Moraga Rotary Newsletter Feb 23 2021
Moraga Rotary Newsletter Feb 23 2021
Moraga Rotary Newsletter Feb 23 2021
~~Thirty-second Meeting
of ’20/’21 Rotary Year~~
Chongwoo Chang and workers
Monica Williams of CC Music Guild
The program today was given by
Monica Williams and Stephan
The Guild’s goal is to provide
Evans of the Contra Costa Music
services to their community, and to
Guild, a collective organization of
enrich their lives and encourage
music teachers in the area which
their musical ability.
has existed for many years. These
teachers have about 200 students ~~ ENCORE ~~
among them. These collective
offers ways to perform and to build Frank May was the lucky Encore
communities of people who might player this week, but not lucky
want to pursue conducting, enough to win $10, as he tried the
improvisation, non-traditional Erickson strategy and guessed the
music, etc. Ace of Hearts, but was wrong. Go
The Guild has been amazingly
effective during the Covid Greeters/Invocators:
lockdowns, where lessons and 3/02 – Frank May
other interactions are done on 3/09 – Angelo Costanza
Zoom. The teachers and students 3/16 – Tony Schoemehl
have appreciated the introduction
3/23 – Jim Campbell
of a certification program which is a
3/20 – Herb Wehmeyer
type of structured proficiency rating
Moraga Rotary Directors 2020/2021
President Brian South
President Elect Brian South
Past Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
Executive Secretary Evie Michon
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer and Youth Services Chair Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairs Dianne Wilson & Debbie Koo
Membership Chairman Roger Gregory
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman
District Governor 5160 Mark Roberts
President, Rotary International Holger Knaack