million to spend on constructing and maintaining hostels for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively between 2001 and 2006. The department
spent only 40 per cent of the allocation amount for SCs and 28 per cent of the allocation amount
for STs. The State Government sanctioned construction of 184 hostels (78 for SCs and 106 for
STs) over the intervening period. Of these, 71 hostels (SC- 32 and ST- 39) were incomplete in
August 2006. The department never monitored the construction. Moreover, the site selection was
not need based. For instance, one tribal hostel constructed at a cost of Rs. 6 million in the state‘s
capital – Ranchi – was eventually handed over to a college, without any basic facilities like
electricity, drinking water supply, beds and manpower to run it. Tribal hostels that were found in
a running state were usually overcrowded, accommodating at times about 90 students in 3-4
rooms. In other sites, hostels constructed were found to be occupied by outsiders – police
constables, and at times the offices of government agencies themselves (Source: CAG report for
Jharkhand, 2006).
<End text box: Missing Hostels >

Yet another qualifier to the gains made by STs is the issue of age-grade distortion. Our
analysis using the NFHS data17 suggests that nearly 27 percent of elementary school
students in India are two or more years behind the expected grade level for their age
(Table 18). Among Scheduled Tribes, the proportion of children falling behind is

While the NSS data has the advantage of greater sample size, none of the available recent rounds of the
NSS data contain information on current enrolment in specific grades, which makes it impossible to
calculate age-grade distortion at specific grade levels. By contrast, the 2005-2006 NFHS dataset contains
data on grades. Similarly figure 8 uses the NFHS data on the number of completed years of schooling,
which is not available in the NSS.

somewhat higher than the national average (33 percent). The problem is more extensive
in rural schools than in urban schools – a difference of 5 percentage points between ST
and non-ST children compared to a 1 percentage point difference in urban areas. We
believe that greater age-grade distortion for ST children may partly be the result of poor
quality or virtually non-existent education facilities in remote ST habitats.

Table 18. Age-grade distortion is higher among ST children

Scheduled Tribes Other Total
Grade 1 30 27 27
Grade 2 31 25 26
Grade 3 33 28 28
Grade 4 35 24 25
Grade 5 34 29 29
Total 33 27 27
Notes: As % of students more than one year older than the appropriate age for grade; Source: NFHS

The triple disadvantage: Tribe, gender and place of residence. No analysis of education
outcomes for ST groups in India is complete without highlighting the low levels of
educational attainment among ST women. Even among the youngest age cohort, now
emerging from their prime schooling years (ages 15-21), ST women attain an average of
just 4 years of education. In comparison, non-ST women in this age group attain nearly 7
years of education (Figure 8). Worse, in terms of the number of years, the gap between
ST men and women has actually widened. Among older age cohorts the gap is roughly
1.5 years, but among the 15-21 age-cohort the male-female gap is 2 years (with male STs
in this category attaining an average of 6 years of schooling).

Figure 7: ST women are at a significant disadvantage viz. non STs and ST men: Are in school for
fewer years
Ave rage e ducational achie ve me nt by age group, NFHS 2005-2006

M en Non-ST
Women Non-ST

Yeas of schooling

M en ST

3 Women ST

15-21 22-31 32-41 42-51 52-61 >61

Men ST Men Non-STAge groupWomen ST Women Non-ST

Source: National Family Health Survey

Scheduled Tribe women in rural areas are particularly worse-off, as they are beset by a
triple disadvantage: identity, gender and place of residence. Poor access to schools in
remote regions implies that only one in three ST women in rural areas is literate and one
in eight has attained post-primary education (NSS: 2004-05). Meanwhile, ST women in

urban areas seem to benefit significantly from better physical access to schools, with
more than half completing post-primary education. Not all are better off though. There
appear to be wide inequalities even among urban ST women, with one third of them
illiterate in 2004-05.

Regardless of tribal status, gender is an important factor in age-grade distortion in

primary schools, with girls reporting lower overall age-grade distortion than boys (except
among rural non-Scheduled Tribe children), perhaps due to the that fact that boys tend to
be taken out of school to work in family farms and businesses more often than girls. This
pattern stands in contrast to the lower overall educational attainment among women
(Figure 7). Thus, girls face the challenge of access to schooling rather than falling
behind once already enrolled.

V. What explains poor outcomes for Scheduled Tribes in India?

Why are ST outcomes – on child mortality, maternal health, or enrollment rates – poorer
than that of any other group? The government‘s response to this question is usually that
poverty among Scheduled Tribes is to blame. There is some truth to this assertion. Our
multivariate analysis using the RCH II data also finds that the relationship between infant
or child mortality and tribal (or indeed caste) status vanishes when we control for wealth
quintile and distance to health care (World Bank, 2006). Other variables that seem to
have a strong bearing on children‘s mortality are mother‘s characteristics including
education, number of antenatal visits, birth order of child and distance to the nearest
town. We also find that when households are ranked according to expenditure quintiles,
the tribal gap in current enrollment widens for children in poorer households (see Table
5B, Annex 5). That the effect of poverty trumps the effect of ST status is corroborated
by other recent analyses. Jose and Navaneetham (2008) for instance analyze malnutrition
levels in women over the seven years between 1998-99 and 2005-06, based on the
National Family Health Survey. Their findings suggest that while social disadvantage
(membership to an SC or ST group) leads to increased malnutrition among women,
economic disadvantage has a greater impact. Poor women from almost all social groups
report higher malnutrition than others. In another study on the progress of the
millennium development goals in Orissa, the World Bank finds that while child and
infant mortality rates (IMRs) are higher among the Scheduled Tribes, they are largely a
function of poverty (lower levels of income and assets), low levels of education, and poor
access/utilization of health services (World Bank 2007b). Even among STs, there is
evidence of a strong socioeconomic gradient in health, with those in the bottom quintiles
having a higher odds ratio for mortality compared to those in the top-fifth of the wealth
distribution (Subramanian et al 2006).

Therefore, poor outcomes may be the result of high poverty. In turn poverty is
endogenous to each of these outcomes. We believe that the argument is tautological. And
perhaps the critical question then is not why mortality rates or malnutrition levels
are higher among ST children, but why poverty among STs is higher or why ST
households are food insecure. Why do development projects not reach them? While
there are several factors that contribute, there are a few that lie at the root of poor

outcomes for Scheduled Tribes. These include (but are not limited to) their poor physical
access to services; their widespread removal from their traditional lands and forests; poor
enforcement of legislations meant to protect their interests; lack of a collective voice; and
poor implementation of government programs (though the last is not particular to tribal
regions). Together, they explain the complex web of deprivation that tribal people in
India find themselves in (see Xaxa 2001). Each of these factors merits a separate paper.
However, this section attempts to summarize the key issues for each, highlighting the
core institutional factors that account for tribal deprivation.

Centrality of land and natural resources in explaining poor outcomes

The relationship of STs to land is beyond that of subsistence cultivation and extends to
the use of forest products and their dependence on natural resources for a livelihood. This
is evident given that about 60 percent of India‘s forest cover lies in the 187 tribal districts
covered by the Fifth and Sixth Schedules of the Constitution (Forest Survey of India
Report, 2003). Estimates from Orissa indicate that one half to over one-fifth of annual
income of tribal households comes from Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). Many
NTFP (e.g. kendu leaves) are of high value and are prone to commercial exploitation.
Their sale is usually governed by a complex set of rules and regulations and tribal rights
activists allege that the state and middlemen work towards keeping the tribals‘ share of
the profits low. While there have been efforts to devolve the procurement and marketing
of NTFPs to gram sabhas18, the lack of capacity of gram sabhas in these areas has meant
that middlemen may have benefited more than tribal people.

In addition to their tenuous hold over NTFPs, the Scheduled Tribes in India have also
been gradually losing access to their traditional lands – a process that is referred to as
alienation. The largest form of alienation from traditional land has taken place due to
state acquisition of land for development. The 10th 5-Year Plan notes that between 1951
and 1990, 21.3 million people were displaced, of which 40 percent, or 8.5 million, were
tribal people (Burra, 2008).

Proactive legislation, but poor enforcement

In addition to the policies described to safeguard the welfare of STs (section II), India has
had an active program of land reform, albeit with patchy implementation. Legislation
moreover, prevents ST land from being ― alienated‖, but this can act as a double edged
sword. It may mean that tribals cannot sell their land to non-tribals even when they want
to. But land grabbing takes place regardless - though marriage or through fraud by
contractors/lenders as a means to recover debt from STs. ST indebtedness is another
important reason for lands being handed over to moneylenders, often through fraudulent
transactions. Mander (2002) estimates that nearly 46 percent of land transfers in Jhabua
(MP) in the 1970s were to repay loans. The issue of fake ST certificates has also acquired
very sensitive political ramifications. Despite the publicized Supreme Court case of a
student named Madhuri Patil who fraudulently received a ST certificate, indicating

Orissa for instance has devolved the procurement and marketing of 69 NTFPs; the Gram Sabha is a
village assembly of which each resident of the village is a member

herself as Mahadeo Koli (an ST) when in fact she was a Hindu Koli (OBC)19, such cases
continue to come to light.

One of the most important pieces of legislation in the last decade has been PESA. It is
unique in being in consonance with customary laws, focusing more on tribal hamlet-
based on culture rather than revenue villages. Several steps have been taken to
operationalize PESA - state amendments and rules have been passed and monitoring is
underway. However, it is widely believed that PESA has not been implemented in spirit.
Most recently, another act – the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (known variously in common parlance as the
Forest Rights Act or the Tribal Rights Act) – recognizes the pre-eminent rights of tribals
on forest land. Both PESA and the Tribal Rights Act fundamentally question the power
relations between ST and non-STs areas and peoples and purports to transfer greater
power to the former. It is the politics of this power sharing that is at the crux of poor
implementation and needs to be taken on squarely at the political level.

Poor implementation of government programs

Legislative instruments have gone hand in hand with special programs for vulnerable
groups and areas, especially for tribals. But implementation of programs and
enforcement of laws has been very weak. The public administration and activist
literature documents the challenges in implementing programs in tribal areas. There are
both supply side and demand side challenges and often the two are mutually reinforcing.

One of the key issues in scheduled areas is poor physical access. In most states in India,
Scheduled Tribes are physically isolated, concentrated in certain regions and districts and
in hilly and forested areas that make communication and access to services difficult even
in normal circumstances. Poor coverage of all weather roads makes transportation in
emergencies virtually impossible, even if health centers were attended by medical
personnel. There is also a deep rooted cultural chasm and mistrust between the largely
non-tribal health providers and the tribal residents (Bharat et al 2003, Pallavi 2004).
Migration of Scheduled Tribes during the lean season to cities and towns makes the task
of health surveillance for antenatal care or immunization or growth monitoring of
children even more difficult. Finally, while administrators realize the value of recruiting
local residents as field level medical personnel, it is often impossible to find even
secondary educated ST women who can fill the positions of nurses or female health
workers. As a result the positions either remain vacant or are filled by non-tribal, non-
resident providers.

We discuss here as an illustration a few challenges in the implementation of the

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), which aims to improve the nutritional
status of pre-school children, pregnant women and lactating mothers, particularly those
belonging to the poorest of the poor families and living in disadvantaged areas. It also
has a component of early childhood education. Program incidence across expenditure
quintiles in 2004-05 shows that while it does benefit a substantial proportion of the
Kumari Madhuri Patil vs. Addl. Commissioner [1994] RD-SC 445 (2 September 1994)

Scheduled Tribe population (14.1 percent of tribal children), it also reaches the better-off
quintiles (NSS, 2004-05). More than one-fifth of children in the third and fourth quintile
of tribal households receive benefits. The scheme also benefits 8.7 percent of tribal
children in the richest quintile. These issues of targeting and program performance have
been in the policy discourse for several years, but issues of monitoring, gaps in targeting
and political interference are significant roadblocks. Other programs are challenged with
similar problems (see Box 1).

Strong protest movements but limited voice in decision-making

Legislation and other special provisions for enhanced voice of ST groups have worked in
consonance with strong movements from below. Tribal movements against the state
predate the British and STs have historically been assertive of their rights over land and
forests. In the recent period tribal action has not translated into better integration of their
voice in decision making. While both Scheduled Castes and Tribes have faced political
disadvantages in the past, the former have been more effective in claiming political
representation and power than the latter. The SCs have nationally known political parties
and leaders who can represent their claims in the wider political system. STs on the other
hand, despite enabling legislation, seem to have become increasingly marginalized.
Banerjee and Somanathan (2007) show for instance that between 1971 and 1991, fewer
education and health facilities were available in parliamentary constituencies with
Scheduled Tribe concentrations.

Many including Guha (2007) and Xaxa (2001) have maintained that disparities between
STs and non-STs are largely related to low collective voice of the former and low
accountability to them by the ruling elites. Restricted to remote villages, in no state of
India are the Scheduled Tribes in majority20. They can influence election results in only a
few isolated districts. In contrast, the SCs form a considerable share of total population in
several states, and therefore can play a decisive hand in influencing voting results (Guha
2007). Thus the concerns of the Scheduled Tribes remain marginal in the national
context on the one hand, and on the other, there are increasingly violent insurgent
movements in tribal areas. A recent Planning Commission report (Government of India,
2008) links these movements squarely to underdevelopment and marginalization of STs.

VI. Conclusions

This chapter has drawn attention to some of the issues in the deprivation of Scheduled
Tribe groups in India. While it is by no means a comprehensive analysis, yet, the
national picture it paints is sobering. It highlights the differences in outcomes between
STs and other groups – even the SCs. It has the following key findings:

 During a period of relative prosperity for India as a whole, poverty rates for STs
have declined more slowly than for other groups and particularly slowly in states
that have large proportions of Scheduled Tribe populations.
Even in states like Jharkhand and Chattisgarh, which have considerable tribal populations, roughly two-
third of the population is non-tribal.

 Health and education outcomes for STs, while showing faster progress in some
respects than the rest of the population are still very poor. Convergence with
other groups has occurred in only a small number of areas, notably in lower levels
of education and immunization coverage.
 Excess mortality of ST children continues to be the starkest marker of tribal
disadvantage and has its roots in a number of complex processes that exclude STs
in general.
 While a number of laws and programs are in place to address the special
disadvantages of STs, implementation is poor.
 The low voice of STs in decision-making and their alienation from land and
forests are central to their continued exclusion from progress and development.


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The term 'Scheduled Tribes' first appeared in the Constitution of India. Article 366 (25)
defined Scheduled Tribes as "such tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups
within such tribes or tribal communities as are deemed under Article 342 to be Scheduled
Tribes for the purposes of this constitution". Article 342, which is reproduced below,
prescribes procedure to be followed in the matter of specification of Scheduled Tribes.

Article 342 Scheduled Tribes

The President may, with respect to any State or Union territory, and where it is a state,
after consultation with the Governor there of by public notification, specify the tribes or
tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which shall,
for the purposes of this constitution, is deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to that
state or Union Territory, as the case may be. Parliament may by law include in or exclude
from the list of Scheduled Tribes specified in a notification issued under clause(1) any
tribe or tribal community or part of or group within any tribe or tribal community, but
save as aforesaid, a notification issued under the said clause shall not be varied by any
subsequent notification.

Thus, the first specification of Scheduled Tribes in relation to a particular State/ Union
Territory is by a notified order of the President, after consultation with the State
governments concerned. These orders can be modified subsequently only through an Act
of Parliament. The above Article also provides for listing of Scheduled Tribes
State/Union Territory wise and not on an all India basis.

The criterion followed for specification of a community, as Scheduled Tribes are

indications of primitive traits, distinctive culture, geographical isolation, shyness of
contact with the community at large, and backwardness. This criterion is not spelt out in
the Constitution but has become well established. It subsumes the definitions contained in
1931Census, the reports of first Backward Classes Commission 1955, the Advisory
Committee (Kalelkar), on Revision of SC/ST lists (Lokur Committee), 1965 and the Joint
Committee of Parliament on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders
(Amendment) Bill 1967 (Chanda Committee), 1969.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 342 of the Constitution of
India, the President, after Consultation with the State Governments concerned have
promulgated so far 9 orders specifying the Scheduled Tribes in relation to the state and
union territories. Out of these, eight are in operation at present in their original or
amended form. One order namely the Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled
Tribes order 1968 has become defunct on account of reorganization of Goa, Daman &
Diu in 1987. Under the Goa, Daman & Diu reorganization Act 1987 (18 of 1987) the list
of Scheduled Tribes of Goa has been transferred to part XIX of the Schedule to the
Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 and that of Daman & Diu II of the Schedule
of the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951.


Official Poverty Lines of India, 2004-05

Rural Urban
Andhra Pradesh 293.0 542.9
Arunachal Pradesh 387.6 378.8
Assam 387.6 378.8
Bihar 354.4 435.0
Chhattisgarh* 322.4 560.0
Delhi 410.4 612.9
Goa 362.3 665.9
Gujarat 353.9 541.2
Haryana 414.8 504.5
Himachal Pradesh 394.3 504.5
Jammu & Kashmir 391.3 553.8
Jharkhand* 366.6 451.2
Karnataka 324.2 599.7
Kerala 430.1 559.4
Madhya Pradesh 327.8 570.2
Maharashtra 362.3 665.9
Manipur 387.6 378.8
Meghalaya 387.6 378.8
Mizoram 387.6 378.8
Nagaland 387.6 378.8
Orissa 325.8 528.5
Punjab 410.4 466.2
Rajasthan 374.6 559.6
Sikkim 387.6 378.8
Tamil Nadu 351.9 547.4
Tripura 387.6 378.8
Uttar Pradesh 365.8 483.3
Uttarakhand* 478.0 637.7
West Bengal 382.8 449.3
Union Territories (UT)
Andaman & Nicobar 351.9 547.4
Chandigarh 466.2 466.2
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 362.3 665.9
Daman & Diu 362.3 665.9
Lakshadweep 430.1 559.4
Pondicherry 351.9 547.4
All India 356.3 538.6
Source: Planning Commission

Consumption regressions, India Round 61 of NS S . OLS with robust standard errors.
Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST Non-ST
(including (excluding (including (excluding

Dependent variable: log real monthly per capita consumption

Household size -0.1019*** -0.0893*** -0.0911*** -0.1645*** -0.1607*** -0.1768***
Household size, squared 0.0036*** 0.0031*** 0.0031*** 0.0072** 0.0059*** 0.0067***
Proportion of HH members 0-6 years old -0.2401*** -0.3479*** -0.3623*** -0.2635** -0.2427*** -0.2992***
Proportion of HH members 60+ years old -0.06 -0.1701*** -0.1312*** -0.06 -0.1170*** -0.04
Age of HH head 0.0156*** 0.0030** 0 0.0432*** 0.0089*** 0.0087***
Age of HH head, squared -0.0001** 0 0.0000** -0.0004*** 0 0
HH head's education level
below primary 0.0473** 0.0731*** 0.0605*** 0.1879*** 0.0985*** 0.1110***
primary 0.1296*** 0.1495*** 0.1500*** 0.2663*** 0.2027*** 0.2078***
secondary 0.2763*** 0.2906*** 0.2882*** 0.4994*** 0.4663*** 0.4689***
Post-secondary 0.4706*** 0.5222*** 0.5288*** 0.7834*** 0.8244*** 0.8079***
Female HH head -0.0505** -0.0267*** 0 -0.03 0.01 0.02
Household's most important source of income^
1=rural: non-agricultural self-employment 0.1120*** -0.0315*** 0.01 n.a. n.a. n.a.
1=rural: agricultural labor -0.0699*** -0.2546*** -0.2494*** n.a. n.a. n.a.
1=rural: other labor 0.02 -0.1551*** -0.1165*** n.a. n.a. n.a.
1=rural: other 0.1214*** 0.0558*** 0.0848*** n.a. n.a. n.a.
1=urban: self-employed n.a. n.a. n.a. -0.1582*** -0.0262*** 0.01
1=urban: casual labor n.a. n.a. n.a. -0.3398*** -0.2889*** -0.2881***
1=urban: other n.a. n.a. n.a. -0.06 -0.0372** -0.0510**
Area of agricultural land owned 0.0399*** 0 0 0.04 0.0233*** 0.0150***
Area of agricultural land owned, squared -0.0000*** 0 0 0 -0.0000*** -0.0000***
Provincial dummies included included included included included included
Constant 6.7093*** 6.5676*** 6.6362*** 5.8519*** 6.8234*** 6.9906***

N 12681 66097 22599 3472 41073 18869

r2 0.36 0.32 0.36 0.59 0.47 0.46
note: .01 - ***; .05 - **; .1 - *;
^ - Reference category: in urban areas and all India - wage employment, in rural areas — agricultural self-employment


Table 4A. Gap between Scheduled Tribes and others persists for all types of immunization
ST SC OBC Other Total
Year = 1998
BCG 0.599 0.710 0.735 0.781 0.733
Polio 0 0.074 0.157 0.233 0.174 0.180
Polio 1 0.739 0.835 0.880 0.860 0.849
Polio 2 0.662 0.787 0.827 0.808 0.796
Polio 3 0.470 0.605 0.646 0.645 0.620
DPT 1 0.569 0.694 0.739 0.783 0.729
DPT 2 0.483 0.645 0.677 0.727 0.670
DPT 3 0.372 0.551 0.588 0.637 0.578
Measles 0.343 0.491 0.523 0.596 0.526
All basic vaccinations 0.245 0.393 0.422 0.461 0.413
Any of the basic vaccinations 0.760 0.859 0.903 0.884 0.873
Year = 2005
BCG 0.722 0.757 0.758 0.851 0.782
Polio 0 0.299 0.466 0.458 0.589 0.484
Polio 1 0.874 0.914 0.941 0.942 0.929
Polio 2 0.808 0.881 0.901 0.901 0.888
Polio 3 0.654 0.765 0.812 0.805 0.785
DPT 1 0.660 0.739 0.737 0.832 0.758
DPT 2 0.543 0.639 0.636 0.765 0.666
DPT 3 0.422 0.515 0.524 0.665 0.554
Measles 0.469 0.559 0.554 0.699 0.590
All basic vaccinations 0.324 0.392 0.402 0.549 0.436
Any of the basic vaccinations 0.892 0.940 0.957 0.956 0.947
Note: Children 12-23 months old old of ever married women, 15 to 49 years old.
Source: NFHS

Table 4B. Scheduled Tribe children are less likely to be treated for illnesses like
diarrhea, fever and cough
ST SC OBC Other Total
Survey year = 1998
Diarrhea over last two weeks 0.211 0.195 0.181 0.188 0.189
Received no medical treatment for diarrhea 0.417 0.273 0.284 0.257 0.286
Taken to health facility for diarrhea 0.534 0.670 0.671 0.693 0.664
Fever over last two weeks 0.315 0.293 0.278 0.305 0.295
Cough over last two weeks 0.384 0.355 0.346 0.353 0.354
Had fever/cough over last two weeks 0.463 0.437 0.423 0.447 0.439
Received no medical treatment for fever/cough 0.459 0.324 0.308 0.273 0.314
Taken to health facility for fever/cough 0.425 0.494 0.530 0.535 0.514
Survey year = 2005
Diarrhea over last two weeks 0.125 0.120 0.130 0.112 0.122
Received no medical treatment for diarrhea 0.336 0.304 0.333 0.253 0.306
Taken to health facility for diarrhea 0.588 0.618 0.589 0.684 0.620
Fever over last two weeks 0.150 0.172 0.165 0.191 0.173
Cough over last two weeks 0.180 0.199 0.193 0.234 0.205
Had fever/cough over last two weeks 0.228 0.249 0.241 0.282 0.253
Received no medical treatment for fever/cough 0.415 0.269 0.278 0.248 0.278
Taken to health facility for fever/cough 0.558 0.651 0.658 0.695 0.660
Note: Children 0-35 months old of ever married women, 15 to 49 years old.
Source: NFHS

Table 4C. Despite gains, maternal health indicators for ST women remained below par, even by comparison
with SC peers
(percent) ST SC OBC Other caste/tribe Total
Survey year 1998
Three or more antenatal visits 0.284 0.383 0.469 0.512 0.486 0.449
First antenatal visit during first trimester 0.214 0.263 0.339 0.407 0.343 0.334
Currently use contraception 0.362 0.416 0.438 0.516 0.417 0.454
Ever use contraception 0.441 0.494 0.509 0.621 0.543 0.541
Know of a modern method of
contraception 0.965 0.988 0.991 0.991 0.986 0.988
Location of last birth (home) 0.830 0.730 0.634 0.579 0.651 0.655
Birth assisted by doctor 0.350 0.428 0.494 0.580 0.563 0.498
Birth assisted by midwife/nurse 0.178 0.220 0.220 0.197 0.184 0.206
Survey year 2005
Three or more antenatal visits 0.405 0.443 0.482 0.631 0.527 0.508
First antenatal visit during first trimester 0.322 0.359 0.420 0.540 0.426 0.430
Currently use contraception 0.469 0.539 0.531 0.605 0.569 0.551
Ever use contraception 0.548 0.631 0.619 0.723 0.763 0.650
Know of a modern method of
contraception 0.970 0.992 0.993 0.994 0.992 0.991
Location of last birth (home) 0.797 0.650 0.599 0.439 0.640 0.587
Birth assisted by doctor 0.322 0.412 0.470 0.642 0.550 0.492
Birth assisted by midwife 0.367 0.417 0.356 0.321 0.411 0.362
Notes: Ever-married women (15-49 years) who gave birth in last 3 years. Statistics refer to last birth. Source: NFHS

In their analysis of rural household data from some poor states, Dreze and Kingdon
(2001)21 find that children from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe groups are much
less likely to go to school, even when household wealth, quality of schooling, parents‘
education and motivations are controlled for. We tested this hypothesis using the NSS
data. Controlling for other typical predictors, we found that membership in a Scheduled
Tribe is still associated with a significantly lower (-.24) probability of current school
enrollment among 7 to 14 year olds (Table 5A). Moreover, the gap in enrollment
between Scheduled Tribes and the rest of the population in this age group is largely a
rural phenomenon; in urban areas the gap is smaller in magnitude (-.12) and fails the
significance test.

Notably, our findings suggest that scheduled caste membership does not significantly
lower the probability of being enrolled in school, either in rural or in urban areas.
Although conventional research on exclusion in India focuses on belonging to backward
castes, tribal status proves a far more relevant correlate of current enrollment.

Table 5A: Correlates of School Enrollment India NSS 2004-2005, Probit.

Dependent variable: current enrolment in primary or secondary among 7-14 year olds
India Rural Urban
Age 0.665*** 0.646*** 0.779***
Age^2 -0.036*** -0.035*** -0.040***
Female -0.304*** -0.355*** -0.082*
Scheduled Tribe -0.240*** -0.239*** -0.116
Scheduled Caste -0.039 -0.033 -0.070
Household head's education
below primary 0.398*** 0.421*** 0.299***
primary 0.613*** 0.586*** 0.659***
secondary 0.800*** 0.815*** 0.696***
graduate 1.076*** 1.237*** 0.830***
Log monthly real expenditure per capita 0.465*** 0.465*** 0.564***
N HH members 0-6 years old -0.033*** -0.032*** -0.039*
N HH members 7-14 years old 0.007 0.010 -0.002
N HH members 15-24 years old -0.019* -0.014 -0.036*
Urban 0.003
State controls included included included
Constant -5.103*** -4.850*** -6.441***
Number of observations 107,870 73,314 34,556
Log-Likelihood -38,512.13 -27,635.99 -9,661.72
Adjusted R2 0.161 0.155 0.188
note: .005 - ***; .01 - **; .05 - *;

For India as a whole, we find a 9-point difference in the predicted probability of current
school enrollment: 0.86 for non-Scheduled Tribes and 0.77 for Scheduled Tribes (Table

School Participation in Rural India.‖ Review of Development
Drèze, J. and G.G. Kingdon. 2001. ―
Economics, Vol.5: 1–24.

5B). This gap varies with the position of the household in the expenditure distribution - it
is 8 points for households in the poorest quintile but is only 3 points for households in the
wealthiest quintile. Similarly, when households are ranked according to the education
level of the household head, the tribal gap in current enrollment widens for children with
illiterate household heads.

Table 5B: Predicted Probability of Current Enrollment in Primary or Secondary School for All
India, 2004-05.
Based on the model in column 1 above

Non-ST ST Total
Level of education of HH head
Illiterate 0.755 0.682 0.746
Below primary 0.869 0.818 0.864
Primary 0.917 0.869 0.913
Secondary 0.942 0.912 0.940
Graduate 0.975 0.959 0.974
Total 0.857 0.766 0.848
Expenditure quintiles
Poorest quintile 0.769 0.689 0.757
2 0.833 0.776 0.828
3 0.867 0.807 0.862
4 0.906 0.862 0.903
Wealthiest quintile 0.958 0.927 0.956
Total 0.857 0.766 0.848
Source: National Sample Survey

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Chapter 7: Laos

Ethno-linguistic Diversity and Disadvantage

Elizabeth M. King
World Bank

Dominique van de Walle

World Bank

Revised November 2009; revised March 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought
and discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
1 Introduction
Laos (officially, the Lao People‘s Democratic Republic) is one of Southeast Asia‘s
poorest countries and probably also the region‘s most ethnically diverse country. Its
population of five million has four broad ethno-linguistic families: the Lao-Tai (67% of
the population), the Mon-Khmer (21%), Hmong-Lu Mien (8%), and the Chine-Tibetan
(3%). These categories further subsume 49 distinct ethnicities and some 200 ethnic
subgroups (World Bank 2006b).1

There are pronounced disparities in living standards across these ethno-linguistic groups,
with some groups faring much worse than others. The groups are geographically
dispersed, and sometimes categorized not by their linguistic family but rather by whether
they live in the country‘s lowlands, midlands or highlands. Many live in ethnically
homogeneous villages. The historically politically, economically and socially dominant
Lao-Tai are the primary residents of urban areas, and also live in the high density,
agriculturally productive lowland areas around Vientiane and the Mekong corridor. The
Mon-Khmer people, whose presence in present day Lao PDR predates all the other
groups, typically live in midland rural areas of the North and South. The Hmong-Lu Mien
people are found in the uplands and high mountains in the north and the Chine-Tibetan are
located in the northern highland areas.

Lao PDR is a predominantly rural country: in 2003 agriculture contributed 48 percent of

the country‘s gross domestic product and employed 80 percent of its labor force (World
Bank 2006a). Rural Lao-Tai households are often engaged in the cultivation of lowland
irrigated paddy-rice. In contrast, non-Lao-Tai households typically practice subsistence-
oriented semi-permanent or shifting agriculture in ways adapted to their specific agro-
ecological environments; they grow upland rice, often supplemented by corn and, in many
more isolated areas, poppy (Ireson and Ireson 1991, Evrard and Goudineau 2004).2 Many
are also reliant on the collection of forest products and, although often blamed for
deforestation, they are also negatively affected by encroaching commercial logging by the
government and military for whom this has become a profitable source of foreign
exchange (Ireson and Ireson 1991). Some non-Lao-Tai minority groups are still semi-
nomadic, moving to new areas when their lands are depleted, but others have become
sedentary. They often live in areas with limited access to transport infrastructure,
marketing opportunities and social services, and many have low levels of human
development outcomes, have no tradition of literacy, and do not speak Lao, the official
national language.

Significant geographic variations in living standards and by elevation, as well as a desire

on the part of the government to assimilate the non-Lao-Tai, have encouraged the
There are several ethnic classification systems in Lao PDR and depending on the system used the number
of ethnic groups vary from about 50 to more than 200 (Pholsena 2006). An alternative classification that is
commonly used is based on geographic location. Hence, Tai-Kadai is called Lao Loum or Lao people of the
valleys; Mon-Khmer are Lao Theung or the Lao people of the hillsides, and Tibeto-Burman and the Hmong-
Mien are the Lao Soung or Lao people of the highlands.
In 1998, 45% of the country‘s villages were dependent on swidden agriculture for their livelihoods (State
Planning Committee and National Statistical Center 1999).

government to promote various types of poor area programs. Since the late 1980s there
have been efforts to resettle highland villagers in lowland ―focal‖ areas where basic public
services such as schools and health facilities already exist, or can be more efficiently and
cheaply provided (Cohen 2000; Evrard and Goudineau 2004). Since 2003, the
government has also had a program that focuses interventions on 72 out of 143 total
districts, identified as ―pr
iority districts.‖

Observers have claimed that these programs have failed and even worsened the welfare of
relocated households due to a lack of support and the infrastructure necessary to adapt to
the new and foreign environments. Many have succumbed to diseases such as malaria to
which they have no resistance (Cohen 2000). Indeed, it has been argued that the
government is more interested in the resettling and assimilating the ethnic groups into
Lao-Tai culture than in raising their living standards per se (Ireson and Ireson 1991, Baird
and Shoemaker 2007).3
This paper examines various aspects of the living standards of Lao PDR‘s ethnic minority
groups relative to that of the historically dominant Lao-Tai ethno-linguistic group. The
analysis draws primarily on data from the Lao Expenditure Consumption Survey of
2002/3 (LECS3), a nationally representative household survey that covered 8,100
households. Unlike the earlier surveys, this survey collected information on ethnic group
affiliation of household members. It also collected an array of demographic and
socioeconomic information about the sample households, including measures of
consumption, household assets, household size, education levels and health status of
household members, utilization of public services, and employment and time use. Because
of data inadequacies, we undertook consistency checks on the data related to
consumption, schooling, health, employment and time use, and other background
information on households and individuals. The checks include (but are not limited to)
cross-checking the responses to related questions and verifying responses against response
codes and skip patterns. We use the data for the survey questions that pass these tests and
discard the responses to questions that do not or avoid using the survey information
altogether; in particular, employment, labor force participation and health cost data appear
to have problems.

For our analysis we also use data from a school survey module which was added to the
LECS3. The module was applied to all the primary schools in the same LECS3 survey
villages; it collected data on a variety of school characteristics, including information on

―Resettlement, then, is a strategy for the development of ethnic minorities that was conceived by lowland
Lao and is carried out by Lao and culturally assimilated ethnic minority men. While forest land use and
resettlement policy is only one aspect of development for government personnel, it is a life and death issue
for minorities. Projects so far have been clumsy, culturally insensitive efforts to attract upland minorities to
an area by constructing physical structures such as roads, schools, clinics, or dams, but which include few or
no programmatic activities such as agricultural extension, training or public health outreach. Donor agency
and government personnel administer resettlement resources according to their conception of what is good
for the minorities or for national development goals. Thus, resettlement becomes another means by which
ethnic minorities are Laoized as they are ― developed.‖ (Ireson and Ireson 1991, pp.935-36).

individual teachers and the school head.4 About 80 percent of children in the sample live
in a village with a primary school. In cases where there was no primary school in the
village, the most attended school and the second most attended school outside the village
were surveyed, provided these schools were located in villages contiguous to the sample
For simplicity, we classify the population into just two ethnic groups ─ the Lao-Tai
(henceforth referred to as LT) and the non-Lao-Tai (NLT). Just three percent of survey
households (264 of 8,092) have both LT and NLT members, but three-fourths of these
mixed households are in urban areas. These mixed households are classified as LT if
there are at least as many LT as NLT members. Moreover, since the NLT ethnic groups
predominantly live in rural areas and so have small urban sample sizes, we either do not
show them under the urban category or simply focus on rural areas. The maps in Figure 1
show the provincial distribution of the LT population alongside the average altitude of
provinces, demonstrating that the LT population tends to reside in the lowlands and
midlands as compared with the NLT population.
<Figure 1 about here>

2 Poverty profile
Throughout the paper, we use real household per capita consumption expenditures to
measure overall living standards. This measure includes the value of consumption from
own production and imputed housing costs. It accounts for spatial price differences across
the urban and rural areas of four regions: Vientiane, North, Center and South.

In 2002/3, one-third of Lao PDR‘s population was poor, but the incidence of poverty was
substantially higher for the NLT than for the LT at 50.6 and 25.0 percent, respectively
(Table 1).5 In general, urban areas were less poor than rural areas; specifically, poverty
was lowest in the urban areas of the highlands (14.4%) and highest in the rural highlands
(45.2%). Among urban areas, the midlands had the top incidence of poverty (37.7%).
These patterns are repeated for the LT and NLT populations except that, interestingly, the
incidence of poverty was slightly higher for the NLT in the rural lowlands (55.1%) than in
the highlands (50.0%). The urban midlands deserve special mention as the NLT have a
headcount index of 63% in those areas, the highest poverty incidence among either ethnic
group in urban or rural areas. There is also a deep pocket of poverty among the LT
residing in the urban midlands, albeit much smaller at 27.3%. Both the depth and severity
of poverty as measured by the poverty gap index and the squared poverty gap mirror the
patterns for the headcount index.

<Table 1 about here>

The primary school module was developed by Elizabeth King, Keiko Miwa and Dominique van de Walle.
The principal respondent of the questionnaire was the school principal, responding to questions about
personal and educational characteristics as well as about the facilities in the school and its physical
condition, its parent-teacher-association, school fees and other school characteristics. All teachers in the
sample schools were also interviewed to elicit individual characteristics, including educational attainment,
teaching experience, and activities as a teacher.
We use the government‘s poverty line which is based on the cost-of-basic-needs method and incorporates
spatial price differences (Richter et al., 2005).

Comparing the characteristics of LT and NLT households and the places where they live,
along most dimensions the LT have, on average, more favorable attributes than the NLT.6
They have more education: 5.4 years of schooling versus 2.9 for household heads
(predominantly male), and 3.7 years versus 1.1 for their spouses. They have better access
to basic social and economic infrastructure. Nationally, 61 percent of the LT live in
villages with electricity versus 22 percent of the NLT; 86 and 21 percent of LT reside in
places with primary and lower secondary schools, respectively, compared to 79 and 5
percent of NLT; and 17 versus 7 percent have health posts in their villages. These
patterns persist after controlling for income: similar disadvantages appear for the NLT
relative to the LT when we examine only the poor or even the non-poor among them.
However, there are a few reversals for the urban NLT, more of whom live in places with
upper secondary schools, hospitals and health posts.

The receipt of remittances whether from other parts of Laos or abroad is quite low at 3.2
percent of the population nationally, or 2.7 percent of all households. But this proportion
varies with living standards and by urban and rural location (Figure 2). The well-off LT
population, whether residing in urban or rural areas, is more likely to receive remittances.
At the highest consumption levels, over 30 percent of them receive remittances; at the
poorest levels, around 10 percent do. The likelihood of receiving remittances rises with
consumption also for the urban NLT up to a maximum of about 10 percent among the
richest people. There is no such economic gradient for the rural LT; the incidence of
remittances for them hovers around only 2 to 5 percent across the entire distribution.
Because of this pattern in remittances, they exacerbate both consumption and inter-ethnic

<Figure 2 about here>

What explains the differences in living standards among ethnic groups in Lao PDR?
Following the literature, we estimate the relationship between household welfare,
measured as household per-capita consumption, and a set of household and community
endowments captured by geographic variables (Ravallion and Wodon 1999; van de Walle
and Gunewardena 2001).7 Household characteristics include the log of household size
and demographic composition variables: shares of children of different gender in the 0-6
and 7-16 age brackets; shares of male and female adults (17-55); and the share of elderly
which is the left out variable. Household demographics may not be exogenous because
family members can choose to cohabit or not and because fertility is at least partly a
behavioral outcome. Ideally, we would also like to control for whether household
members speak Lao, irrespective of their ethnicity, but this information is not available.

See Appendix Table 1 for a comparison along a fuller list of household characteristics.
We estimate the statistical relationship between the log of per capita expenditures of households and their
household characteristics and geographic or locational variables, using multivariate regression analysis. The
analysis is undertaken separately for each of the four gender-ethnic groups.

However, recognizing that per capita household expenditure may be an imperfect measure
of welfare, the inclusion of demographic controls help account for differences in welfare
at given expenditures per person. Such heterogeneity might arise through likely
economies of scale in consumption or differences in needs for different age groups.

We include a dummy variable for whether or not the household receives remittances from
abroad. This too is likely to be endogenous to living standards, but the arguments for
including this variable outweigh those for leaving it out. We expect this variable to reflect
unobserved attributes of the household such as those related to social networks that may
be crucially important to welfare.

A few explanatory variables describe the head of household: age and age squared, and
gender. Household human capital is assumed to be exogenous to current consumption and
is measured as a series of dummy variables for the highest education level of the
household member who has completed the most formal schooling, allowing us to measure
the incremental returns to extra levels of schooling. There are eight possible levels: no
schooling (the left out level); some primary school; completed primary school (5 years);
some lower secondary; completed lower secondary (3 years); some upper secondary
school; completed some upper secondary school; vocational education or university

Given that the vast majority of rural households rely on agriculture for their livelihoods,
we would have liked to include controls for each household‘s access to land, both amounts
and quality, but the data on this front are weak. The LECS3 asks only whether the
household has access to or owns land and its value if the land were to be sold; however,
the responses do not seem reliable. Furthermore, given how widespread swidden
cultivation still is for many households in the uplands, it is not clear that these data would
mean much.

Finally, we include a full set of variables identifying the villages in which the households
live, as well as whether those villages are located in the highlands or lowlands (as opposed
to the left out midlands category). In this particular setting we expect that location is
largely exogenous and has a direct causal effect on living standards; we also expect the
village effects to help deal with the potential bias from unmeasured factors that are
common within a village. Apart from government resettlement programs to focal
(―priority‖) sites, mobility in rural areas appears to be limited. Villages are small and the
village effects should adequately capture differences in inter-village access to land and
education, local infrastructure, geo-environmental attributes, prices, and other community
level factors. This helps deal with the likely correlation between the included variables —
notably education — and location. Without geographic fixed effects a bias is probable.8

Research has shown the importance of controlling for geographic fixed effects in similar settings in
neighboring countries. See Jalan and Ravallion (2002) for Southwest China and van de Walle and
Gunewardena (2001) for Northern Vietnam. In all regressions, we estimate the standard errors using the
Huber–White correction for heteroscedasticity and we correct for cluster sampling of households within
villages using the robust cluster option in STATA.

Table 2 presents the results for the entire sample and separately for the two ethnic groups
by urban and rural location.9 We find that the structure of returns to household
characteristics is not the same for the LT and NLT groups, so the following discussion
focuses on the disaggregated ethnic- and location-specific regressions (columns 2 to 5).10
Because the urban NLT sample includes only 213 households, the coefficients for that
sample may be less precisely estimated.

<Table 2 about here>

A larger household size significantly reduces per capita consumption for all groups.
Controlling for household size, demographic composition appears to be of less
consequence to living standards in urban than in rural areas. One surprising exception is
the significant negative coefficient of the share of infant and toddler girls but not of boys
in the same age bracket for the urban LT. Why the effect of small children on per capita
consumption would differ by gender is not obvious. Children of that age typically require
considerable care as is implied by the negative coefficients for both sexes in rural areas.
A possible explanation is that urban LT households consume more and invest in very
young sons more than they do in young daughters. Studies have examined the hypothesis
that a strong son preference may lead parents to provide inferior care for daughters in
terms of food allocation, prevention of diseases and accidents, and treatment of sick
children (Arnold et al. 1998). Some studies have found little evidence of discrimination
against girls in feeding (Haddad et al. 1996; Basu 1993), but other studies conclude that
the discriminatory behavior might depend on the number and sex composition of
surviving children (e.g., Mishra et al. 2004 on India).

In rural areas and relative to the left-out elderly group, more prime-age LT adults, whether
male or female, are associated with significantly higher living standards. This is not the
case for the NLT for whom the returns to prime age adults are not significantly different
from the returns to elderly adults. However, a larger share of members between the ages
of 6 and 16 exerts a negative effect not found for the LT. For both rural ethnic groups, a
larger share of small children negatively impacts per capita consumption expenditures.
Male headship tends to have a significant positive effect as does the age of the head with
turning points in the late 40s and early 50s.

Controlling for other characteristics, there are significant, large returns to education,
although the pattern of returns differs across the groups. In urban areas, returns to lower
levels of education are not significantly different from the returns to no or some primary
schooling for the NLT, while the LT get significant returns from the completion of lower
and upper secondary schooling. The picture is quite different in rural Laos where there
are pronounced and significant returns to schooling at all levels although the completion
of a schooling level tends to do more for consumption than having only completed part of
the level. Still, the returns tend to be larger and more consistently statistically significant
for the LT. For example, the impact on per capita consumption of the most educated

Summary statistics for the included variables are given in Appendix Table 2.
Chow tests reject the null hypothesis that the parameters are the same for the different groups when
geographic fixed effects are excluded (F= 3.37 (59, 536)).10 Tests also reject the same models for the urban
LT and NLT (F= 3.37 (20, 106)) and for the rural LT and NLT (F= 4.66 (21, 432)).

household member having completed primary school is 10% of original consumption for
the NLT versus 17% for the LT. Completion of lower secondary school results in a per
capita expenditures increase of 15% for the rural NLT and 26% for the rural LT. The
returns to vocational education are strongest for the urban NLT and those to University
are strongest for the rural LT.

The regressions also attest to powerful geographic effects on living standards. The village
fixed effects (not shown in Table 3) are overwhelmingly significant and have strong
explanatory power, almost doubling each regression‘s explanatory power. As in similar
settings in Vietnam (van de Walle and Gunewardena 2001), the returns to education are
substantially over-estimated for the rural disadvantaged minority groups as well as for the
rural LT groups when geographic fixed effects are not accounted for. This result probably
reflects geographic differences in the supply (and quality) of education services. Places
with better endowments and hence higher living standards are also the places where
households will tend to invest more in education. If both the amounts of education and its
quality are higher in places where living standards are also higher, then not accounting for
quality will tend to over-estimate the returns to education. For both groups then, the
returns to schooling depend on where they live. Furthermore, even controlling for village
effects, the coefficients on whether the household lives in the highlands relative to the
midlands are highly significant. The lowlands dummy has a significant (and negative)
effect on living standards only for the urban LT.

Receiving transfers from abroad significantly raises consumption for all groups except the
urban NLT. Strikingly, in rural areas, receipt of remittances reduces inequality between
the LT and NLT because relatively more NLT households receive remittances, but as we
saw earlier, the households receiving remittances remain few.

3 Education: Convergence, with Persistent Differences

In the following sections we turn to the schooling levels of the ethnic groups in Lao PDR.
Investments in education are one of the best hopes for improving the lifetime prospects of
a child—even a child from a poor family—and for Lao PDR we see both progress and
persistence in schooling inequalities. First, we describe the historical trend in education
levels. Since higher mortality rates in older ages might affect average schooling years, we
limit the age range from 18 to 60 years. Second, we focus on recent education outcomes.
Educational progress over time
To derive historical changes without long time-series data, we examine the differences in
the average completed years of schooling of adults of different ages.11 Comparing urban
and rural populations, LT and NLT, as well as males and females, we find a steady
increase in educational attainment over the last 40 years for all groups and important
relative changes among those population groups (Figure 3). In general, progress was
significantly higher for the LT than for the NLT. One notable finding is that, in both

The average years of schooling attained is defined as highest grade completed rather than the actual
number of years enrolled in school. Due to grade repetition, the highest grade attained can imply fewer
years of schooling than the number of years actually spent in school. We have no separate information on
grade repetition from the surveys.

urban and rural areas, LT women showed the largest improvement. In urban areas, LT
women rose to equal the average schooling years of LT men; in rural areas, LT women
narrowed the gap with LT men to just over a year and overtook NLT men some 20 years
ago. In contrast, there is no sign of any gender convergence between men and women in
the NLT groups.12 Although rural NLT women lag furthest behind, NLT men also
perform badly in comparison to the LT. Indeed, there are signs of divergence between
ethnic groups, with a widening schooling gap between the rural LT and NLT.
<Figure 3 about here>
The average completed years of schooling started from a low base of two years nationally
around 1960, and increased to five and a half years—an annual rate of increase of 0.08 of
a school year, or one full school year every 12 and one half years. Educational attainment
was higher throughout for urban populations (3.9 years increasing to 8.2 years in 2002/3)
and lower for rural populations (1.6 to 4.6 years in 2002/3). Among all gender and ethno-
linguistic groups, rural NLT women have the least schooling during the period, as well as
the smallest yearly gain over the last 40 years—just 0.04 of a school year per year. Even
among those in the youngest birth cohort, these women had 6.6 fewer years of schooling
than urban LT men, the group with the most schooling. The urban-rural distinction is, of
course, evolving over time due to rural-urban migration and the upgrading of rural to
urban areas, so this makes the urban progress over the period all the more impressive but
may also account for the relative stagnation in the literacy rate in recent years.
The overall increase in years of schooling translates into higher literacy, defined as the
ability to read and write.13 Plotting the literacy rate against age, we see that urban LT
men have the highest literacy rate which is upwards of 90 percent (Figure 4). The
continuous increase in schooling years of urban LT women shows up in a sharp rise in
their literacy rate more than 30 years ago, leading to a convergence in the literacy rates of
male and female 18-year-olds. In rural areas, LT men have become more literate, but they
have been overtaken by urban LT women. Rural LT women also have surpassed rural
NLT men, but rural NLT women continue to have the lowest literacy rate, reaching only
30 percent for the youngest cohorts.
<Figure 4 about here>

Figure 2 shows three age-group moving averages.
The answers given to questions about whether one can read and whether one can write correspond almost
perfectly across individuals. For this reason we aggregate the two into one measure of literacy. Note also
that there are two possible measures of literacy – whether one can read and write with or without difficulty.
When we define literacy more strictly as being able to read and write without difficulty, literacy rates drop
significantly, especially for poor groups.

Current education patterns
Lao PDR‘s school cycle starts with five years at the primary level, followed by three years
each at the lower and upper secondary levels.14 Some students go directly from primary or
lower-secondary school to teacher-training or vocational training which may take an
additional year or two; alternatively, some graduate from the upper-secondary level to a
university education. Ideally, a student enters primary school at age six and finishes
university education at age 22.15
To assess school enrollment numbers, we use three different measures: age-specific
enrollment rates for three different age groups (6-10, 11-13, and 14-16) which correspond
to the official age groups for the first three education cycles; net enrollment rates for the
three education cycles; and gross enrollment rates for the three cycles.16 The net
enrollment and gross enrollment rates would be equal if all enrollees in a school cycle
belong only to the official age group—but high rates of grade repetition and entry into
school that is spread out over several ages result in the gross enrollment rate greatly
exceeding the net enrollment rate. We emphasize this point because many children in Lao
PDR begin the primary cycle later than the prescribed entry age of six, entering instead
only at age nine or ten; correspondingly, children remain in the primary cycle until their
middle to late teens.17 Rural children enter school, if ever, later than do urban children,
and so a larger percentage of them—male or female, poor or nonpoor, and LT or NLT—
are still at the primary level even in their late teens.18
Likewise, the net enrollment and age-specific enrollment rates would be equal if students
of a particular age group are enrolled only in the official school cycle for that age group;
again, grade repetition and late entry lead to these rates being unequal. Because of late
entry into school relative to the official start age for school, especially in rural areas, gross
and net enrollment rates that are based on the official school ages can give a misleading
picture of schooling in the country. In Lao PDR among children in the official primary
school-age group (ages 6–10), the gross enrollment rate was 114.9 percent and the net
enrollment rate 70.4 percent, according to LECS3 (Table 3).19 The difference between the

Pre-primary school can play an important role in preparing children intellectually, psychologically and
socially for entering primary school, but in Laos few children attend pre-primary school, perhaps reflecting
the high fees and low supply of those facilities. In our sample, only 11 percent of all children aged 10 to 18
ever attended kindergarten, although there is a large difference between urban and rural children (24.9
percent versus 5.4 percent).
Currently, a bachelor‘s degree course at the University of Lao is 5 years.
See Appendix 1 for a definition of these measures.
LECS3 includes a question asking respondents about their age of starting school, so this information is not
a computed age of entry.
However, the average age at which children start school has declined markedly over time. In 2002/3,
nearly 80 percent of those aged 10 entered school by age 8; by comparison, just slightly more than 20
percent of those aged 18 did so.
We examined the reliability of the LECS3 schooling data and various enrollment definitions. Our
estimates of enrollments include children who were on vacation during the survey who also stated that they
were going to return to school the following year. We also use information on whether those vacationing
children were in school previously and had completed at least one year. If so, then we considered them as
enrolled; if they had not attended school previously, then even if they reported an intention to attend school
the following school year, we considered the child as not enrolled. In the broader education literature,
parental aspirations or expectations about their children's schooling are considered (at least) partial
information about schooling outcomes. The percentages of children on vacation but expected to return to
school are higher in urban than in rural areas. Because of this pattern, the aggregate enrollment rates are

two rates indicates that many primary school students are either younger or older than the
official ages for the cycle, which is 6-10 years. Since it is much less likely that the
enrollees are younger than six, the explanation must be that about half of primary school
students are older than 10. The age-specific enrollment rate for the 6-10 age cohort was
71.8 percent, indicating that only 1.4 percent of the children attending school in this age
group are enrolled in another school cycle, most likely at the lower-secondary level. At
older ages, as children fall behind in their schooling, this gap between the net enrollment
rate and the age-specific rate widens.
<Table 3 about here >
Enrollment drops off sharply after the primary cycle. At the lower-secondary level, the
overall net enrollment of those ages 11-13 was just 22.7 percent, the gross enrollment was
58.6 percent, and the age-specific enrollment rate was 82.6 percent. The much larger age-
specific enrollment rate indicates that the majority of children ages 11 to13 attends school
but most are still at the primary level. A similar picture emerges at the upper-secondary
level: the net enrollment rate was 13.4, the gross enrollment rate was 30.9, and the age-
specific enrollment rate was 60.6. Thus, each enrollment rate measure paints a very
different picture for Lao PDR.
The enrollment rates also mask wide variation by gender, ethnolinguistic affiliation and
residence. The patterns in these differences are clear: urban children are more likely to be
in school than rural children, LT children are more likely to be in school than NLT
children, boys are more likely to be in school than girls, and nonpoor children are more
likely to be in school than poor children. By looking across all these groups at once, we
note more extreme disparities, indicating that multiple sources of disadvantage compound
inequalities. Taking poverty into account as well as gender, ethnicity and residence, age-
specific participation rates for children ages 6-10 range from 43.2 percent for poor NLT
girls in rural areas to 92.5 percent for nonpoor LT boys and girls in urban areas—an
immense difference (Table 4). Differences between these two groups are also large with
respect to gross enrollment rates (70 versus 132.7 percent) and net enrollment rates (42.6
versus 89.4 percent). Hence, although Lao PDR has achieved significant progress in
closing education gaps over the past decades, reducing education inequalities is still a
huge challenge that policy and the economy must address.
<Table 4 about here>
As one would expect, the group inequalities at the secondary levels are even larger than at
the primary level. The net enrollment rate at the lower-secondary level ranges from a low
of 4.7 percent for rural NLT girls to a high of 45.0 percent for urban LT boys, a ten-tuple
difference (Table 5). At the upper secondary level, the range is even wider: the overall net
enrollment ranges from 1.6 percent for rural NLT girls to a high of 23.8 percent for urban
LT boys (Table 6). These net enrollment rates, however, do not capture the proportion of
youth who are actually in school in either of the two secondary cycles. To illustrate this
point, consider that although only 4.7 percent of rural NLT girls ages 11-13 are enrolled in
lower-secondary schools, 59.0 percent of them are actually in school, though most are

inflated when considering the children on vacation. In general, they were higher by some 10 percentage
points, depending on location. However, when we disaggregate enrollment rates by urban and rural
residence, this discrepancy is not quite as large. If all the children on vacation during the survey are
considered as not enrolled, enrollment rates are greatly understated.

probably still in primary schools. Similarly, although only 1.6 percent of rural NLT girls
ages 14-16 are enrolled in upper-secondary schools, 31.1 percent of them attend school,
most being in either primary schools or lower-secondary schools. These large gaps are a
result of children starting primary school much later than the official entry age of 6, and of
some failing and repeating grades. In settings where these phenomena are frequent, age-
specific enrollment rates, instead of gross or net enrollment rates, provide helpful aspects
about schooling outcomes.
<Tables 5 and 6 about here>
Introducing the poverty dimension adds to the overall picture of large education
inequalities. The net enrollment rate at the lower-secondary level among the poor, rural
NLT children is just 1.9 percent for girls and 3.9 percent for boys, as compared with 7.6
percent and 10.5 percent for nonpoor, rural NLT girls and boys, respectively. The gross
enrollment rates at this level are also low for poor, rural NLT children—just 8.9 percent
for girls and 20.0 percent for boys—but these indicate that at least three times the number
of these youth are actually continuing on to the lower-secondary level, but at older ages
than 13. By comparison, poor, rural LT youth are enrolled in secondary schools at
significantly higher rates. For example, 12.4 and 13.7 percent of boys and girls,
respectively, are enrolled at the lower secondary level, percentages that are higher even
than those of nonpoor, rural NLT youth. These gaps are wide also when comparing the
nonpoor, rural youth: LT youth are more than twice as likely to be enrolled in lower
secondary schools as NLT youth.
The numbers for the NLT population hide considerable heterogeneity across the minority
groups that make up the NLT ethnic category. Focusing on just the net enrollment rates at
the primary education level, we see that some sub-groups fare much worse than others
(Table 7). For example, in the rural population, compared to LT boys aged 6-10 of whom
77.8 percent were enrolled in primary schools, the net enrollment rate was 55.7 percent for
Mon-Khmer boys and 35.9 percent for Chine-Tibetan boys. Among rural girls, compare
77.7 percent for LT girls with 53.0 percent for Mon-Khmers and 30.2 percent for Chine-
Tibetans. In urban areas, ethnolinguistic differences are not significant except for Mon-
Khmer children whose lower enrollment rates were much lower than those of other
groups, but the limited size of the NLT urban sample weakens such comparisons.
<Table 7 about here>
Education inequalities are evident in the extreme by the proportion of youth who have
never attended school. For this, we look at a slightly older group because school entry is
typically late. Overall, 10 percent of children ages 10-16 had never attended school in
Laos, but there are notable differences in this proportion by gender and ethnicity as well
as by urban-rural residence. In rural areas, 34.3 percent of NLT girls and 6.0 percent of
LT girls had never attended school. The corresponding numbers for rural boys are 17.2
percent and 3.8 percent, truly immense differences even within rural areas (Table 8).
Poverty further accentuates the gaps, even just among girls: In rural areas, 39.8 percent of
NLT girls and 10.6 percent of LT girls from poor families have never attended school as
compared with 28.4 percent of NLT girls and 4.2 LT girls from nonpoor families. The
challenge of just getting children to enter school is obviously still a crucial challenge for
Lao PDR—and it is plainly evident that efforts to remedy this should be targeted to
minority children from poor, rural households.

<Table 8 about here>
Access and the quality of schools
The availability of schools within a reasonable distance from the household has been
shown to be an important determinant of whether or not a student goes to school (see
Orazem and King 2008 for a review of the literature).20 As noted above, nationally 84
percent of the population lives in a village with a primary school, but this proportion
varies across population groups, with LT households more likely to have access than NLT
households. In both urban and rural areas, this measure of school supply does not
necessarily mean that children residing in a village without a school do not have access to
a primary school as they may attend school in neighboring villages. In urban areas,
perhaps because of better means of transportation, children are more likely to attend
school in the next village or locality.
Our survey of primary schools in the same villages as LECS3 sample households provides
detailed information about the schools that children were attending.21 The data show that
rural schools are far more likely to have multigrade classrooms than urban schools. Nearly
half of rural LT households and 65.6 percent of rural NLT households have schools that
have multigrade classrooms (Table 9). In such classrooms, the teacher has to impart
lessons to students of widely different ages and grades, a very challenging job to do well.
By comparison, only 8 percent of urban LT households have schools that have multigrade
classrooms. This immense difference between urban and rural schools probably reflects an
imbalance in the deployment of teachers among provinces and schools, resulting in an
oversupply of teachers in some areas and severe undersupply in others (ADB 2000).22
<Table 9 about here>
Balancing teacher supply is not just about getting the numbers right, however. The
quality of schools depends on who the teachers are and how well prepared they are to
teach, and so the distribution of teacher characteristics matters also. In urban areas, less
than one-third of teachers are men; the opposite is true in rural areas where teaching
probably represents a coveted opportunity for wage employment for more educated men.
LT children are taught predominantly by LT teachers (90 percent in urban areas and 70
percent in rural areas) while a much smaller proportion of NLT children are taught by LT
teachers. This pattern suggests that schools tend to rely on local teachers, especially in
rural areas. This has pros and cons: Because local teachers are more likely to stay on,
teacher attrition is going to be less of a problem; because local teachers know the local
language and customs, they are likely to be better able to communicate with students and

Besides availability, other supply factors are also expected to influence that decision and, according to
educators, whether students learn or not. Studies have focused on measurable indicators such as the pupil-
teacher ratio, educational background and work experience of teachers, the availability of textbooks and
learning materials, and the physical condition of school buildings as indicators of school quality. Others
have also used the performance of students on standardized tests (controlling for their socioeconomic
background and innate ability) as a measure of school quality.
The school survey was fielded at the same time as the LECS3. As explained earlier, if a village did not
have a school at the time of the survey, the closest school that village children attended was covered by the
This deployment issue is partly a result of a quota system that requires newly trained teachers to return to
their home district after training, thus restricting mobility and the capacity of the school system to balance
teacher supply.

parents; but because local teachers in NLT areas may themselves have limited facility in
the majority language, they may not be adequately effective in teaching their students the
national curriculum.
The education and experience of the average teacher are highest in urban areas for the LT
and lowest in rural areas for the NLT, although the gap is not so large. On average, urban
teachers have 10 years of schooling and about 12-15 years of experience; teachers in
schools accessible to NLT children in rural areas have, on average, nine years each of
schooling and experience in schools. The latter may well reflect the more recent
expansion of schools in areas where the rural NLT live.
Finally, based on a set of school characteristics, the schools that are accessible to children
from urban households and LT households are better equipped than the schools accessible
to rural and NLT populations.23 The disparities are smaller with respect to the basic
inputs of classrooms with blackboards and functioning roofs, but much greater with
respect to whether the school has electricity or drinking water. On average, the large
majority of households, urban or rural, have access to primary schools that have
classrooms with blackboards and about three-fourths have schools that have non-leaking
roofs. In urban areas, 68.6 percent of LT households have access to schools with
electricity, while in rural areas, only 33.8 percent of LT households do; and in both urban
and rural areas, it is much worse for NLT households than LT households.
Using a multivariate analysis (described below), we find that multigrade schools are
associated with lower enrollment rates and that children who have access to a complete
primary school are 25 percent more likely to be enrolled. Better school infrastructure—as
measured by the availability of electricity, the existence of desks for each student, and the
physical condition of classrooms (as measured by the proportion of classrooms with non-
leaky roofs)—also promotes enrollment, though this association is considerably weaker
than having a complete school without multigrade classrooms. The distance from the
primary school to a city or to a lower-secondary school and the average time it takes for a
student to walk from home are negatively related to enrollment, supporting further that
school supply matters.
Determinants of school enrollment
Here we examine the determinants of schooling in Lao PDR using a set of individual and
household data that reflect the factors discussed above using multivariate regression
analysis. We estimate a model with individual, household, community, and school
variables for the two subgroups based on ethnolinguistic affiliation, and then for more
disaggregated samples based on all three characteristics at the same time. We find striking
differences in the normalized coefficients of the probit model, estimated as marginal
effects, between LT and NLT children (Table 10). Indeed, Wald tests reject equality of the
models across these groups.
<Table 10 about here>

Past studies on Asian countries have found that distance to school deters enrollment (Anderson, King, and
Wang 2002 for Malaysia; Maliki 2005 for Indonesia), tuition reduces enrollment (Behrman and Knowles
1999 for Vietnam), and having more educated teachers increases enrollment (World Bank 2005 for

In addition to gender, urban-rural location, and ethnolinguistic affiliation, the regressions
include measures of household welfare (proxied by consumption expenditures), parental
education, the age-gender composition of the household, and village and school
characteristics.24 However, we highlight only the regression results that pertain to ethnic
differences; the full results are described in King and van de Walle (2008). To aid
interpretation, we transformed the estimated probit coefficients into marginal effects,
evaluated at the means. Standard errors in all estimated regressions have been corrected
for heteroscedasticity and clustering at the village level.
The results confirm the inequalities across ethnolinguistic groups documented above:
NLT children (except for Mon-Khmers) are significantly less likely to attend school than
LT children, and this relative disadvantage is largest (by 20 percent) for Chine-Tibetans.25
These results emerge even when controlling for household expenditures which measure
the family‘s ability to incur schooling costs and also for a host of household, school, and
community characteristics.26 Interactions between province and urban-rural location—38
residence dummy variables in all—capture geographical variation and heterogeneity not
captured by other included variables, including an area‘s ability to supply schools and the
local demand for an educated labor force.27 Although a strict urban-rural dichotomy is
seldom an accurate representation of economic difference across areas, our results indicate
that urban areas are associated with higher enrollment, controlling for other

The elasticity of demand for schooling with respect to household income or expenditure can be larger than
in developed countries. For example, elasticities reported by (or derived from reported estimates) by
Bhalotra and Heady (2003) for Pakistan and Handa (2002) for Mozambique are near or greater than 1.
The results confirm that enrollment rates peak at ages 9–11 and decline thereafter. A disability lowers a
child‘s probability of attending school by 13 percent. Household size does not matter for enrollment, but the
composition of the household does. Controlling for household size, the higher is the proportion of household
members under six or 6–16 years of age, the lower is the probability that a child is in school. This negative
association (of 15–24 percent) is largest with respect to the share of under-six children. One interpretation of
these results is that they capture the effect of schooling costs, both direct and opportunity costs, on families
with more children. Surprisingly, even the number of adult men relative to adult women in the household is
negatively associated with school enrollment, albeit with less statistical significance.
All else equal, increasing log per capita consumption of the household by one unit—increasing the level
of consumption by a factor of almost three—increases the probability of a child going to school by 6
percent. The probit regression of schooling on per capita expenditures (and no other regressors) gives a
highly significant (z-stat = 11.2) estimated coefficient of 0.21—more than three times the size of the partial
regression coefficient including the controls. Controlling for other observable characteristics, however, this
coefficient falls, suggesting a considerably lower importance of living standards for achieving universal
primary school enrollment. Related to the expenditure variable is the completed education level of the
household head and his or her spouse, but having controlled for household expenditures, these education
variables are probably measuring parental preferences for schooling. We expect more educated parents to
value their children‘s schooling more highly—indeed child enrollment is associated positively with parents‘
education, albeit at a weaker level than expenditures. Our estimates also include school factors for which we
have measures. In general, these variables pertain to the school nearest to the household, whether within the
community or in the next village or city—that is, the school attended by most households in the sample area.
Compared with the basic model without school variables, the coefficients of the household and child
characteristics in the expanded model remain qualitatively the same, but there is loss in coefficient size for
some due to a positive correlation between household and community variables and the added school
variables. The ethnicity variables also lose statistical significance, except for the variable representing
Chine-Tibetan affiliation. In addition a child is now more likely to be enrolled in school in male-headed
With one exception we obtained positive coefficients for the urban-province variables; with two
exceptions we obtained negative coefficients for the rural-province variables.

characteristics. Furthermore, the altitude of the village measures the specific effect of
living in highland areas where schools tend to be of lower quality and are more difficult to
reach. And even while controlling for ethnolinguistic affiliation, residing in highland
villages is associated with a 7-percent lower probability of being enrolled.
Disaggregating the full sample by urban-rural residence yields some striking effects which
suggest that keeping the geographic samples together hides importance differences
between them. Highlighting the results that pertain to ethnolinguistic grouping, we find
that only the Chine-Tibetan children are significantly less likely to be enrolled in school as
compared with the LT children. Disaggregating by gender, we find significant
ethnolinguistic differences are more pronounced for girls than for boys. Compared with
boys, girls from the Chine-Tibet group are much less likely to be in school than those
from the LT group. Living in the highlands or a priority district has a greater (negative)
effect on girls, indicating that girls‘ enrollment is more highly correlated with the
household‘s living standard and the economic value of schooling in the community.
Finally, we estimate the same probit models separately for each of four groups defined by
residence, gender, and ethnolinguistic affiliation.28 Several differences among the four
groups are noteworthy:
 Breaking down the rural sample reveals that the demographic composition
variables are significant only for girls and that the size of the coefficients for these
variables is far larger for NLT girls than for LT girls. The results strongly suggest that
girls‘ enrollment is reduced by household demands on their time—school-age girls are
expected to substitute for adult women caring for younger children and performing chores.
The coefficient of the share of girls ages 6–16 is somewhat smaller than the other
coefficients, perhaps indicating that the presence of other school-age girls diminishes the
burden on any one school-age girl in the household.
 School-age girls are the only subgroup for whom per capita household
consumption has an insignificant effect on the probability of going to school.
 Disability has a considerably larger (and significant) negative effect on enrollment
for rural LT girls than for other subgroups.
 Having a complete primary school without multigrade classrooms in the village is
the school attribute that has the largest and most consistently significant effect on
enrollment across the models. Disaggregating the samples reveals that among the rural
groups, the effect is largest for the NLT, partly reflecting the greater shortage of such
schools faced by rural NLT children. This effect is larger for girls, possibly because of a
greater reluctance to send girls outside the village to attend school due to risk and cost.
 Living in a highland village has a significant negative effect on enrollment only for
rural LT girls. Having controlled separately for school supply conditions that partly

For the rural subgroups, Wald tests reject the hypothesis that the models for boys and for girls are equal
within the Lao-Tai population (chi2(55) = 234.7, probability>chi2 = 0.0000) or within the non-Lao-Tai group
(chi2(55) = 322.6, probability>chi2 = 0.0000). The tests also reject equality of models among the rural
ethnolinguistic groups for girls (chi2(57) = 4126.5, probability>chi2 = 0.0000) and for boys (chi2(57) =
6760.2, probability>chi2 = 0.0000). For the urban subgroups the tests reject equality of models for boys and
girls (chi2(57) = 1795.8, probability>chi2 = 0.0000). The urban sample includes too few observations to
disaggregate by ethnolinguistic group.

measure the cost of schooling, this result suggests that girls‘ enrollment is also responsive
to the perceived returns to education, which are likely to be low in the rural highlands.

4 Health
In this section we turn to patterns regarding health status, illness and disability, and health
service utilization. We are interested in health indicators over the life course, but we do
not have panel data on any one individual. Instead, we assume that the current average
health status at different ages in the population approximates the health profile and the
corresponding health care needs in the country. The health status of current children may
be a poor predictor of the health status of future children because of future improvements
in, say, public health, but the health status of young children today could serve as
predictors of the future (adult)nhealth concerns in a country.29
The LECS3 collected information on a number of health-related factors, including self-
reported health status, long-term and temporary illness, and the use of health services.30
Self-reported measures of health are typically used in behavioral models, but their validity
has been questioned because they may bring reporting biases that are systematically
associated with the respondent‘s background characteristics. Since self-reported health
reflects perceived health, it may measure something different from actual health, such as a
person‘s belief that s/he can competently cope with a challenging physical situation. For
the LECS3 there was only one respondent for the household questionnaire which may
have attenuated this reporting bias but could have introduced measurement error because
the respondent may not have accurate information about another household member‘s
health status.
Self-reported health status
The survey asked the respondent to rate his or her health status as ― very good‖, ―good,‖
―average,‖ ―bad,‖ and ― very bad.‖ Transforming these responses into a dichotomy of
―bad health status‖ and ― not bad health status,‖ the graphs in Figure 5 show that people
feel a worsening of their health status with age; at the maximum about one-fifth reported

Alderman and Behrman (2006) reviewed studies that show that low birthweight significantly affects later
life outcomes in developing countries. Also, infections in very young children can have deleterious long-run
consequences; inflammations early in life can lead to the development of atherosclerosis (Finch and
Crimmins 2004). A study by Phimmasone et al. (1996) documents significant differences in ―th e prevalence
of both stunting and wasting when comparing subgroups of children: urban children are less stunted and
wasted than rural children, children of the lowland majority less than children of ethnic minorities, and
children whose mothers had completed primary education less than children whose mothers had never been
to school‖ (p. 5)
The survey questions considered in this analysis are: How would you evaluate your health? Do you have
any long-term illness, disability or permanent mark from an accident? Does this affect your ability to
work/go to school or conduct other daily activities? Did you have any temporary health complaints in the
past 4 weeks? Did your health complaints disrupt work, school or daily activities? During the last 4 weeks,
did you seek treatment at a health facility or health provider for your health problem? What kind of health
care facility or provider did you visit in the past 4 weeks? How many times did you visit a traditional health
practitioner or traditional birth attendant in the past 4 weeks to obtain health care?
Respondents were also asked to compare their health status with the health status of others. We do not
show these results because they are very similar to the responses to the question about rating their health

that they were in bad health at age 60 compared with 5 percent at age 30. 32 Starting with
the top graph, we see a notable difference between males and females in the LT urban
residents, with women being more likely to report bad health than men from adolescence.
In fact, urban men, regardless of ethno-linguistic affiliation, are less likely to report being
in bad health, when compared with the rural population (not shown in the graph). As the
bottom graph shows, in rural areas, from about age 20 LT men, like LT men in urban
areas, are less likely to report bad health than rural women in general and also less than
NLT men although this divergence occurs at a later age than 20.
<Figure 5 about here>
We estimate a regression of self-reported health status against reported illness and
disability and a few background characteristics as a simple check on whether or not self-
reported health status is related to specific health complaints (Table 11). First, we find
that living standards are negatively associated with the probability of being in bad health
using our two measures. We also find that self-reported bad health is positively associated
with age, although the size of the association is quite small when we control for the
existence of a health problem, implying that aging alone does not have a huge effect on
the self perception of own health status. Having an illness or disability, whether a long-
term condition or a temporary problem, however, is strongly associated with self-reported
health. Those people with a long-term illness or disability were 30 percent more likely to
report being in bad health; those who had suffered a temporary illness four weeks prior to
the survey were 15 percent more likely to do so. Women were more likely to report being
in bad health, while the LT and urban residents were less likely to be in bad health. As
with age, these associations are small in magnitude once the existence of a long-term or a
temporary health problem has been taken into account. We examine also gender-ethnicity
interaction terms but they are not statistically significant.
<Table 11 about here>
Patterns in illness and disability
LECS3 obtained separate data on long-term illness and disability and temporary health
problems. We continue to examine age curves since they suggest life cycle patterns in
health problems and show differences in such patterns across population groups.
Among children under 15, less than 5 percent are reported to be afflicted with long-term
illness and disability. This prevalence rate increases with age, and by age 60, 10-15
percent of the population is reported to have long-term health conditions (Figure 6).
There are no distinct differences across population groups during early childhood; beyond
early adulthood the prevalence rates diverge. The patterns that emerge are that the
prevalence rates for the rural males and females are higher than those for urban males and
females. Focusing on rural areas, NLT men have a higher prevalence of long-term illness
or disability than LT men, especially after age 40 (middle graph). The pattern among
rural women is not as clear.

To help discern the patterns, we use STATA‘s ―lo wess‖ command to smooth the curves; this is a non-
parametric estimate using moving averages. For each distinct value of x it produces a fitted value y by
running a regression in a local neighborhood of x, giving more weight to points closer to x. The size of the
neighborhood is called the bandwidth; we use .4 throughout this paper, one-half the command‘s maximum

<Figure 6 about here>
The age pattern of the incidence of temporary health illness (during the four weeks prior
to the survey) is quite different from that of the prevalence of long-term ailment or
disability. Its distinct V-shape is not surprising: Early childhood diseases such as diarrhea,
fevers and common respiratory illness likely account for the high incidence of temporary
health problems from birth (an incidence rate of 20-30 percent) (Figure 7). This incidence
falls until early to late adolescence (below 10 percent) before it starts to rise and reach
about 25 percent at age 60 as the effects of aging manifest themselves.
<Figure 7 about here>
There is more divergence in the rate of temporary health illness across population groups
than in the prevalence of long-term illness or disability. In the simple dichotomies by
gender, residence and ethno-linguistic affiliation, we find that the incidence of temporary
health problems is higher among females than males from late adolescence, among rural
than urban residents from late adolescence, and among the NLT than LT people from
childhood. Combining the gender, residence and ethnolinguistic groupings, we find that
in rural areas male LT have the lowest incidence and female NLT have the highest
incidence of temporary health problems, but the curves diverge only after childhood. In
urban areas, focusing on just the LT population, an interesting pattern is that urban boys
have a higher incidence of temporary health problems than urban girls, but as in rural
areas, from adulthood the incidence rates for men are lower than those for women.
The number of days of primary activity (such as work or school) missed as a result of
illness is a common measure of the severity of illness; but because this measure reflects
not only the severity of illness but also the opportunity cost of missed days of work or
school, its interpretation is not straightforward. For the same illness, one person might
continue to work while another might stop. Keeping this in mind, we see that similar to
illness prevalence, this variable tends to increase with age, although this pattern seems
quite unstable for urban LT males. In rural areas, due to illness very young children miss
primary activities for an average of five days over a four-week period, and 60-year-olds
miss 6-10 days of activities over the same period. There are no clear differences across the
population groups, except that NLT males tend to report fewer missed days of their
primary activity from early adolescence compared with LT males or females. This is
striking given that NLT males are the most likely to report illness or disability.
Health service utilization
We examine the percentage of the population reporting illness who sought care or
treatment at a health facility or provider four weeks prior to the survey. 33 Focusing first
on utilization rates by age, in urban areas these rates start at about 25 percent for LT
infants of both sexes and then drops as these children get older (Figure 8). At all ages in
rural areas, there is a significant difference between the LT and NLT populations: on
average, LT males and females are about 10 percentage points more likely to seek
treatment when ill than the NLT population, indicating perhaps both limited access to and
demand for services within the NLT population. There is no clear gender difference as we
see among the urban LT population, but if one considers only on a two-way
disaggregation by gender and ethno-linguistic affiliation, a more defined life-cycle pattern

The question pertains to public and private facilities or providers, as well as traditional healers.

emerges for females than for males—although only for the LT population. Women‘s
utilization rates increase after age 10 and eventually reach their peak during their
childbearing and childrearing ages (and exceed those of men) before declining just as
men‘s utilization rates start to rise around age 50.
<Figure 8 about here>
Summing up the group differences with respect to health, LT males tend to report the best
health status, have the lowest prevalence of illness or disability, and are more likely to
seek treatment when ill than any of the NLT groups. By comparison, rural NLT females
are the most likely to report being in bad health, have the highest incidence of temporary
health problems, and like NLT males are less likely to seek treatment when ill than the LT
groups. NLT men are not far off from NLT women in terms of illness rates, but they miss
fewer days of primary activity when they are sick than any LT group in rural areas.
5 Time use and child labor
Child labor is a topic that has received much attention recently because of concerns about
human rights violations and also because of its potentially adverse long-run impact on
child development, in particular on schooling and health status (Edmonds 2008). The
LECS3 survey allows us to examine not only whether a child is employed for pay but also
what work activities a child engages in. The survey contains a time use module covering
all household members; unfortunately, the module was applied only to members aged 10
years and above, so the possibility that children below 10 might be working cannot be
explored. Table 12 shows the average number of hours per day spent on various activities
for children (10 through 16). For comparison, Table 13 shows time use by adults aged 17
through 55. Each table is broken down by gender, urban and rural location, and ethno-
linguistic affiliation.

A few caveats related to measurement are worth noting; these measurement problems are
common to most, if not all, time use studies. First, the reporting of time use is always
tricky because of imperfect recall; because an adult respondent might not be aware of the
activities of all household members, especially by those who spend time outside the home;
and because of joint activities, that is, activities that are undertaken simultaneously (e.g.,
caring for a child while cooking). The LECS3 mitigates the problem of imperfect recall
by using as the reference period the ― last 24 hours‖ prior to the survey, and prods the
respondent about time spent on specific activities. Second, time use is highly seasonal
and so a short recall period and a survey conducted once will not capture the variation in
time use during the year for a specific individual. For example, children are in school for
only part of the week and only part of the year. However, this is less of an issue when
looking at sample averages across individuals or households. The LECS3 sampling
design and the interview schedule, whereby households from a given geographic area are
interviewed at different times of the year, reduces the problems related to the seasonality
of incomes and many activities. Third, as with all household surveys, children who live
outside the home are going to be missing. If those children reside outside the home for
work or schooling purposes, then the data obtained from children remaining at home are
likely to underestimate work and school hours of children.

The time use of school-age children suggests that the ethnic and gender inequalities are
likely to persist in the near future. Rural children attend fewer hours of school than urban

children (Table 12). The length of the school day is prescribed, so this lower average
reflects the fact that more children in rural than in urban areas are out of school.
However, among rural children, it is NLT children who spend the least time at school per
day (2.6), especially girls (2.1 hours versus 3.1 hours for the boys). In this group, poor
girls spend even less time at 1.8 hours per day on average, again reflecting their lower rate
of enrollment. Instead, they spend an average of five hours each day working both on
agriculture and on home production ─ collecting wood and water and looking after
younger siblings and elderly family members.

<Table 12 about here>

In urban Laos, poor NLT girls also work harder than any other group at 4.9 hours a day on
average, but our sample size is too small to support a strong statement about this.
Otherwise, the biggest differences across urban children appear to be in the composition
of their work hours. NLT children spend more of their non-home production-related
working time on agricultural production, while their LT counterparts are more likely to be
employed for a wage or on a family business. Within each ethnolinguistic group, gender
differences are relatively clear and there appears to be an economic gradient.

Adults work an average of 6-8 hours within a 24-hour period. Because home production
work can total as many as five hours, the total work hours for women exceed that of men,
with the largest gap (about two hours) being among urban NLT men and women (Table
13). As expected, most of the non-home production work in rural areas is in agriculture,
while it tends to be in wage and self-employment in urban areas. However, in both urban
and rural areas, the LT engage in more off-farm work than do the NLT. Focusing on just
the rural population, on average, both LT men and women work more hours than NLT
men and women when we exclude time spent on ‗travel‘ and ‗other‘ from this total.
Travel could be work related and it could not be; it is unclear what ‗other‘ refers to. If this
time is considered also as work, then rural NLT women work the most, followed by LT
women, NLT men and LT men, in that order. For all groups there is a clear economic
gradient: Poor women work many more hours than men do, and they also work more than
non-poor women but this difference derives mainly from home production. Consistent
with the work patterns, LT men have the most leisure hours and NLT women have the
least; and while leisure hours converge as per-capita consumption rises, this convergence
does not include NLT women.

<Table 13 about here>

6 Conclusions

The household survey evidence discussed here confirms that despite a clear narrowing in
disparities in literacy and completed schooling among ethno-linguistic groups in Lao
PDR, non-Lao-Tai (NLT) ethno-linguistic minority groups are disadvantaged in numerous
respects relative to the Lao-Tai (LT) majority. While one in four LT lives in poverty, one
in two among the NLT does so. NLT adults continue to have fewer years of completed
formal schooling and their children are less likely to attend school, partly because they
have poorer access to schools and to schools that have adequate instruction. A larger

share of the NLT population lives in villages that have no health facilities at all. They
predominantly live in isolated rural highland areas far from public services and basic
infrastructure services. Similar to the rural LT households, rural NLT households are
primarily farmers, but by and large they derive livelihoods from cultivating less
productive lands in harsher upland areas and rely much more on forest products as an
income source than do the rural LT households. They have successfully adapted their
agricultural and livelihood practices to survive in such environments.

Amid the above litany of disadvantages of the NLT relative to the LT, it is important to
recognize that the somewhat arbitrary aggregation of households into LT and NLT ethno-
linguistic groups hides a clearer picture of disparities. Some among the NLT ethnic
groups are considerably worse off in many respects than others. And among them, those
who live in rural areas are typically more disadvantaged although we also noted some
deep pockets of urban poverty as well. Finally, an important dimension of further
disadvantage is gender. NLT adult women and girls lag behind NLT men in numerous
ways. Disadvantage is felt along all these dimensions in varying degrees. This fact must
be front and center when thinking about policies to redress inequalities and raise living
standards for all.

Existing government policies focus on providing access to basic services, land tenure and
agriculture. Some of these policies require that highland NLT households abandon their
villages and environments and re-settle in lowland ― focal‖ areas where it is easier to
supply public services and they can engage in more productive paddy wet-rice cultivation.
These relocation policies are also promoted as ways to safeguard forests and the
environment by putting an end to swidden agriculture. However, many observers have
been critical of the policies, their underlying assumptions and their results. Critics note
that in practice the relocation areas are typically already occupied by LT who have made
claims on much of the productive land and resent the incoming households and the
associated pressure on resources (Cohen 2000, Evrard and Goudineau 2004, Rigg 2006,
Baird and Shoemaker 2007). The infrastructure and social services are often inadequate,
resulting in a decline in living standards, and NLT households have had trouble adapting
to the new environments and creating livelihoods there. They also face health problems
such as malaria that were not common in the highlands.

Policies that promote a LT-centric development approach are not likely to be broadly
successful. The results of this study cast doubt on this approach. Our regressions of
household per capita consumption suggest that the underlying models of living standards
and human development are structurally different across the groups. This in turn suggests
that to be successful, policies aimed at raising welfare levels must be tailored to each
group‘s specific needs and capabilities. Looking forward, our study suggests that policies
must also address female disadvantage in order to ensure that future generations of NLT
have better human capital. Failure to do so may well mean that existing disparities and
the currently high poverty levels found among the NLT ethno-linguistic minorities will be
reproduced in the next generation.


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Appendix 1. Three education enrollment rates

The following equations define three enrollment measures that are commonly used
and indicate how they are related:

Age-specific Enrollment Ratej = (Σ i=1,2,3Enrolledji )/Populationj

Net Enrollment Ratei = Enrolledji /Populationj

Gross Enrollment Ratei = (Σ j=6-10,11-13,14-16Enrolledji)/Populationj

where j refers to one of three age groups (6-10, 11-13,14-16), and i pertains to one of three
school cycles (1=primary level, 2=lower-secondary level, 3=upper-secondary level). In
principle, j could include any age group older or younger than the three age groups
specified here, and i could include a pre-school cycle and the university level. We define
the age-specific enrollment rate of children of age j to pertain to any school enrollment,
irrespective of grade or cycle, and the gross enrollment rate in school cycle i to include all
students in that cycle, irrespective of age.

Figure 2. Incidence of remittances by per capita consumption

10 15 20 25 30 Population receiving remittances by per capita consumption


10 11 12 13 14 15
Log of real per capita expenditure

Urban Laotai Urban non-Laotai

Rural Laotai Rural non-Laotai
Source: LECS 2002/3. Remittances is received either in kinds or cash, from Laos or abroad

Figure 3. Average years of schooling, by age, gender, and ethno-linguistic group,

Average years of schooling

18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Urban-Male-Lao-Tai Urban-Female-Lao-Tai Rural-Male-Lao-Tai
Rural-Male-Other Rural-Female-Lao-Tai Rural-Female-Other

Note: Data for urban non-Lao-Tai are not plotted because of small sample size. Graphs
have been smoothed using three-year moving averages. Because the number of
observations dwindles with age due to mortality, only data for those up to age 60 are
Source: LECS3, 2002/03.

Figure 4. Literacy rates, by age, gender and ethno-linguistic group, 2002/03

Percent literate

18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Urban-M ale-Lao -Tai Urban-Female-Lao -Tai

Percent literate

18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Rural-M ale-Lao -Tai

Rural-M ale-Other
Rural-Female-Lao -Tai Rural-Female-Other

Note: Data for urban non-Lao-Tai are not plotted because of small sample size. Graphs
have been smoothed using three-year moving averages. Because the number of
observations dwindles with age due to mortality, only data for those up to age 60 are
Data source: LECS3, 2002/03.

Figure 5. Self-reported health status over four weeks prior to survey

Percent of population reporting bad health, By age


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Urban LaoTai males Urban LaoTai females

Source: LECS 2002/3

Percent of population reporting bad health, By age


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Rural LaoTai males Rural non-LaoTai males

Rural LaoTai females Rural non-LaoTai females
Source: LECS 2002/3

Notes: Because of the small NLT urban sample, we have omitted the NLT curves.
Graphs have been smoothed using STATA‘s ― lowess‖ smoothing command with a
bandwidth of 0.4 (see footnote x). Because the number of observations dwindles with
age due to mortality, only data for those up to age 60 are plotted.

Figure 6. Prevalence of long-term illness or disability
Percent of population with long-term illness, By age


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Urban LaoTai males Urban LaoTai females

Source: LECS 2002/3

Percent of population with long-term illness, By age



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Rural LaoTai males Rural non-LaoTai males

Rural LaoTai females Rural non-LaoTai females
Source: LECS 2002/3

Notes: Graphs have been smoothed using STATA‘s ― lowess‖

smoothing command with a bandwidth of 0.4 (see footnote x).
Because the number of observations dwindles with age due to
mortality, only data for those up to age 60 are plotted

Figure 7. Incidence of temporary health problems over 4 weeks prior to survey

Percent of population with temporary health complaints, By age



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Urban LaoTai males Urban LaoTai females

Source: LECS 2002/3

Percent of population with temporary health complaints, By age

10 15 20 25 30 35 40


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Rural LaoTai males Rural non-LaoTai males

Rural LaoTai females Rural non-LaoTai females
Source: LECS 2002/3

Notes: Graphs have been smoothed using STATA‘s ― lowess‖ smoothing command with
a bandwidth of 0.4 (see footnote x). Because the number of observations dwindles with
age due to mortality, only data for those up to age 60 are plotted

Figure 8. Demand for treatment at a health facility or provider

Percent of population seeking treatment, By age



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Rural LaoTai males Rural non-LaoTai males

Rural LaoTai females Rural non-LaoTai females
Source: LECS 2002/3

Percent of population seeking treatment, By age



Notes: Graphs have been smoothed


using STATA‘s ― lowess‖ smoothing

0 10 20 30
40 50 60
command with a bandwidth of 0.4 (see
footnote x). Because the number of
LaoTai males Non-LaoTai males
LaoTai females Non-LaoTai females
observations dwindles with age due to
Source: LECS 2002/3
mortality, only data for those up to age
60 are plotted

Table 1. Poverty by ethnicity, urban/rural and elevation
Urban Rural Total
Lao Non-Lao Non-Lao Lao Non-Lao
Tai Tai Total Lao Tai Tai Total Tai tai Total
Poverty headcount (%) 15.85 36.98 17.19 28.42 55.07 33.62 23.83 52.56 28.18
Poverty gap (%) 3.15 6.85 3.38 5.70 15.46 7.61 4.77 14.27 6.21
Poverty severity (%) 0.96 1.83 1.01 1.64 5.83 2.45 1.39 5.27 1.98
No. 6665 700 7365 12948 4130 17078 19613 4830 24443
Poverty headcount (%) 27.29 62.59 37.73 28.11 49.44 36.24 27.96 51.13 36.48
Poverty gap (%) 5.94 16.90 9.18 7.79 13.15 9.83 7.46 13.63 9.73
Poverty severity (%) 1.78 6.17 3.08 3.35 4.60 3.83 3.07 4.80 3.71
No. 830 490 1320 4477 3019 7496 5307 3509 8816
Poverty headcount (%) 12.78 18.39 14.37 30.27 50.01 45.17 28.33 49.51 43.91
Poverty gap (%) 2.32 2.04 2.24 7.35 12.79 11.45 6.79 12.62 11.08
Poverty severity (%) 0.76 0.47 0.68 2.64 4.52 4.06 2.43 4.46 3.92
No. 316 168 484 3413 12383 15796 3729 12551 16280
Poverty headcount (%) 16.84 43.79 19.58 28.60 51.13 37.71 24.97 50.62 33.56
Poverty gap (%) 3.39 9.83 4.04 6.33 13.50 9.22 5.42 13.24 8.04
Poverty severity (%) 1.03 3.21 1.25 2.10 4.85 3.22 1.77 4.74 2.77
No. 7811 1358 9169 20838 19532 40370 28649 20890 49539
Source: LECS 2002/03

Table 2: Determinants of living standards
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Urban Lao- Urban Non- Rural Rural Non-
Variables All Tai Lao-Tai Lao-Tai Lao-Tai
Log household size -0.502*** -0.561*** -0.538*** -0.533*** -0.423***
(0.017) (0.046) (0.173) (0.026) (0.023)
Lao-Tai household 0.095***
Share of male adults, 17 to 55 0.101* 0.017 0.093 0.210** 0.058
(0.057) (0.165) (0.328) (0.087) (0.081)
Share of female adults, 17 to 55 0.110* 0.076 0.441 0.147* 0.027
(0.062) (0.187) (0.350) (0.088) (0.085)
Share of males aged 6 to 16 -0.113** -0.096 0.123 -0.044 -0.272***
(0.053) (0.161) (0.474) (0.072) (0.080)
Share of females aged 6 to 16 -0.134** -0.108 -0.058 -0.051 -0.301***
(0.053) (0.165) (0.596) (0.071) (0.071)
Share of boys aged 0 to 5 -0.335*** 0.026 0.381 -0.425*** -0.453***
(0.060) (0.201) (0.651) (0.087) (0.082)
Share of girls aged 0 to 5 -0.392*** -0.464** 0.623 -0.431*** -0.443***
(0.059) (0.208) (0.676) (0.092) (0.076)
Male household head 0.125*** 0.158*** 0.124 0.106** 0.124**
(0.028) (0.055) (0.195) (0.043) (0.048)
Age of household head 0.014*** -0.0005 0.100** 0.017*** 0.011***
(0.003) (0.011) (0.042) (0.004) (0.004)
Age of head squared/1000 -0.137*** 0.002 -0.977** -0.165*** -0.114**
(0.029) (0.110) (0.417) (0.040) (0.049)
Most educated member has:
Some primary 0.059*** 0.089 0.048**
(0.022) (0.057) (0.024)
Completed primary 0.116*** 0.037 0.032 0.161*** 0.093***
(0.024) (0.079) (0.113) (0.058) (0.027)
Some lower secondary 0.120*** 0.069 -0.033 0.167*** 0.094***
(0.026) (0.080) (0.159) (0.058) (0.032)
Completed lower secondary 0.181*** 0.150** 0.028 0.229*** 0.141***
(0.027) (0.070) (0.128) (0.060) (0.036)
Some upper secondary 0.177*** 0.128 0.096 0.245*** 0.077
(0.033) (0.090) (0.122) (0.063) (0.055)
Completed upper secondary 0.230*** 0.178** 0.210 0.271*** 0.213***
(0.032) (0.078) (0.160) (0.063) (0.071)
Vocational training 0.303*** 0.243*** 0.543*** 0.362*** 0.201**
(0.033) (0.084) (0.161) (0.063) (0.079)
University 0.418*** 0.374*** 0.430*** 0.502*** 0.212
(0.051) (0.099) (0.144) (0.096) (0.210)
Received remittances from abroad 0.208*** 0.375*** 0.138 0.128** 0.192***
(0.043) (0.105) (0.195) (0.053) (0.067)
Highlands -0.698*** 0.175*** 0.460** 0.762*** -0.211***
(0.029) (0.033) (0.171) (0.076) (0.024)
Lowlands 0.222*** -0.556*** 0.489 0.042 0.105
(0.019) (0.045) (0.547) (0.076) (0.076)
Constant 11.996*** 12.992*** 9.477*** 11.783*** 12.229***
(0.067) (0.285) (1.142) (0.096) (0.103)
Observations 8063 1382 213 3497 2971

R-squared 0.558 0.368 0.551 0.538 0.583
Notes: Estimates are obtained by OLS regression on log of real per capita expenditure. Robust standard errors in parentheses are
clustered at village level. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Village dummies are included but not reported for ease of presentation.
The omitted categories are the share of elderly (55 & above), no education for the most educated member, and the midlands. For
the urban samples, no & some primary education are omitted due to small number of observations in the no education category. We
tried a version that included size squared and the dependency ratio but found they added no explanatory power.
Source: Lao PDR Expenditure & Consumption Survey 2002/3

Table 3: Enrollment rates, By school cycle and age group

School cycle. (Corresponding official age group)
Primary level Lower secondary Upper secondary level
(6-10) level (11-13) (14-16)

Age specific participation 71.8 82.6 60.6

Net enrollment 70.4 22.7 13.4
Gross enrollment 114.9 58.6 30.9
Observations 7,616 4,394 3,886
Notes: (a) Missing enrollment data are treated as missing. See also footnote x for discussion of data on enrollment. (b) All
estimates are population-weighted.
Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 4: Primary school enrollment rates, By residence, gender, ethno-linguistic group,
and poverty status
Urban Rural Total
Lao-Tai Total Lao-Tai Non-LaoTai Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Age specific
enrollment (6-10) 89.6 91.8 88.3 90.1 79.4 79.6 56.0 49.4 69.7 66.3 71.8
Net enrollment 87.0 90.4 85.6 88.6 77.8 77.7 55.1 48.7 68.4 65.0 70.4
Gross enrollment 130.6 132.3 133.36 130.4 126.0 122.0 104.3 83.7 117.0 105.2 114.9
Observations 462 430 567 537 1,700 1,571 1,612 1,629 3,312 3,200 7,616
Age specific
enrollment (6-10) 92.5 93.6 91.4 92.3 85.9 85.4 62.7 57.2 78.4 75.8 80.4
Net enrollment 89.4 92.2 88.1 91.0 84.0 83.3 61.5 56.5 76.6 74.1 78.5
Gross enrollment 128.8 131.4 131.2 130.6 134.1 129.6 113.1 96.1 127.3 118.2 124.7
Observations 367 349 418 399 1,138 1,020 735 708 1873 1,728 4,418
Age specific
enrollment (6-10) 78.9 84.5 78.8 83.1 65.5 68.1 50.1 43.2 57.2 54.1 58.4
Net enrollment 77.9 83.2 78.1 81.1 64.7 66.8 49.5 42.6 56.5 53.1 57.6
Gross enrollment 137.7 136.2 139.9 129.6 108.7 107.1 96.8 74.0 102.2 88.4 99.7
Observations 95 81 149 138 562 551 877 921 1,439 1,472 3,198

Notes: (a) Missing enrollment data are treated as missing. See also footnote x for discussion of data on enrollment. (b) The denominator for
the net and gross enrollment rates is the number of children aged 6-10. (c) All estimates are population-weighted.
Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 5: Lower secondary school enrollment rates, By residence, gender, ethno-
linguistic group, and poverty status
Urban Rural Total
Lao-Tai Total Lao-Tai Non-LaoTai Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Age specific
enrollment (11-13) 94.6 91.3 94.1 91.1 89.6 83.3 76.5 59.0 84.8 74.6 82.6
Net enrollment 44.7 42.8 40.6 41.3 22.5 25.0 7.1 4.7 16.9 17.7 22.7
Gross enrollment 108.1 91.9 101.9 91.2 69.9 53.9 29.1 14.7 54.9 39.9 58.6
Observations 350 347 428 395 999 1,017 751 804 1,750 1,821 4,394
Age specific
enrollment (11-13) 96.0 92.3 95.3 91.9 90.1 86.0 79.5 66.2 87.2 80.5 86.4
Net enrollment 49.5 47.5 45.9 46.5 26.0 29.3 10.5 7.6 21.8 23.3 28.7
Gross enrollment 120.9 96.6 114.6 96.2 77.8 62.6 38.8 20.6 67.2 51.0 71.3
Observations 280 284 324 309 732 716 355 393 1,087 1,109 2,829
Age specific
enrollment (11-13) 89.4 86.8 90.2 88.0 88.2 76.3 73.7 51.9 80.3 64.1 74.7
Net enrollment 25.9 21.6 23.0 21.7 12.4 13.7 3.9 1.9 7.8 7.8 10.1
Gross enrollment 58.2 70.3 59.5 72.7 46.7 31.5 20.0 8.9 32.2 20.1 32.1
Observations 70 63 104 86 267 301 396 411 663 712 1,565

Notes: (a) Missing enrollment data are treated as missing. See also footnote x for discussion of data on enrollment. (b) The denominator for
the net and gross enrollment rates is the number of children aged 11-13. (c) All estimates are population-weighted.
Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 6: Upper secondary school enrollment rates, By residence, gender, ethno-linguistic
group, and poverty status
Urban Rural Total
Lao-Tai Total Lao-Tai Non-LaoTai Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Age specific
enrollment (14-16) 81.1 74.6 81.5 73.8 67.4 51.7 57.8 31.1 64.2 44.3 60.6
Net enrollment 23.8 32.0 23.2 30.5 11.9 11.1 3.2 1.6 9.1 7.7 13.4
Gross enrollment 68.4 57.6 66.8 54.6 30.6 25.1 7.6 2.59 23.0 17.0 30.9
Observations 371 385 429 438 887 848 627 657 1,514 1,505 3,886
Age specific
enrollment (14-16) 85.6 75.8 85.5 76.0 71.7 56.7 65.5 31.0 70.2 49.8 66.5
Net enrollment 26.1 33.6 26.2 32.9 13.1 13.3 4.6 3.0 11.1 10.5 16.6
Gross enrollment 74.0 60.8 73.4 59.6 33.9 29.1 11.1 4.1 28.4 22.4 38.1
Observations 308 317 342 340 656 625 293 323 949 948 2,579
Age specific
enrollment (14-16) 58.8 68.9 64.3 65.3 54.6 37.5 50.6 31.2 52.6 34.2 47.0
Net enrollment 12.3 24.2 10.4 21.4 8.3 4.9 2.0 0.3 5.1 2.5 5.9
Gross enrollment 40.6 42.4 39.1 35.9 20.7 13.6 4.3 1.1 12.4 7.0 14.5
Observations 63 68 87 98 231 223 334 334 565 557 1,307

Notes: (a) Missing enrollment data are treated as missing. See also footnote x for discussion of data on enrollment. (b) The denominator for
the net and gross enrollment rates is the number of children aged 14-16. (c) All estimates are population-weighted.
Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 7: Net primary school enrollment rates, By residence, gender, ethno-
linguistic group (%)
Urban Rural Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Lao-Tai 87.0 90.4 88.6 77.8 77.7 77.8 80.1 80.8 80.4
Observations 462 430 892 1,700 1,571 3271 2,162 2,001 4,163

Mon-Khmer 70.4 69.5 70.0 55.7 53.0 54.3 56.4 53.8 55.1
Observations 47 57 104 952 978 1,930 999 1,035 2,034

Chine-Tibetan 84.0 91.3 87.1 35.9 30.2 33.3 41.9 36.4 39.4
Observations 19 15 34 195 177 372 214 192 406

Hmong-Iu Mien 81.7 79.4 80.6 62.2 46.7 54.4 64.0 49.3 56.7
Observations 36 32 68 434 430 864 470 462 932

Other -- -- -- 36.1 32.4 33.8 36.3 35.9 36.1

Observations 3 3 6 31 44 75 34 47 81

Total 85.6 88.6 87.0 68.4 65.0 66.7 71.6 69.1 70.4
Observations 567 537 1,104 3,312 3,200 6,512 3,879 3,737 7,616

Notes: (a) Missing enrollment data are treated as missing. See also footnote x for discussion of data on enrollment. (b) The
official age range for primary education is 6-10. (c) All estimates are population-weighted.

Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 8: Children aged 10-16 who have never attended school (%)
Urban Rural Total
Lao-Tai Total Lao-Tai Non-Lao-Tai Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Total 1.9 1.8 2.1 2.2 3.8 6.0 17.2 34.3 8.6 16.3 10.0
Observations 839 830 992 954 2,253 2,200 1,678 1,770 3,931 3,970 9,847

Non-poor 0.9 1.5 1.1 1.7 2.1 4.2 13.8 28.4 5.2 10.9 6.2
Observations 682 681 769 740 1,641 1,565 787 849 2,428 2,414 6,351

Poor 6.1 3.1 5.5 4.3 8.5 10.6 20.4 39.8 14.7 25.8 18.0
Observations 157 149 223 214 612 635 891 921 1,503 1,556 3,496
Notes: Urban non-Lao-Tai estimates are not shown due to the small number of observations. All estimates are population weighted.
Source: LEC3, 2002/3

Table 9: Mean characteristics of accessible primary schools, by residence and ethno-
linguistic group
Urban Rural Total
Lao-Tai Non-Lao-Tai Lao-Tai Non-Lao-Tai Lao-Tai Non-Lao-Tai

% complete primary
8.9 9.8 8.0 3.9 8.2 4.4
% with multigrade
8.0 14.9 46.9 65.6 37.0 61.4
Male 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7
Lao-Tai 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.4
Schooling (years) 10.1 9.9 9.8 9.4 9.9 9.4
Experience (years) 14.6 12.5 12.6 9.5 13.1 9.8
% with electricity 68.6 32.6 33.8 25.4 42.7 26.0
% with drinking water 53.1 13.1 7.8 2.8 19.4 3.6
% with student toilet 70.4 33.7 21.0 14.2 33.6 15.8
% with library 21.1 20.3 9.5 7.7 12.4 8.8
% with phone line 43.7 22.8 12.4 5.1 20.4 6.6
% with principal's room 74.3 60.1 32.4 10.4 43.1 14.5
% with teachers' room 61.2 42.5 23.5 11.9 33.2 14.4
% permanent 43.7 32.1 28.4 21.3 32.4 22.0
% with blackboard 92.2 97.8 88.4 90.3 89.4 90.9
% without leaky roof 76.1 72.6 73.9 72.0 74.4 72.0
Each student has desk 95.2 94.2 93.9 80.8 94.2 81.9
Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 10: The probability of attending school for rural children 6 through 15 by
gender and ethno-linguistic group, 2002/3

Rural male female Rural male Rural female
Lao-Tai Lao-Tai non Lao-Tai non Lao-Tai
Independent Variable dF/dx dF/dx dF/dx dF/dx

A. Child/Household Characteristics:
Log of per capita consumption 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.07
(3.14) (4.47) (2.42) (1.55)
Log household size 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01
(0.32) (0.76) (0.14) (0.13)
Age 7 0.10 0.08 0.19 0.19
(6.68) (3.87) (5.99) (3.86)
Age 8 0.13 0.12 0.23 0.30
(9.68) (7.44) (7.33) (7.50)
Age 9 to 11 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.45
(13.06) (11.17) (12.61) (10.55)
Age 12 0.13 0.13 0.29 0.32
(9.59) (7.19) (11.12) (6.57)
Age 13 0.13 0.10 0.28 0.26
(9.12) (4.92) (10.12) (4.57)
Age 14 and up 0.11 0.04 0.25 0.17
(7.29) (1.44) (7.42) (2.87)
Share of male adults, 17 and up 0.05 -0.28 -4.3e-03 -0.74
(0.41) (2.42) (0.02) (2.89)
Share of males aged 6 to 16 -0.04 -0.28 -0.24 -0.75
(0.41) (3.41) (1.30) (3.80)
Share of females aged 6 to 16 -0.02 -0.28 -0.24 -0.48
(0.24) (3.35) (1.53) (2.43)
Share of boys aged 0 to 6 0.09 -0.35 -0.34 -0.45
(0.95) (3.22) (1.78) (2.30)
Share of girls aged 0 to 6 -0.13 -0.25 -0.07 -0.64
(1.15) (2.22) (0.38) (3.15)
Child is first or second born -0.02 -0.02 0.02 0.03
(1.17) (1.09) (0.74) (0.81)
Birth order is missing -0.02 -4.4e-03 -0.08 -0.09
(0.57) (0.16) (1.55) (1.82)
Male household head - - 0.60 0.07
- - (2.30) (0.18)
Age of household head -4.2e-03 3.8e-03 -0.01 0.01
(1.02) (0.79) (1.68) (1.49)
Age of head squared 4.6e-05 -3.5e-05 1.3e-04 -1.3e-04
(1.10) (0.69) (1.57) (1.18)
Child is disabled -0.10 -0.37 -0.03 -0.03
(1.47) (2.97) (0.32) (0.28)
Male head/spouse‘s yrs of schooling 0.01 1.1e-03 0.02 0.02
(3.84) (0.38) (3.21) (2.90)
Female head/spouse‘s yrs of schooling 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
(2.80) (5.83) (1.47) (2.44)

Table 10 (continued)
Rural Rural
Rural male female Rural male female non
Lao- Tai Lao-Tai non Lao-Tai Lao-Tai
Independent Variable dF/dx dF/dx dF/dx dF/dx
B. School Characteristics:
Electricity 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.26
(0.56) (1.73) (0.48) (1.58)
Complete & not multi-grade 0.19 0.23 0.30 0.46
(9.04) (8.27) (4.79) (5.32)
Each student has desk -0.02 -1.3e-03 0.11 0.08
(0.61) (0.03) (2.30) (1.12)
Share of leaky classrooms -0.04 -0.04 -0.06 -0.07
(1.85) (2.06) (1.16) (1.30)
Share of male teachers 0.02 -0.06 -0.07 -0.10
(0.97) (2.37) (1.55) (1.39)
Share of Lao teachers 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.12
(0.62) (0.52) (0.74) (2.09)
Teachers‘ years of schooling 3.5e-03 -0.01 -3.9e-03 0.01
(0.62) (1.13) (0.55) (0.57)
Official principal -0.03 -0.20 0.10 0.05
(0.41) (2.71) (0.63) (0.20)
Principal is male -0.02 0.11 -0.03 0.11
(0.35) (2.16) (0.29) (0.99)
Principal is a Lao -0.01 1.5e-03 -0.02 -0.25
(0.50) (0.04) (0.31) (2.37)
Principal's years of schooling 5.8e-04 5.0e-03 -0.02 -0.01
(0.10) (0.98) (1.41) (0.52)
Km to closest city -2.6e-04 -3.6e-04 -1.2e-03 -5.8e-04
(1.73) (2.21) (3.70) (1.10)
Km to closest paved road 3.2e-04 -5.9e-06 1.0e-03 1.3e-04
(1.58) (0.02) (2.29) (0.22)
Km to closest lower sec. school -1.4e-03 -9.4e-04 -9.8e-04 -1.8e-03
(2.37) (1.63) (1.38) (1.36)
Tuition fees are compulsory 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.08
(0.93) (0.90) (0.83) (1.54)
Exam fees are compulsory -0.03 0.01 -0.03 -2.9e-03
(1.66) (0.65) (0.71) (0.05)
Mean walking time to school 5.2e-05 1.2e-04 -8.9e-04 1.3e-04
(0.19) (0.43) (2.70) (0.18)
C. Village Characteristics:
High altitude lands -1.8e-03 -0.06 -0.04 -0.01
(0.09) (2.23) (0.87) (0.12)
Priority 1 districts 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.01
(0.30) (1.21) (1.59) (0.25)
Priority 2 districts -0.04 -0.05 -0.04 0.01
(1.49) (1.50) (0.62) (0.06)

Number of observations 2749 2686 1832 1955

Pseudo R2 0.25 0.33 0.27 0.24

Source: LECS3, 2002/3.

Note: A full set of province rural dummies are included in all regressions but not shown for ease of presentation. Z
statistics based on standard errors corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustering at the village level are given in

Table 11: Determinants of self-reported health status
Health status is worse
Health status is bad
compared to others
Log of real per capita expenditure -0.0036*** -0.0073***
(0.0012) (0.0014)
Age 0.0006*** 0.0009***
(0.00004) (0.00005)
Have long-term illness, disability or permanent
mark from an accident 0.304*** 0.343***
(0.023) (0.024)
Have temporary health complaints in 4 weeks prior
0.151*** 0.158***
to survey
(0.009) (0.010)
Age x Long-term illness -0.0004*** -0.0004***
(0.00009) (0.0001)
Age x Temporary illness -0.00021*** -0.00025***
(0.00007) (0.00008)
Female 0.0049*** 0.0031**
(0.0012) (0.0014)
LaoTai -0.0033** -0.0019
(0.0013) (0.0015)
Urban -0.0035** -0.0052***
(0.0015) (0.0018)
Observations 46975 46979
Pseudo R-squared 0.342 0.324
Note: Estimates are obtained with dprobit regression for the population 0-60 years old. Standard errors are parentheses. ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Source: LECS3, 2002/3

Table 12: Time use of children (excluding those on vacation) aged 10 to 16, By gender, poor/non-poor status and eth
Lao-Tai Non-Lao-Ta
Non-poor Poor Total Non-poor Poor
Activity Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Sleeping, eating &
personal care 11.5 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.4 11.5 11.5 11.3 11.4 11.4 12.2 11.7 11.4 10.6
Leisure time 4.0 3.4 3.7 4.4 3.9 4.2 4.1 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1
School 5.5 4.9 5.2 4.5 4.6 4.5 5.3 4.8 5.1 5.9 5.5 5.7 4.6 3.6

Total work 2.0 3.6 2.8 2.7 3.3 3.0 2.1 3.6 2.8 1.9 2.0 1.9 3.5 4.9
Work as employed 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
Own business work 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
Agricultural work 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.4 1.6 2.2
Home production 0.9 2.3 1.5 1.4 2.1 1.7 1.0 2.3 1.6 1.2 1.9 1.5 1.5 2.7

Travel, Other 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.8
Sleeping, eating &
personal care 11.6 11.5 11.6 11.8 11.6 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.5 11.8 11.5
Leisure time 3.9 3.7 3.8 4.2 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.2 3.5 4.5 4.0
School 4.9 4.1 4.5 3.8 3.0 3.4 4.6 3.8 4.2 3.7 2.4 3.0 2.5 1.8

Total work 2.7 3.8 3.2 3.2 4.9 4.1 2.8 4.1 3.5 3.4 5.1 4.3 3.8 4.8
Work as employed 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Own business work 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Agricultural work 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.3 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.9
Home production 1.3 2.1 1.7 1.5 2.9 2.2 1.3 2.3 1.8 2.1 2.9 2.5 2.0 2.9

Travel/Other 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.8
Source: LECS3, 2002/3
Note: Population includes all children aged 10-16 not on vacation. Schooling includes time spent on homework. Home production includes time spent on cooking, washi
water, shopping, care for children/elderly, handicraft/weaving, sewing, textile care, construction, hunting/fishing.
Table 13: Time use of adults aged 17 to 55, By gender, poor/non-poor status and ethnicity (hours per day)
Lao-Tai Non-Lao-T
Non-poor Poor Total Non-poor Poor
Activity Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Sleeping, eating &
personal care 11.1 10.8 10.9 11.1 10.9 11.0 11.1 10.8 11.0 11.2 10.9 11.0 11.1 10.9
Leisure time 3.7 3.2 3.4 4.1 3.6 3.9 3.8 3.3 3.5 3.8 3.4 3.6 4.3 2.8
School 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.1

Total work 7.1 8.5 7.8 7.1 8.3 7.7 7.1 8.5 7.8 6.5 8.7 7.6 7.4 9.5
Work as employed 2.8 1.3 2.0 2.9 1.0 1.9 2.8 1.3 2.0 1.9 1.0 1.4 1.6 0.6
Own business work 2.0 2.9 2.5 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.9 2.8 2.3 1.5 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.5
Agricultural work 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.2 1.4 2.4 2.2
Home production 1.3 3.5 2.4 1.3 4.3 2.8 1.3 3.6 2.5 1.5 3.9 2.8 1.7 5.2

Travel, Other 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.5 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.7
Sleeping, eating &
personal care 11.4 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.5 11.3 11.4 11.4 11.4
Leisure time 3.9 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.0 3.4 3.8 3.3 3.6 3.2 2.4 2.8 3.3 2.6
School 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1

Total work 6.6 8.0 7.3 6.8 8.4 7.7 6.7 8.1 7.4 6.4 8.0 7.2 6.3 7.6
Work as employed 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1
Own business work 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
Agricultural work 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.9 3.2 3.6 3.4 3.0 3.2 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.3
Home production 1.8 4.0 2.9 2.2 4.8 3.6 1.9 4.2 3.1 2.3 4.1 3.2 2.7 4.2

Travel/Other 1.7 1.1 1.4 1.8 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.4 2.6 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.3
Source: LECS3, 2002/3
Note: Home production includes time spent on cooking, washing/cleaning, collecting wood & water, shopping, care for children/elderly, handicraft/weaving, sewing, tex
Appendix Table 1. Basic household and population characteristics by urban/rural residence, ethnicity and
Urban Rural
Non- Non-
LaoTai Laotai Total LaoTai Laotai Total Lao

Household characteristics
school years of head Mean 6.9 5.3 6.7 4.7 2.7 3.9
SD 4.1 3.7 4.1 3.3 2.8 3.2
school years of head's spouse Mean 5 3.1 4.8 3.1 1 2.3
SD 3.6 3.5 3.6 2.8 1.8 2.7
household size Mean 6.4 7.4 6.5 6.7 7.6 7.1
SD 2.3 2.7 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.5
dependency ratio Mean 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
% pop with:
remittances from Laos Mean 5.6 2.8 5.4 3.8 2.0 3.1
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
remittances from abroad Mean 4.0 5.3 4.1 3.2 2.5 2.9
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
pension & life insurance Mean 1.9 1.9 1.9 0.2 0.7 0.4
SD 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
% pop living in village with:
road Mean 99.7 98.8 99.6 81.1 66.6 75.2
SD 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4
electricity Mean 97.5 93.3 97.1 44.3 16.1 32.9
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
primary school Mean 83.6 70.2 82.2 87.6 80.0 84.5
SD 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4
lower secondary school Mean 29.2 22.7 28.6 16.6 3.9 11.5
SD 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3
upper secondary school Mean 11.3 14.1 11.6 4.9 1.0 3.3
SD 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2
technical school Mean 8.0 2.1 7.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
SD 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1

hospital Mean 9.0 15.2 9.6 1.3 1.1 1.2
SD 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
dispensary/health post Mean 23.2 24.3 23.3 14.6 5.7 11.0
SD 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3
Number of observations 7,897 1,358 9,255 21,002 19,532 40,534 28
Household characteristics
school years of head Mean 7.1 5.7 7 5.1 2.9 4.4
SD 4.2 4.1 4.2 3.4 2.9 3.4
school years of head's spouse Mean 5.2 3.4 5.1 3.4 1.1 2.7
SD 3.7 3.6 3.7 2.9 2 2.9
household size Mean 6.2 6.8 6.2 6.2 6.9 6.4
SD 2.2 2.7 2.2 2 2.6 2.2
dependency ratio Mean 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
% pop with:
remittances from Laos Mean 6.4 5.0 6.3 3.8 1.9 3.2
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
remittances from abroad Mean 4.2 6.7 4.4 3.5 4.4 3.8
SD 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
pension & life insurance Mean 1.7 1.8 1.7 0.2 0.5 0.3
SD 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
% pop living in village with:
road Mean 99.8 99.6 99.8 83.9 72.8 80.4
SD 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.4
electricity Mean 97.8 92.9 97.4 47.0 19.4 38.2
SD 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
primary school Mean 82.4 80.5 82.3 88.1 79.1 85.2
SD 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4
lower secondary school Mean 30.6 26.6 30.3 18.4 4.7 14.0
SD 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3
upper secondary school Mean 11.8 18.2 12.3 6.4 2.0 5.0
SD 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2
technical school Mean 8.5 3.0 8.1 0.6 0.8 0.6
SD 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
hospital Mean 9.3 8.8 9.3 1.7 1.3 1.6
SD 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
dispensary/health post Mean 24.1 32.7 24.7 15.0 6.1 12.2
SD 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3
Number of observations 6,562 762 7,324 14,726 9,362 24,088 21
Household characteristics
school years of head Mean 5.8 4.9 5.6 3.9 2.5 3.1
SD 3.9 2.9 3.7 2.9 2.7 2.9
school years of head's spouse Mean 3.9 2.6 3.6 2.3 0.8 1.5
SD 2.9 3.3 3.1 2.4 1.7 2.2
household size Mean 7.7 8.2 7.8 7.9 8.3 8.1
SD 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.5
dependency ratio Mean 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

% pop with:
remittances from Laos Mean 2.1 0.0 1.6 3.7 2.1 2.8
SD 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2

remittances from abroad Mean 2.7 3.4 2.9 2.4 0.7 1.5
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
pension & life insurance Mean 3.1 2.0 2.8 0.2 0.8 0.5
SD 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1
% pop living in village with:
road Mean 99.2 97.8 98.9 74.1 60.7 66.8
SD 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.5
electricity Mean 96.1 93.8 95.6 37.5 13.0 24.1
SD 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.4
primary school Mean 89.6 57.0 82.2 86.6 80.8 83.4
SD 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4
lower secondary school Mean 22.5 17.6 21.4 12.1 3.3 7.2
SD 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3
upper secondary school Mean 8.7 8.7 8.7 1.0 0.2 0.5
SD 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1
technical school Mean 5.8 1.1 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
SD 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
hospital Mean 7.5 23.3 11.1 0.3 0.9 0.7
SD 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
dispensary/health post Mean 18.8 13.5 17.6 13.6 5.4 9.1
SD 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3
Number of observations 1,335 596 1,931 6,276 10,170 16,446 7,
Source: LECS 2002/3
Notes: Dependency ratio is defined as (1-ratio of number of workers to household size). For categorical variables, standard deviations are of proportions rather than perc
deviations (SD) are estimated for the individual population.

Appendix Table 2. Descriptive statistics of variables included in the regressions
Urban Rural Total
Lao- Non- Lao- Non- Lao- Non-
Tai LaoTai Total Tai LaoTai Total Tai LaoTai Total

Real per capita expenditure

(log) Mean 12.144 11.775 12.094 11.89 11.606 11.76 11.962 11.617 11.826
SD 0.594 0.551 0.601 0.535 0.467 0.524 0.564 0.475 0.557
Real per capita expenditure
(1000 kips) Mean 230.0 152.8 219.7 171.4 124.3 149.8 188.0 126.2 163.6
SD 200.8 100.9 192.3 129.5 83.9 113.4 155.4 85.4 135.7
Household size Mean 5.688 6.308 5.771 5.984 6.558 6.248 5.9 6.541 6.153
SD 2.083 2.445 2.144 2.148 2.649 2.408 2.134 2.636 2.365
Lao-Tai household Mean 1 0 0.867 1 0 0.541 1 0 0.606
SD 0 0 0.34 0 0 0.498 0 0 0.489
Share of elderly Mean 0.084 0.075 0.083 0.08 0.069 0.075 0.081 0.069 0.077
SD 0.15 0.132 0.148 0.145 0.128 0.138 0.147 0.129 0.14
Share of male adults, 17 to
55 Mean 0.262 0.22 0.257 0.23 0.214 0.223 0.239 0.215 0.229
SD 0.142 0.123 0.14 0.119 0.118 0.119 0.127 0.118 0.124
Share of female adults, 17 to
55 Mean 0.276 0.244 0.272 0.246 0.228 0.238 0.255 0.229 0.245
SD 0.137 0.136 0.137 0.118 0.115 0.117 0.125 0.117 0.122
Share of males 6 to 16 Mean 0.145 0.168 0.148 0.162 0.144 0.154 0.157 0.145 0.153
SD 0.157 0.157 0.157 0.154 0.144 0.15 0.155 0.145 0.151
Share of females 6 to 16 Mean 0.141 0.143 0.141 0.154 0.147 0.151 0.15 0.146 0.149
SD 0.151 0.139 0.15 0.15 0.141 0.146 0.15 0.141 0.147
Share of boys 0 to 5 Mean 0.049 0.078 0.053 0.064 0.101 0.081 0.06 0.099 0.076
SD 0.099 0.116 0.101 0.107 0.124 0.116 0.105 0.123 0.114
Share of girls 0 to 5 Mean 0.042 0.071 0.046 0.063 0.098 0.079 0.057 0.096 0.072
SD 0.091 0.11 0.094 0.105 0.119 0.113 0.102 0.119 0.11
Male household head Mean 0.904 0.953 0.91 0.959 0.971 0.965 0.943 0.97 0.954
SD 0.295 0.212 0.286 0.198 0.167 0.184 0.231 0.17 0.209
Age of household head Mean 47.052 43.075 46.521 44.177 41.348 42.878 44.992 41.463 43.6
SD 11.332 10.804 11.34 11.737 12.498 12.174 11.694 12.398 12.1
Highest education of most
educated member:
Preprimary Mean 0.005 0.033 0.009 0.027 0.164 0.09 0.02 0.155 0.074
SD 0.071 0.179 0.093 0.161 0.37 0.286 0.142 0.362 0.261
Some primary Mean 0.052 0.136 0.063 0.164 0.38 0.263 0.132 0.364 0.224
SD 0.222 0.344 0.244 0.37 0.486 0.44 0.339 0.481 0.417
Completed primary Mean 0.077 0.108 0.081 0.218 0.223 0.22 0.178 0.216 0.193
SD 0.266 0.311 0.273 0.413 0.417 0.415 0.382 0.411 0.395
Some lower secondary Mean 0.091 0.141 0.098 0.171 0.108 0.142 0.149 0.11 0.133
SD 0.288 0.349 0.297 0.377 0.31 0.349 0.356 0.313 0.34
Completed lower secondary Mean 0.167 0.221 0.174 0.188 0.075 0.136 0.182 0.085 0.144
SD 0.373 0.416 0.379 0.39 0.264 0.343 0.386 0.279 0.351
Some upper secondary Mean 0.081 0.089 0.082 0.068 0.014 0.043 0.072 0.019 0.051
SD 0.273 0.286 0.275 0.252 0.117 0.204 0.258 0.136 0.22
Completed upper secondary Mean 0.209 0.122 0.197 0.081 0.019 0.053 0.117 0.026 0.081
SD 0.407 0.328 0.398 0.273 0.137 0.223 0.322 0.159 0.273
Vocational training Mean 0.189 0.099 0.177 0.071 0.013 0.045 0.105 0.019 0.071
SD 0.392 0.299 0.382 0.258 0.115 0.207 0.306 0.137 0.257
University Mean 0.129 0.052 0.118 0.012 0.003 0.008 0.045 0.006 0.03

SD 0.335 0.222 0.323 0.11 0.055 0.089 0.208 0.079 0.17
Received remittances from
abroad Mean 0.04 0.042 0.041 0.029 0.017 0.024 0.032 0.019 0.027
SD 0.197 0.201 0.197 0.169 0.13 0.152 0.177 0.136 0.162
Highlands Mean 0.041 0.154 0.056 0.155 0.623 0.37 0.123 0.591 0.308
SD 0.198 0.362 0.23 0.362 0.485 0.483 0.328 0.492 0.462
Lowlands Mean 0.846 0.528 0.804 0.623 0.218 0.437 0.686 0.238 0.509
SD 0.361 0.5 0.397 0.485 0.413 0.496 0.464 0.426 0.5
Source: LECS 2002/3

Notes: A household is defined as Lao-Tai if there are equal or more Lao-Tai than non-Lao-Tai members.

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Ch. 8 Vietnam

A Widening Poverty Gap for Ethnic Minorities

Hai-Anh Dang
World Bank

Revised November 2009; revised January 2010

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought
and discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
1. Introduction

Vietnam is a tropical country in Southeast Asia, bordered by China to the north, Lao
PDR to the northwest, and Cambodia to the southwest. The population in Vietnam is
approximately 85 million in 2007, ranking it among the countries with the highest
population densities in the world. Income per capita is estimated at US$ 836 in 2007; the
value-added shares of GDP for agriculture, industry and services in 2006 are respectively
20 percent, 42 percent, and 38 percent (World Bank 2008a.)
Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups. Almost all their languages belong to the five language
families of Southeast Asia and they can be considered as sharing ― the same historical and
cultural horizon of the past which spread from south of the Yangtze River to the Islands of
Southeast Asia‖ (Dang et al. 2000.) Some of these groups have been in Vietnam since the
earliest times (for example, the Viet, the Tay-Thai groups), while some arrived as recently
as around the 17th to 19th centuries (for example, the Hanhi, the Lahu, the Lolo groups)
and some came to Vietnam throughout different periods, but mostly in the last millennium
(for example, the Hoa, the Nung, the Vankieu groups) (Dang et al., 2000.) The Kinh or
Viet (ethnic Vietnamese) is the largest group, accounting for 86 percent of the population.
The next largest groups are the Tay, the Thai, the Muong, the Khmer (ethnic Cambodian),
the Hoa (ethnic Chinese), and the Hmong, which together represent 10 percent of the
population, and the remaining ethnic groups make up 4 percent of the population (GSO
While terms such as ― indigenous people‖ have been used to refer to ethnic groups of
smaller size than the majority group in certain countries (see, for example, United Nations
Development Group 2008), the preferred terminology in this chapter is ― ethnic minority
groups‖. This term is considered to be the closest translation for the Vietnamese term
―dân tộc thiểu số‖ that is widely used in both official documents and popular speech. 1
This chapter defines the ethnic majority group as consisting of the Kinh and Hoa ethnic
groups and ethnic minority groups as the remaining ethnic groups.2
Despite government assistance efforts, these groups still lag behind in living standards
(Swinkels and Turk 2006, World Bank 2008b). Worse still, concerns were voiced that
ethnic minority groups are subject to stereotypes that portray them as negatively as
backward, superstitious, and conservative (Asian Development Bank 2002, Jamieson et al.
1998). The World Bank, in its Country Social Analysis report (World Bank 2009),
identifies six areas where ethnic minorities have a disadvantage compared with ethnic

The term ― dân tộc thiểu số‖ is usually shortened to ―dân tộc” in everyday spoken Vietnamese. This
practice of categorizing ethnic groups into minority or majority groups rather than indigenous or non-
indigenous people can perhaps be traced back to the origin of most major ethnic groups in Vietnam, which
were considered to come as branches of the common ― Bách Việt‖ (multi- ethnic Viet) race from 5000 B.C.
to around A.D. 700-800 (Tran 2001). In addition, the closest terms to ―in digenous people‖ are ― người bản
địa‖ or ―người bản xứ‖ in Vietnamese and these terms in current usage usually refer to people that have
already been living in a certain place before anyone else arrives, for example, the Indian natives in America.
By definition, except for the Kinh group, all ethnic groups can be considered ethnic minority groups
because of their small size. However, the Hoa ethnic group is not usually considered an ethnic minority in
Vietnam because of their high cultural assimilation with the majority ethnic Kinh group, and they are also
one of the wealthiest ethnic groups in Vietnam. This approach is also used in earlier studies such as van de
Walle and Gunewardena (2001).

 Ethnic minorities have less access to education, higher dropout rates, and later
school enrolment. There is lack of ethnic minority teachers and bilingual education
for ethnic minorities. School fees also represent a burden for ethnic minorities.
 Ethnic minorities have less mobility, with Kinh migrant households enjoying
better benefits from government programs and their social networks. Kinh
migration even has had negative effects on local minorities in certain places.
 Ethnic minorities have less access to formal financial services.
 Ethnic minorities have less productive land, while they are more dependent on
swidden agriculture and have less off-farm employment.
 Ethnic minorities have lower market access and poorer returns from markets.
While this varies among ethnic groups, ethnic minorities engage in trading
activities less than the Kinh group.
 Ethnic minorities are subject to stereotyping and misconceptions, not just among
Kinh households but even among ethnic minorities themselves, which can much
hinder participation by ethnic minorities in their own development.

However, while these results are well-illustrated through a mix of research methods
including literature reviews, focus group discussions, and household surveys, they may
not be nationally representative because this report focuses on three provinces in Vietnam
with the highest ethnic minority poverty (World Bank 2008b).
This chapter further investigates the welfare of ethnic groups, using several nationally
representative surveys. For policies to be efficiently implemented, this chapter aims to
identify the areas with the largest disparities between the ethnic groups. This chapter
begins by reviewing the demographics of ethnic groups in Vietnam and major government
programs for ethnic minority groups. The subsequent sections provide a mostly
quantitative analysis of the welfare outcomes between Vietnamese ethnic groups in
poverty, education, labor market participation, earnings, child labor, health, nutrition and
social protection.3 The final section summarizes the main findings and offers policy

2. Background on Country’s Economic History

Starting with the ―doi moi‖ (renovation) process in 1986, Vietnam’s economy has
made remarkable progress in recent years. Figure 1 shows that it took Vietnam just four
years after 1986 to catch up with and grow faster than most countries in the world.
Between 1986 and 2007, the average growth rate per capita for Vietnam is 5.2 percent,
which is almost double the rate of 2.7 percent for low and middle-income countries and
more than two and a half times higher than the rate of 2.0 percent for high-income
countries. While these steady growth rates have considerably increased living standards in
Vietnam and have been found to benefit the poor more in the 1990s (Glewwe and Dang,
forthcoming), a question can be raised on whether the benefits are shared equally between
ethnic groups.

3. Government Policies and Programs for Ethnic Minorities

For a more detailed coverage of these issues (not just for ethnic groups) for Vietnam in the 1990s see, for
example, Glewwe, Agrawal and Dollar (2004); for the welfare impacts of land reforms see Ravallion and
van de Walle (2008).

The Government of Vietnam (GOV) has paid much attention to the welfare of ethnic
minority groups. There is a ministerial-level government body, the Committee for Ethnic
Minority and Mountainous Area Affairs (CEMA), which is in charge of management
functions for ethnic minorities and mountainous areas. In geographically strategic areas or
areas with an ethnic minority population of 5000 or more, CEMA has its own
representative agency down to the district-level (GOV 2004a).
Programs that specially target ethnic minority groups are numerous and diverse. These
programs are diverse and cover a wide range of issues including poverty reduction,
resettlement and sedentarization, forest land allocation, education, health and
communication. They benefit those minority groups through several channels such as: i)
their ethnic identity, ii) their (usually mountainous or remote) residence areas, iii) their
(usually poor) economic status, and iv) general social programs for households with war
martyrs, war invalids or recognized as having contributed to the government.
Programs that target ethnic minority groups through ethnic identity include such
activities as cash subsidies on land reclamation, house construction, and drinking water
improvement (GOV 2004b), cash grants on food, production tools and seedlings (GOV
1995), and interest-free loans for poor households (GOV 2007a). Programs that target
ethnic minority groups through their residence areas include such activities as improving
commune and village infrastructure, developing communal centers, planning residential
areas, providing agricultural extension services, and training commune level cadres (GOV
1998a and 2007b). Programs that target ethnic minority groups through their poor
economic status include activities such as reducing poverty rates and creating jobs (GOV
1998b and 2001).4 And programs that target ethnic minority groups through their
contribution to the wars or the government can be provided either especially for ethnic
minority groups (see for example, GOV 2005a) or generally in a variety of legal
documents that include preferential treatment clauses for those with such contribution.
This is a rough categorization since there are often no such clear-cut targeting in
government programs. Major programs such as Program 135 (GOV 1998a and 2007b)
target all the poor communes in ethnic, mountainous and remote areas, and legal
documents such as the 2005 Education Law (NA 2005) stipulates the beneficiaries under
all the four different channels discussed above. More remarkably, the Government of
Vietnam also gives preferential treatment such as price and transportation subsidies to
businesses that operate in mountainous and ethnic areas (GOV 1998c and 2002). Teachers
working in these areas can be entitled to 70% salary increments (GOV 2006a), and
government officials assigned to these areas can be promoted one year earlier (GOV
However, concerns have been expressed that these numerous programs may be
overlapping, and may not be very efficiently and adequately supervised in their
implementation (Asian Development Bank 2002, GOV 2005b, World Bank 2008b). In
addition, while these programs clearly contribute to the welfare of ethnic minority groups,
to our knowledge, their costs and benefits have not been evaluated.

4. Data and Methodology

Data for analysis are nationally representative and include two rounds of the Vietnam
Living Standards surveys (VLSSs) (World Bank 2000, 2001) and two rounds of the
A detailed review of these programs is provided by Phuong and Baulch (2007).

Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSSs) (GSO 2001b, 2004, 2006)
between 1992 and 2006,5 and the 2002 Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey (VDHS)
(CPFC and ORC Macro 2003). However, to keep a reasonable sample size and time span
for analysis, the main data are from the 1997-1998 VLSS and 2006 VHLSS. Other
sources of data include a smaller but nationally representative survey on testing scores6
and the World Development Indicators Online database (World Bank 2008).
Both descriptive statistics and multivariate regression methods are used. As shown
later, ethnic minority groups usually reside in more remote areas. Thus to reduce the
heterogeneity caused by differences in ethnic residence areas, most of the regressions
control for this heterogeneity at the commune level either through commune fixed-effects
or random-effects models. The choice of fixed-effects or random-effects models is mainly
determined by currently available computing software and sample sizes.7 For random-
effects models, commune-level variables are also used to further reduce this
heterogeneity, and these variables include commune poverty status (i.e. the share of poor
households in the commune), commune topography (i.e. whether the commune is in a
lowland or midland area versus mountainous areas), and the distance from the commune
to the nearest town. However, since there are a number of households missing
observations for these commune-level variables, while estimation results using these
variables are also shown, the main models for interpretation are the models without these
The following sections offer a quantitative analysis of the welfare for different ethnic
groups in Vietnam.

5. Demographics
On average, ethnic minority groups have a similar gender ratio to that of ethnic
majority groups, but they are younger and more likely to be married and living in larger
households (Table 1). Ethnic minority groups live predominantly in rural areas, although
more of them are living in urban areas in 2006 compared to 1998. However, in 2006,
while around 71 percent of ethnic minority groups live in the mainly mountainous North
East, North West and Central Highlands, around 64 percent of the ethnic majority groups
live in the mainly lowland South East and the two deltas: Red River and Mekong River.
Overall, these mountainous and lowland regions account for 21 and 58 percent of the total
population (VHLSS 2006).8

In this chapter, sometimes the author’s calculations from the 2006 VHLSS are cited in the text and not
shown in a table. Such cases are noted by (VHLSS 2006), and full tables are available from the author upon
This survey collects data on reading and mathematics scores for young students and adults in about 1,350
households across Vietnam, which are a subsample of the 2006 VHLSS. See Dang and Glewwe (2008) for
more details on this survey.
While it is straightforward to compute linear fixed-effects models, it is not the case with non-linear fixed-
effects models such as probit models with fixed-effects (see, for example, StataCorp, 2009). And sample
sizes would be reduced in fixed-effects models since communes with only one ethnic group would be left
out in these models.
There are currently 64 provinces in Vietnam. According to GSO classification (GSO 2007), these 8 regions
house the following cities and provinces: 1) Red River Delta: Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Vinh Phuc, Ha Tay, Bac
Ninh, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Ha Nam, Nam Dinh, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh, 2) North East: Ha Giang, Cao
Bang, Lao Cai, Bac Kan, Lang Son, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai, Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Bac Giang, Quang
Ninh, 3) North West: Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Son La, Hoa Binh, 4) North Central: Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha

6. Income and Poverty
Ethnic minority groups are overrepresented in the lower tail of the consumption
distribution and underrepresented in the upper tail of the consumption distribution. As
much as 72 percent of the population of ethnic minority groups fall into the poorest three
consumption deciles, and 88 percent of ethnic minority groups fall in the lower half (50
percent) of the population consumption distribution (VHLSS 2006).
Did this situation improve or worsen over time? Figures 2 and 3 compare the
expenditure distributions of ethnic minority groups with those of the ethnic majority
groups in 1998 and 2006. Over this time span, the consumption distributions for ethnic
minority and majority groups in Vietnam shifted to the right, indicating an overall
increase in living standards for all the groups. However, a closer visual inspection
suggests that the two distributions seem to be further apart in this same period. Indeed,
while consumption levels doubled for all ethnic groups from 1998 to 2006, the gap in
average consumption levels between ethnic minority group and the ethnic majority group
actually widened from D 1,500,000 to D 3,100,0009 in the same period. Thus, these
graphs indicate that although all ethnic groups appear to enjoy similar economic growth
rates in Vietnam in recent years, ethnic minority groups are actually falling behind in
terms of relative consumption levels.
In fact, ethnic minority people seem to continue to fall behind ethnic majority groups.
In the period 1992-1998, Glewwe, Gragnolati and Zaman (2002) find that ethnic minority
people have a lower probability of escaping poverty than ethnic majority people.
Then what caused this disparity in living standards between ethnic groups? This
disparity has been decomposed using earlier rounds of the VLSSs into differences due to
endowments and the returns to these endowments. Van de Walle and Gunewardana (2001)
and Baulch et al. (2004, 2007) find that a major share of this gap is due to the returns to
endowments for Vietnam in the 1990s. Baulch et al. (2007) also find that ethnic minority
groups that assimilated most with the ethnic majority (Kinh) society enjoy improved
living standards, while the less assimilated groups have been left behind.10

As a result of the recent economic growth, poverty rates have been steadily decreasing
over time in Vietnam. Poverty numbers—both general poverty and extreme (food)
poverty—are shown in Table 2 for the different ethnic groups and the whole population.
(See also Box 1.) The general poverty rates have decreased from around 58 percent in
1993 to 16 percent in 2006; the corresponding figures in the same period for the extreme

Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien- Hue, 5) South Central Coast: Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang
Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, 6) Central Highlands: Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam
Dong, 7) South East: Ho Chi Minh city, Ninh Thuan, Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Binh
Thuan, Ba Ria- Vung Tau and 8) Mekong River Delta: Long An, Dong Thap, An Giang, Tien Giang, Vinh
Long, Ben Tre, Kien Giang, Can Tho, Hau Giang, Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu, Ca Mau.
The exchange rates in 1998 and 2006 were around US$ 1 for D 14,000 and D 16,000 respectively (IMF,
2006 and 2007).
In a similar vein, Nguyen et al. (2007) also find that the gap in living standards between urban and rural
areas in Vietnam in 1992-1993 is mostly due to differences in endowments, but the gap in 1997-1998 is
mainly caused by differences in the returns to endowments.

poverty rates are 25 percent and 6 percent. Thus, from 1993 to 2006, every year sees an
average reduction rate of 3.2 percent and 1.5 percent in general and extreme poverty in
However, not all ethnic groups enjoy the same decreases in poverty rates. Table 2 also
shows that ethnic minority groups lag behind the ethnic majority groups in their struggle
against poverty. While the general poverty rate for the ethnic majority group went down
by 71 percent [(54-10)/54 = .71] from 1993 to 2006, the general poverty rate for ethnic
minority groups declined by only 42 percent in the same period. Similarly, the extreme
poverty rates decreased by 85 percent for the ethnic majority group but decreased by only
48 percent for ethnic minority groups from 1993 to 2006. Consequently, poverty rates for
ethnic minority groups over those of ethnic majority groups actually diverged over time,
and the ratios of poverty rates for ethnic minority groups over those of the ethnic majority
groups are estimated to increase by around three times or more from 1993 to 2006 (last
The determinants of household poverty status are examined in two models in Table 3,
which have the same explanatory variables except that Model 2 further control for the
commune topography and the distance to the nearest town. Estimation results are very
similar across the two models. Factors that increase the probability that a household is
poor include ethnicity, numbers of young or old household members, and the household’s
residence area (compared to the South East region—the reference region); factors that
decrease the probability that a household is poor include the number of working age
members, the household head’s age and years of schooling completed, and whether the
household lives in urban areas. And according to Model 2, households living in
communes that are more isolated and that are located in mountainous areas are more
likely to be poor. However, as discussed above, the main model for interpretation is
Model 1 since there are quite a number of missing observations for the commune-level
Table 3 also shows the marginal effects for each independent variable which are
calculated at the mean of these variables, keeping other characteristics constant.
Households belonging to ethnic minority groups are 14 percent more likely to be poor
than household in ethnic majority groups, controlling for other factors. The usual positive
impact of working age members on household living standards is clearly seen: while one
more member in the age group 0 to 6 (or 60 and higher) increases the probability of
household being poor by 6 percent (or 2 percent), one more member in the age group 25
to 59 reduces this probability by 1 percent.
Households living in urban areas are 4 percent less likely to be poor (but this urban-
rural divide seems to be mainly caused by the distance to the nearest town or the
commune topography according to Model 2). Households living in all regions except for
the Mekong Delta are more likely to fall into poverty status than households living in the
South East region—where Ho Chi Minh city, the economic capital of the country, is
placed. Compared to the South East region, households living in the North East, North

During this same period, both the depth and severity of poverty—as measured by the poverty gap index
and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index respectively—are reduced at a faster rate for the ethnic
majority group than those of ethnic majority groups (70 percent versus 40 percent). In 2006, ethnic minority
groups’ poverty gap index and the FGT index are 7 to 8 times higher than those for the ethnic majority
groups (VHLSS 2006).

West and North Central regions are 12 percent to 27 percent more likely to be poor.
Notably, ethnic minority groups are heavily concentrated in these three regions: while
these regions house 64 percent of the ethnic minority population, they make up only
around 29 percent of the total population (VHLSS 2006).
The role of the household head is important in poverty reduction. One additional years
of schooling for the head would decrease the probability of households being poor by 2
percent. Compared to household heads working in more than one sectors, those who work
in the agriculture sector only are 2 percent less likely to live in a poor household, those
working in the service sector only are 5 percent less likely to be poor. However, to the
extent that household heads can choose their occupation, household heads’ occupation
should be considered as a correlate rather than a determinant of household poverty status.
But this shows that poverty can be reduced through restructuring the economy perhaps
toward service-oriented industries.
The probabilities of the household falling into poverty given the household head’s
characteristics are calculated in Table 4. A household where the head has zero years of
schooling has a 52 percent chance of being poor, but has only 2 percent chance of being
poor if the head has 12 years of schooling, and almost 0 percent chance of being poor if
the head has 16 years of schooling (equivalent to a university degree). A household where
the head works in agriculture has a 19 percent chance of being poor, but has only 2
percent chance of being poor if the head works in service. However, given the same
household head’s years of schooling or work sector, ethnic minority households are much
more likely to fall into poverty than ethnic majority households. The probabilities range
from 9 percent to 52 percent higher for heads with 12 and 0 years of schooling

7. Employment
Together with the strong performance in recent years, Vietnam’s economy has
undergone a restructuring as shown in Table 5. This includes the downsizing of the
agricultural sector and the increase in the wage work sector: the share of employment in
agriculture decreased from 44 percent in 1996 to 34 percent in 2006, while the share of
wage work increased from 12 percent to 23 percent in this same period. While there was a
decrease in the combined agriculture and service sector, there was a slight increase in the
service sector and the combined wage work and service sector from 1998 to 2006. At the
same time, the share of self-employed workers decreased from 81 percent to 67 percent,
and the share of the private sector increased almost three times from 7 percent to 20
percent. There can be several reasons for this restructuring of the economy. The first
reason is that economic growth rate per capita for Vietnam averaged 5.2 percent in this
period, ranking the country among the fastest growing economies in the world (Figure 1).
The second reason can be due to trade liberalization. Edmonds and Pavnick (2006) shows
that trade liberalization helped reallocate labor between the households and the market in
the period 1992-1998. It is possible that the same mechanism was at work in the
subsequent period.
Although there was a similar change in the occupation redistribution ethnic minority
people—ethnic minority groups in fact have higher growth rates in the wage work sector
and private sector—ethnic minority groups still appear to lag behind ethnic majority
groups in all modern sectors. In 2006, while agriculture accounts for only 30 percent of

ethnic majority employment, it makes up 55 percent of ethnic minority employment. The
wage work sector for ethnic minority people is around 8 percent, less than one-third of
that of ethnic majority people, and the service sector is around 2 percent, less than one-
seventh of that of ethnic majority groups. A disproportionate share of ethnic minority
people are self-employed (85 percent) and this share is around 20 percent higher than that
of ethnic majority people. Similarly, the shares of ethnic minority people working in the
private sector or the public sector are less than half of those of ethnic majority people.
The determinants of earnings are examined in Table 6. Controlling for other factors,
the average ethnic minority worker earns 15 percent less than the average ethnic majority
worker, while the average female worker earns 21 percent less than the average male
worker. (One more year of schooling will bring a 4 percent increase in earnings while the
corresponding figure for one more year of experience is 3 percent.) Workers employed in
the private sector, public sectors or foreign-invested sector earn from 108 percent to 134
percent more than workers employed in the agricultural sector. While the rate of returns to
education for ethnic majority workers is around 2 percent higher than ethnic minority
workers, their rate of returns to the number of hours worked is around 6 percent less than
ethnic minority workers. However, given that ethnic majority people have on average 2.5
more years of schooling than ethnic minority people (as shown later in Table 10), the
former can suggest either lower quality of education or less access to better employment
or more discrimination towards ethnic minority workers in the market or any combination
of these factors.12 Perhaps the latter can be partly explained by the law of diminishing
returns because ethnic minority people work 2 hours fewer per week than ethnic majority
people (VHLSS 2006).
In fact, the earnings differential in Table 6 between the ethnic minority group and
majority groups can be decomposed into two parts, one due to the differential in
endowment and the other due to the differential in returns to endowments or wage
structure. The latter part is also known to be caused by unobserved factors such as ethnic
differentials in the quality of schooling, individual ability, culture or labor market
discrimination. These differentials are considered in 2006 and in 1998 as well in Table 7
using three methods of decomposition: Oaxaca-Blinder, Cotton, and Oaxaca and
According to Table 7, differences in endowments explain from 66 percent to 74
percent of the earnings differential between the ethnic groups, while differences in the
wage structure explain from 26 percent to 34 percent of the earning differential. The range
of the earnings differential due to endowments decreased (or the range of the earnings
These results are qualitatively similar in the basic Mincerian earnings function where log of earnings is
regressed on only ethnicity, gender, years of schooling and work experience.
The Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method (Oaxaca 1973; Blinder 1973) decomposes the ethnic
differentials assuming either the ethnic minority or majority wage structure will prevail in the absence of
discrimination. Thus, depending on which assumption that is used, this method will provide a range of
estimates. The Cotton decomposition method (1988) uses the employed population shares of different ethnic
groups to weight the coefficients in Table 34 to obtain the non-discriminatory wage structure. Thus, by
construction, the wage structure using the Cotton method will be somewhere between the range of estimates
using the Oaxaca-Blinder method (and is closer to the ethnic majority wage structure the larger the
employed population share the ethnic majority group have). The Oaxaca and Ransom (1989, 1994) method
calculates the non-discriminatory wage structure by combining the Cotton wage structure with a common
wage structure derived by an OLS regression using a pooled sample of both ethnic minority and majority

differentials due to the wage structure increased) from 1998, reflecting a wider gap in the
unobserved factors between ethnic groups. One such increasing factor can be increasing
rates of returns to education for ethnic majority groups as shown in Table 6.
The contribution of each of the explanatory variables in Table 6 to the earnings
differential between ethnic groups is further considered in Table 8, with absolute amount
shown in the first two columns and relative amount (percentage) shown in the last two
columns; and a positive coefficient indicates impacts in favor of ethnic majority groups
and a negative coefficient indicates impacts in favor of ethnic minority groups.
Table 8 shows that the higher share of ethnic majority people working in the private
sector can explain up to 26 percent of the ethnic earnings differential. And the higher
mean years of schooling completed by ethnic majority groups can explain 14 percent of
the ethnic earnings differential. Ethnic majority people also have higher returns to
education as discussed above, and these higher return rates alone account for 13 percent of
the ethnic earnings differential. However, the returns to the hours worked are higher for
ethnic minority people than ethnic majority people, thus help reducing the ethnic earnings
differential by 44 percent. It should also be noted that the constant term (the last column in
Table 8 explains the most—as much as 55 percent—of the earnings differential due to
different returns to endowments. This implies that regardless of all factors considered such
as gender, education, working experience or work sectors, there are unobserved factors
that are in favor of ethnic majority earnings. As discussed earlier in Table 6, such factors
can include labor market discrimination against ethnic minority groups or differentials in
the quality of schooling.

Child Labor
For children age 6-18, around 14 percent of ethnic minority children go to school and
work at the same time, while the corresponding figure for ethnic majority children is more
than three times lower at 4 percent (VHLSS 2006). The disparity in child labor between
ethnic groups is illustrated in Figure 4, which plots the incidence of child labor for a wider
age range 6 to 25. A wedge can be seen between ethnic minority children and ethnic
majority children, with the incidence of child labor for the former always higher than that
for the latter. This wedge is largest at more than 25 percent around age 15, the legal
working age in Vietnam.
The probability of child work is further considered in Table 9, which shows that
controlling for other factors, ethnic minority children are 3 percent more likely to work
than ethnic majority children. Among the working children, ethnic minority children are
16 percent more likely to work and go to school at the same time, and 26 percent more
likely to work for wage.14 However, the fact that ethnic minority children are more likely
to work at home rather than for wage does not necessarily reflect their better welfare
levels. On the contrary, it can also indicate that the labor market is not well-developed and
wage work is not readily accessible for ethnic minority children (even if they wanted to
work for wage.)
Not surprisingly, both the household head’s educational level and household
consumption level have a negative impact on the probability that children work or work

Estimation results using commune characteristics are very similar but not shown here to save space.

for wage. Larger household sizes are correlated with lower probabilities that children can
spend all their time attending school.15
Clearly, child work should be reduced as much as possible. Child work can have
undesirable effects on children’s well-being in several ways such as loss of schooling and
reduced health. In an earlier study for Vietnam that uses the VLSSs 1992-1993 and 1997-
1998, O’Donnell, Rosati and van Doorslaer (2005) find that work undertaken during
childhood can have a lasting negative impact on children’s health up to five years later.
Using the same survey data, Beegle, Dehejia and Gatti (2009) found that child labor has
significant negative impacts on school participation and educational attainment, but is
associated with an increased likelihood of wage work. However the authors also
acknowledged that they could not estimate the impact of child labor on future earnings in
the absence of more precise wage and labor productivity data.

8. Education
Illiteracy rates have been steadily decreasing in Vietnam, although at a faster rates for
ethnic majority groups. From 1993 to 2006, illiteracy rates were reduced by half from 24
percent to 12 percent for ethnic majority groups, but were reduced from 50 percent to 29
percent for ethnic minority groups (VHLSS 2006). It is worrisome that the illiteracy rate
for ethnic minority groups in Vietnam in 2006 was even higher than that for ethnic
majority groups in 1993. However, the gap in literacy rates between ethnic groups seems
to be narrowing over time.
The general educational achievement for different ethnic groups is shown in Table 10.
Ethnic minority groups can almost catch up with ethnic majority groups in the share of
people age 15 and over who are still in school. However, these numbers can be misleading
due to several reasons. First, ethnic minority people can start school later than their ethnic
majority peers. Second, ethnic minority groups can repeat or drop out of classes more
often. Third, the quality of education may not be the same between the different ethnic
groups. These issues will be discussed in more detail.
For people who are out of school, Table 10 shows the highest educational achievement
that they obtain. In general, educational achievement for ethnic majority groups is similar
to that of the total population and appears to follow a roughly bell-shaped distribution. In
this distribution, the share of people with a completed primary degree is highest at 26
percent, followed by the share of people with a completed lower secondary degree (25
percent), followed by the share of people with incomplete primary education (20 percent),
and the share of people with a completed upper secondary degree (14 percent). The share
of people with a tertiary degree is somewhat similar to the share of people with a
vocational education, at 5 percent.
However, the distribution of educational achievement for ethnic minority groups is
strongly skewed (right-skewed) towards higher school levels. In this distribution, the share
of people with a completed primary degree is highest at 26 percent, followed by the share
of people with an incomplete primary education (25 percent), the share of people with no

Macro-economic factors such as the economy being more open to international trade can also help reduce
child labor. Using data from the VLSSs 1992-1993 and 1997-1998, Edmonds and Pavcnik (2005) find that
trade liberalization, in particular higher rice prices, are associated with declines in child labor for households
that are net rice producers.

education (24 percent), and the share of people with a completed lower secondary degree
(17 percent). Around 8 percent of ethnic minority people have a completed upper
secondary degree, and less than 1 percent of them have a tertiary degree; these numbers
are respectively around one half and one fifth those of the ethnic majority groups.
The pattern of lower educational achievement for ethnic minority groups is confirmed
in Figure 5, which looks at the mean years of schooling attained for different birth cohorts
from 1945 to 1985. (The year 1985 is chosen as the last year to allow for the fact that the
majority of people may not finish schooling until 20 years old or so.) There is a consistent
gap of around 3 years of schooling between the ethnic groups across the different birth
cohorts. It should be noted that this gap widens around the period 1966-1975, which
coincides with the Vietnam war. However, the gap seems to be narrow for recent birth
cohorts. In particular, women in birth cohorts further away from the war have higher
educational achievement. Further analysis shows that the differences range from 0.5 to
more than 1 years of schooling for women in different birth cohorts, when controlling for
other factors (Dang and Patrinos 2008).
Age-grade distortion, which is defined as the percentage of students who are more
than one year behind the age that is appropriate for their grade, is considered in Table 11.
For example, the age-grade distortion for grade 3 in all Vietnam is 19 percent, indicating
that 19 percent of students studying in grade 3 are older than age 8, which is the
appropriate age for this grade level. Age-grade distortion is a particularly serious problem
for ethnic minority people, with a rate higher than 30 percent at all primary grades except
for grade 1. Table 11 shows that there is a large disparity in the age-grade distortion rates
between ethnic minority groups and ethnic majority groups. This disparity ranges from
around 3 percent for the first grade to more than 20 percent for the second grades and
While age-grade distortion is a useful indicator of educational achievement, its large
scope of definition can include several different problems such as late enrolment, class
repetition, and school discontinuation (that is, dropping out of school and then
reenrolling). Thus the factors determining school enrolment for young people age 7-14 are
considered in more detail in two models in Table 12. The second model adds to the list of
explanatory variables in the first model the numbers of household members of different
age groups and commune characteristics. While results are rather similar across the two
models, the main model for interpretation is Model 1 because of the sharp reduction in the
number of observations and the endogeneity of family size in Model 2. In addition, the
coefficients on the numbers of household members and commune characteristics are
statistically insignificant, suggesting that these variables can be left out.
Factors that increase the probability of school enrolment are an individual’s age
(although age-squared has a negative impact), the household head’s education, the
household expenditure level, and residence areas. The positive impact of age may be
caused by late enrolment for some people, as can be seen in the high percentage of age-
grade distortion in Table 11. Controlling for other factors, one more year of schooling for
the household increases the probability of school enrolment by 0.2 percent, and people
living in all geographic regions except for the Mekong Delta are 1-2 percent more likely
to enroll in school than people living in the South East region. Keeping other factors fixed
at the mean, ethnic minority people are 0.6 percent less likely to enroll in school than
ethnic majority people.

The finding that household expenditure level increases the probability of school
enrolment concurs with an earlier study for Vietnam by Glewwe and Jacoby (2004).
Using panel data from the VLSSs 1992-1993, and 1997-1998, Glewwe and Jacoby (2004)
find that child enrolment increased faster in households that gained greater increases in
wealth and grade attainment increased by 0.25 for these households.
The probabilities of being enrolled in school for those aged 7 to 14 are calculated in
Table 13. Keeping other characteristics fixed at the means, the probability that a child age
7 to 14 enrolling in school is 88 percent in a household where the head has 0 years of
schooling. But this probability increases to 97 percent or 100 percent if the head has 6 or
12 years of schooling respectively. At the same time, the probability that a child is
enrolled in school is 92 percent for a poor household, and 98 percent for a non-poor
household. Thus, the impact of a household head with 12 years of schooling on school
enrolment rates is very similar to (although slightly higher than) that of a non-poor
household. Depending on the relevant cost-benefit scenarios, this would clearly suggest
alternatives in improving school enrolment to policy makers.

Quality of Education
Table 14 investigates the determinants of reading and mathematics on standardized
test scores for individuals with 3 to 12 years of schooling. Due to the design of this survey
data, 16 Models 1 and 2 consider those with 3 to 7 years of schooling aged 9-15, Models 3
and 4 consider those with 8 to 12 years of schooling aged 14-20, and finally Models 5 and
6 consider those with 3 to 12 years of schooling aged 9-20.
Factors that significantly affect test scores include an individual’s years of schooling,
age (and age-squared), ethnicity, household consumption, and household heads’
education. Estimation results are qualitatively rather similarly across the models.
However, the magnitude of the coefficients on Models 5 and 6 is usually smaller than
those in other models, perhaps due to either a larger sample size or a wider age range or
Controlling for other characteristics, while one more years of education for the
household head can raise test scores by less than 0.1 standard deviations, one more years
of schooling for the individual can raise test scores from 0.1 to 0.3 standard deviations. A
270 percent increase in the per capita expenditure can increase test scores by 0.2 to 0.3
standard deviations. Ethnic minority individuals score from 0.2 to 0.5 standard deviations
lower than ethnic majority individuals.17 This suggests that even if ethnic minority
individuals have the same years of schooling as their ethnic majority peers, the quality of
their education is lower. This concurs with an earlier World Bank study on Grade 5
students in Vietnam, which finds that students who always spoke Vietnamese outside
school or belonged to the ethnic majority Kinh group were likely to have higher test
scores than students who never speak Vietnamese outside school or belong to the ethnic
minority groups (World Bank 2004).

See Dang and Glewwe (2008) for more details on this survey and the test scores.
When commune characteristics are added to Models 5 and 6, the coefficients on the ethnic variables are
still negative but are significant only at the 10% level for reading scores and insignificant for math scores.
However, estimation samples are reduced by around 30% in these models, and the commune variables either
statistically insignificant or marginally significant at the 10% level.

There can be several reasons for lower education quality for ethnic minority groups.
First, as discussed earlier, ethnic minority groups have a lower consumption level than
ethnic majority groups, thus ethnic minority students may not have the same learning
materials or opportunities (for example, books or computers) as ethnic majority students.
Second, ethnic minority students are more likely to drop out of school and have higher
age-grade distortion rates (Table 11). Third, the general educational achievement levels
for ethnic minority groups are lower than those of ethnic majority groups, implying that
ethnic minority parents may not be able to help with their children’s studies as much as
ethnic majority parents do. Fourth, as shown later in Table 21, ethnic minority students
have to travel longer distances to get to school, which can reduce their time and energy for
An important difference in learning opportunities between the ethnic groups is extra
classes or private tutoring, which is a popular phenomenon in Vietnam and can have a
strong impact on student learning outcomes (Dang 2007 and 2008). It can be calculated
from the 2006 VHLSS that ethnic majority students are from 33 percent to 43 percent
more likely to attend extra classes than ethnic minority students.

9. Health
There is a large improvement in health for the total population from 1998 to 2006,
with the share of the total population who are sick or injured in the past four weeks
decreased from 41 percent in 1998 to around 23 percent in 2006 (VHLSS 2006).
However, Table 15 shows that the both the infant mortality rate and under-five
mortality rate for ethnic minority groups are higher than those for ethnic majority groups.
The infant mortality rate for ethnic minority groups is 30 per 1000 live births, but the
corresponding figure for ethnic majority groups is 23 per 1000 live births (but note the
large standard error of the estimate for ethnic minority groups). And the under-five
mortality rate for ethnic minority groups is much higher at 41 per 1000 live births, while
the corresponding figure for ethnic majority groups is 28 per 1000 live births. These
differences suggest that ethnic minority groups have yet to enjoy the same health
conditions level that ethnic majority groups have. But these differences also appear to be
strongly correlated with (the remoteness of) the residence area for ethnic minority groups.
Table 15 also shows that the mortality rates in rural areas are more than twice higher than
in urban areas in Vietnam.
The vaccination rates for children age 12-23 months are shown in Table 16. A child is
considered to be fully vaccinated if the child has received a Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
(BCG) vaccination against tuberculosis, three doses of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus
(DPT) vaccine, at least three doses of polio vaccine, and one dose of measles vaccine
(WHO, 2005.) The age range is limited to children age 12-23 months because a child
should have received these vaccinations at these ages. Children in Vietnam are most likely
to be vaccinated against BCG (93 percent), followed by measles (83 percent), polio (76
percent) and DPT (72 percent). The same trend holds for children belonging to different
ethnic groups and living in urban and rural areas (but the vaccination rates for measles and
polio are almost equal for urban area.) The vaccination rate for Vietnam stands at 67
percent; however, the rate for ethnic minority children is much lower at 38 percent, almost
half that of 73 percent for ethnic majority children.

However, most of this gap in health care can be attributed to other factors such as the
differences in living standards or residence areas. It was estimated that, controlling for
other factors, poor ethnic minority children age 11-23 months living in rural areas are 15
percent less likely to be fully vaccinated than their ethnic majority peers (Thang et al.
Table 17 shows that health care appears to have improved for ethnic minority groups
in recent years. From 1998 to 2006, health care has improved for the whole population,
but at a faster rate for ethnic minority groups compared to ethnic majority groups. The
share of the total population without any medical insurance decreased by almost half from
86 percent in 1998 to 46 percent in 2006, but the share of ethnic minority groups fell by
more than 4 times from 91 percent to 21 percent in this same period. In particular, in 2006
the share of ethnic minority groups with free medical insurance is 44 percent, more than 5
times higher than that of ethnic majority groups. (Unfortunately, there were no
disaggregated data on free medical insurance in the 1998 VLSS, thus we cannot examine
any difference in this category between the ethnic groups in this year).
This is perhaps due to a number of preferential government policies during this period
targeted at ethnic minority groups, notably among them Program 139 established in 2002.
After two years of implementation, 4.15 million poor people were issued free health care
certificates under this program (Phuong and Baulch 2007). As discussed in the section
above, since ethnic minority groups represent a larger share of the poor in Vietnam, they
understandably account for a proportionately larger share of people who are granted free
health care certificates. However, having a free healthcare certificate does not necessarily
mean better quality health care for ethnic minority groups. It has been noted that the
treatment readily accessible to poor ethnic minority people at the commune health centers
are deficient and constrained by expenditure ceilings (Phuong and Baulch 2007).
Furthermore, as shown later in Table 21, ethnic minority groups live in communities with
much less access to health facilities than ethnic majority groups.
In absolute terms, ethnic minority groups also have lower health care expenditure. An
average ethnic minority outpatient spend only D 493,000, and an average ethnic minority
inpatient spend only D 3,038,000, which are 18 percent and 34 percent those for the
average ethnic majority patients (VHLSS 2006).
Is it possible that this lower healthcare expenditure is due to a higher proportion of
health insurance usage among ethnic minority people? The answer appears to be no.
While a recent study using earlier rounds of the VLSS shows that health insurance can
reduce health expenditure by as much as 35 percent (Sepehri, Sarma and Simpson 2006),
even if this is taken into account, ethnic minority people still have much lower health
expenditure than ethnic majority people.
Since the number of visits to hospital can be considered a count variable, Table 18
estimate the number of visits to hospital for ethnic groups using the fixed-effects Poisson
model. Controlling for age, gender, log of per capita expenditure, marital status and years
of schooling, ethnic minority people are 16 percent (100 – 84) less likely to visit hospital
when they are ill compared to ethnic majority people. However, there is no statistical
difference between the incidences of inpatient treatment for the different ethnic groups.
Not surprisingly, Table 18 also shows that richer and more educated households visit
hospital more often, both as outpatients and inpatients.

As shown in Table 19, knowledge about AIDS is rather good in Vietnam for women
who are ever-married and in the age group 15 to 49, with 95 percent of these women ever
hearing about AIDS. However, out of those who ever heard about AIDS, only 78 percent
have the correct perception about AIDS (that is, a healthy person can contract AIDS), and
93 percent knows of a way to avoid AIDS.
There is a difference in knowledge about AIDS for different ethnic groups. Compared
to women belonging to ethnic majority groups, women belonging to ethnic minority
groups are 12 percent less likely to ever hear about AIDS, 18 percent less likely to have
the correct perception about AIDS, and 8 percent less likely to know ways to avoid AIDS.
This difference is much larger than the urban-rural divide in knowledge about AIDS,
which only ranges from 2 percent to 8 percent. This implies that there is still room for
improvement in promoting awareness of AIDS among ethnic minority women.

10. Household/ Community Services and Social Protection

Overall, ethnic minority people have higher access to social programs such as
preferential credit, free health care, tuition exemption or reduction and agricultural
promotion activities (VHLSS 2006). However, they appear to have lower access to
community services.
Utility access and household assets are considered for ethnic groups and urban-rural
areas in Table 20. For all life utilities including potable water, electricity, sanitary
conditions, Internet connection, housing, and garbage collection, ethnic minority people
have lower access than ethnic majority people. The same situation is true for people living
in rural areas compared to people living in urban areas. The gap in utility access can range
from 4 percent to as much as 50 percent in favor of ethnic majority groups, and from 5
percent to 39 percent in favor of people in urban areas. For example, only 57 percent of
ethnic minority people have potable water, while 90 percent of ethnic majority people
have potable water. The corresponding numbers for people living in rural and urban areas
are respectively 82 percent and 96 percent.
A similar pattern can be seen with household assets including radio, television set,
video recorder/ stereo system, refrigerator, washing machine, motorbike, bicycle, air-
conditioner, desk telephone, mobile telephone and computer, where ethnic minority
people have less than ethnic majority people and people living in rural areas have less than
people living in urban areas. Again, the gap can range from 4 percent to 30 percent in
favor of ethnic majority people and from 5 percent to 46 percent in favor of people living
in urban areas. The two exceptions are home ownership and bicycle ownership. Ethnic
minority people are 2 percent more likely to own a home and people in rural areas 3
percent more likely to own a home than people in urban areas. People in rural areas are 9
percent more likely to own a bicycle than people living in urban areas.
However, these exceptions do not necessarily imply that ethnic minority people or
people in rural areas are better off in these respects. Table 20 also shows that ethnic
minority people and people in rural areas are more likely to have housing of lower quality,
and less likely to own a motorbike, which is fast becoming a popular means of transports
in Vietnam nowadays. Table 20 also shows that ethnic minority groups are the most

disadvantaged groups in the country. Except for home ownership, ethnic minority people
have lower utility access and less household assets than people in rural areas.18
Access to community facilities for communes with only ethnic minority groups, mixed
ethnic groups, and only ethnic majority are depicted in Table 21. Generally, ethnic
minority communes are least served by or farthest away from the available community
facilities, followed by mixed ethnicity communes, and ethnic majority communes. For
example, 31 percent of ethnic minority communes have a radio station, while the
corresponding figure is 75 percent for mixed ethnicity communes and 93 percent for
ethnic majority communes. While the provincial hospital is 86 kilometers away for ethnic
minority communes, it is around half nearer at 46 kilometers for mixed ethnicity
communes, and around two-third nearer at 30 kilometers for ethnic majority communes.
And the average distance to a paved road is around 1 kilometer for ethnic minority
commune and mixed ethnicity communes, which is 5 to 6 times larger than that for ethnic
majority communes. However, there are also some exceptions such as the distances to
primary schools or commune health centers are almost equal for the different communes.

11. Conclusions
Despite much progress in living standards, health, and education in recent years,
ethnic minority groups still lag behind ethnic majority groups in Vietnam. In 2006, the
general poverty rate for ethnic minority groups is 52 percent, more than five times that of
ethnic majority groups; the extreme poverty rates for ethnic minority groups is 29 percent,
more than nine times that of ethnic majority groups. Ethnic minority people have lower
quality health care than ethnic majority groups, and they are 16 percent less likely to visit
hospital when they are ill. Ethnic minority infant and under-five mortality rates are higher
those of ethnic majority groups, and ethnic minority women are less like to know or have
the correct perception about AIDS. The illiteracy rates for ethnic minority groups are 29
percent, more than twice that of ethnic majority people; the mean years of schooling
attained is 5.6 for ethnic minority groups, 2.5 years less than that of ethnic majority
While there has been a restructuring for the Vietnamese economy in recent years,
more than half (55 percent) of ethnic minority groups still work in agriculture; the
corresponding number for ethnic majority groups is less than one third (30 percent).
About two thirds of the earnings differentials between ethnic groups can be attributed to
differences in endowments, and one third due to differences to the returns to endowments.
Ethnic minority children are more likely to drop out of school and work than ethnic
majority children.
Despite various government assistance programs that are specially targeted at ethnic
minority groups, ethnic minority people still suffer from lower utility access and
household assets than ethnic majority people. Ethnic minority groups’ utility access and
household assets are also lower than those for people living in rural areas, placing them as
the most disadvantaged groups in the country.

In Table 20, Internet connection rates are only calculated for households with computers. Thus among
households with computers Internet connection rate for ethnic minority groups appears to be close to that for
ethnic majority groups, but among all households, Internet connection rate would be much lower for ethnic
minority groups.

Policies to level the disparities between ethnic minority groups can be roughly divided
into either a short-term approach or a longer term approach. Short-term policies arguably
would take less efforts to implement and can be targeted at urgent issues, while long-term
policies may take longer and more resources to come into effect. Clearly, the criteria to
categorize policies are highly context-specific and can be subjective, but we believe that
this division may help to focus ideas and stimulate more discussion.
In that respect, short-term policies can include such measures as
i) building more roads for ethnic minority communes. Table 21 shows that ethnic
minority groups are much farther way from commune facilities than ethnic
majority groups. Thus one way to reduce this distance and to immediately improve
the welfare of ethnic minority groups is to provide them with easier access to the
economic, political and cultural centers such as schools, hospitals, markets, post
offices and town centers. One recent study also shows that building roads has
significant and robust impacts on primary school completion rates in Vietnam and
poorer communes tend to benefit more (Mu and van de Walle 2007).
However, it also argued that building roads is not always the best solution because
it can bring negative impacts on the environment as well as ethnic minority
communities’ lifestyle. Obviously, there is some tradeoff that needs to be carefully
considered with this policy.
ii) increasing knowledge about AIDS among ethnic minority women and vaccination
for ethnic minority children. Perhaps few will disagree that vaccination for
children is a rather cost-effective measure against diseases. In addition, since the
vaccination rate (for all four diseases) for ethnic minority children is so low, their
welfare can be significantly improved with more vaccination.
However, improving the well-being for ethnic minority groups would require more
and sustained efforts in the long term. Several main policies can be considered such as
i) emphasizing the importance of improving educational outcomes for ethnic
minority groups in all development plans or government campaigns. This chapter
has shown that educational achievements take an important part in reducing
poverty, increasing cognitive skills and earnings, increasing the use of
contraceptive methods among married women, reducing child labor. Furthermore,
education also has strong intergenerational impacts on increasing educational
accomplishments for future generations. There seems to be no overemphasizing
the role of education in improving welfare and reducing the disparities between
ethnic groups, and this is true not just for Vietnam but for other countries as well
(see also other chapters in this book and Hall and Patrinos 2006).
ii) diversifying employment opportunities for ethnic minority groups. While their
occupation is becoming more diversified, ethnic minority groups are still mostly
occupied in agriculture. While it may not be easy to map out good strategies to
change the occupation for these groups, it is important that the government include
the economic development of ethnic minority groups among the top priorities in
development plans. For example, tax incentives or preferential loans can be given
to enterprises employing more ethnic minority people. Or special job training
centers can be established in ethnic minority communes.
iii) applying lessons with social safety net or transfer programs from other countries to
Vietnam. For example, welfare-improving programs specially targeted at poor and

disadvantaged groups called Conditional Cash Transfer program have been
extensively used in a number of countries (see, for example, Das, Do and Ozler
2005.) Vietnam can perhaps experiment with such programs to increase school
attendance rates and reduce child labor for disadvantaged groups, including but not
limited to, ethnic minority groups.
iv) using more quantitative methods to better evaluate the different government
programs for ethnic minority groups. The Government can make use of technical
assistance from international organizations and/ or involve the local researchers
more in designing these programs.
v) better monitoring the welfare for ethnic minority groups through implementing,
perhaps special, nationally representative surveys that can provide detailed
analysis for each ethnic group.

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ngày 18/2/2004).
---. (2004b). Quyết định số 134/2004/ QĐ-TTg ngày 20/7/2004. (Decision 134/2004/CP
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TTg on 29/4/2005).
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and Programs in Vietnam‖. Working paper.
Nguyen, Nga Nguyet and Martin Rama. (2007). ― A Comparison of Quantitative and
Qualitative Poverty Targeting Methods in Vietnam‖. Q-Squared Working Paper No.
Nguyen, Binh T., James W. Albretch, Susan B. Vroman and M. Daniel Westbrook.
(2007). ― A Quantile Regression Decomposition of Urban–Rural Inequality in
Vietnam‖. Journal of Development Economics. 83: 466-490.
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Women: A Tale of the Gender Specific Wage Effects of Labor Market
Discrimination‖. Paper presented at the International Economic Association World
Congress, Athens, 28 August–1 September.
---. (1994). ―On Discrimination and the Decomposition of Wage Differentials‖. Journal of
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Ravallion, Martin and Dominque van de Walle. (2008). ― Land in Transition: Reform and
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Thang, Nguyen Minh, Indu Bhushan, Erik Bloom, and Sekhar Bonu. (2007). ― Child
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Tran, Ngoc Them. (2001). ― Tim ve Ban Sac Van Hoa Viet Nam‖ (Discovering the Identity
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World Bank. (1999). ― Vietnam Developmen Report 2000: Attacking Poverty.‖ Poverty
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---. (2000). ―Viet Nam Living Standards Survey (VNLSS), 1992-93. Basic Information‖.
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Box 1. Which poverty lines are used in Vietnam?

Correct measurement of poverty is an important issue faced by almost all countries in the world
and can also be a source of much debate. Although having high-quality household surveys
which are nationally representative, Vietnam is no exception case.

There can be at least three main approaches to measuring poverty in Vietnam. The first
approach is the calorie-intake approach, which considers the poverty line as the cost of a food
and non-food consumption basket allowing a healthy lifestyle, with the food component
providing a daily intake of 2,100 calories per person per day (World Bank 2007). Thus
individuals are considered poor if their daily per capita expenditure cannot afford this basket,
and extremely poor (or food poor) if their daily per capita expenditure is not enough to purchase
this amount of calorie were they to spend all their expenditure on food. Under this approach, the
yearly food poverty lines and poverty lines for Vietnam are approximately D 1, 915,000 and D
2,560,000 in 2006 (Glewwe 2008). This approach usually relies on household surveys with
expenditure data and is also the approach to calculate poverty rates used by this chapter.

The second approach, used by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA),
also sets specific poverty lines, by which individuals are considered poor in 2006 if their annual
incomes are below D 3,120,000 for urban areas and D 2,400,000 for rural areas (GOV 2005c).
However, in practice, local MOLISA officials determine which households fall under these
poverty lines through a mix of methods including village discussion, surveys, and local
officials’ personal knowledge. Thus these poverty lines can vary across administrative units and
involve perhaps the most subjective judgment. For example, local officials can set a higher
poverty line if they have resources available to help larger number of people in their community
(World Bank 2006). Under this approach, (assuming that the number of households identified as
poor in the VHLSS 2006 is nationally representative,) the poverty rate is 15.4% for Vietnam as
a whole, 32% for ethnic minority groups and 10.9% for ethnic majority groups.

The third approach is to use an international poverty line measured in Purchasing Power Parity
(PPP) dollars that can be converted to the local currency through comparable international price
surveys. This international poverty line is currently proposed to be $1.25 a day or $456.3 a year
in PPP dollars (Ravallion, Chen and Sangraula 2008)), which is equivalent to D 2,700,950
(using the individual consumption expenditure by household PPP/ local currency exchange rate
of $5919.89 (World Bank 2008c).) Under this approach, it can be calculated from the VHLSS
2006 that the poverty rate is 18.3% for Vietnam as a whole, 55.5% for ethnic minority groups
and 12.5% for ethnic majority groups.

While the first approach is found to correctly measure poverty only at the national level due to
the usual limited sample sizes in household surveys, the second approach perhaps works best at
the commune level due to its subjective judgment component (Nguyen and Rama 2007). And
the third approach appears to work best for cross-country comparison. The MOLISA is currently
doing research on how to combine the first and second approaches to better measure poverty in

Table 1. Basic demographics, Vietnam 1998-2006 (percent)
Ethnic minority Ethnic majority Total pop.
1998 2006 1998 2006 1998 2006
Male 49.2 49.7 48.3 48.9 48.5 49.0
Average age 25.2 27.0 28.7 32.1 28.2 31.4
Married (for those aged 15 and over) 63.2 65.0 59.1 60.5 59.7 61.1
Household size 6.1 5.8 5.4 4.7 5.5 4.9
Urban 1.6 7.4 25.9 29.8 22.5 26.7
Households 699 1384 5300 7805 5999 9189
N 3832 7064 24791 32007 28623 39071
Sources: VLSS 1998 & VHLSS 2006.

Table 2. Poverty headcount (percent), 1993-2006

Ethnic minority Ethnic majority Total pop. Ratio of pov.
Income group Rural Urban All Rural Urban All Rural Urban All rates for all
Not Poor 12.9 51.5 13.6 37.6 75.6 46.2 33.6 75.1 41.9 0.3
Poor 87.7 48.5 86.4 62.4 24.4 53.9 66.4 24.9 58.1 1.6
Extreme Poor 53.3 12.9 52.0 24.5 7.8 20.8 29.1 7.9 24.9 2.5
Not Poor 23.8 91.8 24.8 61.2 90.8 68.9 54.5 90.8 62.6 0.4
Poor 76.2 8.1* 75.2 38.8 9.2 31.1 45.5 9.2 37.4 2.4
Extreme Poor 42.4 0.0* 41.8 13.4 2.5 10.6 18.6 2.5 15.0 4.0
Not Poor 27.9 65.9 30.7 70.9 94.5 72.9 64.4 93.3 71.1 0.4
Poor 72.1 34.1 69.3 29.1 5.5 23.1 35.6 6.7 28.9 3.0
Extreme Poor 43.2 21.3 41.6 8.3 1.1 6.5 13.6 1.9 10.9 6.4
Not Poor 37.3 70.5 39.3 82.1 97.2 86.5 75.0 96.4 80.5 0.5
Poor 62.7 29.5 60.7 17.9 2.8 13.5 25.0 3.6 19.5 4.5
Extreme Poor 35.5 14.3 34.2 4.8 0.4 3.5 9.7 0.8 7.4 9.8
Not Poor 46.0 68.9 47.7 86.6 97.2 89.7 79.6 96.1 84.0 0.5
Poor 54.0 31.1 52.3 13.5 2.8 10.3 20.4 3.9 16.0 5.1
Extreme Poor 30.0 19.3 29.2 4.3 0.5 3.2 8.7 1.2 6.7 9.2
Notes: * less than 20 observations.
Source: VLSSs 1993, 1998 & VHLSSs 2002, 2004, 2006.

Table 3. Determinants of household poverty (Random-effect Probits), 2006
Model 1 Model 2
Coef. Mean Mar. Effect Coef.
Ethnic minority 0.846*** 0.162 0.135*** 0.725***
# residents 0 to 6 years 0.609*** 0.377 0.061*** 0.603***
# residents 0 to 6 years squared -0.005 0.562 -0.001 -0.003
# residents 7 to 24 years 0.198*** 1.705 0.020*** 0.205***
# residents 7 to 24 years squared 0.005 4.486 0.001 -0.001
# residents 25 to 59 -0.110** 1.890 -0.011** -0.159***
# residents 60+ years 0.175*** 0.322 0.018*** 0.140***
Head's age -0.006* 46.646 -0.001* -0.004
Female household head -0.004 0.211 -0.000 -0.014
Head's yrs of schooling -0.153*** 7.375 -0.015*** -0.143***
Disabled head 0.273 0.024 0.034 0.208
Head's work sector
Wage-work only -0.142 0.147 -0.013 -0.050
Agriculture only -0.185** 0.346 -0.018** -0.197***
Service only -0.854*** 0.131 -0.053*** -0.735*** Table 4. Calculated Probabilities of Household Being Poor, 2006 (percent)
Red River Delta 0.633*** 0.205 0.087*** 0.849*** Ethnic Ethnic
North East 0.770*** 0.151 0.119*** 0.780***
North West 0.991*** 0.052 0.192*** 1.141*** minority majority Total pop.
North Central
South Central Coast
0.268*** 1.461***
0.059* 0.701***
HH Head's Years of Schooling
Central Highlands 0.577*** 0.068 0.086** 0.599*** 0 76.8 24.4 52.2
Mekong River Delta 0.154 0.196 0.017 0.400**
Urban -0.487*** 0.228 -0.040*** -4.583 6 44.8 9.3 15.7
Distance to nearest town 0.010*** 12 10.3 1.6 2.2
Lowland area -0.238**
Midland area -0.048 16 1.6* 0.1 0.2
Mean of Dependent Variable
HH head work sector
Log Likelihood -2403 -2026 Agri. only 52.8 8.8 18.6
ρ 0.364 0.320
N 7984 5726 Service only 15.1 1.2 1.7
Note: Dependent variable is a dummy variable for whether household is poor. Notes: Computed from Table 6.
* p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Sources: VHLSS 2006 * less than 20 observations.

Table 5. Employment sector for people age 15 and over, 1998-2006 (percent)
Ethnic minority Ethnic majority All
1998 2006 1998 2006 1998 2006
Work sector
Wage work only 3.0 7.6 13.2 25.3 11.8 22.9
Agriculture only 67.3 55.2 40.2 30.2 44.0 33.6
Services only 1.4 2.3 13.8 15.2 12.1 13.4
Wage work & Agriculture 18.4 25.0 15.0 16.6 15.5 17.8
Wage work & Services 0.6 0.3* 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.5
Agriculture & Services 8.3 8.3 14.3 10.0 13.5 9.7
Wage work, Agriculture, and Services 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.0 1.7 1.0
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Work type
Self-employed 92.3 84.7 79.4 63.8 81.2 66.6
Work for other households or in
2.3 10.0 8.2 21.8 7.4 20.2
private sector
State-owned or collective sector 2.2 5.0 8.9 12.2 8.0 11.2
Foreign-invested sector 0.3 0.3* 1.3 2.2 1.1 1.9
Other sector 2.9 n.a. 2.0 n.a. 2.1 n.a.
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of observations 2063 13663 15726
Note: * fewer than 20 observations
Sources: VLSS 1998 & VHLSS 2006

Table 6. Extended earnings function for people age 15 and over (Fixed-effects), 2006
Ethnic minority Ethnic majority population
Men Women All Men Women All
Ethnic minority -0.149***
Female -0.134*** -0.218*** -0.208*** Table 7. Earnings differentials for people age 15 and over,
Married -0.015 -0.201** -0.106* 0.046 0.006 0.034 0.012
Years of schooling 0.031*** 0.028 0.027*** 0.044*** 0.057*** 0.045*** 0.044*** Vietnam, 1998-2006
Experience 0.025* 0.031** 0.028*** 0.036*** 0.028*** 0.032*** 0.032*** Percentage of earnings differential due to differences in
Experience-squared -0.000* -0.000** -0.000*** -0.001*** -0.000*** -0.001*** -0.001***
Log(Hours worked) 0.865*** 0.703*** 0.833*** 0.819*** 0.726*** 0.782*** 0.785*** Endowments Wage structure
Work for other households or in
1.039*** 0.809*** 0.982*** 1.044*** 1.091*** 1.077*** 1.081***
private sector
State-owned or collective sector 1.131*** 1.963*** 1.394*** 1.107*** 1.377*** 1.227*** 1.258***
1998 2006 1998 2006
Foreign-invested sector 1.155** 1.671*** 1.468*** 1.353*** 1.359*** 1.323*** 1.342*** 35.6
At ethnic minority mean 66.3 64.4 33.7
Constant 0.661 1.596** 0.884** 1.076*** 1.465*** 1.362*** 1.321***
ρ 0.525*** 0.608*** 0.550*** 0.522*** 0.551*** 0.478*** 0.480***
At ethnic majority mean 69.9 5.4 30.1
R-squared 0.524 0.654 0.584 0.594 0.664 0.625 0.649 Cotton 86.2 69.4 13.8 30.6
N 786 436 1222 4768 3105 7873 9095
Oaxaca-Ransom 90.9 73.6 9.1 26.4
Note: dependent variable is ln(earnings) for persons with positive earnings; * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Source: VHLSS 2006 Sources: VLSS 1998 & VHLSS 2006

Table 8. Contribution of independent variables to earnings differential between

ethnic minority and ethnic majority for people age 15 and over, Vietnam, 2006
Decomposition Contribution as
Pay Pay
Endowments structure Endowments structure
Female -0.008 -0.030 -0.9 -3.4
Married -0.001 0.101 -0.1 11.5
Years of schooling 0.125 0.116 14.3 13.2
Experience -0.049 0.098 -5.6 11.2
Experience-squared 0.038 -0.110 4.3 -12.6
Log(Hours worked) 0.096 -0.381 11.0 -43.5
Work for other households or in
0.225 0.030 25.7 3.4
private sector
State-owned or collective sector 0.128 -0.032 14.6 -3.7
Foreign-invested sector 0.054 -0.002 6.2 -0.2
Constant 0.478 54.6
Subtotal 0.608 0.268 69.4 30.6
Total 0.876 100
Sources: VHLSS 2006

Table 9. Probability of Child Age 6-18 Working (Random-effects Sequential Probit), 2006
Second stage:
child only Third stage:
First stage: works and do P(employed
P(child Marginal not go to Marginal child receives Marginal
works) effects school) effects wage) effects
Ethnic minority 0.353*** 0.029*** -0.510*** -0.166*** -0.674*** -0.256***
Male 0.145*** 0.010*** -0.011 -0.003 0.100 0.040
Age 0.405*** 0.027*** 0.347*** 0.109*** 0.185*** 0.073***
Female household head -0.171** -0.010*** 0.357** 0.101*** 0.544*** 0.214***
Household head age -0.013*** -0.001*** -0.008 -0.003 -0.021*** -0.008***
HH head's years of schooling -0.094*** -0.006*** -0.108*** -0.034*** -0.053** -0.021**
Boy siblings aged 0-5 0.007 0.000 -0.081 -0.025 -0.117 -0.046
Girl siblings aged 0-5 -0.067 -0.004 -0.060 -0.019 0.067 0.027
Ln(household expenditures) -0.741*** -0.049*** -0.712*** -0.222*** -0.434*** -0.172***
Household size 0.151*** 0.010*** 0.186*** 0.058*** 0.024 0.010
Red River Delta -0.214* -0.012** -0.662*** -0.236*** -0.216 -0.084
North East 0.120 0.009 -1.260*** -0.452*** -1.033*** -0.351***
North West -0.050 -0.003 -0.848*** -0.308*** -2.445*** -0.545***
North Central -0.116 -0.007 -0.984*** -0.361*** -0.452 -0.171*
South Central Coast -0.332** -0.017*** -0.620** -0.222** -0.212 -0.082
Central Highlands 0.137 0.010 -0.728*** -0.262*** -0.672** -0.244***
Mekong River Delta 0.140 0.010 0.437** 0.124** 0.065 0.026
Constant 0.643 2.818** 2.770**
Log likelihood -3362.132 -938.011 -730.104
ρ 0.472*** 0.525*** 0.539***
N 10795 2024 1280
Note: Sequential probit regressions with dependent variables as a 0-1 indicators (dummies) for whether child works
* for p<.1, ** for p<.05, and *** for p<.01
Sources: VHLSS 2006

Table 10. Educational achievement, people aged 15 and over, Vietnam, 2006 (percent)
Ethnic minority Ethnic majority
Male Female All Male Female All All Pop.
Still in school (%) 12.2 10.9 11.5 13.7 11.3 12.5 12.4

If not still in school, highest edu achievement

None 15.3 31.2 23.5 3.0 8.0 5.6 7.8
Incomplete Primary 25.2 22.2 23.7 12.9 20.1 16.6 17.5
Complete Primary 29.1 22.2 25.5 26.3 25.7 26.0 26.0
Complete Lower Secondary 18.2 15.5 16.8 27.5 24.5 25.9 24.8
Complete Upper Secondary 8.1 7.2 7.6 17.3 13.9 15.5 14.5
University 1.2 0.6* 0.9 5.9 4.7 5.3 4.7
Vocational Education 2.9 1.1 1.9 7.2 3.2 5.1 4.7
Note: * denotes number of observations fewer than 20.
Source: VHLSS 2006

Table 11. Age-grade Distortion, Vietnam 2006
Ethnic minorityEthnic majority All Pop
1st grade 4.48 1.22 1.72
2nd grade 31.64 8.74 13.09
3rd grade 36.30 15.24 19.30
4th grade 36.11 12.33 16.42
5th grade 34.57 14.30 18.11
Number of observations 1091 3500 4591
Source: VHLSS 2006

Table 12. Determinants of Schooling Participation for people age 7-14

(Random-effects Probit), 2006
Model 1 Model 2
Independent Variable Coeff. Mar. effects Coeff. Mar. effects
Age 0.739*** 0.015*** 0.673*** 0.017***
Age squared -0.045*** -0.001*** -0.042*** -0.001***
Female 0.066 0.001 0.032 0.001
Ethnic minority -0.258** -0.006 -0.283* -0.008
Head's years of schooling 0.084*** 0.002*** 0.089*** 0.002***
Log of per capita expenditure 0.817*** 0.016*** 0.707*** 0.018***
Red River Delta 0.760*** 0.009*** 0.778*** 0.012***
North East 1.202*** 0.011*** 1.296*** 0.015***
North West 0.751*** 0.007*** 0.763*** 0.010***
North Central 0.571*** 0.007*** 0.611*** 0.010***
South Central Coast 0.627*** 0.007*** 0.678*** 0.009***
Central Highlands 0.689*** 0.008*** 0.914*** 0.011***
Mekong River Delta -0.009 -0.000 0.024 0.001
Table 13. Predicted probability of being enrolled in school,
0.000 0.000 N.A. N.A.
No of hh members age 0-6 -0.040 -0.001 7 to 14 year olds, Vietnam 2006 (percent)
No of hh members age 7-14 -0.046 -0.001 Ethnic minorityEthnic majority All
No of hh members age 15-24 -0.054 -0.001 HH Head's Years of Schooling
Share of poor households in the commune -0.000 -0.000 0 86.7 89.5 87.9
Distance to nearest town -0.006 -0.000
Lowland area -0.109 -0.003
6 96.6 97.4 97.2
Midland area 0.202 0.004 12 99.4 99.6 99.6
Constant -7.803*** -6.378*** 16 100* 100 100
0.390*** Extremely poor 87.7 92.0 89.0
ρ 0.383*** -881.396 Poor 90.3 94.0 92.0
Log Likelihood -1099.709 4654
Number of observations 6253 4676
Not poor 95.9 97.9 97.6
Note: * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01 Note: Calculated from Table 25 on determinants of schooling participation.
Source: VHLSS 2006 * less than 20 observations.

Table 14. Determinants of Test Scores for People with 3 to 12 Years of Schooling (Random- Effects), Vietnam, 2007
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Independent variable Reading Math Reading Math Reading Math
Years of schooling 0.263*** 0.224*** 0.159*** 0.231*** 0.155*** 0.143***
Age -0.329 0.150 -0.571 -0.660* 0.092 0.077
Age squared 0.008 -0.011 0.013 0.016 -0.006** -0.005*
Female 0.099 0.010 0.147** -0.121* 0.092* -0.058
Ethnic minority -0.333* -0.347** -0.477** -0.501*** -0.398*** -0.241**
Log of per capita expenditure 0.180** 0.224*** 0.280*** 0.321*** 0.146** 0.193***
Urban 0.073 0.003 -0.043 -0.099 0.110 0.012
Head's years of schooling 0.037*** 0.058*** 0.031*** 0.044*** 0.041*** 0.057***
Constant 0.092 -3.157* 1.959 1.544 -2.652*** -3.139***
Rho 0.219*** 0.267*** 0.112*** 0.244*** 0.156*** 0.244***
R-squared 0.205 0.243 0.157 0.196 0.232 0.252
N 507 508 520 513 1140 1132
Note: Models 1 and 2 consider those with 3 to 7 years of schooling, age 9-15.
Models 3 and 4 consider those with 8 to 12 years of schooling, age 14-20.
Models 5 and 6 consider those with 3 to 12 years of schooling, age 9-20.
All models control for commune random-effects.
Source: 2007-2008 Survey on Tutoring and Test Scores.

Table 15. Child Mortality Rates, Vietnam 2002 (per 1000 live births)
Ethnic Ethnic
minority majority Urban Rural All pop.
Infant mortality rate 30.4 22.5 13.0 26.2 23.9
(5.7) (2.3) (3.7) (2.4) (2.1)
Under-five mortality rate 41.1 27.7 15.6 33.0 30.0
(6.8) (2.5) (4.2) (2.8) (2.4)
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Sources: VDHS 2002.

Table 16. Vaccination Rates for Children Age 12-23 Months, Vietnam 2002 (percent)
Ethnic Ethnic
minority majority Urban Rural All pop.
BCG 82.3 95.8 99.1 92.1 93.4
DPT (three doses) 48.3 77.7 89.7 68.5 72.4
Polio (three doses) 58.3 79.9 94.8 71.8 76.1
Measles 68.1 86.5 94.3 80.7 83.2
All (BCG + DPT + Polio + Measles) 38.1 73.4 87.1 62.5 67.1
Number of observations 71 396 99 368 467
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Sources: VDHS 2002.

Table 17. Medical Insurance, 1998-2006
1998 2006
Ethnic Ethnic Ethnic Ethnic
minority majority All pop. minority majority All pop.
Have medical insurance 33.45 41.74 40.61
8.18 16.98 15.73
Have free medical insurance 44.36 7.66 12.63
Have no medical insurance 91.82 83.02 84.27 22.19 50.60 46.75
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of observations 3817 24687 28504 7064 32007 39071
Sources: VDHS 2002.

Table 18. Determinants of number of hospital visits for people age 18 or higher (Fixed-effects Poisson), 2006
Outpatient medical facility Hospital admission
Incidence Incidence
rate ratio Mean rate ratio Mean
Ethnic minority 0.840** 0.134 0.859 0.142
Age 1.014*** 46.372 1.006*** 46.817
Log of per capita expenditure 1.111*** 8.527 1.253*** 8.539
Married 1.027* 0.731 0.993 0.734
Years of schooling 0.996* 6.880 0.986* 6.956
Male 0.935*** 0.410 1.054 0.411

Log Likelihood -18100.237 -2989.411

Number of observations 10005 5505
Note: * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Sources: VHLSS 2006

Table 19. Knoledge about AIDS for Ever-Married Women Age 15-49, Vietnam 2002 (percent)
Ethnic Ethnic No. of
minority majority Urban Rural All pop. observations
Ever heard about AIDS 85.5 97.1 98.8 94.6 95.4 5660
Perception about AIDS 62.5 80.2 84.5 76.2 77.8 5397
Know ways to avoid AIDS 85.7 93.6 93.8 92.2 92.5 5397
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
Sources: VDHS 2002.

Table 20. Utility Access and Household Assets, Vietnam 2006 (percent)
Ethnic Ethnic
minority majority All Rural Urban
Utility access
Safe drinking water 57.0 90.3 85.8 82.0 96.3
Electricity 80.6 98.1 95.7 94.5 99.1
Sanitation facility 15.1 64.9 58.2 47.7 86.9
Internet connection* 16.6 20.5 20.5 13.4 23.0
Temporary housing 29.6 13.4 15.6 18.7 6.9

Home ownership 98.5 96.0 96.3 97.2 93.8
Radio 12.0 15.8 15.3 14.0 18.6
TV 63.4 89.8 86.2 82.9 95.2
Video recorder/ Stereo system 32.8 53.8 50.9 45.0 67.1
Refrigerator 4.7 26.6 23.7 12.2 55.0
Washing machine 0.4 10.8 9.4 2.2 28.9
Motorbike 47.2 67.2 64.5 57.7 83.0
Bicycle 54.6 72.2 69.9 72.2 63.4
Air-conditioner 0.0 3.4 2.9 0.4 9.7
Desk telephone 6.2 36.0 31.9 19.6 65.7
Mobile telephone 2.6 21.6 19.0 10.3 43.0
Computer 0.6 9.7 8.4 3.0 23.3
Number of households 1384 7805 9189 6882 2307
Note: Internet connection is for households with computers only.
Sources: VHLSS 2006

Table 21. Availability/ Distance to community facilities, Vietnam 2006 (km)
Ethnic Mixed ethnic Ethnic
minority groups majority All
Proportion of communes that
Cultural house 29.6 30.5 40.9 35.2
Radio station 30.6 74.9 92.5 80.8

Distance to school
Primary school 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8
Lower secondary school 2.2 1.9 1.2 1.6
Upper secondary school 14.8 6.6 4.5 5.6

Distance to health facilities

Commune health center 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
Polyclinic 15.5 10.9 7.6 9.6
District hospital 21.6 13.4 9.4 11.9
Provincial hospital 86.0 46.3 29.9 40.6
State pharmacy 17.4 9.3 6.6 8.4
Private pharmarcy 22.0 3.6 1.9 3.4

Distance to other community

Paved road 1.2 1.0 0.2 0.6
Public transportation 8.4 3.1 1.9 2.8
Agricultural extension center 20.1 12.1 8.5 10.9
Daily market 18.1 3.8 1.9 3.5
Periodic market 10.1 6.1 3.0 4.6
Wholesale market 37.0 17.1 9.9 14.3
Commune's people committee 3.1 1.9 1.1 1.6
Post office 8.7 2.6 1.6 2.4
Bank/ bank branch 18.4 8.7 5.3 7.6
Town 23.0 12.9 9.0 11.5
Provincial/ City capital 88.0 48.1 31.3 42.0
Major cities 385.6 188.1 135.2 170.0
Note: Major cities include Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho, and Hochiminh city.
Source: VHLSS 2006

Figure 1: GDP per capita growth rate for Vietnam versus other countries, 1986-2007


1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Vietnam Low and middle-income countries

High-income countries

Figure 2: Income distribution for ethnic majority and ethnic minority groups, Vietnam, 1998

Expenditure distribution, Vietnam, 1998

Ethnic minority expenditures

Ethnic majority expenditures


6 7 8 9 10 11
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = .09

Figure 3: Income distribution for ethnic majority and ethnic minority groups, Vietnam, 2006

Expenditure distribution, Vietnam, 2006


Ethnic minority expenditure


Ethnic majority expenditure


6 8 10 12
kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = .09

Figure 4: Incidence of child labor for age 6-25, Vietnam, 2006
Ethnic minority male



60 Ethnic minority female


40 Ethnic majority male



10 Ethnic majority female

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Figure 5: Years of schooling, by year of birth, Vietnam, 2006

Ethnic majority

Ethnic minority

1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985

Year of birth

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Development

Ch. 9 Conclusion: Towards a Better Future for the World‟s

Gillette Hall
Georgetown University

Harry Patrinos
World Bank

This is not a formal publication of the World Bank. It is circulated to encourage thought
and discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
Indigenous peoples are widely held to be among the worlds‟ poorest. Yet there is no
global source drawing together the available evidence to assess the degree to which this
holds across countries and over time. This book provides a cross-country assessment of
poverty and socio-economic indicators for indigenous peoples. It builds on a small but
growing body of work that until now has focused on indigenous peoples in rich countries
(the United States, Australia and New Zealand) and more recently in Latin America.

The joining together under a common identity as indigenous peoples is a relatively

new phenomenon in the world (Chapter 2), and has accompanied a process among
some groups of ‗reclaiming‘ identity – as for example among the Manchu in China
(Hannum and Yang 2009). It is born of common differences, with tremendous variety in
individual and group characteristics. It is best seen a political identity and a social
movement. Levi and Maybury-Lewis argue that groups come together under the banner
of indigenous peoples in order to demand the ― Four R‘s‖ of the indigenous movement:
demands for representation, recognition, resources and rights.

Being indigenous, or the term “indigenism,” can describe “the international

movement that aspires to promote and protect the rights of the world‟s „first
peoples‟” (Niezen 2003). Increasingly, over the last two decades disenfranchised
peoples from around the world are discovering the liberating potential of the term
―indigenous‖ and claiming this identity as a badge of pride wrested from oppressive
conditions, thereby allowing actors from diverse local cultures access to a universal
category of collective empowerment predicated on primordial attachments. Put simply,
these groups are becoming indigenous. Comparing indigenous movements in Africa and
the Americas, there are increasing numbers of historically marginalized groups becoming
indigenous by joining international networks that promote mobilization and demanding
recognition of rights (Hodgson 2002). The indigenous movement is a social movement,
not a social stasis. It can be described as more of a process than a category. And because
issues of indigenous identity also become entwined with demands for political
recognition and rights such as those over territory or resources, disagreement over who is
and is not indigenous can become heated. This book makes no attempt to resolve these
questions, and takes no position on – nor is designed to inform – on-going or future
disagreements over identity.

Box 1: The usefulness of the concept of identity (Chapter 2)

―When we are introduced to a man in the village of Mishongnovi on Second Mesa in

Arizona, in the southwestern portion of the United States, we are told his name and that
he is a member of the Bear Strap Clan. When he goes on business to the nearby town of
Window Rock, capital of the Navajo Nation, he specifies that he is a Hopi; at a lecture he
delivers in Chicago he claims to be Native American and at the Palais Wilson in Geneva,
as he sits between a Dayak woman from Kalimantan, Indonesia and an Ogiek man from
Kenya while attending an international human rights conference, he identifies himself,
and is identified by others, as indigenous. The same man has claimed four different
identities, yet none are inconsistent and all are true.‖

This book does not put forth a rule of what does or does not constitute „indigenous.‘
Such an approach would contribute little and would by definition invite controversy over
perceived errors of inclusion or omission. The approach taken is instead a pragmatic one.
Part I provides a minimum set of MDG-like indicators for a definition-conditional
assessment of indigenous peoples‘ development. That is, where data allow, it includes
indicators for any people whom any government or recognized organization – including
self-identified indigenous organizations such as International Working Group for
Indigenous Affairs, Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee, Africa
Commission on Human and Peoples‘ Rights, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact – has
described as indigenous. Part II country case studies use terminology and population
breakdowns typical in that country. Thus, in China, Vietnam, and Laos, the term ‗ethnic
minority‘ is used and where possible groups are broken down into further sub-categories;
in India, the constitutionally recognized term ‗Scheduled Tribes‘ category forms the base
of our analysis. In Africa, where the data available are far more limited, the case studies
focus on the pygmy populations for whom data can be disaggregated from household
survey data in three countries: DRC, Gabon and the Republic of Congo.

Chapter 3 presents a set of core socio-economic indicators for indigenous peoples in low
and middle income countries. Information is drawn from household surveys and the
respondent‘s self-reported identity or the respondent‘s language, either spoken at home
or spoken by the enumerator with the respondent, are used to determine whether one is
indigenous. The five indicators selected for this analysis most closely measure progress
under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while being computable for as many
countries and peoples as possible given data limitations. These indicators include:

(1) Under-five mortality rate

(2) Safe water deprivation (proportion of individuals with a water source more than
15 minutes away or with access only to surface water or unimproved springs)
(3) Nutrition deprivation (proportion of children under 3 years of age whose height-
for-age ratio is less than -3 standard deviations for the international reference

(4) Male and female literacy rate
(5) Male and female country-specific net primary enrolment rate

These results, presented in a series of World Development Report-style tables, are

augmented by tables replicating similar data on indigenous peoples residing in high-
income countries, drawn from existing research. Results, which will also be portrayed
online as an interactive map, can be summarized as follows:

With some exceptions, MDG indicators for indigenous groups across Asia are below
(worse than) population averages. Under-five mortality rates are only available for
Nepal and India; for the Nepalese Janajati infant mortality rates are distributed around the
national level, but as a whole are below (better than) the national level. In India,
however, infant mortality among the Scheduled Tribes is uniformly higher (worse) than
the national average, while water deprivation rates both exceed and fall short of their
national levels. Among the Hill Tribes in Thailand, the Kammu and Leu samples in
Laos, and the Hmong, Muong and BaNa peoples in Vietnam, these rates are the worst in
the region. Male literacy rates are only available for the Scheduled Tribe sample of India
and the Nepalese Janajati sample; the Scheduled Tribe sample exhibits the worst among
these, while the Gurung sample from Nepal exhibits the best. The lowest female literacy
rates are found among the Hmong samples in both Vietnam and Laos. Across New
Zealand and Australia, all indicators are worse for the Maori and Aborigines than
national averages.

Indigenous peoples in Latin America have uniformly worse outcomes across all five
MDG indicators, though again some differences by group stand out. Under-five
mortality levels are mostly higher than the national averages with the worse being
speakers of the Mam language in Guatemala and those who identify as Quechua in
Bolivia. Water deprivation rates are generally evenly dispersed around the national
levels, the worst being sampled speakers of the Q‘eqchi, with nearly seven times that of
the national level. Child nutrition deprivation rates are generally higher, with Mam
speakers from Guatemala and Quechua in Peru having nearly double national rates. The
lowest female literacy rates are among the Quechua speaking sample in Peru.

Data coverage is far more limited in Africa, making over-arching conclusions

difficult. In Africa, survey coverage is spotty. In many cases, available data do not
cover core groups widely considered to be indigenous due to their small size (i.e., the
Ogiek in Kenya), while covering groups for which there is less consistent agreement on
status as indigenous (i.e., the Maasai in Kenya and the Fulani in West Africa). The data
that do exist show under-five mortality rates tend to be highest among West African
groups, such as the Fulani and Tuareg, and lowest among the Maasai and Ethiopian
group. However, these latter groups also experience the highest rates of water
deprivation. Education indicators are uniformly worse; even in countries with higher
levels of literacy, such as Namibia, the male literacy rate for San males is less than half
that of the national sample and for females less than one-third.

Case Study Results

The detailed country case studies in this book include countries from Africa, South and
Southeast Asia: Central African Republic (CAR), China, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (DRC), Gabon, India, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) and Vietnam.
The population of interest in each country ranges from very large to very small. Among
the largest representations of indigenous/ethnic minorities, two countries make up more
than 2/3 of the world‘s indigenous population: China and India. Overall, the country
cases account for 72 percent of the world‘s indigenous peoples (Table 4). Combined
with earlier case studies for five Latin American countries (Hall and Patrinos 2006), the
results cover almost 85 percent of the world‘s indigenous population.

Table 4: Indigenous Population in Our Case Studies

Country Year % Indigenous in Indigenous % of world's
Country Population indigenous
CAR 2003 1.2 46,380 0.02
China 2005 8.0 106,403,568 35.90
DRC 2005 0.2 132,000 0.04
Gabon 2003 0.1 1,455 0.00
India 2005 8.1 92,987,668 31.37
Laos 2002 42.0 2,361,232 0.80
Vietnam 2006 13.4 11,539,619 3.89
Total 213,471,923 72.02
Source: Own calculations

Indigenous Peoples and global poverty

Estimates suggest that indigenous peoples make up about 5 percent of the world‘s
population (Ch. 1). Given the above population numbers, poverty rates in China and
India largely determine global poverty estimates for indigenous peoples. Of course, any
estimate of the number of poor depends on the poverty line used. Arriving at a global
poverty estimate based on our results is tricky given that what this study contributes is
national poverty figures (derived from national poverty lines that are designed to most
accurately represent the consumption level it actually takes to be poor in a particular
country). While conceptually comparable across countries in that what we want to
discern is precisely the number of people whose consumption levels are below poverty
level – national poverty lines take different dollar values and are thus not strictly
comparable across countries. Further, we do not generate poverty estimates beyond our
country case studies, leaving out around 20 percent of the global indigenous population.

With the above caveats, a rough estimate of number of indigenous people in poverty can
be generated as follows. For all countries covered by case studies (representing about 80
percent of the world‘s indigenous population) poverty rates are multiplied by indigenous
population estimate. Beyond these countries we extrapolate as follows. For South Asia,
we apply the poverty rates for India to the whole region. For Southeast Asia we use the
poverty rates for Laos and Vietnam. For the Former Soviet Union the only poverty
estimate available is a national rate for Russia. For Africa, we use the poverty rates

generated for CAR, DRC and Gabon. For South and Central America and Mexico, we
use the poverty rates reported in Hall and Patrinos (2006). For Arabia, we use the only
have general poverty rates for two countries: Algeria and Morocco. For Greenland/
Scandinavia, Japan and the Pacific Islands we do not have disaggregated poverty figures.

Table 5: Indigenous Poverty as Proportion of Total

Indigenous Number of
population Indigenous indigenous
Country (millions) poverty rate poor
China 106.4 0.048 5.1
South Asia 94.9 0.438 41.6
Former Soviet Union (Russia) 0.4 0.002 0.0
Southeast Asia 29.8 0.515 15.4
South America 16.0 0.800 8.7
Africa 22.0 0.783 17.2
Central America/Mexico 12.7 0.800 9.4
Arabia 15.4 0.050 0.8
USA/Canada 5.6 0.270 1.5
Japan/Pacific Islands 0.8 na 0.1
Australia/New Zealand 1.1 0.390 0.4
Greenland/Scandinavia 0.1 na 0.1
Total 299.2 -- 100.1
Source: Computed from country studies, using national poverty lines
* Not representative

Table 5 presents a rough estimation of indigenous poverty rates by region. Using the
indigenous poverty rate for the country or region, or a reasonable approximation, we
estimated the number of poor according to the country‘s national poverty numbers. We
add up the total numbers, which admittedly are not comparable, to arrive at a rough
estimate of the number of poor indigenous worldwide. According to this rough estimate
100 million indigenous peoples worldwide are poor, out of a total indigenous population
of almost 300 million. Taking the global number of poor people in the developing world,
which is estimated at 1 billion people (but is based on a comparable poverty line that is
usually lower than the national poverty lines used below), then one can crudely estimate
the share of the world‘s poor that are indigenous.

Estimates appear to confirm that worldwide, indigenous peoples are over-

represented among the poor. According to our estimates, indigenous peoples make up
about 5 percent and about 10 percent of the worlds‘ poor; yet they account for only 4
percent of the world‘s total population. Thus, indigenous peoples do in fact make up a
disproportionate share of the worlds‘ poor. This confirms a back-of-the-envelope
estimate that suggests the same. Given the concentration of indigenous peoples in China
and India, and because poverty rates are slightly higher for ethnic minorities in China,

and higher still in India and the rest of the world, the share of indigenous in the world‘s
total poor is higher than their population share.

In China, both the national and indigenous poverty rates are strikingly low.
Elsewhere, indigenous poverty rates approach or exceed 50 percent. While the
majority of indigenous peoples come from China and India, the proportion of the
indigenous poor is more spread out across regions, given lower poverty rates in these two
countries, particularly China. In other countries, indigenous peoples have
disproportionately high poverty rates – meaning that they deviate from the non-
indigenous poverty rate by a great margin. Figure 2 shows the poverty rates for
indigenous and non-indigenous from our case studies.

Figure 2: Poverty Headcount (%)










China 2002 India 2004 Laos 2002 Vietnam 2006 Gabon 2003 DRC 2005

Indigenous Non-indigenous

Source: Own calculations

Poverty over time

Evidence of rapidly declining poverty rates – even among indigenous peoples – is

emerging Asia. Research from Latin America, and to some degree also in Australia,
Canada, New Zealand and the United States, shows a sticky persistence of poverty rates
for indigenous peoples over time. Yet for the few countries for which over time data on
indigenous poverty exist in other parts of the world (China, India and Vietnam), we see
significant declines in both overall and indigenous poverty rates. In Vietnam, almost two-
thirds of the population was poor in 1993. By 2006, only 16 percent of the population
was classified as poor. However, progress in reducing poverty was unequal; the poverty
rate fell by over 80 percent for the non-indigenous, but only by 40 percent for the
indigenous. The same pattern appears in India (see Figures 3a, b, c).

Figure 3a, 3b, 3c: Poverty Rates over Time

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Han Minority


1983 1993 2004

Schedule Tribes Scheduled Castes Others


1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Indigenous Non-indigenous

Source: Own calculations

For the three countries of our study for which we have over time data, we find significant
improvements in standards of living over the last decade. China shows exceptional
progress. Poverty decreased even over a short period of time, and poverty reduction was
more rapid for the indigenous (see Table 6). But poverty rates were very low in China, at
only 6 percent in 1998. Yet while indigenous peoples improved considerably, they are
still 1.5 times more likely to be poor.

Table 6: Poverty Rates Decreased Significantly in Asia

Less so for Indigenous, except in the case of China
Percent change in headcount poverty rate between early and later survey year
Country Non-indigenous Indigenous
China (1998-2002) 37.7 53.4
India (1983-2005) 44.0 31.0
Vietnam (1993-2006) 80.9 39.5
Source: Own calculations

This is exceptional progress. In the case of Latin America, poverty rates changed at a
lower rate, and even when there was poverty reduction, indigenous poverty reduction was
always less and in most cases insignificant (see Figure 4). In fact, over the period of mid-
1990s to 2004, few gains were made in income poverty reduction among in Latin
America, especially among Indigenous Peoples. In cases where gains in poverty
reduction are being made, indigenous people are benefiting less, and when indigenous
poverty rates fell, they did so at a slower pace than for non-indigenous people. In the case
of Latin America, we concluded that the incomes of indigenous people are less affected
by macroeconomic trends, whether positive or negative. The situation seems much
different in Asia, with overall very large and significant reductions in poverty.

Figure 4: Annual Rate of Change in Poverty Headcount

Source: Own calculations

Poverty gap

A sizeable poverty gap remains. The poverty gap, or shortfall of the poor below the
poverty line, provides a measure of the resources required to eliminate poverty. It is
expressed as the total amount of money which would be needed to raise the poor from
their present incomes to the poverty line, as a proportion of the poverty line, and
averaged over the total population. This measures the depth of poverty. In all cases the
poverty gap measure is higher for indigenous/minority groups, in some cases
substantially higher such as the cases of Vietnam, Laos and Gabon (Table 7). In the case
of China, the minority group would require about twice as much money as the majority to
escape poverty. A similar story emerges for India‘s Scheduled Tribes. In Gabon, the
indigenous would need three times as much income. In Vietnam, the poverty gap index
for the ethnic minorities is more than 7 times greater than for the majority; this implies
that it would take 7 times as much income for the minority group to escape poverty.

Table 7: Poverty Gap (FGT1) by Minority/Indigenous Status
across Countries
China (rural), 2002 Minority 2.0
Han 0.9
All -
India, 2005 Scheduled Tribes (ST) 10.6
Scheduled Castes (SC) 7.9
Non-ST/SC 4.4
All 5.6
Vietnam, 2006 Ethnic minority 15.4
Ethnic majority 2.0
All 3.8
Laos, 2003 Non-Lao Tai 13.2
Lao Tai 5.4
Total 8.0
DRC, 2005 Indigenous 39.4
Non-indigenous 32.4
All 32.3
Gabon, 2003 Indigenous 30.0
Non indigenous 10.7
All 10.7
Source: Own calculations

Further, the indigenous poverty gap in many countries has been widening over time.
While data allowing poverty rates to be tracked over time are more limited, where
available the results show that the poverty gap index has also declined over time (Table
8). The index has declined for the minority population in each case, but not by as much
as the decrease for the majority population. That is, the gap in the Poverty Gap Index has
widened over time. This widening ranges from slight in the case of China to significant
in the case of Vietnam. In 1998, the poverty gap index for the minority was three times
as large as for the majority in Vietnam; in 2006, the gap is sever times. In India, the
poverty gap index was the same for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in 1994; but
in 2005, while the index decline somewhat for the Tribes, it fell more significantly for the
Castes, by 35 percent, which is the same decline that the non-Caste, non-Tribe population
experienced. Thus the gap declined between Castes and others, but widened between
Tribes and others.

Table 8: Poverty Gap (FGT1) by Minority/Indigenous Status
across Countries and Over Time, early to latest estimates
Early Latest
China, 1998-2002 Minority 2.8 2.0
Han 1.5 0.9
India, 1994-2005 Scheduled Tribes 12.2 10.6
Scheduled Castes 12.2 7.9
Others 6.8 4.4
All 8.4 5.6
Vietnam, 1998-2006 Ethnic minority 24.2 15.4
Ethnic majority 7.1 2.0
All 9.5 3.8
Source: Own calculations

Education gap

A persistent gap in schooling attainment remains. Minority groups have increased

their overall schooling attainment. But so has the majority population. Therefore,
despite significant and schooling progress overall, the gap between groups remains (see
Figure 5 for India, scheduled tribe (ST) and non-scheduled-tribe (non-ST) comparison).

Figure 5: India: Post-primary attainment rate by year of birth and ST status






1945 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987


Source: India National Sample Survey, various years.

There is evidence of greater vulnerability to shocks – in this case, in education. In

Vietnam there is over time a significant increase in schooling attainment overall. This is
evident in Figure 6, and for both majority and minority groups. However, there is a large

break in the trend beginning in the 1970s and coinciding with the Vietnam War. What is
interesting about this break is that it affected the ethnic minority groups more than the
rest of the population. That is, the gap in schooling widens during the war and is larger
after the war. This finding adds further evidence that crises and interruptions affect the
indigenous more and/or differently, as was the case after economic crises in Latin
America (Hall and Patrinos 2006).

Figure 6: Vietnam: Schooling attainment by year of birth and minority status

Source: Vietnam Living Standards Survey, various years.

In Africa, there is evidence of a widening education gap. In Africa, while there is

progress in schooling attainment overall, there is evidence of a widening gap in the share
of people who report ever having attended school in the Central African Republic (Figure
7). Indigenous females are particularly disadvantaged, in CAR, as well as in Gabon.
Note, however, that from 1993 there is a significant declining and plummeting in the case
of indigenous; most likely the cohort is still too ‗young‘ to give us good numbers. The
double-disadvantage of ethnic/indigenous females has been documented elsewhere as
well (see, for example, Psacharopoulos and Patrinos 1994; Hall and Patrinos 2006; Lewis
and Lockheed 2006). Even in countries with far higher average schooling rates, such as
Laos, we find hidden pockets of low schooling in rural areas, and for girls. In rural Laos,
34 percent of non-Lao-Tai females have never attended any school, while only 17 percent
of non-Lao-Tai males never attended and only 6 percent of Lao-Tai females never

Figure 7

Percentage of people who have ever attented school in CAR








1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998

Indigenous Non indigenous

Source: own calculations.


Much of the earnings disadvantage of minority workers is due to lower levels of

human capital endowments. Yet the returns to schooling are not necessarily lower for
minority workers. However, given limited sample sizes, the location and type of work
concentration of indigenous peoples, it is not always possible to estimate labor supply or
earnings functions. In Latin America, there is evidence that indigenous peoples face
significant disadvantages in the labor market (Patrinos, Skoufias and Lunde 2007; Hall
and Patrinos 2006; Psacharopoulos and Patrinos 1994). The portion of the difference in
earnings between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples that is "unexplained"—perhaps
due to discrimination or other unidentified factors—represented one-quarter to over one-
half of the total differential, with the average at about 42 percent. This means that while
about half of the earnings differential can be influenced by improvements in human
capital (education, skills, and abilities that an indigenous person brings to the labor
market); another half may result from discriminatory labor market practices or other
factors over which the indigenous person has little control. In terms of labor market
earnings, indigenous peoples experience significantly lower returns to a year of
education, averaging 40 percent lower returns.

There is evidence in some countries of strong returns to education among

indigenous populations. In Laos, for example, controlling for other characteristics,
there are significant and large returns to education, although the pattern of returns differs

across groups. In urban areas, returns to lower levels of education are not significantly
different from the returns to no or some primary schooling for the indigenous, while the
non-indigenous get significant returns from the completion of lower and upper secondary
schooling. The picture is quite different in rural Laos where there are pronounced and
significant returns to schooling at all levels although the completion of a schooling level
tends to do more for consumption than having only completed part of the level. Still, the
returns tend to be larger and more consistently statistically significant for the non-
indigenous. For example, the impact on per capita consumption of the most educated
household member having completed primary school is 10 percent of original
consumption for the indigenous versus 17 percent for the non-indigenous. Completion of
lower secondary school results in a per capita expenditures increase of 15 percent for the
rural indigenous and of 26 percent for the rural non-indigenous. The returns to
vocational education are strongest for the urban indigenous and those to university are
strongest for the rural non-indigenous. In Vietnam, the rate of returns to education for
ethnic majority workers is around 2 percent higher than for ethnic minority workers.
Earnings functions show significantly lower labor earnings for indigenous peoples. There
is also evidence consistent with labor market discrimination. In Vietnam, unexplained
differences in wage structure account for 26% to 34% of the wage differential in 2006
(Table 9).

Table 9: Earnings Differentials, Vietnam, 1998-2006 (age 15 and over)

Percentage of earnings differential due to
differences in
Endowments Wage structure
1998 2006 1998 2006
At ethnic minority mean 35.6 66.3 64.4 33.7
At ethnic majority mean 94.6 69.9 5.4 30.1
Cotton 86.2 69.4 13.8 30.6
Oaxaca-Ransom 90.9 73.6 9.1 26.4
Source: Vietnam Living Standards Survey 1998 & 2006.

Unlike the situation for indigenous workers in Latin America, where in almost all cases
indigenous peoples receive lower rates of return to a year of schooling (Hall and Patrinos
2006), as well as in Australia—where the private rates of return for indigenous
Australians were estimated to be lower for post-compulsory schooling and higher for
post-secondary qualifications (Daley and Lui 1995), Canada (Patrinos and Sakellariou
1992), New Zealand (Brosnan 1984; Brosnan and Hill 1984), United States, in China the
minority groups have higher returns to schooling. Overall, the returns are 8.1 percent, and
6.9 and 9.1 percent for men and women. For minority men they are 9.1 and only 6.6 for
majority men; they are 10.7 for minority women compared to 9.1 for majority women.


Despite generally improving conditions in many countries, health deficits among

indigenous populations are severe. Indigenous groups are more likely to suffer from
health issues and they are less likely to seek or receive medical attention, even the most
basic preventive care. For example, in both India and Vietnam, where poverty reduction
achievements have been sizeable, indigenous peoples (known as Scheduled Tribes and
ethnic minorities respectively) are less likely to be covered by health programs nor
receive vital vaccinations (Table 10). While there is good coverage against tuberculosis
(BCG vaccine), ethnic/tribal groups in Vietnam and India are less likely to be vaccinated
against DPT, polio and measles. There is a large ethnic gap in vaccination against DPT
in Vietnam. Only about one-third of ethnic/tribals are vaccinated against all diseases
listed in Table 10. This is as true in Vietnam, where overall vaccination rates are high,
and in India, where overall vaccinations are relatively low.

Table 10: Vaccination rates for India and Vietnam, latest year
(percent of children 12-23 months)
BCG DPT Polio Measles All
Vietnam (2002)
Ethnic minority 82 48 58 68 38
Ethnic majority 96 78 80 87 73
All 93 72 76 83 67
India (2005-2006)
Scheduled Tribes (ST) 72 42 65 47 32
Non-ST 79 57 80 60 45
All 78 55 79 59 44
Sources: Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey 2002; National Family Health
Survey 2005-2006
Notes: BCG=bacille Calmette-Guérin, a vaccine for tuberculosis; DPT= Diphtheria
Tetanus whole cell Pertussis vaccine

Social programs

There are significant discrepancies in access to basic infrastructure and services. For
example, in the case of Vietnam, only 5 percent of minorities have access to safe drinking
water, compared to 25 percent of the ethnic majority population. While electricity and
interestingly enough Internet connections are fairly evenly available to both groups,
ethnic minorities are less likely to have garbage collection services and more likely to
live in temporary housing.

However, there is also evidence of higher incidence rates among ethnic minorities as
beneficiaries of major social programs in Vietnam (Table 11). In India, the Scheduled
Tribes are more likely, especially the poorest 20 percent, to be beneficiaries of the
Integrated Child Development Services program, and appear well represented as
beneficiaries of the National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme. In China, the Han
are well represented as beneficiaries of social insurance programs such as unemployment
insurance, pensions and basic medical insurance; yet, not all minority groups are under-
represented, with the Manchu just as likely to be covered by unemployment insurance
and the Hui more likely; the same goes for pensions; and in the case of medical
insurance, the Hui are just as covered as the majority Han, but 50 percent of the rural
Uyghur have medical coverage. In Laos, there is a very low incidence of access to
pension and life insurance – less than 1 percent – and majority and minority populations
are about as equally likely to be covered.

Table 11: Social Program Coverage by Expenditure Quintile, Vietnam, 2006 (%)
Expenditure Quintile
1 2 3 4 5
Preferential credit for poor people
All 36.3 39.9 31.6 36.5 36.0
Ethnic minority 40.4 45.1 45.2 38.7* 100.0*
Ethnic majority 33.0 38.7 30.8 36.5 34.5
Free health care
All 77.5 70.2 62.2 63.8 74.6
Ethnic minority 83.1 78.9 89.3 71.9* 100.0*
Ethnic majority 73.0 68.2 60.5 63.4 74.0
Tuition exemption and reduction
All 59.6 46.9 44.3 22.0 11.2
Ethnic minority 73.0 56.9 67.2 54.0* 0.0*
Ethnic majority 49.1 44.7 42.9 20.8 11.5
Agriculture, Forestry & Aquaculture promotion
All 27.6 15.1 9.5 4.7 2.5
Ethnic minority 41.1 25.8 27.4 54.0* 0.0*
Ethnic majority 16.9 12.7 8.4 2.7 2.5
Number of households 4,247 1,420 582 361 68
Sources: Vietnam Living Standards Survey 2006
Note: * fewer than 20 observations

Understanding Indigenous Peoples‟ poverty

The above findings, while documenting falling poverty rates in some regions, also
reveal a persistent gap in basic indicators of wellbeing (poverty, health and
education outcomes) for indigenous peoples worldwide. This result prompts the
question of causality: what causes indigenous peoples on average to be significantly
poorer than the rest of the population? Building from Lunde (2008), a review of the
literature yields six principal (and inter-related) strands of thinking on the causes of
extreme poverty and disadvantage:

(i) Spatial Disadvantage: geographic characteristics such as climate, vegetation,

access to basic infrastructure, and ‘remoteness’ explain poverty differentials

(ii) Human Capital Theory: focuses on the lack of education and poor health, and
consequent limited productivity in the labor market as the major determinants of low
income and poverty

(iii) Asset-based Explanations and Poverty Traps: beyond human capital assets, it is
the lack of a minimum asset threshold or combination of assets, and the inability to
cope with shocks (‘vulnerability’), that constrain movements out of poverty

(iv) Social Exclusion and Discrimination: even with a sufficient asset base, the
chronically poor lack social capital and access to key ‘networks’; discrimination
further causes market segmentation - low returns on assets and/or limited access to
services and credit

(v) Cultural and Behavioral Characteristics: the poor are further constrained by (mal)
adaptive own behaviors such as a ‘culture of poverty’; stigma and self-reinforcing
stereo-type threat; group-level influences and peer effects

(vi) Institutional Path Dependence: beyond characteristics and behaviors of the poor
themselves, inequality is structurally reproduced via historically determined social
and political relationships, exploitation and ‘opportunity hoarding’ among elites

The chapters in this book provide empirical evidence that can be discussed in light of the
above theories, particularly the first two (spatial disadvantage and human capital theory).
To round out these results, it augments the evidence with findings from related micro-
studies to provide a summary picture of what is known – and not known – about the
causes of indigenous disadvantage.

Spatial disadvantage

Despite some urbanization, indigenous peoples worldwide continue to live predominantly

in rural areas. For various historical and cultural reasons, they also inhabit remote
locations to a far greater degree than the rest of the population. A growing literature
suggests a strong role for geography in poverty outcomes, driven both by externalities
such as climate and topography as well as limited access to infrastructure and services.
Spatial inequality (variations in wellbeing between regions) is well documented. Cross-
country studies find that differences between regions account for up to a third of
inequality in a given country (Kanbur and Venables 2005; Shorrocks and Wan 2005).

What explains these regional differences? In China, there is some evidence that
geographical characteristics trump household characteristics in accounting for poverty
reduction and growth in income or consumption (Jalan and Ravallion 1997, 2002, 2004).
Borooah et al. (2006) also find that rural inequality in China is driven to a large extent by
location, while in India inequality between rural areas is driven to a greater degree by
education levels. In Mexico, Esquivel (2000) finds that two-thirds of differences in state
income are driven by natural characteristics (climate, vegetation). Others, however, show
that once differences in households‘ access to private and public (infrastructure and basic
services) assets are accounted for, pure geography (altitude, temperature) does not affect
household wellbeing (Escobal and Torero 2005).

In China and Laos in particular, we find results that are consistent with the notion that
poverty among minority groups is driven to a significant degree by geographic location.
In China, more urbanized groups, and groups not concentrated in poor regions, have
much reduced disparities with the Han population. But China also shows, like India, that
some minority groups have lower urbanization rates, and thus live in a ‗disadvantaged
context‘ in terms of access to infrastructure and opportunity (Hannum and Meiyan 2009).
Overall, minorities in China are twice as likely to live in isolated, remote villages with
difficult topography and poor infrastructure. Further, the disparity between Han and
ethnic minority groups diminishes when household and individual characteristics are
taken into account, but also very strikingly when geographic differences are taken into
account – again suggesting that much of what appears as cross-ethnic differences has to
do with regional development. Similarly, in Laos, the sizeable discrepancy in returns to
education declines significantly once controls for village fixed effects are included.

Evidence drawn from related micro-studies yields mixed results. For instance, Van de
Walle and Gunewardena (2001) finds that in Vietnam, location in disadvantaged areas
reduces returns to productive characteristics of households (such as education and
household structure) for all groups, but the effect was significantly stronger for ethnic
minorities. Similarly, in Mexico Borja-Vega et al. (2006) find that while indigenous
peoples concentrate in poorer, more marginalized locations, poverty and human
development outcomes are still worse for indigenous families when compared to non-
indigenous families in equally marginalized locations. It seems that while geography may
be a powerful explanatory variable, it alone does not explain high and persistent poverty
rates among indigenous peoples.

Human capital

Human capital is often used to explain poverty and its persistence over time. Fewer years
of schooling and lower academic achievement (test scores) are strong correlates of
poverty across rich and poor countries alike (Glewwe 2002). An extensive literature also
explores the role of human capital in explaining racial differences in income, particularly
in the US (Browne and Askew 2005, Mintz and Krymkowski 2008). In the development
literature, education is also considered one of the main vehicles through which poverty is
transmitted across generations (Birdsall and Székely 1999; Perry et al. 2006).

There is a small but growing body of work exploring the relationship between human
capital and poverty outcomes among indigenous groups. Recent evidence finds continued
disadvantage among indigenous groups in terms of schooling and health outcomes in
Latin America (Hall and Patrinos 2006), Africa (Ohenjo et al. 2006), Asia (Hannum
2002; Kabeer 2006), as well as in developed countries (Cooke et al. 2007). Several
studies from Latin America also find lower income mobility among excluded groups such
as indigenous and Afro-descendents (Ferreira and Veloso 2004; IADB 2007).

Our results document significant progress over time with regard to education and health
status, with indigenous peoples gaining as part of national upward trends. But in all cases
a gap persists between indigenous peoples‘ outcomes and national averages, and in
Africa, there is some evidence that the gap is widening (Wodon 2009). In countries where
one is able to further disaggregate by group, differences do come to light. Despite
massive educational achievements in China, national averages hide major pockets of low
education among sub-groups such as the Miao, a quarter of whom remained illiterate in
2005 (Hannum and Yang 2009). In Laos, the Chine-Tibet population fares significantly
worse and is the reason behind the low non-Lao Tai averages (King and van de Walle,
2009). Yet across several dimensions of the MDGs including female literacy and infant
mortality, the Aymara in both Peru and Bolivia do significantly better than the Quechua,
and are converging with national averages (MacDonald, 2009). In China, a further degree
of nuance emerges, and there appears to be some ‗bi-furcation‘ of human capital status
across urban and rural regions, even among members of the same group: the Hui in urban
areas are highly educated, but significantly disadvantaged in terms of education outcomes
in rural areas (Hannum and Yang 2009).

But what does education produce for indigenous peoples in terms of incomes gains, and
how important is it as a determinant of poverty? Here the story appears to be more
nuanced than it first appeared when based solely on results for Latin America. Much of
the earnings gap of minority workers is due to lower levels of schooling, and yet the
returns to schooling are not necessarily lower for all minority workers. In Laos, there are
significant and large returns to education, but the pattern of returns differs across groups.
In Vietnam, the rate of returns to education for ethnic majority workers is 2 percentage
points higher than for ethnic minority workers.

Other Explanations

Much of the evidence presented here supports the spatial disadvantage and human capital
story. Yet, other theories have not been specifically tested. For instance, the poverty trap
(Dasgupta and Ray 1986; Van de Walle 2003).
Overall, little work exists testing asset-based theories to explore the determinants of
indigenous poverty. Given the results now emerging at a global scale, this is likely to be a
promising area for further research. Also, there is some evidence that
outright discrimination may also explain a portion of the observed differential in poverty
outcomes among minority groups (Becker 1971). There is evidence consistent with labor
market discrimination for indigenous peoples in Latin America, Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, and the United States (Daley and Lui 1995; Patrinos and Sakellariou 1992;
Brosnan 1984; Kimmel 1997; Hall and Patrinos 2006), where indigenous peoples receive
lower rates of return to a year of schooling. But more recent work in the United States
finds that 90 percent of the Native American wage differential can be explained by
characteristics rather than wage structure. Our findings on labor market returns are
consistent with discrimination in some countries (Latin America, as well as Laos and
Vietnam) but less so in others. In China, minority groups overall have higher returns to
schooling (27 percent higher for males and 15 percent for females). Qualitative research
points to discrimination restricting access to social services in Africa (Ohenjo et al. 2006)
and that exclusion from social networks inhibits access to services and credit in India
(Parker and Kozel 2007). But overt tests for discrimination of indigenous peoples, such
as those in the United States comparing call-back rates for blacks and whites with
otherwise similar profiles (Bertrand and Mallainathan 2003), are distinctly lacking.


This study brings together information about indigenous/ethnic/minority groups for

a number of counties that have not been studied systematically in a comprehensive
manner. The study systematically assesses the socioeconomic situation of groups in
Asia and Africa, and adds value by interpreting the empirical results in a manner
consistent with previous research in other regions, thus giving, perhaps for the first time,
a more global understanding of indigenous peoples‘ socioeconomic development. Prior to
this study, detailed work providing comparative national estimates of poverty and other
living standards indicators on indigenous peoples has focused on Latin America,
Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. While the populations in these
countries represent a minority of the world‘s indigenous peoples, results have been taken
to suggest that indigenous peoples tend to be among the poorest of the poor, with little
progress in poverty reduction and a persistent gap with the non-indigenous population.

Poverty rates have declined substantially among indigenous peoples in Asia. Our
analysis adds data for only seven additional countries, yet which by population represent
about 72 percent of the world‘s indigenous population worldwide, of who two-thirds
reside in Asia. The results presented here, especially for Asia, present an important

nuance to the general finding. While indigenous peoples have a higher poverty rate in all
countries studied, the general pattern of failure to progress or catch up does not hold in all
countries. In fact, widespread and sustained growth and poverty reduction appears to
have brought large numbers of indigenous out of poverty in Asia. This puts previous
multi country evidence in a new light, in particular suggesting that the Asian success at
achieving sustained growth and poverty reduction has positively impacted major
segments of the indigenous population in those countries in terms of poverty, health and
education outcomes.

Despite this progress, a poverty gap persists between indigenous and non-indigenous
populations. This result holds across all countries without exception, but the size of the
gap, as well as whether it is growing or shrinking, does vary across cases. While the gap
is narrowing in China, it is stable or widening in most other countries. Further, within
countries, some specific sub-groups among the indigenous population appear to be
particularly disadvantaged. Here there appears to be multiple sources of disadvantage at
play. Ethnic disadvantage among these groups is driven in part by topography and other
characteristics of land inhabited, compounded by limited access to infrastructure and
services leading to, among other things, low levels of endowments, but also low
combined endowments of several assets at once (low human capital, poor land, poor
access to credit). Ethnic and gender disadvantage also compound, and there is evidence
consistent with discrimination in labor markets, though little overt evidence to prove or
disprove the extent of it.

In some countries, spatial or geographic factors may be the predominant cause of

indigenous disadvantage (China, Laos, and to some extent India). Most ethnic
minorities in China and Scheduled Tribes in India reside in rural areas, and face the
economic challenges of isolated rural communities – highly overrepresented in relatively
poorly paid agricultural occupations. Access to basic infrastructure and services is an
apparent driver of indigenous poverty in these cases. Yet, it is not obvious how to
address these constraints most effectively. Delivering basic infrastructure to small,
dispersed populations in remote areas is not cost-effective, and resettlement strategies,
where they have been attempted, are not only contentious but have largely failed (Laos).

In Latin America, indigenous disadvantage appears to be more complex, driven not

only by geography low returns on human capital and other assets, leading to
significant differences in earnings and, therefore, poverty status. That these differences
have endured despite several decades of progress in reducing human capital gaps may be
indicative of the lack of complementary investments and les than optimal national growth
and poverty reduction strategies. That is, if at the national level one is willing to accept
slow growth and inequality, then not much can be expected for indigenous peoples.

There is no overwhelming evidence that programs targeted specifically the

indigenous population will substantially erase the gap between groups, especially in
the absence of broad-based growth and poverty reduction. In Latin America we only
found evidence of poorly performing targeted programs and even in cases where
programs could help – such as bilingual education – they were poorly implemented. On

the contrary, the one program that as of 2006 had reached indigenous groups successfully
and on a large scale – Oportunidades in Mexico – did so as a poverty-targeted as opposed
to indigenous-targeted program. Due to its success this program is now being replicated
across the region and it will be important to monitor results for indigenous peoples across
the region. In Asia, ethnicity-targeted programs such as the resettlement strategies in
Laos are generally appraised as failures. China, like India, has implemented some pro-
indigenous policies, in this case easing access to political office, looser fertility
restrictions, and affirmative action policies for matriculations into colleges and
universities along with subsidies, the appraisal of which is mixed. In sum, the evidence
that can be pieced together so far suggests that general economic improvement (as in
China and somewhat India and Vietnam) or generally poverty-targeted programs such as
Mexico‘s Oportunidades have had a greater impact on indigenous poverty.

Well-designed targeted programs are also likely to be important, but their success is
probably contingent on country-wide growth and poverty reduction. Widespread
growth and poverty reduction may be the necessary but insufficient condition in
eliminating the indigenous poverty gap. That is, the first step in improving indigenous
peoples outcomes is likely to be to identify and address the binding national country
constraints to poverty reduction. Evidence suggests that within this context vast
segments of the indigenous population will benefit. Yet the indigenous movement is
made up of varied groups of people, some of whom will be likely to benefit substantially
from widespread growth and poverty reduction strategies, and others which will require
focused strategies to address multiple sources of disadvantage. Country and group-
specific solutions, however, are likely to be complex; as David Maybury-Lewis noted the
question is not if we are going to have development in the indigenous world, but how
(Levi and Maybury-Lewis 2009). However, it will be very difficult for efforts designed to
tackle group-specific disadvantage will succeed unless implemented against a backdrop
of successful widespread poverty reduction strategies.

Areas for further research

Causes of indigenous poverty. While we are able to show the concentration of poverty, it
is nevertheless difficult to ascertain why indigenous are poor, except in very general
terms. Given the nature of unobservables, one will never clearly be able to claim
causality. Thus, a first priority is to rigorously assess what works and what doesn‘t in
improving indigenous peoples‘ outcomes, and to get more precise estimates of indicators
and the differences in those indicators between groups. Such work is feasible, even with
survey data. In the case of Vietnam, using repeat cross-section household surveys and
the Vietnam War as an instrument for schooling, the determinants of earnings were
calculated (Dang and Patrinos 2008). Results show that the gap increased as a result of
the war, and while there has been progress in regaining schooling years lost since the
war, it has been substantially slower for ethnic minorities.

Determinants of success among outlier groups. A second and related research priority is
to gain a better understanding of what has determined the success of some ― outlier‖ or
successful groups. Our results underscore the fact that there are particular groups, or sub-

groups in some countries that are doing very well (for example, the Aymara in Peru,
particular ethnic groups in China, such as the Hui and Manchu). Untangling the factors
behind these success stories is a priority for future research significant recovery over
time, the minority has fallen further behind.

Education. Third, given overwhelming evidence on the role of human capital, research
specifically focused on improving education outcomes among indigenous peoples is also
critical. In particular, a promising area for research concerns the question of language of
instruction. This may be relevant not only for improving access but also for making
education more relevant – to the indigenous communities themselves and for improving
the quality of that education as measured by standardized test scores. Therefore,
evaluating bilingual programs could be a promising area of future research (Patrinos and
Velez 2009). Also, among the multiple sources of inequality identified in this study is
the precarious position of rural minority girls and women. Besides relevance of
schooling, other improvements must be made to ensure that minority girls participate in
schooling. Scholarship programs such as Mexico‘s Oportunidades (conditional cash
transfers) have proven very successful in getting poor children into school and was even
more successful in reducing the indigenous/non-indigenous gap in schooling (Lopez-
Calva and Patrinos 2008); it is now being tried in other countries, but should be in
cooperation with indigenous communities and have a quality or supply-side
corresponding element.

Country coverage and data collection. Although we cover most of the indigenous
population of the world since we include both China and India, there are nevertheless
many countries where this type of work is not yet done, and should be. This study
demonstrates that it is possible to come up with indicators for indigenous populations in a
large number of countries using existing survey instruments. Therefore, the call to
disaggregate data used for official international programming (MDGs) and country
specific programming is possible and should be done.

In cases where data is lacking, a concerted effort then is needed to introduce items in
standard data-gathering instruments to identify different population groups. In surveys,
questions on identity can focus on self-identification, language and geography. The need
to develop a list of standardized questions for surveys in different years and countries is
apparent. That list could include self-identification, language (mother tongue, commonly
used language, language used at home, secondary language), and parents‘ mother
tongues. Ideally, each question would allow respondents to identify a specific group.
Statisticians must also recognize that indigenous areas are often under-surveyed due to
civil conflict and geographic isolation, thus there may be a need to impute the under-
representation of groups, particularly if changes in the size of the indigenous population
would affect policy.

However, besides the usual self-identification questions a special survey module for
Indigenous Peoples could be very useful. Statistics agencies could include a special
survey module for Indigenous Peoples. That module could study traditional medicine
practice, religious/community activities, land ownership, bilingual schooling, inter-

marriage and others. Some countries have used separate surveys for Indigenous Peoples.
It is unclear whether such separate surveys are more useful for researchers than are
national surveys including both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. More useful,
from a research and policy perspective, are supplements to national censuses (such as
Canada‘s Aboriginal Peoples Survey, designed and implemented in partnership with
national Aboriginal organizations). It goes without saying that as indigenous peoples
themselves have been requesting, this effort can only be done successfully to the extent
that they play a role in the conceptualization and implementation of the data gathering, as
well as policy formulation.


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