Content Writers: Ekorren (original homebrew framework and an assortment of shaping rituals and spells). Leetsepeak
Necromancy 3 Ambition 25 (expanded upon the framework and did a lot to write additional content).
Shadowlands Circle Workings 25
Spells and Necromantic Workings 3
Labyrinth Circle Workings 25 Art & Layout: Ekorren. Adobe Stock standard license.
The Three Circles 3
Void Circle Workings 26
Becoming a Necromancer 3
Finesse and Means 26 Playtesters: Ekorren. Wuddataicho
Shadowlands Circle Necromancy 3
Necrosis and the Shape Necromancy Action 4
Special Thanks: Those who have provided feedback throughout the process, Onyx Path Publishing and the Exalted devel-
Additional Spellcasting Rules 4
Banishing Ghosts 4
Fighting Styles of the Underworld 27 opers for giving us an amazing game. Special thanks to Siegemonkeys for coming up with the original idea for the Anointed
by Crimson shaping ritual, and to Sleeping Darkness for coming up with the original idea for the Black Feast shaping ritual.
Countermagic 5 New Keywords 27
Shaping Rituals 5 Dark Messiah Style 27
Anointed by Crimson 5 Ravaging Blow 27
Madness of the Labyrinth 5 Inescapable Iron Grip 27
From the Rectory of the Maw 6 Dead Man’s Grasp 27
Schooling of the Maze (Sijanese Initiation) 6 Foe-Blinding Jab 27
Taint of the Everliving 8 The Razor Harness 28
The Black Feast 8 Dark Messiah Form 28
The Imbuement of Ancestors 9 Bone-Shattering Blow 28
Grievous Agony Attack 28
Illustrative Overkill Technique 28
Shadowlands Circle Spells 11 Lashing Tempest Palm 29
Void Avatar Prana 29
Armor of Blood and Bone 11
Hungry Ghost Style 29
New Keywords 11
Blood-Scenting Hunger 29
Assassin’s Fatal Touch 11
Leaping Horror Approach 30
Black Candle Visage 12
Lunging Phantom Method 30
Black Candle Visage and Necromantic Workings 12
Shrouded Claw Attack 30
Blade of Blood and Bone 12
Hungry Ghost Form 30
Bless the Rapine Soul 12
Consuming Entropy Strike 32
Blessed Dead Fools 13
Blood-Freezing Technique 32
Blood Lash 13
Power-Reaping Prana 32
Blood Mirror Speech 14
Spell-Smothering Technique 32
Bone Puppet Dance 14
Unnatural Shambling Deftness 32
Bonfire Visions 15
Scuttling Apparition Defense 32
Call Ghost 15
Labyrinth-Walking Prana 33
Corrupted Words 15
Soul-Flaying Strike 33
Death Flies Two Sails 17
Soul-Consuming Transcendence 33
Death Inversion Loop 17
Laughing Wounds Style 33
Death Mask 17
Sensuous Torment 34
Door of the Dead 18
Kiss of the Whip 34
Drawing Blind Edge 18
Rapture in Chains 34
Dusk Eyes 18
Laughing Wounds Form 34
Easing the Forsaken Memory 19
Instructive Punishment Method 34
Haunts 19
Brand of Obedience 34
Emperor’s Chains 19
Groveling Penitence Prana 35
Faces of the Dead 20 This document contains fan-made content for Exalted Third Edition. Exalted is © White Wolf Publishing - A Paradox Interactive AB company. All con-
Insatiable Slave Stamina 35
Field of Fell Dreams 20 tent in this document has been created non-commercially by fans of Exalted Third Edition and no profit has been made. The document refers to game
Ecstatic Tenacity 35
Five Gifts 21 mechanics found in the Exalted Third Edition corebook. Charms and spells that refer to Charms and spells that exist in prior editions of Exalted have
Ravishing the Unworthy Heart 35
Flesh and Bone Winds 22 been converted to Third Edition in this document. Though some paragraphs of text may be reproduced in order to cover the original fantasy behind the
Shattering Void Mirror 23 Charm or spell, the system mechanics behind the Charm or spell have been altered through the conversion; this document can in no way be used in a way
Silent Master’s Pollen 23 that negates the need for official White Wolf content. No official Exalted Third Edition content has been published as of the writing of this that cover the
content produced in this document. We acknowledge that White Wolf owns the copyright and henceforth all written content produced in this document.
Art and layout that aren’t explicitly Exalted in nature are reserved by the creator of this document.
Necromantic Workings 25
Visit for more information about Exalted.
1 2
Necromancy Necrosis and the Shape Necromancy Action
Few dare whisper of the sorcery of the dead in Creation, for master the Labyrinth Circle, but the dread secrets of the When a necromancer calls up the shades of the dead, an- Banishing Ghosts
this ancient and incredible art is feared by all. Tapping into Void Circle elude anyone but the feared Abyssal Exalted. imates a monstrosity amalgamated from the flesh of the
the wonders and mysteries of the dead, its practitioners are dead, or opens a tear in the world to let the dead through, Banishing lesser ghosts is something every necroman-
said to have great power over the ghosts and souls of men, she is not drawing upon her own Essence. Necromancy ma- cer can do. A necromancer of the First Circle can only
and that they can render a corpse into a horrifying instru- Becoming a Necromancer nipulates the very vitality of the world around the necro- banish Essence 1 ghosts, a necromancer of the Second
ment of their will. mancer, capturing the energy of entropy and converting the Circle can banish ghosts up to Essence 3 in strength and
Necromancy is a descent into a kind of enlightenment which life of living things into necromantic energy, twisting and a necromancer of the Third Circle can banish ghosts up
The magic of necromancy is different from the Charms of is often alien to the mortal mind. Most necromancers have commanding it into patterns that achieve her ends. When to Essence 5 in strength. No necromancer can banish
the Exalted and even from the art of sorcery which it oth- an instructor of some kind, whether that is an ancient and a necromancer casts a spell, the motes that power it are not Deathlords, unless the Storyteller decides that it’s pos-
erwise bears resemblance to. A Solar Charm is an expres- powerful ghost, one of the dread Deathknights or perhaps drawn from her own Essence pools. Instead, she must take sible (such a feat should at least require some extensive
sion of the Solar’s own Essence through supreme mastery even the mad whispers of the Neverborn themselves. shape necromancy actions to manipulate the flow of necro- preparation and assisting tools or powers).
of skill. While necromancy involves scavenging the world’s mantic Essence around her and channel necromantic motes
Essence for its entropic cousin, the necrotic motes of things Some small number of necromancers have stumbled upon into the casting of the spell. To banish a ghost is much like distorting a spell, with
dead and power past, shaping this necrosis into expressions the secrets on their own. Perhaps they have followed rituals the terminus being equal to the ghost’s (Essence + Tem-
of power which call upon the nature of the Underworld and that brought them close to death and in doing so gave them Taking a shape necromancy action works identical to tak- porary Willpower), though with a difficulty equal to the
shape it to the necromancer’s will. insight into the entropy of the universe. Some may have ing a shape sorcery action (see Exalted Third Edition, p. ghost’s Resolve. The ghost may contest the effect by roll-
mastered ancient relics or awoken forgotten powers since 465). Each success contributes one necromantic mote (one ing its own (Essence + Temporary Willpower) against
To work necromancy is to empower oneself with the still long sealed away. A rarer few may have sought ancient books necrosis) to the casting of the spell. This necrosis is built up the necromancer’s Resolve, with each threshold suc-
half of all things, to animate the dead Essence of the world bound in mouldering flesh which scream the secrets of the within the necromancer and it is visible upon her body and cess subtracting successes which the necromancer has
into motion and actions, to thin the barrier between the liv- art to a worthy mind. All of these experiences are transform- within her anima. The more necrosis the necromancer chan- gained towards his goal. If the ghost being banished is
ing and the stranger dead, and to fashion impossible, grisly ative, and with them comes a new perspective on death and nels throughout the scene, the stronger these traits become. also a necromancer, it may choose to substitute its (Es-
wonders from the meat and bones of the Underworld. its inhabitants. They see the spirits of ancestors passed and sence + Temporary Willpower) roll for an (Intelligence
the faded sun of the Shadowlands with a new sight, glimps- • 0 to 10 necrosis have no obvious physical manifes- + Occult) roll if it is higher in an attempt to use necro-
There are few things more terrifying and dangerous than a ing truths hidden inbetween the passage of time. tation other than that the necromancer’s skin be- mancy to root itself to existence.
necromancer, who taps into the Essence of life and death comes cold to the touch and her breath is visible as
in order to bridge the realm of the living with the realm of For the Solar Exalted, this is expressed by learning the Shad- if the temperature has dropped. Should the necromancer win the contest and banish the
the dead. Though necromancers aren’t inherently evil, their owlands Circle Necromancy Charm. Other Exalted have • 11 to 20 necrosis seemingly drains the life from the ghost, he may inflict one of the following penalties:
violent and hated power is known to bring misfortune, and their own equivalents. necromancer, pailing her skin and making her eyes
those who practice these dark arts often have to give up parts either dusky and dead, or coruscating in colors asso- • Banish the ghost from Creation to the analo-
of themselves as they delve deeper into these mysteries. ciated with death. Even her anima pales and shows gous point in the Underworld. The ghost may
ghostly, horrifying manifestations. Her shadow may not return to Creation for three days.
act as if alive. • Banish the ghost to her tomb, corpse or place
Spells and Necromantic Workings Shadowlands Circle Necromancy
• 21 to 30 necrosis makes the air around the necro- of death for three days. She may not leave the
mancer chilling and those within short range of her confines of her tomb or stray farther than five
Cost: —; Mins: Occult 3, Essence 1; Type: Permanent may think they feel death’s embrace. Torches and
Similar to sorcery, the powers of necromancy are divided yards from her body or place of death.
Keywords: None candles lose their light. Her deathly traits become
into spells and workings. Necromantic workings are often • Banish the ghost from the character’s presence
Duration: Instant stronger and her ghostly manifestations become
great necrotic constructs such as siege weapons made of for three days. If the necromancer sees the ghost
Prerequisite Charms: None more horrific.
bones and sinew as well as great patchwork monstrosities. before the effect ends, the ghost is compelled to
Just as sorcery lets the Exalted shape Creation’s Essence, escape the necromancer’s gaze.
Because of the vast amount of necrosis gathered during a
necromancy allows them to wield the Essence of the Un-
The Three Circles derworld and death with similar power. Known also as
spell with the “Ritual” cost, they are known as horrific events
that may cause necrosis to seep into the surroundings them-
the Iron Circle, Shadowlands Circle Necromancy requires selves and then linger there as a haunting shadow. It is com-
Necromancy is divided into three circles of understanding vest a level of lethal damage. However, this lethal dam-
a similar unshakable will and untainted perceptions. mon to feel at unease or to experience horrific nightmares
and power. In the Underworld, ghostly scholars tell of the age isn’t healed at the spell’s succession. The blood mage
Shadowlands Circle, the Labyrinth Circle, and the Void Cir- if one has been to an area where a necromantic ritual has cannot use blood from another to forego this Willpower
Upon learning this Charm, the Exalt gains the ability to taken place. The more recent the ritual, the more potent the
cle—for only the greatest and darkest of creatures, born of cost.
learn and cast spells from the Shadowlands Circle of nec- unease.
the Void may hope to learn those secrets. Realm-trained • Commitment: Like with sorcerous motes, necrosis is
romancy. In addition, the Exalt learns one shaping ritual
sorcerers have puzzled together an account of necromancy never committed. However, necrosis that aren’t used
and one Shadowlands spell for free. The spell selected
with the aid of the Sijanese, and identify them as the Iron, successfully linger on the necromancer throughout
becomes the necromancer’s “control spell,” and may fea- Additional Spellcasting Rules
Onyx, and Void Circles, though the last only theorized be- the scene. If you cannot concentrate your necrosis into
ture in the anima iconography and be referenced in the
fore the Deathlords made their debut. the release of the spell, it will linger within you for the
mechanics of certain Charms. • Willpower: The Willpower cost for necromancy spells scene. This will retain the necrosis effects even though
A necromancer must begin by mastering the Shadowlands work identical to sorcery. However, if the spell has the the actual necromantic motes are unable to be accessed
Circle, then progress into higher circles of understanding. Blood Magic keyword associated with it, then the nec- by the necromancer. Additionally, for every 10 necrosis
The Celestial Exalted and some of the greater dead may romancer may forego the Willpower cost and instead in- that go lost, the necromancer suffers an unsoakable lev-
3 4
el of bashing damage. Necromancy comes at great phys- the spectral hordes rampage down the rivers of the Under- have emerged from the cracks of the Underworld’s depths, crumble to dust at the touch of the sun’s light. If she used a
ical costs at times. For spells with the Ritual cost, the world to earn the privilege of tasting crimson. Here among wielding the terrible power of Oblivion. free working to give herself wings of bone, they would crum-
necrosis is channeled in ways that usually don’t harm the dead, blood is power, and your blood was purified into ble away as soon as she entered Creation, only to reappear
the necromancer unless specifically stated otherwise in a greater substance. To wield the power in your blood is to Shaping Rituals when she returns to the Underworld. A soulsteel palace en-
the spell’s description. practice a sanguinary art that takes from the living and gives chanted to fly through the sky on the backs of wailing phan-
• Control Spells: Just like for sorcerers, all necroman- to the dead, for blood that flows by your command is blood The necromancer’s madness is not a pox upon her mind, but toms could do so freely through the lightless skies of the
cers have at least one control spell. However, unlike for that you rule. a blessing, a terrible clarity of the futility of all things, which Underworld, but would fall subject to gravity in Creation.
sorcery, it is often believed that sometimes the spell is gives her strength to execute the will of Oblivion. She may The Storyteller may retroactively charge the player experi-
what is controlling the necromancer. While most con- Shaping Rituals draw power from her madness once per scene, reflexively ence points for any working that circumvents or cheats this
trol spells give clear benefits, many of them often eat rolling her current Willpower and losing a point for each die limitation in play.
away at the necromancer’s humanity or soul. A control The Anointed is a blood mage just as much as a necroman- that does not come up a success in order to gain (Willpower
spell should in no way impede on the fun of playing a cer, and the ability to draw power from blood is something lost x 3) necrosis that last for the duration of the scene or From the Rectory of the Maw
necromancer. If there’s anything you don’t like, feel free that has tainted the necromancer. For each level of lethal until spent, whichever comes first. To you, necromancy is not merely a power to be wielded, but
to change it to better fit your game. damage available to any one character within medium range an act of devotion. The practice of the black arts is a hymn
that is able to bleed (including the necromancer herself), The whispers of the Labyrinth reveal the truth, that all things to Oblivion, poetics on the beauty of the Void. Those things
one additional necrosis is added to the shape necromancy must die, and only once they are given to Oblivion will the that dwell within the Labyrinth are not to be abhorred, but
Countermagic action. The necromancer cannot gain more than (Essence x world be wonderful again. With each life extinguished, the to be celebrated. The rectors have taught you their hymns
3) necrosis per action through this ritual. wonder of Oblivion comes closer to fruition. Whenever the and you have practiced their liturgy. These books of prayer
A necromancer can counter the spell of a sorcerer and vice necromancer kills a living creature, she gains necrosis equal and devotions to the Neverborn lay out a path of esoteric
versa, but in order to attempt such a thing the necroman- The blood mage dreams of the pits and often tries to relive to her (Essence). She may gain one necrosis for every point power, of self-flagellation, of sacrifice to the end that comes
cer or sorcerer needs to be initiated into a circle higher than the experience. Should the necromancer bathe in the blood of Magnitude damage done to a living battlegroup, repre- for all. In giving your fears and weakness to Oblivion, you
the opponent’s respective practice. For example, in order for of the living, she will acquire a pool of (Willpower + Essence senting individual lives extinguished to harvest their death- have attained enlightened power over the dead. You under-
a necromancer to counter a sorcerer’s spell, a necromancer + Size) necrosis, with the minimum number of drained ly Essence. The necromancer may claim this necrosis if un- stand that the only thing in life with any certainty is Obliv-
needs to be initiated into the Second Circle of necroman- living being Size 1 and the maximum being Size 5. Should dead serving her carry out the act, since her undead servants ion, and you will spread that message, one ritual at a time.
cy. The same applies to when the sorcerer tries to counter a these living be humans, the blood mage counts her Will- are seen as an extension of her own will.
necromantic spell. The only exception to this rule are spells power twice when creating the pool. This necrosis persists Shaping Rituals
carrying the Blood Magic keyword. Since those spells bridge for (Size) weeks or until used. The blood mage may reflex- The mind adapts to the madness of the Labyrinth, adopt-
the gap between sorcery and necromancy, a First Circle nec- ively draw necrosis from this pool without it adding to her ing esoteric taboo and behaviors which empower the necro- The necromancer creates an ecstatic bond between her
romancer can counter the blood magic of a First Circle sor- necrotic traits. mancer. She has a Defining Derangement which cannot be prayers to Oblivion and her necromantic spells, gaining
cerer and vice versa. removed or altered. If she works her particular behavior or (Performance) necrosis towards a spell once per scene after
There are no blood mages like those Anointed by Crim- madness into the description of a stunt, she gains necrosis using prayer or another grand performance to inspire an au-
Additionally, a sorcerer countering the spell of a necroman- son, who wields their blood with such poetic precision that equal to the stunt’s rating. If she is stunting the casting of dience with feelings of nihilism or devotion to the Never-
cer doesn’t remove the physical effects of the necromancer’s the blood within themselves and others urge to come out. her control spell, add two to the bonus. This necrosis lasts born.
necrosis. What it does is preventing the necrosis from be- Whenever the necromancer stunts using a spell carrying the until the next time she sleeps, and can be spent towards
ing able to manifest a spell. When in reverse, a necromancer Blood Magic keyword, he gains a number of necrosis equal any spell she casts. If the Derangement causes in-character The adoration of the Neverborn among the flock gives
countering the spell of a sorcerer actually imbues necrosis to the stunt rating. Though there is no cap to how much ne- hardship that would be sufficient to gain Solar XP from the strength to its shepherds. Whenever the necromancer takes
into the opponent. For every sorcerous mote drained from crosis he can store or how long these may persist, all necrosis Flaw, she gains (Essence + Occult) necrosis, which last for a shape necromancy action within medium range of a char-
the opponent, a necrosis builds up within the sorcerer’s stored using this shaping ritual is reset at the casting of his the duration of the story or until spent. After the first time acter with a Tie of devotion to the Neverborn, she may reap
body, corrupting their Essence and form for a brief moment. next Blood Magic spell. this bonus is awarded in a story, subsequent awards are low- additional necrosis equal to that Intimacy’s value (1 for Mi-
This corruption is simply for show and has no basis in the ered to the necromancer’s (Essence). nor, 2 for Major and 3 for Defining). Intimacies can only be
game’s mechanics. Forego that detail if you don’t think it fits Other Benefits tapped in this fashion once per day. Normally she may only
with your own game. Other benefits drain one Intimacy to fuel the casting of a spell, but she may
Potent Blood (Merit •): While all blood brings a rush of draw power from any available Intimacies when casting her
pleasure to the dead, the necromancer’s is particularly in- Void-Eaten Soul (Merit ••••): If the necromancer suffers control spell. She cannot draw more than ten necrosis per
Shaping Rituals toxicating; a sweet, thick smell that envelops the diseased in from a derangement as a result of her exposure to the Laby- scene with this ritual.
euphoria. As a result, the necromancer is treated as having rinth, it is because her soul has been consumed by the Void,
As the necromancer gains more knowledge, she begins to a positive Minor Tie to all undead. While this may be useful filling her with the emptiness of Oblivion. This steels her When the necromancer’s followers give themselves to Obliv-
see the truth of necrosis in all things, and her mastery over in certain negotiations with the undead, it can also serve as against the things that would dissuade her from her mad- ion, there is a sublime power in their passing, a final exha-
the forces of vitality allow her to perceive and draw from new its own drawback. Any time this Merit causes trouble for the ness. Any social influence which opposes your derangement lation of power that can be seized. When the necromancer
sources of necromantic Essence to fuel her magic. These are necromancer, such as being singled out by hostile undead, may be treated as unacceptable, and Psyche effects which do offers a mortal up to the Neverborn in sacrifice and kills him,
shaping rituals, a catch-all term for alternate ways in which treat this as a Flaw for the purposes of distributing Solar XP. similar may be resisted by expending 1 Willpower. the necromancer may choose to catch his spirit as it flees his
a necromancer may gain necrosis. Shaping rituals can be body, and offer it up in effigy to the Neverborn. She may do
used to represent a necromancer’s unique path to power—a Madness of the Labyrinth Mastery of the Dead Universe (Merit •••••): In learning so as a miscellaneous action once per scene, rolling (Essence
bargain with a ghost, a legendary relic, a taboo that must be The enemies of the gods lie forever dying in the Underworld, the secrets of the Labyrinth, the necromancer has learned + Willpower) and gaining that much necrosis. She retains
kept regarding the grave. and their prophets hear their whispers. Delving deep into how to bend the very stuff of the Underworld to her will. this necrosis until the end of the scene, and may spend it
the bodies of the slain ancients at the heart of the Under- She doubles 8s on any shape necromancy rolls made in the towards any spells she casts. Additionally, a captured soul
Anointed by Crimson world, you have been broken by what lay within, and that Underworld, and can perform necromantic workings with- may be reflexively expended in place of a point of Willpower
You have bathed in the Sanguinary Pits of Yelud, where madness has exposed you to the secrets of the whispers. You out needing to pay experience costs. However, such miracles when paying the cost of the necromancer’s control spell. She
5 6
cannot have more than (Essence + Occult) souls bound to Essence a number of times equal to Size, but gains (Essence
her at one time. The necromancer has engaged in a long study of the art of + 3) necrosis each time. These motes last for the duration of Just as the Prophet Everliving was given his powers by the
necromancy to attain her power, and she may draw strength the scene, and can be spent towards any spell she casts. As Shadow of All Things, the necromancer draws power from
Other Benefits from researching the many texts she gained along the way. she is the one who prepared the corpses, only she is attuned shadows. Whenever she begins a scene in darkness or shad-
Once per story, she may perform necromantic research and to their necromantic Essence, and only she may draw power ow heavy enough to qualify as concealment for attempting
Procession of Oblivion (Merit ••••): The presence of a cult then roll (Intelligence + Lore), gaining necrosis equal to the from them. The corpses maintain their necrosis-collecting stealth, she immediately gains five necrosis, which lasts un-
to the Neverborn invigorates the act of casting like few other successes that last for that story’s duration or until used. Ac- capacity for about a week. The necromancer may prepare til the end of the scene and can be spent towards any spells
things. The presence of at least a Size 1 group of worshippers cess to a library or a mentor adds one to two bonus dice to particular corpses that permanently retain their efficacy, but she casts. However, when under direct sunlight, she won’t
of the Neverborn invigorates the act of casting, granting one this roll. This effect is reset should the necromancer uncover provide necrosis that can only be spent casting her control benefit from double 10s on her shape necromancy action.
automatic non-Charm success to spell effects such as the at- some kind of new necromantic lore that changes the way she spell, and can only be tapped a number of times equal to her
tack roll for Shattering Void Mirror. views her art, such as discovering a forgotten spell or uncov- (Medicine) in a scene. The necromancer communes with forces long forgotten, al-
ering a necromantic working. lowing their voices to enter his dreams. Instead of getting a
Schooling of the Maze (Sijanese Initiation) If the necromancer is in the process of creating a necro- full night’s rest, he may choose to ignore rest for a night and
As in life, so in death. The secrets of necromancy must be The necromancer may prepare a corpse, dead or undead to mantic working, each time she rolls towards the working’s instead embrace the nightmares from that night. Once that
unraveled by the work of a dedicated and brilliant mind. swell with necromantic Essence, acting as a battery of sorts. completion, she acquires necrosis equal to the threshold following day, he may channel this embraced nightmare into
You have studied black texts, uncovered strange objects and The necromancer must prepare the corpse with careful ritu- successes over the difficulty of those rolls. This necrosis may her necrosis, rolling (Essence + Temporary Willpower) with
spoken with ancient ghosts. Through careful analysis, you al and supplies. Preparing the corpse is a difficulty 2 (Intel- be reflexively drawn when needed. Should the necromancer double 8s and gain that much necrosis.
have learned to discern the dead Essence of the world, and ligence + Medicine) roll that takes a few hours. Difficulty complete the working with necrosis from its creation still
through determination, you have learned to move it at your may be increased by lacking the infrastructure or resourc- built up and left unused, she may use that necrosis to draw The necromancer uses, abuses and corrupts those around
command. Some say that a mind cannot survive contact with es to prepare it properly. Preparing multiple corpses in this upon a spell with a necrosis cost equal to or lower than the him, and he brings misfortune with him wherever he goes.
the power of Oblivion. You understand that this is only part fashion may increase the difficulty by an additional 2, but current built up necrosis. This spell should be one the nec- Whenever the necromancer erodes a positive Intimacy, he
of the truth. A necromancer’s mind survives, albeit changed. she can prepare many corpses or even a battlegroup with romancer doesn’t already know but that associate in some acquires a number of necrosis determined by the intensity
All of your training helps to remind you when those whis- the necromantic energy she needs. The necromancer may way with the created working. The spell may be learned re- of the Intimacy prior to its erosion: (Essence + 5) for De-
pers touch your dreams that it is you who control this power; reflexively draw the necromantic energy from a single corpse flexively and without training time should the necromancer fining, (Essence + 3) for Major and (Essence + 1) for Minor.
it does not control you. That is what you tell yourself. at a time and gains her (Essence + 1) in necrosis from a sin- want to pay the required experience cost for it. Should the If this necrosis is used to successfully manifest a spell that
gle corpse. She may tap every prepared corpse for necrosis necromancer not want to pay this experience cost, she may scene, the necromancer replenishes (Intensity) Willpower,
Shaping Rituals once in a scene. For a group of corpses she may tap their use the spell for free for the remainder of the current story, but the eroded Intimacy cannot be restored for the remain-
and afterwards it will go forgotten. der of the story.
Empathy for the Grieving (Merit •••): The necromancer The Eye of Darkness: The taint of the Prophet Everliving
has studied those grieving at their loved ones’ graves. He has has branded the necromancer by infesting one of his eyes.
learned what makes them hopeful and what is needed for As the necromancer initiates into the Second Circle, the oth-
them to rest. Similarly, he has learned how to ease the suffer- er eye is branded. Should he initiate into the Third Circle,
ing of the roaming souls. This Merit gives the necromancer a third eye will appear on his forehead. These eyes have no
one additional non-Charm die on rolls to comfort the griev- immediate effect other than acting as additional necrosis
ing, or to soothe a fearful ghost. brands while the necromancer shapes his spells—at least so
is believed. The truth is that the Shadow of All Things watch
Taint of the Everliving through the Eye of Darkness, peering more clearly into Cre-
The Prophet Everliving was a sage driven to necromancy ation with each awakened eye. Should the necromancer be
through his obsession to bring his dead daughter back to Exalted, he may purchase the Eye of Darkness as an Artifact
life. He brought back something very different to his daugh- Merit. This will give the necromancer free control over the
ter—a creature that could never truly die. Feeling bonded Eye of Darkness, allowing him to access it without necrosis,
to this creature, the necromancer traveled the world to seek and also letting him unlock Evocations from the eye. These
out the path towards his own immortality. He found his Evocations may help him to manipulate shadows and night-
fountain of youth in a pact with the Ebon Dragon, an enemy mares, or master over blood and ghosts. The Eye of Darkness
of the gods, who separated his soul from his body and bound has no connection to a magical material and its resonance is
him to a box and a scepter from the darkest obsidian mined determined through the necromancer’s initiation. At Shad-
from the depths of Hell. You have been tainted by the Proph- owlands Circle, the necromancer suffers the Dissonant Key-
et Everliving, perhaps as a wielder of his scepter or perhaps word. At Labyrinth Circle, he bears no limitation. Finally at
as a victim to one of his perverse rituals. This dark taint has Void Circle, he may draw forth Resonant Evocations.
lingered within you and awakened the power to tame death.
Perhaps it could even lead you to an everlasting existence as The Black Feast
a new Prophet Everliving. Once, it is said, the nature of death was not so mysterious,
and there lived those who walked black gardens and slept
Shaping Rituals beneath pools of blood to learn its secrets. But death hides
7 8
itself within the shadow of life, and life is bound inextricably stantly at rest. Once per day, the necromancer may provide sents a strong emotional tie or belief pertaining to the An- Haunted Heirloom (Artifact Merit •••): The necromancer
into the bone and blood and breath of things, impossible to a feast for himself in order to satisfy the cravings of his soul. cestors, she may instead claim 5 necrosis. These motes last bears an heirloom passed down from his own ancestors. This
study in the necessary manner. So the ancients devised cer- Doing so brings pleasure, and pleasure brings rejuvenation. until the next sunrise, and can be spent towards any spell small object bears with it the will of his ancestors, their ag-
tain rites to access this knowledge directly: by devouring it. The necromancer regains one additional Willpower from she casts. Additionally, she may shed a level of intensity from gravations, and the state of their rest. The heirloom works
It is an unwholesome and unsettling path, but partakers of rest that night. However, should the necromancer fail to sat- such an Intimacy to burn it as an offering to the Ancestors, as an altar guiding the necromancer’s prayers to the ears of
the Black Feast inevitably find that the first secret they learn isfy the cravings of his soul, the soul becomes angry and his putting it towards a spell she is shaping and adding necrosis his ancestors. Any prayer rolls directed at his ancestors ben-
awakens a strange appetite for more that is both hunger and ghost becomes hungry. He spends a Willpower that night equal to the (original) intensity of the Intimacy. She cannot efit from double 8s. In addition, the necromancer feels that
thirst, and by giving themselves to the grip of this unnatural instead of regaining one. Should this bring him down to tap an Intimacy more than once per day this way. Such Inti- his ancestors are always with him. Once per day, he can feel
urge they may escape the limits of their own reservations. zero Willpower, his desperate soul will leave his body for the macies are often restored with many nights of contemplative their approval or their disapproval based on an action he has
night to feed on the flesh of a living. First when it is well-fed prayer—or sometimes not at all. taken that day. This information is given to the player by the
Shaping Rituals can it return, and then the necromancer will wake up re- Storyteller. If he has his ancestors’ approval, the necroman-
freshed, with all of his Willpower replenished. Other Benefits cer replenishes another point of Willpower for that night’s
The necromancer may reflect intensely on his newfound rest. If he has their disapproval, he regains no Willpower at
appetite, turning it inward, gnawing a pathway in his soul The Imbuement of Ancestors all that night.
through which the black strength of necromancy is easily You have learned 10,000 efficacious ways to make offerings
drawn. This gnawing inflicts a point of aggravated damage and prayers to those ancient ghosts, the Ancestors. They
that cannot be mitigated or ameliorated by any magical are the ones who watch over families and old shrines, the
means, representing a deliberate consumption of the Self. ones who repay respect with good fortune and guidance. Or
The necromancer thenceforth has access to a pool of (Will- at the very least, you have learned to pretend such respect.
power + Essence) necrosis, from which up to (Essence + 2) Through dedication and interaction, the ancestors have
necrosis can be drawn each turn as a reflexive action; these taught you secrets that reside in their very spectral Essence,
points of necrosis are counted double when casting the nec- to reach out and touch the dead, to lead them with power
romancer’s control spell. The pool is replenished each night that few among them command. Empowered between life
at midnight, but dissipates instantly if the damage is down- and death, your power can be a mediator, bringing balance
graded or healed. among them, or a ferryman, speeding others on the path to
glorious ancestry.
The necromancer finds meaning in the hearts of others. By
eating a part of a human, such as an organ or a pound of Shaping Rituals
flesh, he devours part of the human’s soul. He gains an In-
timacy the human had in life, but at one level of intensity The necromancer knows the holiest of rituals to offer goods
lower than its original intensity. Whenever the necromancer to the ancestors, burning grave offerings so that they may
takes an action that correlates to that Intimacy in a way ei- enjoy the plenty of the living in the land of the dead. The
ther positively or negatively, he gains (Essence + Intensity) necromancer may make a prayer roll (Charisma + Perfor-
necrosis. He can consume from up to (Essence) humans a mance, difficulty 5 minus the Resources value of any sacri-
day and he may only tap into those Intimacies once a scene. fices offered along with the prayer) seeking power from the
The Intimacies will drift away into memories as he rests, and ancestors. Success pleases the ancestors, and they grant her
be completely eroded the next day. necrosis equal to (her Essence + extra successes on the roll).
This necrosis lasts for the duration of the story, and can be
The necromancer has an insatiable hunger that drives his spent towards any spell she casts. She cannot pray for power
actions and erodes at his soul. In order to learn this shaping more than once a night, and receiving new motes replaces
ritual, the necromancer must have a Major or Defining Tie any granted by past prayers.
of obsession towards something. It could be an addiction, a
vice, a loved one or a hated enemy. After each day the nec- The night is a time for contemplation and communion with
romancer has spent driven by his obsession, his player rolls the Ancestors; it brings peace and shadows. The necro-
(Temporary Willpower) and gains as many necrosis—this mancer may draw power from the night, weaving it into her
necrosis immediately manifests upon the necromancer. The spells—at night, or in a shrine of devotion to the Ancestors,
necromancer is capable of keeping up to (Essence + Will- she gains three necrosis which last until the end of the scene
power + Integrity) necrosis at the time. This pool resets and can be spent towards any spells she casts. Additionally,
after the necromancer has spent (Integrity) days without whenever she takes a shape necromancy action to shape a
reinforcing his obsession. When it resets that way, the nec- spell while in or near a shrine at up to short range, she gains
romancer takes a number of bashing damage equal to the an additional necrosis as long as an Ancestor watches over
unspent necrosis. the scene.
Other benefits It is the power of emotions which helps bind us to our An-
cestors, and the necromancer knows how to call upon those
Vicious Hungry Soul (Merit ••••): Within every human is bonds to grant her strength. Whenever she would gain a
a soul waiting to die. The soul of the necromancer is con- point of Willpower from upholding an Intimacy that repre-
9 10
Shadowlands Circle Spells Should a contesting necromancer or sorcerer know that As- spell, the necromancer must be within short range from a
sassin’s Fatal Touch is in use, he may attempt to distort it corpse. It doesn’t need to be a human corpse, but it cannot
before it’s being released into the victim. Distorting the spell be smaller than the size of a toddler. Neither can it be too
Armor of Blood and Bone causes the sorcerer to be affected by the venom as if she has decayed. As the spell is being shaped, blood, bone and sin-
Cost: 1n, 1wp been hit by a single dose. The immunity gained from having ew are ripped from the corpse and forms a weapon in the
Keywords: None this spell as a control spell bears no extra tolerance against necromancer’s hand. The weapon can emulate any type of
Duration: One scene New Keywords the distortion effect. light or medium Melee or Martial Arts weapon. It counts as
an artifact weapon.
The Harvesters of Haz Al’hin are one of the First and Forsak- Blood Magic: Spells carrying this keyword overlaps Black Candle Visage
en Lion’s most feared vanguards. It is said among the nomad sorcery and necromancy. Sorcerers can learn the Cost: Ritual, 1wp If the necromancer has Blade of Blood and Bone as his con-
warriors of the Bloodsand Sultanate that a warrior fighting spell and activate it with sorcerous motes instead of Keywords: None trol spell, he can also emulate heavy weapons. If he is capa-
the dead should bring a vial of liquid fire—to be able to dis- necrosis. Blood Magic spells aren’t necessarily blood- Duration: One project ble of using Essence, he may learn Evocations for the weap-
pose of your own body when faced against the Harvesters themed, though that is common. If spells are close on. If the necromancer has Armor of Blood and Bone as his
of Haz Al’hin. The reason for that rumor is their ability to enough to sorcery to be able to be bridged, they carry The necromancer spills drops of blood from both hands, and control spell, then this one also becomes his control spell.
harvest strength from the corpses of the slain. the Blood Magic keyword even if blood isn’t part of her Essence spins it into a cat’s cradle of crimson strands.
the theme of the spell. The Willpower cost for activat- Pulling and tugging at any ghost in line of sight, the charac- Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting the Blade of
The Armor of Blood and Bone is a necrotic armor favored by ing spells with this keyword may be substituted for ter shapes her target’s corpus like an artist shapes wax. Al- Blood and Bone makes the bone weak and the sinew loose.
necromancers who often deal with corpses, either through levels of lethal damage. terations require a (Dexterity + Relevant Craft) roll. Fitting Attacks with the weapon suffer a penalty equal to the Es-
undertaking or through murder. In order to activate this Craft Abilities are Moliation, Chandlery or Pottery and the sence of the enemy necromancer for the remainder of the
spell, the necromancer must be within short range from a task is a project that awards crafting points as any other craft. scene or until the character takes an action to stabilize the
corpse. It doesn’t need to be a human corpse, but it cannot weapon by drawing at least one necrosis.
be smaller than the size of a toddler. Neither can it be too The character can only target ghosts with Essence 1 if she
decayed. As the spell is being shaped, blood, bone and sin- only knows the First Circle of necromancy. If she knows the
ew are ripped from the corpse and forms an armor around The blood mage thereafter must touch her victim within a Second Circle, she may target ghosts up to Essence 3. If she
the necromancer’s body. The armor can emulate any type of year’s time. If rolled into combat, this spell is released in knows the Third Circle, she may target ghosts up to Essence
light or medium artifact armor. supplement to a decisive attack against the intended vic- 5. She cannot use this spell to alter Deathlords. A necroman- Black CandleVisageand Necromantic Workings
tim, treating Initiative as 5 higher for the purpose of the at- cer can target stronger ghosts than she’s otherwise capable
If the necromancer has Armor of Blood and Bone as his con- tack. This Initiative is a false Initiative and cannot be used to of molding only if they are willing to be altered. Black Candle Visage is a spell that lets the necroman-
trol spell, he can also emulate heavy armor (but the corpse help the blood mage out of Initiative Crash. The attack itself cer mold ghosts as if they were wax. Though necro-
must be at least the size of an adult human for there to be will dose the victim with a poison that causes the victim’s Using this spell on a ghost allows the necromancer to make mancers have some powers over ghosts, ghosts are in
enough material for a heavy armor). If he is capable of using chakras to give out, eventually stopping their heart. The ven- alterations to the ghost as Simple Projects up to Merit rating general the everyday citizens of the Underworld. Just
Essence, he may learn Evocations for it. If the necromancer om has the following traits: 3i/round (L in Crash), 5 rounds, 1, as Major Projects up to Merit Rating 2 to 3, or as Superior like how you cannot simply “mold” an individual from
has Blade of Blood and Bone as his control spell, then this -2. This is a necrotic venom, and effects that resist venoms Projects up to Merit Rating 4 to 5. Apart from the ghost it- Creation, it’s not possible to alter ghosts in this fash-
one also becomes his control spell. must explicitly resist supernatural venoms as well in order to self, the materials required depend on the trait being mod- ion through any mundane means.
defend against this spell. ified. For example, crafting a spine tail onto a ghost servant
Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting the Armor of is a simple project, while making it prehensile would take A necromantic working will let you take a ghost and
Blood and Bone makes the bone weak and the sinew loose. If this spell is used outside of combat, the Storyteller may much more effort and resources. forever bind it or convert it to some esoteric effect. A
The armor’s soak is reduced by the enemy necromancer’s ask the blood mage for a Medicine or a Larceny roll to apply powerful one could have mutative effects on ghosts
Essence and its mobility penalty is increased by half that, the venom to the target. Diagnosing a victim of Assassin’s This spell can be used together with Craft Charms to en- within the effects of the working. Though there are
rounded up. The penalties last for the remainder of the Fatal Touch calls for a (Perception + Medicine) roll, but with hance the action. many things a necromantic working can do with a
scene or until the necromancer takes an action to stabilize an added difficulty of the blood mage’s Essence. ghost, the actions supplemented by the Black Candle
the armor by drawing at least one necrosis. Blade of Blood and Bone Visage ritual are mundane craft actions allowing the
A blood mage who knows Assassin’s Fatal Touch as her Cost: 1n, 1wp necromancer to physically mold his ghost subjects.
Assassin’s Fatal Touch control spell does not need to prepare her spell by having Keywords: None
Cost: Ritual, 1wp prior contact with the intended victim. She may prepare Duration: One scene At the Storyteller’s discretion, this spell can be used
Keywords: Blood Magic, Decisive-only, Perilous the spell without an intended victim and release it when- to supplement necromantic workings as well in order
Duration: One year or until released ever she wishes to. However, the assassin’s blood becomes The Harvesters of Haz Al’hin are one of the First and Forsak- to modify more extreme beings than the spell would
forever poisonous. Should anyone come into direct contact en Lion’s most feared vanguards. It is said among the nomad otherwise allow.
The blood mage renders her touch deadly to one selected with the assassin’s blood, they will suffer the effects of the warriors of the Bloodsand Sultanate that a warrior fighting
victim. To cast this spell, the blood mage must first make necrotic venom. The blood mage herself is immune to her the dead should bring a vial of liquid fire—to be able to dis-
skin contact with either her intended victim or some small own venom, but she may be targeted by other blood mages pose of your own body when faced against the Harvesters
object the victim touched at some point within a year, such who know this spell. of Haz Al’hin. The reason for that rumor is their ability to
as an article of clothing or jewelry. Shaping the spell requires harvest strength from the corpses of the slain.
an hour-long ritual that involves drinking either blood or Distortion (Goal Number: 10): It’s very rare for a blood Bless the Rapine Soul
poison and focusing the spell’s Essence through this blood mage using this spell to experience having it distorted. It’s The Blade of Blood and Bone is a lethal weapon favored by Cost: 15n, 2wp
or poison. not a spell that’s easily identified since you cannot see upon necromancers whom often deal with corpses, either through Keywords: Mute
the blood mage when it is lingering within her chakras. undertaking or through murder. In order to activate this Duration: Instant
11 12
ing her incapable of benefiting from rest for that night. Duration: One scene he next visits a mirror. Sadly, targets without some manner
Ghosts who enjoy possessing the bodies of the living love of inner vital fluid cannot take advantage of this aspect of
necromancers with this spell. Some even offer favors or Distortion (Goal Number: 15): Distorting Bless the Rapine Most blood mages consider the Blood Lash a weapon of the spell.
long-term service in exchange for a single casting. Bless the Soul does not evict the possessing ghost, but it gives control last resort, for the spell can be cast only if the mage bears a
Rapine Soul scourges a living target’s soul, making the victim back to the host for a number of minutes equal to the con- bleeding wound—at least one unbound, unhealed level of A necromancer who knows Blood Mirror Speech as his con-
more likely to submit to another will driving his body. The testing necromancer’s Essence. Though distorting the spell lethal damage. The character may wound himself if he must. trol spell may pay an additional point of Willpower to project
necromancer makes a Persuade action against the target to doesn’t break it, it forces the ghost’s hand and reduces a day Blood from the mage’s wounds surges outward, forming a his senses through the mirror while delivering the missive.
let someone into his soul (the necromancer must be truth- from the duration of the possession. The necromancer can lash of blood. The whip counts as a medium artifact weapon He may also project Linguistics Charms as long as they can
ful in her persuasion, but she can attempt to mislead the only attempt to distort this spell once a day during the time with the following tags: Bashing, Martial Arts, Disarming, be used on messages no longer than a sentence. The necro-
target by omitting important information—only the main the ghost is in control. Flexible, Grappling and Reaching. mancer must still wait until the target glances in a mirror
question must be truthful: “Do you welcome someone into before this interaction takes effect, but it does not inhibit
your soul?”). Should the roll for the social influence exceed Blessed Dead Fools In addition, characters with an Essence pool gain access to his awareness or actions in his own place of existence. When
the target’s Resolve, the spell takes root even if the target Cost: Ritual, 2wp the following powers while this spell is active: projecting his senses through the mirror, a target needs not
shakes off the influence through Decision Point. The idea is Keywords: None bleed upon the mirror to answer him. Simply talking into
lingering even in the unwilling, and when night comes, their Duration: One Performance Hateful Torture (5m; Reflexive; Instant, Decisive-only): the mirror will be enough for the necromancer to hear the
souls call out for a ghost. When the blood mage makes a decisive attack against an reply, though the response can be no longer than five min-
Just as twilight becomes night, the necromancer spends up enemy, the lash creates tiny claws that rend flesh from the utes in length. The necromancer cannot have a conversation
Should the spell have taken root but the target remains un- to an hour singing a small pavilion and flag of pale blue flame victim, adding one automatic success to the damage roll and through the mirror. He can only see through it as he’s receiv-
willing, the ghost must wait for the victim to sleep before into existence around her. Whether the ritual takes place in treats the target’s wound penalties as one higher than they ing his response.
it can attempt to possess him. The ghost’s player then rolls Creation or the Underworld, any ghost in either realm with- are until the wound is treated. Multiple uses of this power
(Charisma + Integrity) against the sleeping victim’s Resolve, in leagues of the ritual is aware of its presence and many are may stack the wound penalty increase to become a maxi- Having this spell as his control will also cause mirrors to
adding a number of automatic successes equal to the nec- drawn to it as moths to flame. mum of the mage’s Essence. bleed sporadically in the necromancer’s presence whenever
romancer’s Essence. This roll is made even against targets he is feeling strong negative emotions. Others in the pres-
being willingly possessed, but against Resolve 0, in order to Any ghost who steps into the tent’s location, whether in Cre- Bleeding Artery Transformation (3m; Reflexive; Instant): ence of the necromancer may see blood dripping from the
determine the duration of the possession. Should the ghost ation or in the Underworld, appears before the necromancer Warping and twisting the lash, the blood mage may grant it edges when they see the necromancer’s reflection in that
fail to overcome the victim’s Resolve, it may try again the fol- and understands the bargain: The spell increases a willing the tag of his choice for the rest of the scene. Only one tag mirror (the necromancer doesn’t need to feel strong nega-
lowing night. Only after having failed to possess the victim ghost’s Performance by an amount equal to the necroman- can be granted by this power at the time. tive emotions for this effect to take place). This blood is an
for a full month does the spell’s effects fade. cer’s Essence, up to a maximum of 5. As payment for this illusion and cannot be used as the blood required for the
blessing, the ghost must appear and perform at a certain If the blood mage has Blood Lash as his control spell, he may spell itself.
Should the ghost successfully possess the victim, it may lin- place and time. Ghosts who accept are bound not to speak use the wounds of a bleeding foe or ally within close range as
ger within that body for (threshold successes) days, or at least of the event they partake in or anything they learn there. reagents for his spell. If he is an Essence-wielder, he may also Bone Puppet Dance
one night. If the ghost remains dormant during the days and When the sixth ghost agrees to the deal, the event begins, or learn Evocations for his Blood Lash. Cost: 15n, 1wp
then only controls its victim when he sleeps, the duration night becomes dawn, whichever comes first, the blue-flame Keywords: None
it may possess the victim is doubled. A spirit controlling pavilion gutters out. Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting the Blood Lash Duration: Instant
someone uses its host’s physical traits but its own mental makes the blood mage lose control as blood sprays out of his
and social traits (with the exception of Appearance-based Even with the bindings, the ghost gets a bargain. Master wounds. This forces a level of lethal damage from the mage. The necromancer targets an enemy up to medium range
social actions). necromancers’ parties are grandiose affairs, and a ghost can The contesting blood mage may control the lash for one ac- and rolls (Charisma + Occult), but against the target’s Re-
meet prominent mask makers and dreamstone merchants. tion before control returns to the original wielder. He may solve and not Defense. If successful, the skeleton attempts
Though necromancers most of the time use this spell with Additionally, the music a ghost plays at the party is as real not use that action to end the spell. to move as the caster wills for a number of rounds equal to
ghosts in mind, it may also be used together with gods or and vivid as anything the ghost heard while alive—the dead (3 + the threshold successes on the roll). The skeleton acts
demons. Though gods are often less prone to use the help of could even find such a rare sensation addictive. Blood Mirror Speech with either its normal dice pools or those of its normal fleshy
a necromancer to take possession of a human, demons are Cost: 5n, 2wp owner should it successfully perform an action without its
more often than not intrigued by the idea. A necromancer with Blessed Dead Fools as his control spell Keywords: Blood Magic host resisting it.
is granted an automatic non-Charm success if he himself Duration: Instant
If the necromancer has Bless the Rapine Soul as her control performs on an event hosting his ghostly fools. He may also This animated skeleton shares the Initiative of its host as
spell, she may spend one hour with the possessed victim in apply a simplified version of this ritual as a spell costing 10 Mirrors carry a great deal of metaphor that the Exalted can long as it remains within her body. On each of the target’s
order to forge a stronger bond between the victim and his necrosis where he’s making the bargain with a single ghost use in their powerful magic. The necromancer cuts his hand actions, the necromancer determines an action for the skel-
host. After this bond has been forged, the ghost gains the as a social influence action. However, once a season under and flings his blood (or plasm) at the mirror with a short eton. If this action goes against the action of the host, the
benefits of Bless the Rapine Soul automatically any time it a blood moon, the necromancer becomes the blessed fool, message in mind. Someone else’s blood works just as well. host must roll (Strength or Stamina + Athletics or Resist-
would want to revisit the victim in the future to attempt to being unable to gain rest for a night as he must dance uncon- His efflux and Essence spell out the message for a moment ance) against difficulty 3, or suffer three dice of Initiative
possess him another time. The necromancer has the power trollably from dusk till dawn. Most necromancers feel this before the mirror absorbs it. damage. A successful roll means that the host overcomes
to, at any time, break this bond between the ghost and the night coming and prepare a location of solitude for it, so that the skeleton for a round, being able to take an action like
victim. Should the necromancer die, the bond will break au- their performance can be left undisturbed. The next time the spell’s target glances in a mirror, the mes- normal. A failed roll means that the host may still perform
tomatically. Necromancers capable of forging this bond calls sage forms there to be read. Once understood, the liquid her action, but at a -3 penalty. A botched roll means that the
the act of doing so “Consorting with Devils.” Additionally, Blood Lash words loose cohesion and flow down the mirror’s surface. If host cannot resist at all, and the skeleton performs its action.
whenever a victim dies while being possessed by a ghost, the Cost: 5n, 1wp the target desires, she may cut herself and use her own vital Should the target be in Initiative Crash, the damage for fail-
victim’s shade haunts the necromancer for a night, render- Keywords: Blood Magic substance to write a response, which the caster will see when ing the roll becomes lethal.
13 14
may also use this ritual for his own sake, to communicate ter’s mind. As she does, she forbids the victim
Skeletons that kill their contravening hosts claw their way with positive Ties of Major or stronger intensity on the other from speaking of a single subject, which may
free of the body and become permanent walking dead under side. He may use the reagents to fool his own senses if he be as specific as “The letters I secretly send to
the caster’s control. Similary, casting this spell on an existing dares not see the truth. the All-Seeing Eye at the end of every month”
skeleton raises it as a permanent zombie. Targeting a skel- or as broad as “The existence of Sidereal Ex-
eton that is already an active walking dead rips its control Distortion (Goal Number: 15): Distorting Bonfire Visions alted.” It is impossible to defend against this
from its current master. removes all deceit hidden in the flames. For ten minutes, curse barring magic that can perfectly dodge
those who peer into the flames sees the truth for what it ac- or parry uncountable damage such as Heav-
A character who knows Bone Puppet Dance as his control tually is and not for what it appears to be. The bonfire can enly Guardian Defense, but the necromancer
spell may increase the penalty induced by the skeleton to only show the ivory vision throughout the distortion. If it’s must roll (Intelligence + Occult) against the
four, as well as the damage to four dice. In addition, when- already showing the ivory vision—or if the contesting necro- victim’s Resolve to successfully bind his will.
ever the necromancer experiences strong, uncontrollable mancer distorts it again during the ten minutes that it does
emotions, such as anger or sadness, parts of his own skeleton after his initial distortion—the connection will break for ten A cursed character feels waves of nausea if he
may uncontrollably distort his limbs into twisted positions minutes, or until the necromancer takes a miscellaneous ac- even thinks of trying to communicate any-
reminiscent of a marionette doll. This lets the necromancer tion to throw new reagents into the flame. thing about the topic. If he tries to do so de-
experience the penalty to physical actions for one dramatic spite this warning, he becomes overwhelmed
moment, at the Storyteller’s discretion. Call Ghost with wracking pain and begins vomiting up
Cost: Ritual, 2wp dozens of fat, white maggots, rendering that
Distortion (Goal Number: 8): Distorting Bone Puppet Keywords: None action or any other impossible for at least a
Dance allows a contesting necromancer to take control of Duration: Instant turn. This applies to all forms of communi-
a skeleton affected by this spell (or give control back to the cation—speaking, writing, telepathy, or any
skeleton’s owner). Late at night, the necromancer traces a circle upon the desperate signals the victim tries to use to
ground. After a three hour long ritual in which she pours circumvent the restriction of this curse—and
Bonfire Visions blood upon black earth and whispers the hidden names persists until the cursed character ceases try-
Cost: Ritual, 1wp of the Neverborn, masters of the Labyrinth, she may bring ing to violate the ban. This spell may be ended
Keywords: None forth a lesser dead ghost of up to Essence 3 from the Under- by the necromancer’s death or may be will-
Duration: Three hours world. The ghost arrives through a portal of yawning red- ingly released, as the necromancer reaches a
black shadow and smoke, which smells faintly of a river and hand down the victim’s mouth and recites the
Bones of creatures that once lived are rare finds in the Un- smells faintly of death. last word of this spell backwards to extract a
derworld, but this spell requires one. The necromancer slimy egg-sac full of squirming larvae that is
draws up a spiral on the ground and casts the bone in the Ghosts summoned by this spell must be bound with an (In- the physical embodiment of this curse.
spiral’s center. A large, blue bonfire that burns for three telligence + Occult) roll against their Resolve. The necro-
hours appears from the spiral, and the fire burns brightly for mancer may choose to make the ghost as her personal slave A necromancer who knows Corrupted Words
a thing of the dreary Underworld. It is visible for miles, and for a year and a day, giving it a Defining Tie of loyalty to her as her control spell may cast it with no obvi-
its vibrant glow attracts ghosts. Ghosts who peer into the fire that cannot be weakened or altered by any means and setting ous display of magical intervention other than
can see their Fetters with perfect clarity. Ghosts are often its Resolve to 0 against any influence rolls she makes. Alter- a faint flash of green in her eyes, leaving her
willing to pay a necromancer for such a chance to check on natively, she may assign it to complete a specific task. Task- victim uncertain as to the affliction’s source.
the status of their Fetters. bound ghosts form a Defining Principle of “I must complete Additionally, as the necromancer controls this
my task,” which is similarly impervious to tampering. spell, this spell also controls the necromancer.
Should this ritual be done in Creation, those who still mourn The necromancer’s player should together
their deceased loved ones may peer into this blue flame and On a failed binding roll, the necromancer is unable to bind with the Storyteller pick a subject that the
see the shade of the ones they’ve lost. The sad blue flames the ghost, and must make a (Wits + Occult) roll against a necromancer himself is incapable of talking
show them the ghost of their loved one as he is right that difficulty of the ghost’s current Willpower to banish it back about. However, unlike the necromancer’s
very moment, or as the necromancer wants him to appear to to the Underworld. If she fails, then the ghost is unleashed, victims, his own tongue will never be released
be. Sometimes deceit is necessary to soothe the mourning unbound, into Creation, free from the Underworld and free from the grasp of this spell.
heart. from her summoner’s will. This spell may only be cast once
per night. Distortion (Goal Number: 15): Distorting
Necromancers who know or have studied this spell have this curse makes it possible for the victim to
names for what the bonfire reveals: blood visions show the Corrupted Words speak around the forbidden subject matter
watchers what they expect to see, silver visions show them Cost: 15n, 1wp for five minutes. He must speak using cir-
what they want to see, and ivory visions show the truth. The Keywords: Blood Magic, Psyche cumlocutions, flowery metaphors, or cryptic
necromancer must decide in advance which vision to reveal Duration: Indefinite symbolism to communicate the broad gist
through the bonfire and use the associated reagent together of the topic, and cannot go into any level of
with the bone. The necromancer speaks words that bind the tongue—she detail beyond the most superficial. This does
evokes a seething, bilious mass of green Essence between not avert the inevitable tide of maggots, but
A necromancer with Bonfire Visions as his control spell may her hands and casts it down the throat of a victim at short gives the victim enough time to speak before
initiate an interaction between the ghost and the living. He range, where it dissolves into a ward that censors that charac- he must disgorge them.
15 16
verability by 2 until the necromancer succeeds at soothing er’s (Essence or 3), whichever is higher, allows an onlooker to
Death Flies Two Sails the specter by taking an action to sing. recognize an impostor spirit. The necromancer bites her lip and blows a frigid mist onto
Cost: Ritual, 1wp her hand. She needs to touch a ghost with her frost-covered
Keywords: None Death Inversion Loop Any lethal or aggravated damage the caster suffers while hand at some point in the scene, then pull a transparent
Duration: Until dawn Cost: 5n, 1wp wearing the cloak also affects the disguise. Once the nec- blade dancing with pale blue flame from the ghost’s corpus.
Keywords: Withering-only romancer has suffered damage to her -2 wound penalty, the For every round following the activation of this spell with-
Sailing on the Sea of Shadows, the Underworld equivalent Duration: Instant cloak falls off in tatters and reveals her. In order to use the out Blind Edge having been drawn, the necromancer suffers
to the Inland Sea, is a dangerous prospect. Spectres sail the spell again, the necromancer must steal another soul. If the one die of Initiative damage that becomes bashing when in
black waves on ectoplasmic flotsam, the sea’s black waters A ghost’s death was usually horrible—otherwise, the ghost cloak is touched by sunlight, the necromancer must get out Initiative Crash.
seep in with their nightmares and poisons, and hekatonkh- would not have passions left unfulfilled or Fetters binding of the sun on her next action or the mask will break.
ire rise from the depths for food. As the waters of the Under- her to her unlife. Catching the gaze of a ghost no further Drawing Blind Edge drains (Essence or 3) motes from the
world lap at her feet, the caster sings a lullaby to the dead. away than medium range, the caster can force her to experi- A necromancer who knows Death Mask as her control spell targeted ghost’s mote pool, as well as (Essence or 3) of the
ence that moment of death once more. becomes effectively half-ghost when this spell is being used. target’s Initiative. The sword is a reaver daiklave with a single
Activating this spell requires seven minutes of song and a If the necromancer is an Essence user, she will be able to use Evocation identical to one of the targeted ghost’s Arcanoi.
successful (Charisma + Performance) action. A sailing ship The necromancer rolls (Appearance + Occult) with (Es- a single Arcanoi, selected at Storyteller discretion as she first The necromancer becomes instinctively aware of this Evoca-
rises to the water’s surface, and it comfortably fits a num- sence) extra dice against the ghost’s Resolve. If the caster learns this spell. She may also further enhance the disguise tion once the sword is drawn. Should the necromancer not
ber of passengers equal to the successes on the Performance wins the contest, the ghost relives its death. The ghost los- when invoking the soul cloak, rolling (Manipulation + Lar- have a mote pool and not normally be capable of using Evo-
action (maximum five). The ship’s figurehead is a spectre, es a number of Initiative equal to the threshold successes ceny) and supplementing the difficulty for seeing through cations, she may use the Evocation once in the scene, which
bound there to sing for the ship’s protection. A failed roll on the roll (minimum 1), and that Initiative is gained by the the disguise with the outcome of that roll, should it be high- results in the sword dissolving after its use.
drains the Willpower, but otherwise allows for a new at- necromancer. The ghost also loses a point of Willpower and er than (Essence or 3). Additionally, this spell taints the nec-
tempt at song. A botched roll prevents the spell from being will be prone on its next action. romancer in the eyes of the Most High. As long as this spell A necromancer with Drawing Blind Edge as his control
cast that night. is active, she is considered a creature of death. spell traps the ghost’s Arcanos in the sword’s Evocation as
If the ghost’s player resists the attempt, the effect is forced long as the spell is active. This prevents the ghost from us-
Should more people than what the ship can fit try to climb back on the caster. The necromancer loses the Willpower Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting Death Mask dis- ing that particular Arcanos as long as the sword is drawn.
aboard, it will refuse to sail until only the allowed number spent activating the spell, one point of Initiative, and is con- turbs the soul cloak for the scene, allowing anyone present If the necromancer is an Exalt, he may pay the experience
of passengers remain. It will also refuse to sail if the necro- sidered prone on his next action as vague and disturbing vi- to see the necromancer for what she really is. The spell is still cost required to keep the Evocation after the scene. This lets
mancer tries to cheat more passengers, such as having them sions of his own death beset him. Whether these visions are in effect, but no roll is required to see that something is off him tap into that same Evocation the next time he draws the
outside the ship but pulled by it. Characters sailing on this truly prophetic is subject to some debate. with the necromancer. The necromancer may take an action sword, even if he draws the sword from a different ghost.
ship have less chance of dangerous encounters on any sea it to correct his soul cloak by channeling five necrosis to it. Blind Edge can hold a maximum of (Essence + 1) Evocations.
travels upon. The hekathonkires of the Sea of Shadows will A necromancer who knows Death Inversion Loop as his con-
not attack the ship unless provoked. trol spell adds (Essence) successes instead of the (Essence) Door of the Dead Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting Drawing Blind
extra dice. If his Resolve is equal to or higher than the ghost’s Cost: 15n, 1wp Edge can be done both before and after it has been drawn.
The ship allows only for short voyages, as the light of dawn Appearance, he can ignore the negative effects of a failed at- Keywords: None If distorted before it’s being drawn, the frost deals two dice
burns its sails. Even if the ship has been summoned in the tack. Additionally, the necromancer often has nightmares Duration: Instant of Initiative damage every round instead of one. If distorted
Underworld, or in another realm without sunlight, the sails of his own death. If the necromancer has used this spell at after it has been drawn, the necromancer must spend 1 Will-
will burn whenever dawn reaches Creation. This will not some point in the day, he cannot regain Willpower from rest Reflections look alive but are not alive, and this property power in order to use the sword’s Evocation.
sink the ship, but it will be rendered immobile until the ritu- that following night. gives the surfaces that create them an affinity with the Un-
al is repeated at twilight. derworld. The necromancer caresses a reflective surface as Dusk Eyes
Death Mask he casts this spell, opening a quicksilver doorway between Cost: 1n, 1wp
The ship shares stats with a Fast Courier (see Exalted Third Cost: 5n, 1wp Creation and the nearest reflective surface in the Under- Keywords: None
Edition, p. 246). Keywords: None world—or vice versa. Travel between the two is instantane- Duration: One hour or until released
Duration: Indefinite ous, and the passage remains open for three rounds in com-
A necromancer who knows Death Flies Two Sails as her con- bat, or for one minute outside of combat. Things can come The necromancer anoints his eyes with blood from a pricked
trol spell cannot fail at the song. Whenever she rolls (Cha- To cast this spell, the necromancer must first witness the through the other way, too. Once the connection fades, the finger, then meditates upon the other side. When next he
risma + Performance) for the lullaby, she adds one automatic painful death of a living human within short range. As life road closes viciously. Mirrors crack, water boils, and silver opens his eyes, he can see around the borders between life
success. She also adds +1 to the ship’s Maneuverability. Ad- flees the body, the caster invokes Death Mask to capture her tarnishes. and death. While this spell is active, the necromancer may
ditionally, should the necromancer be on another ship at victim’s higher soul and wash away its sentience, leaving an see from the Underworld into the analogous part of Crea-
night, she must succeed on singing for that ship as well, or empty shell of soul-stuff. The victim will not rise as a normal A necromancer with Door of the Dead as his control spell tion, or vice versa. He can see only one world at a time, how-
its spirit will want to cast her off into the sea. Failed songs ghost, but his lower soul could become a hungry one. The may select a reflective surface he is aware of within (Essence ever. If he peers into one world while doing something in
for ships at night will make the necromancer suffer a -1 pen- spell’s necrosis lingers on the necromancer as long as the x 100) yards of his analogous point in the other realm. It is a the other that requires attention, such as combat, he suffers
alty to all physical actions on that ship until next twilight. mask is in her possession. common occurance for this necromancer’s reflection to act from the typical penalties of blindness.
Successful songs add +1 to the ship’s Manueverability if the unlike his own self.
necromancer is its captain. Later, the caster can invoke the spell again to form the mask Wards and spells against scrying can defeat this spell. It lasts
upon her face from the lingering necrosis. At the donning of Drawing Blind Edge for an hour, during which time the necromancer may walk
Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Death Flies Two the mask, a soul cloak wraps around her, making her appear Cost: 5n, 1wp through a shadowland’s border into either Creation or the
Sails confuses the specter that sings for the ship’s protection. to all eyes like a normal ghost. A successful (Perception + Keywords: None Underworld, at the player’s choice, despite the time of day
The sea extracts vengeance upon the ship, reducing Maneu- [Awareness or Occult]) roll at a difficulty equal to the cast- Duration: One scene and at no cost. This spell has no real effect in shadowlands,
17 18
where the two worlds are one. plenish Willpower from that rest. Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Faces of the
Dead creates a moment when all of the souls trapped with-
A necromancer with Dusk Eyes as his control spell can gaze Distortion (Goal Number: 5): Distorting the Emperor’s in can fight for their freedom. The ghosts begin a contest
upon both worlds at once. Because of sensory overload of
Haunts Chains gives full mobile control back to all or any ghosts of will with the necromancer in possession of them, rolling
seeing two worlds inhabit the same space, the necromancer from the moment of distortion to the opposing necroman- (Willpower + Integrity) against his (Willpower + Occult).
Violent and emotional deaths can leave haunts, loca-
is still penalized by the spell, but the penalty is only at -1 out cer’s next action. If the opposing necromancer herself is a Any ghost that gains more successes than the necromancer
tions where the event’s imagery replays itself over and
of combat and -2 in combat. The ethereal veil between real- ghost affected by the spell, she may increase the goal num- in that contest of will is immediately freed.
over again, often timed to a phase of the moon or oth-
ities never really goes away for the necromancer, even when ber for the distortion to 10 in order to free herself for (her
er celestial event. In Creation, haunts fade over time
the spell is not active. At times during distress, the necro- Essence or 3) actions following the successful distortion. Field of Fell Dreams
or wise men can exorcise them. In the Underworld,
mancer can perceive unnerving shadows from the other side Cost: 15n, 1wp
haunts are nigh permanent and difficult to remove.
as ghosts that his gaze cannot fully catch. Faces of the Dead Keywords: None
Cost: 5n, 1wp Duration: Instant
When encountering a haunt, the Storyteller must
Distortion (Goal Number: 12): Distorting Dusk Eyes does Keywords: None
first determine its magnitude—a lesser haunt can be
not disrupt the necromancer’s vision into the other side, but Duration: One scene Laying his palm on the ground at the spell’s climax, the cast-
the wailing of a mother at the place her children were
it affects the targets of the necromancer’s gaze with an un- er scorches the earth with a black brand in the shape of his
murdered, a standard haunt can be the memory of a
easy sensation of being watched. This does not reveal to the Pulling his fingers as if drawing thread, the necromancer hand. Immediately afterward, hundreds of skeletal hands
massacre replaying itself at every turning of the sea-
targets where their watcher is located, or that he is a necro- spins a shimmering silver line of Essence. It thickens into burst upward through the earth, stone or flooring to grab
son, and a greater haunt can be the scene of a battle
mancer with a spell in use. They only experience the unease wire, then rotates into the third dimension to become a sil- anyone present (except the caster), holding them with the
locked in time. Tales tell of legendary haunts as well,
and become more wary of their surroundings. ver mace with a perfect 12-faced head. The weapon is treated strength of the dead.
but they are caused by such rare atrocities that entire
as a mundane mace (see Exalted Third Edition, page 583),
nations have been affected.
Easing the Forsaken Memory but its effects are far from mundane. The necromancer rolls (Intelligence + Occult) against the
Cost: Ritual, 1wp Defense of every character standing on the ground within
In order to exorcise a haunt, one must first determine
Keywords: None The mace deals aggravated damage to ghosts and other short range—friend or foe, material or immaterial. Those
its cause and then perform a ritual with a difficulty
Duration: Instant spirits of the dead. If it’s used with a withering attack that who fail at defending against the necromancer’s roll are im-
determined by the Storyteller based on the haunt’s
crashes a ghost, then the necromancer gains three necrosis mediately subjected to a grapple gambit (see Exalted Third
magnitude. Without the spell Easing the Forsaken
When coming across a haunt, a fastidious necromancer that is maintained until used for a spell of his choice or for Edition, page 200) as hands grab them from below. This
Memory, exorcising a haunt should be a task in itself.
might not want the echoing cries of a pitiful spirit’s death as long as the mace is summoned. Should this mace be used costs no Initiative to attempt.
to contaminate her décor or motifs. The necromancer per- for a decisive attack that incapacitates a ghost, then it cap-
forms an hour-long ritual at the center of the haunt and tures the ghost in one of its faces with a steely blue flash. The If at least one character fails to defend against the attack and
rolls (Intelligence + Occult) at a difficulty determined by ghost then looks out from the face that captured it. Up to becomes grappled, then the necromancer rolls (Willpower
the haunt’s magnitude (1 for lesser, 3 for standard, and 5 for Keywords: None (Essence + Occult) ghosts may be captured in a scene. If the + Occult) with Essence automatic successes as a control
greater). Successfully casting this spell erases a single haunt Duration: One scene mace is used to reduce the size of a battlegroup of ghosts, roll against the targets’ (Strength + [Brawl or Martial Arts])
or relocates it to any place within (Essence x 5) miles. the mace may absorb a ghost for each invoked level of dam- to determine how long these affected victim’s will be held.
The necromancer claps his hands, and his Essence rings like age at the Storyteller’s discretion. The necromancer suffers no penalty to his Defense and can
If she wishes, a necromancer can also use this spell to turn a a dull but very loud gong. When the sound strikes a ghost, perform flurries like normal since it is the spell and not the
cooperating ghost’s memory into a haunt or create one from it becomes sluggish and has difficulty moving. All ghosts At the scene’s end, the mace withers away, but every ghost necromancer that is holding his victims.
her own imagination. Creating a haunt lets the necromancer within long range of the caster suffers a penalty to all com- trapped within appears as a rock crystal no larger than a
substitute Intelligence for Manipulation and Occult for Per- bat movement actions, such as Rush and Disengage, by the marble. This crystal is near-unbreakable, but the soul with- Each turn in which the grapple is maintained, the necro-
formance if those traits are higher. necromancer’s Essence or 3, whichever is higher. Ghosts also in can be released using the Zenith Caste’s anima power or mancer can choose between a savage, restrain and release
need to pay a surcharge equal to the necromancer’s Essence similar effects. The necromancer can also choose to willingly action. His choice of action is applied to all affected targets.
A haunt created in Creation lasts for a duration determined to all movement-related Arcanoi. free the souls. They will then reappear as ghosts, but with Any withering damage caused by a savage action is not
by its magnitude (one month for lesser, three for standard, their motes and Willpower completely drained. gained by the necromancer, but he may gain one Initiative
and five for greater). In order to prolong the haunt, the nec- By focusing the sound to a specific target in range, only that Crash bonus this way per round should at least one of his
romancer must return to reestablish the ritual. In the Un- ghost is affected by the spell but it becomes unable to use A necromancer with Faces of the Dead as his control spell victims crash. A decisive savage action uses the necroman-
derworld, haunts become permanent. combat movement actions at all unless it first spends a point may use the traits for a goremaul (see Exalted Third Edi- cer’s (Essence + Occult + remaining rounds of control) in
of Willpower. After the Willpower has been spent, it can per- tion, page 595). If he is capable of wielding Essence, he may damage dice. Performing a decisive savage action ends the
A necromancer with Easing the Forsaken Memory as his form the combat movement action, but at the penalty deter- also learn Evocations for the weapon. A Shadowlands Circle spell’s effects even if it deals no damage.
control spell has greater manipulation over haunts. He adds mined above. necromancer is dissonant, a Labyrinth Circle necromancer
(Essence) in automatic successes to the roll and doubles the is not limited to the weapon, and a Void Circle necromancer This spell can only be cast once per scene unless the ground
durations for all haunts created in Creation. However, the A necromancer with Emperor’s Chains as his control spell is resonant to it. A necromancer with this as his control spell is fed with fresh corpses. At least five characters must die or
necromancer is forever tormented by a haunt of his own that asserts such force upon the affected ghosts that they expe- feels the fear and hatred of his enslaved souls. While some a battlegroup must be reduced in Size for the spell’s reset
he is incapable of erasing. Should the character manage to rience one level of bashing damage that ignores hardness necromancers feel no empathy towards the ghosts, they still condition to be met.
erase that haunt at some point during play, then he loses the whenever they move from one range band to another. How- feel their hatred. Should a ghost previously trapped by the
control aspect of this spell. ever, the necromancer often dreams that he is chained to a necromancer be freed and kill him, then the necromancer’s A necromancer with Field of Fell Dreams as his control spell
greater emperor. The next time he rests after having used soul will itself be trapped in a rock crystal in that ghost’s may keep the spell from targeting allies in range. Addition-
Emperor’s Chains this spell, he’s experiencing nightmares of not being able to possession. ally, he may single out targets for his savage, restrain or re-
Cost: 15n, 1wp escape a great, invisible threat. He becomes unable to re- lease actions instead of being forced to pick one action for
19 20
all targets. As a drawback, sometimes not even the necro- gives the ghost a number of Willpower equal to the success- for the experience, but it will also grant the ghost a Major
mancer can escape his spell’s clutches. Undead hands often Five Gifts es rolled. This can increase the ghost’s Willpower above its or Defining Intimacy for the necromancer herself at the
hold him as he sleeps. Should he make a botch in combat, Cost: Ritual, 1wp normal cap, but it cannot be higher than double its standard Storyteller’s discretion. Every time she blesses a ghost with
hands appearing from the ground may render him prone or Keywords: Psyche amount. an experience longer than a day, she loses some of her own
grappled at the Storyteller’s discretion. Duration: One day passions in life. Once per story after having used this spell,
The experience lasts for a full day unless willingly ended by the character must completely erode an Intimacy of Major
Distortion (Goal Number: 5): Each successful distortion Strong passions and Fetters enable the dead to resist the the ghost or the necromancer. Once it’s over, the ghost ac- or greater intensity.
of the Field of Fell Dreams reduces the duration of the con- sweet call of Lethe, but the Underworld is a dull place. Its quires a Defining Intimacy for the experience which can be
trol for one round for every targeted character. The opposing winds and parties are tepid, food tastes like dust, and hab- used in future bargains with that ghost. A necromancer who Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Five Gifts tem-
necromancer may also focus the distortion towards one of its are carved into stone. By making a prayer and anointing is also a ghost is immune to being affected by this spell. One porarily breaks the illusion for up to five minutes. This is
the spell’s victims, releasing him from its grasp. Being re- a willing ghost with one level of lethal damage’s worth of of the terms for learning this spell is to never get to experi- often met by hostility from the targeted ghost depending on
leased this way does not in any way cancel the spell, though, blood, the necromancer lets a ghost experience the world as ence it oneself. the intensity of his experience at the moment it was broken.
and it may try to grab him again next round, using half of she did while alive. This is an illusion tricking the ghost that
the necromancer’s original dice pool in its attempt. Should the world around it is more to the senses than it actually is. A necromancer with Five Gifts as her control spell can ex- Flesh and Bone Winds
it grab him again, subtract one success for each round that tend the effects to a full week. Letting a ghost experience the Cost: 15n, 1wp
target was previously held from the new control roll. The necromancer rolls (Manipulation + Performance) and full week will not only grant the ghost a Defining Intimacy Keywords: None
21 22
Duration: One scene their body, causing veins to bulge and skin to blacken with of 5 to break a supernatural binding, scouring it from the
necrotic energy from a momentary juxtaposition with the ghost. If this binding is what prevented them from going
Making six swift and pointlessly hollow oblations to the Essence of the Void. The will of the necromancer tries to into reincarnation, they might immediately do so if they are
nameless warring dead, the sorcerer draws on their sin- unite their enemy with Oblivion, with a base lethal damage willing. This effect cannot break the bindings on ghosts who
gle-minded loyalty to killing without tainting its purity equal to (her Initiative + current temporary Willpower) and have been bound using Labyrinth or Void Circle necroman-
through meaning or compassion. Casting out intention into resets her to base Initiative on a successful attack. cy unless the necromancer using this spell also is initiated
the world, the air shivers open with half a thousand wounds, into those arts.
through which slip slender knives of shattered bone tied Not only is precious life lost to this mirror of the Void, but
with ribbons of red, wet flesh. precious potential as well. The enemy loses motes equal to Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting Silent Master’s
the damage rolled from his Peripheral mote pool (default to Pollen before the ghost may accept it or after it has been crip-
These are the Flesh and Bone Winds, which immediately be- personal if their Peripheral Essence is depleted.) If this spell pled prevents them from using it to pass into Lethe. In the
gin to whirl around the caster. The winds provide everyone kills its target, the inverted-color image that shares their case of a ghost crippled by the power, it also removes the
within short range with light cover, and threaten everyone space for a moment shatters into a thousand slivers and flies doubled wound penalties.
but the necromancer with an environmental hazard that away on the winds of the Underworld. The victim falls to the
has a damage of 2L, an interval of one round, and a diffi- ground, drained of all color.
culty of the necromancer’s Occult (maximum 5) to weather.
Each round where the winds inflict at least one level of lethal If the necromancer possesses Shattering Void Mirror as a
damage upon a significant target, the damage is increased control spell, then the shattered slivers of the Void fly out-
by 1L on the following round, to a maximum increase of the ward up to short range from the target, inflicting a one-time
necromancer’s (Essence). The winds flense spirit as easily environmental hazard with a difficulty of 5 that inflicts 4
as flesh, and can damage immaterial opponents. They last dice of lethal damage to everyone nearby as the shards shred
for the remainder of the scene unless dismissed early with a those living things caught within their radius.
miscellaneous action.
Silent Master’s Pollen
A necromancer who knows Flesh and Bone Winds as her Cost: 15n, 1wp
control spell finds the winds recognize friend from foe: they Keywords: Psyche
offer no harm to allies, and no cover to enemies. However, Duration: Instant
should the necromancer call the winds and fail to feed them
at least as many fresh-made corpses as her (Essence), they The necromancer creates a pinprick-small hole in the world,
depart hungry and frustrated, carving off a lethal health peering into a luminous space that tickles a faint memory
level as their due. Spectral suggestions of the flesh-ribbon of renewal. As the shining point of gray-white light hovers
knives will sometimes visit the necromancer after dark, before her eyes, she may offer it to a willing target convinced
drifting and darting like strange fish, and they are particu- to accept it, or throw it at an enemy out to short range.
larly fond of keening softly to her as she sleeps.
When offered to a willing target, this energy promises an
Distortion (Goal Number: 10): Distorting the Flesh and end and a beginning. Accepting it, they fade into a white
Bone Winds renders them confused and uncertain; they pro- light, presumably entering into the mythical state of Lethe
vide no light cover to anyone, and lower their damage by the in the cycle of reincarnation. Against an unwilling target, the
contesting necromancer’s (Essence) to a minimum of 1L/ necromancer may initiate a gambit using her (Intelligence +
round. Characters normally safe from the winds, including Occult) as the attack pool. The gambit has a difficulty equal
their mistress, are additionally exposed to their hazard in to the Essence of the ghost in question, and on a success,
any round they take a reflexive move action unless the orig- exposes them directly to a force which urges them to let go.
inating necromancer has first spent a miscellaneous action This functions as a special kind of crippling injury, forcing
to assert her control more fully for the round. the ghost to either let go and enter into Lethe or lose a por-
tion of themselves to it. They automatically suffer 2 lethal
Shattering Void Mirror health levels of damage and double their wound penalties
Cost: 15n, 1wp for the rest of the scene as per a usual crippling injury. If the
Keywords: Decisive-only, Perilous ghost is incapacitated while under the effects of this spell,
Duration: Instant they either pass on into the necromancer’s energy or are lost
to the Void.
The necromancer throws her arms out at her opponent,
and speaks his name in the glossolalia of the Void. She rolls A necromancer who knows Silent Master’s Pollen as her
(Perception + Occult) as a decisive attack against an enemy control spell may also use it to break supernatural bindings
at up to medium range as the proclamation streaks across on a ghost. If another supernatural binding effect has been
the space between them, baneful words carried on black placed on the ghost by another being, the necromancer may
Essence fringed in purple. As it strikes her enemy, all color attempt to break it. After succeeding on the gambit, the nec-
drains from them and they feel their life force slough from romancer may roll (Intelligence + Occult) against a difficulty
23 24
Necromantic Workings noi into a reanimated corpse-construct. struct the size of a mountain. Cause a city-sized region to
rise from the ground and float across the world on rivers of
Similar to how the sorcerers of Creation can permanently re- lesser ghosts capable of performing mundane, household Ambition 3 (Goal Number 35): Reanimate a corpse-con- wheeping souls. Lay a curse upon an entire people that may
shape the world through their occult skill, the necromancers chores, but not much else, in service to a person, organi- struct the size of a yeddim. Create a loyal necrotic servant only be broken when specific circumstances are met. Turn
of the Underworld can reshape theirs. Necromantic work- zation, or structure. Curse a path to distract travelers from as powerful as an elder nephwrack. Enchant a fortress to an elemental or a Dragon-Blood from its own aspect to an
ings can be used for blessings and curses and for raising cit- their true location. Make permanent but small-scale geo- have its walls devour humans within and add their bones aspect associated with the Underworld, such as a Water As-
ies just like sorcery can, but necromancy can never create graphical alterations, such as drawing up a well of blood or to its architecture. Open a permanent portal between the pect to a Blood Aspect. Turn a ghost into a Deathlord or be-
true life and it always comes at a cost. tainting a field’s soil. Mark a town or neighborhood-sized Underworld and Creation, or create a Shadowland the size come a Deathlord oneself.
region as a lucrative target for mundane nuisances, such as of a town.
The necromantic forest of bone and sinew does not grow be- forest fires, crop-eating pests, or rabid animals. Ambition 3 (Goal Number 50): Reanimate a corpse-con-
cause it is life, but because it taps into the bone and sinew of Void Circle Workings struct of unimaginable size. Make alterations to the meta-
those living who enter it. The wax construct does not serve Ambition 2 (Goal Number 10): Reanimate a corpse-con- Workings of the Void Circle are the height of what can be physics of the entire cosmos.
you because it has been granted life, but because of the tor- struct consisting of parts from at least one dead body. Grant accomplished by necromancy. They can rewrite the laws of
tured soul trapped within it. Necromantic wonders can be necrotic mutations to willing subjects, such as pus-filled reality, or write new ones into being. Their scale can encom-
used to reanimate the dead, but this is not life. This is hate boils and contagious warts. Bind a lesser ghost to an inan- pass cities, nations or the entire world. It can create enor- Finesse and Means
and hunger and Essence and intention compressed into the imate object, or turn one into a poltergeist tied to a specific mous hekathonkires such as the corpse-mountain Jugger-
whisper allowing a corpse to smile and sing. person, organization, or structure. Ward a chamber against naut. As long as the Storyteller feels that something should Finesse and Means are practically identical to sorcerous
scrying, teleportation, or intrusion by a particular type of be possible through a sorcerous working, it can be attained workings. When creating a necromantic working meant to
Workings can be used to erode and pervert life, but it can- spirit. through workings of the Void Circle. reconstruct and reanimate corpses, Medicine and Craft can
not be used to create it. Often the cost for a miracle is life, be used as complementary Abilities to give Means to the ac-
and multitudes of sacrifices can be used to create wonders Ambition 3 (Goal Number 20): Reanimate a corpse-con- Ambition 1 (Goal Number 40): Reanimate a corpse-con- tion. The spell Black Candle Visage is a good example of a
so powerful that they cause cities to balance on the clouds. struct the size of a bear. Place a curse on a small region in a struct the size of a town. Completely transform the terrain complementary spell that can be used for a working making
Getting around these sacrifices can be done, but it makes way that diminishes, warps or blights its mundane aspects of a region, such as changing an entire forest to have barks changes to ghosts. One of the most common Means, but still
the working more difficult and more demanding, and per- such as flora, fauna or natural resources. Create a rift be- of bone and leaves of human skin, growing fruits of human a very powerful one, is the use of blood sacrifices. How many
haps even more hungry for what humanity its creator still tween Creation and the Underworld that allows communi- organs. Enchant an entire town to emulate the properties sacrifices and how much they benefit depend on the work-
holds on to. cation, possession, or similar forms of limited interaction, of the Underworld, or an entire town in the Underworld to ing in question and Storyteller discretion. It’s likely that a
but no actual transportation. emulate the properties of the Abyss. Shadowlands Circle working of low Ambition would benefit
Necromantic workings use the rules for sorcerous workings well from a single sacrifice, while a Void Circle working of
(Exalted Third Edition, p. 483) with some variations. Labyrinth Circle Workings Ambition 2 (Goal Number 45): Reanimate a corpse-con- high Ambition would ask for something akin to a genocide.
Workings of the Labyrinth Circle are miracles of terrible
power, either rewriting the laws of the natural world on a
Ambition relatively large scale or instilling supernatural power into
the mundane world. Their curses have sufficient scope to
The three scales of Ambition are unchanged from sorcerous target a small town. Their perversions of the natural world
workings, but the nature of each scale has thematic differ- can cause blood to rain or swarms of mosquitoes to drain
ences. children that dare to leave their homes at night. They can
reanimate corpse-monsters as large as yeddim. As a general
Shadowlands Circle Workings rule, this is the circle of workings that the Storyteller deems
Workings of the Shadowlands Circle are generally root- appropriate for nephwracks and young Deathknights.
ed in transforming, enhancing, or weakening pre-existing
elements of the Underworld, such as the elements of pyre Ambition 1 (Goal Number 25): Reanimate a corpse-con-
flame, bone, blood, ash and void. It can be used to manip- struct the seize of an elephant. Create a necrotic bond
ulate the form and function of the dead, and reanimate the between a ghost and a living relative that allows them to
fallen or patchwork monstrosities. Much of the necrotic communicate through whispering in a pitch-black shadow
siege weaponry used by the Deathlords such as the Mask of despite being part of different worlds. Create horrific illu-
Winters have been created as Shadowlands Circle Workings. sions that haunt a structure or town-sized region. Trans-
These workings can also curse a field to grow maggot-ridden form a chamber in Creation so that its interior emulates the
crops, or to not grow crops at all. It can hide traps of oil and properties of the Underworld. Ward a chamber or structure
pyre flame within the ink of a sealed scroll. The most pow- against all intruders with necrotic traps and barriers.
erful workings of this circle are confined to a single chamber
within a larger structure or to the reanimation of monsters Ambition 2 (Goal Number 30): Reanimate a corpse-con-
no larger than elephants. As a general rule, any necromantic struct the size of a siege lizard. Alter the weather of a town-
feat the Storyteller should be routine for a ghost or mortal sized region over a long duration, such as causing rain of
necromancer should fall under this circle. blood for an entire year. Grant a supernatural power to one’s
self or to a willing subject, such as corrosive blood or skin
Ambition 1 (Goal Number 5): Reanimate a corpse into that decays anything it touches. Make alterations to the na-
a permanent zombie in service of the necromancer. Bind ture of a willing supernatural being, such as branding Arca-
25 26
Fighting Styles of the Underworld restrains a victim in a grapple, she drains one Initiative from
her target each turn.
In the final centuries of the Solar Deliberative, some Exalted of the attack. This Charm cannoy enhance gambits, or the The Razor Harness
explored the Underworld more than was prudent. While the savage action during a grapple. As a drawback, this form renders the martial artist blind to
Black Nadir Concordat tapped into the erosive energies of the suffering of her allies. Her Resolve cannot be affected
The razor harness is a common weapon among necro-
the Underworld in order to fight fire with fire, others studied Inescapable Iron Grip by witnessing her friends and loved ones suffer, despite the
mancers and the dead. Many necrosurgeons hammer
the apparitions of that world themselves in order to better Cost: 4m intensity of her Intimacy for them.
sharp spikes into their reanimated dead to make them
understand what made them tick. This gave birth to obscure Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1 extra dangerous when clawing at their foes. For nec-
and terrible new fighting styles and combat tactics. Type: Supplemental Special activation rules: If the martial artist inflicts a
romancers who wish to do the same, donning a razor
Keywords: None withering attack that takes an opponent from having more
harness or modifying a current armor with one is a
Duration: Instant Initiative than the martial artist to having less, she may re-
way to go.
Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Blow flexively activate Dark Messiah Form.
This is not a weapon by any normal means, since it
New Keywords The martial artist can hold his victims in death’s own grip. leaves the hands free and cannot be used for stand-
Bone-Shattering Blow
This Charm supplements a grapple gambit. Should the Cost: 5m, 1wp
ard withering or decisive attacks. Instead, whenever
Necrosis: Charms carrying this keyword can be ac- martial artist successfully grapple his opponent, he may Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
an opponent attempts an unarmed attack against the
tivated as the result of a shape necromancy action if add (Strength or 3), whichever is highest, to the number Type: Reflexive
wielder of the razor harness, the wielder’s player rolls
they are Simple, costing necrosis instead of motes. of rounds of control. This can explicitly be comboed with Keywords: Decisive-only
one die of Initiative damage against the attacker. This
Charms that are Supplemental or Reflexive can sub- Charms such as Increasing Strength Exercise for additional Duration: Instant
damage is lethal against crashed enemies.
stitute motes for necrosis, but the character needs to control. Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form
already possess the necrosis spent on the Charm. Grappling an enemy while wearing a razor harness
Dead Man’s Grasp This Charm imbues the martial artist’s attack with horrible,
adds one automatic success to all savage actions.
Cost: 5m crushing force, enabling her to break bones, dislocate joints
Additionally, one die of lethal damage that ignores
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1 and pulp organs with casual savagery. Whenever the mar-
hardness is rolled every round as long as the enemy
Type: Reflexive tial artist makes a decisive attack that inflicts damage, this
is grappled.
Dark Messiah Style Keywords: Dual, Mastery Charm substitutes every two levels of inflicted damage for
Duration: Instant a scene-long -1 crippling penalty to all physical actions. A
A martial art style must allow razor harnesses as style
There is nothing “natural” about the pain inflicted to and in- Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Iron Grip victim cannot acquire more penalties than -3 from the use
weapons for Charms to be applied to grapple actions
flicted by the denizens of the Underworld. Rather, the natu- of this Charm. Mortals affected by this Charm retains the
enhanced by this weapon.
ral arts of the specters of since long dead martial artists find The martial artist crushes his foe with the unnatural strength penalties until their injuries are treated.
that cruelty and overkill become part of their everyday states of the risen dead. This Charm can be used to supplement
of existence. Pain can always be inflicted, and true power in the savage action during a grapple. A withering damage roll Grievous Agony Attack
the Underworld is the ability to terrify foes. The Dark Messi- benefits from double 9s, and a decisive damage roll benefits Cost: 4m
ah Style makes trails of the corpses of the living, and tortures from double 10s. Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Exalted and other resilient beings naturally heal this blind- Type: Supplemental
the souls of the dead.
ness with a day’s rest, restoring partial sight after the scene’s Keywords: Dual
Mastery: If this Charm is used on a decisive attack that kills end (this cuts the penalty in half, rounded down). Seeking
An ideal style for the Abyssal Exalted or the necromancer the target, half of the remaining rounds of control, rounded Duration: Instant
medical attention may restore eyesight earlier at the Story- Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form
who wants to assert dominance in the Underworld. up, are added to the martial artist’s Initiative after it’s reset. teller’s discretion. Mortals become permanently crippled.
If it’s used on a withering attack that crashes the target, the
Dark Messiah Weapons: This style can be used with the same amount is given to the martial artist as an addition to The martial artist strikes hard with a knee to the groin, or
cestus, fighting gauntlets, khatars, tiger claws and razor har-
Dark Messiah Form some equally “dirty” tactic, and inflicts debilitating pain. If
the Initiative Crash bonus. Once per scene. Cost: 6m
nesses. the attack deals at least one level of decisive damage, or if
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1 a withering attack crashes the opponent, the target drops
Foe-Blinding Jab Type: Simple
Armor: Dark Messiah Style can be practiced with medium Cost: 7m, 1wp prone.
Keywords: Form
armor. Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1 Duration: One scene Illustrative Overkill Technique
Type: Reflexive Prerequisite Charms: Dead Man’s Grasp, Foe-Blinding Jab
Ravaging Blow Keywords: Decisive-only Cost: —
Cost: 5m Duration: Instant Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
While the martial artist performs the kata to assume Dark Type: Permanent
Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1 Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Blow Messiah Form, she concentrates on every pain the world ever Keywords: None
Type: Supplemental
inflicted on her. She throws away her ethics for bloody, bru- Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Decisive-only The martial artist jabs his fingers or a form weapon at his tal payback. Prerequisite Charms: Grievous Agony Attack
Duration: Instant opponent’s eyes. This Charm enhances a decisive attack
Prerequisite Charms: None aimed to cripple or kill, but can be activated after damage The martial artist’s attacks gain the Piercing tag if they Just killing an enemy is boring. Killing an enemy so brutally
has been rolled. Should the attack deal a number of dam- didn’t have it already. She can deal lethal damage unarmed,
The martial artist strikes where it hurts most. This Charm age levels equal to the target’s Stamina, the target becomes that every witness finds her heart and limbs numbed with
and she can flurry an attack action with a movement action terror ... now that’s satisfying. This Charm enhances Dark
enhances a decisive attack that is aimed to kill, adding up to blinded (a -3 martial penalty, or -5 in an environment full of at no dice penalty. Additionally, whenever the martial artist Messiah Form, allowing the martial artist to pay 1 Willpower
(Martial Arts) threshold successes as dice to the raw damage noise).
27 28
whenever he has murdered a victim while in that form. This the enemy suffers one Initiative damage that becomes lethal This Charm can be learned by any Shadowlands Circle Nec- Shrouded Claw Attack
allows for an automatic intimidate action against all wit- while in Initiative Crash. This Initiative is gained by the mar- romancer, even those who aren’t Exalted. A human necro- Cost: 3m, 1wp
nesses, using the outcome of the damage roll as the success- tial artist. mancer learning this Charm has the Terrestrial keyword. Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
es on the social influence. If the player describes a gruesome Type: Reflexive
stunt and at least one spectator fails to resist the influence, Terrestrial: The effects are decreased to short range. Keywords: Terrestrial, Uniform
the martial artist regains his point of Willpower. Hungry Ghost Style Duration: Instant
Mastery: The effects are increased to long range. The char- Prerequisite Charms: Blood-Scenting Hunger
A spectator becomes immune to this effect after resisting it It is not entirely known who created this martial art, but acter can reflexively size up a target, but only once per round.
once, unless a new victim is someone to whom the spectator given its associations it is likely one of the Deathlords. It is The martial artist flickers in and out of the veil of reality,
has a positive Intimacy towards. a style that embodies the innate cruelty and malice of the Leaping Horror Approach appearing as a phantom image before his own self. The
deathknights, who at present are the only ones apart from Cost: 3m, 1bhl soul-chilling touch of this projection freezes the enemy’s
Lashing Tempest Palm the Deathlords who know this style. At least, no one else Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1 joints and inflicts a penalty to the victim’s Defense equal
Cost: 3m admits to it. Type: Simple to the martial artist’s Essence or 3 against a single attack.
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2 Keywords: Uniform Should the attack be successful and deal at least one level of
Type: Reflexive In order to learn this style, the martial artist must have a Duration: Instant damage, the martial artist gains one necrosis. If the target
Keywords: Dual, Mastery basic understanding of the way necrotic Essence flows. He Prerequisite Charms: Blood-Scenting Hunger dies or is crashed, the martial artist gains five necrosis.
Duration: Instant must be initiated to Shadowlands Circle Necromancy.
Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form Implacable fury infuses the martial artist’s muscles with su- Terrestrial: Killing or crashing a target rewards three necro-
Hungry Ghost Weapons: This style can be used with tiger perhuman speed and strength, sending him to his quarry in sis instead of five.
The martial artist releases an opponent from a clinch by claws, fighting chains and razor harnesses. Any unarmed a blur of carnage. There is nothing remotely natural about
striking her with a brutal open-handed blow, hurling her attack enhanced by a Hungry Ghost Charm can always be the ways his joints contort and muscles flex in the course of Hungry Ghost Form
away with the force of a maelstrom. stunted to deal lethal damage. his leap. Cost: 8m
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1
This Charm enhances a throw/slam action (see Exalted Armor: Hungry Ghost Style is compatible with light armor. This Charm lets the martial artist attack a target at short Type: Simple
Third Edition, page 201). The attack’s damage dice pool is range by leaping to it. The attack itself ignores any wound Keywords: Form, Necrosis
boosted by 3 dice per turn instead of 2 if withering, and 2 Blood-Scenting Hunger penalties the martial artist may be suffering, but his leap Duration: One scene
dice per turn instead of 1 if decisive. The martial artist and Cost: 3m takes its toll on his muscles, inflicting one level of bashing Prerequisite Charms: Lunging Phantom Method, Shroud-
his target is separated by a range band after the clinch’s end. Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1 damage on the martial artist that ignores hardness. ed Claw Attack
Type: Simple
Mastery: The martial artist can benefit from up to (Essence Keywords: Mastery, Necrosis, Terrestrial If the martial artist has Blood-Scenting Hunger active, he The martial artist roars or howls in a scream of incalculable
+ Strength) turns of control. Duration: One scene may leap out to any target within the range of the prerequi- malice, allowing his worst impulses to possess him with their
Prerequisite Charms: None site, but the Charm costs another 3m and 1bhl for each range terrible power. Faintly glowing eyes betray those consumed
Void Avatar Prana band beyond short. by this martial arts form, illuminating features twisted into
Cost: +1wp The martial artist opens his mind and probes the air with a rictus of taut tendons and clenched muscles.
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 his tongue, tasting the air for blood as he awakens his pri- Lunging Phantom Method
Type: Permanent mal hunger for flesh and Essence. This primal hunger erodes Cost: +3m While this Charm is active, the character is considered a
Keywords: None his positive ties to the living for the scene by one degree of Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1 creature of darkness (assuming he wasn’t already). All of his
Duration: Permanent intensity. The only exception to this is the one Defining Tie Type: Permanent positive Ties with the exception of his Fetter are completely
Prerequisite Charms: Bone-Shattering Blow, Illustrative that is the most important to the martial artist. That Inti- Keywords: Mastery eroded for the remainder of the scene or until he snaps out
Overkill Technique, Lashing Tempest Palm macy is considered the Hungry Ghost stylist’s Fetter and re- Duration: Instant of the form. Any necrosis gathered while in this form can be
mains at its original intensity. If the martial artist already is a Prerequisite Charms: Leaping Horror Approach retained by performing offensive actions in place of shape
A master of the Dark Messiah Style attunes her body, mind ghost with a Fetter, that Intimacy remains unchanged. necromancy actions. Any offensive action must be made
and Essence so perfectly to Oblivion that she becomes a con- The martial artist twists toward and around her foe, elusive with the intent to kill his target. If he doesn’t do an offensive
duit for its dread power to strike down any who lay hands As long as this Charm is active, the martial artist can see de- as a ghost, positioning herself to strike from behind before action within three rounds of another offensive action, he
upon her. This Charm enhances Dark Messiah Form and ac- materialized entities within medium range. This effect does her enemy realized where she’s gone. loses all necrosis and automatically ends the form.
tivates together with that Charm, adding 1 Willpower to the not, in itself, enable him to attack such entities. He also per-
cost. ceives which entities within range are living and which are This Charm can be used to enhance the effects of Leaping If any of his allies try to impede this murdering spree, they
dead (and which of the living possess blood). Horror Approach by making the martial artist’s landing near are reclassified as enemies and the martial artist gains a neg-
While Void Avatar Prana is active, the martial artist can re- his victim a quick and horrifying event. The attack becomes ative Intimacy for them that starts as a Minor Tie and in-
flexively spend one mote in response to any attack in order The martial artist can size up one chosen target within range unexpected, unless a reflexive (Wits + Awareness) roll for creases by one degree of intensity for every continued action
to ignore onslaught penalties to his Defense. For a moment, as a simple action using either sight or scent. This reveals the target scores at least as many successes as the martial that Intimacy is attempting to stop the martial artist.
her anima surrounds her in dark necrotic fire while her body the target’s current wound penalty, her remaining Will- artist’s attack roll.
becomes a black silhouette. power, and any necrosis that character has gathered if it’s a In exchange for these disadvantages, the martial artist in-
necromancer. Any changes to that target’s wound penalties, Mastery: By adding 1 Willpower to the Charm cost, the mar- flicts lethal damage with all unarmed attacks without the
In addition, if an enemy makes skin-to-skin contact with her Willpower or necrosis is revealed to the martial artist for the tial artist may do a reflexive intimidate action using the suc- need for a stunt. For every three Initiative gained and for
while this effect is active (for example, while being in a grap- remainder of the scene unless he sizes up another target. cesses from his attack roll. every lethal damage inflicted, he also gains one necrosis. He
ple with her or finding purchase with an unarmed attack), can choose to spend necrosis as if they were motes to charge
29 30
Hungry Ghost Style Charms as well as any potential Excel- Phantom Method, it costs 2 Willpower to avoid being prone.
lency required to boost them.
Power-Reaping Prana
If Blood-Scenting Hunger is active, he can attack any de- Cost: —
materialized entity that the Charm allows him to detect. Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Blood-Scenting Hunger can be activated reflexively if this Type: Permanent
form is active, or together with this form when this is first Keywords: None
activated. Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Ghost Form
Acting in Hungry Ghost Form is an exhausting and trau-
matizing experience for the martial artist and everyone in- This Charm enhances Blood-Scenting Hunger, allowing the
volved. After the scene is over, the martial artist immediately martial artist to greedily siphon vitality from his enemies
loses a number of Willpower determined by the intensity of for his own sinister purposes. Whenever a living character,
any positive Intimacy he caused physical or emotional harm friend or foe, within the range of his Blood-Scenting Hunger
during the scene (1 for Minor, 3 for Major, and 5 for Defin- suffers a lethal wound, the hungry ghost siphons the Essence
ing). from that wound and turns it into a point of necrosis. He can
siphon up to (Essence or 3) necrosis each round this way.
Special activation rules: If the martial artist has
Blood-Scenting Hunger active and manages to draw blood Spell-Smothering Technique
from a victim, he may activate Hungry Ghost Form reflex- Cost: 3i, 1wp
ively. Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Consuming Entropy Strike Keywords: None
Cost: 4m, 1wp Duration: Instant
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 Prerequisite Charms: Power-Reaping Prana
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Mastery, Withering-only When the martial artist has sized up a foe using Blood-Scent-
Duration: Instant ing Hunger and recognizes that she is drawing necrosis or
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Ghost Form sorcerous motes for the purpose of a spell, he may activate
this Charm as a reflexive jab in the direction of his foe.
A martial artist with this Charm may conduct a withering
torrent of entropic Essence through an exchange of blows, The martial artist makes a reflexive attempt at countermagic
cursing an enemy with physical decrepitude and ill luck. against the foe’s spell. Half of the nullified sorcerous motes
or necrosis is siphoned by the martial artist as necrosis of his
The martial artist makes a withering attack. If the attack is own. Once per sized up foe per scene.
successful, the target’s armor soak is decreased by (Martial
Arts) against the attack boosted by this Charm as well as for Unnatural Shambling Deftness
the remainder of the scene. Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Mastery: This effect is stackable. At 0 soak, mundane armor Type: Reflexive
breaks, armor created by Charms or spells dissolve, and arti- Keywords: None
fact armor loses its attunement. Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Ghost Form
Blood-Freezing Technique
Cost: 3m, 1wp The martial artist lurches across the battlefield, flickering
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2 between bursts of speed and total stillness like a marionette
Type: Supplemental gait of the hungry dead. This Charm is activated after a suc-
Keywords: Decisive-only cessful attack, allowing the martial artist to immediately
Duration: Instant make another attack. Once per scene, unless reset by crash-
Prerequisite Charms: Consuming Entropy Strike ing or killing an enemy.
The martial artist wounds an enemy’s chakras with bru- Scuttling Apparition Defense
tal precision, and his target feels the chill of the grave race Cost: 4m, 2i
through his veins. If the martial artist’s decisive attack deals Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
at least one level of damage, the target’s onslaught penal- Type: Reflexive
ties are carried over to the next round and she must spend 1 Keywords: Mastery
Willpower or be rendered prone. If combined with Lunging Duration: Instant
31 32
Prerequisite Charms: Unnatural Shambling Deftness blood.
Living people slain by this attack—including Exalts—rise Even as blood runs down his skin, the martial artist laughs
This Charm can be used only after successfully dodging an as hungry ghosts on the next night. They obey their killer Armor: Laughing Wounds Style is incompatible with armor. savagely, whirling undaunted through the battle like a scar-
attack using Evasion. The martial artist selects a location for the next month as best they can comprehend his com- let-streaked demon. When he is injured, his wound penalty
in short range that is within reasonable cover for stealth. mands. Spirits slain by this Charm evaporate on the spot, Sensuous Torment is reversed and added as dice to the accuracy of his Laughing
He may perform a reflexive disengage attempt substituting utterly destroyed. The victim’s last health level must be con- Cost: 3m Wounds Style attacks. He may reflexively pay a single mote
Dodge for Stealth. If the disengage succeeds, the number of verted to aggravated for this true soul-flaying to take effect. Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1 to ignore his wound penalty to combat movement for an ac-
successes on the martial artist’s roll can be used as successes Type: Reflexive tion, but not to Defense.
attempting to establish stealth. Soul-Consuming Transcendence Keywords: Decisive-only, Mastery
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1ahl Duration: Instant In addition, whenever he resets to base Initiative, he adds
Mastery: Add (Essence or 3) in automatic successes to the Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 Prerequisite Charms: None half his current wound penalty as additional Initiative.
disengage attempt. Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mastery, Necrosis, Terrestrial The martial artist thrills to the torment that her pitiful ene- Special activation rules: When the martial artist suffers a
Labyrinth-Walking Prana Duration: Instant mies fear. This Charm can be used in response to a successful level of lethal damage directly caused by an enemy, he may
Cost: +1wp Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Flaying Strike decisive attack, granting the martial artist one Initiative for reflexively activate Laughing Wounds Form.
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2 every damage level gained, up to a maximum of (Stamina)
Type: Permanent Few know that Hungry Ghost Style has this secret final tech- Initiative. Instructive Punishment Method
Keywords: Mastery nique. This Charm can be used in response to permanently Cost: 4m, 1wp
Duration: Permanent killing a ghost with Soul-Flaying Strike, but only when Hun- Mastery: The character can gain up to (Stamina + Resist- Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Ghost Form gry Ghost Form is active. ance) Initiative from a single attack. Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Psyche, Withering-only
This Charm enhances Hungry Ghost Form. By attuning his The destroyed ghost is absorbed by the martial artist, searing Kiss of the Whip Duration: Instant
anima to the twisting Labyrinth and the potential for Obliv- itself into his flesh and branding its Essence in his chakras. Cost: 4m Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Wounds Form
ion in all things, the martial artist becomes a shadow flick- The martial artist gains up to (Essence) of the ghost’s Ar- Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
ering about the battlefields. As long as Hungry Ghost Form canoi. These Arcanoi can be deployed by the martial artist Type: Supplemental The proper application of pain swiftly teaches weaklings
is active, the martial artist adds half his Martial Arts rating, with either motes or necrosis as long as he remains in Hun- Keywords: Decisive-only how to serve. The martial artist makes a withering attack
rounded up, in dice to all Rush actions as well as to all ac- gry Ghost Form. Duration: Instant against a foe, stripping away cloth and skin and Initiative
tions where he tries to oppose someone’s attempt at a Disen- Prerequisite Charms: Sensuous Torment as well as his morale. Should the attack strip away more
gage action. In addition, Leaping Horror Approach, Lunging In addition, once per scene, the remaining motes in the Initiative than the target has Resolve, then the target must
Phantom Method and Scuttling Apparition Defense cost one murdered ghost’s pool are given to the martial artist as im- With a predatory smile, the martial artist lashes her foe with spend 1 Willpower or become mentally prone (the target is
mote less. mediate necrosis which he can use for the purpose of necro- vicious exactitude, making him cry out in shocked agony. functionally prone, but the knockdown is psychic instead of
mancy or Hungry Ghost Style Charms. On a successful decisive attack that inflicts at least one level physical, meaning that rising from prone is represented as
Mastery: The martial artist adds half his Martial Arts rating, of damage, the victim’s wound penalty is increased by 1 until self-encouragement rather than as a physical action). If the
rounded up, in successes instead of dice. Mastery: The martial artist gains up to (Essence + Martial that wound is healed. attack crashes the target, he cannot resist with Willpower.
Arts) Arcanoi.
Soul-Flaying Strike Rapture in Chains Brand of Obedience
Cost: Varies, 1wp, 1ahl Terrestrial: The martial artist gains only a single Arcanos. Cost: 2m, 1i Cost: 5m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1 Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only, Necrosis Laughing Wounds Style Keywords: Psyche Keywords: Terrestrial
Duration: Instant Duration: One turn Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Blood-Freezing Technique, Laby- This style was developed in the Thousand Struggles Era by Prerequisite Charms: Sensuous Torment Prerequisite Charms: Instructive Punishment Method
rinth-Walking Prana, Spell-Smothering Technique, Scut- Haunted by Silver, the very first blood mage. The practi-
tling Apparition Defense tioners of this style are known to be fearless in combat as if People restrained by the martial artist find themselves un- The martial artist truly owns his disciples and can mark
the pain excites them. It is a style for devout flagellants and willing to break free. This Charm may be used to enhance them as his if he deems them worthy. This Charm can only
Arcs of deathly white Essence swirl around the martial art- blood mages, often used by the latter to bring forth their a restrain action while controlling a clinch. The target must be used against targets who have a positive Intimacy for the
ist’s hands, wailing like lost souls and burning him with the own blood to the surface and draw strength from that pain. pay 1 Willpower in order to attempt to contest the martial martial artist. It can never be used against his enemies. The
power of Oblivion. This burning erosion is then transfered artist’s grapple, such as by attacking him or trying to break targeted disciple has his or her skin branded by the martial
to his victim through his rending strike. Today in the Second Age, it is taught by the Deathlord free. artist’s hand or whip, suffering one level of aggravated dam-
known as the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears to her age that ignores hardness and that cannot be healed as long
This Charm can be used to enhance a decisive attack, and deathknight servants. There is a dojo practicing this style in Laughing Wounds Form as motes are committed to this Charm.
it can specifically be declared after the attack and the dam- Gloom, and it is mastered also by the Deathlord known as Cost: 8m
age have both been rolled. The martial artist may pay one He Who Thirsts for the Blood of the Many. Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 1 Now the disciple becomes an extension of the martial artist
mote or one necrosis in order to convert one level of inflict- Type: Simple and they share each other’s pain. Whenever they are fighting
ed lethal damage into aggravated damage. He may convert Laughing Wounds Weapons: This style can be used un- Keywords: Form together on the battlefield and the disciple suffers damage,
a maximum of five health levels for each activation of this armed, but most prefer to wield whips or fighting chains. Duration: One scene the martial artist may treat that as damage suffered by him-
Charm. Blood mages often fight with lashes drawn from their own Prerequisite Charms: Kiss of the Whip, Rapture in Chains self for the purpose of effects such as the Initiative gained
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from Sensuous Torment or the attack bonus gained from artist’s Resolve is unaffected by his wound penalty. In fact,
Laughing Wounds Form. the pain brings pleasure to him, replenishing 1 Willpower
whenever he is successfully struck by a decisive attack.
The character may brand a number of disciples equal to
his Essence, but he can only benefit from one of them each Ravishing the Unworthy Heart
round. Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Terrestrial: The martial artist can only brand a single disci- Type: Simple
ple regardless of Essence level. Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Groveling Penitence Prana Prerequisite Charms: Brand of Obedience, Groveling Pen-
Cost: +3m itence Prana, Ecstatic Tenacity
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent Shaping her lips into a kiss, the martial artist leans forward
Keywords: None and strokes her foe’s chest. Then, with a grinning snarl, she
Duration: Permanent plunges her hand through his ribs and rips out his heart.
Prerequisite Charms: Instructive Punishment Method This is a decisive attack that can only be used on a crashed
opponent. If the attack succeeds and deals enough damage
Daring to oppose a master of the Laughing Wounds Style is to kill the opponent, the martial artist substitutes killing
like begging for humiliation. This Charm can be used to en- him for taking his life in her own hands.
hance the prerequisite, rendering the target both physically
and mentally prone at once. She may choose to torment him further and then kill him by
crushing his heart, or she may offer his heart back to him,
Insatiable Slave Stamina instantly closing the wound behind it and sparing him from
Cost: +1wp that last level of damage. She may keep the heart as long
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 as she wishes and then letting the victim continue his life
Type: Permanent without his heart. The longer he spends without his heart,
Keywords: Terrestrial the more his life loses meaning. Tastes become blander and
Duration: Permanent colors pale around him. Intimacies erode and what used to
Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Wounds Form be passions slowly fade away. After a year and a day without
his heart, he becomes a creature of darkness, forever in a
Grinning as black bruises darken her skin, the martial artist state between life and death.
has a greater appetite for pain than she expects even from
her slaves. By adding 1 Willpower to the cost of Laughing Only the martial artist’s mercy can grant him peace. Until
Wounds Form, the martial artist cannot be brought to In- then, he is at the sufferance of her cruelty.
capacitated with bashing damage as long the form is active.
Bashing damage sustained after she takes her -4 health level If a player character becomes subjected to Ravishing the
does not roll over into lethal. Unworthy Heart, much of what happens is up to Storyteller
discretion. It could become a story for the player character
Terrestrial: The martial artist’s tolerance to bashing dam- to steal back his heart from the martial artist who defeated
age is not perfect. If a single attack deals more levels of bash- him, or to find some healing magic to cure him from his ill
ing damage than the character has dots in Resistance, the fate.
last health level will carry over.
Ecstatic Tenacity
Cost: +4m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Insatiable Slave Stamina
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