Placenta Previa (OB)
Placenta Previa (OB)
Placenta Previa (OB)
2. Assess the need for immediate delivery. If the client • Nursing Management
is in active labor and bleeding cannot be stopped with 1. Prevent infection and other
bed rest, emergency CS may be indicated. potential complications.
3. Provide appropriate management 2. Make an early and accurate
a. on admission, place the woman on bed evaluation of membrane
rest in a lateral position to prevent pressure on status, using sterile speculum
the vena cava. examination and
b. Insert a large gauge IV catheter into a large determination of ferning.
vein for fluid replacement. Obtain a blood Minimize vaginal exam
sample for fibrinogen level 3. Obtain smear specimens from
vagina and rectum as
3. Monitor the FHR externally and measure maternal prescribed to test for
VS q 5 to 15 mins. betahemolytic streptococci,
c. administer O2 to the mother by mask. organisms that increases the
d. prepare for CS birth, which is the method of risk to the fetus.
choice. 4. Determine maternal and fetal
4. Provide client and family teaching. status including estimated
5. Address emotional and psychosocial needs. AOG.
Outcome for the mother and fetus depends on the
extent of the separation, amount of fetal hypoxia and • Nursing Management
amount of bleeding. d. Maintain the client on bed
rest if the fetal head is not
engaged. This method may
prevent cord prolapse if
Premature Rupture Of additional rupture and loss of
Membrane fluid occur.
- Once fetal head is engaged,
ambulation can be engaged.
• Is rupture of chorion and amnion before the
onset of labor. • Nursing Management
• The age of gestation of the fetus and estimates 2. Provide client and family
of viability affect management. education.
• Etiology a. Inform the client, if fetus is at
– UNKNOWN term, the chances of
spontaneous labor beginning
Pathophysiology are excellent; prepare couple
– Associated with malpresentation, for labor and delivery.
possible weak areas in the amnion and b. If labor does not begin or the
the chorion, subclinical infection, and fetus is judged to be preterm
possibly incompetent cervix. or at risk for infection, explain
– Basic and effective defense against the treatments that are likely to be
fetus contracting an infection is lost and needed.
the risk of ascending intrauterine
2. Treatment
a. Mild Preeclampsia - BED rest in L lateral
recumbent, balanced diet with
moderate to high CHON, low to
moderate Na and administer MgSO4
b. Severe Preeclampsia - BED rest in L
lateral recumbent, balanced diet with
high CHON, low to moderate Na , fluid
and electrolyte replacements, MgSO4
and anti hypertensive hydralazine.
c. Eclampsia – MgSO4, hydralazine as well
as anticonvulsants like diazepam,
phenobarbital or phenytoin.
Nursing Management
- May occur up to 72 hours after delivery
4. The only ABSOLUTE treatment of preeclampsia and
eclampsia is the DELIVERY of the infant.
5. Address emotional and psychological needs.