Connectivism Lesson Plan

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Connectivism Lesson Plan

R.O.P.E.S Lesson Plan:

P- Presentation
(Knowles, 1980)

Timing Content Instructional Materials Learning Outcomes

R and O (Review Introduction: Objective: By the end of this
and overview; what  Introduction to - Lecture - Laptop segment learners will have an
are we going to the topic Style - Overhead Projector introduction and overview of the
learn) (Sophie’s - Visual - Power Point Connectivism theory via a specially
Facilitated by: Video) represent - Powtoon Video created video that showcases the
Jessica  Introduction of ation and - Audio-visual best of using personal
the facilitators, story equipment connectedness and technology
Connectivism  Overview of telling
-learning theory in the agenda, (through

Connectivism Lesson Plan
a digital age.  Format Powtoon
Introduction: 3

P (presentation) 8 - The four - Lecture Style - Laptop Objective: By the end of this
E (Exercise) principles will - Guided Group - Overhead Projector segment, learners will have
Facilitated by: be emailed to Discussion - Power Point reviewed, discussed and presented
Uzma the -Teach-back - Flip Chart/Markers the connectivism principle assigned
participants a - Job Aid (One-pager of to their group. They would have
day before in the assigned also seen presentations from the
Connectivism and pre- connectivism other groups so that they have a
the four basic determined principle) coherent overall understanding of
principles groups. Each the four basic principles of
group will connectivism.
Time: 12 minutes work with one
principle (This
is being done
to save time in
the classroom)
- Each group will
discuss and present
the material assigned
along with debriefing
from the facilitator

Connectivism Lesson Plan
Introduction: 1 min
Group review and
discussion: 2.5 mins =
*4 groups = 10 mins
Debrief: 2 mins
P (Presentation) MOOCs: -Lecture Style - Laptop Objective: By the end of this
E (exercises) 4 min - Demonstration - Overhead Projector session, learners will have a clear
Facilitated by: PPT Slides on MOOCS Method: Visual - Power Point idea about the practical application
Jessica and their important representation - Movie clip of connectivism theory in the real
features downloaded on to world in the form of MOOCs and
Practical the PPT Youtube learning.
application of the Youtube Learning: - Audio/Visual system They will also experience how
Connectivism Video: Joshua connectivism is related to life long
Theory Carroll learning by watching an
Video: 4 mins inspirational video of a war veteran
Time: 12 mins Discussion and who upgraded himself from grade
debrief: 2 mins 10 maths to become a current-day
This Video clip Learners will gain practical
comprises an knowledge of connectivism in the
inspirational real-life classroom via explanation of a
story of how a sample lesson where a group of
Veteran used self- students create a transmedia
directed learning via message
Youtube to become a

Sample Lesson of
Connectivism in the

Connectivism Lesson Plan
2 min
Walkthrough of a
sample lesson of how
students create a
transmedia message

S (summary) - A conclusion of -Facilitated - Evaluation Forms Objective:

Conclusion the session will discussion -The learning will be summarised.
Questions be done by re- - Instructional -Questions will be answered to
Evaluation emphasizing Strategy: Scaling enable clarity.
‘Life-Long method - Written evaluation will be done
Time 3 minutes Learning’ as
one of the key
components of
- Any final Q&A
will be
- Evaluation of

Connectivism Lesson Plan
the session will
be done via an


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