BNET Family: Broadband IP Software Defined Radio
BNET Family: Broadband IP Software Defined Radio
BNET Family: Broadband IP Software Defined Radio
BNET Family TM
The BNET family is an advanced Broadband • Multi-Band, IP, Software Defined Radio S.C.A.
IP MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) Software 2.2.2 Compliant
Defined Radio for tactical operations. It supports • Multi-Channel Reception MANET Waveform
the modern digital battlefield’s needs with • Ultra-High Capacity
high-speed, low delay, reliable connectivity for • High-Speed, Low Delay
data, voice and video on-the-move. Modular, • Efficiency and full utilization of the limited
multi-band and multi-channel, BNET is a net- spectrum resource
centric, spectrum aware, system for vehicular
• Operational simplicity and ease of operation
and airborne platforms, headquarters, and
dismounted soldiers. Delivering unprecedented • Simple maintenance and logistic survivability
network capacity in terms of data rates, number • Open architecture using IP technology, allowing
of users, and minimal delay, BNET enables all smooth, cost-effective integration with existing
radios of land, sea and air units to participate in and future applications.
a single, seamless, scalable MANET network.
Main Capabilities members in changing traffic and variable link
conditions (mountainous, alpine, urban, hilly,
• Diverse wideband voice, video & various IP data sub-alpine, forested, etc.)
services, transmitted over seamless wireless
• Interoperability between branches and between
military and para-military forces ("blue light"
• Communication continuity in all conditions, forces)
and system survivability
• Fast network forming and healing
• Support for delay-sensitive applications (i.e.,
• Networking ECCM capabilities; frequency
closing sensor-to-shooter cycles)
hopping spread spectrum techniques.
• Support for "flat" networks with thousands of
The Challenge
Today's battlefields are undergoing far-reaching
changes that affect the operational needs of land, BNET
air and sea forces. Solutions must take into account Family Manpack
Hand Held Vehicular Airborne
both the requirements of small forces fighting in
dense urban areas, often populated by civilians - RF Head 1 2 Up to 3 Up to 3
as well as fighters facing massive forces head-on 50w
Tx Power
in open battlefields. Voice communications and (Max)
5w 5w/20w 50w per Ch per Ch.
static maps and pictures transferred in minutes (V+U+L)
While there is clearly a need for high throughput Freq. Range NB-30-88, 225-512 (108-174 optional)
of large quantities of information, the speed [MHz] WB- 225-512 (L-band, S-band optional)
of battlefield communications - information NB 25/50KHz, WB 1.25/5MHz SC, WB 1.25/5MHz
collection, communication, analysis, and action - WF’s
Other WF can be supported
will likely determine the outcome of future battles.
Tel: +(972)73-336-8503 HQ Tel: +(972)73-335-4714
Fax: +(972)73-336-6257 Fax: +(972)73-335-4657
AIR & C4ISR DIVISION Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
BNET FamilyTM is a Trademarks of RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd
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