Articulo en Ingles Automatizacion

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Edwin Fernando Cortés Romero (82850), Juan Mateo Grajales (84082) y Camilo Andrés Rincón
Ariza (82531)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT pump is that the movement of the cam causes the

volume of the pump cavity to change, thus
A hydraulic pump is a device that converts compressing the fluid and causing the fluid to
mechanical energy (torque and motor speed) into have pressure energy.
hydraulic energy (flow). A hydraulic pump is a
device that converts mechanical energy (engine
torque and speed) into hydraulic energy (flow).
When the pump is running, it has two functions: THEME DEVELOPMENT
First, its mechanical action creates a vacuum at Pumps are classified according to different
the suction port, so that atmospheric pressure general considerations:
pushes liquid from the storage tank or holding
tank to the pump inlet. - Consider a kind of liquid movement
Secondly, the same action delivers this liquid to characteristics.
the pump outlet and pushes it into the hydraulic
circuit. It is important to note that the pump - According to the specific type of application of
generates liquid movement (flow), while the the designed pump.
pump does not generate pressure. It generates the
flow necessary to develop pressure in the system, Classification and type. -Today there are three
which is actually the result of resistance to flow. types of pumps: centrifugal pumps, rotary pumps
and reciprocating pumps.

Note that these terms only apply to the mechanics

INTRODUCTION of liquid movement and do not apply to pump
The hydraulic pump is the power component of design service.
the hydraulic system and consists of a coupling, a
hydraulic oil tank and an oil filter. It is a CENTRIFUGAL PUMP VOLUTE PUMP.
component driven by an electric motor or an
electric motor, sucks oil from the hydraulic oil The impeller is discharged into a gradually
tank, forms oil under pressure, then discharges it expanding volute casing and is provided so that
and finally delivers the oil to the actuator. the liquid velocity is gradually reduced. In this
way, part of the velocity energy of the liquid is
converted into static pressure.
The working principle of the hydraulic pump.

Fixed directional blades surround the rotor or

The hydraulic pump is a hydraulic component
impeller. Diffuser pump. These gradually
that provides pressurised fluid for the hydraulic
expanding channels change the direction of liquid
transmission. Its function is to convert the
flow and convert the energy of the velocity
mechanical energy of the motor (electric motor or
towers into pressure towers.
internal combustion engine) into fluid pressure
energy. The working principle of the hydraulic
TURBO PUMP. liquid exits the casing through the pump outlet
Also called apex pumps, peripheral pumps and
regeneration pumps. In this type of vortex pump, EXTERNAL GEAR PUMP.
a vortex is generated in the liquid at very high
speed by the blades in the annular channel where These are the simplest rotary pumps. When the
the impeller rotates. The liquid receives pulses of gear teeth separate at the sides, the liquid fills the
energy. Deep-well diffusion pumps are often space between them. It flows out in a circular
referred to as turbopumps. path and is squeezed when the teeth re-engage.
Gears can have single teeth, double teeth or
FLOW TYPE involutes. Some designs have radial flow holes in
the idler, from the crown and bottom of the tooth
The mixed flow pump spreads its column over to the inner bore. These allow fluid to flow from
the liquid partly by centrifugal force and partly by one tooth to the other, thus preventing excessive
the impeller blade. The diameter of the impeller pressure.
outlet is larger than the diameter of the inlet.


Rotary pumps are usually positive displacement

pumps, consisting of a fixed gearbox, containing
gears, vanes, pistons, cams, rings, screws, etc.,
with very small clearances. Instead of "blowing"
the liquid like a centrifugal pump or a rotary
pump, unlike a piston pump, a rotary pump
discharges a continuous flow. Although generally
considered a viscous liquid pump, rotary pumps
are not limited to this service. They can handle
almost any liquid without abrasive solids. If the
vapour jacket around the pump casing can keep IMAGEN 2 LOBE PUMP AND PISTON PUMP ,
the liquid solid, there can even be hard solids in
the liquid.

Also known as rotary piston pumps, they consist

of an eccentric wheel and a slotted arm at the top.
Rotation of the shaft causes the eccentric to trap
the liquid in the casing. As rotation continues, the
liquid exits the casing through a slot in the pump


IMAGEN 1 ROTATORY PUMP Pumps and Pumping
Equipments These are the simplest rotary pumps. When the
gear teeth separate at the sides, the liquid fills the
space between them. It flows out in a circular
LOBE PUMP AND PISTON PUMP. path and is squeezed when the teeth re-engage.
Gears can have single, double or involutes teeth.
Also known as rotary piston pumps, they consist Some designs have radial flow holes in the idler,
of an eccentric wheel and an upper grooved arm. from the crown and bottom of the tooth to the
Rotation of the shaft causes the eccentric to trap inner bore. These allow fluid to flow from one
the liquid in the casing. As rotation continues, the tooth to the other, thus preventing excessive
pressure. the total force acting on the water piston is equal
to the total force of the vapour piston, the direct-
acting pump stops operating. The power pump
generates a high pressure before stopping.


These units are also referred to as variable

capacity, volume controlled and "ratio" pumps.
Their main purpose is to control the flow of a
small quantity of liquid to boilers, process
equipment and similar equipment. They therefore
occupy a very important position in many
industrial operations in all types of factories. The
capacity of these pumps can be changed by
changing the stroke length.
The diaphragm can be used to pump the liquid to
The reciprocating pump is a positive be processed. The diaphragm is driven by a
displacement unit, which discharges a certain plunger which discharges the oil into the oil
amount of liquid when the piston or plunger pump cavity. Changing the stroke length of the
moves over the entire stroke distance. However, piston changes the displacement of the
due to the leakage arrangement or the release step diaphragm.
that can prevent leakage, not all of the liquid must
reach the discharge pipe. Ignoring these, the DIAPHRAGM PUMP.
amount of liquid discharged in one stroke of the
piston or plunger is equal to the product of the Combined piston/diaphragm pumps are generally
piston area times the stroke length. only used for small volumes. Diaphragm pumps
are used for costly clear liquids or solids.
Basically, there are two types of reciprocating
pumps: direct-acting pumps, vapour pumps and POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP
power pumps. However, many modifications
have been made to the basic design, which are Positive displacement pumps cover two main
built for specific services in different fields. Some categories, namely: 1) Reciprocating 2) Rotating
manufacturers classify it as a rotary pump, or static rotating
although they actually use a reciprocating piston
or plunger motion to ensure the pumping action. Although reciprocating pumps have basic
positive displacement characteristics, not all
POWER PUMP. rotary pumps are true positive displacement
The crankshafts of these pumps are driven by
external power, usually electric motors, belts or There are also non-rotating machines or
chains. Gears are generally used between the equipment that generate forward flow, which
motor and crankshaft to reduce the output speed operate in ways beyond the areas covered by the
of the drive element. When moving at a constant two main categories.
speed, the power pump can provide a nearly
constant flow rate to achieve large The main characteristics of all positive
chromatographic column changes with good displacement pumps are: a) The capacity depends
efficiency. When the discharge valve is closed, on the size of the pump and its operating speed.
the liquid end (possibly piston or plunger type) b) The achieved capacity or the discharge
will generate high pressure. Therefore, it is capacity is only slightly dependent on the head
standard practice to provide a discharge safety formed.
valve to protect the pump and its piping. When

They have the main function of converting

mechanical energy into hydraulic energy and also
provide the necessary oil flow for the circuit.
Hydraulic pumps are not responsible for
generating pressure, they can only provide the
most constant flow possible to the circuit.

When the flow provided by the pump must

overcome some obstacle or resistance, this is the
moment when pressure is generated. Yes, it is
true that the pump must have the ability to
operate at high pressure levels, but it is not
responsible for generating high pressure.

The hydraulic pump has the ability to operate

manually or normally with a three-phase motor.
Although in areas far away from electric current,
the pump operation can also be managed by a
fossil fuel engine.


 Hydraulic Controls on Machine Tools

POMPER, Victor, Editorial Blume, 1969

 Mechatronics Festo Didactic GmbH &

Co, 2000

 Hydraulics and Electrohydraulics

Workbook Basic Level Festo Didactic
GmbH & Co, 2000

 Electrohydraulics a Selected and

Homogeneous Line , Atos S.A. 1997

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