BIO 104 General Ecology Organisms in Their Environment: Evolutionary Backdrop
BIO 104 General Ecology Organisms in Their Environment: Evolutionary Backdrop
BIO 104 General Ecology Organisms in Their Environment: Evolutionary Backdrop
General Ecology
“Nothing in Biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution”
—Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ukrainian-American Geneticist
Conditions (Salinity, Temperature, Humidity, pH, Food Availability)
- Abiotic environmental factors
- May be altered but not consumed
- In the sense that we speak of trades or jobs or profession in a human community—Elton (1933)
- Tolerances and requirements interact to define the conditions and resources need by a species to practice its
way of life—Hutchinson (1957)
- The type of natural environment in which a particular species of organism lives
NICHE= n (how many conditions) – dimensional hypervolume
- Dispersal ability
- Competition
- Overall potentials of a species
REALIZED NICHE (Adding everything together)
- Limited spectrum of conditions and resources that allow organisms to persist
1. RESPONSE TO TEMPERATURE—metabolic effectiveness
o Rates of growth—increase of mass
o Rates of development—progression through life cycle stages
o Body size
o Day-degree concept
o Temperature-size rule
o Universal temperature dependence
The final size of an organism is determined by temperature—universal temperature dependence
o ECTOTHERMS—rely on other sources
o CHILLING INJURY—damage by exposure to temperatures that are low but above freezing point
o Freezing affects are mainly osmoregulatory
o Freeze-avoidance vs. freeze tolerance
o Acclimation (lab-controlled) vs. acclimatization (nature)
o Genetic variation in temperature response to freezing temperature
o High temperature lead to water loss
Low frequency of stomata
Low surface to volume ratio
o Fire
o Thermal vents and other hot environments
o Temperature can be a stimulus
- Greenhouse Effect
o CO2 and other gasses in the atmosphere trap heat, keeping the earth warm
“All things consumed by an organism—(Tilman, 1982)
Consumed ‡ Eaten
Organisms compete for resources
- Only source of energy that can be used in metabolic activities by green plants
- Reflected: wavelength unchanged
- Transmitted: some wavebands have been filtered out
- Absorbed
o PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- There is photoinhibition at high intensities
o The rate of fixation of carbon decreases with increasing radiation intensity
- SHADE: a resource-depletion zone
o In aquatic habitats: attenuation with depth, and plankton density
o Sun and shade species/leaves
o Pigment variation in aquatic species
Net Photosynthesis = Gross Photosynthesis – (Respiration = Death of Plant Parts)
o All Photosynthetic Products – used Photosynthetic Products
o What’s left after the process
o Compensation point
o Photosynthetic Capacity
o Highest efficiency is 3-4.5%
Photosynthesis VS. Water Conservation
o Stomatal Opening
o Short active interludes in a dormant life
o Leaf Appearance and structure
o Physiological strategies (Leaf Polymorphism)
- Variations beneath a canopy
- Variations in aquatic habitats
- Limit photosynthetic rates
o C3 Pathway
o C4 Pathway
o CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) Pathway
Response to changing atmospheric CO2
o 30% higher concentrations compared to pre-industrial period
o Tree species living now doubling in concentration in their lifetimes
o Necessary for metabolic reactions
o Needs to be continually replenished
- Roots mostly elongate before they spread out
- Branch roots radiate from parent roots
o Macronutrients and trace elements
o Each plant enter independently
o Like water, roots are the extractors (only respond to water, not nutrients)
OXYGEN—resource for both animals and plants
a. Photoautotroph
b. Chemoautotroph
a. Consumers
b. Detritivores
c. Saprotrophs
o C:N ratios in animals and plants
o Herbivores remarkably similar
o Need for cellulose
o Coevolution
o Physical: Spines and Seeds
o Chemical Defenses
Apparency theory
Optimal defense theory
1.) CRYPSIS—camouflage
2.) APOSEMANTISM—mimicry
- Ecological Fact of Life NNOW= Nthen+B-D (+I-E)
o Main aim of Ecology: describe, explain and understand the distribution and abundance of organisms
1.) All pass through stages in their life cycle
2.) Individuals can differ in QUALITY or CONDITION
- Modules that are specialized for reproduction usually cease to give rise to new modules
- Vertical vs Lateral Growth
- Ramets (a part) vs Genets (the whole)
- Levels of modular construction
- Population measured often measured by distribution and abundance of genets
- Lack of senescence (no deterioration with age)
- No programmed death but different at modular level
- Resources can greatly influence age structure of clones
- Changing age structure associated with changing level of connections
- A group of individuals of one species
- Often measured in terms of density
- Determined by:
1. Estimates
2. Capture-recapture
3. Index of abundance
- Counting births or deaths
SELEMPAROUS—focuses on their reproduction (after mass reproduction comes death)
ITEROPAROUS—has higher chance of offspring living
o Tell us about the ages or stages at which organisms are most likely to die
o mortality with age or stage
o USE: find out which ages have the highest risk of death
o Survival can vary with age, size, or stage
o summary of how many individuals from a generation (cohort) die at successive ages (or stages)
2 Ways of Constructing Life Tables
1. Dynamic Life Table
o Follow a group of similar-aged individuals (a cohort) from birth to death
2. Static Life Table
o Number of individuals of different ages at one point in time
o number of proportion of individuals surviving at each age/stage
o Survivorship curves show how death rates vary age
TYPE I—high mortality in old age
TYPE II—constant mortality rates
TYPE III—high infant or juvenile mortality
o Tells us which ages or stages individuals make the greatest contribution to next generation
o lifetime pattern of birth among individuals of different age/stage
o how many offspring are born, on average, to each individual at successive ages (or stages)
o USE: find out which ages leave the most offspring
SUMMARY: CHAPTER 7 Ecological Applications at the Level of Organisms and Single-Species Populations:
Restoration, Biosecurity and Conservation
Ecologists and managers need to identify effective ways to abundance of species in space and time. We consider whether
apply ecological knowledge to deal with the wide range of particular traits (such as seed size, growth rate, longevity and
environmental problems that confront us all. In this chapter we behavioral flexibility) can be of use to managers concerned
discuss ecological applications of theory and knowledge at the with the likelihood of a species being a successful part of a
level of individual organisms and of single populations. This is habitat restoration project, a problematic invader or a
the first of a trio of chapters; the others will address, in a candidate for extinction and therefore worthy of conservation
similar manner, the application of the fundamentals of ecology priority. Body size turns out to be a particularly important
at the level of population interactions (Chapter 15) and of indicator of extinction risk. A particularly influential feature of
communities and ecosystems (Chapter 22). Management the behavior of organisms, whether animals or plants, is their
strategies often rely on an ability to predict where species pattern of movement and dispersion. Knowledge of migratory
might do well, whether we wish to revegetate contaminated behavior and dispersion behavior in a patchy environment can
land, restore degraded animal habitats, predict the future underpin attempts to restore damaged and suboptimal habitats
distribution of invasive species (and through biosecurity and in the design of conservation reserves. Moreover, a
measures prevent their arrival) or conserve endangered species detailed understanding of patterns of species transmission by
in new reserves. We describe how our understanding of niche human agency permits us to predict and counter the spread of
theory provides a vital foundation for many management invaders. Conservation of endangered species requires a
actions. The life history of a species is another basic feature thorough understanding of the dynamics of small populations.
that can guide management. Particular combinations of Theory tells conservation biologists to beware genetic
ecological traits help determine lifetime patterns of fecundity problems in small populations, which needs to be taken into
and survival, which in turn determine the distribution and account when devising conservation management plans. Small
populations are also subject to particular demographic risks
that make extinction more likely. We focus on an approach
called population viability analysis (PVA) – an assessment of
extinction probabilities that depends on knowledge of life
tables, population rates of increase, intraspecific competition,
density dependence, carrying capacities and, when
appropriate, metapopulation structure. Careful analysis of
populations of particular species at risk can be used to suggest
management approaches with the greatest chance of ensuring
their persistence. One of the biggest future challenges to
organisms, ecologists and resource managers is global climate
change. We deal with the way we can use knowledge about
the ecology of individual organisms, coupled with predicted
global changes in patterns in physicochemical conditions
across the face of the globe, to predict and manage the spread
of disease-carrying organisms and other invaders, and to
determine the appropriate positioning of conservation reserves