Technology of Logopedic Examination and Fluid Speech For Children
Technology of Logopedic Examination and Fluid Speech For Children
Technology of Logopedic Examination and Fluid Speech For Children
The article identifies the process of speech therapy for stuttering children's speech: the causes of
stuttering, collection of anamnesis of children with stuttering speech defects, comprehensive examination of
various aspects of speech, identification of the mechanism of developmental disorders and levels of stuttering
using speech therapy-corrective technologies. Through this examination, the problems of speech defects in
children in a timely manner were considered, and the purpose of the article was to reveal the concepts of
stuttering, their comprehensive examination and methods of overcoming stuttering.
Keywords: speech, child, speech defects, stuttering, anamnesis, examination, upbringing, speech therapist-
correction-development, complex, degree, high, medium, low, decisions, methodologies, training, medical,
psychological, technology, result.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev PF 4947 "On the Action
Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for 2017-2021, December 29, 2016 "On
measures to further improve the system of preschool education in 2017-2021" Resolution No. PQ-2707 of
September 9, 2017 "On measures to radically improve the system of preschool education" No. PQ-3261, "On
measures to further develop the activities of non-governmental educational services" No. PQ-3276, "Preschool
education We hope that this article will contribute to the further improvement of this system and the
implementation of the tasks set out in other relevant regulations, "said PF-5198" On measures to radically
improve the management of the system. " Issues of upbringing and education of children with disabilities play
an important role in the education system. Thanks to the organization of correctional education, treatment and
social adaptation and rehabilitation, such individuals become active participants in socially useful work, as a
result of which they are not left without social neglect. The expansion and stratification of the system of special
institutions for children with developmental disabilities in Uzbekistan necessitates the provision of special
schools with highly qualified teachers-defectologists. In the system of preschool education, the network of
special preschools is gradually expanding, a number of scientific and pedagogical institutions for the social
protection of children with disabilities and developmental delays have been created and are being created.
Education in preschool institutions - the correct development of speech is of great importance for the
active participation of every child in the affairs of society as a comprehensively formed person in accordance
with the requirements of the times. Because speech is a tool of interpersonal communication, national wealth
and education is a powerful tool for education and creativity. Therefore, everyone should be taught to master
the speech, to fully express their opinion. The child learns to pronounce sounds and words correctly by
imitating adults. This means that parents and educators need to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of
sounds in children and in time to prevent the shortcomings and deficiencies that they encounter in speech.
In general, most preschoolers and school-age children have clear and accurate speech. But despite this,
there are also children with speech defects among them. It is children who stutter from those with speech
Stuttering is a disorder of the speed of speech as a result of the contraction of the muscles of the speech
The problem of stuttering can be considered one of the oldest in the history of the development of the
doctrine of speech disorders. Different interpretations of its essence are related to the development of science
and the extent to which the authors have approached and are approaching such speech disorders. Much work
has been done to eliminate stuttering in Russian children of preschool age. (G.A.Volkova, L.P.Uspenskaya,
E.F.Rau, N.A.Chevelyova, V.I.Selevorstov, S.A.Mironova and others).
Muminova L.R. for the first time in Uzbekistan on "Elimination of stuttering in schools and adults."
defended his Ph.D. The work on the elimination of stuttering in Uzbek children "Elimination of stuttering in
preschool children through play" Pulatova S. defended his master's dissertation for the first time.
To date, the elimination of special speech deficiencies in kindergartens, the number of stuttering
children of preschool age is increasing year by year, and the absence of methodological abiodies, ie programs,
developments, methodological recommendations and manuals in groups opened for special stuttering children
proves the relevance and lack of this topic.
Examination of the smoker is carried out in a complex way (speech therapist, neuropathologist,
psychologist) with the involvement of other specialists, pediatricians, otolaryngologists and others, as needed.
The content of the examination is anamnestic data. The study of pedagogical psychological and medical
documentation also includes self-examination of the stutterer.
In conversations with parents, we identified the most important events that took place in the family
and, in this regard, identified the general, motor and speech development characteristics of the child.
Volume 3, Issue IX, September 2020 | 237
e-ISSN : 2620 3502
International Journal on Integrated Education
p-ISSN : 2615 3785
The main aspects of the period of childbirth: the age of the mother at birth (35 years or older), mental
health, diseases of the father or mother, the course of pregnancy are assessed. Information about the health of
the father and mother before the birth of the child allows to identify deviations in his physical and mental state.
Identifying adverse factors in a child’s development in the mother’s womb can help determine their negative
impact on the child’s subsequent development of speech.
The purpose of the examination is to gain a full understanding of the child’s psycho-physical
development and speech capabilities. It consists of anamnestic data and of course a speech check.
development, adults have a dangerous relationship with the child. The change in the environment in a child’s
environment, the right attitude to stuttering speech of close people or peers - this is definitely a way to eliminate
stigma and warn. Gathering accurate information about the main course of stuttering will help the child to
choose the main types of medical and pedagogical effects. For example, when it comes to motor disorders, of
course we stop at movement exercises, we can even get therapeutic exercise cycle cycles. When it comes with
speech disorders, of course, we get additional exercises, using special methods to teach the child to correct
sound deficiencies, vocabulary deficiencies, grammatically correct formation of words. Once information
about the child, including the history of the onset and passage of the stuttering, is identified, technologies are
used that directly affect the stutterer’s speech and his or her speech activity. Specific tasks in speech testing
include identifying:
the place and forms of the emergence of speech organs;
the rate at which they appear and the speech capabilities of the stutterer;
disorders that accompany speech disorders;
movement disorders that accompany speech disorders;
the attitude of the stutterer to his speech defect, the presence of mental characteristics;
Areas of occurrence of contractions (breathing, vocal, articulatory, mixed) and their forms (clonic, tonic,
mixed) are determined by sight and hearing. Depending on the results, speech therapy classes were conducted
3 times a week on the basis of a special medical-pedagogical-psychological approach.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the speech therapy examination of children with stuttering speech
defects and the orientation of the complex correction-speech therapy effect in the correct development of
various aspects of speech gave a good effective, rational, result. Based on the results of this study, the methods
of foreign and national scientists (Akimnko VM, Volkova GA, Muminova L.R., Selivyorstov V. I.) and the
use of new technologies in speech therapy, correction and development work with children results were
obtained: high (i.e., fluent, at a moderate rate, without seizures, good speech) -54%, medium (i.e., fluent, at a
moderate rate, without seizures, with good speech, but in unfamiliar, difficult situations, stuttering may occur)
- 42 %, low level (stuttering in the child is not eliminated by the end) -4%. formed.
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