Review Thermoelasticity, Pseudoelasticity and The Memory Effects Associated With Martensitic Transformations
Review Thermoelasticity, Pseudoelasticity and The Memory Effects Associated With Martensitic Transformations
Review Thermoelasticity, Pseudoelasticity and The Memory Effects Associated With Martensitic Transformations
Thermoelasticity, pseudoelasticity and the
memory effects associated with
martensitic transformations
Part 1 Structural and microstructural changes associated
with the transformations
L. D E L A E Y , R. V. K R I S H N A N , * H. T A S t
Departement Metaalkunde, Kathofieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
H. W A R L I M O N T
Max-Planck-lnstitut for Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany
formation proceeds essentially in equilibrium taneous or burst whenever the chemical driving
between the chemical driving energy of the energy exceeds the resistive energy to a great
transformation and a resistive energy whose extent. Once the transformation starts, the
dominating component is the stored elastic growth or catalytic nucleation cannot be
energy. Thus the transformation is defined as suppressed by external influences.
being elastic or degenerate elastic if during the The pseudoelastie behaviour is a complete
growth process the chemical driving energy is mechanical analogue to the thermoelastic trans-
always in equilibrium with the resistive energy. formation. In this case the transformation
The term degenerate elastic transformation refers proceeds continuously with increasing applied
to a process which shows small local discontinui- stress, ~a (and external strain 0 and is reversed
ties or jumps during the growth of a martensite continuously when the stress is decreased. Fig. 3
plate. The transformation is said to be spon- shows an example of this behaviour in terms of a
'all 8
~ ~ i'M~l,
'~/1/ 0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (%)
Figure 3 Tensile curve showing the pseudoelasticity in a
A g - C d alloy. The upper part of the curve corresponds
to the transformation, the lower part corresponds to the
reverse transformation. The letters on the figure corre-
spond with the microstructures given in Fig. 6 [30].
structural transformation under stress as Laves Warlimont and Delaey [22], Wasilewski [16],
has pointed out [5 ]. Its application to martensitic Wayma~ and Shimizu [23], Perkins [24J,
transformations in F e - N i - C alloys [6] has Bolling a~d Richman [4, 6] and Nakanishi [25].
shown its potential. In the present papers a Since a number of different terms are in use for
treatment on this general basis, but with the phenomena of present interest, Table II gives
extended attention to structural details, leads to a a survey of the terminology, corresponding terms
more complete assessment of the interactions of being grouped together.
stress with martensitic transformations. The following section deals with the structural
The shape memory effect and the other basis and the microstructural changes associated
processes discussed are not recent discoveries. with the transformations. In Part 2 the macro-
The continuous appearance and disappearance scopic mechanical behaviour and its characteris-
of martensite with falling and rising temperature, tic variables are described. Part 3 deals with the
i.e. the thermoelastic behaviour, has been obser- thermodynamics and kinetics of the processes.
ved by Greninger and Mooradian in a Cu-Zn Some of the open questions will also be dis-
alloy as early as 1938 [7], but the first detailed cussed and considerations regarding practical
study of this effect was only published 11 years applications of these effects summarized.
later by Kurdyumov and Khandros [8]. Pseudo-
elasticity and the shape memory effect were impli- 2. Structural and microstructural
citly studied by observations of length changes by changes associated with the
temperature variation and concomitant mar- transformations
tensitic transformation under constant load by The formation of a martensite plate is accom-
Scheil in Fe-Ni alloys [9] and by Hornbogen panied by a macroscopic shape change. Although
and Wassermann in Cu-Zn [10]. The shape martensite formation is associated with this shape
memory effect was also observed in AuCd by change which is characterized by an invariant
Chang and Read [11]. Pseudoelasticity due to plane strain minimizing the two-dimensional
reorientation and transformation was recognized strain along the habit plane (plane AB in Fig.
by Burkart and Read in In-T1 [2] and by Chang 5a), a three-dimensional strain is built up as the
and Read in AuCd [11] and was studied exten- martensite plate grows into the third dimension.
sively by Birnbaum and Read [12]. The recent If the transformation occurs in a single crystal
revival of interest in the shape memory effect was and if the habit plane extends from one free
instigated by the investigations on NiTi by surface to the other free surface (Fig. 5a), i.e. a
Buehler and co-workers (e.g. [13]) who also single-interface transformation, the two ends of
observed the two-way memory effect. Although the parent will be displaced with respect to each
Wang and his associates assume that the other. The amount and direction of the dis-
structural transitions in this alloy are unique placement will result from the thickness and
[14, 15] all essential features of present interest relative orientation of the martensite plate. The
(in NiTi) correspond to those of the other alloys formation of this single martensite plate can
as shown, in particular, by the extensive work on occur on cooling or on applying an external
NiTi by Wasilewski [16] and Nagasawa [17, 18]. stress to the single crystal. The examples known
In Table I we have compiled the alloy systems in the literature are single-interface transforma-
and phases which have so far been investigated tions upon cooling AuCd [26] and In-T1 single
with respect to one or more of the effects crystals [27] and Fe whiskers [28]. Examples of
covered in the present paper. The dominant role a single interface transformation by deformation
played by bcc ]3-phases, as the parent phase, will are known for Cu-AI-Ni [29] and Ag-Cd [30]
be noted. This is due to distinct and compara- (Fig. 6). Upon heating the crystal or upon
tively large thermodynamic differences between releasing the stress, the martensite plate may
the transformations of/3-phases as compared, for disappear by the same martensitic mechanism.
instance, with the fcc --~ bcc (bct) trans- The original shape of the crystal will be restored.
formations in ferrous alloys. Thus the single interface transformation which
Several previous papers have dealt with the occurs during alternating cooling and heating or
principles which govern the interactions of loading and unloading demonstrates the simplest
stresses with martensitic transformations. Much mechanism for obtaining the two-way memory
of this review is based on work by Nagasawa [18], effect and pseudoelasticity.
Nakanashi et al. [19], Pops [20], Tas et a!, [21], If the starting material consists of a single
L. D E L A E Y , R. V. K R I S H N A N , H. qAS, H. WARLIMONT
Cu-Zn [33 (bcc) ~ [33' (orthor. 3R) 48, 49
Cu-Zn-X [33 (bcc) + [33' (orthor. 3R) 20
Cu-Zn-Sn [33 (bcc) + orthor. 50, 20
Cu-AI-Ni [31 (bcc) ~ 71' (orthor. 2H) 35, 51, 52, 53, 69
Cu-AI-Mn [31 (bcc) ~ ~'x' (orthor. 2H) 69
Ag-Cd [33 (bcc) ~ ~,~' (orthor. 2H) 30, 73
Au-Cd [33 (bcc) --->73' (orthor. 2H) 11, 74
CuAuZn [33 (bcc) ~ ~3' (orthor. 3R) 47, 19
FesBe fcc --> tetragonal (ordered bcc) 4
Fe3Pt fcc --> tetragonal
In-T1 fcc ~ tetragonal 27, 2
Ni-Ti b c c -~ orthor. 54
Ti-Ni 16
Au-Cu-Zn [32 (bcc) -+ [33"(2H + 18R) 19
Cu-Sn 131(bee) -+ 3,,t' (orthor. 2H) 75
Pseudoelasticity superelasticity 53
metalelasticity 19
rubberlike behaviour t 2
stress-induced pseudoelasticity (STRIPE) 20
elastic shape memory effect 21
ferroelasticity 11
anelastic strain recovery 16
anomalous elongation due to martensitic transformation 52
m a r t e n s i t e plate (Fig. 5b) the shape change can different stacking sequences, move. One o f the
be achieved b y a p p l y i n g a shear stress in such a two twin variants or stacking variants will shrink
w a y t h a t the internal interfaces, which m a y either while the o t h e r is growing resulting in the shown
be twin b o u n d a r i e s or interfaces s e p a r a t i n g two m a c r o s c o p i c shape change. W a y m a n a n d
Shimizu [23] have stated the necessary con-
ditions for the shape m e m o r y effect as follows:
----- [ (1) t h a t the martensite is thermoelastic in
l-- I
(2) t h a t the lattice i n v a r i a n t d e f o r m a t i o n
r---/ occurs by twinning r a t h e r t h a n b y slip,
' b/l/ill)ill)y2
II I )1 (3) t h a t the martensite is f o r m e d f r o m an
r t
o r d e r e d p a r e n t phase.
~' (a) (b)
T h e y also m e n t i o n t h a t " t h e b u l k o f the
e x p e r i m e n t a l evidence indicates t h a t all m a r m e m
alloys consist o f internally twinned martensites".
However, T a b l e I contains a m p l e evidence o f
alloys whose internal structures d o n o t c o n t a i n
twins b u t the structure o f the martensite corres-
7 p o n d s to an a r r a y o f close-packed planes with a
well defined, c o m p l i c a t e d stacking sequence (for
example 3R). This c o m p l i c a t e d structure can, in
q (d)
(b) tation of the processes involved. The specimen
can be considered as being made up of a n u m b e r
of thin layers, which should be extended or
compressed depending on their position with
respect to the neutral plane (i.e. layers above
this plane are extended and those below com-
pressed). If each strip is now elastically bent into
cylindrical shape, the strips can be fitted together
again without any long-range stress, provided
that the change in length o f any given layer is
= = (c) proportional to the distance of that layer f r o m
the neutral plane. The net effect is that the
interfaces between the variants are bent as shown
1 2 1 2 1
Figure 12 (a) Formation of stress-induced martensite
upon application of an external tensile stress. (b) Changes
involved upon tension and compression when the
specimen is composed of two different variants. Note that
variant 1 and 2 are favoured in tension and compression
respectively. (c) Schematic iepresentation showing the
changes involved on bending a specimen containing two
Figure 13 Bending associated with the tapered martensite plates. The black areas correspond to the untransformed
~-Cu--Zn-A1 phase whilst the white lamellae are the martensite plates.
i i
(4) (c)
p I'"
\ / B
c! D
.i / i " I
(b) (d)
Figure 14 Schematic representation of taper formation on deformation of (a) martensite composed of two variants,
into a single martensite orientation [27]. Parent and martensite phase have a common interface HH (habit
plane); (b) a single parent orientation into a single martensite orientation by combined movement of two
interfaces [27]; (c) a single parent orientation into a single martensite orientation by the combined movement of
tapers and of reorientation. The parent and matrix plane have several planes in common (see Fig. 8); (d) a tensile
sample. Parts AC and BD represent the bending.
in the figure. The relative amounts of the two A single crystal of the parent beta phase can
variants present vary as we go down from the top transform to a single crystal of martensite
to the b o t t o m layer. When the twin planes are according to Fig. 14a to c. Fig. 14a shows the
parallel to the axis of the specimen, no bending is transition region between the martensite and the
possible. The bending of the interface plane can parent phase. This consists of a number of twins
be considered to be associated with twinning which taper at distances away from the interface.
dislocations in this interface. The bending which This tapering is associated with bending of the
is associated with the position of the tapered lattice, while at the habit plane (HH) the correct
martensite plate ends is illustrated in Fig. 13. twin ratio, as dictated by the theory is main-
Basinski and Christian [27] considered the tained. In Fig. 14b, the transformation is
double-interface transformations leading to the achieved by the movement of two interfaces
formation of a single crystal of martensite from resulting in a single orientation of the martensite
a single crystal of the original beta phase. [27] whilst another situation is envisaged in Fig.
Similar arguments can be invoked to explain the 14c. The transition from martensite to the parent
transition zone observed by Hornbogen et al. is gradual with martensite tapering out as small
[36]. In this transition region one can consider a plates. This results in bending and elongation.
diffuse interface arising from tapering of the Farther away from this interface, the internal
twin variants present. The formation of a single twins at A A ' can disappear as represented in Fig.
crystal of martensite from a single crystal of the 14a (refer to Fig. 5b) and this also gives rise to a
matrix phase is illustrated in Fig. 14 following single orientation of martensite. When elonga-
the approach of Basinski and Christian [27]. tion is achieved in the case where the specimen is
L. D E L A E Y , R. V. K R 1 S H N A N , H. TAS, H. W A R L I M O N T
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