MCQ'S Gender Studies
MCQ'S Gender Studies
MCQ'S Gender Studies
1. How many different sexual identities did Lorber (1994) classify?
2. Answer: 10
3. Which of the following is least likely to be directly affected by trends in globalization?
Answer: prostitution
4. Cas Wouters's (2004) Sex and Manners is a study of changing gender relations and the in
formalization of courtship codes. Where is his research data primarily drawn from?
Answer: manners books
5. Which of the following does not constitute 'sex work'?
6. Answer: belly dancing
7. Which theoretical approach questions the very existence of identity categories, seeing
these, rather, as products of specific discourses?
8. Answer: queer theory
9. R.W. Connell's theory of the gender hierarchy identifies many expressions of femininity
and masculinity. Which one sits at the top of the hierarchy?
Answer: hegemonic masculinity
10. Which feminist perspective has patriarchy as its fundamental concept in the explanation of
gender inequality?
11. Answer: radical feminism
12. Which of the following is not one of the six structures of patriarchy identified by Sylvia
Walby (1990)?
13. Answer: political parties
14. Which form of feminism is most closely associated with intersectionality?
Answer: Black feminism
15. What is the central premise of strict social constructionist theories in gender studies?
Answer: both sex and gender are social constructions
16. Ken Plummer has identified four types of homosexuality in modern Western culture.
Which one refers to settings where men engage in same-sex activity only as a substitute for
heterosexual behaviour?
17. Answer: situated homosexuality
18. The Stonewall Riots were a significant event in:
19. Answer: the gay rights movement
20. Sociologists use the term 'sex' to refer to:
21. Answer: anatomical and physiological difference
22. Which one of these is not one of the three 'crisis tendencies' in the gender order identified
by Connell?
23. Answer: crisis of masculinity
24. According to Parsons' functionalist approach, the sexual division of labour in the family
should ensure that women occupy which role?
25. Answer: expressive
26. Which form of feminism draws on Marxist theory?
27. Answer: socialist
28. Which form of feminism is most committed to challenging the essentialist nature of the
category 'woman'?
29. Answer: postmodern
30. The 'double standard' normally refers to the difference in social attitudes towards:
Answer: male and female sexual activity
31. Transvestism requires a change of:
32. Answer: clothes
33. In which century was the term 'homosexual' coined to describe a distinct type of person?
Answer: 19th
34. BWOA stands for __________.
Black Women Organized for Action
22-NBFO stands for ___________.
National Black Feminist Organization
23-Thir Wave Feminism demanded _________.
Economic Participation
24-Third Wave Feminism emerged in __________.
25-CSW stands for ___________.
Commission on the Status of Women
26-CSW was established in _________.
June 1946
27-CSW was established by ___________.
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
28-UN First Conference on Women was held in __________.
Mexico City
29-United Nations First Conference On Women was held in the year _________.
30-Mexico City Conference led to the establishment of the __________ and ________.
31-INSTRAW stands for __________.
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
32-UNIFEM stands for ___________.
United Nations Development Fund for Women
33-CEDAW stands for _____________.
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women
34-CEDAW was adopted by the General Assembly in ________
December 1979
35-CEDAW is commonly called as ___________.
The Bill Of Rights For Women
36-The Bill Of Rights For Women now legally binds ____________ countries.
37-The World Conference of 1985 of Nairobi is considered as ___________.
The Birth Of Global Feminism
38-The Fourth World Conference on Women was held in ________ in _________.
Beijing, 1995
39-According to various surveys, under the capitalist system, women’s current average earning
ratio is _______ to ______ earning of men.
$ 0.77, $ 1
40-Modernization theory has evolved in ________________ waves.
41-The first wave appeared in the ______ and _________.
1950s, 1960s
42-The second wave of modernization theory appeared in _______ and ________.
1970s, 1980s
43-The second wave of modernization theory is a part of the __________ theory.
44-The third wave of modernization theory emerged in ___________.
45-Modernization theory is largely based on the view that to develop means to become ___ by
adopting ___________ and __________.
Modern, Western values, Social institutions
46-The modern World-Systems Theory originated around ________.
47-The World Systems Theory was developed by sociologist _________________.
Immanuel Wallenstein
48-According to World System Theory, core countries are ____________ countries.
Dominant capitalist
49-Peripheral countries, according to World System Theory are ______________ rich countries.
Labour and raw materials
50-Peripheral countries are also commonly referred as _____________ countries.
Third World
1- Some groups of people want to believe that women and men have ________ positions, men
being superior.
2-The other extreme group wants to believe that men and women are absolutely equal, and this
equality is misinterpreted as__________.
3-One should not forget that equal is not synonymous of _______.
4-Sociologists consider ‘sex’ in terms of ________
Physical and physiological differences between males and females
5-Double burden means __________.
7-According to feminist a distinction between ______ and gender has been made.
8-Different traits associated with the masculinity and femininity of a person defines his/her
9-Gender Studies also examine how the ________ is gendered.
10-Sex refers to the _______ and _______ characteristics that define men and women.
Biological, Physiological
11-________ refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviour and activities that are considered
appropriate for men and women.
12-Under sexual division, men and women are called ______ and _______.
Male, Female
13-Under gender division, men and women are called ______ and ______.
Masculine, Feminine
14-Sex is ________ while gender is _______.
Natural, Acquired
15-Survey means_________.
A list of questions aimed at extracting specific data from a particular group of people
16-The term status quo means_________.
The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues
17-________ is the generally accepted attribute of men and _______ is of women.
Assertive/Casual, Nurturing
18-According to feminists even today language is _________.
19-Which expressions are sexist according to feminists?
Shake it off, be a man
20-Patriarchy literally means __________.
Rule of the father
21-In Gender Studies patriarchy means a social setup in which ________ dominates _________.
Men, Women
22-Patriarchy is the main concept of ____________ Feminism.
23-The concept of patriarchy was used by the feminists in _________ century.
Early 20th
24-Feminism is the name for a _________ that says that women deserve to be treated as equal to
25-_________ is a set of attributes associated with boys and men.
26-________ is a set of attributes associated with girls and women.
27-People who exhibits combination of both masculine and feminine characteristics are
considered __________.
28-Discrimination that a person faced because of his gender is called________.
Gender discrimination
29-The term empowerment became popular ___________.
30-In gender studies empowerment means ________ of power that challenges patriarchal
The redistribution
31-Empoerment for women begins in the ________.
32-Gender Mainstreaming is the public policy concept of assessing the different implications of
different action policies for ___________.
34- The concept of gender mainstreaming was given at _______ World Conference on Women.
35-Gender analysis uncovers how ________ affect a development problem?
Gender relations
36-Gender analysis aims to achieve _______ rather than ________.
Equity, Equality
37-Women’s Studies was an offshoot of ________ wave feminism.
38-Gender Studies came into being after _______ wave feminism.
39-________ is older than __________.
Women’s Studies
41-Gender Studies discuss _______ as equally as _______.
Men, Women
42-Women’s Studies discuss _________ for most of the time.
Women only
43-Women’s Studies is ___________.
A person whose identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex
49-The first National Women’s Studies Association conference was held in _____.
50-In Pakistan, Gender Studies in universities is taught on the __________ pattern.
Europe and other countries
51-CEWS stand for ________.
53-CEWS was established by the __________ of Government of Pakistan.
Ministry of Women Development
54-CEWS was established as a project in 1989 in ________ public universities.
55-The first master degree program in Women’s Studies in Pakistan began in ____ at the
University of ________.
1991, Karachi
56-M.Phil and Ph.D. degree programmes in Women’s Studies at the University of Karachi were
started in ________.
57-PAWS stand for __________.
Pakistan Association for Women’s Studies
58-PAWS started working in _________.
March, 1991
59-In Islam the share of women in inheritance is ________.
67-APWA stands for __________.
All Pakistan Women’s Association
68-APWA was started by __________.
70-The purpose of APWA establishment was __________.
Furtherance of the moral, social and economic welfare of the women of Pakistan
71-WMA stands for __________.
September 1981
73- The Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill was passed in _________.
74-The Criminal Acid Act was passed in __________.
75- Status of Women Bill was passed on __________.
76-According to Liberal Feminism gender differences are not based in ______. Therefore their
_________ superseded their procreative differentiation.
Economic dependence
79-Marxist Feminism put women into the structure of _________.
80-According to Marxist Feminism, solution to women’s oppression is the replace of the _______
with ________.
82-According to Development Feminism _________.
Economic development
83- Development Feminism emphasis on __________.
Universal human rights
84-Gender Resistant Feminisms
86-According to Psychoanalytical Feminism the continue process of gender discrimination is due
to _________.
Psychological gendering of children
87-Separatists are those _______ who advocated separation of women from ______ either total or
Feminists, Men
88-First Wave Feminism demanded ___________.
Right of vote for women
89-NAWSA stands for __________.
National American Women’s Suffrage Association
90-Seocnd Wave Feminism demanded __________.
Social and Cultural Values
91-Second Wave Feminism emerged in ___________.
1960s to 1970s
92-In USA Black feminists raised their concerns through organizations such as _________ and
93. Who was the first feminist on record to challenge Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory?
Karen Horney
94. ____________ sees the identity of females as being defined by their similarity to their
mothers and the identity of males as being defined by breaking away and separating from their mothers.
Nancy Chodorow
Women and men are inherently equal and thus are entitled to equitable treatment.
97. Sally stressed the importance of women getting and maintaining their own reproductive rights
and control over their bodies. She said that women need to be assertive, and they must be aware
of the patriarchal influences on their personalities and behaviors. She campaigned vigorously for
women's political and social autonomy. Sally embodied which type of early feminism?
Gender-based violence and abuse attitudes toward women are rampant worldwide.
99. Dr. Armstad, a feminist therapist, is most likely to believe that the quality of her clients'
mental health is influenced by all of the following except
Unconscious conflicts.
100. Tiffany has internalized her culture's gender roles and ideas of what it is to be feminine.
Unfortunately, she finds it difficult to live up to these beliefs about how she should act, feel, and
think. From a feminist perspective, Tiffany is experiencing
Internal strain.
101. Eleanor believes that people choose behaviors that are personally meaningful and effective
regardless of what gender role society assigns them. Eleanor supports the concept of
102. The yardstick by which others are compared to determine good mental health and normality
is typically
103. ____________ is a negative attitude toward people based on their group membership, while
_____________ refers to treating certain people differently because they belong to a particular
Prejudice; bias
Suggests that women are able to accept the roles defined for them by their culture.
107. Which of the following forms of therapy could be considered the model of therapy for all
oppressed groups?
1. The main goal of feminism is to:
Institutions such as the state perpetuate male dominance and the subjugation of women.
The negative effect of synthetic pesticides and toxic chemicals on the environment.
It could deprive persons in the poorer countries of the opportunity to try to catch up to the
standard of living in richer countries.
13. Why are girls more likely than boys to miss out on secondary education in the developing
Because of high school fees, only boys go to school, many adolescent girls are expected to
help out at, child marriage restricts girls’ mobility and freedom
14. What is the proportion of girls in the developing world who get married before the age of 18?
15. What fraction of the world’s working hours are worked by women and girls?
16. Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 768 individuals and 19 organizations.
How many women have received this Prize?
17. Looking at the issue of violence against women from a gender perspective recognizes that-
18. In 2000, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1325, a historical Resolution that calls
The full and equal participation of women in all peace and security initiatives
19. Out of 16 UN peacekeeping operations, how many have fulltime gender advisers?
Poverty eradication, Education for All goals, Reduction of HIV infections, Increase in
family income
21. In Margaret Mead's work in New Guinea, she found that masculinity and femininity were
____________ determined.
23. Studies of sexuality around the world reveal a fair amount of sexual ____________.
25. Kinsey's research on homosexuality found that ____% of men said that they had achieved
orgasm with a person of their own sex after puberty.
26. In recent studies of women in Western cultures approximately ____% admitted to being
27. Native Americans refer to those who act out cross-gender roles as having.
Two spirits
32. Macro-level perspectives in sociology emphasize how sexuality is located and arranged in
33. Canadian statistics reveal that in 64% of all reported sexual assault cases the victims are
34. According to Conflict theory, the key concept in understanding sexual stratification is
Developing countries
38. The fact that feminism today is so divided is attributable to the fact that
Women are too busy with their careers and families to concern themselves with such issues.
40. The domestic roles of women, i.e., housekeeper, tend to be ____________ in our society.
In the media.
45. The most stereotyped of all media in its gender portrayals is ___________
46-Pakistan ranks _______ out of ___________ countries in the Gender Empowerment Measure
of 2011.
82, 93
47-According to 2011 Gender Inequality Index Pakistan stands ______ out of ______ countries.
115, 140
48-According to an estimated value __________ women become a victim of rape in her lifetime.
One out of every five
49-About ____________ of the estimated 500,000 to 2 million annually trafficked people
includes women.
50-According to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), annually _______ women become
victims of honour killing worldwide.
1-Countries that are midway between the core and periphery are called ___________.
Semi-peripheral countries
2-Semi-peripheries countries come into existence both from _________ and _________.
Developing peripheries, Declining cores
3-Historical examples of Semi-peripheries are ___________ and ___________.
Spain, Portugal
4-Dependency theory explains how a ___________ and ___________ nations interact.
Developing, Developed
5-Dependency theory was formulated in _________ in a direct challenge to __________
economic policies of the post-War era.
1950s, Free Market
6-Strain Theory discusses _________ due to the forceful prevention of people from their _______
Deviance, Culturally approved
7-People who accept the goals and institutionalized means, set by their society for them are called
8- _________ are those who ________ goals set by the society but ________ the usual ways of
achieving them.
Innovators, Accept, Reject
9-Ritualists ________ cultural goals but still ________ the institutionalized means of achieving
Rejects, Accepts
10-Retreatists _______ cultural goals as well as the __________ means of achieving them.
Reject, Institutionalized
11-Rebels not only reject culturally approved goals and the means of achieving them but they
______ them with __________.
Replace, Their Own Goals
12-WID stands for ____________.
Women In Development
13-The term Women In Development was first coined in ___________ by a ________ network of
female development professionals.
The early of 1970s, Washington-based
14-WID is associated with the wide range of _______ concerning _______ in the _________
Activities, Women, Development
15-According to WID, modernization instead of ________ appeared to be contributing to the
_______ of their position.
Improving women’s status and rights, Deterioration
16-One of the important demand of the Feminist under WID in United States was ____________
opportunities for women.
Equal Employment
17-WID advocates were also highlighting women’s role in ____________. For this purpose they
were presenting ________ economist, ________ work, who had highlighted women’s role in the
_____________ economy.
Economic development, Danish, Ester Boserup, Sub-Saharan agricultural
18-WAD stands for _____________.
Women And Development
19-WAD focuses mainly on _________ and ___________.
Patriarchy, Capitalism
20-GAD stands for __________.
Gender And Development
21-GAD focuses on __________ basis of differences between men and women.
Socially constructed
22-SAPs stands for _____________.
Structural Adjustment Programmes
23-World Bank for the first time gave Pakistan assistance of $ 25 million in __________.
24-CEDAW stands for ______________.
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
25-The word ‘‘Suffragette’’ was first used in an article in a British newspaper in ___________.
26-The very initial purpose of the women’s suffrage movement was the gaining of the
Right of vote
27-ICW stands for _____________.
International Council of Women
28-ICW was formed in ________ by ____________.
1888, International women’s rights organization
29-IWSA stands for _____________.
International Woman Suffrage Alliance
30-IWSA was formed by ____________ and ___________ in ____________.
Millicent Fawcett, Carrie Chapman Catt, 1904
31-The first country which grant national level voting right to women was the self-governing
British colony of _________ which passed the Electoral Bill in _____________.
New Zealand, September 1893
32-The British colony of South Australia granted full suffrage in ________ giving women the
right to vote and to stand for parliament.
33-Britain’s Parliament passed the Eligibility of Women Act in __________________ which
allowed women to be elected to Parliament.
November 1918
34-Ten years later (in 1928), the Representation of the People Act granted women the right to
_______ in Britain.
35-Spain granted women the right to vote in __________.
36-France granted women the right to vote in ___________.
37-Belgium, Italy, Romania and Yugoslavia granted women the right to vote in ________.
38-The suffrage movement in United States gained prominence after the _________________ in
Seneca Falls Convention, 1848
39-Woman’s National Loyal League was formed in ________________ by __________ and
1863, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
40-NWSA stands for ___________________.
National Woman Suffrage Association
41-AWSA stands ________________________.
American Woman Suffrage Association
42-NAWSA stands for _____________________.
National American Women Suffrage Association
43- NAWSA was formed in ___________ by merging _______________ and _______________.
1890, NWSA, AWSA
44-Congressional Union was formed in_______ by _________ and _____________.
1914, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns
45-In 1916 the Congressional Union was renamed as ___________.
National Woman’s Party (NWP)
46-The widely reserved minimum percentage of women representation in any parliament is
47-As of 1st May 2015 report, the percentage of female parliamentarians around the world stood
at __________.
48-_____________ has the highest number of women parliamentarians worldwide.
49-In Rwanda, women have _________ seats in lower house.
50-Gender is a term refers to _____________________ distinction between males and females.
Social and cultural
51-Today we have ___________ women parliamentarians in the 12thlegislature of Pakistan which
make _________ of the total representation in National parliament.
Seventy four, 21.64%
52-GBV stands for ___________.
Gender Based Violence
53-VAW stands for _____________.
Violence Against Women
54-CEDAW stands for __________________.
UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
55-CEDAW was adopted by the UN in _____________.
56-DEVAW stands for _______________.
UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women
57-DEVAW was adopted by the UN in ________.
58-The Psychopathology Theory put stress on the ________ of men who abuses their wives.
Mental Illness
59-According to Learned Behaviour Theory the violence conducted by men and beard by the
women depend upon ________.
Their learning in the family
60-According to Loss of Control theory gendered societal expectation prevented men from
expressing anger and frustration which at some stage result in the ____________.
Loss of control
61-According to Learned Helplessness theory, women stay in abusive relationships because
constant abuse strips them of the _______ to leave.
62-According to Cycle Of Violence Theory men did not express their frustration and anger
because they had been taught ___________.
Not to show their feelings
63-According to Family/Relationship Conflict Model woman’s behaviour contributes to the
_________ in the family.
Build-up tension
64-According to Power And Control Wheel Theory the purpose of violence is to exert
__________ and _________ over woman.
Power, Control
65-DAIP stands for _______________.
Domestic Abuse Intervention Project
Prepared by: Nasir Khan