20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier With Power Limit and Dynamic Temperature Control
20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier With Power Limit and Dynamic Temperature Control
20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier With Power Limit and Dynamic Temperature Control
Features z Boom-Box
z Powered speaker
z Single supply voltage z Consumer Audio Equipment
8 ~ 26V for loudspeaker driver
Built-in LDO output 3.3V for others
z Loudspeaker power from 24V supply
BTL Mode: 20W/CH into 8Ω @0.09% THD+N The AD52580 is a high efficiency stereo class-D
PBTL Mode: 40W/CH into 4Ω @0.15% THD+N audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function
z Loudspeaker power from 13V supply and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker
BTL Mode: 10W/CH into 8Ω @10% THD+N driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and
z 87% efficient Class-D operation eliminates need analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage. It can
for heat sink deliver 20W/CH output power into 8Ω loudspeaker
z Differential inputs within 0.09% THD+N and without external heat sink
z Four selectable, fixed gain settings when playing music.
z Internal oscillator
AD52580 provides parallel BTL (Mono)
z Short-Circuit protection with auto recovery option
application, and it can deliver 40W into 4Ω
z Under-Voltage detection
loudspeaker within 0.15% THD+N. The adjustable
z Over-Voltage protection
power limit function allows user to set a voltage rail
z Pop noise and click noise reduction
lower than half of 3.3V to limit the amount of current
z Adjustable power limit function for speaker
through the speaker.
z Output DC detection for speaker protection Output DC detection prevents speaker damage
z Filter-Free operation from long-time current stress. The dynamic
z Over temperature protection with auto recovery temperature control is a gain control system. As chip
z Dynamic temperature control prevents chip from junction temperature higher than a warning level,
over heating the gain level will decrease until junction
temperature lower than the warning level.
Applications The output short circuit and over temperature
z TV audio protection include auto-recovery feature.
Pin Description
-28L -24L
Shutdown signal for IC (Low = disabled, output Hi-Z; High = operational).
SD 1 1 I
Voltage compliance to 26V.
Open drain output used to display short circuit or dc detect fault. Voltage
NC 7 7 Not connected.
Power limit level adjustment. Connect a resistor divider from AVDD to GND to
PLIMIT 10 10 I set power limit. Give V(PLIMIT) < 1.55V to set power limit level. Connect to
NC 13 NA Not connected.
Parallel BTL mode switch, high for parallel BTL output. Voltage compliance to
NC 17 14 Not connected.
NC 21 18 Not connected.
NC 22 19 Not connected.
NC 26 23 Not connected.
High-voltage power supply for right-channel. Right channel and left channel
PVCCL 27,28 24 P
power supply inputs are connect internal.
Ordering Information
62 Units / Tube
AD52580-QG24NAT E-TSSOP 24L Green
100 Tubes / Small Box
50 Units / Tube
AD52580-QG28NAT E-TSSOP 28L Green
100 Tubes / Small Box
Available Package
Package Type Device No. θJA(o C/W) θjc(℃/W) Ψjt(℃/W) Exposed Thermal Pad
Note 1.1: The thermal pad is located at the bottom of the package. To optimize thermal
performance, soldering the thermal pad to the PCB’s ground plane is necessary.
Note 1.2: θja is measured on a room temperature (TA=25℃), natural convection environment test
board, which is constructed with a thermally efficient, 4-layers PCB (2S2P). The
measurement is tested using the JEDEC51-5 thermal measurement standard.
Note 1.3: θjc represents the heat resistance for the heat flow between the chip and the package’s top