Janapadodhwamsa: DR - Sangita Maharjan BAMS, MD (Roga Nidana)

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Dr.Sangita Maharjan
BAMS, MD (Roga nidana)

 Janapadodhwamsa = Janapada + Uddhwamsa
 Janapada: Group of people with different ages
, gender, prakriti
 Uddhwamsa: Destruction
 Affliction of group of people with the same
illness irrespective of different prakriti, age
and gender.
 Reference: Charak, Viman, 3

Vyadhijanak hetu:
 How the diseases manifest to the whole locality even then people
residing in that area are of different constitution, age , sex, physical
streangth, mental faculties? Charaka answers this question
mÉëMÚüirÉÉÌSÍpÉpÉÉïuÉæqÉïlÉÑwrÉÉhÉÉqÉç rÉå AlrÉå pÉÉuÉÉ: xÉÉqÉÉlrÉÉxiÉiÉç uÉæaÉÑhrÉÉiÉç
ZÉsÉÑ CqÉå pÉÉuÉÉ: xÉÉqÉÉlrÉÉ eÉlÉmÉSåwÉÑ pÉuÉÎliÉ: iɱjÉÉ uÉÉrÉÑ:, ESMüqÉç, SåzÉ:, MüÉsÉ
CÌiÉ |
 Even then there is a development of the to the whole region in spite
of having different constitution etc.It is due to certain factors which
are common to all individual and their vitiation brings abnormality
in the whole country with same set of symptomatology leading to
destruction of that particular region is called janapadodhvamsa.
Common factors which are essential to all inhabitants of a country
are water, air, land and seasons.
Vyadhijanak hetu:
 Vyadhijanak hetu :
 Sadharana hetu
 Asadharana hetu
 Asadharana hetus-(Factors pertaining to the individual) these
cause diseases to individuals which may be called doshaja
 Sadharana hetus-(Factors pertaining to the society)
These are common for entire community concerned. The
vitiation of such factors is liable to cause diseases or death
especially people having less immunity (vyadhi kshamatva)
These factors are Jala, Vayu, Desa, and Kala are liable to cause
the diseases and death.
Janapadodhwamsa: Sadharana Hetu
 Vayu
 Jala
 Desha
 Kala

ljs[t jft nIf0f
iÉ§É uÉÉiÉqÉåवं ÌuÉkÉqÉç AlÉÉUÉåarÉMüUqÉç ÌuɱÉiÉç; iɱjÉÉ rÉjɨÉÑï
कुhQûÍsÉlÉ kÉÔqÉÉåmÉWûiÉÍqÉÌiÉ |(cÉ.ÌuÉ.3/6)

Air becomes injurious to mass due to its vitiation are as

fallows. Naturally vitiation vayu means the spread
polluted air containing substances. Air current flows not
according to its season. Excessive moisture in air.Extreme
dry, hot, cold, humid, stormy, or cyclic wind Polluted
with unwholesome smell, gases, sand, dust, smoke
ljs[t hn nIf0f
ESMü तु खलुवत्यर्थववक्रुतगन्धवर्थरसस्परशû
प्रीवतकरमगतगुर्म् ववद्यात् (च.वव)

Vitiated jala possesses offensive odor, color, taste and

touch. It appears muddy and stagnated and loses its
normal healthy qualities Absence of aquatic animals that
leave and migrate other areas. In the present scenario of
industrialization water gets vitiated, the spread of such
polluted water produces several hazards.

ljs[t b]z nIf0f
दे शं पुनः प्रकृवतववकृतवर्थगन्धरसस्पशं क्लेदबहुलमु पसृ ष्टं
प्रतानावदबहुलमपूवथवदवपवततशुष्कनष्टशस्यं धूम्रपवनं
सङ्घमु त्सृष्टनष्टधमथसत्यलज्जाचारशीलगुर्जनपदं
प्रततोल्कापातवनघाथ तभूवमकम्पमवतभयारावरूपं
ससम्भ्रमोद्वे गवमव सिासरुवदतवमव सतमस्कवमव
गुह्यकाचररतवमवाक्रन्दितशब्दबहुलं चावहतं ववद्यात् (३);

ljs[t b]z nIf0f
 The soil will have abnormal color, odor and touch in
comparison to normal sand
 Polluted environment would lead to the proliferation of insects
of all kinds, growth of wild and poisonous weeds.

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कालं तु खलु यर्तुथवलङ्गावद्वपरीतवलङ्गमवतवलङ्गं
हीनवलङ्गं चावहतं व्यवस्येत् (४);

Kala means the season with reference to the atmospheric

condition .Abnormal season exhibiting its qualities in an
excessive or reduced level. For example extreme summer
in summer. Lack of summer in summer. Appearance of
rain, cold in summer. The disastrous effect war, riots may
also be included in kala dushti.

Guruta of vikriti of sadharana hetu
भवन्दन्त चाि -
वैगुण्यमु पपन्नानां दे शकालावनलाम्भसाम् |
गरीयस्त्वं ववशेषेर् हे तुमत् सम्प्रवक्ष्यते ||९ ||
वाताज्जलं जलाद्दे शं दे शात् कालं स्वभावतः |
ववद्याद् दु ष्पररहायथत्वाद्गरीयस्तरमर्थववत् ||१० ||

Vatadi bigunata hetu:
 Adharma
 Sastradi prayoga
 Rakshyadi gana
 Abhisapa

Vatadi bigunata hetu:
 Prajnaparadha is the main cause of Adharma
 Desha, nagara, nigama, janapada chief

Dharma tyaga Adharma acharana to Praja

Nagarbasi, Janapada niwasi, vyapari increased adharma

Difficult for hathat dhrama

Tyaga by Deva gana Ritu Vikrit Vikriti of other

Decrease in potency of herbs and food products

Janapada vinasha 13
Vatadi bigunata hetu:
Sastradi prayoga

Atyadhika lobha, krodha, moha, abhiman


Aatmajana , durbala vinasha by use of shastra

Vatadi bigunata hetu:
Rakshyashadi gana

Adharma / Anya apachara ( Asaucha)

Raksha gana sanghata ( Vividha buta)

Janapada vinasha

Vatadi bigunata hetu:


Ahita acharana to guru vridhha, sidhdha, rishi and pujya by

dharma lupta person

Guru shrapa

Prajna bhasma Vinasha of kula

Niyat and Aniyata factors
Charaka has divided the etiological factors of janapadodhvamsa in to
two main categories
 A- Inevitable factors (Niyatantaka hetus)
 B-Evitable factors (Aniyata atanka hetu)

Inevitable factors
नक्षत्र ग्रहण चन्द्रसूयय अननल अनलानाम् निशाम् च
अप्रक्रुनि भूिानाम् ॠिु वैकाररका भावा:…(च.नव )

 The sun, moon, planets are described as main inevitable disastrous

factors they are also capable of creating good or bad effects on
animals and planets. All factors including earth quacks volcanoes ,
tsunami, cyclones are included in the category of inevitable factors.
It is important to note that abnormal variations of seasons also cause
massive multiplication and spread of pathogenic organisms which
leads to spread epidemics.
Niyat and Aniyata factors
Evitable factors
 Adharmacharana, Sastra prabhava(wars) Abhisapa,
rakshogana are factors which can be avoided by proper
application of human intellect, these are evitable factors. the
wide spread adharmacharana produces several types of
disturbance in public health. The effect of war causes
destruction of population and materials in massive scale. If
ruler starts adharmacharana and becomes rude there by
insulting saint or Rishis latter might curse that person this
produce disastrous consequences.

 Prevention and elimination of the cause.
 Follow the laws of Dharmacharana.
 Prajnaparadha could be avoided .
 All efforts should be made to increase satwaguna in every
(Study philosophy, awareness of the soul, maintenance of
constant contact with saints and Holy people, development of
spirituality are means of increasing satvaguna.)
 Increase Vyadhikshamatva by panchasodhana and Rasayana.


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