Ship Design Classification For Wind and Solar Energy Capture: Conference Paper

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Ship design classification for wind and solar energy capture

Conference Paper · May 2013

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Luc Rolland
University of the West of Scotland


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EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

Ship design classification for wind and solar energy capture

CCTC 2013 Paper Number 1569706561

L. Rolland

Memorial University of Newfoundland, St-John's Campus, St-John's, Newfoundland, Canada


In the process of providing a complete design procedure for green ships, this article introduces one
ship design classification to be applied in the configuration, layout and equipment preparation where
clean and renewable systems are integrated. The advent of improved efficiency designs requires
hull classification reflecting several important criteria. Mast classification will continue to integrate
typical equipment such as cranes and sails along with solar panels and windmills. Complete sun
energy capture integration shall be detailed through various criteria. A complete classification for
wind power capture systems is provided. More classifications allow the integration of renewable
energy transformation systems.

Keywords: Ship design, hydrogen power, wind mill, solar panel, wave, classification.


Faisant parti d'une procédure de conception de navire vert, cet article introduit une méthode de
classification à prévoir lors de la configuration, l'agencement et la préparation des équipments
relatifs à l'énergie renouvelable et propre. La survenue de concepts plus efficaces exige une
classification des coques reflétant plusieurs critères appropriés. Une classification des mats ajoute
les éoliennes et panneaux solaires aux grues et voiles. L'énergie solaire tout autant que la captation
éolienne recquièrent plusieurs nouveaux critères. Des procédures de classification permettent
l'intégration de unités de transformation énergetique.

Mots clés :
Conception de navire, hydrogène, éolienne, panneau solaire, vagues, classification.

1. Introduction

World transport relies principally on petroleum that supplies 95% of the total energy and is now
responsible for almost a quarter of world energy-related emissions [1]. Over the past decade,
transport emissions have increased at a faster rate than any other energy sector. Transport activity
will continue to increase along with economic growth. International freight has been dominated by
ocean shipping where ships keep increasing in size and numbers. The cargo ships are now in their
sixth generations reaching 400 m in length, see fig. 1, [13]. A TEU corresponds to the volume used
by a typical ISO standard container of dimensions 590 x 235 x 239 cm. As fossil fuel usage brings
important concerns and challenges such as climate change and supply cost increases, it has
become relevant to seek alternate sources of energy. The US Navy has estimated that changing to
fuel cell technology could save more than $1 million per ship per year in fuel costs [2]. Since the sun,
wind and wave provide an unlimited source of renewable energy, powered by solar panels, wind
mills and wave collectors, onboard electrolysis fuel cells could produce the hydrogen fuel which
could be later utilized for propulsion and by generators.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

Figure 1. Cargo ship generations

Direct propulsion from solar panels or sails are plagued by performance variability [15]. Some ship
designs have proven some level of worthiness of the solar panels providing they are implemented
with energy storage techniques such as batteries [3]. Despite recent performance and efficiency
improvements, batteries still feature serious problems such as limited lifespan (3 to 5 years), energy
capture capacity degradation over lifespan, large weight and charge duration degradation over time.
Thus, alternate energy storage are now investigated and many vehicle projects have now produced
good results with hydrogen fuel being burned in fuel cells [14]. However, the hydrogen energy cycle,
where hydrogen is produced from water through electrolysis and hydrogen is burned to generate
electricity, can only be efficient if renewable energy is used [15].

A ship class is defined as a group of ships of a similar design [4]. In an effort the determine ship
seaworthiness, the first classification was established by Lloyd's Register where it published an
annual insurable ship register. This publication classified ship’s hull and equipment condition. Today,
ship classification is related to specific ship design. Ships can also be regrouped in broader classes
such as container transport vessels, tankers, liners, ferries, etc [5]. Moreover, their structures,
operations and equipments were classified and studied [5]. With the advent of novel ship designs to
implement renewable and clean energy systems, in this paper, typical ship classification shall be
further developed to include all topologies resulting from this original design process. Topological
classification is specified to envision and abstract general design configurations without taking into
account specific physical dimensions reflecting geometric and construction specificity.

In preparation of a complete “green” ship design procedure, this paper introduces a descriptive
classification on ship topology and layout related to clean energy systems and equipment. In section
two, categories will concern ship hulls. In section three, masts will be reviewed. In section four, solar
energy capture is classified while wind energy collection is covered in section five. In section six, the
classification will cover wave energy-related systems. In section seven, one descriptive classification
is proposed for energy exploitation covering issues of energy storage, propulsion and conversion.
Section eight details examples of three applications before the conclusion.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

Figure 2. Cargo ship proposal with sails with solar panels


To complement existing ship hull design procedures [6], the hull specification set is {Nh, Ch, Bh}.

2.1 The number of hulls

Lets define N h ∈ ℕ as the number of distinct hulls. The number of hulls can be selected in the set:
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. A ship with one, two, three or five hulls are respectively called a single hull design (or
mono-hull), a catamaran, a trimaran and a pentamaran [7]. More recently, ships with four hulls have
appeared under the name of quadramarans. Ships do not usually comprise more than five hulls.

2.2 The hull configuration

Lets define C h ∈ S 1 as the specification factor for hull designs where S1 = {s, a, p} with s meaning all
identical or symmetrical hulls, a meaning different hull dimensions, namely asymmetrical and p
referring to varying hull sizes where the secondary or side hulls come in identical pairs.

The hull structure can either be configured with identical hulls or with variable size hulls. Many ship
configurations insure ship symmetry along the centerline by one main hull with several smaller ones
in pair formats (trimarans or pentamarans). Other vessels integrate one main hull from which one or
many smaller hulls, namely outriggers, protrude out [8], utilized as stabilizers. This subclass also
includes asymmetrical ship designs along the ship longitudinal line when the hull number is even.

2.3 The hull bottom format

Lets define B h ∈ S2 as the specification of the bottom of its transverse geometric shape, where S2 =
{f, v, d} with f meaning a flat bottom, v meaning a v shape and d double slant v shape. There may be
additions such as wings (hydrofoils or ekranoplanes). For each hull bottom, a keel can be located to
improve stability. This option can be reflected by adding k in the specification as Oh = k.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

For example, in fig.2, a ship hull specification desrcibes by the first set {1,s,v} and this identifies a
ship containing one hull, a mono-hull being symmetrical, with v shape bottom, The specification
factors are then Nh = 3 and Ch = p, Bh = v.


To accompany existing material handling [5], actual masts can be supporting energy capture
systems. Mast specification will be provided by the second specification set is {Nm, Am, Lm}.

3.1 The Number of Masts

Lets define N m ∈ ℕ as the number of distinct masts. This number can be any positive integer
including 0.

3.2 Mast axis alignment

Lets define A m ∈ S 3 as the specification of the mast axis alignment, where S3 = {v, h, i} with v
meaning vertical, h horizontal and i inclined. The masts cross-section is usually symmetrical around
one predominant central axis which defines their longitudinal alignment.

3.3 Mast location

Lets define Lm∈ S 4 as the specification of the ship mast location, where S4 = {c, s, p, b} with c
meaning along the ship centerline, s on ship starboard side, p on ship port side and b meaning on
both sides.

For example, in fig.2, a ship specification is described by the second set {3, i, c} and this identifies a
ship containing no mast located along the centerline. The specification factor is then Nm = 0.


Taking into consideration the variety of solar systems and configurations [10], a ship solar energy
capture specification can be provided by the set {Nsol, Psol, Ssol, Rsol, Csol, Fsol, Esol, Msol}.

4.1 Solar panel numbers

Lets define N sol ∈ ℕ as the number of distinct solar panels. The panel number can be any positive
integer including 0. All solar cells or panels which are continuous are considered as one solar panel.

4.2 Solar panel principle

Lets define Psol ∈ S 5 as the specification of the solar panel energy collection principle, where S4 = {t,
p, b} with t meaning thermal, p photo-voltaic and b biological.

4.3 Solar panel surface

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

Lets define S sol ∈ S 6 as the specification of the solar panel capture surface properties, where S 6 = {r,
f} with r meaning rigid and f flexible.

4.4 Solar panel position

Lets define Rsol ∈ S 7 as the specification of the solar panel position, where S 7 = {h, v, i} with h
meaning horizontal, v vertical and i inclined.

4.5 Panel configuration

Lets define C sol ∈ S 8 as the specification of the solar panel configuration, where S8 = {f, w, r, s} with
f meaning fin, w wing, r roof mounted and s side mounted.

4.6 Solar panel format

Lets define F sol ∈ S 9 as the specification of the solar panel format, where S 9 = {f, p, t} with f
meaning flat or planar, p parabolic and t parabolic-through.

4.7 Solar panel enhancers

Enhancer arrays can collect more incident radiation and increase output of the solar panels. Lets
define Esol ∈ S10 as the specification of the solar panel enhancers, where S10 = {f, m, n} with f
meaning Fresnel lens array, m parabolic mirror and n none.

4.8 Solar panel mechanism options

To maximize sun radiation collection, solar panels can be moving using a solar tracker mechanism
in order to follow the sun and these mechanism will fall under two categories: single rotation or fully
tracked in terms of azimuth and elevation. Solar panels cover a large surface and to dramatically
decrease encumbrance, they could also be foldable and deployable to provide for ship loading and
unloading. Finally, solar panel mechanisms can be actuated either directly, by rigid bars or by cables
operated by winches (tendon driven).
Lets define M sol ∈ S 11 as mechanism option specification, where S11 = {t1, t2, d, w} with t1 meaning
single tilting, t2 fully tracked, d foldable/deployable, w tendon and winch driven.
4.9 Solar panel variety

The set can be extended to accommodate all the chosen sun capture types as: {(N(1)sol, P(1)sol, S(1)sol,
R(1)sol, C(1)sol, F(1)sol, E(1)sol, M(1)sol ) (N(2)sol, P(2)sol, S(2)sol, R(2)sol, C(2)sol, F(2)sol, E(2)sol, M(2)sol ), ...}. This is
repeated until all types are covered. Practice indicates that there will be rarely more then three.

For example, in fig.2, a ship specification is described by the third set {3, p, r, i, f, f, n, t1} and this
identifies a ship containing 3 distinct rigid solar panels mounted as inclined flat fins without any

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

enhancers but benefiting from single rotation being directly driven. The panels are located along the


Taking into the variety of wind capture systems and configurations [11], a ship wind energy capture
specification can be provided as {Nwin, Pwin, Swin, Rwin, Wwin, Awin}.

5.1 Wind capture device numbers

Lets define N win ∈ ℕ as the total number of distinct wind capture devices. The number of devices
can be any positive number including 0.

5.2 Wind capture principle

Lets define Pwin ∈ S 12 as the specification of the wind energy collection principle, where S12 = {s, m,
k, w} with s meaning sail, m windmill, k kite and w wing.
The capture principle can first be direct mechanical motion corresponding to direct conversion of
wind power into ship displacement. This was the first form of wind energy collection, namely sails.
More recently, they have evolved into towing kites applying rectangular parachute like devices [2].
Wind mills have commenced to appear on ships [9]. A third form of wind energy collection are wings
which convert wind power into ship lift reducing hull drag force (hydrofoils or ekranoplanes).

5.3 Wind capture surface

Lets define S win ∈ S 13 as the specification of the wind energy collection surface geometry, where S13
= {t, r, z, h, b, y, c, d}, with t meaning triangular, r rectangular, z trapezoidal, h helix, b band, y
cylindrical, c circular and p propeller blade.

5.4 Wind capture axis of operation

Lets define Rwin ∈ S 14 as the specification of the solar panel position, where S14 = {h, v, I, n} with h
meaning horizontal, v vertical, i inclined and n for none.

5.5 Wind capture device repetition (levels and networking)

Lets define W win ∈ ( ℕ , ℕ ) as the matrix with the number repetition of distinct wind capture devices.
The first number describes vertical repetition and the second transverse repetition. The repetition
number can be any positive number selected in the set of the following numbers: {0, 1, …, 5}.

5.6 Wind capture property

Lets define A win ∈ S 16 as the specification of the wind capture surface properties, where S16 = {r, f}
with r meaning rigid and f flexible.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

5.7 Wind capture variety

The specification set can then modified such as: {(N(1)win, P(1)win, S(1)win, R(1)win, W(1)win, A(1)win) (N(2)win,
P(2)win, S(2)win, R(2)win, W(2)win, A(2)win), ...}. This is repeated until all wind capture types are covered.

5.8 Example

For example, in fig.2, the ship specification is described by the third set {3, s, r, v, (1,1), r} means
that the ship contains three rigid rectangular sails operated by one vertical axis having no vertical nor
transverse repetition.


Taking into the recent techniques of wave capture [12], a ship wave energy capture specification can
be provided by the fifth specification set {Nwav, Pwav, Swav, Rwav, Wwav, Awav}.

6.1 Wave capture device numbers

Lets define N wav ∈ ℕ as the total number of distinct wave capture devices. The number of devices
can be any positive number selected including 0.

6.2 Wave capture principle

Lets define Pwav ∈ S 12 as the specification of the wave energy collection principle, where S12 = {f, m,
p} with f meaning flap, b float, p for pitch devices. Knowing that the waves are located at the water
surface, the capture principle should be surface based.

6.3 Wave capture volume

In principle, wave energy can only be captured with a geometric volume. Lets define S wav ∈ S 13 as
the specification of the wave energy collection volume geometry, where S13 = {b, t, p, c, f}, with t
meaning ball, t tube, p box, c complex and f fin.

6.4 Wave capture axis of operation

Lets define Rwav ∈ S 14 as the specification of the solar panel position, where S14 = {h, v, i, n} with h
meaning horizontal, v vertical, i inclined and n for none.

6.5 Wave capture device repetition (levels and networking)

Lets define W wav ∈ ( ℕ, ℕ ,c ) as the matrix with the number repetition of distinct wave capture
devices. The first number is related to longitudinal repetition and the second to the transverse
repetition. The repetition number can be any positive number selected in the set of the following

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

numbers: {0, 1, …, 5}. The set also contains the c factor which can take the value s or z respectively
for square and zigzag lattice.

6.6 Wave capture property

Lets define A wav ∈ S 16 as the specification of the wave capture surface properties, where S16 = {r, f}
with r meaning rigid and f flexible.

6.7 Wave capture variety

The set can be modified to accommodate all the chosen wave capture types as: {(N (1)wav, P(1)wav,
S(1)wav, R(1)wav, W(1)wav, A(1)wav) (N(2)wav, P(2)wav, S(2)wav, R(2)wav, W(2)wav, A(2)wav), ...}. This is repeated until all
wave types are covered.


Actual ship energy exploitation systems may either be complemented or replaced by renewable
energy exploitation systems thereby the fifth specification set.

7.1 Energy storage

The renewable energy source may rerquire an energy storage specification set as {Nsto, Psto, Lsto}.

a) Storage unit numbers

Lets define N sto ∈ ℕ as the total number of distinct energy storage devices. The number of devices
can be any positive number selected in the set of the following numbers: {0, 1, 2, ...}.

b) Storage unit types

Lets define Psto ∈ S 17 as the specification of the energy storage principle, where S 17 = {b, c, s, a, v,
h, f, n} with b meaning batteries, c capacitors, s springs, a compressed air, v vapor, h hydrogen, f
flywheel or w without.

c) Storage unit location

Lets define Lsto ∈ S 18 as the specification of the energy storage device location, where S 18 = {c, s, p,
b, v} with c meaning along the ship centerline, s on ship starboard side, p on ship port side, b
meaning on both sides and v meaning in the chimney or vent ducts.

d) Storage units variety

More than one type of storage may be specified as: {(N(1)sto, P(1)sto, L(1)sto), (N(2)sto, P(2)sto, L(2)sto), …}. This
is repeated until all storage units are exhausted.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

7.2 Propulsion motors

Forward, backward and maneuvering displacements are performed through devices driven by
propulsion motors at various locations. The propulsion motor set is {Npro, Ppro, Lpro}.

a) Propulsion motor numbers

Lets define N pro ∈ ℕ as the total number of distinct motors. The number of devices can be any
positive number selected in the set of the following numbers: {0, 1, 2, ...}.

b) Propulsion motor types

Lets define P pro ∈ S 19 as the specification of the propulsion principle, where S19 = {e, i, x, n, d, h}
with e meaning electric motor, i internal combustion engine, x external combustion engine, n nozzle
induction reactor, d direct push and h human power.

c) Propulsion motor location

Lets define L pro ∈ S 20 as the specification of the ship motor location, where S20 = {c, s, p, b, v} with c
meaning along the ship centerline, s on ship starboard side, p on ship port side, b meaning on both
sides and v meaning in the chimney or vent ducts.

d) Propulsion element

Propulsion not only requires a motor but a device or element which transfers a contact force to the
surrounding media. Lets define E pro ∈ S21 as the specification of the ship propulsion element, where
S21 = {p, w, x, c, a, s} with p meaning paddle, w propeller (water), x helix, a propeller (air), c channel
and s any airborne shape.

e) Propulsion motor variety

There may be several mean for propulsion to specify: {(N (1)pro, P(1)pro, L(1)pro, E(1)pro), (N(2)pro, P(2)pro, L(2)pro,
E(2)pro), …}. This is repeated for each propulsion system.

7.3 Energy conversion

Energy processes may require energy conversion. The energy conversion set is {Ncon, Pcon, Lcon}.

a) Conversion system numbers

Lets define N con ∈ ℕ as the total number of distinct energy conversion systems. The number of
systems can be any positive number selected in the set of the following numbers: {0, 1, 2, ...}.

b) Conversion system types

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

Lets define Pcon ∈ S21 as the specification of the propulsion principle, where S21 = {f, e, i, x, h} with f
meaning fuel cell, e electrolysis, i internal combustion generator, x external combustion generator or
h hybrid systems.

c) Conversion system location

Lets define Lcon ∈ S22 as the specification of the conversion system location, where S22 = {c, s, p, b}
with c meaning along the ship centerline, s on ship starboard side, p on ship port side and b
meaning on both sides.

d) Conversion system variety

The set will be modified to accommodate all the chosen storage as: {(N (1)con, P(1)con, L(1)con), (N(2)con,
P(2)con, L(2)con), …}. This is repeated until all conversion units are exhausted.


In fig. 3, three green ships were actually designed and constructed by various teams as research

Figure 3. Real examples of green ship designs.

8.1 Ship one – Solar powered Catamaran

The green ship on the upper left of fig. 3 can be described by the following specification sets:

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

{2, s, v} {0} {4, p, r, h, r, f} {0} {0} {2, b, b} {2, e, b, w} {0}

The first set determines a catamaran with symmetrical and v shape hulls. The second set indicates
no mast. The third set refers to 4 distinct solar panels being of photo-voltaic type. The panel is rigid,
flat and horizontal. They use no enhancers nor mechanisms. The fourth and fifth sets indicate no
wind and no wave energy capture. The sixth set reveals that there are two battery banks, one in
each Catamaran hulls. The seventh set shows two electrical motors moving the vessel located on
both sides through two waterborne propellers. The last set indicates no energy conversion.

8.2 Ship two – Sailing yacht

The green yacht on the upper right of fig. 3 can be described by the following specification sets:
{1, s, v} {2, v, c} {0} {2, s, r, v, (1,1), r} {0} {1, b, b} {1, e, c} {1, w} {0}
The first set determines a mono-hull with symmetrical and v shaped hull. The second set refers to
two vertically aligned masts located on the centerline. The third indicates that there are no solar
panels. The fourth set specifies two rigid sails vertically mounted of rectangular shape with no
repetition. The fifth set indicates that there are not wave capture, the sixth reveals that there is one
battery bank for electricity storage. The seventh set indicates that there is one electrical motor
moving the vessel in the center and it is connected to one waterborne propeller. The last set
confirms no energy conversion systems.

8.3 Ship three – Wave glider

The wave glider in the lower part of fig. 3 can be described by the following specification sets:
{2, a, f} {0} {2, r, h, r, f, n} {0} {1, p, c, h, (1, 1), r} {1, b, c} {12, d, b, p} {0}
The first set determines a double-hull with asymmetrical and flat shape. The second set indicates no
masts. The third set confirms two distinct, rigid, horizontal, roof mounted, flat solar panels without
any enhancers. The fourth set specifies no wind mill. The fifth set describes one rigid wave capture
device based on the pitch principle along one horizontal axis. The sixth set identifies one battery
along the centerline. The seventh set specifies a series of 12 propulsion fins directly connected to
the power source. The final set indicates no energy conversion.

9. Conclusions

In this paper, we have introduced and completed a complete topological classification for the design
of renewable and clean energy ships. This constitutes the first step of the preliminary ship design
process envisioning the integration of solar energy capture systems, wind energy and wave energy
collection equipment along with energy storage units and propulsion power plants. The design
procedure also integrates ship hulls and masts where renewable energy systems can installed. As it
is the case with innovative energy, upon maturation of other source of green energy, this work will
then be completed to include these new systems.

The next work on the realization of the design procedure will involve the system and accessory
dimensionning and the energy/power balance calculations.

EIC Climate Change Technology Conference 2013

10. References

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[3] Solar Sailor and Solar Sails. Press Release Document. From website.
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[5] La Dage, J. H. Merchant ships, a pictorial study. 2nd edition. Cambridge, Md., Cornell Maritime
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[12] Falnes, J. Principles for Capture of Energy from Ocean Waves. Phase Control and Optimum
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[13] Rodrigue J-P., Comtois C. and Slack B. The Geography of Transport Systems. Routledge,
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Short Biography:
Luc Rolland has received his Beng and MASc degrees from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. Then,
he worked on large scale automation projects as a chartered engineer for eight years. In France,
with a bursary from the INRIA, in 2003, he terminated a PhD in parallel robotics for high speed
milling. Then, he worked on various robotics topics in France, Spain, UK, Cyprus and Turkey. During
that period, he designed solar trackers with parallel robots and started to study green ship designs.
He recently joined Memorial University of Newfoundland as an associate professor.


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