Arterial Puncture
Arterial Puncture
Arterial Puncture
To assess:
Other sites:
Advantages Include the scalp and umbilical arteries in
It is large and easy to palpitate and puncture infants and the dorsalis pedis arteries of the
With adequate collateral circulation
The phlebotomist is not trained to perform
Disadvantage arterial punctures at this site including
catheters and other indwelling devices
It is deeper than the radial artery
It is close to a large vein (basilic) ABGs
It is close to a median nerve and increase
It is used in the diagnosis and management
risk of hematoma
of respiratory diseases
Femoral artery It provides valuable information about the
patient oxygenation, ventilation and acid-
The largest artery used for arterial puncture base balance and in the management of
It is located superficially in the groin, lateral electrolyte and acid-base balance in patients
to the pubic bone and performed primarily with disorders such as diabetes.
by the physician.
It is sometimes the only site where arterial ABGs specimen collection
sampling is possible
Test requisition- current body temperature
Femoral artery lies close to femoral vein respiratory rate and ventilation status at the
time of collection
Equipment and supplies- PPE, heparinised
syringes, ABG prepackage kits
Patient identification and preparation
Identification and assessment
Steady state- no exercise,
sunctioning or respirator for at least
20-30 mins before obtaining blood
Administration of local anesthetic
Modified Allen Test provide an accurate measurement of
resting pH and Pco2
An easy way to assess collateral circulation Next, draw heparin into a glass syringe.
before collecting a blood specimen from the Rinse the syringe with the heparin and then
radial artery empty the syringe. Kits nowadays have pre-
Positive- the hand flushes pink r heparinized syringes, in which case skip this
return to normal color within 15 step.
The small amount of heparin left in the
Negative- the hand does not flush
needle and syringe is sufficient.
pink or return to normal color within
15 seconds Before needle insertion:
Sampling errors
Air bubbles
Delay in analysis
Improper mixing
Improper syringe
Venous puncture instead of arterial puncture
Clotted specimens