Mammals: Procyon Lotor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Raccoon, Raccoon.)
Mammals: Procyon Lotor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Raccoon, Raccoon.)
Mammals: Procyon Lotor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Raccoon, Raccoon.)
This is because when dealing with complex animals, need to be longer depending
on the mother after birth, to acquire knowledge specific to that species.
(Raccoon, raccoon.)
Habitat: Are associated with water bodies, rivers, streams, wetlands, mangroves,
dry forests, cloud forests and gallery forests.
Food: They are omnivorous and feed on frogs, toads, crabs, shrimp, turtle eggs,
fruits, seeds.
Behavior: They are nocturnal and solitary. During the day sheltering in holes in
tree trunks, under rocks, in holes.
Distribution in Costa Rica: Habitats available throughout the country, from sea
level to 1,500 m, approximately.
Sciurus deppei Peters, 1863
(Squirrel, chiza)
Distribution in Costa Rica: Available habitats in the north and mountains of the
Cordillera de Guanacaste and Tilarán.
Habitat: They live in rainforests, dry forests, old secondary forests and bamboo
Reproduction: Have a baby, they spend more than a year with her mother,
reaching about 2 / 3 the size of it.
They are solitary, but sometimes seen in pairs, but do not tend to form groups.
Cabassous centralis (Miller, 1899)
(Armadillo buzzard)
Food: Their diet includes lots of insects (grubs, beetles, ants), lizards and other
small animals.
Behavior: They are nocturnal, solitary and have fosoliares habits (digging holes)
and are known as "vulture Armadillo" for its unpleasant smell. When attacked by
rolling your body protects itself in the form of a ball, being discovered only its shell.
Rabbit Danta