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Innov. Infrastruct. Solut.

DOI 10.1007/s41062-017-0067-6


Comparison of AASHTO 1993 and MEPDG considering

the Egyptian climatic conditions
Maha A. El-shaib1 • Sherif M. El-Badawy1 • El-Sayed A. Shawaly1

Received: 23 January 2017 / Accepted: 19 May 2017

 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

Abstract The current flexible pavement design system in increased with the increase in traffic level and decrease in
Egypt was adopted primarily from the AASHTO 1993 the subgrade strength. This variation was different for
Design Guide. It is an empirical design method based on different climatic conditions. For the Egyptian conditions,
the results of the late 1950s AASHO Road test with many the predominant distress was rutting. Finally, the climatic
limitations. Thus, the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement conditions showed a significant effect on distress occur-
Design Guide (MEPDG) which is now called Pavement rence and time to failure, especially the AC rutting.
ME Design was developed to overcome those limitations.
Unlike the AASHTO 1993 method, MEPDG considers the Keywords AASHTO 1993  MEPDG  Performance 
variation in moisture and temperature on the mechanical Climate  Traffic  Distress
properties of the pavement layers. The main objective of
this paper is to compare the AASHTO 1993 and MEPDG
methods based on a recently developed Egyptian climatic Introduction
data. The AASHTO 1993 method was used to design the
thickness of a typical flexible pavement structure, using The Egyptian method of pavement structural design for
two different levels of traffic (low and high) and two dif- flexible pavements relies primarily on the AASHTO 1993
ferent types of subgrade strength (weak and strong). Then, design method. As known, AASHTO 1993 Guide for Design
the AASHTO 1993 designed structures were simulated of Pavement Structures has limitations in its application to
with MEPDG to predict performance over 20 years of today’s truck traffic or to sites with varying climate and
service life. The comparative analysis of AASHTO 1993 subgrade materials [1, 2]. One of the major limitations of this
design guide and MEPDG revealed that although all design method is the empirical drainage layer coefficients
pavement sections in this study were designed with the (mi). These coefficients in addition to the seasonal variation
AASHTO 1993 method for the same serviceability loss, of the roadbed resilient modulus are the only environmental
they exhibited different performance as predicted by consideration in the method. However, pavements are sig-
MEPDG. The variation of the MEPDG-predicted perfor- nificantly affected by the environmental conditions. With the
mance of the AASHTO 1993 designed pavement structures current limited funding in Egypt, there is an emphasis on the
adoption of a cost-effective pavement design method, which
produces accurate designs and, thus, good performance over
& Sherif M. El-Badawy the pavement service life. The Mechanistic-Empirical
[email protected]
Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) software utilizes closed
Maha A. El-shaib form models to analyze traffic, climate, subgrade and labo-
[email protected]
ratory measurements of material properties to predict the
El-Sayed A. Shawaly performance of various pavement designs over their entire
[email protected]
service life [1, 3]. Thus, MEPDG, if calibrated to the local
Public Works Engineering Department, Faculty of conditions, is thought to produce more reliable pavement
Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt structures compared to the AASHTO 1993 method.

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Literature review an asphalt concrete (AC) mixture on top of a granular

aggregate base (GB) resting over subgrade. Designs were
Several literature studies compared the AASHTO 1993 and developed for five different states representing a range of
MEPDG design methods. Boone conducted a comparative US climate and soil conditions (Alabama, Arizona, Mary-
study between the Ontario structural pavement and the land, South Dakota, and Washington). A survey was con-
AASHTO 1993 methods [4]. The results showed that the ducted by department of transportation (DOT) personnel in
AASHTO 1993 method generally over-predicted pavement each of the states to determine appropriate or typical values
performance relative to the MEPDG for new flexible for the pavement design parameters (e.g., subgrade resilient
pavements and asphalt overlays over flexible pavements. modulus, structural layer coefficients, and drainage coef-
The MEPDG showed that most of the new flexible pave- ficients) at each location. Three traffic levels were con-
ments and asphalt overlays designed using the AASHTO sidered in the study. The results showed that the individual
1993 method failed primarily due to permanent deforma- distress predictions from MEPDG methodology showed
tion (rutting) and/or roughness. The asphalt layer thick- significantly variable behavior for rutting and fatigue
nesses obtained using MEPDG exceeded the asphalt layer cracking performance.
thicknesses obtained using the AASHTO 1993 method, and Aguib [9] conducted a sensitivity analysis to investigate
a poor correlation was observed between the asphalt layer the MEPDG-predicted behavior in terms of fatigue crack-
thicknesses obtained using the two methods. ing and rutting with respect to variations in environmental
In-service pavements located in different regions in conditions, traffic levels, AC layer thickness and proper-
Idaho that have been designed according to the Idaho ties, granular base layer thickness and subgrade strength.
Transportation Department (ITD) design method were Comparison of MEPDG and AASHTO 1993 design
redesigned using the AASHTO 1993 as well as MEPDG methods revealed that pavements designed with the
procedures [5, 6]. The designs were conducted at 50 and AASHTO 1993 did not perform equally at the end of their
85% reliability levels. The nationally calibrated MEPDG design life. Terminal Serviceability Index values were
(version 1.1) was used to predict the performance of the different for different traffic levels and locations. Predicted
flexible pavement systems designed using the three design fatigue cracking and rutting showed a trend similar to
methods. Level 2 subgrade material characterization inputs terminal Serviceability Index values. The AASHTO 1993
were used in the MEPDG analysis. All other MEPDG was also found to over-estimate pavement layer thick-
inputs were level 3. Performance indicators predicted using nesses compared to MEPDG.
MEPDG for the pavement systems designed using the three Another study was conducted in Iran, which compared
design methods were compared to each other. In general, the AASHTO 1993 design method with the MEPDG using
the three design methods yielded reasonably similar the highest level of data accuracy (level 1) [10]. The
thicknesses for the asphalt layer at the 50% reliability. properties of five in-place pavement sections designed by
However, at the higher reliability level (85%), MEPDG the empirical AASHTO 1993 method were used to rede-
yielded thicker AC compared to both methods especially in sign these sections using MEPDG. Results showed that
case of very weak subgrade strength. asphalt thickness designed with MEPDG was thinner than
Saha et al. compared the flexible pavement design using the empirical method. The researchers also reported that
the Alberta Transportation Pavement Design (ATPD) and these results were sensitive to the failure criteria. Finally,
MEPDG [7]. In her study, six different design cases were the main predicted distress was alligator cracking which
defined with three different traffic levels and two different was in agreement with the distresses occurring in Iran.
subgrade materials. The researcher reported that, when The main objective of this study is to compare the
using the MEPDG, only the cases with a strong subgrade AASHTO 1993 design method and MEPDG based on a
material and a low traffic level met the threshold value for recently developed climatic data covering three different
total pavement rutting. Moreover, all sections designed Egyptian climatic locations considering the same traffic
following the ATPD procedure, when redesigned using the levels and material properties.
MEPDG, failed due to excessive International Roughness
Index (IRI).
Carvalho et al. also used the AASHTO 1993 guide to Study methodology
design pavement sections for a range of environmental
conditions, material properties, and traffic levels [8]. The To explore the possibility of implementing MEPDG for
performance of these design sections was evaluated using designing flexible pavement structures in Egypt, a com-
MEPDG. The pavement structures considered in this study parative study was conducted between the AASHTO 1993
were simple three-layer flexible pavements, consisting of and the MEPDG methods. There are many differences

Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18 Page 3 of 9 18

inherent in both design methodologies which make it very considered for all designed sections. The input values used
difficult to directly compare them. For example, the inputs for the AASHTO 1993 design method are summarized in
for each design method are different either in number and Table 2. The thicknesses resulted from the AASHTO 1993
also the nature of the input. The AASHTO 1993 uses design method are summarized in Table 3.
18Kips ESAL to express traffic loading while MEPDG
uses Axle load spectra (ALS). The design criterion in
AASHTO 1993 is the loss in serviceability, while in MEPDG simulation runs
MEPDG the design criterion is expressed in terms of per-
formance (rutting, cracking, and Roughness). The relia- The pavement sections designed by the AASHTO 1993 for
bility in AAHTO 1993 is imposed on traffic, while in the four different cases were used with the MEPDG to
MEPDG it is imposed on each performance indicator, predict their performance over time. Using the MEPDG,
rutting, cracking, and roughness). Thus, to make the three different climatic locations in Egypt were considered
comparison of both methods, the AASHTO method was to investigate the climate condition effect pavement per-
used to design the thicknesses of typical three-layer pave- formance. These locations are Cairo, Alexandria, and
ment structure, using two different levels of traffic (low and Aswan as shown in Fig. 1. The climatic data for these
high) and two different types of subgrade (weak and locations were generated as part of another study by the
strong) at three different climatic conditions at 90% relia- authors of this paper [12, 13]. The weather properties of the
bility level. The MEPDG was then used to predict the three locations are shown in Table 4.
performance of these AASHTO designed sections and Figure 2 depicts the typical pavement section used for
compare the predicted performance to the default MEPDG the simulation runs. The MEPDG inputs for the four
design criteria at 90% reliability level. The MEPDG investigated cases are summarized in Table 4. It should be
default design criterion at 90% reliability level is shown in noted that the materials and traffic used for both methods
Table 1. The MEPDG software was run 12 times based on were kept the same. However, the difference was in the
the nationally calibrated MEPDG pavement distress mod- characterization method inherent in each method. For
els implemented in the MEPDG software (version 1.1). On example, while MEPDG uses axle load spectra to express
average, each simulation run took around 20 min to be the traffic, the AASHTO 1993 uses ESALs.
accomplished. One should note that the MEPDG transfer functions
should have been calibrated for the Egyptian conditions.
However, the nationally calibrated models in the MEPDG
AASHTO 1993 inputs and design thicknesses were used as calibration of the MEPDG distress models is
not within the scoop of this study. The MEPDG software
To use the AASHTO 1993 method, the traffic expressed in version 1.1 was run 12 times with the provided inputs
18-kips equivalent single axle load (ESAL) at the end of a shown in Table 5.
20-year design life was used. Two levels of traffic loads
were used in this analysis and denoted as low and high. The
ESALs for low (3.8 millions) and high (45 millions) traffic Results and discussion
levels were calculated from the default axle load spectra
(ALS) data in the MEPDG. A granular unbound base layer A summary of the MEPDG-predicted distresses at the end
with a California Bearing Ration (CBR) value of 80% was of the design life for the four investigated cases at the three
climatic locations along with the time to failure and
Table 1 MEPDG recommended design criteria at 90% reliability allowable distress values is given in Table 6. It should be
level [11] noted that no thermal cracking was predicted for all cases.
Distress Performance criteria at
This was expected as the temperature in Egypt is moderate
90% reliability and warm even during the winter time. Table 6 shows that
for total rutting, the minimum and maximum predicted
Initial IRI, in/mi (m/km) 63 (0.99) values among all four cases were 1.38 and 5.71 cm,
Terminal IRI, in/mi (m/km) 172 (2.71) respectively. The minimum value was observed in
AC surface down cracking (longitudinal 2000 (378.79) Alexandria for case 4 (low traffic–strong subgrade) which
cracking), ft/mile (m/km)
is the best condition for a pavement while the maximum
AC alligator cracking (% lane area) 25
value was observed in Aswan for case 2 (high traffic–weak
Permanent deformation (AC only), in (cm) 0.25 (0.60)
subgrade) which is the worst condition. The difference
Permanent deformation (total pavement), 0.75 (1.90)
in (cm)
between maximum and minimum rutting was about
313.7%. The rutting values in all pavement cases exceeded

18 Page 4 of 9 Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18

Table 2 Input values for the AASHTO 1993 design guide

Case condition High traffic and strong High traffic and weak Low traffic and weak Low traffic and strong
subgrade subgrade subgrade subgrade

Design life (years) 20

Reliability (%) 90
Initial serviceability index (Pi) 4.2
Terminal serviceability index (Pt) 2.5
Overall standard deviation (S0) 0.35
ESALs (millions) 45.0 3.8
Resilient modulus (Mr) granular 42,250 (290)
base, psi (MPa) CBR = 80%
Resilient modulus (Mr) subgrade, psi 22.5 (155) 7 (50) 7 (50) 22.5 (155)
(MPa) CBR = 30% CBR = 5% CBR = 5% CBR = 30%
a1 (AC layers) 0.40
a2 (granular base) 0.13
m2 (granular base) 1.0

Table 3 Layer thicknesses based on the AASHTO 1993 design method

Case condition High traffic and strong High traffic and weak Low traffic and weak Low traffic and strong
subgrade subgrade subgrade subgrade

AC layer thickness, in 8 (21) 5.5 (14)

Base layer thickness, in 5 (12.5) rounded to (15)a 20 (50) 15 (40) 5 (12.5) rounded to (15)a
The minimum thickness of the base layer as per the AASHTO method is 15 cm

Fig. 1 Locations of the selected

weather stations

the allowable limit of 1.90 cm except Alexandria and Cairo the fact that the environmental condition significantly
case 4 (low traffic–strong subgrade). affects pavement performance. The same pavement struc-
Considering the time of pavement distress to reach the ture was found to behave differently from one climatic site
threshold value for each location, the results emphasize on to another as shown by the results in Table 6 and also

Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18 Page 5 of 9 18

Table 4 Mean annual climatic data for the selected weather stations [12, 13]
Weather Mean annual air Mean annual wind Mean annual Mean annual cumulative Mean annual relative
station temperature (C) speed (km/h) sunshine (%) precipitation (mm) humidity (%)

Alexandria 21.80 17.22 88.78 232.00 64.69

Cairo 23.48 10.30 89.97 69.90 48.41
Aswan 24.40 8.59 96.09 9.50 27.98

and IRI, respectively, for all four design cases. These fig-
ures show that although the four designs were conducted
with the AASHTO 1993 design method for the same ser-
viceability loss (design criteria), each designed case per-
formed differently as predicted by MEPDG. In addition,
the climatic location also affected the performance
As seen in Fig. 7, Case 4 (low traffic–strong subgrade) is
the most ideal case in this study followed by Case 3 (low
traffic–weak subgrade) then Case 1 (high traffic–strong
subgrade) and finally comes Case 2 (high traffic–weak
subgrade) as the worst case. This indicates close agreement
Fig. 2 Typical cross section used in the simulation runs
between the AASHTO 1993 design method and MEPDG-
predicted performance for the low traffic and strong sub-
Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the MEPDG-
grade relative to the rutting distress. For this case, only the
predicted distresses and roughness throughout the 20 years
section at Aswan failed the rutting but very close to the end
of design life for the case of high traffic and weak sub-
of the service life. All other cases failed the rutting distress
grade. The maximum allowable distress values are also
at all three climatic locations. This important observation
presented on these figures. Among the predicted distresses,
may lead to the conclusion that it is not only the thickness
pavement rutting and roughness are the critical distress
of the asphalt layers which affects the AC rutting, but also
types which clearly match actual field conditions in Egypt.
the quality of the HMA mixture (mix aggregate quality,
In addition, these figures emphasize the great influence of
bitumen properties, stiffness of the mix, mix air voids, etc.)
the environmental conditions on pavement performance.
is a very important factor for resisting the AC rutting.
Even though these sections were successfully designed
Moreover, results showed that rutting distresses accumu-
with the AASHTO 1993, each section actually performed
lated successively exceeding the threshold value within the
differently when analyzed using MEPDG methodology
initial stages of the design life in all performed runs, except
taking into consideration different climatic location.
the case of low traffic and strong subgrade in Alexandria
To compare the two design methodologies, the nor-
climate. This observation supports the actual field perfor-
malized difference was computed as given in Eq. 1.
mance of the majority of rural arterial roads in Egypt which
% Normalized difference ¼ suffers from rutting failure. In Egypt, the combination of
Pavement distress  Maximum allowable distress the high temperature and heavy traffic load leads to major
Maximum allowable distress rutting distresses.
ð1Þ Figure 8 shows that longitudinal cracking failed in two
cases, strong subgrade with either high or low traffic and
Positive normalized difference values denote that the did not fail at weak subgrade under high or low traffic. In
predicted distress exceeded the allowable value (failed the case of alligator cracking as shown in Fig. 9, all
design), whereas negative values denote good performance designed pavements did not fail at all cases. Figure 10 for
(successful design). The higher the normalized difference IRI shows that all cases succeeded except the case of high
value, the higher the predicted distress compared to the traffic with weak subgrade and high traffic with strong
allowable value. The ideal value is the one closer to zero, subgrade in the case of Aswan city.
which means the design meets the performance indicator. In all the above cases, it should be noted that, the dif-
Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10 show the normalized difference ference between the maximum and minimum distresses is
for total rutting, longitudinal cracking, alligator cracking, the result of different traffic, subgrade strength as well as

18 Page 6 of 9 Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18

Table 5 MEPDG input parameters for the four cases

Input Value

Major traffic inputs

Design life, years 20
Speed, mph (km/h) 45 (72)
Case condition High traffic and strong High traffic and weak Low traffic and weak Low traffic and strong
subgrade subgrade subgrade subgrade
AADTT (design lane) 3000 250
HMA properties
Binder type Pen 60/70
Thickness (cm) (6) (7) (8) (6) (7) (8) (4) (5) (5) (4) (5) (5)
Cumulative, % retained 3/4’’ sieve 11.7 18.1 18.1 11.7 18.1 18.1 11.7 18.1 18.1 11.7 18.1 18.1
Cumulative, % retained 3/8’’ sieve 23.7 35.7 35.7 23.7 35.7 35.7 23.7 35.7 35.7 23.7 35.7 35.7
Cumulative, % retained #4 sieve 49.7 69.1 69.1 49.7 69.1 69.1 49.7 69.1 69.1 49.7 69.1 69.1
% Passing #200 sieve 4.2 1.2 1.2 4.2 1.2 1.2 4.2 1.2 1.2 4.2 1.2 1.2
% Effective binder content (by volume) 11.0 10.2 10.2 11.0 10.2 10.2 11.0 10.2 10.2 11.0 10.2 10.2
% Initial mix air voids 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8
Unbound granular base course properties
Material type A-1-a A-1-a A-1-a A-1-a
Thickness (cm) HGB
(15) (50) (40) (15)
Mr, psi(MPa) 42,205 (290)
CBR, % 80
Plasticity Index, PI 1
Liquid Limit (LL) 6
Passing #200 sieve (%) 11.5
Passing #40 sieve (%) 24.2
Passing #10 sieve (%) 41.2
Passing #4 sieve (%) 58.9
3/8 67.5
3/400 85.1
100 97
1 1/200 100
Subgrade properties
Material type A-1-b A-4 A-4 A-1-b
Mr, psi (MPa) 22,529 (155) 7157 (50) 7157 (50) 22,529 (155)
CBR, % 30 5 5 30
Plasticity Index, PI: 1 10 10 1
Liquid Limit (LL) 25.7 26 26 25.7
#200 0.3 50 50 0.3
#40 18.6 72 72 18.6
#10 87.9 83 83 87.9
#4 97.3 85 85 97.3
3/800 100 94 94 100
GWT depth, ft (m) 10 (3)

the climatic factors. Pavements located in a very hot to hot temperature zones (Alexandria). The AASHTO 1993
climates (Aswan and Cairo) consistently exhibited inferior design method may not be accurate for designing pavement
performance compared to sections located in moderate- sections at locations having warmer temperatures. This

Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18 Page 7 of 9 18

Table 6 Comparison of pavement distresses predicted by MEPDG method for different traffic levels and subgrade strength
Pavement distresses Pavement case Distress predicted by Time of failure (months) Allowable distress limit
MEPDG at the end
of 20 year analysis
period and 90%

Total rutting (cm) Case 1: high traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 2.77 108 (1.90)
Cairo 3.97 45
Aswan 4.87 31
Case 2: high traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 3.63 35
Cairo 4.79 14
Aswan 5.71 10
Case 3: low traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 2.26 142
Cairo 2.62 92
Aswan 2.93 69
Case 4: low traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 1.38 [240
Cairo 1.81 [240
Aswan 2.13 190
IRI (m/km) Case 1: high traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 2.38 [240 (2.71)
Cairo 2.65 [240
Aswan 2.83 216
Case 2: high traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 2.82 219
Cairo 3.07 171
Aswan 3.24 141
Case 3: low traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 2.44 [240
Cairo 2.49 [240
Aswan 2.51 [240
Case 4: low traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 2.00 [240
Cairo 2.07 [240
Aswan 2.09 [240
Longitudinal cracking (m/km) Case 1: high traffic–strong Subgrade Alexandria 1008.97 31 (378.79)
Cairo 1112.12 24
Aswan 1209.27 19
Case 2: high traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 52.34 [240
Cairo 84.46 [240
Aswan 186.03 [240
Case 3: low traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 53.24 [240
Cairo 53.33 [240
Aswan 53.58 [240
Case 4: low traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 597.90 96
Cairo 585.01 102
Aswan 583.06 103
Alligator cracking (%) Case 1: high traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 19.39 [240 25
Cairo 20.89 [240
Aswan 21.52 [240
Case 2: high traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 20.50 [240
Cairo 20.55 [240
Aswan 20.77 [240
Case 3: low traffic–weak subgrade Alexandria 10.93 [240
Cairo 10.34 [240
Aswan 10.73 [240
Case 4: low traffic–strong subgrade Alexandria 9.04 [240
Cairo 11.03 [240
Aswan 12.58 [240

18 Page 8 of 9 Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18

6.0 250
High Traffic- High Traffic-
Strong Subgrade Weak subgrade
5.0 200
Total Rutting (cm)


Total Rutting Normalized

4.0 150 Aswan

Difference (%)
100 Low Traffic- Low Traffic-
2.0 Cairo Weak Subgrade Strong Subgrade
1.0 Aswan
Total Rutting Design Limit 0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 -50
Pavement Age (months)
Pavement Design Case
Fig. 3 MEPDG-predicted rutting for the case of high traffic and
weak subgrade Fig. 7 Normalized differences for total rutting versus pavement
design case

500 250
Longitudinal Cracking

400 Alexandria

Normalized Difference (%)

Alexandria Cairo

Longitudinal Cracking
300 Cairo 150

200 Longitudinal Cracking Design Limit
50 High Traffic- Low Traffic-
Weak subgrade Weak Subgrade
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 0
High Traffic- Low Traffic-
Pavement Age (month) Strong Subgrade Strong Subgrade

Fig. 4 MEPDG-predicted longitudinal cracking for the case of high -100

Pavement Design Case
traffic and weak subgrade
Fig. 8 Normalized differences for longitudinal cracking versus
pavement design case
Alligator Cracking (%)

25 250
Alligator Cracking Normalized

20 Alexandria Alexandria
Cairo 200
15 Cairo
Difference (%)

Alligator Cracking Design Limit

150 Aswan
5 100
0 50 High Traffic- High Traffic- Low Traffic- Low Traffic-
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 Strong Subgrade Weak subgrade Weak Subgrade Strong Subgrade
Pavement Age (months) 0

Fig. 5 MEPDG-predicted alligator cracking for the case of high -100
traffic and weak subgrade Pavement Design Case

Fig. 9 Normalized differences for alligator cracking versus pavement

3.5 design case
IRI (m/km)

2.5 30
IRI Normalized Difference (%)

2.0 Alexandria 20 Cairo

1.5 Aswan Aswan
IRI Design Limit 10 High Traffic-
Strong Subgrade Low Traffic- Low Traffic-
1.0 Weak Subgrade Strong Subgrade
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 0
High Traffic-
Pavement Age (months) Weak subgrade

Fig. 6 MEPDG-predicted IRI for the case of high traffic and weak -20
Pavement Design Case
means, the AASHTO 1993 designs are not accurate for the
Egyptian region which has a warm to hot temperature Fig. 10 Normalized differences for IRI versus pavement design case
conditions at least for the three investigated locations.
Another important note is that, the AASHTO 1993 design Conclusions
method maybe less reliable for designing pavement sec-
tions exposed to high traffic levels, since the traffic level The comparative analysis of AASHTO 1993 design guide
applied during the AASHO Road Test was a little less than and MEPDG study revealed the following:
2 million ESALs.

Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (2017)2:18 Page 9 of 9 18

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design guide, a manual of practice. Interim dition, AASHTO,
ison between both design methodologies. This was done Washington DC
because it was very difficult to obtain accurate field 12. El-Shaib M (2015) Climatic characterization and its influence
performance of in-place pavement sections as well as upon flexible pavement performance in Egypt using MEPDG,
all relevant data required as inputs for both design M.Sc. Thesis, Mansoura University, Mansoura
13. Elshayeb M, El-Badawy S, Shawaly A (2014) Development and
methods. It is recommended for future research to impact of the Egyptian climatic conditions on flexible pavement
obtain accurate field performance data and conduct this performance. Am J Civil Archit Eng. 2(3):15–21


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